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Incremental catmull-clark subdivision

Incremental catmull-clark subdivision
Incremental catmull-clark subdivision

Incremental Catmull-Clark Subdivision

Hamid-Reza Pakdel

University of Calgary hrpakdel@cpsc.ucalgary.ca

Faramarz Samavati

University of Calgary samavati@cpsc.ucalgary.ca


In this paper,a new adaptive method for Catmull-Clark sub-division is introduced.Adaptive subdivision re?nes speci?c areas of a model according to user or application needs. Naive adaptive subdivision algorithm change the connec-tivity of the mesh,causing geometrical inconsistencies that alter the limit surface.Our method expands the speci?ed region of the mesh such that when it is adaptively subdi-vided,it produces a smooth surface whose selected area is identical to when the entire mesh is re?ned.This technique also produces a surface with an increasing level of detail from coarse to?ne areas of the surface.We compare our adaptive subdivision with other schemes and present some example applications.


Subdivision surfaces have become a commonly used tool in modeling and animation packages.Subdivision is de-?ned by simple operations that are globally applied to a given control mesh.Repeated applications of these oper-ations produce a sequence of meshes that converge to a smooth limit https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a112828372.html,ing special subdivision rules,it is possible to create piecewise smooth surfaces.Subdivision surfaces have a clear advantage over NURBS and Bézier tensor product patches,that are traditionally used in com-puter modeling and animation applications,because subdi-vision operators can be applied to arbitrary topology two-manifold meshes.In addition,subdivision surfaces do not have the continuity limitations that tensor product patches have when

connecting multiple patches to produce piece-wise smooth surfaces[5].

In many cases,subdivision of the entire input mesh is not necessary nor desired.Recursive subdivision exponen-tially increases the number of faces of the mesh,and leads to heavy computational load at higher levels of subdivi-sion.Generally high curvature areas require more subdi-visions than planar regions in order to obtain a smooth sur-face.In modeling applications designers may require a de-tailed view of a portion of the model that they are working

Global Incremental

Figure1.Global and incremental subdivisions on.Adding features to a mesh requires an increase in the level of detail where the feature is being added.In such cases,adaptive subdivision produces a surface with lesser face count by subdividing only some areas of the mesh. Naive adaptive subdivision introduces connectivity in-consistencies that must be addressed for correct rendering, editing and further processing of the mesh.Because the shape of the limit surface depends on the connectivity and the geometry of the vertices,care must be taken to avoid any side-effects to the subdivision scheme.Repeated adap-tive subdivision may lead to a large difference in the level of subdivision of adjacent faces.It is desirable that the vari-ation in subdivision depth between adjacent faces are lim-ited[12].

Later we will describe how current algorithms deal with the issues that arise when some faces of a mesh are sub-divided,including their disadvantages.Our contribution in this paper is a new adaptive subdivision scheme that is de-signed to address the limitations of these algorithms within the constrains that we have established to obtain both an ef?cient algorithm and a visually pleasing surface.Incre-mental subdivision,our method,produces meshes with con-sistent connectivity and geometry.An incrementally sub-

divided region of a mesh resembles the same area of the surface produced by globally subdividing the mesh.Incre-mental subdivision limits the subdivision depth of adjacent faces,so the surface gradually varies from coarse to?ne.An example of a

globally and incrementally subdivided model is shown in Figure1.

The local nature of subdivision operations naturally lends itself to a data structure that allows ef?cient and intu-itive local modi?cations to the mesh.Such a data structure allows the subdivision operation to be performed entirely within the graph space of the mesh.One of the goals in de-signing incremental subdivision was to avoid methods that would require additional book-keeping,including methods that require off-line pre-computation and storage of the sub-division levels.

We introduced incremental Loop subdivision in an ear-lier paper[9].Loop subdivision is an approximating scheme that operates on triangular meshes[7].The incre-mental Loop subdivision is very ef?cient as well as easy to implement.However,it is limited to triangular meshes. Our contribution in this paper is the extension of incre-mental subdivision to arbitrary faces.We have focused on Catmull-Clark subdivision[4],which can be applied to gen-eral topology meshes with arbitrary faces.It has a simple face-splitting re?nement algorithm,produces a surface that approximates the control mesh,and is C2almost every-where.

In section2we give an overview of the Catmull-Clark subdivision.Existing adaptive subdivision schemes are covered in section3.Incremental subdivision is covered in detail in section4.Results and applications of incremental subdivision are presented in section5.

2.Catmull-Clark Subdivision

In Catmull-Clark subdivision,mesh M i is subdivided to produce the mesh M i+1by splitting each face of the mesh to m quadrilaterals,where m is the number of vertices of the face,and repositioning the vertices of M i.As illus-trated in Figure2,three kinds of vertices are created for each face split.Face-vertex f i+1


is the centroid of the face

that includes vertices v i,v i j,and v i j+1.Edge-vertex e i+1

j is

computed as

e i+1 j =



(v i+v i j+f i+1


+f i+1



where v i j is the j th neighbour of vertex v i.Subscripts are taken modulo n;the valence of v i.Vertex-vertex v i+1is computed by repositioning vertices of M i:

v i+1= n?2n v i+1n2n?1 j v i j+1n2n?1 j f i+1j.(2)







v i

v i j




Figure2.Catmull-Clark subdivision.The?denotes

existing vertex, denotes face-vertex,?denotes

edge-vertex,and denotes vertex-vertex.

An example of Catmull-Clark subdivision is given in Figure3.To produce piecewise smooth surfaces,a con-nected series of edges are tagged as sharp and subdivided so that the surface is tangent continuous along these edges, but not across them[3,5].Boundary edges are crease edges with only one face.Figure2also shows the mask of edge-vertices and vertex-vertices along a crease or bound-ary edge.

3.Adaptive Catmull-Clark Subdivision

3.1.Selecting the Subdivision Area

Adaptive subdivision involves selecting the areas of the mesh require re?nement.This decision can be made either by the application or the user.Higher curvature regions of the mesh require more subdivisions than planar areas.In-cidentally,higher curvature areas contain more details than ?at areas.Dihedral angle,the angle between the face nor-mals of adjacent faces,provides a suf?cient measure of the surface curvature.In real-time visualization,other factors such as frustum visibility,distance to the viewer,and the pixel area of faces,may be used to tune the selection al-gorithm.For example,a view frustum visibility test can determine whether a face should be re?ned[1].

Coarse mesh Level 1Level 2Level 2shaded

Figure 3.Catmull-Clark


Figure 4.Adaptive subdivision of a user selected area as indicated by the highlighted vertices on the left

In rendering applications,the selection algorithm may be derived by non-geometric properties of the mesh.For ex-ample,to generate smooth silhouettes the selection criteria can be set to take the normal of each face and the view vec-tor into consideration and

subdivide all the faces that share edges on the silhouette boundary [6].In non-photorealistic rendering methods that are based on edge size [11],the se-lection area can be determined by the size of the coarse edges.

In modeling applications,users may need local control over the level of detail of the model.Artists sometimes em-phasize part of a scene by increasing the detail of that https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a112828372.html,stly,adding features to a mesh generally necessitates an increase in the level of detail where the features are being added.In these cases,the subdivision area is determined by the user.Figure 4shows adaptive subdivision of a user de?ned area.

3.2.Handling Cracks

Though the idea of adaptive subdivision is simple,care must be taken to avoid connectivity inconsistencies that

Figure 5.Cracks due to subdivision depth difference of adjacent faces.The numbers represent the current subdivision depth of each face

arise as the result of subdividing a subset of faces of the mesh.Figure 5shows what happens when only one face of the mesh is subdivided.Edge-vertices between faces with different subdivision depths create cracks when they are repositioned in the subdivision process.Cracks must be removed from the mesh for editing,rendering,and process-ing of the mesh.Since the subdivision algorithm depends on the connectivity of the mesh,it is also crucial that cracks are removed after each subdivision step.

The most common method to remove cracks is to insert new edges that connect the edge-vertices on the cracks to the other vertices within the face with lower subdivision depth [8].We call these newly introduced edges crack re-moving edge s (CREs).Figure 6shows two possible cases where cracks may appear in a face and how to remove them.When a face has only one crack,it is triangulated by con-necting the edge-vertex that caused the crack to the rest of the vertices in the face.If a face has two cracks,then the crack is removed either by triangulating the face or by in-serting a face-vertex in the face and connecting it to the vertices to produce quads.This later approach is preferred


Figure6.Inserting edges to remove cracks.T wo pos-

sible methods exist when there are two cracks in a


because quad faces produce ordinary vertices when subdi-vided.However,if a face with a large number of vertices is subdivided,then this method will lead to many other face re?nement.In this case,the?rst approach is https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a112828372.html,u-ally,faces with more than two cracks are subdivided using the regular Catmull-Clark subdivision rules.


method removes cracks ef?ciently,but as illustrated in Figure7,it has some side-effects.The connectivity and

valence of edge-vertices on the cracks are changed.Since these vertices lie within the selected subdivision area,the shape of the limit subdivision surface is modi?ed.Repeated subdivisions of the selected area produces high valence ver-tices where new edges are introduced to remove cracks. High valence vertices make long faces that are undesired in both analysis and rendering of the surface.Finally,if a selected region is subdivided repeatedly,the subdivision depth difference between the selected and unselected areas becomes larger after each subdivision.This results in a sud-den change in the resolution of the mesh from coarse to?ne areas and is analogous to aliasing.In rendering and mesh analysis applications,it is desirable to have a smooth tran-sition from the coarse to?ne regions of the mesh.

3.3.A Combined Method

Subdivision of a subset of the faces of the mesh changes the connectivity of some vertices within the selected subdi-vision area,and therefore it affects the resulting limit sur-face.In adaptive subdivision for triangular meshes,two separate methods attempt to avoid this side effect.One method restricts the mesh by enforcing the vertices involved in the subdivision process to be at the same subdivision depth[13].If during subdivision it is determined that the subdivision depth of vertices do not match,then the adjacent faces at lower subdivision level are re?ned until all vertices have the same subdivision depth.The other method,red-

Adaptive Global

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a112828372.html,parison of adaptive subdivision with

simple crack removal algorithm to global subdivision

green triangulation[2],attempts to avoid irregular shaped meshes.Cracks are removed using CREs,but if a face con-tains more than one crack per edge,then the face is regu-larly re?ned.This effectively limits the subdivision depth difference of adjacent faces.It is possible to combine these two methods to obtain a proper adaptive subdivision surface with desirable connectivity.

Figure8shows an example of extending these algo-rithms to Catmull-Clark subdivision.To restrict the mesh, for each selected vertex the subdivision depth of its neigh-bours are checked.If they do not match,then the face with the lower subdivision depth is subdivided.During subdi-vision,CREs are used to remove crack as described previ-ously,and if a face contains more than one crack per edge, then it is regularly re?ned.Note that,if only quads are pro-duced when removing cracks,then the mesh is always re-stricted.However,in the general case of meshes with arbi-trary faces,the mesh restriction criterion is required. Although this combined method satis?es all the require-

Combined Global

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a112828372.html,bination of mesh restriction and red-

green triangulation to remove cracks.The blue faces

are re?ned because of cracks,and the green faces are

re?ned to satisfy the restriction criteria.

ments that we set earlier in this paper,it is not ef?cient. Each face re?nement,whether performed to obtain a re-stricted mesh or to avoid multiple cracks per edge,may pro-duce new cracks.Thus,a single adaptive subdivision step involves recursive checking for cracks and ensuring mesh restriction until no faces are split.In the worst case,this algorithm may re?ne all faces of the mesh.Incremental subdivision not only produces proper adaptive subdivision surfaces,but also it is not more complex than regular subdi-vision.

4.Incremental Catmull-Clark Subdivision

We now describe our new incremental method of adap-tive subdivision for Catmull-Clark surfaces.This algorithm generates meshes with proper connectivity and geometry. The generated surface gradually changes in resolution from coarse to?ne areas.Re?ecting the local nature of Catmull-

Figure9.Ring one and two expansion of the selected


Clark subdivision scheme,our incremental subdivision also operates locally on the mesh.

Let V={v0,v1,...,v k?1}be the vertex set of the cur-rent mesh.Let S be subset of V.We wish to adaptively subdivide S such that the limit surface generated from S is exactly the same as when V is globally subdivided.To do this,we expand the selected set S to a new larger set of ver-tices,and then we subdivide this larger set.More formally, at each subdivision level,expand S to E r(S)by including the vertices of V that are inside the r-ring neighbourhood of at least one vertex of S

E r(S)= v∈S N r(v),r>0,(3)

where N r(v)denotes the r-ring neighbourhood of v. Therefore,w∈V is in N r(v)if and only if there is a path from v to w with maximum r edges.In graph theory terms, the distance of v and w must be smaller or equal than to r.Figure9shows E1(S)and E2(S)of a group of selected vertices.Next,subdivide E r(S)and use CREs to remove cracks.Let S be the new selected area that is the result of subdividing S.Figure10illustrates two steps of incremen-tal subdivision by using E1(S)expansion.As Figure11 shows,incremental subdivision can be used whether quads or triangles are used when removing cracks in faces with two cracks.

Adaptive subdivision of E r(S)produces a limit surface from S that is exactly the same as when the entire mesh is subdivided.The reason for this is that edge-vertices whose connectivity was changed to remove cracks lie outside E r(S ),so the connectivity of vertices within S remains unchanged.In addition,vertices of S and their neigh-bours are at the same subdivision depth because E r(S)in-cludes the r-ring neighbours of S in the subdivision pro-cess.Therefore,the limit surface of S is not changed due

Incremental Global

Figure10.Incremental subdivision on the left.The dots indicate selected vertices for



https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a112828372.html,parison of the meshes produced when(a)quads are used and(b)triangles are used to remove cracks in faces with two


Figure12.Incremental subdivision of the faces on

the interior boundary loop results in a smooth change

in the subdivision level from coarse to?ne areas

to the adaptive subdivision.Furthermore,an r-ring neigh-bourhood of S before subdivision corresponds to2r-ring neighbourhood of S .Therefore,edge-vertices with modi-?ed connectivity to remove cracks and the opposite vertices they are connected to are2r and3r edges away from S , respectively.This prevents the incremental subdivision al-gorithm from producing high valence vertices when S is subdivided.Finally,3r-ring neighbours of S are always one level of subdivision lower than its2r-ring neighbours. This yields a surface that gradually increases in subdivision depth from coarse regions to the incrementally subdivided areas.Figure12demonstrates this effect that is analogous to https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a112828372.html,rger values of r result in surfaces with smoother transition from coarse to?ne.

Incremental subdivision of a selected area that includes boundaries is the same as incremental subdivision of inte-rior vertices,with the difference that boundary edges are split according to crease rules.


To implement subdivision we used the vertex-vertex sys-tems[10]that accurately represents the local nature of sub-division operations.This data structure holds a set of ver-tices along with an ordered set of their neighbours.A single pass over the mesh creates face-vertices and edge-vertices, repositions vertex-vertices,and then interconnects the new vertices.Incremental subdivision is a simple extension of this algorithm,but operates only on the selected vertices for subdivision.During subdivision,r-ring unselected neigh-bours of each selected vertex are tagged and included in the subdivision process.Edge-vertices are only created on edges with both vertices selected or tagged.A face-vertex is created when all vertices of the face are selected or tagged.Finally,when the new vertices are interconnected, the cracks are removed by using CREs as described in sec-tion3.2.

Incremental subdivision can be used in a number of ge-

Coarse mesh Level 1Level 2Level 2


1563vertices 5064vertices 14202


1563vertices 6165vertices 24489vertices

Figure https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a112828372.html,parison of incremental subdivision based on dihedral angle (top)and global subdivision (bottom)

ometric modeling applications.An example of such appli-cation is creating ef?cient smooth surfaces by only subdi-viding high curvature regions of the mesh.In Figure 13,dihedral angle is used to select and incrementally subdivide high curvature areas of the model.A bene?t of using in-cremental subdivision is that subdivision depth of adjacent faces is limited,so the level of detail of the surface changes gradually from coarse to ?ne areas.Since no analytical pre-computation is required,the model can be edited at any sub-division https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a112828372.html,ers may also locally increase the resolu-tion of the mesh for more controlled editing as illustrated previously in Figure 4.Incremental subdivision can also be used to add sharp features to a model.In Figure 14,faces on sharp or boundary edges are incrementally subdivided.An advantage of incremental subdivision is that face selec-tion is performed automatically through E r (S )expansion at each subdivision level.This method also produces sur-faces with fewer face count while achieving the same visual quality as subdivision of the entire mesh.


Adaptive subdivision allows us to create surfaces with different subdivision depths by subdividing select areas of the input mesh.To remove cracks–that are the result of sub-division depth difference of adjacent faces–new edges are introduced into the mesh.However,this method of remov-ing cracks produces surfaces with undesirable properties.

Using a combined method of restricting the mesh and lim-iting the depth difference of adjacent faces,it is possible to adjust this method to obtain better behaved adaptive subdi-vision surfaces.The disadvantage of this algorithm is that it is inef?cient.We introduced incremental adaptive subdi-vision for Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces.It produces surfaces that have proper connectivity and geometry with a gradual change in subdivision depth from coarse and ?ne areas.Based on our comparison,incremental adaptive sub-division is more ef?cient than the combined method to re-move cracks,while it is still simple to implement.It can also be effectively used in modeling and rendering applica-tions.


We would like to thank Colin Smith for his help and discus-sion on adaptive subdivision.We also would like to thank Maria Perdomo for proof reading this paper.This research is partially funded by Natural Sciences and Engineering Re-search Council of Canada (NSERC).


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