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Einige Werke der deutschen Literatur, die man unbedingt als Germanist lesen muss und am besten in deutsch!!!

+ Wolfram von Eschenbach Parzival

+ Nibelungenlied

+ Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen Simplicissimus

+ Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock Der Messias

+ Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Laokoon Nathan der Weise Minna von Barnhelm + Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Die Leiden des jungen Werthers

Faust 1

Iphigenie auf Tauris

Die Wahlverwandtschaften

+ Friedrich Schillers Die R?uber Kabale und Liebe Don Carlos

+ Friedrich H?lderlin Anton Reiser

+ Franz Kafka Der Prozess Das Urteil Ein Hungerkünstler

+ Theodor Fontan Effi Briest Der Stechlin Frau Jenny Treibel

+ Siegfried Lenz Deutschstunde

+ Hermann Hesse Der Steppenwolf Unterm Rad

+ Erich Maria Remarque Im Westen nichts Neues

+ Thomas Mann Der Zauberberg Die Buddenbrooks

+ Heinrich Mann Professor Unrat

+ Joseph Roth Radetzkymarsch

+ Bernhard Schlink Der Vorleser

+ Hans Fallada Jeder stirbt für sich allein

+ Alfred D?blin Berlin Alexanderplatz

+ Martin Walser Ein springender Brunnen

+ Gottfried Keller Der grüne Heinrich

+ Joseph Roth Radetzkymarsch

+ Anna Seghers Das siebte Kreuz

+ E. T. A. Hoffmann Die Elixiere des Teufels Der Sandmann

+ Gottfried Keller Der grüne Heinrich

+ Johann Peter Hebel Der kluge Richter

+ Jean Paul Des Feldpredigers Schmelzle Reise nach Fl?tz

+ Heinrich von Kleist Das Erdbeben in Chili Michael Kohlhaas

+ Clemens Brentano Die Schachtel mit der Friedenspuppe

Geschichte vom braven Kasperl und dem sch?nen Annerl

+ Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm Der Gevatter Tod

+ Joseph von Eichendorff Das Marmorbild Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts + Franz Grillparzer Der arme Spielmann

+ Annette von Droste-Hülshoff Die Judenbuche

+ Jeremias Gotthelf Die schwarze Spinne

+ Heinrich Heine Aus den Memoiren des Herren von Schnabelewopski + Eduard M?rike Das Stuttgarter Hutzelm?nnlein

Mozart auf der Reise nach Prag

+ Adalbert Stifter Turmalin

+ Georg Büchner Lenz Dantons Tod Woyzeck

+ Theodor Storm Immensee Der Schimmelreiter

+ Gottfried Keller Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe

Die drei gerechten Kammacher

Kleider machen Leute

Der Landvogt von Greifensee

+ Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach Krambambuli

+ Gerhart Hauptmann Bahnw?rter Thiel Die Weber

+ Hugo von Hofmannsthal Das M?rchen der 672. Nacht

+ Rainer Maria Rilke Die Turnstunde

+ Stefan Zweig Schachnovelle

+ Gottfried Benn Gehirne

+ Franz Werfel Der Tod des Kleinbürgers

+ Carl Zuckmayer Geschichte von einer Geburt

+ Bertolt Brecht Der Augsburger Kreidekreis Der verwundete Sokrates

Mutter Courage

+ Elisabeth Langg?sser Saisonbeginn

+ Marie Luise Kaschnitz Der Strohhalm Lange Schatten

+ Max Frisch Der andorranische Jude

+ Heinrich B?ll Der Mann mit den Messern Die Waage der Baleks

+ Wolfgang Borchert Das Brot

+ Ilse Aichinger Spiegelgeschichte


一、选择题 1.I’d like to________the mall because it’s crowded and noisy. A.visit B.hang out C.walk D.go off 2.That path ________ directly to my house.You won't miss it. A.leads B.forms C.repairs D.controls 3.I don’t want to go. __________, I am too tired. A.However B.And C.Besides D.But 4.Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, ________ plants can spread to new places. A.so B.or C.but D.for 5.When I as well as my cousins __________ as a volunteer in Beijing, I saw the Water Cube twice. A.were treated B.treated C.was served D.served 6.He is wearing his sunglasses to himself from the strong sunlight. A.prevent B.stop C.keep D.protect 7.When you are________, you should listen to music to cheer you up. A.shy B.afraid C.strict D.down 8.Mr. Smith gave us some________on how to improve our speaking skills. A.advice B.news C.knowledge D.information 9.World Book Day takes place ________ April 23rd every year. A.at B.in C.on 10.More and more people have realized that clear waters and green mountains are as ________ as mountain of gold and silver. A.central B.harmful C.valuable D.careful 11.We loved the food so much, ________the fish dishes. A.special B.especial C.specially D.especially 12.—Oh, my God! I have ________ five pounds after the Spring Festival. —All of the girls want to lose weight, but easier said than done. A.given up B.put on C.got on D.grown up 13.—What do you think of the performance today? —Great! ________ but a musical genius could perform so successfully. A.All B.None C.Anybody D.Everybody 14.He ________ his homework________the morning of Sunday. A.doesn’t do; on B.doesn’t do; in C.doesn’t; on 15.Maria ________ speaks Chinese because she doesn’t know much Chinese. A.seldom B.always C.often D.usually 16.In 2018, trade between China and Hungary rose by 7.5 percent, and recently on Friday companies from China and Hungary________ several cooperation (合作) agreements under the


4天记住2000个英文单词的秘诀 背单词是学习英语绕不过去的坎,如何更快更好的背单词,这里给大家总结一下超右脑的秘诀,如何4天记住2000个英文单词?! 4天记住2000个英文单词实有其事?! 第一次提出并做到4天记住2000个英文单词的是日本人——七田真博士,而且还只是每天用30分钟时间,背500个单词,四天搞定2000单词,不可思议吧!我相信你一定像我当初一样…会质疑,怎么可能、不会吧、不可能的……甚至置之一笑。 中国的老子曾经说过一句话"不笑不能谓之道",你不笑他就不是大道了。套用到这里,你还先别笑,因为我做过认真的研究,可能这个方法会把你学习英语的效率成倍的提升。 我们先来看看,4天记住2000英语单词,七田真博士如何做到的。事情发生在1999年8月,七田真博士对8名中学生进行了一次快速大量记忆单词的实验。他们用4天时间记住高考所需的1000个单词。实验非常成功,学生们可以每天用30分钟记住250个单词。 实验的做法是:首先从要背的单词表里挑选出已经认识的单词,然后打开学校生活、交通工具和体育等不同分类部分的相应翻译,让学生们想象例文的情景。接下来,打开cd机播放英文,先用3倍速度,再用2倍速度放。学生们边听边看教材,争取用眼睛看的速度能跟上cd的速度。最后用正常速度放一遍,学生们对着翻译,边听边想象各项内容的场景。实验结束后,用单词表检查以下学生们到底记住了多少,让他们把没有记住的单词写在笔记本上,整理在一起,再听,再背。所有这些都要在30分钟内完成。

就这么简单,七田真让8名学生记住了1000个英语单词。 当然这其中还有一定的原理,我们准备了《超右脑英语学习法》的电子书,这是已经绝版的图书,如何想彻底开启英语学习潜能可以联系我们。 进一步完善方法,达到4天记住2000单词 七田真博士在后来的试验中不断完善,发展到今天,已经把学习速度提升到2倍,所以才提出了4天记住2000单词。 那么这其中的原理是什么?我们具体又要如何做呢? 各位,这是需要付出坚苦努力的(不是背单词,而搞清楚方法),因为七田真博士提供的信息太少,只有这么一点试验资料,这究竟是什么方法? 别着急,今天我们理出一个头绪来,并且搞定背单词。 首先超右脑是有一系列的理论,左脑是后天脑,右脑是先天脑,左脑是慢速脑,右脑是快速脑。右脑的记忆能力是左脑的100万倍,这个差距惊人吧!关于这些我还专门写过一篇《我们必须知道的超右脑》,你可以详细了解一下。 学习语言的潜能蕴藏在右脑当中,前头提到的试验中,特别提到有用"听"的方法,这就是启用右脑的关键了。因为听觉记忆与右脑有着密切的关系,学不好英语就是没有打开耳朵,有兴趣可以看看我写的《三个月流利说美式英语》。 单词要慢慢背是最大的误区! 背单词大家习惯了慢慢背,30分钟能够记住20个单词就不错了,这是很多人的心理。其实不然,左脑是慢速脑,你背单词的速度一慢,你的左脑就开始运作。因为左脑主管逻辑、推理,不善记忆,所以这个单词是左脑无法理解的信息,当然背起来很吃力。结果速度慢,却还是记不住单词。 右脑是快速脑,而且善长记忆,所以背单词就要快速,一旦速度快了,你的左脑

boring 令人厌烦的

boring 令人厌烦的,乏味的,无聊的 tedious 乏味的,单调的,冗长的 flat 单调的,沉闷的 dull 乏味的,单调的 troublesome 令人烦恼的,讨厌的,麻烦的 tired 疲劳的,累的 bored 无聊的,无趣的,烦人的 exhausted 极其疲倦的 weary 疲劳的 bright 聪敏的,机灵的 apt 聪明的,反应敏捷的 intelligent 聪明的,有才智的 shrewd 机灵的,敏锐的,精明的(表示生意上的精明) ingenious (人,头脑)灵巧的 alert 警觉的,留神的 cute 聪明伶俐的,精明的 acute/cute acute 指的是视力,感觉的敏锐 dull 愚钝的,笨的 awkward 笨拙的,不灵巧的 absurd 荒谬的 ridiculous 可笑的,荒谬的 idiotic 白痴般的 blunt 率直的,直言不讳的 clumsy 笨拙的,粗陋的 happy 快乐的,幸福的 cheerful 欢乐的,高兴的 content 满意的,满足的 merry 欢乐的,愉快的,快乐的 pleasure 高兴,愉快,满足 enjoyment 享乐,快乐,乐趣 cheer 喝彩 applause 鼓掌,掌声 optimism 乐观,乐观主义 delight 快乐,高兴 kick 极大的乐趣 paradise 天堂,乐园 instant 立即的,即刻的 instantaneous 瞬间的,即刻的 immediate 立即的,即刻的 simultaneous 同时发生的,同时存在的,同步的punctual 严守时刻的,准时的,正点的 pick 挑选,选择 select 选择,挑选 single 选出,挑出 elect 选举,推举 vote 投票,选举 appoint 任命,委派 nominate 提名,任命 propose 提名,推荐 recommend 推荐,举荐 designate 指派,委任 delegate 委派(或选举)…为代表 install(l) 使就职,任命 ballot 使投票表决 dub 把…称为 choice 选择(权) option 选择 selection 选择,挑选 alternative 取舍,供选择的东西 favorite 特别喜爱的人(或物) inclination 爱好 preference 喜爱,偏爱,优先 observe 注意到,察觉到 perceive 认识到,意识到,理解 detect 察觉,发现 appreciate (充分)意识到,领会,体会 alert 使认识到,使意识到 awake 意识到,醒,觉醒 scent 察觉 ancient 古代的,古老的 primitive 原始的 preliminary 预备的,初步的 preliminary trial初审 primary 最初的,初级的 initial 开始的,最初的 original 起初的 former 在前的,以前的 previous 先,前 prior 在前的,优先的 beforehand 预先,事先 medieval 中世纪的,中古(时代)的preceding 在先的,在前的,前面的 senior 资格较老的,地位较高的 following 接着的,下述的 attendant 伴随的 subsequent 随后的,后来的 succeeding 以后的,随后的 consequent 作为结果(或后果)的,随之发生的 resultant 作为结果的,因而发生的therefore 因此,所以 consequently 所以,因此 then 那么,因而 thus 因此,从而 hence 因此,所以 accordingly 因此,所以,于是 thereby 因此,从而


1.形容词基本概念: ( 1 ) 形容词作表语:当形容词作表语时,它不发生词尾变化,这一条原理很重要。 z. B. Das Auto ist sch?n. Das M?dchen sieht sehr jung und schlank aus. Ich finde diese Fernsehsendung ganz interessant. Ich glaube, dass Johnsons Unterricht v?llig langweilig ist. Im n?chsten Sommer wird es immer hei?er. PS:当形容词变成比较级作表语时,词尾也不发生变化! ( 2 ) 形容词作状语:在徳语中有一个十分普遍而特殊的现象,就是大量的形容词,并不是所有,都不改变它们的词形,直接作副词。这跟英语很不一样,比如: z. B. Heute alle stehen früh auf. Das Auto f?hrt sehr schnell auf die Stra?e. Wir haben seinen Geburtstag sch?n gefeiert. Er ist k?rperlich stark, aber geistlich schwach. V or ein paar Minuten regenete es sehr stark. ( 3 ) 形容词作定语:所谓定语,就是把形容词放在名词前面,用来修饰或者限制这个名词。这时候,形容词就要产生相应的词尾变化。那么,形容词变化的基本原理就在于:当它前面的冠词、物主代词等不能体现名词的性、数和格时,就要在形容词词尾体现出来。 z. B. Das ist ein neues Auto. 因为不定冠词ein有两中可能,它即可以表示阳性名词,也可以表示中性名词,因此要通过形容词的词尾来体现Auto的性、数和格。 Ich m?chte mein altes Auto verkaufen. 在这里,mein同ein一样,无法体现出“性号”,因为mein可以表达阳性名词和中性名词。 在形容词的词尾变化规律中,存在3种不同情况: ( A ) 名词前面无任何冠词的情况:这时候,名词性、数和格的体现就全靠形容词的词尾了,因此,这时我们几乎可以把它的词尾就等同于冠词der / das / die 的词尾变化。比如: z. B. Er trinkt oft starken Kaffee. Kaffee是阳性第四格,词尾用– en,对比: Er trinkt oft einen Kaffee. Er trinkt oft den Kaffee. Er trinkt oft meinen Kaffee. Er trinkt oft diesen Kaffee. Welchen Kaffee trinkt er oft ? PS:通过上述对比,我们几乎可以确定,这时候形容词的词尾变化跟定冠词十分接近! 变化规律如下: 阳性中性阴性复数 第一格( N ) starker starkes starke starke 第二格( G ) starken starken starker starker 第三格( D ) starkem starkem starker starken 第四格( A ) starken starkes starke starke


《别笑我是英文单词书》读后感600字 今天,我看了《别笑,我是英文单词书》。这本书特别搞笑,里面全是故事,书的作者是韩国超级幽默单词大师文德。他的英文名字叫MOONDUCK(月亮上的鸭子)。 第一个单元是人体器官,第二个单元是感情与性格,第三个单元是生活与旅行。看了这本书,你会懂得很多英语单词。书里面还有彩色图片,特别搞笑。有一副图是写一个男人喝啤酒把肚子弄得很大,然后他旁边的一个小孩说,叔叔肚子里有宝宝了。 这里有一些我们学过的单词,有一些没学过的,还有一些我们没见过的。 这里有故事,有单词,每个故事结束,单词就开始了。在故事里面有一些单词是要学的,就会用英文标出来,然后在旁边打个括号,写上汉语意思。 这本书是我小时候买的。三四岁的时候,妈妈买回来准备自己看的,结果被我发现了,我就要妈妈给我讲,直到现在我还喜欢看。 有一个故事是写动物的,写的是moonduck小时候,这个故事特别搞笑,moonduck说他小时候,有一个大大的农场,农场里住着一只小

白,那是一只纯种小白,每次她生宝宝的时候都可以生七八只,有时候会死掉一两只。厕所在门外,不是真正地厕所,是茅坑,如果幸运的话,每天早上还可以在茅坑外捡到一两个鸡蛋,就像收到了圣诞老人的礼物一样开心。当你蹲在茅坑上的时候,突然有 ___窜出来,后面还跟着一只猫,你会吓一跳的。如果你去惹那只门外的老黄狗的话,它会追过来咬你,直到你跳过墙,它也跳过墙,你爬上树,它非要抓到你不可,可是爬不上去,它才会放弃。 就让我给你们讲一些关于动物的单词吧。 如果你把hare抓回来,养一段时间,它就变成了rabbit,如果你把wildboar抓回来,养一段时间,它就会变成pig,如果你把wildhorse抓回来,养一段时间,它就会变成一只听话的horse。 不跟你们说了,下次再讲吧,拜拜。 模板,内容仅供参考

boring 和bored的区别

不能片面说人做主语用ed,物做主语ing ing形式是修饰引起这种感觉的人或物;ed形式是描写人或物的感受。(当然物一般是动物) 翻译的话 ing形式的词译为“令人……的”;ed形式译为“……的” boring是令人感到厌烦的;bored是厌烦的。 a boring person 能够指一个了无情趣的人,让人觉得无趣的人 a bored person 则是说这个人自己感到很无趣 1.bore 1)vt.使厌烦;挖 e.g. I'm bored with this job. 这件工作厌烦了。 The oldier bore the sharp pain in the wound with great courage. 这士兵以巨大的勇气忍受着伤口的剧烈疼痛。 2)n.令人讨厌的人(或事) e.g. It's a bore having to go out again. 外出真是讨厌。 boredom n.厌倦,无趣 e.g. in infinite boredom 极其无趣 boring n. 钻(孔) adj. 令人厌烦的(事或物) e.g. The play was boring. 这部短剧很一点意思都没有。 bored adj. 无聊的, 无趣的, 烦人的 e.g. Jack is so bored. 杰克是个没有趣的人。 2.surprising 是针对事或物感到惊奇。 surprised 则是针对人。 3.pleasant adj. 愉快的, 快乐的, 舒适的, 合意的可爱的, 举止文雅的, 活泼的滑稽的, 有趣的 (天气)晴朗的, 美好的容易相处的, 友爱的 e.g. a pleasant voice 悦耳的声音 a pleasant companion 可爱的伴侣 a pleasant time 愉快地度过时光 pleasing adj. 舒适的, 使人愉快的; 满意的; 惹人喜欢的, 可爱的 e.g. a pleasing look 使人愉快的神情 a very well mannered and pleasing young man 彬彬有礼而令人喜爱的年轻人


Nominativ 第一格 “格”在德语学习的过程中,地位十分重要。或许也可以这么说,“格”应当被视为德语学习的灵魂所在。如要精准地掌握德语,就必须先弄清楚“格”的不同用法。首先,我们得定义一下“格”,也就是什么是“格”。我的理解是,德语中的“格”代表了名词、代词和一些相关词类( 比如形容词等) 在句子中的功能,抑或是一种具体的搭配要求关系( 比如介词和动词等)。因此,我们明确了一点,“格”通常代表了一种功能,因此我们就从这个角度切入来粗略地为大家总结和剖析一下德语的“格”。一个基本常识是:现代德语中一共有4个格:第一、二、三、四格,对应的德语名称是Nominativ、Genitiv、Dativ、Akkusativ,简写分别就是NGDA。根据我的讲课习惯,顺序编排为N – A – D – G。首先我们看第一格Nominativ。 应该说第一格属于德语中最简单的一种格了,那么刚才提到功能的问题,第一格有哪些功能呢? ( 1 ) 第一格充当句子的主语,这是它最主要的功能。比如,举一个很简单的例子,大家每天学德语在背的名词词性der/das/die,其实它就是最原始的第一格。也就是说,你把一个名词的词性记住了,就记住了它的第一格。比如,der Tisch桌子,那么桌子的第一格定冠词就是der,以后其他的格变化都是从这个der演变而来,这也就是我们经常强调的,德语学习第一关就是记住大量名词的词性,这是德语学习的源头。大家想想,如果你把Tisch记成了die Tisch,那么后面就会乱套了。因此第一格从理解上可以说很简单,但是核心问题是对我们来说记住大量名词词性本身就不简单。只有在不断总结规律中,不断花功夫。言归正传,我们拿Tisch举一个例子,很简单:Der Tisch ist neu. 这个句子里Tisch作主语,因此就是第一格。再看第二个句子:Der Tisch steht an der Wand. 桌子靠在墙边。这句话也很简单,Tisch是主语,没有任何悬念。再看:An der Wand steht der Tisch. 换了个位置,很多同学就会误认为Tisch变成其他格了。其实不然,后面这句中Tisch仍然是主语,因为不管它怎么换语序主语仍然是Tisch,因此始终是第一格。这里要给大家展示的就是德语中主语不一定就是句子的第一个单词,所以我们要是始终以功能为核心出发点,而不能看位置,所以请牢记:看功能,不单看位置。这个很重要很重要! ( 2 ) 第一个充当句子的表语。其实,简单的讲,表语就是主语的另一面,跟在系动词之后的就叫表语。比如,德语中的最著名系动词是sein,它相当于英语中的be,那么在它之后我们就要用第一格,例如:Das ist mein Tisch. 这里面就是第一格,那么很多同学问,这个第一格体现在哪里呢?其实,就体现在了这个物主代词mein身上。因为Tisch是der,所以用mein;又因为这里是第一格,所以还是用mein,不用变化。德语中类似与sein的系动词还有werden ( 成为)和bleiben ( 仍然)。这三个动词我们可以把他们称为“一格动词”,也就是说他们后面跟第一格,比如: Das ist meine Katze. 这是我的猫。 Er wird Lehrer. 他成为一名老师。 Sie bleibt eine Lehrerin. 她依旧是一位老师。 ( 3 ) 人称代词的第一格要背诵出来,这个基本常识大家一定要知道,德语中一共有9大人称代词: ich 我 du 你


《别笑,我是英文单词书》读后感600字 《别笑,我是英文单词书》内容概要:俗话说日久生情,英语也是这样,经常接触就会越来越熟。你不要觉得有多难,放下包袱,轻装上路。只要有时间你不妨随便翻翻,这样你和单词也就会变得熟悉和亲近。报纸上经常出现的文化、社会、政治、经济、科学领域的单词终将为你所有…… 《别笑,我是英文单词书》读后感600字 今天,我看了《别笑,我是英文单词书》。这本书特别搞笑,里面全是故事,书的作者是韩国超级幽默单词大师文德。他的英文名字叫MOONDUCK(月亮上的鸭子)。 第一个单元是人体器官,第二个单元是感情与性格,第三个单元是生活与旅行。看了这本书,你会懂得很多英语单词。书里面还有彩色图片,特别搞笑。有一副图是写一个男人喝啤酒把肚子弄得很大,然后他旁边的一个小孩说,叔叔肚子里有宝宝了。 这里有一些我们学过的单词,有一些没学过的,还有一些我们没见过的。 这里有故事,有单词,每个故事结束,单词就开始了。在故事里面有一些单词是要学的,就会用英文标出来,然后在旁边打个括号,写上汉语意思。 这本书是我小时候买的。三四岁的时候,妈妈买回来准备自己看的,结果被我发现了,我就要妈妈给我讲,直到现在我还喜欢看。 有一个故事是写动物的,写的是MOONDUCK小时候,这个故事特别搞笑,MOONDUCK 说他小时候,有一个大大的农场,农场里住着一只小白,那是一只纯种小白,每次她生宝宝的时候都可以生七八只,有时候会死掉一两只。厕所在门外,不是真正地厕所,是茅坑,如果幸运的话,每天早上还可以在茅坑外捡到一两个鸡蛋,就像收到了圣诞老人的礼物一样开心。当你蹲在茅坑上的时候,突然有一只老鼠窜出来,后面还跟着一只猫,你会吓一跳的。如果你去惹那只门外的老黄狗的话,它会追过来咬你,直到你跳过墙,它也跳过墙,你爬上树,它非要抓到你不可,可是爬不上去,它才会放弃。 就让我给你们讲一些关于动物的单词吧。 如果你把hare抓回来,养一段时间,它就变成了rabbit,如果你把wildboar抓回来,养一段时间,它就会变成pig,如果你把wildhorse抓回来,养一段时间,它就会变成一只听话的horse。 不跟你们说了,下次再讲吧,拜拜。 别笑,我是英文单词书的读后感,来自新华文轩网上书店的网友:韩国人编写的英语教材在实用性和趣味性方便比我们国内强很多,现在买这类书籍,我都是先搜索韩国作者的书。


一、选择题 1.Is this a photo of your son? He looks________ in the blue T-shirt. A.lovely B.quietly C.beautiful D.happily 2.—Jerry looks so tired. He works too hard. —He has to ________ a family of four on his own. A.offer B.support C.provide D.remain 3.— Mr. Wilson, can I ask you some questions about your speech? — Certainly, feel __________ to ask me. A.good B.patient C.free D.happy 4.Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, ________ plants can spread to new places. A.so B.or C.but D.for 5.— Can you tell us about our new teacher? —Oh, I’m sorry. I know________ about him because I haven’t seen him before. A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 6.—Help yourselves! The drinks are ________ me. —Thank you. You’re always so generous. A.above B.in C.on D.over 7.Gina didn’t study medicine. ________, she decided to become an actor. A.Instead B.Again C.Anyway D.Also 8.—Have you got Kathy’s________ for her concert? —Yes, I’d like to go and enjoy it. A.interview B.information C.invitation D.introduction 9.More and more people have realized that clear waters and green mountains are as ________ as mountain of gold and silver. A.central B.harmful C.valuable D.careful 10.Kangkang usually does her homework ________ it is very late at night. A.until B.when C.before D.after 11.He ________all the “No Smoking” signs and lit up a cigarette. A.requested B.attacked C.protected D.ignored 12.一Where is Mr. Brown? 一I think he's _____________ the music hall. A.on B.in C.over D.from 13.— Is your home close to the school, Tom? — No, it's a long way, but I am________ late for school because I get up early daily. A.always B.usually C.never D.sometimes 14.—Mum, I don’t want the trousers. They’re too long.


Fourteen Steps to a Clearly Written Technical Paper by R. T. Compton, Jr. A technical paper will usually have four sections. The purpose of each of these sections is as follows: Section I: Introduction The introduction should do the following: 1. Open up the subject. (The subject will be electromagnetic fields in cylindrical dielectric geometrics, adaptive arrays in packet radio, or whatever.) 2. Survey past work relevant to this paper. 3. Describe the problem addressed in this paper, and show how this work relates to, or augments, previous work. 4. Describe the assumptions made in general terms, and state what results have been obtained. (This gives the reader an initial overview of what problem is addressed in the paper and what has been achieved.) 5. Overview the contents of the paper. (“Section II contains our formulation of the problem. Section III contains the experimental data...”) Section II: Formulation of the Problem This section should do three things: 1. Define the problem to be considered in detail. Typically this section might begin with something like: “Consider a packet radio system consisting of a single central repeater surrounded by user terminals. Each user transmits packets to the central repeater using a slotted ALOHA protocol [1]. The transmissions from all users are assumed to be on the same frequency...”The discussion should proceed in this way until the problem is completely defined. 2. Define all terminology and notation used. Usually the terminology and notation are defined along with the problem itself. 3. Develop the equations on which your results will be based and/or describe any experimental systems. Section III: Results This section presents the detailed results you have obtained. If the paper is theoretical, you will probably show curves obtained from your equations. If the paper is experimental, you will be presenting curves showing the measurement results. In order to choose the proper curves to present, you must first be clear what point you are trying to convey to the reader. The curves can then be chosen to illustrate this point. Whether your paper is theoretical or experimental, you must provide a careful interpretation of what your results mean and why they behave as they do. Section IV: Conclusion This section should summarize what has been accomplished in the paper. Many readers will read only the Introduction and Conclusion of your paper. The Conclusion should be written so they can be understood by someone who has not read the main work of the paper. This is the common format for an engineering paper. Of course, the names of the sections may differ slightly from those above, but the purpose of each section will usually be as described. Some papers include additional sections or differ from the above outline in one way or another. However, the outline just presented is a good starting point for writing a technical paper. To write your paper, you should proceed as follows: Step 1: Start by writing a complete first draft of your paper, except for the Introduction and Conclusion. (It is easiest to leave the Introduction and Conclusion until after the main body of the paper is written.) In writing your paper, keep the following in mind: 1. You must always present the big picture first and then work towards the details. The other way around will not work. This is especially true in the beginning of Section II, where you are explaining the problem you are studying. 2. If you get stuck and cannot figure out how to explain something, a useful trick is to imagine that you are telling a very good friend what you are working on: just put down the words as you would say them to your friend. In writing your first draft, do not worry if the wording is not perfect. Polishing the document comes later. When you are finished with your first draft, put it away for a couple of days before you begin Step 2. Step 2: Make sure the ideas in the paper are in the right order. If not, move blocks of the paper around with your text editor until they are. Ask yourself: “Can the reader understand every passage strictly from the material up to that point?” If not, add material or move ideas around. Make sure there are not gaps in your logical arguments, and make sure you are not implicitly assuming that the reader understands something needed to follow your arguments, even though you have not stated it. The reader probably understands less than you think. Step 3: Work on the transitions between ideas. Make sure that at each stage the reader has a roadmap of where he or she is going. The reader must be able to see the big picture. At the beginning of each section, make clear to the reader in advance what the purpose of that section will be and how that section relates to the preceding material. At the end of each section, you may also want to remind the reader that you have now completed what you set out to do in that section. Then point out what the purpose of the next section will be, and so forth. These connecting statements are called transitions. The reader must always be able to see where you are going and why and how far you have progressed. Step 4: Check each paragraph for unity. Each paragraph should have one main point. Usually the central point of each paragraph is stated in a topical sentence at the beginning of the paragraph, but not always. You should not mix different ideas together in the same paragraph. If you are having trouble getting a certain section of your paper to sound right, go through that section one paragraph at a time and ask yourself what the main point of each paragraph is. Foggy writing is often due to mixed-up paragraphs. Step 5: Work on the sentences to reduce the fog index. The Fog Index F is defined as F = 0.4(L + P), where L is the average number of words per sentence and P is the average number of polysyllables per 100 words of text [1]. (A polysyllable is a word with three or more syllables.) To evaluate the Fog Index for your paper, count the number of words per sentence and the number of polysyllables per 100 words for a representative portion of your paper five or six hundred words long. Ideally, you should strive for a fog index less than 10. In technical writing, it is sometimes difficult to get the Fog Index below 10, but a Fog Index above 15 is a warning that your material will be very hard for a reader to follow. Consider the following examples taken from typical office memos. Note that both memos say the same thing. Fog Index = 35: “In order to eliminate the possibility of errors occurring in the time charges relating to engineering jobs through transposition of numbers or typing errors, each of the Division Planning Offices should set up a file of time cards showing all authorized project numbers and make a daily check of the charges on all time sheets forwarded to the Accounting Department to be sure that
