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合作学习模式下批判性阅读教学活动设计及启示——以高中英语批判性阅读《The Simpsons》为例

合作学习模式下批判性阅读教学活动设计及启示——以高中英语批判性阅读《The Simpsons》为例
合作学习模式下批判性阅读教学活动设计及启示——以高中英语批判性阅读《The Simpsons》为例




课例解析/案例 反思

◆广州市第八十六中学 朱霞云




授课老师选择的题材是曾风靡美国三十年的喜剧动漫连续剧《The Simpsons》,教师事先布置了学生课前探究性任务,要求学生以小组合作的形式,上网查找相关背景材料。课前3分钟,她先播放了《The Simpsons》中的精彩片段作为热身,接着,让学生介绍了影片的背景知识,因课前准备充分,作答的学生胸有成竹,用流利的口语汇报了小组探究成果。


课中,授课老师让学生对材料进行了两次阅读。第一次阅读,要求学生介绍影片中人物的性格特征;第二次阅读,要求学生思考文本框中的问题并在组内分享观点,如:(Para.1)Ever since it was created 30 years ago, The Simpsons, the longest running prime-time TV show in the country, has become part of US life. So when TV critics Alan Sepinwall and Matt Zoller Seitz ranked the 100 greatest comedies and dramas broadcast in the US, it came as no surprise that The Simpsons was their top choice.

(Para.6)The smartest member of the family is daughter Lisa, who excels at school but is no goody-goody :Lisa never misses an opportunity to challenge authority. The youngest member of the family is baby Maggie, who will likely be as much a trouble as her brother and sister when she grows up—— if she ever grows up, that is.



在post-reading 环节,授课老师展示了基于小组合作的批判性思维问题(Group-based Critical Thinking Questions),如:(1)The Simpsons has won dozens of awards and it has millions of viewers in America and some other western countries,but it is not so popular in China. What are the possible reasons?

(2)There are many animated TV shows in China, such as Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Boonie Bears(熊出没)and so on. Will they become as great as The Simpsons? Please comment on them.



授课教师选择了《The Simpsons》为批判性阅读题材。《辛普森一家》是美国福克斯广播公司的一部动画情景喜剧,该剧通过展现霍默、玛姬、丽莎、巴特和麦琪一家五口的生活,讽刺性地勾勒出了居住在美国心脏地带的人们的生活方式。该片多角度地对美国的文化与社会进行了幽默的嘲讽,被许多评论家视为“有史以来最伟大的动画”。

在本课例中,授课教师选材新颖、善用媒体辅助教学,如:课前三分钟,老师让学生们欣赏了精彩的片断,激发了他们对本文学习的强烈欲望。接着,她抛出了启发学生思维的如下问题:The Simpsons is an animated comedy, but in America, it has been popular with both children and adults for so many years . What are the possible reasons? 这些问题有助于学生在积极的个性化阅读中,通过主体参与、独立探索、反思质疑、分析与评价,很好地调动思维的积极性,从而提升他们的批判性思维能力。

摘 要:批判性思维是21世纪公民必备的七大素养之一。然而,受应试教育的影响,高中生通常被动地接受知识,很少质疑课本知识和老师教授的知识,导致批判性思维严重缺失,创新性思维受到抑制。本文结合我课题组实践,通过高中英语教学案例,探讨合作学习模式下批判性阅读教学活动设计策略,以提升高中生批判性思维及合作学习能力。


【中图分类号】G 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1008-1216(2018)04B-0113-02——以高中英语批判性阅读《The Simpsons》为例


高中英语阅读课教学设计新案例 王秀琴 高中英语(SEFC)阅读课文具有题材广泛、体裁各样、语言知识丰富等特征,是各单元教学的核心部分,也是培养学生阅读能力的主要渠道。然而,传统的阅读课教学模式常常是单一的自下而上模式,教学方式只是把课文作为单纯向学生传授语法及语言知识的载体,忽视了培养学生的阅读速度和理解能力;传统的阅读理解提问方式也常常停留在对所阅读文章的表层理解层次上。那么,如何借助这些课文来提高学生的阅读速度、阅读理解能力和语言水平呢?经过教学实践和不断尝试,笔者发现:不同阅读活动阶段,必须采用不同阅读理解模式以求不同阅读教学目标的实现。下面以SEFC Book 1A Unit 7 "Earthquakes" 单元阅读课为例对这一问题进行探析。 一、First–reading 采用自上而下模式,侧重培养快速阅读理解能力 ―自上而下的模式‖是哥德曼(Goodman)1971年提出的阅读理论模式。这一理论反对把阅读看成是对一系列词句的知觉,认为阅读者不必使用全部文本中的提示,他们在文章中挑选和选择足够的信息来作出预测,用他们自己的经验和有关客观世界的知识去验证他们的预测。按这个模式,阅读者在阅读过程中不是逐字、逐句地去理解,而是结合自己的预测,在文章中找出有关的信息,来验证自己的预测。该模式有利有弊,弊在对学生语言基础知识的掌握不利,容易造成学生语言基本功不扎实。然而,由于强调整体篇章理解,在阅读时采取跳跃式搜索、猜测等方法,所以有利于培养学生快速阅读理解能力。 阅读速度的培养是阅读教学中一个重要的任务。目前,中学生阅读能力在速度上与可能达到的指标相比普遍要低几倍,甚至十几倍。随着信息时代的到来,人们急需尽快获取各种信息资料,成倍提高工作效率与学习效果,培养学生的快速阅读理解能力是实施英语素质教育的必然要求。然而,训练学生阅读速度必须建立在学生对文章内容处于陌生状态的基础上,因此,在学生初次接触阅读课文时,应该采用自上而下阅读模式,不失时机地培养他们的快速阅读习惯、快速阅读理解能力。这一阶段的教学设计主要如下: 1、引入题材。可采用设疑悬念、直观导入、故事导入等引入方式。 2、进行快阅。可向学生介绍组读法、察读法、浏读法、略读法、跳读法等快速阅读方法。 3、检测理解。可采用问答题、判断题、选择题、做笔记、填图表等检测形式。 附SEFC Book IA Lesson 26 & Lesson 27 阅读理解问答题: 1) Which was the USA's strongest earthquakes ? 2) How many people lost their lives and how many people lost their homes in the 1906 earthquake ? 3) How many people lost their lives in the 1989 earthquake? 4) When the 1906 earthquake happened, how many metres did the Pacific plate jump to the north ? 5) How many measures(措施) can we take in order to deal with earthquakes ? 6) What is " The Big One"? 经过一读课文及完成表层信息捕捉问题后,学生对文章有了肤浅的认识,阅读速度也得到训练。然而,阅读包含两个阶段:一是辨认文字符号的感性认识阶段;二是理解内容,吸收信息,创造性思维译码的理性认识阶段。因此,二读课文,加深文章的理解就显得尤为必要了。


高考阅读理解技巧 一、阅读理解题选材 高考阅读理解题选材,一般遵循三个原则: 1. 文章一般为3篇(含信息匹配题),阅读量在1100单词左右; 2. 题材广泛,包括科普、社会、文化、政治、经济等多方面内容; 3. 体裁多样,包括记叙文、描写文、说明文、议论文、应用文等。 二、英语阅读文体类型 学会分析体裁的能力对我们做好阅读理解来说是非常重要的。由于不同的文体有不同的段落组织方式和脉络层次,所以我们可以根据这种特点来快速分析文章的体裁: ●记叙文往往按时间顺序展开段落,文章有明显表示时间先后的词语。阅读时抓住时间这条主线,弄清who、 what、where、why与how。文章主旨要透过体察所揭示的人物、事件来进行提炼。描写手法大多按时间跨度、空间顺序、上下顺序来展开。阅读记叙文体应采取略读和扫读的方法,快速抓住文中描写的主要内容,从整体上去把握文章的连贯性,进而大体上揣测出作者的写作意图及情感主线。高考阅读就记叙文设题大多以细节理解为主。 ●描写文通过细节的描写以画面的方式来反应事物的特征、性质。对这种文章要迅速弄清其主题,主题词往往出 现在各个句子里,贯穿文章的始末;紧围绕这个主题进行阅读,找到文章与之有关的信息,并确定信息与主题的关系。 ●说明文用以解释或揭示事物的状态、特征、演变、结果及其相互之间的关系,这类文体的文章,首句往往是主 题句,开门见山,说明文章的关注对象:弄清作者的思路和段落组织的方式;把握次要信息及其与主题的关系。 英语说明文的总体结构通常为三部份,说明对象、说明过程和归纳总结。常见的说明方法: 1,定义与诠释说明; 2,举例与引用说明; 3,分类与图表说明; 4,比较与比喻说明; 5,分析与综合说明; 就高考英语说明文的阅读而言,首先要抓住文章说明的要点,也就是要抓住被说明对象的实质性特征;弄清作者从哪个角度、哪个层面开始说明;并明白文章最后的说明结论。高考说明文阅读材料通常介绍最新科技、重大成就、生活时尚、流行现象等。了解说明文的写作手法、说明方法,理清短文结构及段落中心思想是答题关键。 ●议论文通常为三段式,即“论点、论据、结论”三部份组成。首先借助某一现象引出论点,然后通过一定论据 从各个层面上加以推理论证,最后得出结论。议论文体主要考查学生对论点及论据的把握。因此,遇到议论文体时,应采取抓主题句的方法来把握文章主旨,弄清作者的观点。一般来说,作者的论点通常在文章首段被引出,接着是对这一论点的逻辑推理和论证,最后为结论。还应注意的是:在对论点论证的过程中,每一段的首句都是该段的主题句。把握全文论点、弄清论证各段的主题句、理解文章层次、找出中心论点的位置是理解议论文的关键。 就议论文而言,其论证的常见结构方式有: 1,总分式总---分;分----总;总----分---总; 2,并列式几个论据之间属于平等关系; 3,递进式几个论据之间属于递进关系; 4,对照式把两种事物加以对比,以彰显其中一种。 ●应用文属于实用型文体,如书信、通知、日记、广告等。应用文阅读要注意文中具体细节的把握与理解,弄清 作者所传达的实际信息及表达的具体内容。阅读时采取速读与精读相结合的方法,力求快速精确地查出试题所设置的关键内容。


名师精编优秀教案 初中英语拓展性阅读教案 一、教材分析 ( 1)教学内容:本课是一堂英语阅读课 a letter,文章通过书信的形式介绍了有关 Britain 的知识,从著名城市、自然风景、气候条件、它的历史和饮食文化等 方面,介绍了英国这个国家。通过本节课的阅读教学,使学生从阅读中获取相关的关于英国的信息,让学生学会对信息的处理和加工,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 ( 2)教学目标: ①知识目标:了解英国的风土人情和著名城市的特色,增加了词汇量。 ②能力目标:培养学生听、说、读和写的能力,尤其是阅读方面的技巧。通过运 用多媒体,培养学生的英语口头表达能力,分析问题和解决问题的能力。锻炼学生用英语自己组织复述课文。 ③情感目标:了解西方的文化,加深对英语的理解和使用,加深对本国文化的理解与认识,培养世界认识,有利于形成跨文化交际能力。 ( 3)教学重点和难点 ; 掌握重要的单词和短语,充分利于关键词复述课文。训练学生的Fast reading、careful reading等阅读技能。 ( 4)教学方法:问答式、演示法、任务型阅读、竞赛法。 三、教学手段:多媒体、图片 四、教学过程 Step 1: 读前和热身( Pre---reading and warm up) By asking students the following questions,the teacher can raise studentsinterest ′ in this topics. (1)What is Britain famous for? (2)When we talk about Britain, what do you think of? (3)Have you ever heard anything interesting about Britain? 「设计说明」 为了激起学生阅读的兴趣,用幻灯片演示出 Britain 的景色,给出三个问题,让他们来回答。既引出了话题,也可练习学生的英语口语和用英语发言的勇气于胆量。 Step 2:导入 (Leading in) Present a map of Britain to students by Power Point.


高中英语阅读教学中的文化渗透 作者:刁仁婧 来源:《作文成功之路·教育教学研究》2017年第01期 【摘要】 在新课标改革的过程中,高中英语的教学模式和学习模式都发生了非常大的变化,从以往关注单词和语法的学习,转变为更加强调阅读以及英语使用的重要性,也更加关注学生在阅读能力方面的培养。基于此,本文从高中英语阅读中文化的渗透开始,对高中英语阅读教学中的文化渗透办法进行分析。 【关键词】 高中英语阅读教学文化渗透 高中英语阅读中存在很多文化的差异性,这需要学生重点关注,通过文化的渗透强化学生对问题的理解程度,强化学生英语使用的技巧,帮助学生全面地把握英语和准确的掌握英语,也给学生融入更多的文化意识,为学生的学习打下坚实的基础,更好的融入到国际一体化的语言氛围当中。基于此,本文以下对高中英语阅读教学中文化的渗透进行研究和分析。 一、高中英语阅读中文化的渗透 高中英语教学主要的目的就是让学生掌握更多的英语学习知识,让学生能够在阅读中有更多真切的感受,有学习英语的环境和氛围。英语学习不仅仅是理论的学习,还要在生活中进行有效的时间,以此能够体现出文化当中存在各种差异,让学生能够对异国文化有更多的了解,尤其是日常用语的含义表达。口语交际能力以及英语综合能力的提升需要加强英语交流的熟练程度。高中英语阅读当中教材量十分大,除了要有必备的词汇学习以及句式句型之外还要了解西方人的说话口吻、西方人的说话特点以及西方人的生活习惯。在阅读教学过程中渗透更多的文化知识,让学生能够领会阅读的主旨,提升阅读能力和写作能力。除了这些以外,不同的文化当中还有很多不同的文化风情,对于这些知识的了解能够极大的提升学生的事业,还能让学生有更多的国际性意识和国际性观念,了解国际形势,并且了解国际政治。文化的碰撞才能够让学生有更多的现代化英语学习意识,这也是英语阅读教学中的关键点所在。 % 二、高中英语阅读教学中的文化渗透办法分析 (一)课前导入工作的文化渗透


高考英语阅读理解试题经典及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 When times get tough, we all look for ways to cut back. When we're hungry, we eat at home instead of going out. We take buses instead of taxis. And we wear our old designer jeans just a few months longer. With college expenses at all-time highs, high school students are eager to do anything to cut the cost of a university education. One cost-cutting proposal is to allow college students to get a bachelor's degree in three years instead of four. Educational institutions have been actively exploring ways to make the learning process more efficient. But there's a question: Would the quality of undergraduate education suffer? Few US universities have formally approved a "three-year degree" model. I doubt that mainstream North American colleges will carry out a three-year curriculum any time soon. For one thing, most universities already allow highly qualified students to graduate early by testing out of certain classes and obtaining a number of college credits. In addition, at famous universities, the committee who determine which courses are required and which courses are electives are unlikely to suddenly "throw out" one quarter of the required credits. Professors will resist "diluting (稀释)" the quality of the education they offer. In my opinion, a quality four-year education is always superior to a quality three-year education. A college education requires sufficient time for a student to become skilled in their major and do coursework in fields outside their major. It is not a good idea to water down education, any more than it's not a good idea to water down medicine. If we want to help students find their way through university, we should help them understand early on what knowledge and skills they need to have upon graduation. We should allow students to test out of as many courses as possible. We should give them a chance to earn money as interns (实习生) in meaningful part-time jobs that relate to their university studies, such as the five-year co-op program at Northeastern University. (1)Which of the following can best sum up the main idea? A.It's time to shorten the learning process. B.Best learning takes place over time. C.University education should be watered down. D.College education calls for reform. (2)We can learn from the passage that ________. A.most American universities are against the "three-year degree" model B.many famous US universities are considering adopting the "three-year degree" model C.professors are willing to accept the "three-year degree" model D.The "three-year degree" model can make college learning more efficient (3)In most US universities, ________. A.college students are offered the co-op program B.electives' credits make up one quarter of the required credits C.all students are required to finish four-year education before graduation D.some excellent students can graduate ahead of time


缤Fun英语拓展型课程科目实施方案 一、科目开发说明: 语言教学是一个解决问题的过程。新课程改革强调学生通用英语做事情,在做事情的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力以及交流与合作的能力。语言学习要通过创设良好的语言环境和提供大量的语言实践机会,使学生通过自己的体验、感知、实践、参与和交流形成语感;学生在教师的指导下,运用探究性学习模式实现任务目标,感受成功。如果英语学习通过真实的丰富多彩的活动,那么学生就能接触到更贴近学习实际、贴近生活、贴近时代的信息资源;学生的参与意识随之不断增强,交流方式也将由课内活动的单、双向交流,转为多向交流的方式。五年级学生已经对英语有了一定的知识基础,对教师安排的任务能理解到位并付诸实践,对课程的开设起到了决定性作用。 二、科目目标 1、通过有效的活动,培养学生对英语及英语学习的兴趣。有助于体现学生的主体性,突出“以人为本”的教育思想。 2、通过课程中的活动,为英语爱好者提供自我展示的舞台,培养学生英语语言的实践能力和综合运用能力。 3、在活动中,培养学生良好的合作、创新等良好行为习惯,形成健康的个性心理。 4、提高学生的综合素质,为日后学习英语打好基础。 三、科目内容 (二)内容框架 第1-2周:学生用英文进行自我介绍,并且将学生进行分组。学生可以按照以下方式进行自我介绍: What’s your name/ Where are you from/ What would you like to do / What’s your favorite teacher,fruit…/… 第3-5周:学生学习英语流行歌曲,在歌曲中享受英语,例如:《I do》


设计教师:深圳市龙华中学张兆玉 教学年级:高二 课题名称:Unit3 Inventors and Inventions—The problem of the snakes 教材版本:NSEFC BOOK8 授课时间:40分钟 (Ⅰ)Syllabuses Objectives It is required in the New Syllabuses that senior students should develop reading skills to read for information, to read for language knowledge and to read for pleasure. Senior Two students are supposed to achieve 8-graded objectives in the aspect of reading skills proposed in the New Syllabuses. (Ⅱ)Target material With the development of science and technology today, a variety of inventions and creations have come out from every aspect of our life. The thinking qualities and patterns of a person play an important role in his or her lifelong development. That’s why modern education needs to develop the learner’s creative thinking. The unit theme is about “Inventors and Inventions”, which covers “the difference between ‘Invention’ and ‘Discovery’”, “the stages in producing an invention” and “the patent application criteria. The 3A (“Awareness-Autonomy-Authenticity) teaching principle is embodied in the teaching design. The teacher is to help the students express their own ideas and opinions about a creative smart thing, and describe an invention. (Ⅲ) Academic level Senior Two students, active in thinking and curious about everything, have already got lot of knowledge in science and technology from their science subjects. They are very familiar with the topic. They have the ability to communicate with each other about the target material, but they still have some difficulty expressing their own thoughts and describing an invention. Therefore, I can stimulate the Ss’ interest in this topic, and they will be motivated to accept the challenge to learn and use language to achieve these goals.


高中英语阅读提高方法之原版小说阅读英语原版小说阅读的必要性 良好的阅读素养是英语学习的重要部分,是关系到个人发展的重要因素,更是提升国民素质、增强国家竞争力的重要基础。为全面提高学生的阅读素养,提高做题正确率,特总结以下建议在实践中,我们发现现行英语教材在阅读素材方面有待完善。例如,原版英语阅读量不足,英语阅读材料不够地道纯正等。教材与初中学生的需求存在以下三点差异: ?第一,词汇量偏少; ?第二,课本中的语言和内容有的经过了加工,如对原文做了删节; ?第三,能让学生产生真实情感共鸣的文章不多。 调查显示,多数学生头脑中对语言的认知比较零散、孤立,呈现出碎片化倾向。这与使用现行英语教材教学的局限性有关。 因此,英语阅读课有必要引入大量原版阅读材料,以满足学生对语言和信息的需要,为整体提升学生的阅读素养提供文化资源。而在阅读课中以思维训练为主的阅读策略的指导,又有利于学生在课外培养独立自主的学习习惯。 2019年至今,笔者所在的英语教研组在初中阶段开展了适合学生英语语言水平和心智发展水平的英语原版小说阅读教学。 在英语必修课上,我们为学生提供充足的、原汁原味的语言素材,大多数是选自获得美国纽伯瑞儿童文学奖的小说。这个奖项每年颁发一次,专门奖励上一年度出版的英语儿童文学优秀作品。此奖项设立近百年来,对美国以及世界儿童文学有着极大的影响。凡获纽伯瑞奖的书籍,皆被列入英语国家英语课必读书籍。另外,我们所用的小说也有选自获得美国图书馆协会最佳青少年读物奖的小说。这些优秀的文学作品是很多美国中小学五至九年级暑期推荐书目中出现频率最高的小说。如: ?Bridge to Terabithia ?Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry ?Number the Stars ?The Giver ?Hoot ?The One and Only Ivan ?Charlotte’s Web ?Island of the Blue Dolphins ?Holes ?Freak the Mighty 英语原版小说阅读的主要益处 1提升学生的文化鉴赏能力 经典的文学作品以生动流畅的语言、匠心独运的构思,细腻鲜活地描写了丰满的人物形象和引人入胜的故事情节;穿越时代和地域,展现人类对于生命意义、友情、亲情、爱和人性等永恒主题的深刻追问。以经典文学作品作为阅读材料,可以使学生获得地道的语言输入,而这些文字更有一种直抵心灵深处的力量,激励着学生潜心阅读,开启心智,因此是使学生受益终生的精神财富。 2塑造学生的情感态度和价值观 初中生正处在人生观和价值观形成的关键期。在英语原版小说阅读课上,教师是学生思想品格的辅导员和引领者。在培养学生阅读能力的同时,我们更有责任去塑造他们积极向上的情感态度和价值观。 英语原版小说中的故事和人物取材于生活,在吸引学生阅读兴趣的同时,也能激发学生的真情实感。学生在享受阅读的过程中真正做到“用心”去体会、去理解、去思考。我们在帮助学生解读他人的生活经历和情感态度的过程中,进一步鼓励学生在体验与联想中丰富自己的人生经历,把小说中珍惜友情、重视


(英语)高考英语阅读理解试题(有答案和解析) 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Ana, her husband Mario, and their four-year old son Antonio just moved to North Carolina. They need a temporary place to call "home" until they get settled into their new surroundings. So, Ana figured that she had better start looking for an apartment for them to stay in. First, Ana picked up an Apartment Book at her local newspaper stand. The Apartment Book contained listings of all the major apartment complexes in her area. Ana started by looking at the prices in the advertisements for apartments in the Apartment Book. Then, she read about the amenities that each apartment complex offered. For example, some apartments had a clubhouse, a gym (also called a "fitness center"), and a pool. After considering prices, amenities, and locations, Ana found a few apartment complexes that she liked. Ana called the apartment complexes. She set up appointments with the apartment managers to see the apartments she found interesting. Ana made five phone calls, total. "I'll see you then," she said to the fifth apartment manager, and hung up the phone. When Mario got home (to the hotel in which they were staying) from work, Ana showed him the list of apartments. "These look good," he said. "Mommy, let me see," said Antonio, whom Mario had just brought home from childcare. Ana showed Antonio the pictures of the apartments. The next day, while Mario was at work and Antonio was at childcare, Ana visited the apartment complexes. After visiting all five, she found that she liked the fifth one the best. It was near a good school system for her son, and it was near her and her husband's workplace. She went home and discussed it with her husband, and they decided that they wanted to rent the apartment. The next day, they called the manager of the apartment complex and told him that they would like the apartment. The manager asked them to sign a rental contract and pay a security deposit so that if any damage was done to the apartment while they were in it, the security deposit would pay for it. They signed the rental contract and paid the security deposit. Finally, they had a place to stay. (1)Which of the following is not an amenity? A.Clubhouse. B.Fitness center. C.Pool. D.High ceilings. (2)What did Ana consider while looking through the Apartment Book? A.Prices. B.Amenities. C.Locations. D.All of the above. (3)Why is the security deposit needed when people rent a house? A.Because it ensures that a renter will pay the rent on time.


高中英语批判性阅读课探究 发表时间:2018-02-26T13:59:48.313Z 来源:《中学课程辅导●教学研究》2017年10月下作者:黄彦林 [导读] 本文以一次公开课为例, 阐述如何将交流互动模型与批判性思维能力的培养结合。 ——以一次公开课为例 黄彦林 摘要:人类有三种阅读模型:自下而上,自上而下和交流互动模型。《英语课程标准》强调高中英语教学应注重批判性思维能力的培养。批判性阅读课的关键在于,基于文本理解基础上的交流探讨,对文章和作者形成自己的观点和看法。本文以一次公开课为例, 阐述如何将交流互动模型与批判性思维能力的培养结合。 关键词:阅读教学;批判性思维;高中英语 一、批判性阅读课设计思路及过程描述 阅读材料是批判性阅读课的重要一环,并不是所有的阅读材料都适用批判性阅读的训练。本次课采用的是人教版英语7(选修)The Innuit Legend of Sedna the Sea Goddess。这篇文章是对 Unit 3, Book 7 主题的一个拓展阅读。它是一个传奇故事,展现古代人民对自然的敬畏以及父辈与孩子沟通的重要性。故事中父亲的角色可有多种解读,情节的发展也比较曲折,因此,学生会有意愿与文本互动,利用已有的背景知识,对文本进行解构与解读。此外,该故事结构清晰,用词到位,句式优美,可用于阅读策略的训练。 本节课针对的是高二下学期的学生。他们已有一定词汇以及阅读策略方面的积累与训练,但在小组合作,交流探索方面仍有提升空间。因此,本节课首先让学生明白传奇故事是什么,激发他们的背景知识图式。而后以问题为引导,让学生猜测文中人物间的关系与结果,并通过阅读印证假设。有了输入,还要有输出。笔者在输出活动中让学生以小组为单位绘制思维导图, 目的是让每位学生都能理解故事,并且激发学生以思维导图,构建知识,复述故事。笔者在学生分组复述故事后,引领他们理解故事的基本结构:背景,发展,高潮,结尾(寓意)。至此,笔者已引导学生进行阅读的扫读、寻读、理解代词指代策略的训练。 教学过程描述:1.教师与学生自由对话,在对话中导入交流与传奇话题。2.让学生带着问题第一次读文本,初步了解人物、关系及情节。而后,小组合作回答细节问题,帮助学生进一步理解文本。3.小组合作完成思维导图,并以组为单位复述故事。 以下是小组复述故事的重现: T: This is a mind map describing the beginning of the story. Follow this and work with your peers to draw your mind maps. Each group is responsible for one paragraph. … S: First of all, this is an island they came to. Sedna found what the island had was grass and seaweeds and animal feathers. After the hunter put off his fur, Sedna found that the hunter isn’t a real man. He is a bird man. But Sedna has no choice. T: Thank you very much! Group 2, please get ready! S: The first picture is describing that Sedna is crying for help, because she found that her husband is a bird man. She never becomes used to the bird man and she cried for her father’s name. The second picture describes her father heard her calling and he begins to feel guilty. He says sorry for that. I will come to save you. He got into his canoe and paddled for days. This is the canoe. He is trying to save his daughter. His daughter was standing on a stone, and looking to find if her father will save her. And she very misses him. I am waiting for you. The last picture, her father picks up her daughter and they come home. This is a happy ending.

《初中英语拓展阅读3》Breakaway 3听力部分录音稿

《初中英语拓展阅读3》Breakaway 3 听力部分录音稿 Unit 1 Listening I haven’t been to Iceland but I have visited an active volcano in Italy. It’s called Mount Etna and it is very famous. We walked to the very top of the volcano. It took around four hours. We could see the lava inside the volcano. It was amazing! Unit 2 Listening My name is Jan. The place I would love to visit is the island of Socotra. The plants and trees on Socotra are very unusual. I love plants and trees so it would be very interesting for me to visit the island. I would like to walk all around the island and look at the amazing plant life. I wouldn’t want to stay in a hotel. I’d like to stay with people who live on the island. That would be much more fun! Unit 3 Listening Last summer I visited Lake Baikal in Siberia. I took a boat out to Olkhon Island. I camped on the island for two days. I walked all around the island and I swam in the lake. The water was cold! There were quite a lot of people visiting the island. I was surprised because I thought that it was a quiet, isolated place. Unit 4 Listening Sally and I had a great time at Etosha National Park. We travelled there in a small group of six people. We had a guide called Joe. He was fantastic. He knew exactly where to take us to see the amazing wildlife. We saw lions, zebra, elephants and rhinos. We stayed in the park for three nights. I loved it! Unit 5 Listening When I was a young child, I saw a picture of the moai of Rapa Nui. The picture was in a school book. I thought the moai were amazing. I had never seen anything like them before. I decided that one day I would go to Rapa Nui and see those enormous statues for myself. Well, tomorrow I will arrive on Rapa Nui and I can’t wait. I am so excited! Unit 6 Listening Yesterday I went shopping for a new cell phone. I went into three different stores. I looked at lots and lots of phones. All of the phones were great. I liked all of them. That was the problem. I couldn’t choose a phone! I decided to keep my old cell phone! It’s much easier than choosing a new one. Unit 7 Listening Today is Tree Planting Day and we are going to plant trees in our local park. This is the first time I have planted trees on Tree Planting Day –I’m quite excited! I am going to the park with my class. We are going to plant one tree each. There are thirty children in my class so that means we will be planting thirty trees. That’s quite a lot of trees! Unit 8 Listening In 2005 the government of Kazakhstan built a dam to help save the North Aral Sea. This was not the first dam that was built. It was the third dam. The first and second dams were not built by the government; they were built by the people. People who lived near the North Aral Sea did not want the sea to disappear. They worked together to build a dam. The first dam did not last very long. It quickly washed away. The second dam lasted for over two years. Then the government built the third dam.
