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【公开课教案】仁爱英语九年级上Unit 3T1SC

【公开课教案】仁爱英语九年级上Unit 3T1SC
【公开课教案】仁爱英语九年级上Unit 3T1SC


Section C

Ⅰ. Material analysis

本课是九年级第三单元第一话题的第三课时,要完成1a,1b,1c 和2。主活动是1a 和2。学生通过阅读1a ,继续学习以书面形式呈现的一般现在时态的被动语态。1b 则让学生运用阅读策略,找文章的中心句。1c 让学生学习怎样归纳总结文章的主要内容。2是对1a 的补充,换个角度来说明英语的重要性。3a 是小组活动,需要学生查找资料才能完成,3b 是在3a 的基础之上进行的写作活动。由于课堂限制,把这两个部分作为课后作业来处理。通过学习English Around the World ,让学生进一步了解英语的重要地位。让学生认识到要成为一个现代社会的有用之才,学好英语是非常有必要的。 Ⅱ.Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims :

掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习一般现在时态的被动语态。 2.Skill aims:






3.Emotional aims: (optional)


4.Culture awareness: (optional)


Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points

1. Key points:

Words and phrases: speaker, foreign, European, tourist, base, tourism, conference, kingdom, native, mother tongue, as well as, play an important part in.


Sentences: It is clear that the English language is becoming more important.

The English language plays an important part in our lives.

Grammar: the simple present passive voice

2. Difficult points:



Ⅳ. Learning strategies


在3a 中,要求学生能运用各种资源获取所需要的信息,如:能合理运用网络资源,向老师、同学、家长求助等。学会运用资源策略。


Ⅴ. Teaching aids



Ⅵ. Teaching procedures












Ⅶ. Blackboard design




Unit 1 The Developing World Topic 1 China has developed rapidly In recent years. Section A The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and a phrase: proper, by the way, bell, grandpa, chairwoman, grandson 2. Learn a useful sentence: There goes the bell. 3. Learn the present perfect tense: (1)Rita, you have just come back from your hometown. (2)—Where have you been, Jane? —I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. (3)—By the way, where’s Maria? —She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer… 4. Talk about the children’s vacation experiences. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/小黑板/学生的旅游纪念照/图片/幻灯片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan Step 1 Review 通过教师询问学生的暑期活动,导入话题,呈现部分生词。 T: Listen! The bell is ringing. Let’s begin our class! (教师解释The bell is ringing等于There goes the bell,板书bell,要求学生掌握。) bell T: Nice to see you again. Did you enjoy your summer holiday? Ss: Yes.


Unit 4 What would you do? Section B 1a-2c Teaching aims and demands 1 Language goals: (1). Words & expressions energetic, confident, permission, herself, (2). Key sentences: What would you do if…? What are you like? I think I’m creative and outgoing. 2 Ability goals: (1) Ss can develop their listening and speaking skills. (2) Ss will be able to improve their ability of cooperation. (3) Ss will be able to improve their ability of communication by using the target language. 3 Moral goals: Lead Ss to learn to ask parents or classmates for help when they have some worries in daily life. Teaching important point:How to describe different personalities. Teaching difficult point: T he students will be able to deal with problems and worries and describe personalities. Teaching methods: 1.Ss can understand and use the target language. 2.Task-based teaching method 3.Ss-centered teaching method Teaching aids: Multi-media Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision Check the homework. Eg : At home Advice At a party Advice can’t sleep before a test try to go to bed on time Be shy and don’t know what to say or do Talk to someone who looks friendly. ……... … Step 2 Word Study Some of you often dare not speak in public. You are not confident. What words do you know we can use to describe people? Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with words from the box. A. Outgoing If you are outgoing, you like to meet and talk to new people. B. Energetic If you are energetic, you are very active and have a lot of energy. C. Shy If you are shy, you feel nervous and embarrassed when talking to other people, especially people you do not know.


九年级英语u n i t5教 案

教学目标 教学目标与要点 1. 重点掌握并记忆与旅游这一主题相关的词汇和短语:one-way flight; round trip; Go straight along here. please come this way. have a good time; have a family meeting; talk about; go for our holiday; describe to do something; diving; on the island; press; by oneself等等。 2.能正确运用一些婉转提出建议的句式,联系实际,谈论未来的某一次活动:时间、地点、人物和某些具体事项。 3.掌握有关电脑方面的一些专用语,对电脑的部分程序操作能用英语表达。 4.能读懂有关flight的一些instructions,建立24时制的时间思维意识,以及登机的相关常识。 5.了解并掌握由if或whether及特殊疑问词引导的的宾语从句。 6.掌握方位词的用法,特别是介词的选用。 素质教育目标 1. 在第四单元的基础之上,认真掌握有关宾语从句的基本构成和用法。特别是由一些特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句。

2. 鼓励学生运用所学过的句型与词组短语进行有关的日常会话。 3. 让学生在学习时能体会到旅游的乐趣,并且让学生知道旅游也是一种增长知识的好机会。能够运用所学句型进行与旅行相关的准备活动,旅游信息的搜集,加工以及谈论和表达旅游过程中的感受。 4. 在教学过程中,应当调动各种教学媒体,用以加强学生对语言知识的掌握与理解。 5. 认真引导学生运用各种学习手段进行学习,鼓励学生多方搜集与旅游有关的信息,在课堂中进行英语表达,和同学之间进行信息交换等。以提高同学们的学习兴趣和学习效果。使部分学生能够运用所学过的与旅游主题相关的词组、短语及相关句型谈论自己的旅游经历。 Lesson 17 Language Focus: 1. some useful expressions have a good time; have a family meeting; talk about; go for our holiday; describe to do something; diving; on the island; press; by oneself 2. the Object Clause Could you tell us how long we're going to away? Properties: Recorder: Overhead Projector; Pictures; computer


仁爱版九年级上册教案 【篇一:仁爱九年级英语上册教案】 仁爱英语九年级上册教案 unit 1 the changing world topic1 my hometown has become more and more beautiful. section a the main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。 Ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. learn some new words and a phrase: proper, by the way, bell, grandpa, chairwoman, grandson 2. learn a useful sentence: there goes the bell. 3. learn the present perfect tense: (1)rita, you have just come back from your hometown. (2)—where have you been, jane? —i have been to mount huang with my parents. (3)—by the way, where’s maria? —she has gone to cuba to be a volunteer… 4. talk about the children’s vacation experiences. Ⅱ. teaching aids 教具 录音机/小黑板/学生的旅游纪念照/图片/幻灯片 Ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案 step 1 review 第一步复习(时间:7分钟) 通过教师询问学生的暑期活动,导入话题,呈现部分生词。’s begin our class! (教师解释the bell is ringing等于there goes ,板书bell,要求学生掌握。) t: nice to see you again. did you enjoy your summer holiday? ss: yes. t: hi, s1, where did you go during your summer holiday? s1: i went to … t: s2s home? s2: yes. (板书grandpa,要求学生掌握。) grandpa t: s3, where did you go? s3: i went to the west lake with my father.


初中英语优秀教学设计 章节名称八年级下Unit5(SecitonA1a—2c) 学时 1 教材分析 本课是人教版《新目标》英语八年级下Unit5 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time! 的第一课时。 本单元以Decision making为话题,从学生熟悉的party 出发到对于未来职业选择的探讨,鼓励学生做出自 己的决定,并对这一决定所带来的结果进行讨论。通过“Talk about consequences” 来学习if 引导的条件 状语从句,掌握用be going to 来表示将来的时态,正确使用情态动词should。 SectionA部分以一副在实际生活中的图画为开篇。该图引出了学生在练习新语言时需要用到的重点词 汇,新的表达方式呈现在人物头上的气泡中,从而使学生很容易理解和练习新语言。用”If you do, you will…You should…”句型及对话来谈论学生熟悉的party,接下来是几个循序渐进的练习活动,学生独 立,结对或组成小组完成多种练习。使学生在完成任务的同时学习语言,并培养学生树立正确的人生观。 在SectionA中,涉及到了三个话题:话题一:以不同的方式去参加聚会会出现的各种结果。话题二:在 各种可能的时间举行一次班级聚会会出现的各种结果。话题三:在参加End of Year Party 时如果不遵守 聚会规则会出现的各种结果。本课时是一般将来时态的延续,为正确运用这个时态提供场景,也为条件 状语复合句的学习奠定基础,具有承前启后的作用;就整个单元来说它既是本单元的基本语言内容,又 为本单元的知识扩展和语言综合运用奠定基础。 学习者分析 八年级学生已经学过一般将来时态和一般现在时态,已了解了这两种时态的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问 句等形式。首次接触if引导的条件状语从句,在接受上会有一些难度,这就要求教师在引入的时候要多 从学生的角度思考。在口语运用中判断if条件句的主句、从句也许会存在一定的困难。在运用一般将来 时和一般现在时态也许会产生混淆。 教学目标 Teaching Aims and Demands Teaching aims(教学目标) 1.Words and expressions in this unit . 2.Target language : Are you going to the party ? Yes , I am . I’m going to wear my jeans . If you do , you’ll have a great time . You should wear your cool pants . 3.掌握现在进行时态表示将来(Present progressive as future ). 4.学习条件状语从句: if + will . Language points(语言点) 语言技能目标 (1)能用if 引导的条件状语从句来作出假设,用will 来谈论结果,如:If you do, you’ll be late. (2)能用“I think I’m going to…”来表达作出的决定,如:I think I‘m going to the party with Karen and Ann.

仁爱版九年级英语上册 U5T1SD教案

基于“课程标准、中招视野、两类结构” 九(下)Unit5 Topic1Section D教案设计 制作:东城一中 修订人:康翠兰 一、学习目标确定的依据: 1、课程标准相关要求:《英语课程标准》(2011年版)要求学生能够会读会写知汉意的单词和短语 ?单词:major cocoa porcelain export mild unique include topic 短语:three major drinks along with silk and porcelain an important Chinese export sound similar to because of the mild climate unique tea culture 语法:掌握that,which 引导的定语从句用法。 2、教材分析: 本节课为该话题的第四节课,建议用1-2课时上完。主要学习that,which引导的定语从句是本话题的语法重点。本课时对前三课的总结 3、中招考点: that和which 引导的定语从句,是学生必须掌握的知识要点,所以一定要让学生弄明白定语从句的用法。 4、学情分析: 本班学生英语学科基础较差,部分学生学习兴趣不是很足,而that 和which 引导的定语从句用法十分重要,鉴于这一点,上课前应当充分备足课,知识点应让学生一点一点地归纳出来,努力提高学生的学习兴趣。 二、学习目标 1.总结that,which引导的定语从句,并能运用此处理相关问题

2.记住P7—8的生词、短语及句型并能够译成汉语 3熟读1a并总结知识点,并能运用这些知识点处理问题。 。 三、评价任务 1.针对目标1,通过举一些例句,让学生能够说出定语从句的用法,并能熟练做、 2.针对目标2,通过学习P7—8的生词,让学生并能熟练说出、写出P7—8的生词,并能 够进行英汉互译。 3.针对目标3,通过熟读1a,能够说出1a的知识点,能够熟练做题。 四、教学过程 学习 目标 教学活动评价要点要点归纳 目标1总结tha t,w hic h 引导的定语从句,并能运用此处理相关问题自学指导1 1.自学内容:看例子总结that,which的用 法。 2.自学方法:同桌讨论总结 3.自学时间:6分钟 4.自学要求:记住that,which的用法并能 够用此解决此类问题 1.China is a great country that / which has about 5 000 years of history. 2.It’s a book that / which introduces China in detail. 3.Could you tell me something about the places (that / which )you visited there? 4.Here is the book( that/which) you are looking for . 5. Here is the book for which you are looking for 6.The pen (that/which) you are writing with is Jeff’s 7. The pen withwhich you are writing is Jeff’s 你能从上面的例子总结出that,which的用 法吗? 当先行词为物时用_____,______来引导。且 当关系代词在从句中作______语时不能省 略,作______语时可省略。但是当从句中的 介词提前时只能用关系代词_______来引 导。如例子5.6题 看下面的例子注意观察先行词有什么特 征?先行词前面的修饰词有哪些?他们的 通过学习 P35—3 6的生 词,让 学生并 能熟练 说出、 写出 P35—3 6的生 词,并 能进行 英汉互 译。


中考英语总复习公开课教案 教学目标:复习名词的用法 教学重点和难点:名词的分类,名词的单复数,不可数名词、专有名词、名词所有格、名词或“数词+名词”作定语的用法、主谓一致。 能力要求:能区分可数名词与不可数名词并识记名词复数的变化规则; 能够正确使用‘’s所有格、of所有格及双重所有格; 能够掌握名词作定语的几种特殊情况; 能够在具体的语境中正确判断、区别、使用课标所规定的名词及名称短语。 教学方法:采用多媒体课件,教师主导,以练为主、讲练结合 教学过程: Step1 Review(归纳复习) 18分钟 1. 先介绍中考考试说明中关于名词所考查的主要方面。即名词的单复数、不可数名词、专有名词、名词所有格、名词或“数词+名词”作定语的用法。 2. 介绍名词的定义。 3. 介绍名词的分类: (1) 按名词性质分:普通名词和专有名词。 (2) 普通名词分为:可数名词和不可数名词 4. 可数名词的单数形式(由学生归纳) 在名词前加a和an, 以辅音音素开头的名词前加 a 如:a book, 以元音音素开头的名词前加an如:an egg 当名词前有形容词修饰时,要看形容词开头字母的发音,而不是看名词,如an interesting book 和a red apple. 注:以下字母虽然是辅音字母,但却是以元音音素开头的, f, h, l, m, n, r, s x. 如:There is an “m”in the word “milk”. 5. 名词的复数形式(抽查提问学生) 规则变化:(1). 一般情况在词尾+s; 如:book- books (2).以s, x, ch, sh 结尾的词+es;如:bus- buses box-boxes watch- watches wish-wishes (3).以辅音字母加y 结尾的:把y变为i再加es; 如:story-stories (4).以f或fe结尾的:把f或fe变为v再加es; 如:leaf-leaves knife- knives (5).以o结尾的词,如: hero-heroes;Negro-Negroes;tomato-tomatoes;potato-potatoes 但 photo—photos; zoo—zoos 可数名词的复数不规则变化(学生归纳) man--men; woman--women; 但German--Germans foot--feet; tooth-teeth child--children; mouse--mice; goose-geese(鹅); deer--deer; sheep--sheep Chinese--Chinese; Japanese--Japanese; Frenchman--Frenchmen; Englishman--Englishmen


第二课时Section A (Grammar Focus~3c) 【学习目标】 1.揭示并让学生掌握序数词的构成方式,重点记忆部分特殊的序数词的书写。 2.总结归纳when引导的特殊疑问句对生日的询问和应答来学习日期的表达法。 3.能够询问或确认他人的年龄及生日日期。 【学习重点】 1.揭示并让学生掌握序数词的构成方式,重点记忆部分特殊的序数词的书写。 2.总结归纳when引导的特殊疑问句对生日的询问和应答来学习日期的表达法。 【学习难点】 揭示并让学生掌握序数词的构成方式,重点记忆部分特殊的序数词的书写。 ?学习提示 Review the questions by asking and answering in a question chain. Task 1

?学习提示 Preview the words, phrases and sentences on P45.Students mark the new words and Chinese meanings in the text. 【学法指导】 基变序,有规律。一二三,特殊记。八减t,九去e,f来把ve 替,整十改y为ie,然后再加th。假如遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。 Task 2 ?学习提示 完成3a和3b的任务,让学生结对自由对话。 【学法指导】 ?介词in/on用法 (1)on常与“日期”“星期”搭配,表示“在具体的某一天”。如: on October 2nd 在十月二日 on Monday 在星期一 情景导入生成问题 Ask your partner a question chain like this. T:How old are you? S1:I'm thirteen. T:When is your birthday? S1:My birthday is on October 16th. T:When is your mother's birthday?

九年级英语unit5 教案

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Section A(1a-2d) 1.重点单词:chopstick,coin,fork,blouse,silver,glass,cotton,steel,fair,grass,leaf,produce,widely,process,pack 2.重点短语:be made of,be made in,be made from,as far as sb. know,be known for 3.重点句式:What are the shirts made of? —This ring looks nice.Is it made of silver? —Yes,and it was made in Thailand. What is the painting made from? How is tea produced? As far as I know,tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains. People say that tea is good for both health and business! 1.重点短语和句型 2.一般现在时态和一般过去时态的被动语态 一般现在时态和一般过去时态的被动语态 一、预习课本P33-34新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。 1.筷子________ 2.硬币________ 3.叉子________ 4.衬衫________ 5.银器________ 6.玻璃________ 7.棉花________ 8.钢铁________ 9.展览会________ 10.草地________ 11.叶子________ 12.生产________ 13.普遍地________ 14.加工________ 15.包装________ 二、认真预习1a-2d找出下列短语和句型。 1.由……制造________________________________________________________________________ 2.在……制造________________________________________________________________________ 3.据……所知________________________________________________________________________ 4.以……闻名________________________________________________________________________ 5.这些衬衫是用什么制成的?________________________________________________________________________ 6.—这个指环看起来很漂亮。它是银制的吗? —是的,它是泰国生产的。 ________________________________________________________________________


Unit 1 The Changinging World Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly. Section A The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and a phrase: proper, by the way, bell, grandpa, chairwoman, grandson 2. Learn a useful sentence: There goes the bell. 3. Learn the present perfect tense: (1)Rita, you have just come back from your hometown. (2)—Where have you been, Jane? —I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. (3)—By the way, where’s Maria? —She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer… 4. Talk about the children’s vacation experiences. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具录音机/小黑板/学生的旅游纪念照/图片/幻灯片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan Step 1 Review 通过教师询问学生的暑期活动,导入话题,呈现部分生词。 T: Listen! The bell is ringing. Let’s begin our class! (教师解释The bell is ringing等于There goes ,板书bell,要求学生掌握。) bell T: Nice to see you again. Did you enjoy your summer holiday? Ss: Yes. T: Hi, S1, where did you go during your summer holiday? S1: I went to … T: S2, did you go to your grandpa’s home? (板书grandpa,要求学生掌握。) 2 grandpa 3 S3: I went to West Lake with my father. T: Wow! West Lake is a beautiful place. What did you do there? S3: I enjoyed the beautiful scenery, took photos and bought many beautiful postcards. T: S4, what about you? S4: I had to stay at home to help my mother with the housework. T: Oh, I feel glad for what you did, and I think you’re a good girl. You’re helpful. S5, did you go to


初中英语新课程标准教材 英语教案( 2019 — 2020学年度第二学期 ) 学校: 年级: 任课教师: 英语教案 / 初中英语 / 九年级英语教案 编订:XX文讯教育机构

英语公开课学案 教材简介:本教材主要用途为通过学习英语的内容,提高学生的语言技能,增加一项语言能力,有利于国际化的日常交流、生活、工作等,本教学设计资料适用于初中九年级英语科目, 学习后学生能得到全面的发展和提高。本内容是按照教材的内容进行的编写,可以放心修改调整或直接进行教学使用。 英语公开课教案 ◆尚志一中袁英 授课者授课班级授课时间公开课范围 袁英尚志一中初二(5)班2000.11.30尚志一中 课题国外礼仪介绍(一)圣诞庆祝活动 课时一课时 教学目的通过介绍西方国家圣诞节的种种庆祝活动,联系中国春节展开讨论,从而达到开阔眼界,操练口语的目的。 教学方法讨论式、启发式 教具录音机、图片、自制投影片、圣诞小礼物 教学步骤: Step 1 Free talk

Talk about the weather, the conversation may begin like this : A : What a lovely day, isn't it ? B : Yes. But the radio says it'll get cloudy soon. A : Well, I really don't like cloudy meather, what about you ? B : Not at all. A : …… Step 2 Presentation Ask one of the students the following question : ⑴ What day is it today ? ⑵ Which month is it ? ⑶ Which is the last month of the year ? ⑷ Do you know which is the most popular festival in this month in most western countries ? Step 3 Brief Introduction Tell the students something about Christmas Day. Christmas Day, which comes on December 25th, is usually said to be the birthday


初中英语优质课教案 授课年级:八年级(2)班节次:第1节 教材:新课标(八年级·上册) 课题:Unit 4 How do you get to school? 一、教学内容: Unit4 How do you get to school? 二、教学目标: 1、知识目标:单词:subway take the subway train ride a bike walk 等。 2、语言目标:how引导的特殊问句;肯定句与否定句。听:能听懂谈话出行的方式。说:能表达自己想到达目的的出行方式。读:能正确朗读本单元的对话和句型。写:能写本单元的单词和句型。 3、学习策略:注意通过语言语调的表达来推测词义,也可借手势动作和表情来完成。(主动参与学习,善于和他人合作交流)。 4、情感目标:学会在交流活动中尊重和理解别人,学会交换不同的看法,了解他人的生活习惯,增进情谊。 5、德育目标:在歌曲和游戏中习他人积极、乐观、努力进取的团队合作精神。 6、多元智能:人际交往逻辑表达个性呈现 7、文化意识:了解英、美国家中小学生上学的方式,培养世界意识。了解中西文化的差异。 三、教学重点、难点: 1.how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句. 2.乘坐交通工具的表示方法. 3.It takes /will take/took sb. some time to do sth. 四、课前准备: cards and a tape-recorder . 五、教学运用:情景交际法、游戏法等。 六、教学手段:多媒体演示、flash动画、ppt演示、歌曲游戏及肢体语言的应用。 七、教学过程: Step 1.Warming up. Great the class as usual. Talk about the weather . T: How’s the weather today? T:How was the weather like yesterday? …… point student A say “ Hello! Listen to me ok ?.I will sing a song to you .But you must …”.(用手指作安静动作) Listening to a song 歌曲欣赏,创造轻松愉快的学习气氛, 激发学生的好奇心,为学习新课打下伏笔。Step 2 、Games 用肢体语言表达让学生猜测意思,完成交通工具词汇的预知。


九年级英语上Unit 5复习 It must belong to Carla 学习目标: 表示对当前发生的事情做出推测和判断学会做出推测和判断。 一、词汇 author作家 toy玩具 picnic野餐 symphony交响乐 optometrist验光师 appointment约会,约定 algebra数学,代数学 crucial关键的,致关重要的 count计,算 chase追逐,追赶

garbage垃圾 pretend装作 二、词组 1. belong to 属于 2. hair band 发带 3. because of 因为 4. Chinese-English Dictionary汉英词典 5. Oxford University牛津大学 6. use up 用光、用完 7. the only kid独生子,唯一的孩子 8. classical music古典音乐 9. make guesses做出猜测 10. outside our window在窗子外面 11. no more 不再

12. escape from逃离 13. be careful of留神、当心 三、日常用语 1. Whose volleyball is this? It must be Carla’s. She loves volleyball. 2. Whose French book is this? It could be Ali’s. She studies French. 3. Whose guitar is this? It might belong to Alice. She plays the guitar. 4. Whose T-shirt is this? It can’t be John’s. It’s much too small for him. 四、知识讲解 Section A: 1. If you have any idea where it might be, please call me. If you have any idea... = If you know... 意为“如果你知道……”。


仁爱版英语九年级上册教案 Unit 1 The Developing World Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly. Section A The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and useful expressions: cruel, proper, by the way, bell, chairwoman, yet, grandson 2. Learn the present perfect tense: You have just come back from your hometown. Where have you been, Jane? I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. By the way, where’s Maria? She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer… 3. Learn some functional sentences: I felt sorry for them. There goes the bell. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/童工图片/小黑板/多媒体图片或幻灯片/学生的旅游纪念照 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:12分钟)


九年级英语公开课教案 开课教师:王晓霞 时间:2009-11-5 班级:初三(1)班 课题:九(上)Unit3 Topic3 SectionD Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and useful expressions: besides, might, complete, text, last but not least, keep on 2. Review the usage of“wh + to do”: My difficulty in learning English is how to get the pronunciation right. Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well 3. Talk about language learning strategies. II. Teaching difficulty教学难点 The usage of “wh +to do” III Teaching importance 教学重点 The usage of “wh +to do” Talk about language learning strategies IV Teaching procedure Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:10分钟) 1. (利用对话形式,复习what / when / how to do) S1: H i, Li Hai. Have you decided how to spend National Day S2: N ot yet, what about you S1: I don’t know what to do, either. My parents have decided to go on a trip. But I can’t decide whether to go with them. S2: G oing on a trip is a good idea. Have they decided where to go S1: Y es. They are planning to go to Beijing to visit the Great Wall. S2: D o you know how to go there and when to start S1: T hey’re leaving by train on National Day Eve. My mother hates to take a bus. She says taking the train is the best way to travel. S2: S he’s right. It’s cheap and safe to travel by train. Wish them to have a good journey! S1: Thank you. T: Make similar dialogs in pairs. Try to use“what / which / when / where / how to do. ” 2. (组织学生谈论英语学习中遇到的困难,总结他们的学习方法。教师总结,导出新单词) S3: W hy are you so sad, S4 S4: I didn’t pass the English exam. I just got 50 scores. S3: I’m sorry to hear that. Don’t worry. Do you still remember the proverb“Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. ” S4: Y es. But I have tried my best to learn English. I spent a lot of time in remembering new words, but I don’t know how to remem ber them and how to get the right pronunciation. I want to give it up. S3: N o, you mustn’t. English is very important. English is spoken widely in the world now, and we’re planning to do something for the 2008 Olympic Games.

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