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Manufacturing in China

1D The market

2B The increase

3C Foreign

4D Computer

5D 长

Stephan is taking

1A .....on the right

2B are the people

3D to the home market

4B employee contracts

5C pieces.....every day Traditional offices have

1A need a lot of

2C in digital form

3B work from home

4D means.....times

5B space

One of the most

1C It works out

2D It finds out

3B They....looks like

4C R&D...look good...

5D both the way

I had started working

1B Helping....manager

2C She destroyed them

3C The....connection

4B She.....objects

5D She....transparency

Car tyres are a big

1D give....surroundings

2C for the sides

3A things you need

4C put your tyres

5B take your old

If you don’t reduce

1D They..holes,often..

2A It....years

3A The older...atmosphere

4A There is a

5D It used to send

Garbage produced by

1B It causes pollution..energy 2B It is....warming

3C The toxins stay

4D They protect the

5A It is stored

You need trees to

1A even though we

2C kill or affect...water

3B use online forms

4C that the people who

5D there are cheap and skilled Here are some things

1C be remembered in a

2B It tells your boss

3C You should try to

4D Your boss might

5B You could drink slowly According to a Chinese saying 1A Because the meal is

2B It is a chance to get

3B It can be.....partner better

4B No,....can be different

5A Your host...on giving you

In China,it is understood tha t 1D The boss...opposite the main 2C You should offer your

3D You should..immediately.

4D Because some jokes cannot 5B A gift of something typical Our company recently had a 1B The writer didn’t want

2C The waiter came with the

3C The cook forgot the starter 4A The fries had chilli salt

5B Try out a restaurant

Every business,whether it has 1A It is part....to happen

2D They allow...with each other 3A Members of....the teamwork 4C You have...particular topic 5A It shows...being funny Prepare,prepare and prepare 1C writer a detailed

2D with the...the meeting

3A check the facilities,like

4D there are enough soft drinks 5A How the...during a meeting Has something ever gone

1D In a restaurant that

2A A friend was being

3D A new laptop

4C The...was his notebook

5C The...ruining the laptop

Everybody knows that

1B not show any

2B many existing..worse

3D people are ignored

4C unnecessary mistakes

5B employees...low motivation

If you find some

1B Start a process

2D By caused it

3B You should not

4A A....skills

5D Act immediately

Read this problem

1B Her...is better....

2A The customers

3C emphasise how reliable

4C She has to say

5A The product is

I am in charge of the

1D He is the

2C Her computer screen

3B She forgot to..screen

4B She..searching the Internet

5A She stopped talking

At an interview it is

1D It is easy to get

2B It helps you to find

3B Ask the..in the company

4A You can show

5C You can say why

When I was young and

1C suggested he

2D bored him

3D thaought...not be an engineer

4A followed his

5A is leaving his

When Norman left school

1D he enioyed cooking

2B served meals for

3B thinking up new

4B the...to stay

5D had to find staff

In 1913,one of the

1C He...to afford a car

2C People...a lot

3D He...cars faster

4B They.....on a vehicle

5D He was able to

Apple farmers deliver

1B Apple farmers

2A The apples are checked

3D They...into pieces

4C Because...unwanted apple

5D The...water is removed

We must realize that you

1A Becoming...good idea

2C A tradesman sometimes

3B No machine can

4D You show...are told

5A He....to learn

Before I was able to open

1D Because...different orders

2A It was easy in

3B His...different orders

4C The https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a814225017.html,pleted

5D He would...his own firm



A mistake. (perfections t

A friendly. (solar

At jeans. (formal


Be times. (neat

Brian electrician. (vocational

Before facts. (evaluate

E Etiquette situation. ( act

G ___onion. (Garlic


If order. (delivery

It open. ( chew

It phone. (disturb

If once. (jams

If possible. (ignore

If it. ( overcooked

In main. (ingredients

If big. ( tip

If quietly. ( complaint

If minute. (decline

It week. (inconvenient

It is. (highlight

If present. (videoconference

K Keeping electricity.(on


M Manfred job. ( contract


One phone. (inventions

Our expensive. (range

Our customers. ( special

One quicker. (advantages


Show office. ( knock

Some environment.(are


Some parcel. (packaging

Some you. ( cash


The 2015. (latest

The year. (source

The quickly. (virtually

The million. (estimated

The accidents. (monotony

To time. (error-free

To company. (ins and outs

The happening. (common

The alarming. (pollution

Turning energy. (ridiculous

This rain (weatherproof

The called( pork.

The China. (chairwoman

The meeting. (agenda

The Tomorrow. (boardroom

The Europe. (outsourcing

U Use to (sneeze.


When voice. ( lower

We day. (piece rate

We crisis. somehow

We fuel. (alternative

We produce. gradually

When a. (picnic

We problem. (contribution


You decision. ( consider

You make. (assurance

You are. (treat

You somebody. (interrupt

You story. ( illustrate



英语口语社团活动 庆阳市东方红小学米婷 不知不觉这学期的社团工作已经进入尾声。本学期,按照学校的安排,我负责英语社团,主要是由四、五年级的学生组成,其中大部分是英语成绩好的,有些是对英语感兴趣的。在社团活动中,我从中高年级学生自我意识明显、语言学习能力强、接受新鲜事物快的实际情况出发,侧重于开展口语拓展训练,通过读chant,tongue twister ,模仿日常对话,与外教现场交流,外教远程视频授课等方法为学生交流语言习得、展示语言交际功能提供了平台。回顾一学期的工作,特总结如下:本学期社团共有14次课程,期末社团展示的方式为诵读表演。 一、注重学生英语习惯的培养 为提高我校学生学习英语的兴趣,增强英语意识和英语能力,进一步发展校本课程,进一步完善策略,建立此社团。学生在“英语口语社团”活动中收获的不仅仅是知识与能力的提高,更重要的是行为习惯与人生境界的升华。通过社团活动,学生进一步体验了学习英语的快乐,激发了学习英语的兴趣,养成了学生良好的习惯,发展了学生的个性,提高了学生的综合素质促进了学生的全面的发展,展示了学生的英语才华。

英国着名哲学家弗兰西斯.培根说:“习惯真是一种顽强而巨大的力量,它可以主宰人生。人自幼就应该通过完美的教育,去建立一种良好的习惯。”因此对于四、五年级的孩子来说,培养一种良好的学习英语的习惯是多么的重要,本学期初我就对本社团的同学以及家长做出了要求,必须养成每天学习英语的习惯,比如早上起床听听英语或晚上睡觉前听听英语,一个星期结束了巩固一下所学的知识等等。 二、注重学生英语学习兴趣的培养 要想学好英语,兴趣是至关重要的。所以培养学生对英语的兴趣是组织英语社团的首要任务。在本学期的英语兴趣活动中,我大胆使用课外教材,以新的切入点进行英语教育,并运用学生喜欢的方式进行授课,例如用英语演情景剧、唱英文歌、英语小游戏等等。使学生感觉到学习英语是一件好玩又有趣的事,从而对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣。 三、注重学生英语口语的培养 英语还是一门语言课,因此能说会说才是真正的重点,因此我将课堂中的大部分时间用在与学生进行口语交际上。第四周的时候,我请来陇东学院的外教,与学生面对面交流,让孩子们在真实的情景中进行运用,其他时间主要通过学生跟读、师生对话、学生相互情景对话的方式增加学生的口语锻炼,纠正学生的发音,使学生真正领悟英语的精髓,而不是单纯的学“哑巴英语”。 四、注重学生实践与合作意识的培养


专业英语写作考点总结 part ? academic english writing (专业英语写作)chapter 1 six considerations in academic writing 1、academic writing is a product of many consideration : audience, purpose, organization, style, flow and presentation. (学术写作六要素:写作对象,目的,组织结构,文体特征,表达连贯和宣讲或宣读)。 2、organization usually has the following four parts : 问题-解决方法包括四个部 分 (1) description of a situation (描述情况) (2) identification of a problem (甄别问题) (3) description of a solution (描述解决方法) (4) evaluation of the solution (评估解决方法) 3、formal grammar style:(正规的语法风格) (1) generally avoid contractions (一般来讲避免使用略缩词) 例:won’t改为will not (2) use the more appropriate formal negative forms (使用更为适宜的正规的否定 形式) 例:not...any改为nonot...much改为little not...many改为few (3) limit the use of “run-on” expressions, such as and so forth and etc. (限 制使用多个词连用的表达法) 例:句子内不能出现and so forth和etc.出现时应将省略的部分扩展出来。 (4) avoid addressing the reader as you(except, of course, if you are writing a textbook or other instructional materials).(避免向读者说“你”)例:you can see the results in table 1. 改为:the results can be seen in table 1. 改为: it is necessary to consider how costs may be lowered. 或者 we now need to consider how costs may be lowered. (6) place adverb within the verb. (将副词放于动词词组内)例:this model was developed by krugman originally. 改为:this model was originally developed by krugman. (7) consider whether you should split infinitives.(考虑是否该使用割裂不定式)例:we need to adequately meet the needs of those enrolled in the program. (8) aim for an efficient use of words. (目的是为了有效地使用词汇)例:there are some inorganic materials that can be used by bioengineers in the process of tissue engineering that have been shown to be very promising. 改为:some inorganic materials used in tissue engineering have shown great promise. 习题: (1)you can use this model to analyze the effects of several parameter changes. 错误:使用了you。 改为:this model can be used to analyze the effects of several parameter changes. (2)ok, what are the reasons that coffee prices have fallen? there’re a lot of possibilities. 错误:使用了口语ok;直接引语的使用;使用了缩略词there’re。


英语个人工作总结三篇 英语个人工作总结篇1 一、xx年我校高考英语成绩简况 通过一年的努力,xx中学20xx年高考英语科取得新的突破,在去年获得好成绩的基础上,再创佳绩。800分以上有2人;700分以上有94人,比去年增加32人;高分质量和数量在xx市重点中学中均居前列。在考生人数有较多增加的情况下,英语年级平均分也获得576.7分的高分,居各科之首,为学校今年的高考大丰收作出了较大的贡献。英语ⅱ在科任老师的辛勤辅导下,也取得较好成绩。 二、经验总结 1、领导重视针对英语科的特点,领导们要求科任教师在备考过程中要采取硬措施,检查学生的读、背、默、书写等情况,提高学生的识记能力。考前多次要求有关人员认真检查听力放音设备,务必做到万无一失。鼓励教师利用电脑进行评卷,增加日常备考的科学性和有效性。 2、群策群力,共谋备考策略在日常备考中,各老师积极主动地将自己的想法和建议向备课组长提出来,经过集体讨论后,对于可行有利的方案马上实施;针对新的教材,每周的备课组活动定时定点,实施中心发言人制度,确定和统一复习重点和难点,提高了第一轮复习的效果。同时各科任教师努力发挥奉献精神,按照备课组的安排,认真查找资料;在第二阶段,全体科任教师牺牲自己的午休时间,轮

流检查和督促学生进行听力训练。每经过一次考试,我们就认真分析电脑评卷的结果,这样对学生知识的掌握情况和存在的不足有了较为清楚的认识,为采取针对性的解决措施提供了比较科学的依据。 3、突出备考重点,早抓狠抓专题练习针对高考英语的题型特点,我们坚持把词汇、听力、阅读、写作训练作为全学年备考重点。我们在上学期中段前印制了《英语新课程标准》,要求学生系统复习里面的词汇,并通过听写等形式进行检查;中段后利用各种练习帮助学生掌握好重点词汇和短语;下学期《英语考试大纲》出来后,又把其中的词汇表印给学生,使学生对高考词汇要求更加明确。平时有针对性地对学生进行专题限时训练,每周至少有二节专题训练课,注重讲解题型特点及解题技巧等,从而提高学生的能力。提醒学生不仅要重视精读训练,也要重视泛读训练,动员学生订阅并指导他们充分利用好《21世纪英文报》、《英语周报》和课外读物《新概念英语》,吸收大量英文信息,扩大自己的视野,努力培养和提高学生的能力,收到了良好的效果。 4、重视培养英语尖子根据学生高一高二的学习状况,我们在上学期很早就规划了年级30名、各教学班至少5名的英语培养对象,中段后,由高三英语备课组长蓝桂宏老师面向英语培养对象作了题为《英语尖子:明确目标,科学训练,争取高考高分》的专题讲座。下学期梅州市一检后,结合各重点中学的培尖情况,又由王建枢主任,桂宏老师向年级英语前30名的尖子做了动员,要求他们认清形势,既要看到自己的不足,更要看到自己的优势、潜力,充满信心,做好


高中英语课程的学习总结 教与学是一个多年来人们最关心的话题之一。在传 统的教学中,教师是知识的占有者和传授者,在这个教 与学过程中,教师在课堂上滔滔不绝地讲,学生在下面 认认真真地做笔记,学生是被教会的,而不是自己学会的。如何激发学生的学习动机,调动学生的学习积极性,是我们每个教师应该考虑问题,也是全社会共同关注的 问题。课程改革的重点之一是如何促进学生学习方式的 变革,倡导自主学习、合作学习、探究学习的新学习方式,强调师生互动、互教互学。 高中英语课程的总目标要求:根据高中学生认知能 力发展的特点和学业发展的需求,在进一步发展学生综 合语言运用能力的基础上,着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,特别注重 提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力;形成跨文化交际的意识和基本的跨文化交际能力;进一步拓宽国际视野,增强爱国主义精神和民族使命感,形成健全的情感、态度、价值观,为未来发展和终身学习奠定良好的基础。 作为教师的我们必须以此为教学方向,把握“语言是人 类最重要的思维和交流工具,也是人们参与社会活动的 重要条件。语言对促进人的全面发展具有重要意义。”

在自己的教学过程中注重课堂教学的有效性,把发展学生的综合语言能力:情感态度、语言知识、语言技能、学习策略和文化意识等各方面整合发展。使学生在语言学习的过程中,主动参与,乐于探究,大胆实验,学以致用,把沉闷的课堂气氛活跃起来,把学生的学习兴趣调动起来,明确学习动机,养成良好的学习习惯,使学生在自主的活动中发展并提高听、说、读、写的综合能力。 新课程理念的核心是“为了每一位学生的发展”,这是对我们教师提了更高的要求。中学生爱说爱动,自我约束、自我控制能力不强,使用传统教学方法进行机械地讲解,枯燥的语法,难记的词汇,老套的模式使部分学生很快就对英语学习失去兴趣,更谈不上学习的积极性和主动性。为此教师必须选择恰当的教学方法,因为教学方法是形成最佳课堂气氛的重要保证,是教师创造性与教育艺术性表现的主要形式。最佳的教学方法,使得课堂气氛活跃,当然教学效果也就越显著。但教有定则,教无定法。教师要根据教学内容、教学目的、教学对象和实际条件,个人的教学风格和特长,确定不同的教学方法。这就要求我们教师必须充分钻研教材,认真备课,在各教学环节中增加趣味性,在设计教学任务时,根据不同学生的情况设计不同的任务,使每个学生


日常英语口语总结 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a814225017.html, Unit 3 The Working Environment 工作环境 Part One: Expressions 1. I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr. Smith, please. 我想预约和史密斯先生见面。 2. Could you tell me where his office is? 你可以告诉我他的办公室在哪儿吗? 3. Ted stopped by to see you. 特德顺道过来拜访你。 4. Can I leave this for him? 我可以把这个留给他吗? 5. Could you give him this message? 你可以把这个口信留给他吗? 6. Where is the meeting room located? 会议室在哪儿? 7. How do I use this copy machine? 复印机怎么用? 8. Just a second. 稍等一下。 9. I’ll have it finished by tomorrow morning. 我不迟于明早会将它完成。 10. Hard work pays off, you know. 你知道,辛苦工作总会有回报。 Part Two: Dialogues 1. On the job工作中 A: Is Betty Sue in her office? B: I’m sorry. She’s in a meeting right now. A: I see. B: Can I give her a message for you? A: Yes, please tell her I stopped by. B: And your name, please? A: Ted. Oh, and could you give her this document for me? B: Certainly. A: 贝蒂·苏在她办公室吗? B: 抱歉,她现在在开会。


关于六级和考研作文 对于考研和六级的你们而言,作文只有一次,所以不要害怕自己用滥一些表达 方式。一下给大家的建议和词汇并非最难的,但是本人以为最实用的,如有遗漏 和不足,欢迎补充。 1.考前反复熟记框架,挑选5个单词和2个表达方式强制自己在文中使用 2.用上非谓语结构,以及经典的介词词组远远比从句更吸引人。太复杂的表达 不要用,容易错,也容易表意不明。(强调句不错,可以使用) 一.普通词替换 1.Remarkable(显著的,显赫的,替换significant) 2.Dramatically(戏剧性地,这个单词用的人很多了,可以不用) 3.Durable/enduring(持续的,恒久的,很实用的单词) 4.Overwhelming(常用语overwhelming majority<绝大多数>,或者表示“不可抵挡”) 5.Incredible/unbelievable(不可思议的,难以置信的,非常推荐使用这个形容词) 6.Tranquil(安静的,代替peaceful,高级词汇) 7.Simultaneously(同时地,代替meanwhile,很实用很推荐) 8.Fulfill(代替finish,还可以表示更高端的“实现”等意义) 9.Whereas(表转折,非常推荐,but的意思) 10.Witness(句子倒转使用,“见证了…”也可代替see,很推荐) 11.Sophisticated(复杂的,世故的) 12.Alarming(震惊的,一般表示数字,也可以用it really shocks me that…) 13.Decent/elegant/dignity(尊严,得体的,高雅的,高贵的类似意思) 14.Self系列(self-esteem, self-improvement等) 15.Manifold(多方面的,各种各样的,代替various) 16.Manifest(显示,体现出,代替indicate或show) 17.Affirm(断言,声称,还有assert和allege) 18.Prevailing(代替popular,流行的,还有epidemic不常用) 19.Endeavour(努力,很实用的单词,endeavor to do)


英语个人总结 Prepared on 22 November 2020

英语个人总结 Annual Personal Summary The new year is around the corner and in the soon-to-last 2016, there are so many memorable moments. Annual Summary I take up new work as a sales, which is both familiar and strange to me. Much difference from translation, this position is not only interesting but also full of challenges. Because things are not in your hands and sometimes out of control, while if you could try to grasp buying point of customers, you would gain the upmost accomplishment. This is totally what I have felt and my eternal pursuit. One year’s accumulation makes me more mature both in attitude and personality. Every success would bring me a little more confidence; every encouragement would make me happy all day long; every positive smile in leader’s eyes would make me more staunch. I would like to face the challenges and I am pleasant to conquer any


Zumba舞蹈课总结 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴!时间总是那么快,转眼我们zumba 舞蹈课就结束了,首先,很感谢李老师的教诲,使我成为zumba入门人。让我有机会学习zumba舞蹈,尽管跳的不好,但我乐在其中,也很感谢和我一起学舞的同学,共同领略了欧美的文化。回顾些日子,真的很快乐,感觉很有意义,尤其是快乐的,不带有压力的强身健体, 让我在一周的专业知识后,得到身心的放松,片刻的安宁。 经历这段时间的zumba学习锻炼,我现在与从前的自己最大的不同就是:现在的我喜欢上了跳舞,并有勇气去跳,积极的参到舞蹈中去。有人说,"孤独的人是可耻的"。而我认为,在大学中,悠闲的人是可耻的。在这段时间内,我有幸选了zumba选修课,它让我掌握了一门新技能,并给我拓展了新的领域。首先我很珍惜这个机会,是这门选修课让我有机会尝试跳舞,有机会尝试欧美自由的文化。在这个课上,老师带我走进了zumba,教会了我一些舞步,我在课下也对舞蹈有了更大的兴趣,我有时候也会去找一些视频去了解。再有就是很感谢有一个热情的老师,很耐心地教我们,我认为大学课堂就应是活跃的,恰好老师给了我们这个机会(老师漂亮美丽,又有热情耐心,不拘束),充分释放自己的天性,在课上,将军校的压抑,专业课的压力统统甩在脑后,在跳舞中,挥洒汗水,强身体魄与愉悦心情一举两得。还有,原来真心没勇气跳舞,就是这个机会,让我开始尝试,我也发现跳zumba是一项令人快乐的活动,有时候还会在寝室跳一段,并宣传给舍友。最后,我认为体能训练前的准备活动,总是很无聊,每次都是跑3圈,真的烦,没卵用,然而老师课上的准备活动就很好,伴随着音乐,活动充分,也不感觉无聊,老师有机会可以建议一下。我相信,每个人都是因为对舞蹈的向往或兴趣选了这门课,我也发现这门课由始至终人都这么多,出勤率这么高(以前选修课总是上着上着就没多少人了),真的认为开这门课非常有必要。(多加点课时可以吗)真的有必要搞下去。 祝老师心情愉悦每一天,工作顺利。


Hiolidays I like the Spring Festival most among various traditional festivals in China as it is the biggest and most exciting festival for Chinese. I like the Spring Festival also because I can eat a lot of delicious food and do a lot of interesting thing. For me, I have enough time to visit my classmates who isn’t in the same city with me and we can visit our teacher together. Everytime our teacher see us, she is very happy. The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back. Current customs to observe traditional Chinese festivals get more and more simplified and the old customs are gradually gone. For some people, festivals only mean the symbolic foods, such as moon cake for the Mid-Autumn Festival. The growing popularity of Western holidays in China might be one reason for the weakening cultural elements in China's traditional holidays. Another important reason I think is that many festivals, considered important days on China's lunar calendar, are not public holidays, especially in cities, as people have to work.


英语作文常用句型总结(完美打印版) 现将历年作文中常用句型加以总结,希望对广大考生有所帮助。 一.开头 1.Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic. 2.Recently the problem has been brought into focus. 3. Nowadays there is a growing concern over ... . 4. What calls for special attention is that... 5. There’s no denying the fact that... 6. what’s far more important is that... 7.It is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy. 8.It is well-known that… 9.Many nations have been faced with the problem of ... 10.According to a recent survey, ... 11. With the rapid development of ..., ... 二.结尾 1.From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that ... 2.In conclusion, it is imperative that ... 3.In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up. 4.With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly. 5.Taking all these into account, we ... 6. Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear... 7.All things considered, ... 8.It may be safely said that... 9.Therefore, in my opinion, it’s more advisable... 10. It can be concluded from the discussion that... 11. From my point of view, it would be better if... 三.表比较 1.The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. 2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B. 3.A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that... 5.For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages. 6.Like anything else, it has its faults. 7.A and B has several points in common. 8.However, the same is not applicable to B. 9. A and B differ in several ways. 10. Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.


2018个人英语学习工作总结 在学习和工作的过程中,我秉持多问、多了解、多交流、多比较、多总结的方法,来看问题,来发现问题,争取思路清晰地想出正确、合理、可行的解决方案,及时记录下当时的工作情形,多翻阅自己的笔记。我经历了3#118000、4#118000、3#58000的建造过程,了解了大部分的调试项目,学会了部分项目的报验,胆怯感减少了,多了几分自信,提高了英语能力,锻炼了自己的交际能力,收益颇多。 现在回想这5个多月,我并没有为公司做出特别的重大贡献,也没取得很值得炫耀可喜的业绩,我只是尽量做好自己岗位上的工作,尽自己的努力地去完成每一次任务。 在这5个多月中我坚持认真完成师傅分配的工作任务,无论大小难易,我都踏踏实实兢兢业业地去做。同时在工作中不断汲取新的知识,提高自己的工作技能,扩大自己的知识面,以使自己能够更好地满足工作需要。通过这段时间的工作和学习,我得到了很好的锻炼,各项能力有了较大的提高。5个多月来,我不断地向师傅学习,向同事学习,向施工队学习,总结经验,从经验中学习,尽量将自己的工作做的一次比一次好,提高工作效率;始终抱着务实认真的工作态度,埋头苦干加巧干,勤勤恳恳地做好本职工作。 如果要总结一些经验的话,我想端正的工作态度是必要的前提。学要学个塌实,玩要玩个痛快,这句话让我记忆犹新。我觉得工作也是一样的,工作做事就应

该要踏踏实实,不能浮躁,并且让踏实成为一种习惯。这是一种工作和生活的态度,秉持这种态度,就一定能找到属于自己的一片天地。这种踏实态度的有时候会比做事本身更重要。 还有就是要敢于尝试。我们现在还年轻,年轻人就应该敢于尝试,勇于尝试。只要你肯干,用心去做,努力去做,我相信事情一定可以做好。只有经历过了,才会有更深刻的体验,才可以更好更快的成长。我在报验不了解的项目时,尽管当时对报验的流程和具体内容不完全了解,心里有几分胆怯,但是工作还得完成,只有强迫自己想办法,自己通过阅读资料和图纸、现场摸索和请教师傅、同事和施工队,最终独立报验了项目。这一次经历是一份宝贵的财富,它增强了我的自信心,锻炼了我独立处理事务的能力。 另外,工作和学习中的困难是难免的。我们应勇于面对,不能放弃,只有经过自己的努力后,才会对已有的知识点有更透彻的了解。但是,有实在解决不了的问题是,就可以向师傅和同事请教,绝对不能不懂装懂,也不能不了了之,要想办法弄明白。在实习的期间,我学习到很多受用一生的东西;明白了一个人的工作、学习和生活都会遇到各种各样的麻烦,但是,这是一种锻炼,是一种财富! 我还有一些心得体会是:一是工作要勤奋和有责任心。因为勤奋,能够提高生产效率,如前人所说的多一份耕耘,多一份收获;而有了责任心,在工作中就会认真细致,避免出现差错。二是工作中要善于发现和思考,好的工作方法往往可以事半功倍。三是合理利用各种时间来加强学习,不断提高自己的职业技能。四


chapter 1ABC Why Study Public Speaking Increase personal and social abilities Enhance your academic and career skills Refine your general communication abilities Increase your public speaking abilities …. Increase Personal and Social Abilities self-awareness self-confidence dealing with the fear of communicating Public Speaking VS Conversation Purpose: both communicate with a certain purpose Audience: a public speech is usually directed at more listeners. Feedback: public speaking is relatively uninterrupted discourse. Delivery: public speaking requires intensified volume of voice and bodily action. Materials and organization: public speeches are mostly prepared ones. Impromptu speeches are rare. The essentials of a speech Objective: why am I making this speech? Audience:whom am I making this speech to? Place:where Time and length Method of delivery:how Content:what Notes Rehearsal: identify weakness, practice difficult pronunciations Dealing with nervousness Acquire speaking experience Prepare, prepare, prepare Think positively Use the power of visualization Know that most nervousness is Not visible Don’t expect perfection Acquire Speaking Experience Enrolled in a public speaking course Stage fright: fear of the unknown Learning to give a speech is not much different from learning any other skill---it proceeds


英语口语测试总结 为了达到素质教育的人才培养目标,课程改革逐步落到了实处,我校在环翠区统一组织安排下,对初四学生进行了英语口语测试。此次英语口语测试共检测了三个部分:教师提问、朗读短文、口头作文。我校全部九位英语老师担任了口语测试的评分老师,分三组对学生进行了测试。现对这次口语测试做一个总结: 1. 学校对这一次口语测试相当重视、准备充分,组织有序;大部分考生表现良好,能按要求准备话题,发音准确,有较好的语音语调,表达自如、语言流利,A等级达到90%以上。 2. 大部分学生在回答问题时,信心十足,声音洪亮,对英语的学习充满自信。 3. 三个部分的测试中,第三部分的口头作文测试不够理想,普遍存在时态问题,如在表达my family时有同学表述为my father very like playing football,应该是my father likes playing football very much.有语法上的混淆,也有汉语的思维习惯。 4. 英语口语存在两极分化和发展不平衡的现象。有的同学笔试成绩很出色,但是口语发音却极不准,究其原因是因为平常只注重了笔头,而忽视了口头。当然还有很多表现优异的学生,如5班的夏鹏飞同学在谈到my dream job的时候,说他想当一名像Kobe,James那样的职业篮球运动员,叙述中思路清晰,旁征博引,眼界开阔,可谓精彩。4班夏川谈到my life in 10 years 的时候,对未来的生活做出了切实精彩的计划和猜想。1班的曲莹莹同学用真切的语气叙述了和她my friend之间的故事,给老师们留下了深刻的印象。虽然大部分学生的英语口语水平不错,但每个班仍有一至二人基础较差。 5. 教学建议:(1). 加强单词、课文的领读教学,培养学生的朗读习惯、多用录音跟读,引导学生学习连读、失去爆破等发音方法。(2). 课堂多用英语教学,培养学生听和说的能力,把Chinglish变为English,夯实基础知识。(3).尽量调动所有学生的学习热情,重视对学习英语困难学生的自信心培养和个别辅导。总之,这次测试让每位老师认识到帮助学生树立信心,实现英语的实用性的重要性,认识到语言的教学,不管教什么,怎么教,一定要帮助学生把好基础关,没有基石,不可能有大厦,更不可能有理想的放飞,而这些,都将从帮助我们的学生大声地朗读 开始,从口语开始


第一部分常用于引言段的句型的2类表达方式 一、议论文常用句型 1. It is a fact that…. 2. It is well-known that…. 3. There is no doubt that…. 4. I think that…. 5. Contrary to the popular thought, I prefer…. 6. Some people say/believe/claim that…. 7. It is generally believ ed that…. 8. It is widely accepted that…. 9. It is argued/held that…. 10. While it is commonly believed that…, I believe…. 11. It can be concluded that…. 12. People’s views vary from person to person. 二、图表作文常用句型 1. The table/diagram/bar chart/pie graph/tree diagram/curve graph /column chart shows/illustrates/reveals/describes/depicts/reflects that/how…. 2. The graph provides some interesting data regarding…. 3. The data/statistics/figures can be interpreted as follows: 4. The data/statisti cs/figures lead us to the conclusion that…. 5. As is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table, …. 6. It is clear/apparent from the table/chart/diagram/figures that…. 7. The vertical/horizontal axis stands for…. 8. There was rapid/noticeable/great/sharp/steep/remarkable/slow/little/slight/grad ual rise/increase/decrease/fall/decline/drop/change in development in …. 9. The percentage remained steady/stable at…. 10. The figures stayed the same…. 11. The figures bottomed out/pea ked at…. 12. The figures reached the bottom/a peak/a plateau during…. 第二部分常用于正文段的句型的4类表达方式 一、A、B型作文段落常用句型和表达方式 1. A is completely / totally / entirely different from B. 2. A and B are different in some/every way / respect / aspect. 3. A and B differ in…. 4. A differs from B in…. 5. The difference between A and B is/l ies in/exists in…. 6. Compared with/In contrast to/Unlike A, B…. 7. A…, on the other hand,/in contrast,/while/whereas B…. 8. While it is generally believed that A …, I believe B…. 9. Despite their similarities, A and B are also different.


英语老师个人工作总结 篇一 时间过得真快,本学期的教学工作行将结束。本学期,我担负七 年一、二班的英语教学工作。根据开学初制定的教学工作计划,现就 本学期教学工作总结以下: 一、学生的基本情况 七年一、二班共有68人,大部份学生的基础非常差,拼写不规范,学习不主动,对英语的爱好不浓。在我所教班级学生当中三分之一的 学生的基础比较扎实,学习态度认真,对英语感爱好,四名学生的智 力非常低,看着书抄单词都抄错,而且除他俩10名学生干脆都不学英语。 二、采取的措施 1、教学进程中,留意抓常规教学,以学生为主体,面向全体学生 组织教学,留意培养学生的听说读写的能力。 2、抓辞汇和句型学习,经常进行听写练习,进步学生对记忆单词 和句型的能力;另外从开学初就开始初狠抓英语课文背诵。 3、课内外多听多说英语。上课时尽可能用英语授课,这样能使学 生更多地接触英语。每堂课要用一定的时间让学生用所学过的平经常 使用语和所学句型表演不同情势的对话,也能够结合实物和图片等用 英语进行简单的描写,培养学生的语感。 4、抓测验,重视讲评课,并进行考试分析。 5、为了增加学生的辞汇量,让学生天天积累5个单词,并每周检 查一次。

6、在教学进程中我发现师徒结对也是好的学习方法,因此我采取了师徒结对活动。 三、教学方面 1、教学工作 本人对工作扎扎实实、兢兢业业,以为不管甚么工作只要尽心尽力地去做,都会有一种成绩感。在这类正确的思想和理念指导下,工作起来就如鱼得水。首先,我认真地分析教材的编写特点及体系,知道了中学英语必须要求把握的学习内容,然后就有的放矢地结合中学生的生活实际进行口语、辞汇、句型的练习。每次备课时,我都仔细研究教材、考虑学生的分层和知识差异,穿插一些生动有趣的游戏活动和中西方文化差异故事。通过这些活动,增强了学生的英语学习热情和爱好。而且,我经常故意识地给学生们创设说英语的环境,课堂上也尽可能要求他们用英语提问。总之,通过一系列的手段让学生体会到学、用英语的乐趣,养成使用英语的良好习惯和意识。 2、学困生转化工作 学困生转化工作也是英语教学的一个重要环节。假如老师只重视优秀学生的教学那末我敢判定他的教学是失败的。好的教师应是通过抓两头,促中间的方法到达班级语言水平的平衡、XXX发展。熟悉到这一点后,我经常利用课间给差生补课。每次重点选择两个学生,根据课堂里发现的不足给他们加餐。这样反复地重复所学知识,大部份学生能对本学期的内容很熟练地应用。为了进步学生的成绩,我还组织了英语爱好小组,采取互帮互助的活动情势,使他们养成对英语的浓厚爱好。 3、其他工作 在尽可能教好本学期教学内容的同时,我还给学生补充了很多课外知识,这一切不但扩大了学生的知识面,而且进步了学生的学习积极性。

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