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The Diary of Anne Frank was written by a Jewish girl, Anne Frank. In 1941, her whole family was forced to hide into her father’s company in Amsterdam. With another Jewish family, the Van Daans, and a Jewish dentist, Mr. Dussel, the eight Jews lived in the “Secret Annex” for more than two years during the Nazi Occupation in Holland. On August 4, 1944, the residents of the “Secret Annex” were betrayed and arrested.

Anne Frank was born in June 12, 1929, in the city of Frankfurt, Germany. Anne’s father, Otto Frank, is a respected businessman. Anne and her older sister Margot lived a happy life for parents’ love and care. In 1933, after Nazi came into power, along with her family, Anne left Frankfurt. Except Otto Frank, they went to Aachen. Otto Frank went to Holland and established a food products business. During the next few years, the crisis and the war were increasing, but Anne Frank lived happily in Amsterdam. She attended the Montessori school and had a lot of friends.

But all things began to change once the Germans invaded Holland in 1940. Since then Holland had already not been a safe home any longer. Anne was compelled to leave the Montessori school and attend the Jewish Lyceum. Even though things were changed, the growing number of anti-Jewish laws did not weigh heavily on her. However, Otto Frank discovered the direction of anti-Jewish clearly enough. On July 6, 1942, the Frank family left their comfortable house forever and moved into the Secret Annex, when the Franks were there, Germans was at the height of its conquests.

On August 4, 1944, a Dutch betrayed them, they were arrested by the Gestapo. The eight Jews were taken to a police station in Amsterdam. On October 6, 1944, Anne and Margot were sent to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany. At the end of February or on beginning of March 1945, Anne and Margot died at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. In May 1945, the war ended.

On June 3, 1945, the only survivor of the eight Secret Annex residents, Otto Frank, received a letter telling him that his daughters died at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

The Diary of Anne Frank can be considered as a Bildungsroman. The term Bildungsroman refers to the novel focusing on the hero’s all-round self-development. In German, “used generally, it encompasses a few similar genres: the Entwicklungsroman, which focuses on training and formal education; and the Erziehungsroman, which focuses on

training and formal education; and the Kunstlerroman, about the development of an artist”(Hader).There are four features in common found in Bildungsroman. Firstly, characters’growth is a fundamental narrative element in the narration. Secondly, Bildungsroman is mainly about the personal experience. Thirdly, Bildungsroman has a certain narrative pattern. Fourthly, after undergoing the crucifixion in life, the hero obtains new recognition of the society, life and himself.

In 1947, Anne frank’s diary was edited by her father, and then published by a Dutch publishing house. In 1952, the English version diary soon made the Secret Annex known by the whole world. Since then, it has been translated into more than 30 languages and adapted for theater, film and television. In addition, Anne Frank inspired a Broadway play that won the Pulitzer Prize and three Tony Awards in 1955-1956, as well as many other prizes in the following 50 years. For more than 50 years, The Diary of Anne Frank demonstrated a lasting appeal of truthfulness and liveliness. Anne kept a personal diary for its original significance: she was trying to reserve her escaping experience through a writing based on daily life, driven by a continuous passion for writing. At the same time, her writing was featured by youthful wisdom and life. She observed life insightfully, and persisted to reflect on the changing environment.

In my thesis, Anne obtains her growing experiences through changes of the world and of the attitudes towards the war and the human nature. The Diary of Anne Frank as a historical document successfully reflects the Holocaust and fully records the process of Anne’s growth.

1. Historical Background

1.1 World War II

World War II was a worldwide war between the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers. The main Allied countries were Poland, Britain and France. France surrendered in 1940 and was occupied by Germany in 1944. In 1941, the Soviet Union and the United States entered the war on the side of the Allies. The principal Axis Powers were Germany, Japan and Italy. It was the largest armed conflict which the world had ever seen. Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939 .The Soviet Union cooperated with Germany, invaded Eastern Poland, attacked Finland in the Winter War, and seized the Baltic states .After battles spanning much of the globe and including military forces from more than 50 countries, victory came to the Allies in 1945.

Germany led by Adolf Hitler invaded Poland when the war started in Europe. Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later. The Soviet Union, acting in cooperation with Germany, invaded Eastern Poland, attacked Finland and seized the Baltic States. Most areas of Europe and North Africa and the oceans became battlefields. The Germany overwhelmed Poland in 1939, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and France in 1940, and Yugoslavia and Greece in 1941. By summer 1941, Germany had conquered France and most areas of Western Europe, but it had failed to conquer Britain. Then in June 1941, Germany attacked the Soviet Union, this was bogged down upon reaching the border of Moscow in late 1941. The Soviet Union later captured the German Sixth Army at the Battle of Stalingrad from 1941 to 1943, decisively defeated the Axis during the Battle of Kursk, and broke the Siege of Leningrad. In June 1944, the Allies invaded France in a massive attack and in September 1945, the Allies had won the war.

By World War II, nearly all the Jews companies had either bankrupted under financial pressure and declining profits, or had been forced to sell out to the Nazi-German government. German Jews were prohibited from operating businesses and trades, and from offering goods and services. As the war started, Holocaust was encouraged by the Nazis, and they began to kill the Jews. During World War II, the Jews were treated like imperfections in the German community. They were arrested to concentration camps and made into slaves. They were forced to make uniforms and war equipment for Hitler. If they didn't, they were shot, shoved

into a gas oven, or eaten alive by attack dogs.

Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl who lived and died during the Holocaust. The Frank family hid from the Nazis for two long years in a Secret Annex. During that time, Anne kept a diary in which she not only wrote about the horrors of war but the everyday problems of being a teenager.

1.2 Race Superiority

Many countries in the world still have prejudices for certain group of people. They feel that men are superior to than women, whites are superior to Blacks. All these assumptions are wrong. In many areas, women are stronger than men. In terms of sports and games, Blacks are stronger than Whites.

During World War II, the Jews suffered racial discrimination from Germany. Because of laws of Hitler’s anti-Jewish, the Jews’ life was filled with anxiety. They were forced to follow anti-Jewish decrees. Jews must wear a yellow star for distinguishing them from others; Jews must hand in their bicycles; Jews are banned from trams and forbidden to drive; Jews are only allowed to do their shopping between three to five o’clock and then only in shops which bear the placard “Jewish shop”; Jews must be indoors by eight o’clock and cannot even sit in their own gardens after that hours Jews are forbidden to visit theaters, cinemas and other places of entertainment; Jews may not take part in public sports. Swimming baths, tennis courts, hockey fields and other sports are all prohibited to them; Jews may not visit Christians; Jews must go to Jewish schools and so on. The growing number of anti-Jewish decrees did heavily on Jews (Anne, 2003:286).

Under the control of the anti-Jewish decrees, German Jews lost basic rights one by one, and they were deprived of the rights to hold public office, practice professions and use public education and transportation, which can be tested by Anne’s personal experience.

Accordingly, Anne recorded that Margot had to be transferred to a Jewish school and they were segregated from the original school and for nothing but for the fact that they were Jewish children. The diary also recorded that Anne and her friends had to walk everywhere, because they were not allowed to drive.

1.3 Holocaust

The Holocaust is the term conventionally refers to the genocide of six million Jews as well as the murder of the Gypsies, Soviets and others during Nazi controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945. Accounting all the victims of Nazi persecution, the total number is estimated to eleven million.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Germany was one of the strongest countries in Europe, but in 1918, it collapsed as a result of its defeat in World War I. Since then Germany faced more difficulties, the German Empire came to his end. After that a group of democratic politicians established the German Republic. It was well-known that the new government was just the Weimar Republic. In 1919 at the Versailles Peace Conference, the Germany representatives were not permitted to join in the negotiations. The Treaty of Versailles placed the responsibility on Germany and ordered the Germany to pay the cost of all damage by the war. The Treaty for peace brought no peace at all for the German society. The representatives met with the complaints from all walks of German people. Middle-class Germans who had lost everything in the inflation of the early 1920s blamed the republican government for their poverty. Unemployed workers, impatient with the conservative republic, looked for another way to solute the problems.

Nazi (National Socialist German Workers’Party) established just at such a critical moment of the dispirited Germany. In 1921, Adolf Hitler became the leader of Nazi Party. Hitler and the Nazis blamed the decline in Germany’s power on Jews and radicals and preached the supremacy of the German and Aryan race. They made promises to the listeners to rescue them from guilt and shame, shifted all the responsibility to the Jews and convinced the irrational mob that it was the Jews who threatened the purity of the civilized German blood. In Hitler’s view, as long as Jews remained in Germany, they were a constant source of ideological infection and a threat to German racial purity.

In January 30, 1933, Hitler became the chancellor of Germany. Hitler declared that all political parties but the Nazis were outlawed. In order to expand the living space of Germany, Hitler launched the war in September 1939. In eighteen days, the German Army occupied Poland. In April 1940, the Germans seized Denmark and invaded Norway. On May 10, Hitler broke the west line. Within a few days, his armies conquered the neutral Holland and Belgium and were spreading to France. On June 22, France surrendered .At the same time, Hitler carried out his anti-Semitic program without any hesitation. A sweeping Holocaust started everywhere Nazi took power.

Form 1941 to 1945 during World War II, Holocaust spread to the Nazi-occupied Europe: Labor camps, concentration camps and ghettos were built wherever Nazi troops reached.

Those death factories were used as the basis of the Nazi final solution for the Jewish problem through mass extermination in gas chamber and massed shooting; moreover, lots of death camp prisoners died of starvation, illness, and cold and so on. There were about 8 to 10 million Jews controlled directly or indirectly by the Nazis. 60 to 75 percent of the six million people killed in the Holocaust were the Jews.

The Diary of Anne Frank was written by a 13-year-old girl during the Holocaust, so it seems difficult for Anne Frank to preciously present the ordeals or accurately perceive the historical vein.

Anne was a representative of thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. At that time, she was frightened, lonely and expected future with mixed feeling of hope and despair. However, Anne’s response to the outer pressure demonstrated that human goodness can triumph against evil and that humanity can finally survive the brutal trial.

It was known from the diary that the anti-Semitism in a girl’s eyes perhaps simply meant she could not go to the ice-cream shops by non-Jewish owner and she had to bear being marked as minority in her schooling. However, for the Franks, the situation meant more serious and great threatening force on their peaceful life, and they had to plan for a more secure solution in face of their gloomy future.

2. Process of Anne’s Growth

Anne concentrated her ink on the eight family members as well as the four helpers. They were characterized vividly despite Anne’s adolescent prejudice and family bias at times. Anne was able to portray each figure in quite a sharp way with her precious language. In the Secret Annex, the eight residents were bearing more and more pressure from the turbulent environment and the conflicting interpersonal relationships would bring more unhappiness to the hiding life. Anxiety, suspicion and depression became the predominant mood from September 1943 to January 1944. Anne complained about how her parents and the other people in the Secret Annex treat her like a child. She was sensitive to criticism, and took it to heart when people criticized her. In Anne’s diary, she wrote “Relations between us here are getting worse all the time. At mealtimes, no one dares to open their mouths (except to allow to mouthful of food to slip in) because whatever is said you either annoy someone or it is misunderstood.”(Anne, 2003:184).Almost everyone in the Secret Annex suffered from worries and depression.

2.1 Anne VS Her Parents

In Anne’s opinion, her mother was neither tender nor patient enough to care for her, and her father could not understand her inner world. Anne’s reflection in her diary proved that she was neglected by her parents.

At first, Anne hated her mother and didn’t love her. In Anne’s opinion, the mother had pushed her away, and her tactless remarks and the crude jokes had made her insensitive to any love from her inside. The reprimand from her mother gave us the opportunity to explore the tenuous relationship that exists between Anne and her mother. Mrs. Frank was displeased with Anne’s behavior and unable to understand her willfulness. In Mrs. Frank’s opinion, Anne couldn’t compare with Margot, who was courteous and dignified. Unlike her sister, Anne was rude and crafty.

Then, when the mother showed care to her, she not only refused to accept, but also said something bad to her. What she did had hurt her mother horribly. After that, she felt sorry for the mother, realized the coldness from her and saw the sorrowful look on her mother’s face, but she couldn’t apologize to her because she thought what she said was the truth. There was a

tension between Anne and her mother, for Anne found her coldness, and it was Anne's personality that she was not afraid to tell people what she really thought about. Anne was closer to her father, who she was praised often as modest and sweet. Under her father’s guidance, she continued studying various subjects, skills, and languages. She developed her writings so that the style of her diary had become more varied and vivid. The mother was upset, but Anne felt that it could not be wrong, because she told the truth about her feelings. Anne said “For myself, I remain silent and aloof; and I shall not shrink from the truth any longer, because the longer it is put off, the more difficult it will be for them when they hear it.” (Anne, 2003:130).

Furthermore, things changed from time to time. It seems as if she had grown up a lot since she had a special dream. After that, she became a more independent girl. She tried to change her parents’ideas and began to think over the relationships between her and her parents. She realized that she had the duty over the right matter. Anne felt cold towards her mother, she was ashamed that she had upset her, so she wished to improve their relationship. The intelligent people should know more on how to get along with others very well. Anne was an intelligent girl. She tried her best to do that, although sometimes she was still stubborn.

At last, Anne wrote a letter of independence declaration to her father, on May 5, 1944, the disappointment and shock of her father showed that he did not understand her daughter’s inner world well, not to mention the careless mother. Anne longed for a considerate mother in hiding days. In Anne’s criterion, the ideal mother was a woman who, first and foremost, possessed a great of tact, especially towards her adolescent children, and not one who, like her mother, poked fun at her when she cried. In fact, her parents did not carry enough weight in her growing. Anne needed help and encouragement from her parents. She was an immature girl after all.

Experiencing more and more things, Anne was ashamed of her and began to criticize and scold herself far more than anyone else did. Anne admitted that her mother’s indifference to her could be understandable, “she did love me very much and she was tender, but as she landed in so much unpleasant situations through me, and was nervous and irritable because of other worries and difficulties, it is certainly understandable that she snapped at me.”(Anne, 2003:213). It was a hint that Anne had understood and forgiven her mother. Although the alienation from her mother was not released till the last moment, it was still a symbol of reconciliation.

2.2 Anne VS Mrs. Van Daan

On July 13, 1943, the Van Daans arrived and their information was immediately written into Anne’s diary. From that on, the quarrels never stopped. As if the Van Daans was a symbol of quarrel. Anne and Mrs. Van Dann hadn’t had one peaceful day together.

At first, Mrs. Van Daan always discussed Anne about her appearance, character and manners. Mrs. Van Daan was bad-tempered. She thought Anne was bad-mannered, conceited, head-strong, pushing, stupid, and lazy and so on. Anne tolerated all of these criticisms, but she couldn’t make sure how long it would last. One time, Mrs. Van Daan directly criticized the way the Mother brought them up. After a drastic self-defense, Mrs. Van Daan was irritated. She fall her eyes on Anne. In the following days, Mrs. Van Daan still blamed her as before, but Anne became so sensible that she learnt to apply one’s reason to everything, to obey, to help, to be good and to give in.

Then, the quarrel finally broke out. When Anne said that the book Henry from the other Side was not as good as Mr.Dussel said, Mrs. Van Daan brought Anne a packet of trouble. She said Anne had been brought up in wrong way. They made a fool of Anne. Anne couldn’t bear any more. In Anne’s diary, she wrote “Mrs.Van Daan is a nice one! She sets a fine example…she certainly sets one---a bad one. She is well known as being very pushing, selfish, and cunning, calculating, and is never content. I can also add vanity and coquetry to the list. There is no question about it; she is an unspeakably disagreeable person.” (Anne, 2003:158). After long observation, Anne came to a conclusion that Mrs. Van Daan had too many defects. From these we can make a conclusion that the conflict between Anne and Mrs. Van Daan had reached the summit.

Finally, for the interpersonal relationship, Anne did not stick to her own justification; instead, she began looking for improper attitudes from her own side. In the diary on January 22, 1944, she wrote as follows:

It seems as if I’ve grown up a lot since my dream the other night. I’m much more of an “independent being”. You’ll certainly be amazed when I tell you that even my attitude towards the Van Daans has changed. I suddenly see all the arguments and the rest of it in a different light, and am not as prejudiced as I was. (Anne, 2003:232).

Anne always thought the Van Daans did all thing wrong ago. However, after that special dream, she changed her mind. Anne found shortcomings and faults from her own side and examined herself, so she changed her earlier biased attitudes.

2.3 Anne VS Peter

In the Secret Annex, the active Anne didn’t degenerate in despair, and finally found a confidant fortunate and sweet friendship soon developed into romantic love. In the bitter hiding days, Peter steeped into Anne’s life.

Anne’s longing for a girl friend was partly fulfilled when, on January 6, 1944, Anne decided to go up to Peter’s room and talk to him. Peter was a rather shy boy, two years older than Anne, and it seemed that he was not averse to having Anne come and talk to him. On January 12, 1944 Anne wrote “What do I care about the lot of them! Peter belongs to me and no one knows anything about it. This way I can get over all the snubs I receive. Who would ever think that so much can go on in the sou l of a young girl?” (Anne, 2003:228-229). We realize here that her relationship with Peter compensates for many of the difficulties of her daily life.

Another milestone of maturity was passed when Anne managed to have a conversation with Peter about sex, when he showed her his cat’s male organs. Anne felt strange, but she admired Peter for being able to talk about it in a matter-of-fact way. For Anne, it couldn’t be accepted if others said something about sex.

Anne’s growing relationship with Peter contin ued to excite and comfort her, even though she remained terribly frustrated by having to remain inside—especially when spring began. Peter confided in her about his frustration at being unable to express himself clearly, as he claimed she did, and even tho ugh she felt that this was not justified. She felt glad “because I sensed a real feeling of fellowship, such as I can only remember having had with my girlfriends” (Anne, 2003:254). On another occasion, Peter helped Anne find the smallest and sweetest pota toes, and Anne felt that he looked at her with “such a gentle warm look which made a tender glow within me. I could really see that he wanted to please me, and because he couldn’t make a long complimentary speech he spoke with his eyes” (Anne, 2003:256). She also analyzed the various phases which she had gone through after going into hiding. She spoke of her initial confusion, followed by depression and then, as she began to mature, both physically and emotionally, she described her growing self-awareness, and finally, she discovered her inward happiness through her close relationship with Peter. Anne’s happiness with Peter was not affected by the daily trials of life in the Secret Annex.

Anne was very happy when Peter kissed her for the first time. Although Peter and Anne

would put their arms around one another and occasionally kiss, their physical relationship was very innocent. Anne displayed astonishing maturity for a girl of fourteen by refusing to accept completely the extremely strict moral standards of her time. Anne wrote “we are shut up here, shut away from the world, in fear and anxiety, especially just lately. Why, then, should we who love each other remain apart? Why should we wait until we’ve reached a suitable age? Why should we bother?” (Anne, 2003:346-347).

However, things changed after a short time. Anne began to doubt if she was truly in love with Peter. She was wondering if Peter could be an understanding, sensitive confidant and listener whom she could talk about what’s deep in heart. Even around the most intimate period of time, Anne could also make sure that Peter was not the right person for her whom she would like to depend on. She also thought that Peter was not the ultimate partner.

After some emotional period and a talk with her father, she started to emphasize that Peter was a friend. She talked about love less and less. In fact, she found herself not fall in love with him as much as she had initially thought. Peter couldn’t understand her inner world and satisfy her needs. During the days in the Secret Annex, the relationship between Anne and Peter was marvelous.

3. Reflection of Anne’s Maturity in the Secret Annex

3.1 The Attitudes towards the Real-life

Throughout the diary, the growth of Anne in the Secret Annex reflects not only the mental changes of her inner world, but also an example of the youth’s responses to the outside world.

The life was oppressive in the Secret Annex, but Anne never gave up hope. Anne dreamed of being a journalist and writer, but it was too fragile under the brutal environment. However, in the Diary, Anne still wrote “I look up into the heavens; I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and tranquility will return again. In the meanwhile, I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out.” (Anne, 2003:430).

From these, readers are feeling an unyielding spirit by the growing reflections and the final maturity of a young girl. The war can destroy everything but not a heart which is strong, brave and free. Anne recognized that her optimism came from the diary she did. She also recognized that things were only as bad as one thought they were, and that unlike her, the other people in the Secret Annex were grumpy and dissatisfied, for she made a conscious effort to keep herself in good spirits.

When Anne was 15 years old, she had a tremendous change. She began to ponder over wishes and thoughts, accusations and reproaches. The trying part about her was that she criticized and scolded herself more than anyone else did. Anne began to think about problems between men and women. It was not easy for a girl to have so many ideas under the flames of war.

The hurt of the heart was never less serious than physical damage caused by the war. Anne faced with difficulty bravely. Anne was frightened, lonely and expected future with mixed feeling of hope and despair. She was a representative of thousands of Jews in hiding during the Holocaust. What made her different from others was that she could express her aspiration in the deeper mind. Anne was good at observing reality and thinking about the real-life. She increasingly investigated her inner world rather than complained about the discouraging outer world.

At any time, Anne could uphold her ideals and be able to carry them out. In her deep

heart, love, future, happiness, and beauty still existed in the world. The world, nature and beauty were all exquisite and fine. Anne knew how bad the situation was outside of the Secret Annex, so she also knew that they must keep themselves happy to avoid falling into the trap of gloom. She saw the light at the dark of the society and made sure that soon the sadness would leave.

Anne Frank’s wish “I want to go on living even after my de ath” (Anne, 2003:323) has come true. Today, people found the Anne Frank Foundation on the Prinsengracht Canal where the Franks hid for 25 months. People built it as a memorial for Anne Frank. The Foundation is also working towards the future by helping to promote better understanding about Anne and that time among young people from all over the world.

3.2 The Reactions to the War

In the diary, Anne emphasized that children suffered no less than the adult did in war time. We had to admit that it was not the faults of the residents in Secret Annex. Annex felt disappointedly without the intimate instruction when growing up.

She expressed in the Diary as follows:

I wanted to change myself in my own way. I realized I could damage

without my mother, completely and totally, and that hurt. But what affected me even more was the realization that I was never going to be able to confide in Father. I didn’t trust anyone but myself. (Anne, 2003:366)

It was the fault of the war that caused Anne feels so disappointed. Older people had formed their opinions about everything, so they were not hesitated to do things before they act. However, it was hard for young ones to maintain their opinions. Because they were young, they had their dreams. They could find a solution, but the solution didn’t seem able to solve problems finally.

On July 26, 1943, the whole day was covered under the cloud of bomb. When Anne went to bed at nine o’clock, her legs still shock. They had to keep silent, when the bombs rained down. It was amazing for a 13 years old girl to keep silent for several hours under such cruel situation. Anne had uncommon stamina. Anne had periods of depression, but beyond it all, she still was able to see that there was light and hope beyond the darkness of the war.

Anne sacrificed a lot and tried to overcome the extreme fears. What attracted the

readers’ attention most is that Anne balanced the fear she felt while living in hiding place by her vivid reflections about growing up. One detail was her new way of getting rid of fears“ I also have a brand-new prescription for gunfire jitters: When the shooting gets loud, proceed to the nearest wooden staircase. Run up and down a few times, making sure to stumble at least once.”Facing the pressure, Anne could find a proper way to relax. Anne believed that although humanity would destroy itself, it would be redeemed and started again. She was so optimistic that she could keep her spirits high and had never despaired. Readers admire the spirit of brave, smart and sensible.

“I have often been downcast, but never in despair; I regard our hiding as a dangerous adventure, romantic and interesting at the same time.”(Anne, 2003:364). Different from the pessimistic about war, Anne developed highly intelligent and philosophical insights on the war. She could face the war with her special feelings. From beginning to ending, Anne made sure that the war would come to end and the peace would finally come true.

Nevertheless, struggling to the war is never an adventure that people would choose either for themselves or for their children. People of all ages have been forced into terrible circumstances. In the Secret Annex, all the people tried their best to avoid being discovered. Their courage and intelligence gave us a lesson about resistance and optimism.

During two years, the Franks, the Van Daans and Mr. Dussel were all brave and intelligent. In the diary, Anne skillfully described the war. The war was brutal, but Anne could resist her ideals. She thought that things were going well at last, so she was getting really hopeful. Anne was so hopeful about the end of the war that she imagined returning to school in the fall.

On May 3, 1944, Anne wro te “I don’t believe that the big man, the politicians and the capitalists alone, are guilty of the war. Oh no, the little man is just as guilty, otherwise the peoples of the world would have risen in revolt long ago! There’s in people simply an urge to destroy, an urge to skill, without exception, undergoes a great change, wars will be waged, everything that had been built up ,cultivated, and grown will be destroyed and disfigured, after which mankind will have to begin all over again.” (Anne, 2003:364). With the coming of Germans including workers and farmers began to submit to Hitler. His simplifications of complex issues satisfied them. His promise of a glorious national future appealed to their pride. His willingness to assume total responsibility relieved them of the unaccustomed burdens of citizenship in a

democracy. In Anne’s opinion, it is not fair to attribute all the responsibilities to the big man, the politicians and the capitalists, common people have more guilt. Most of the Jews were killed by the common people personally. They were forced to do that, but they were never been forgiven. On January 1933, the number of Nazi had reached to 1.5 million, one third of these were the common people or workers.

If people shifted all the blame to the rulers, they would not do anything about self-questioning. If people couldn’t rethink about themselves, the war will last forever. As a victim of Nazi, Anne deeply thought about the war. Facing with the brutal real life, Anne was really strong and brave in every way. Her reactions to the war were deeper than the companions. Even at the lowest point, when they were all restless, Anne wrote about how they still loved life and had hope. They did not give up and let they fall into depression but came together and tried to make the best of their situation.

During war time, Anne could not receive enough intimate instructions she deserved. Sometimes, she had to rely on her own understanding and some times had to sacrifice herself to avoid troubles. War deprived her of the most valuable growing environment, including friends who could have shared her secrets and open nat ure, which could relieve her stress and loneliness.

If attributing the loneliness and isolation of Anne totally to the war seems a little bit unbelievable, it is proper to say that the war as well as the Holocaust can be seen as conspiracy.

3.3 The Attitudes towards the Human Nature

Under the brutal environment, Anne showed extremely brave and strong. She encouraged herself to overcome the difficulties. She wanted to make her dream come true and become a useful citizen. Anne was an open and early-maturing girl, she saw through everybody around her. She hoped that she could come to the school again to study and play with the companions.

In the Diary, Anne wrote “It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropping all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.” (Anne, 2003:429).

When Anne died, she still believed that people were really good in nature. The

fate of Anne was tragic, but her s mile was so lovely. Anne still didn’t have sense of loss in the tragic environment, because she believed that the kind-heartedness existed in the world. The inner passion of human being emits a radiant light on the cool history. Her responses to the outer world demonstrate that goodness could triumph against evil and that humanity can finally survive the brutal war.


T he Diary of Anne Frank is a remarkable book. It has achieved a worldwide fame since its publication in 1947. Anne’s diary is one of the most influential Holocaust books all over the world. It successfully represents a group of young victims and hence achieves shocking effect of historical truthfulness. In Anne’s diary, it has documented the horrific Holocaust history from an adolescent girl’s points of view, and vividly represented a special hiding life of Jews during World War II. Anne portrays herself appealingly and vividly. Although the horror and the humiliation existed in her daily life, she never gave up.

For one thing, Anne matured very rapidly in these two years. It is the crucial years for a girl from 13 to 15 years old. For a long time, Anne thought about things which were very sensitive, but wrote nothing about the threat of death. She also wrote something about the relations with her parents, the developing of self-awareness and the problems of growing up. These are the thoughts and expressions of a young girl living under the extraordinary conditions. The love story of Anne and Peter reflected young people’s loneliness of inner heart. She was so optimistic that she could keep her spirits high and had never despaired.

For another, Anne’s diary not only reflected the days she experienced on her growing up into maturity, but also represented the process of the war. In the two years hiding life, she dressed her imaginative friend Kitty about her maturity, presenting us a vivid literarily readable personal account about war. It preserves a fresh memory about war and humanity, so readers are involved in her short life even in the entire world. The Diary of Anne Frank leaves the world a convincing and highly intelligent personal material of letters in understanding the Holocaust as well as the ordeals of millions of suffering Jews under persecution of Nazi occupation. Although Anne died at a young age of fifteen, her diary not only serves as precious document of the Holocaust, but also presents a wealth to the literary world.

In summary, Anne’s diary not only records the Holocaust history, but also clearly presents how a little girl changes from innocence to maturity under the terrible outward circumstances. It is appropriate to her fine spirit and the spirits of those who have worked and are working for peace.


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With the help of many people, I have been able to complete this thesis.

First, I would thank Professor Liu Xibo, my supervisor, who offered me a lot of help at different stages of my study and research. Moreover, I would like to thank all the professors and teachers who have taught me in Qiqihar University. Their teachings and personal examples will always be a treasure in my life. Then, I would also like to take the opportunity to acknowledge my thanks to my friends for their advice and help in my writing. Last but not least, I would say thanks to my parents for their love and support.


我的大学,我的青春 学院:测绘与地理科学学院班级:地理082班姓名:yun mu 伴着青春风铃悦耳的声音,我踏进了大学的校门。大学,是人生的一个转折点,也是人生梦想放飞的起点,因为大学就是要赋予人生全新的意义,从而使我们的人生走向魅力。在大学里,我们相识相知,在大学里,我们共同挥洒汗水,书写青春,感悟真谛,享受生活。 青春,之所以耀眼动人,是因为它燃烧了自己,照亮了别人。阳光,原来可以如此明亮而温暖。望着彩旗飘扬,望着这些笑容明媚目光坚定的人们——铁路人,心里的感动无法言喻。我深深感觉到青春可以无悔、无撼。青春从来未有过它的界限,而其本身又是一种很冷酷的界限,它意味着一种纯净的美好,无论忧伤与快乐,是过去还是现在,或是将来。它总是来过…… 我记得徐志摩大诗人说过:得之,我幸,不得,我命。看来我是幸运的,因为我得到了大学生的青睐。我能够在大学里面能够施展自己的才华、追求自己的理想、实现自己的目标。当我踏进成大这片净土,我感受了许多.我认识到我的人生历程又翻开了新的一页,人生道路跨进了一个新的平台,人生理想将在这里确立,未来的发展将在这里奠基,美好生活将从这里开始!我很兴奋、也很感激,能够遨游于大学里面,那是多么的舒适,一种难以言悦的欣喜。 人生总是要经历了,付出了,才会有收获的,高考给我的确带来了很多很多。因为高考我来到了这个古老而又悠久的城市;因为高考,我得以在美丽的校园中编织着一个又一个美丽的梦。 有时面对生活,我们总会感到无助,因为面对生活我们要承受太多,在成功和失败,快乐和哀愁,温暖和寒冷的不尽循环中,我们深知,生活需要勇气,更需要志气。人,生来就是要面对巍峨的高山,浩瀚的海洋,广袤的大漠和神秘的森林的,只不过是有了挫折,追求才更美丽,有了落魄,拼搏才潇洒,有了失败,成功才更精彩。青春是世间最美的字眼,大学又是令多少人魂萦梦绕的殿堂,我们是幸福的,因为我们正值青春,更因为我们是新时代的大学生。 同学们说大学生活乏味,大学无趣。的确,大学生活缺少了幻想中的激情,远没有想像中的精彩。但我们应该把握机会,因为机会只给有准备的人,机会也


1.天津大学在当前,全面建成小康社会 中,应该引领什么样的文化 答案:“小康社会”是邓小平同志在规划我国经济社会发展蓝图时提出的构想, 随着改革开放和市场经济的到来, 小康社会的内涵也不断得到丰富和发展。1990年,在制定国民经济和社会发展的十年规划中,就对小康社会进行了进一步的阐释,即在温饱基础上,生活质量进一步提高,达到丰衣足食。这里的生活质量提高不仅是指物质生活的改善,还包括了丰富精神生活的要求,既是对经济方面的要求,就是对国民文化方面的要求。2003年,中共中央又在“十六大”报告中提出,要建设一个惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的、更全面的、发展比较均衡的小康社会。这不仅是国家的要求,更需要全国人民的共同努力。 教育是第一生产力,当代大学生是我国宝贵的人才资源,也是祖国未来的建设者和接班人,是引领我国未来发展的新鲜血液,代表着我国未来的发展方向。所以

,天津大学作为我国高等教育院校,不仅要在学科专业教育上下功夫,更要关注大学生的思想精神面貌和全面发展。培养大学生的社会责任感和历史使命感,这也是我校在全面建设小康社会中应该引领的一种精神文化。 那么我校应如何加强精神文明建设,引领培养学生社会责任感和历史使命感的文化风貌,采取哪些措施带动大学生积极关注国情、顺应时代发展潮流、传承和弘扬伟大的民族精神,进而为实现我国全面建设小康社会做出自己的贡献呢 第一就是要重视大学生的思想政治相关课程。现如今,在很多大学里面普遍存在的问题就是包括马列主义思想和毛泽东理论在内的公共课只是一个形式,大多数学生敷衍了事,到期末考核的时候临阵抱佛脚,只背老师画出的重点内容,以便于应试。课堂上没有几个学生真正听讲,甚至还有翘课的现象,教师为了整治学生缺席现象,每节课都点名,但上有政策,下有对策,有的学生找各种理由请假,或者让同学帮忙签到。针对此种现象,我校应该积极改革思想政治相关课程的教学模式,在教学方式和教学内容上,将国家和社


论为人处事对当代大学生的影响 摘要:为人处事态度直接影响着大学生人格发展方向,对大学生的人格品质、自我评价、情绪健康、学习适应等人格方面具有广泛的影响。当代大学生为人处事态度并不是很端正、积极,而积极的态度对当代大学生各方面的发展都十分重要,因此有必要采取相应的策略。端正大学生为人处事态度的有效策略是:勇于实践,积极面对掌握为人处事的基本技能,加强自我教育,塑造良好的个性品质;学会欣赏别人,并拥有一颗宽容之心,克服社会偏差,控制好自己的情绪,发挥团体优势,并能为团队竭尽全力,有集体荣誉感,促进的学生人格健康发展。 关键词:为人处事,态度,当代大学生,人格健康 当代大学生接受了高等教育丰富了知识、提升了学历,学习、生活方式丰富多彩。然而当代大学生为人处事态度并不积极存在一些不足之处:第一,责任心不强,因此有了事不关己,高高挂起的说法,第二,礼貌、文明程度不够高,在校园内存在一些现象:当代大学生对师长视而不见,擦肩而过,体现出对师长都不够尊重,第三,以自我为中心,有些自傲,也经不起别人的一顿批评,第四,待人不过宽容,遇到一点小事容易发生纠纷,第五,自觉意识不强,主动性也较差,易受外界不良环境的影响,第六,在学习和生活过程中,目标不是很明确,表现出一定的盲目性。 随着社会的发展和文明的进步,社会对个体的一切越来越高。塑造健康的人格已成为高等学校交易的重要责任和核心的任务之一。 为人处事的好坏是一个人社会适应能力和健康人格的综合体现。健康的人格总部随着积极的为人处世态度。为人处事态度最直接的体现是人际关系。心理学家马斯洛、奥尔波特、罗杰斯都把建立适宜、良好的人家关系作为人格健康者应具备的能力。新技术分析学理论认为,心理病态主要是由于人际关系失调而来的。因此,和谐的人际关系积极的为人处事态度和健康人格的反映,同时有影响和制约着即将为人处事态度和健康人格的形成和发展。具有健康人格的让人,能积极地与他人交往,建立起良好的、建设新的软件更新和积极的为人处事态度;人格有障碍和缺陷者,往往缺乏稳定的、良好的人际关系。


告别了枯燥的高中生活,来到了邢台职业技术学院,我梦中的大学是美好的,是无拘无束的,当我来到时,我发现大学的精彩不在于无人管理,而在于你能最好的发挥自己,然而发挥的却是课堂上所不曾学过的。 刚到学校,我为了不使自己迷失,我参加了各种活动,使自己不至于在大学里碌碌无为的度过,然后后来我的时间全被活动占据,其中最重要的,也是耗时最长的是辩论赛,那时我最大的愿望就是蝉联冠军,也是我们所有辩论队队员,所有经管学生的梦想,那时冠军就是梦想,有人问我什么是大学的梦想,我当时深沉的告诉他,梦想就是早晨叫你起床的那个东西!然后他又说有多少人实现了自己的梦想呢?我说:你的梦想是什么,你想通过什么方式实现它,你想过吗?你选专业是选最火的,选选修是最好拿学分的,哪怕是以后的工作是你也是选最好挣钱的,那时你想过梦想吗?后来我自己问自己,金钱等于梦想吗,作为二十一世纪的大学生,作为邢职的学生,我要懂得,我肩负的使命是实现自己的人生价值和社会价值,做自己,发挥自己最大的能力,这才是人生目的,我要做自己,如同疯子一样的存在,真实勇敢的追求,追求知识,追求友情,追求爱情,追逐梦想,我不想在乎异样的眼光,大学我不想让我的学业有任何问题,我不求样样第一,但我要求我我不愧父母为我花的每一分钱,我要学会自己去行走,走在人生的路上,我要去看更多的东西,去经历,去体会,去磨练,我要打破束缚,做一次没有目的地,没有时间,没有他人的旅游,青春不是年龄,而是一种心态,现在我是学生,当我踏入社会的第一步以后,我将不再是单纯,我将不再懵懂,我将不再放纵,我会现实,我会功利,我会被束缚,大学就是我最后的机会,无论可以选择梦想还是选择现实,这都没有错,重要的是,我要坚持自己的选择,我不知道我的大学梦具体是什么,但是我想把我的大学过的充实,绝不只是学习成绩,因为我的哥哥在大学毕业时告诉我说,我的大学是四年高三,我没有好好把握,大学就把我踢出校门,我想我的大学梦是学习,是旅游,是体验,是兼职,到底是什么?我想我可能要想辩论赛一样,等我再回头时我才能说出来,但是我确实努力过! 我告诉自己:我要实现自己的梦,不需要魔法,只要我发挥内在的力量;因为真正的幸福是全力以赴,宁可失败在你喜欢的事情上,也不要成功在你所憎恨的事情上,否则你越成功越找不到自己,不要听信任何人,我们要挑战的事管理自己而绝非时间,时间管理是误成,我们管理好自己,耐住寂寞,抵住诱惑,懂得放弃,学会选择,好好把握每一次放手与选择,我一定能实现梦想!



音乐诠释人生 第一天上大学生艺术欣赏就了解到“言”“象”“意”“道”四字真言,大概就是以后对音乐、舞蹈、绘画等艺术欣赏的几个方面。“言”是最基础的,是艺术表现的外形,“象”是艺术的象征,“意”,又可引申为意蕴,意义,所以我对它的理解是作者蕴含其中的情感,最高一层的“道”,我想就是艺术作品所引发的与观众的共鸣吧。一个作品只有从这四个方面去了解才能真正的与艺术融为一体。 音乐,用一串音符构成,简单却又意义深刻,区别于绘画,雕刻,舞蹈,书法等等可以用眼睛来欣赏的艺术,所以才更要我们用心聆听。音乐,因为脱离了实物的载体,想要辨别其中的情感更是不易,所以有标题音乐,非标题音乐,所以有轻快的音调,有低沉的音调来表现作者想要表达的情感。 说到音乐必然要谈到乐器,像是古琴,深沉高亢,所以有高山流水的绝响,有俞伯牙钟子期的千古流传的友谊;像是古筝,舒缓婉转,清脆嘹亮,所以有“春江花月夜”的惬意,夕阳西下,泛舟江上,天高风清,浩浩淼淼;像是钢琴,优雅淳郁,所以有肖邦的“钢琴诗人”之称。二胡,没有管弦乐的磅礴大气,没有钢琴温润的气质,但就是这样一个中国传统民间乐器,铸造了“二泉映月”的流芳百世,又或者说,是瞎子阿炳赋予了“二泉映月”活的灵魂。 刚听完“二泉映月”就感觉悲凄之情久久萦绕,[1]它的旋律发展,使用了中国民间的乐句首尾衔接,同音承递的旋法,使音乐呈现出行云流水般的起伏连绵的律动美感,仿佛是道不完的苦情话,流不

完的辛酸泪,给人以“叹人世之凄苦”,“独怆然而涕下”之感。 记得听老师说过,阿炳原名华彦钧,江苏无锡人,是雷尊殿道士华清和的儿子,年幼丧母,父子相依为命。从小受到祭祀音乐的影响,在道观里学习二胡,琵琶等乐器的演奏,他天赋很高,为人却浪荡于尘世,在父亲逝世后被赶出了道观。正值年轻力壮却患了眼疾,而后失明,我想正是从这个时刻,生活才真正给他磨砺,也正是不幸才让他饱尝人情冷暖,最后将一腔才情寄托于陪伴了他多年的二胡上。 “二泉映月”的定名还有一段故事。在旧社会摸爬滚打多年的阿炳早已家徒四壁,贫病交加。新中国成立后,中央音乐学院的教授们南下搜集民间声乐,杨教授在录音后便问阿炳这首曲子有没有名字。阿炳说没有,杨教授便说不如叫“二泉印月”,阿炳回答说“印”字不好,像是抄袭的,不如叫“二泉映月”。就这样,这首曲子得以流传至今。 音乐,需要创作人情感的浇灌,才能达到绕梁三日而不绝的境界,仿佛能看到这个场景:阿炳就这样拿着一把破烂的二胡,沿街边走边拉,凄厉的二胡呜咽着散步在街道上,嬉闹的孩子边跑边喊,“阿炳来了,阿炳来了”,偶有人打赏也不作谢,不卑不亢,坚毅顽强。所以当这首曲子一经流传就征服了全国人民的心,在漂洋过海后一致受到美国人的赞同,小泽征尔发出感叹“这首曲是要跪下来听的”。 因为生活的艰辛,晚年的凄凉促使阿炳用二胡书写内心的抗争,不屈和无奈,最终化为一声叹息,一曲终了,久久无法平静,音乐构成人生,人生又赋予音乐灵魂。正如二泉映月演奏阿炳的人生,还有


大学文化品牌论文大学文化特色论文 通过大学文化品牌彰显办学特色的探讨 摘要:大学文化是一种特殊的文化现象,本质上却是大学赖以生存发展的各要素的一种系统组合。它包含了大学精神文化、物质文化、制度文化和环境文化。大学的办学特色则是一所大学在长期办学历史中积淀而成的办学特征和风格,以及大学在紧跟时代步伐、锐意创新的过程中形成的独特气质,是一所高校独特的本质内涵,是它相对于其他高校而言所具有的比较优势和核心竞争力。如何通过大学文化品牌,彰显大学办学特色,对于大学的发展有着重要而深远的意义。 关键词:大学文化;办学特色;品牌 随着高等教育市场化趋势的出现和大学之间竞争的日趋激烈,树立大学文化品牌被提到议事日程。在中国全面建设小康社会的历史发展阶段,逐步形成一批高水平的品牌大学,是提升中国文化竞争力和增强综合国力的必然要求,也是中国从“高等教育大国”发展为“高等教育强国”的必然趋势。塑造大学品牌,提升大学办学水平,实现科学发展,走有中国特色的大学建设之路,成为中国高等教育工作面临的一项重大课题。大学文化是大学内在的一种本质特征,大学文化及大学文化品牌的建设,对于大学的发展及大学核心竞争力的提高,有着至关重要的意义和作用。 一、大学文化与办学特色 大学文化属于文化的范畴,实质上是以大学为载体,在大学长期

的办学过程中,在大学基本职能的实现过程中不断积累和形成的精神文化、物质文化、制度文化和环境文化的总和。大学精神文化是大学对理想目标的一种内在的价值追求,更或说它是大学多年形成的一种学术传统;大学物质文化更是广泛深远,它是一所学校办学水平和综合实力的标志;大学制度文化则是大学调整内部关系的一种制度体系;而大学环境文化是大学人生存和发展的一种环境条件。大学文化在本质上是大学生存发展各要素的一种系统组合。 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》(以下简称《规划纲要》)指出:发挥政策指导和资源配置的作用,引导高校合理定位,克服同质化倾向,形成各自的办学理念和风格,在不同层次、不同领域办出特色,争创一流。这在国家层面上强调了办学特色的重要地位。何谓办学特色?特色在哲学层面上其实是个性与共性的关系问题,特色就是“舍我其谁”的个性,通俗地讲就是“招牌”。大学的办学特色则是指一所大学在长期办学历史中积淀而成的办学特征和风格以及大学在紧跟时代步伐、锐意创新的过程中形成的独特气质,是一所高校独特的本质内涵,是它相对于其他高校而言所具有的比较优势和核心竞争力。大学办学特色主要包括办学理念、规章制度、教学内容与方法、教学改革与创新、学科建设、人才培养与大学精神等方面的独特风格和优势。不难看出,大学办学特色是大学文化的一种体现,是在宽泛的大学文化中、经过一代又一代大学人的不懈努力而在长期的办学实践中凝练而成的,是更高层次上的大学文化,是一个大学文化的缩影。


生活方向标 ——学习《思想道德修养与法律基础》课收获和体会大学,这是多少学子努力拼搏12年的目标,又是多少父母对自己孩子的巨大期望。一代又一代的学子孜孜不倦地向着这个美丽的目标努力。都认为从大学走出来的就是人才,就会有一个前途光明的工作。可是到了我上大学后,我才发现生活并不是我想像中的那么简单,那么美好。大学与我以前想象的不一样,至少部分不一样。上了大学一段时间后,有人说大学是堕落的地方,我点头,因为我看到过宿舍中一群室友周末两天一直打游戏的画面。有人说大学是奢侈的地方,我点头,因为我看到过很多人只要有空就去聚餐的画面。有人说大学是一个塑造人才的地方,我摇摇头……直到我认真上了《思想道德修养与法律基础》这门课,我才发现我错了。大学其实是一个七彩的地方,有黑有红,关键在于你往何处去看。 刚刚开始上《思想道德修养与法律基础》课时,多年的学生心理作怪,翻了翻课本,认为这不过又是一门上课老师空讲大道理,放羊式教育的课程。可是之后随着课堂内容的逐渐展开,我逐步发现《思想道德修养与法律基础》这门课其实很有用。对我们大学生性格的养成与修正起到了巨大的作用,对于我们这样一个处于刚刚上大学,正在迷茫,还没有完全适应大学这样一个自由环境的群体来说,《思想道德修养与法律基础》课就像是一个方向标,它不会强迫你往哪个方向走,但会为你指明一个往好的道路发展的方向。同时也是帮助我们树立正确世界观、人生观、价值观,加强自我修养,提高道德素质和法律素质的课程。对于我们正确认识社会,正确认识他人,正确认识自己,促进德智体美全面发展具有重要意义。 与以前老师不同的是,大学老师教学很“宽松”,课堂气氛很融洽,老师很少会要求具体某个人回答问题,全凭自觉。这如果放在高中阶段肯定会是一个气氛异常沉闷的课堂,但奇怪的是,大学课堂从来都是活跃的,从来没有出现过一个问题无人回答的情况。这让我确确实实的知道了学习要靠自觉,从来不会有人逼着我去努力,努力与否全凭我自己的决断。不仅仅是在学习上如此,生活中亦是如此。如果我自己不去努力争取,即使机会就在眼前,我也不可能抓得住。大学中的确是有人在自顾自的玩,他可以一整天沉迷于游戏。但是那是他的选择,



时光总是这样匆匆,眨眼间我们已经在安大度过了一个多月,新的学习生涯就这样开始了,然而大学生活毕竟与高中生活相差甚大,我们该怎样走过大学四年,使我们不留下遗憾,这就需要我们做一个整体的规划,规划自己四年的方向。 白岩松曾写到:方向是比速度更重要的追求。我们现在的方向大致是两个:学习生活与社会生活。在对大学生活有了一定的了解后,我们组在这两个方面做了以下规划。 学习生活方面,大一学的都是基础课程,其中高数和英语尤为重要,高数与我们的经济专业联系密切,经济需要大量计算各种数值,所以我们以后时常需要运用高数的知识来解决各种经济方面的问题,因此高数是必须打好的基础;英语的重要性更是不言而喻,现在找工作对英语有着很高的要求,因为现如今,经济全球化的趋势早已席卷各个国家,各国交流日益密切,而美国作为一个经济大国,其经济影响力更是辐射到了整个世界,作为经济专业的学生,我们一旦进入经济领域,并且想要有所作为,就必须掌握好英语,引进国外先进的经济理念,经营管理方法,先进的技术等,为祖国的经济腾飞出谋划策。当然,其他课程如计算机课程、思修课等都对我们有着重要的影响,都是我们必备的素质,我们也会好好学习,不会落下。另外,我们还可以准备会计资格证等以后会用的到的证件的考取。 大二的课程是专业的核心课程,这些课程学习的好坏直接决定着我们专业知识的把握程度,决定着我们未来在专业领域的前途,因此在大二这一年里,我们要用心学好每一门专业课程,积累专业知识,真正做到

从不了解到了解再到熟悉我们所学的专业,最终能够熟悉的运用。另外,我们也会适当的选择辅修其他专业的课程来充实自己,英语的四六级考试也要认真准备,做到必过! 大三对于我们又会是一个十字路口,考研还是就业,我们需要深思。考研,我们就会加大专业知识的学习,进行深造,做好考研前的一切准备,争取能考上自己向往的学府;就业,那我们就会多多了解就业需求等信息,增强自己的求职技能,多参加与专业有关的活动,为自己创造一个良好的条件,找到一份自己满意的工作。大四在完成课程的基础上,就要开始总结大学生活,准备投入到一个全新的环境中了。 社会生活方面,大学生活丰富多彩,并且没有父母老师的时刻监督,一不小心,我们很容易迷失在这纷繁之中,因此我们必须制定一份切实可行的规划。首先我们要培养自己的自理自立自制能力,大学生活的一切需要我们自己安排,我们应该合理的规划自己的时间,让自己不因离开父母的怀抱而无所适从,进而做到劳逸结合,学习与课外活动两不误,提高办事效率。其次,我们要全面发展,掌握多种技能,提高自己的综合素质,例如,积极参加各种社团活动、班级活动,提高自己的团队协作能力,只有懂得团队协作,我们才能更加出色的完成各项任务;提高沟通能力、人际交往能力以及演讲能力,只有更好的交流才能更好的合作。在这之中,我们要树立自信心,自信是一个人对自我的认知和肯定,是我们成功的前提与保障。再者,大学生作为国家的后备人才,我们要博览群书,博闻强识,要时刻关注国家大事,开拓眼界,放眼未来,为中华民族的复兴及繁荣富强做出自己的一份贡献。最后,我们要


大学生心理适应与发展期末论文 步入大学以来,也算遇到过了不少的情绪问题,做了一年的心理委员,也看到身边的同学们也同样被各种情绪困扰过,大学生似乎是一个非常容易为情绪所困的群体。 经过我的观察和对相关资料的查阅,总结出来一些大学生情绪特点。 大学阶段是一个非常关注自我, 注重个性表达, 情绪体验丰富, 情绪波动起伏的时期。作为特殊的群体,大学生的生理基本成熟而心理尚未完全成熟,易受到外界的干扰,因而对人、事、社会等各种现象特别关注,对新鲜事物十分好奇,对学业和未来充满信心,朝气蓬勃、积极进取,拥有许多积极的情绪,每一个心理过程都是在某种特定的情绪背景下进行的并受其影响和调节的。 而大学生活中,情绪总是跟人际交往,学习,生活,工作息息相关。在这些环境下,大学生的情绪特点可谓丰富,具体概括如下: (一)丰富性和复杂性 亦可理解为敏感性,从自我意识的发展来看,大学生表现出较多的自我体验,自我尊重的需要强烈,易产生自卑、自负等情绪体验;从社交方面来看,大学生的交际范围日益扩大,与同学、朋友及师长之间的交往更细腻、更复杂,有的大学生还开始体验一种更突出的情感——恋爱,而恋爱活动往往又伴随着深刻的情绪体验,这种特殊的体验对大学生有十分重要的影响;在情绪体验的内容上,大学生的情绪呈现出相当丰富多彩的特征。 (二)波动性和两极性 即起伏多变。大学时期是人生面临多种选择的时期。社会、家庭、学校及生活事件,都会对大学生的情绪产生影响。同成年人相比,大学生相对敏感,情绪带有明显的波动性,特别是在社会转型过程中,种种复杂的社会现象更容易使大学生产生情绪的困扰与波动。同时,由于大学生自我认知、生涯发展及心理发展还未成熟等原因,情绪起伏较大,带有明显的两极化特征,情绪的反应摇摆不定、跌宕起伏。有人对大学生进行调查,发现人70%的情绪都是经常两极波动的。 (三)冲动性与爆发性 由于大学生兴趣广泛,对外界事物较为敏感,加之年青气盛和从众心理,因而在许多情况下,其情绪易被激发,犹如急风暴雨不计后果,带有很大的冲动性。大学生情绪的冲动性常常与爆发性相连的。大学生的自制力较弱,一旦出现某种外部强烈的刺激,情绪便会突然爆发,易产生破坏性的行为和后果。 (四)阶段性和层次性 大学阶段不同年级培养目标和培养重点不同,各个年级面临的问题不同,大学生的情绪特点也不同,呈现出阶段性和层次性特点。新生自豪感和自卑感混杂,放松感和压力感并存,新鲜感和恋旧感交替,情绪波动大。二三年级经过了一年级的适应过程,能够融于校园生活中,情绪较为稳定。毕业班学生面临毕业论文及择业等重大问题,压力大情绪波动大,消极情绪多。另外,由于社会、家庭及自身要求、期望不同,能力、心理素质的差别,大学生也会体现着不同的情绪状态。 (五)外显性与内隐性 一般而言,大学生的很多情绪是一眼就能看出的,如考试第一名或赢得一场球赛,马上就能喜形于色。但由于自制力的逐渐增强,以及思维的独立性和自尊心的发展,他们情绪的外在表现和内心体验并不总是一致,在某些场合和特定问题上,有些大学生会隐藏或抑制自


北京邮电大学世纪学院2015-2016学年第1学期 《大学生礼仪规范》选修课 课程考核论文 题目浅析大学生礼仪在人际交往中的重要作用 姓名:江又佳 学号:13130122 院系:经济管理系 班级:电子商务1班 成绩:

浅析大学生礼仪在人际交往中的重要作用 摘要:讲究礼仪,遵从礼仪规范,可以有效地展现一个人的教养、风度与魅力,更好地体现一个人对他人和社会的认知水平和尊重程度,从而使个人的学识,修养和价值得到社会的认可和尊重。一个知书不达礼,知识水准和道德水准严重不协调的大学生,不可能成为一个优秀人才。一个优秀人才,不仅应当有高水平的专业知识,还必须有良好的道德品质修养和礼仪修养。礼仪是人类为维系社会正常生活而要求人们共同遵守的最起码的道德规范,它是人们在长期共同生活和相互交往中逐渐形成,并且以风俗、习惯和传统等方式固定下来。对一个人来说,礼仪是一个人的思想道德水平、文化修养、交际能力的外在表现;对一个社会来说,礼仪是一个国家社会文明程度、道德风尚和生活习惯的反映。 关键词:礼仪人际交往重要性作用 所谓礼仪,礼者,敬人也;仪者,形式也。中国自古以来一直有“礼仪之邦”之美誉。荀子曰:“人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不成。”所谓“礼”,是教人尊敬与关心他人,使之合乎情理。所谓“节”是教人在言谈举止上要恰到其分,使之合乎事理。可见,小到人与人的交往,大到国家间的交往,都必须遵守社交礼仪规范,否则就会失礼失态。源远流长的礼仪文化是前人留给我们的一笔丰厚的遗产。随着时代的进步,人际交往的日趋频繁和密切,作为交往润滑剂的礼仪也越加显得重要。在大力提倡注意精神文明的今天,讲文明,讲礼仪,讲礼貌,是每一位公民必须具体的社会公德。对于我们大学生来说,学习礼仪,遵从礼仪,如何在与人交际时能够合礼,尊重他人,以礼待人,对于我们来说或许已经渐渐遗忘,但是对于我们这群当代大学生来说却很重要。 一、大学生学习礼仪的必要性 礼仪是对人际关系的调节。在现代生活中,人们的相互关系错综复杂,在平静中会突然发生冲突,甚至采取极端行为。礼仪有利于促使冲突各方保持冷静,缓解已经激化的矛盾。如果人们都能够自觉主动地遵守礼仪规范,按照礼仪规范来约束自己,就容易使人际间感情得以沟通、建立相互尊重、彼此信任、友好合作的关系,进而有利于各种事业的发展。目前,在不少高校中存在着这样的现象:学生学的是高层次的道德规范,实际行为上却往往达不到基础道德的水平。这是与社交礼仪教育的缺乏分不开的。因为,礼仪是一种社会规范,是调整社会生活成员在社会中相互关系的行为准则。大学短短四年之后,我们即将面对的是职场的考验。我们需要面对形形色色不同的人,而常言道,大学是一个微型社会,除却是我们学习专业知

我的大学 大学论文

我的大学 轻柔地和风从眉头拂过,高中时候的我,总在不停的幻想在大学这座象牙塔幸福美好的生活,也在不断为这个美丽幸福的大学伏案苦读,辛苦与悲欢叠加,对勾与错叉交织,回忆着往昔的努力,抬头看到大学的蓝图已逐步成形。我欢喜,看着她微笑,我回头,已不是昨日的我,站立在象牙我沉默了,大学生活未来的路如何走? 栉风沐雨我们一起走过,风雨同舟抵达美丽的大学校园。我曾以为进入了“人间天堂”,却发现刚刚开始新的启程。。十年磨一剑,我们奋斗拼搏赢取了高考的胜利。却发现在寻寻觅觅的尽头,并不都是“那人却在灯火阑珊处”的喜悦,而是“犹抱琵琶半遮面”的期待,面对大学的点滴,从现在开始一点一滴积累吧!让我们的大学变得充实、丰富、有节奏。 梦想总是在为我们描绘瑰丽的前景,一种幸福的前景,我们都是有理想有追求的人,但追求梦想的过程是苦涩的,只有经历磨砺,才会拥有更多的内涵。在这座美丽的象牙塔里,我们勤奋的学习,热情的寻梦,奔波于各个阶梯教室中。课上少了几分严肃,多了几分热议,我们细听着,在知识的海洋里遨游,感受着象牙塔的高深。一种面对知识的顶礼膜拜,在象牙塔中的部分快乐也许就是从这里习得吧! 大学中的我们,虽把知识的累计看成是大学生活中的一部分,但有时忙里偷闲恰谈一些“涉外”的东西。 进入大学的我不愿让青春虚度,渴望了解社会,参与实践。让每一天的生活载入一点一滴收获,让自信的微笑浮现在脸上,抛却了过分的贪玩,增添了几分对社会的关注。我们的大学生活也异彩纷呈。就像梁启超的《告少年书》中所述:“少年强则国强,少年富则国富,少年独立则国独立,少年雄于地球则国雄于地球--------”几句刚毅的语句也使我坚定了报国心!。大学是一个最易接受新事物的地方。从进入大学时起我们可以投己所好参加自己喜欢的社团,就可以广泛的获取知识,自由的参加社团活动,去感受参与所带来的快感和喜悦,不断去挑战自己、成就自己,给自己一个展现自我的舞台。大学或许也是你爱情萌芽初生的地方,在爱情的道路上,我们情窦初开,勇敢热情,大学的爱情故事,或许是最


大学生礼仪期末论文 古代礼仪对社会的影响 中国自古以来是一个礼仪之邦,在古人的心中,他们把礼看的比生命还要重要。诗经中有云,“人而无礼,胡不遄死”,即礼是人和野兽的最大的区别。人生而不知礼,及被教化,却能知礼、懂礼,心中有礼,人人如此,便成礼仪之邦,便可天下大同;如若是人而无礼,即禽兽不如,活着也并没有意义。千百年来,古人的所作所为我们无法了解,但是礼延续了千年,让我们有可能从中了解到古人的所思所想,了解到千百年来曾存于世间的大智大慧。 纵观中国人的一生,方方面面都离不开一个礼字,从出生成人到婚丧嫁娶等等都需要符合于礼仪,很难相信没有了礼,古人会变成什么样子,可能是一只贪婪、有恶欲的野兽,还有可能变成一具行尸走肉,没有目的,没有使命。孔子有云,“不学礼,无以立”,即礼是人立身的根本,是做人的基础,立身先立德,而懂礼才能知德,如此看来,礼对人不可谓不重要, 而且纵观历史,礼仪似乎渗透到了方方面面,政治、经济、文化、教育等等,传承了一世又一世,即各个朝代中都能发掘出礼的影子,礼在社会中也发挥着及其重要的作用。提到礼,估计在脑海中浮现的首先是周礼:在周代,周公把礼向人的身上转移,并将以前的有关礼的内容加以改造、整理,创造出了一套具体可行的礼仪制度,并同时在全国推行,自此,礼仪成了一种制度,成了人与人之间相待的一种规范,成了一种真正有力的保障。其所制定的礼仪制度不仅仅有严格的等级划分,用来维持社会各阶级之间的关系,更是渗入了社会的方方面面,对各个方面比如交往、穿着、服饰、婚嫁丧葬等提出来细致具体的要求,自此,中国礼仪时代正式开始。

春秋战国时期,由于周王朝式微,各诸侯国之间征战频繁,周朝早期制定的礼仪制度沦为一纸空文,国与国之间相恨相杀,礼被人们所忽视,一不能富国强兵,二不能获得利益,礼仪中的交往原则被人们所抛弃;然而当中的等级制度却愈发严格,人们不再拥有自己的自由,被肆意买卖,任意的支配。但也许是每个时代都有独特的特征,并不能一概而论,因循守旧反而会贻笑大方。泓水之战就是一个非常典型的例子,宋襄公在位时与楚国发生争端,双方在泓水相遇,楚军多,宋军少,有人劝谏道:“趁楚军渡河之际消灭他们。”宋襄公认为他们为仁义之师,怎么能趁人家渡河攻打,于是果断拒绝。等到楚军过了河刚开始布阵,其人继续劝谏说抓紧时机,然而宋襄公依旧拒绝了,最后等楚军布好阵后,楚军一拥而上,大败宋军。事后宋襄公还说:"一个有仁德之心的君子,作战时不攻击已经受伤的敌人,同时也不攻打头发已经斑白的老年人。尤其是古人每当作战时,并不靠关塞险阻取胜,寡人的宋国虽然就要灭亡了,仍然不忍心去攻打没有布好阵的敌人。"其大臣却说:“打仗是以胜利为目的,哪里还要管君子、礼仪之道,按你所说的,直接当奴隶算了,何必去打仗呢?”乱世之中礼仪并不可废,但仍需做下变通,因为并不是每个人都是宋襄公的,也并不是每个人都知道按礼而来的。 言及于此,就不得不说说孔子了。孔子的一生无疑是坎坷的,但他始终坚持着他的梦想,恢复周朝的礼仪制度,回到那人人知礼、天下大同的理想社会;但他又是可悲的,以其思想生于任何太平之世都能够大有所为,可他却偏偏生在了春秋战国,一个无法拯救的乱世,在这里他主张推行礼仪文化治国,改变社会风气,通过礼仪使人修身养性,悟道有礼,井然有序,,以礼相待,后经孔子及其弟子的实践、推广、礼不断的丰富完善,内涵深化,最终成为中国传统文化的核心,并对后世历朝历代生产巨大影响!礼在孔子这里又经过了完善和改进,被后世所沿用。


浅析高校校园文化建设 【摘要】:大学校园文化的构建和创新是新时代大学可持续发展的重要内容和核心因素,大学校园文化作为整个社会文化的一部分,它涵盖了精神文化、制度文化、行为文化、环境文化等四个层面的文化范畴。健康、向上、丰富、有序的校园文化对大学生的个性品格形成具有渗透性、持久性和选择性。加强校园文化建设是传播先进文化,陶冶师生情操,凝炼优良校风,创设育人环境的有效途径。大学校园文化的构建应遵循整体性、正确性、创新性、开放性和全员性等原则。只有理念先行,培育践行校园文化之魂;构建合力,健全大学校园文化的微观基础,并且重在理念、机制和内容创新,才能创建与时俱进的大学校园文化。【关键词】:校园文化建设;特征;现状;思考 随着社会主义市场经济的建立和完善,教育改革的不断深人,高校正处在一个重要的转型期。这一时期的校园文化,出现了新的特点和趋势。校园文化建设出现了挑战和机遇并存的局面。一方面,发展社会主义市场经济给校园文化环境提供了可靠的物质保障。国家扩大招生规模、联合办学、私人投资办学等一系列重大举措,有利于高校管理者开阔眼界、活跃思想、开拓创新,为校园物质文化的建设提供保证。通过创造良好的学习、生活环境,为受教育者提供德、智、体、美等全方位的物质条件。这无疑加速了校园文化发展的机遇。另一方面,市场经济的发展,也给校园文化建设提出了许多新的矛盾和新的问题,这必然对高校的办学规模,办学质量提出更高、更新的要求。 一、校园文化的含义及特征 (一)大学校园文化建设的内涵 大学校园文化是学校特有的一种文化现象,是在学校这一特定的文化氛围里,以广大师生为主体所创造的精神财富及其承载这些财富的规章制度、实践活动和物质形态的总和。校园文化作为社会亚文化现象,是指课堂教学以外,以校园为活动背景,以校园精神为主要特征,以广大师生为主体共同参与的一种校园文化氛围。它包括校容校貌、校风学风等文化环境和校园内举办的各种政治性、思想性、知识性、趣味性和艺术性等系列文化、体育、娱乐活动,广大师生共同的思想行为、价值取向、以及学校的规章制度和校内交往的人际关系等。所谓校园文化建设,就是学校领导者有意识的培育优良的校园文化因素、克服不良的校


南京信息职业技术学院 2012-2013学年第二学期 《民商法》 期末考试论文 姓名张乐学号 61111P50 专业电子商务 班级 61111P 题目浅谈大学生消费者维权 评阅成绩

题目:浅谈大学生消费者维权 摘要:近年来,大学生消费者权益受到侵害的事件屡见不鲜,这种情况下,保护大学生消费者的权益迫在眉睫,而大学生也应该加强法律意识,用法律武器来保护自己.我国自20世纪90年代以来,陆续颁布了一系列保护消费者权益的法律法规,形成了《消费者权益保护法》,为保护消费者权益,打击侵害消费者权益的违法行为等方面发挥了巨大作用。而作为一名新时代的大学生,不仅要知法懂法,还需要学会用法,在了解《消费者权益保护法》的同时,还要把这部法律运用到实际中去,切实保护自身利益。 关键字:消费者权益消费者权益保护大学生消费者 Title: Discuss College Students' consumer rights Abstract:In recent years, college students consumer rights have been violated it is often seen. In this case, the rights and interests of consumers, protection of College Students' imminent, but students should also strengthen law consciousness, to use legal weapons to protect themselves. In China since the nineteen ninties, successively promulgated a series of consumer protection laws and regulations, forming a "consumer rights and interests protection law", for the protection of the rights and interests of consumers, plays a huge role in fighting against the interests of consumers and other illegal activities. But as a new era of college students, not only to knowing the law, also need to learn how to use, in the understanding of "consumer protection law" at the same time, but also to use the law to practice, to protect their own interests. Keyword:The rights and interests of consumers The protection of consumer rights and interests The undergraduate consumer

我的中国梦 大学论文

我的中国梦 梦想是什么?在卖火柴小女孩眼里,是奶奶温暖的双臂。在邓亚萍眼里,梦想是坚持心中永不服输的信念。在杂交水稻之父袁隆平的眼里,梦想如“杂交水稻的茎秆一样高”。但我知道,梦想是不停地突破和探索,是丰富的想象和大胆的创造。梦想,伴随着我们每一个人。梦想是心底最美的期望,所以美梦成真也成了我们长久以来的信仰。梦想是阳光的,它使人们由浮躁走向踏实,并走向成功。梦想是有力量的,它是人生前行的动力之源;高远的梦想可以激发一个人生命中所有的潜能。人生因梦想而高飞,人因梦想而伟大。从小给自己一个梦想,一个人生的远大的目标,从而让梦想带着自己在辽阔的天空自由飞翔。梦想是生命中一双翅膀,惟有梦想的力量才能激发我们的生命,摆脱平庸和低俗,走向优秀和杰出。愿每一个孩子在他们的童年都能够拥有自己的梦想,我们的梦想就是我们的中国!我们都会去为了它而努力的!梦想是阳光的,它使人们由浮躁走向踏实,由彷徨走向坚定,并走向成功。梦想是有力量的,它是人生前行的动力之源;高远的梦想可以激发一个人生命中所有的潜能。上帝没有给我们翅膀,却给了我们一颗会飞的心,一个会梦想的大脑。于是让我们大家都拥有一双“隐形的翅膀”。人生因梦想而高飞,人性因梦想而伟大。从小给自己一个梦想,一个人生的远大的目标,从而让梦想带

着自己在人生辽阔的天空自由地飞翔。梦想就是生命的一双无形的翅膀,惟有梦想的力量才能激励和激发我们的生命,摆脱平庸和低俗,走向优秀和杰出。有梦想的人是幸福的,有梦想的人生是充满希望的。愿每一个孩子在他们的童年都能够拥有自己的梦想,无论这个梦想是什么,这个梦想有多大,我们都会去为了它而努力的,首先要从我们做起,“少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强,”这句话正充分说明了,不论我们的梦想是什么,都要先从我们做起。中国梦,我们的梦! 改革开放以来,中国人民的生活得到了巨大地改变。改革开放三十年,是变革的三十年,同样也是中华民族富强的三十年。从贫穷到温饱,再到小康;中国社会实现了由封闭、贫穷、落后和缺乏生机到开放、富强、文明和充满活力的历史巨变。人民生活显著提高,总体上进入了小康水平。来自世界银行的数据显示,过去25年全球脱贫事业成就的67% 来自中国,联合国2008年发展目标报告中称,中国通过深入有效的扶贫措施,已经提前实现绝对贫困人口和饥饿人口减半的目的,是目前全球唯一提前实现联合国千年发展目标中贫困人口减半目标的国家。谁又能知晓这里面蕴含了千千万万个中华儿女的梦想,这些无数个梦想汇聚在一起,就成了一个大大的“中国梦”。有梦想才会有进步,有中国梦,中国才会富强,中华民族才能屹立于世界民族之林。


大学期末论文 题目:德国现代特殊教育的发展 院系:教育学院 专业:特殊教育专业 年级:2016级 姓名:幸顺丽 学号:2016092031 完成时间:2016年12月14日星期三

【摘要】:本文在普通教育的基础上,阐述了德国现代特殊教育的发展状况。在第二次世界大战后,随着普通教育的恢复和发展,特殊教育也得到了德国联邦政府的重视,为了恢复和发展特殊教育采取了一系列的措施。其一保障了特殊儿童的教育权利,所有特殊儿童不管其程度如何,都有受教育的权利。其二按照不同种类特殊儿童,设立了各种特殊教育机构与学校,使特殊儿童受到更专一的教育。其三为了使特殊儿童更早的得到治疗和融入社会,德国联邦政府还发展了学前特殊教育,让特殊教育从婴儿时期抓起,对相应的特殊儿童进行有专门的康复训练,使更多的特殊儿童受到康复教育。其四扩充了大量的特殊机构和学校,使得大部分特殊儿童接受到了特殊教育。 自20世纪80年代以后,德国的特殊教育有了新的发展问题,其一为了提高特殊学校的教学效果,改善了教学计划,即班级的规模和特殊学校的师生比例,使得每个特殊儿童都得到了关注。其二因特殊机构与学校的急速扩增,导致了教师人数的不足,而加重了特殊教育师资的培养。其三为使已经得到康复的特殊人群有自己的经济收入、不依附他人,联邦政府还特别重视特殊儿童及青年的职业培养。使特殊人群成为了家庭的好帮手、社会的好公民,并为社会做出了不同的贡献。 【关键字】:特殊儿童教育权利康复训练 教学计划职业培养

目录 德国现代特殊教育的发展 (1) 引言 (1) 一、二战后至20世纪70年代德国特殊教育的发展 (1) 1. 保障特殊儿童的教育权利 (2) 2. 设立各类特殊学校 (2) 3. 发展学前特殊教育 (3) 4. 扩充特殊学校数量 (4) 二、20世纪80年代以来德国特殊教育的发展 (6) 1. 发展促进学校。 (6) 2. 改善班级名额及师生比 (6) 3. 重视培养特殊教育师资 (8) 4. 重视特殊儿童及青年的职业教育 (8) 总结: (11) 附录1 德国特殊教育大事件 (12) 附录2 参考文献 (13)


加强道德修养锻炼道德品质 大学时期是人生道德意识形成、发展和成熟的一个重要阶段,在这个时期形成的思想道德观念对我们的一生都有着深远的影响。牢固树立社会主义荣辱观,加强思想道德修养,做一个知荣辱、讲道德的人,是党和人民的殷切期望,也是大学生全面发展、健康成长的重要条件。大学生要继承和弘扬中华民族的优良道德传统,全面把握社会主义道德建设的核心、原则,自觉恪守公民基本道德规范,努力养成良好的道德品质。 道德作为一种特殊的社会意识形式,归根到底是有经济基础决定的,是社会经济关系的反应。这就是道德的本质。同时,道德的起源是一个漫长的发展过程。马克思主义认为,道德作为一种社会现象,其产生有多方面的条件,经历了一个漫长的历史过程。道德的产生,所需要的主客观条件是统一于生产实践的。劳动创造了人和人类社会,劳动是人类到的起源的第一个历史前提。而人类最初的道德以风俗习惯的形式表现出来,随着社会生产力的发展和社会生活的日益复杂化、多样化,特别是随着人类文明时代的开始,到的逐渐从风俗习惯中分化出来,成为一种相对独立的意识形式。 因此,道德对社会、人类等具有重要的功能与作用。道德的功能,是指到的作为社会意识的特殊形式对于社会发展所具有的功效与能力。道德的功能集中表现为,它是处理个人与他人、个人与社会之间关系的行为规范及实现自我完善的一种重要精神力量。在道德的功能系统中,主要的功能是认识功能和调节功能。 道德认识功能是指道德反映社会现实,特别是反应社会经济关系的功效与能力。道德的调节功能是指,道德通过评价等方式,指导和纠正人们的行为实践活动,协调人们之间的关系的功效与能力,这是道德最突出也是最重要的社会功能。同时,道德评价是道德调节的主要形式。社会舆论、传统习惯和人们的内心信念是道德调节所赖以发挥作用的力量。在社会生活中,道德调节并不是孤立而行的,而是和其他社会调节手段密切配合、共同发挥调节作用的。 除了上述的功能,道德还具有其他方面的功能,如导向功能、激励功能、辩护功能、沟通功能等,这些功能都是道德的认识功能和调节功能在某些方面的具体体现,都建立在这两种功能的基础之上。 除此之外,道德也发挥着重要的社会作用。道德功能的发挥和实现所产生的社会影响和实际效果,就是道德的社会作用,道德的社会作用主要体现在道德能够影响经济基础的形成、巩固和发展;道德是影响社会生产力发展的一种重要的精神力量;道德对其他社会意识形态;
