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被抛弃的, 无约束的



to be/go/travel/live abroad








缺席的, 缺乏的, 不在的



alcohol/drug/solvent abuse 酗酒;嗜毒;嗜吸胶毒



Their early arrival was just an accident.








指责, 控告



The invention of the computer is a great achievement.



横过, 穿过



Mrs. Brown is over 80 and not very active now. 布朗太太已八十多岁,现在不大活动了。








He once engaged in anti-government activity. 他一度从事反政府的活动。



He was considered the best actor in London. 他当时被看成是伦敦最出色的演员。



We admire her for her diplomatic tact.




a campaign to encourage childless couples to adopt 鼓励无子女夫妇领养孩子的运动



He'd spent all his adult life in the army. 他的成年生活全是在军队里度过的。



He is a man full of adventure.



登广告, 为 ... 做广告, 宣传

His apparent affability deceives everyone.









I want your advice, sir. I don't know what to do. 先生,我需要您的指点。我不知该怎么办才好。


害怕的, 担心的





Could you say it again, please?




Through the agency of relatives he got the position. 通过亲戚的周旋,他得到了那个职位。



When he said that, I had to agree.




You'll have to get your parents' agreement if you want to go on the trip. 你要想去旅行就必须征得你父母的同意。



She made no effort to aid Sophia.









the aims of the lesson 本课教学目标



air pollution






They landed at a small airport. 他们在一座小型的机场降落。


警报, 警报器, 警告, 惊恐



We don't know whether he's alive or dead. 我们不知道他是死是活。



His parents won't allow him to stay out late. 他的父母不会允许他在外呆得很晚。







独自地, 单独地



A police car pulled up alongside us. 一辆警车在我们旁边停了下来。



The teacher listened to the children reading aloud. 老师听着孩子们朗读。




依字母顺序的, 字母的



Are you going to America by boat or by plane? 你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机?


已经, 早已







替换物, 取舍



There's always somebody at home in the evenings. 晚上总有人在家。





Of or relating to the amygdala.




Her son was filled with ambition to become a great inventor. 她儿子一心想成为伟大的发明家。





a house among the trees 树林中的一座房子


1.abbreviate 2.accuse 3.adjective 4.administrative 5.adverb 6.aggressive 7.alphabet 8.amuse 9.ankle 10.a nniversary 11.a ppropriate 12.a pproval 13.a rch 14.a rtificial 15.a utomatically 1.bacteria 2.beam 3.bean 4.bend 5.bent 6.betray 7.bite

8.blow 9.bluish 10.b order 11.b owels 12.b reathe 13.b reed 14.b ullet 15.b unch 16.b urnt 17.b ury 18.b ush 1.cable 2.canal 3.capable of 4.capture 5.card board 6.carpet 7.carriage 8.cassette 9.ceiling 10.c ell 11.c ent

12.c elebrate 13.c harity 14.c heek 15.c heque 16.c hew 17.c himney 18.c hin 19.c hop 20.c ircular 21.c lause 22.c lay 23.c lothing 24.c oast 25.c oin 26.c oloured 27.c olumn 28.c ommittee 29.c omplaint 30.c omplicated 31.c onscious 32.c onsonant 33.c ontainer


模块一Unit 1 1 enjoyable adj. 有乐趣的;令人愉快的 2 experience n./vt. 经历,体验 3 assembly n. 集会,会议 4 headmaster n. 校长 5 earn vt. 获得;赚,挣得 6 respect n./vt. 尊敬,敬重 7 devote vt. 致力于;献身 8 literature n. 文学 9 average adj. 一般的,普通的;平均的 10 struggle n. 难事;斗争;努力 vi. 奋斗,努力;挣扎 11 challenging adj. 具有挑战性的 12 encouragement n. 鼓励 13 cooking n. 做饭;烹饪,烹调 14 for free 免费 15 extra adj. 额外的,外加的 16 fond adj. 喜爱的,喜欢的 be fond of 喜爱,喜欢 17 Spanish n./adj. 西班牙语(的);西班牙人(的) 18 sculpture n. 雕像,雕塑 19 dessert n. 甜点 20 look back (on) 回忆,回顾 21 satisfaction n. 满意 22 surf vt./vi. 冲浪 23 academic adj. 学业的,学术的 24 exchange n./vt. 交换;交流 25 former adj. 以前的 26 graduate vi. 毕业 n. 毕业生, 27 fluent adj. 流利的 28 painting n. 绘画,绘画作品 29 donate vt. 捐赠 30 kindness n. 善意31 splendid adj. 极佳的,非常好的 32 independent adj. 独立的 33 make use of 利用 34 title n. (书的)名称;(文章的)题目,篇名 35 dynasty n. 朝代,王朝 36 somehow adv. 不知为什么;不知怎么地 37 recent adj. 新近的,最近的 38 professor n. 教授 39 inform vt. 通知,告知 40 opening hours 开放时间 41 run vt. 管理;操作 42 host n. 主持人;主人,东道主 43 approve vt./vi. 批准,通过;赞成,同意 44 charge n. 负责,掌管 vt. 使承担责任;收费 in charge of 负责,掌管 45 schoolmate n. 同学,校友 46 broadcast vt./n. 广播,播放 47 preparation n. 准备,筹备 48 event n. (重要)事件;社交活动;比赛项目 49 outing n. 短途旅行,远足 50 graduation n. 毕业 51 poet n. 诗人 52 generation n. 一代,一代人 53 literary adj. 文学的 54 select vt. 选择,挑选 55 courtyard n. 庭院,院子 56 composition n. 作品;


牛津释义3000词汇 abandon vt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃abandoned a. 被抛弃的;无约束的ability n.能力;能耐,本领 able adj.有能力的;能干的about prep.关于;在…周围 above prep.在…上面;高于abroad ad.(在)国外;到处absence n.缺席,不在场;缺乏absent a.不在场的;缺乏的absolute a.绝对的;纯粹的absolutely ad.完全地;绝对地 absorb vt.吸收;使 专心 abuse vt.滥用;虐 待n.滥用 academic a.学院 的;学术的 accent n.口音,腔 调;重音 accept vt.vi.接受; 同意 acceptable a.可接 受的,合意的 access n.接近;通 道,入口 accident n.意外 的;事故 accidental adj. 意 外的,偶然的 accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地; 偶尔,附带 accommodation n. 招待设备;预定铺 位 accompany vt.陪 伴,陪同;伴随 according ad. 根 据 account n.记述; 解释;帐目 accurate a.准确的, 正确无误的 accurately adj. 准 确地;ad. 准确 地;精密地 accuse vt.指责;归 咎于 achieve vt.完成,实 现;达到 achievement n.完 成;成就,成绩 acid n.酸;酸的, 酸性的 acknowledge vt.承 认;告知收到 acquire vt.取得; 获得;学到 across prep.横过, 穿过 action n.行动;作 用;功能 active a.活跃的; 积极的 actively adv. 积极 地,活跃地 activity n.活动,能 动性 actor n.男演员;演 剧的人 actual a.实际的; 现行的 actually adv.实际 上 ad n. (缩)广告 adapt vt.使适应; 改编 add vt.加,增加 addition n.加,加 法;附加物 additional a.附加 的,追加的 address n.地址; 演说;谈吐 adequate a.足够 的;可以胜任的 adequately adv. 恰当地;足够地 adjust vt.调整,调 节;校正 admiration n.羡慕, 钦佩;赞赏 admire vt.钦佩;羡 慕;赞美 admit vt.&vi.承认 adopt vt.收养;采 用;采取 adult n.成年人a. 成年的 advance vi.前进; 提高n.进展 advanced a.先进


a, an indefinite article abandon v. abandoned adj. ability n. able adj. unable adj. about adv.,prep. above prep.,adv. abroad adv. absence n. absent adj. absolute adj. absolutely adv. absorb v. abuse n.,v. academic adj. accent n. accept v. acceptable adj. unacceptable adj. access n. accident n. by accident accidental adj. accidentally adv. accommodation n. accompany v. according to prep. account n.,v. accurate adj. accurately adv. accuse v. achieve v. achievement n. acid n. acknowledge v. acquire v.across adv.,prep. act n.,v. action n. take action active adj. actively adv. activity n. actor, actress n. actual adj. actually adv. ad advertisement adapt v. add v. addition n. in addition (to) additional adj. address n.,v. adequate adj. adequately adv. adjust v. admiration n. admire v. admit v. adopt v. adult n.,adj. advance n.,v. advanced adj. in advance advantage n. take advantage of adventure n. advertise v. advertising n. advertisement (also ad, advert) n. advice n. advise v. affair n. affect v. affection n. afford v. afraid adj. after prep.,conj.,adv. afternoon n. afterwards (especially BrE; NAmE usually afterward) adv. again adv. against prep. age n. aged adj. agency n. agent n. aggressive adj. ago adv. agree v. agreement n. ahead adv. aid n.,v. aim n.,v. air n. aircraft n. airport n. alarm n.,v. alarming adj. alarmed adj. alcohol n. alcoholic adj., n. alive adj. all det.,pron.,adv. allow v. all right adj.,adv.,exclamation ally n., v. allied adj. almost adv. alone adj.,adv. along prep.,adv.


牛津3000词汇表[最新] abandon vt.镣~放弃弃,抛弃 about prep.镣于~在…周镣abandoned a. 被抛的~无镣束的弃above prep.在…上面~高于ability n.能力~能耐,本镣 牛津3000镣镣 abroad ad.(在)外~到镣国 able adj.有能力的~能干的 absence n.缺席,不在镣~缺乏 accent n.口音,腔镣~重音 absorb vt.吸收~使镣心 accident n.意外的~事故absent a.不在镣的~缺乏的 accept vt.vi.接受~同意 abuse vt.镣用~虐待 n.镣用 accidental adj. 意外的,偶然的absolute a.镣镣的~镣粹的acceptable a.可接受的,合意的 academic a.学学院的~镣的 accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地~偶镣, 附镣absolutely ad.完全地~镣镣地 access n.接近~通道,入口 accommodation n.招待镣镣~镣定镣位 achieve vt.完成,镣镣~到达 accurate a.准确的,正确无镣的 acquire vt.取得~镣得~到学accompany vt.陪伴,陪同~伴随

achievement n.完成~成就,成镣 accurately adj. 准确地~ad. 准确地~ 精密地 across prep.镣横,穿镣according ad. 根据 acid n.酸~酸的,酸性的 accuse vt.指镣~镣咎于 action n.行镣~作用~功能account n.镣述~解镣~镣目acknowledge vt.承镣~告知收到 actor n.男演镣~演镣的人 additional a.附加的,追加的active a.活镣的~镣的极 adapt vt.使适镣~改镣 actual a.镣镣的~镣行的 address n.地址~演镣~镣吐actively adv. 镣极地,活镣地 add vt.加,增加 actually adv.镣镣上 adequate a.足镣的~可以镣任的activity n.活镣,能镣性 addition n.加,加法~附加物 ad n. (镣)广告 adequately adv. 恰当地~足镣地 admit vt.&vi.承镣 advertise vt.通知 vi.登广告adjust vt.镣整,镣镣~校正 advanced a.先镣的~高镣的 adopt vt.收镣~采用~采取 advertisement n.广广告~公告~登告admiration n.羡慕,镣佩~镣镣

自考英语本科 高级英语 参考词典

英文字典的种类很多, 有综合词典、学术词典、专门词典、学生词典等, 下面便对这四种词典做一下介绍。 1.综合词典(general-purpose dictionary)综合词典的范围很广, 即使被称为“综合词典”, 每本词典也是以一定范围的读者为目标的。一般收五万词条左右的是袖珍字典, 七八万词条的是简明字典。十五万词条左右的是中型词典, 二十万词条以上的是大型词典。 2.学术性词典(scholarly dictionary)学术性词典以其大而全为特征。最为突出的是《牛津英语词典》和其美国的姐妹篇A Dictionary of American English on Historical Principle《按照历史原则编纂的美国英语词典》。 3.专门词典(specialized dictionary)专门词典的种类繁多, 几乎关于词汇的每一领域都有专门词典。例如:词源词典(其中最为有名的Walter W. Skeat编的Etymological Dictionary of English Language 和Charles T. Onions编的The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology)。同义词词典(例如:A Dictionary of English Synonymous Expressions, Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms)。成语词典(例如:Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English, Dictionary of American Idioms)。用法词典(例如:Henry Watson Fowler编的A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, Bergen Evans等编的A Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage)。 4.学生词典(learner's dictionary)英语学生词典细分起来, 有两种不同类型: 一种是供本国学生使用的, 如:Chamber's Students' Dictionary 《钱伯斯学生词典》, The Oxford School Dictionary 《牛津学生词典》, Collins COBUILD Learner's Dictionary 《柯林斯合作学习词典》。另一种是专为外国人学英语而编纂的, 如:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English 《牛津现代英语高级学生词典》, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 《朗文当代英语词典》, Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary 《柯林斯合作英语词典》, Cambridge International Dictionary of English 《剑桥英语国际词典》, Collins COBUILD English Learner's Dictionary《柯林斯合作英语学习词典》。 (一)几项原则 1.熟悉各种词典每个人都知道自己有什么词典, 但并不见得都知道图书馆、阅览室里有多少词典可供使用。多熟悉一部词典就如同多结识一位老师, 对外语学习十分重要。在选择词典时要注意它的出版时间和地点。由于语言在不断变化和发展, 作为词汇记录的词典内容也必然随之变化。同时英语存在不同的种类, 如美国英语, 英国英语, 因此英语国家的词典内容也不尽相同。因此, 了解一部词典的出版时间和地点并非无益, 尤其要注意该词典最后一次修订的时间。在使用词典之前, 一定要仔细阅读前言和用法说明, 这番功夫非下不可。在前言部分可以知道这部词典的编纂目的, 收词范围, 编纂方法, 使用对象等。只有看了用法说明才能清楚地了解和有效地使用词典。 2.选择有针对性的词典对各种词典和工具书有所了解之后, 遇到疑难问题就可以有针对性地选择所需的词典。先说查一般词典。英语专业二年级以上的学生就应尽量使用英语单词词典, 因为用英语解释英语的词典可以对所查的词有比较完整的说明, 使读者在查词典的过程中还接触了英语解释, 从而增加了学习英语的机会。当然对初学者来说, 有的词在读完英语解释以后, 对其意义可能仍然不十分清楚, 再查一查英汉词典也是有帮助的。只知道中文, 想找英语的对应词就要求助于汉英词典。只有个大约的概念, 想找个适当的词, 可以找词库(thesaurus)。想对几个同义词进行词义辨析, 或从中找到一个确切的词,可以找同义词词典。总而言之, 有针对性地选择词典或工具书可以免走弯路, 提高工作效率。 (二)推荐四部常用的词典 1.《英汉大词典》先后约百余名学者参加编纂, 由陆谷孙教授主编的《英汉大词典》上下卷于1989年和1991年由上海译文出版社出版, 共收词20万条, 共约2000万字。英汉大词典》

The Oxford 3000 —— 牛津3000核心释义词表

T h e O x f o r d 3000 d The Oxford 3000? The keywords of the Oxford 3000have been carefully selected by a group of language experts and experienced teachers as the words which should receive priority in vocabulary study because of their importance and usefulness. The selection is based on three criteria. The words which occur most frequently in English are included, based on the information in the British National Corpus and the Oxford Corpus Collection. (A corpus is an electronically held collection of written or spoken texts, often consisting of hundreds of millions of words.)However, being frequent in the corpus alone is not enough for a word to qualify as a keyword:it may be that the word is used very frequently,but only in a narrowly defined area, such as newspapers or scientific articles. In order to avoid including these restricted words, we include as keywords only those words which are frequent across a range of different types of text.In other words, keywords are both frequent and used in a variety of contexts. In addition, the list includes some very important words which happen not to be used frequently, even though they are very familiar to most users of English.These include, for example, words for parts of the body, words used in travel, and words which are useful for explaining what you mean when you do not know the exact word for something.These words were identified by consulting a panel of over seventy experts in the fields of teaching and language study. The words of the Oxford 3000are shown in the main section of the dictionary in larger print, and with a key symbol immediately following. On the CD-ROM the keywords are shown in red. The most useful parts of the entries (particular parts of speech, meanings,phrasal verbs and idioms) are marked with a small key symbol. The entries for keywords often have extra information in the form of more examples of use, special notes explaining synonyms or related words, or helpful illustrations. This means that the keywords make an excellent starting point for expanding your vocabulary. With most keywords, there is far more to learn about them than the first meaning in the entry: often these words have many meanings, have a large family of words d derived from them, or are used in a variety of patterns. All of this means that each one of the keywords repays close study. The list covers British and American English. It is arranged to emphasize the connections between words, so that words which are very closely related (including adverbs ending in -ly and opposites starting with un-)are grouped together. Some basic phrases are also included.Proper names (names of people, places, etc.beginning with a capital letter )and numbers are not included in the main list. A separate list of words which are important for language study, but less important in everyday life, follows the main list. Knowing these words will help you to understand more of the informa-tion given in the entries, especially regarding the word’s grammar and register (whether it is for-mal, informal, etc.). In order to make the definitions in this dictionary easy to understand, we have written them using the keywords of the Oxford 3000.All words used in normal definition text are keywords, or are on the list of language study terms. Numbers and proper names are also used in definitions. When it has been necessary to use a specialist term which is not in the Oxford 3000,the word is shown in small capitals ,and in blue on the CD-ROM. If you do not know the meaning of this word, look it up in the dictionary: it will help you to understand the definition that you are interested in, and will probably be a useful word to learn because it will be related to the original word you looked up.

中英对照 Oxford 3000 牛津核心词汇

1. abandon v. 抛弃、放弃 2. abandoned adj. 废弃的、被遗弃的 3. ability n. 能力、才能 4. able adj. 能够、有才能的 5. unable adj. 不能做某事 6. about adv. prep. 关于、到处、围绕;大约、在 7. above prep. adv. 在…上面、超过 8. abroad adv. 在国外、到国外 9. absence n. 缺席(某人)、缺乏(某物) 10. absent adj. 缺席的、心不在焉的 11. absolute adj. 完全的、绝对的 12. absolutely adv. 绝对地 13. absorb v. 吸收 14. abuse n. v. 滥用、虐待、辱骂 15. academic adj. 学术的 16. accent n. 口音、重音 17. accept v. 接受、接纳 18. acceptable adj. 可接受的、令人满意的 19. unacceptable adj. 不能接受的 20. access n. 进入(某物)、接近(某人) 21. accident n. 事故、意外、偶然事件 22. by accident 无意中、偶然 23. accidental adj. 意外的 24. accidentally adv. 意外地 25. accommodation n. 住处、空位 26. accompany v. 陪伴、伴奏、与…相配合 27. according to prep. 据说、根据 28. account n. v. 帐户、客户 29. accurate adj. 精确的、准确的 30. accurately adv. 精确地、准确地 31. accuse v. 指责某人 32. achieve v. 实现、取得 33. achievement n. 成就、实现 34. acid n. 酸 35. acknowledge v. 承认、对…打招呼 36. acquire v. 获得、学到、取得 37. across adv. prep. 穿过、在…对面 38. act n. v. 行动、举止;扮演、 39. action n. 行动、行为、动作 40. take action 采取行动 41. active adj. 活跃的、积极的 42. actively adv. 积极地 43. activity n. 活跃、活动 44. actor actress n. 演员,女演员


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 模块一Unit 1 1 enjoyable adj. 有乐趣的;令人愉快的 2 experience n./vt. 经历,体验 3 assembly n. 集会,会议 4 headmaster n. 校长 5 earn vt. 获得;赚,挣得 6 respect n./vt. 尊敬,敬重 7 devote vt. 致力于;献身 8 literature n. 文学 9 average adj. 一般的,普通的;平均的 10 struggle n. 难事;斗争;努力 vi. 奋斗,努力;挣扎 11 challenging adj. 具有挑战性的 12 encouragement n. 鼓励 13 cooking n. 做饭;烹饪,烹调 14 for free 免费 15 extra adj. 额外的,外加的16 fond adj. 喜爱的,喜欢的 be fond of 喜爱,喜欢 17 Spanish n./adj. 西班牙语(的);西班牙人(的)18 sculpture n. 雕像,雕塑 19 dessert n. 甜点 20 look back (on) 回忆,回顾 21 satisfaction n. 满意 22 surf vt./vi. 冲浪 23 academic adj. 学业的,学术的 24 exchange n./vt. 交换;交流 25 former adj. 以前的 26 graduate vi. 毕业 n. 毕 业生, 27 fluent adj. 流利的 28 painting n. 绘画,绘画作品 29 donate vt. 捐赠 30 kindness n. 善意


1. a an indefinite article 牛津3000词汇表

4.ability n. 5.able adj. 6.unable adj. 7.about adv. prep. 8.above prep. adv. 9.abroad adv. 10.absence n. 11.absent adj. 12.absolute adj. 13.absolutely adv. 14.absorb v. 15.abuse n. v. 16.academic adj. 17.accent n. 18.accept v. 19.acceptable adj. 20.unacceptable adj. 21.access n. 22.accident n. 23.by accident 24.accidental adj. 25.accidentally adv. 26.accommodation n. 27.accompany v. 28.according to prep. 29.account n. v. 30.accurate adj. 31.accurately adv. 32.accuse v. 33.achieve v. 34.achievement n. 35.acid n. 36.acknowledge v. 37.acquire v. 38.across adv. prep. 39.act n. v. 40.action n. 41.take action 42.active adj. 43.actively adv. 44.activity n. 45.actor actress n. 46.actual adj. 47.actually adv. 48.ad advertisement 49.adapt v. 50.add v. 51.addition n. 52.in addition (to) 53.additional adj. 54.address n. v. 55.adequate adj. 56.adequately adv. 57.adjust v. 58.admiration n. 59.admire v. 60.admit v.


词汇表--R rabbit n.兔子racial a.人种的,种族的 rack n.挂物架,搁物架/v.使痛苦,折磨radar n.雷达 radiation n.放射物;辐射线;辐射radical a.基本的,激进的,激进分子rag n.碎布,破布,破旧衣服 rage n.愤怒,狂暴v.发怒 raid n./v.袭击;搜捕;抢劫

rail n.栏杆,铁轨v.责骂 railroad n.铁路vi.由铁路运输 railway n.铁路,铁道 rainbow n.虹 rally n.集会;公路汽车赛v.团结,集合;恢复range n.射程,射击场,排;山脉;范围 rank n.军衔,地位;排;横列v.分等级;排列rare a.稀有的,珍奇的;稀薄 rarely ad.很少,难得,不常 rat n.鼠 rate n.比率v.估价;评价

ratio n.比,比率 rational a.理性的,合理的 raw a.自然状态的,未煮过的,生的react v.反应,起作用,起反作用reaction n.反应;反作用;反动readily ad.欣然,乐意地,容易地realistic a.现实(主义)的 reality n.现实,实际;真实 realm n.王国,国土;领域 rear n.后放a.后面的;vt.抚养reasonable a.合理的,通情达理的

rebel n.反叛者,反叛分子 vi.反抗,反叛,抗议 recall v.回忆,回想,招回 receipt n.发票,收据,收条;接到receiver n.听筒;接收器recently ad.最近,近来reception n.接待,招待会;接收,接受recession n.萧条时期;衰退,衰退期reckon v.指望,测算 recognition n.认出,识别;承认recognize v.认出;确认



牛津释义3000 词汇 abandon vt. 丢弃;放弃,抛弃abandoned a. 被抛弃的;无约束的ability n. 能力;能耐, 本领able adj. 有能力的;能干的 about prep. 关于;在…周围above prep.在… 上面;高于abroad ad.(在)国外;到处absence n. 缺席 , 不在场;缺乏 absent a. 不在场的;缺乏的absolute a. 绝对的;纯粹的absolutely ad. 完全地;绝对地absorb vt. 吸收;使专心abuse vt. 滥用;虐待 n. 滥用 academic a. 学院的;学术的accent n. 口音 , 腔调;重音accept vt.vi. 接受;同意acceptable a. 可接受的, 合意的access n. 接近;通道, 入口accident n. 意外的;事故accidental adj. 意外的, 偶然的accidentally adv. 意外地 , 偶然地;偶尔, 附带accommodation n. 招待设备;预定铺加法;附加物感动警告的;引起惊 位additional a. 附affection n. 慈的 accompany vt. 陪加的, 追加的爱, 爱;爱慕alcohol n. 酒 精 , 伴, 陪同;伴随address n. 地址;afford vt. 担负乙醇 according ad. 演说;谈吐得起…;提供alcoholic n. 酒根据adequate a. 足够afraid adj.(表鬼, 酒精中毒的 人 account n. 记述;的;可以胜任的语)怕,害怕alive adj. 活着解释;帐目adequately adv. after prep. 在…all adv. 都accurate a. 准确恰当地;足够地以后;次于allied a. 联合的, 正确无误的adjust vt. 调 整 , afternoon n. 下的;联姻的accurately adj. 调节;校正午,午后allow vt. 允 许 , 准确地; ad. 准确admiration n. 羡afterwards ad. 准许;任 地;精密地慕, 钦佩;赞赏以后, 后来, 然后ally n. 同盟 国; accuse vt. 指责;admire vt. 钦佩;again ad. 又一同盟者 归咎于羡慕;赞美次;而且almost ad. 几 乎 , achieve vt. 完admit vt.&vi. 承against prep. 反差不多 实现;达到认对;对着alone a. 单独 的 achievement n. adopt vt. 收养;aged a. 年老的 , ad. 单独地 完成;成就 , 成绩采用;采取经过相当岁月的 , along prep. 沿 着 acid n. 酸;酸 的 , adult n. 成年人有... 岁的ad. 向前 酸性的 a. 成年的agency n. 经办;alongside prep. acknowledge vt. 1 ?、代理;代理处在…旁边 承认;告知收到进;提高 n. 进展agent n. 代理人 , aloud ad. 出声 地 , acquire vt. 取advanced a. 先进代理商大声地 得;获得;学到的;高级的aggressive a. 侵alphabet n. 字 母 across prep. 横advantage n. 优略的;好斗的表 过, 穿过点, 优势;好处ago ad. 以前alphabetical action n. 行动;adventure n. 冒agree vt.&vi. 同adj. 依字母顺序作用;功能险, 冒险活动意, 赞成的 active a. 活跃advertise vt. 通agreement n. 协alphabetically 的;积极的知 vi. 登广告定, 协议;同意ad. 按字母表顺actively adv. advertisement n. ahead adv. 在前序 积极地, 活跃地广告;公告;登广面, 在前头already ad. 早 已 , activity n. 活 动 , 告 aid n. 帮助 , 救已经 能动性advertising adj. 护;助手also ad. 亦, 也; actor n. 男演员;广告的;广告 , 广aim n. 瞄准;目而且,还 演剧的人告费 n. (总称) 广 标;目的alter vt. 改 变 , actual a. 实际告;air n. 空气;空变更;改做 的;现行的advice n. 劝告;中;外观alternative n. actually adv. 实忠告;意见aircraft n. 飞机 , 替换物;取舍 , 抉 际上advise vt. 忠告 , 飞行器择 ad n. (缩)广 告 劝告, 建议;通 知; airport n. 机场 , alternatively adapt vt. 使适告诉;通告航空站adv. 交互地;交应;改编affair n. 事件;alarm n. 惊恐 , 忧 替地;另外, 此 外; add vt. 加, 增加事情虑;警报两者择一 addition n. 加 , affect vt. 影响;alarming adj. although conj.

牛津字典核心3000词汇(The Oxford 3000 wordlist)

The Oxford 3000 wordlist ?a, an indefinite article ?abandon v. ?abandoned adj. ?ability n. ?able adj. ?unable adj. ?about adv.,prep. ?above prep.,adv. ?abroad adv. ?absence n. ?absent adj. ?absolute adj. ?absolutely adv. ?absorb v. ?abuse n.,v. ?academic adj. ?accent n. ?accept v. ?acceptable adj. ?unacceptable adj. ?access n. ?accident n. ?by accident ?accidental adj. ?accidentally adv. ?accommodation n. ?accompany v. ?according to prep. ?account n.,v. ?accurate adj. ?accurately adv. ?accuse v. ?achieve v. ?achievement n. ?acid n. ?acknowledge v. ?acquire v. ?across adv.,prep.?act n.,v. ?action n. ?take action ?active adj. ?actively adv. ?activity n. ?actor, actress n. ?actual adj. ?actually adv. ? ad advertisement ?adapt v. ?add v. ?addition n. ?in addition (to) ?additional adj. ?address n.,v. ?adequate adj. ?adequately adv. ?adjust v. ?admiration n. ?admire v. ?admit v. ?adopt v. ?adult n.,adj. ?advance n.,v. ?advanced adj. ?in advance ?advantage n. ?take advantage of ?adventure n. ?advertise v. ?advertising n. ?advertisement (also ad, advert) n.?advice n. ?advise v. ?affair n. ?affect v. ?affection n.
