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( )字第号


Party A:


Legal Representative:




Party B:


Legal Representative:




According to Chinese relevant laws, and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereby reach the following contract concerning outsourced employee:




Article 1For the purpose of this Contract, "Outsourcing" means Party A dispatches its employee who has employment relation with itself to work for Party B.


Article2For the purpose of this Contract, "Borrowing" means Party B borrows, subject to the terms and conditions contained herein, the employee who has employment relation with Party A to work for Party B.


Article 3 At the request of Party B, Party A dispatches its employees to work for Party B; and, Party B shall pay Party A the relevant borrowing fees accordingly.


Article 4 The relation between the Employee who is concerned in this Contract and Party A belongs to employment relation; and the relation between the aforementioned Employee and Party B belongs to labor service relation. The working venue, position and working method of the Employee will be determined by Party B based on its business.


Article 5 The “Borrowing Fees” means the payment that Party B shall make to Party A, which includes:


(1) The wages of the Employee.


(2) The social insurance premiums and housing fund of the Employee.


(3) Other commercial insurance and welfares that Party A offers to the Employee.


(4) The management cost and operation cost of the outsourced Employee that Party A

spends, which is not less than 5% of the total Borrowing Fees.


(5) Taxes and other expenses that Party A bears.

第六条 甲方派遣人员的姓名;


借用期限年,自2012年月日至20 年月日止;

借用工作地点;Article 6 The Name of the outsourced Employee;

Working Position & Working Contents;

Borrowing Period , Commencing from to ,

Working Venue .




Article 7 Party A shall assume the following obligations:


(1) to recommend the candidates at the request of Party B, and signs employment

contract with the person who Party B decides to borrow or directly chooses.


(2) to educate the outsourced employee to observe the laws, decrees and relevant

regulations enacted by the Chinese government.


(3) to educate the outsourced employee to observe the working system and

policies of Party B, and keep the business secrets of Party B in confidential.


(4) to pay the Employee wages and other remunerations he deserves from the

borrowing fees.


(5) Shall pay the social insurance, housing fund and other welfares for the

Employee according to the relevant laws after it receives the borrowing fees

from Party B. The standards of the aforementioned contents will be subject to

the terms and conditions of this contract and its appendixes, as well as the

relevant rules and policies of Party A in relation with the welfares and

reimbursement of medical treatment fees.


(6) to provide other services which are agreed by two parties.


(7) to accept the advices and suggestions provided by Party B, and improve

its work accordingly.


Article 8 Party A shall enjoy the following rights:



(1) In case in some special situations when two parties cannot reach an

agreement, Party A shall have the right to recall its outsourced employee,

but a 30 days’prior written notice shall be made by Party A (except the

outsourced employee is in the probation period), and shall be sent to Party B

and the outsourced employee. Besides, Party A shall pay Party B

compensation according to the following way.

The compensation payment shall be made based on the working time of the

outsourced employee, which shall be one month’s borrowing fee for each

full year worked. Any period of not less than one year shall be counted as

one year. The standard of compensation fee shall be the borrowing fee of the

same month when the outsourced employee is recalled.


(2) Party A is entitled to bring forward its opinions in written when Party B

violates this Contract or damages the legal rights of the outsourced employee.

And Party B shall reply in written within six (6) working days after it receives

the aforementioned written notice made by Party A.


(3) Party A is entitled to terminate this contract at any time for no reason, and

claim for compensation from Party B, if Party B fails to pay the outsourced

employee's wages, or fails to pay the borrowing fees.


(4) Party A may offer assistance to Party B in asking the outsourced employee to

take his liabilities, if the outsourced employee damages the legal rights of

Party B.

第三章 乙方的义务与权利



Article 9 Party B shall assume the following obligations:


(1) to respect the custom, religion and belief of the outsourced employee, and

not to make any discrimination.


(2) shall provide the outsourced Employee with necessary working condition

which is in accordance with the relevant statutes in relate to labor protection,

and clarify the working position and job description to the outsourced

employee. Also, Party B shall pay the social insurance premiums and housing

fund for the outsourced employee. Otherwise, Party B will be responsible for

the results arising therefrom.


(3) Party B practices the standard working hour system under which the

employees shall work for no more than eight hours a day and no more than

40 hours a week. In case of special situation when Party B has to extend

working hour, it shall pay the outsourced employee overtime pay.


(4) shall provide the outsourced employee travelling allowance and other benefits,

the amount of the aforementioned allowance and benefits will be determined

by Party B.


(5) Shall guarantee that the outsourced employee can get rest and leave during

the legal holidays. Shall also arrange one paid holiday for the outsourced

employee whose borrowing period is on and over one year. How long the

leave with pay of the outsourced employee is will be based on the regulations

of Party B.


(6) shall guarantee that the outsourced employee is entitled to have medical

treatment period, and to receive sick wages and disease remedy during his

medical treatment period.


The contents stipulated in Clause (3), (4) and (5) contained in this Article, can be determined by Party B and embodied in its Rules and Regulations of the Company, or is formed by another agreement reached and signed between the outsourced Employee and Part B. Such Rules and Regulations of Party B or agreement shall prevail, as long as they do not violate any laws, decrees or regulations of the state, and, has been already sent to Party A for record.

第十条 乙方享有如下权利:

Article 10 Party B shall have the following rights:







(1) may decide the probation period of the outsourced employee based on the

borrowing period:

a. Where the borrowing period of the outsourced employee is less than six (6)

months, the probation period may not exceed 15 days

b. Where the borrowing period of the outsourced employee is more than six (6)

months but less than one year, the probation period may not exceed 30 days;

c. Where the borrowing period of the outsourced employee is more than one

year but less than three years, the probation period may not exceed 60 days;

d. Where the borrowing period of the outsourced employee is more than three

years, the probation period may not exceed six months.


Party B may terminate this contract during the probation period, however it shall pay the borrowing fees during the probation period (including social insurance premiums and housing fund). The outsourced employee will automatically become regular outsourced employee after his probation is over, and The start time of the borrowing period shall be the start time of the probation period.



(2) during the borrowing period, Party B is entitled to dismiss the outsourced employee and terminate this contract, however, it shall make a 30 days’prior written

notice to inform Party A and the outsourced employee, except otherwise the outsourced employee is in his probation period. In the meanwhile, Party B shall pay Party A the compensation fee in one lump sum according to the following ways:

The compensation fee shall be paid based on borrowing time at the rate of one month’s wage for each full year. Any period of not less than one year shall be counted as one year. The standard of compensation fee shall be the borrowing fee of the same month when the outsourced employee is returned to Party A. The compensation fee shall includes the severance pay of the outsourced employee who is sent back by Party B.


(3) If the outsourced employee is returned by Party B, by virtue of violating the

Chinese laws, decrees and seriously violating the rules and regulations

(which shall be public for the employee himself and Party A), after checks

the opinion of Party A, Party B may inform the employee himself and Party

A about its decision at anytime and without any compensation.


(4) May sign the individual agreement with the outsourced employee,and send

one copy to Party A for record. However, such agreement shall not violate a

mandatory provisions of any law, administrative regulation, or terms and

conditions of this contract.


(5) Party B is entitled to make written advices when Party A violates the terms and conditions of this contract, and make further negotiations. Party A shall reply Party B in written within six (6) working days after it receives the notice made by Party B.



第十一条 借用费为每月人民币元。

Article 11 Borrowing Fees is RMB .

第十二条 乙方须于当月20日前向甲方支付月借用费、补偿费和年终附加的工资(乙方直接支付派遣员工工资的,须于当月底前向甲方支付借用费的其它部分),甲方收到后,于次月6日支付派遣员工工资。以上费用每逾期10天按1%加付滞付金。逾期30天的,甲方可视情况提出索要违约金____元,并解除或终止本合同,且不属违约行为,双方办理相应手续。

Article 12 Party B shall pay the monthly borrowing fee, compensation fee and additional year-end bonus before 20th of each month (if the outsourced employees is paid by Party B directly, then Party B just needs pay Party A the balance amount of the borrowing fees). After receiving the payment, Party A shall pay the outsourced employee before 6th of the following month.

In case that Party B delays payment, Party A is entitled to collect the surcharge at the rate of 1% of the amount due for every 10 days delayed. When the days overdue exceeds 30 days, then Party A is entitled to claim for RMB as breach of contracts from Party B based on the specific situation, and terminates this contract or cancels this contract in the meantime. And such actions shall not be construed as breach of contracts. Besides, two parties will go through the relevant formalities.

第十三条 加班、加点费用的计算方法为:

Article 13 The Calculation Method for the Overtime Payment


Overtime on working days: Monthly wage÷21.75 days÷8 hrs × actual overtime×150% 休息日、带薪休假日加班费=月工资÷21.75天÷8小时×实际加班时间×200%;Overtime on holidays: Monthly wage ÷ 21.75 days ÷ 8 hrs × actual overtime × 200% 法定节假日加班费=月工资÷21.75天÷ 8小时×实际加班时间×300%;Overtime on legal public holidays: Monthly wage ÷ 21.75 days ÷ 8 hrs × actual overtime × 300%




Article 14 Any disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be amicably settled through negotiations In case no settlement can be reached between the two Parties, it shall be submitted to the court which has the jurisdiction to file a litigation.


Article 15 If there is any dispute happens between the outsourced employee and Party A (or Party B) in relate to the provisions stated in this contract concerning employment disciplines, wages, social insurance, the rights and obligations of the outsourced employee, and results in labor arbitration finally. In case that the outcome of such arbitration may have interests with another party, another party shall have the right and obligation to participate in the aforementioned arbitration.



第十六条 甲方为派遣员工提供的服务内容在附件2中约定,附件2为本合同不可分割的组成部分。

Article 16 The services that Party A provides to outsourced employee are stipulated in Appendix 2, which is an integral part of this Contract.


Article 17 The undocumented issues shall be settled down according to state relevant regulations, or be resolved by the negotiations between two parties where there is no such regulation existing, or reach other appendixes agreed by the parties.


Article 18 In case that any new law, decree or regulation of the state is enacted, or there is any modification happens in the exercising statues, the parties may alter this Contract subject to the newly modified laws, decrees and regulations.


Article 19 This contract shall come into effective from . And such valid period may be extended automatically as long as neither party puts forward any objection within one month before the expiration, and the extension period shall be as long as it contained herein.


Article 20 This Contract is made out in Chinese and English languages in duplicate, and both texts being equally authentic. Each party shall hold one original of both versions. In case of any difference between the two versions, Chinese shall prevail.



第二十一条 双方约定需增加的内容

Article 21 Other items need to be supplemented that agreed by the two parties.

第二十二条 双方约定需修改或删除的本合同条款

Article 22 Other provisions need to be modified or deleted that agreed by the two parties.

甲方: 乙方:

Party A: Party B

代表签章: 代表签章:

Authorized Rep. Authorized Rep.

年 月 日 年 月 日

dd mm yy dd mm yy


EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT Contract No.: Employer (Party A): Employee (Party B): This Employment Contract is made and entered into on the day of______ , ______by and between______ (hereinafter referred to as“Party A”) and ______ (hereinafter referred to a s“ Party B”). 1. Obligations of T wo Parties Party A hereby employs Party B and Party B hereby accepts to be employed by Party A to serve and perform the duties required of him in the job category provided below: (1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ … 2. Service Period The term of this Contract shall be for the period of______, commencing upon ______, ______and ending on ______, ______. 3. Working Hours and Working Days Party B’s work days, hours and workweek shall be______ to ______, from ______ to______ , for a total______ hours per week. 4. Salary


甲方: 乙方: 上海有限公司(甲方),承接项目,聘请(乙方)为甲方劳动合同制职工。根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》〖以下简称《劳动法》〗及有关法律法规规定,在甲乙双方平等自愿、协商一致的基础上,签订劳动合同。具体内容如下: 第一条:合同期限 本合同有效期限为个月,自年月日到年月日止。 第二条:工作岗位,工作职责 1、乙方在公司担任职务,其他职务。 2、乙方的工作内容是,须按甲方规定的岗位责任,按时,按质完成工作。 第三条:工作条件,劳动保护 1、甲方为乙方提供必要的符合国家或行业规定的安全卫生等的工作环境及工作条件。 2、甲方根据乙方岗位实际情况,按照国家规定,向乙方提供必要的劳动保护用品。 3、甲方根据国家福利保险待遇,给予乙方享受相应的社会工作保险,人身意外伤害团险,意外伤害医疗团险,保期为在国外施工期间。 4、甲方因工作需要,要求乙方加班,应按《劳动法》规定,给予乙方相应的加班工资。 5、甲方负责向乙方进行工程、施工技术、质量、工期、安全交底。 6、甲方负责办理乙方工人出国住宿场所问题。 7、甲方负责办理乙方工人出国劳务签证。 8、甲方负责乙方一次性往返工程所在地与中国之间的交通费。 第四条:劳动报酬 1、按甲方现行的工资制度,乙方每日工作小时,日工资为元人民币,月工资元。根据每个工人的工作情况,发放到元/月的奖金; 2、病假、旷工、休假不发工资,(不包括因公负伤、现场停工待料)。 3、记工从到现场和离开现场之日起计算。 4、乙方的工作岗位发生重大变化时,甲方可以对乙方的工资待遇进行适当调整。 5、乙方必须遵守甲方项目部工程计划安排,包括加班。 6、每月薪酬确定后,按月发放元(或相应的外币)的零用费和元的国内暂支款,剩余工资回国后一周内结清,否则所发生的费用由甲方负责。 第五条:劳动纪律,惩罚办法


合同编号:2021-xx-xx 合同/协议(模板) 合同名称: 甲方: 乙方: 签订时间: 签订地点:

外派劳务合同范本 甲方: 地址: 电话: 乙方: 地址: 电话: 甲、乙双方,就由甲方提供经乙方代表面试合格并录用的劳务人员赴_______乙方履约一事,经协商签订合同如下: 一、事项 乙方拟通过甲方招募_____名中国员工,赴_____________公司从事_________工作。 二、劳务费用 乙方支付受雇员工的月底薪如下,底薪从劳务人员抵达_______之日起计算。 工种底薪(美元/月): 熟练车缝工: 计件计薪: 带线组长月薪: 跟单员月薪:

三、乙方确保按以下条款履约 (一)合同期限 1、合同期限为_____年,自劳务人员抵达_______之日算起。合同期满后,可依乙方和劳务人员双方意愿签订续约合同,续约合同应告知甲方。 2、劳务人员抵达乙方履约后的试用期为_____个月,如不能胜任工作,试用期将再延长_____个月。_____个月后仍不能胜任工作的劳务人员将被遣送回国,回程机票费用由劳务人员自理。 (二)合同的终止 1、合同期未满因乙方或非劳务人员的原因需与劳务人员终止雇佣关系时,乙方应支付劳务人员_____个月的底薪金额的补偿金并免费提供返回中国的机票。 2、合同期未满因劳务人员自身原因需与乙方终止雇佣关系时,劳务人员应提前_____个月书面通知乙方,并根据未满合同期的实际时间按比例返还乙方因申请劳务人员前往乙方履约的开支(机票、工作准证的申请费用及更换费用),返回中国的机票费用自理,按乙方安排的时间离境返回中国。 (三)工作时间、月薪金、年终奖金及支付形式 1、劳务人员在乙方履约期间,每周工作_____天,每天_____小时。 2、计件计薪的劳务人员在乙方履约期间,星期六工作及完成生产定额后超时工作为加班,加班薪金按:


乙方:姓名:性别:出生日: Party B:Name Sex:Date of Birth: 家庭住址:所属地区: Address:Sub District: 通讯地址:电话: Post Address:Contact Phone: 维蒙特工业(广东)有限公司(甲方)聘用乙方为甲方劳动合同制员工。根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《广东省劳动合同条例》、《维蒙特工业(广东)有限公司章程》以及中国和广东省已颁布并可公开得到的有关法律法规,甲乙双方本着自愿平等、协商一致的原则,签订本合同。 According to the Labor Law of the P.R. China, as well as the Personnel Regulations of Guangdong Labor Contract, Valmont Industries (Guangdong) Ltd. employs Party B (the employee) as a contract employee. Both parties to this contract sign on the basis of equity, free will, and mutual benefits. 第1条合同期限 Contract Period 1.1本合同有效期自200___年___月___日至200___年___月___日止(含试用期____个月)。 The contract period of employment will be valid from ____/____/_____ (M/D/Y) to ____/____/______ (M/D/Y). During which the period of _______ months will be considered as probationary employment. 1.2在试用期内,甲方发现乙方不符合录用条件的,甲方可以即行解除本合同。 Party A has the right to terminate Party B’s Labor Contract immediately without notification if Party B does not prove to be suitable through the period of probationary employment. 第2条工作岗位、任务 Positions, duties & Responsibilities 2.1 甲方安排乙方在________________部门_____________岗位工作,覆盖岗位为_________________ Party A (the employer) employs Party B (the employee) in the capacity of 2.2 乙方必须按照甲方规定的岗位职责和要求全面完成指标和任务,并接受甲方对其进行的有关考核测评。 Party B is required to fulfill his/her responsibilities completely and accurately as described by Party A and accept performance measurement handled by Party A 2.3 甲方根据生产经营需要及乙方的工作技能和表现,可变更乙方的工作,乙方须服从甲方的调动,如无正当理由,不服从调动 者,甲方可辞退乙方,解除其劳动合同。 Party A has the right to adjust Party B’s position according to the actual business situation and the performance of Party B. Party B must accept Party A’s arrangement. 第3条工作条件、劳动保护 Labor Conditions & Labor Protection 3.1 甲方实行每周40小时工作制。对特殊岗位可实行不定时工作制。 Party B’s normal working time will not exceed 40 hours per week, whereas it’s flexible for some special position holders. 3.2 甲方因生产经营原因需要乙方加班时,乙方应服从。同时甲方应按规定支付乙方加班费报酬作补偿。 If it is necessary for Party A to request Party B to put in overtime, Party B must be subordinated to request of Party A. Party A shall provide Party B with economic compensation according to relevant regulations. 3.3 甲方为乙方提供必要的工作条件,根据国家劳动法则提供符合中国政府规定的劳动安全卫生条件和提供必要的劳动保护用品, 保证乙方在人身安全及个体不受危害的环境条件下工作,对女职工及未成年工按《劳动法》的规定酌情予以特殊劳动保护。 Party A must provide Party B with a safe and non-toxic working environment, necessary safety measures to guarantee safe working conditions of Party B, according to National Safety and Sanitation Standards. Party A shall provide special protection measures for female and underage employees according to the Labor Law. 3.4 甲方认为乙方的健康状况将会对工作或其他员工造成不利影响时,甲方有权按制度采取相应的措施,并有权要求乙方进行健 康检查,乙方不应拒绝。 If Party A thinks Party B’s healthiness will effect to the work or other staffs, Party A will have the authority to correspond and will have the authority to ask Party B to have a physical check-up, at same time the Party B should not to refuse. 3.5 乙方在被聘用期间,甲方负责对乙方进行岗位职责、技能、安全规程、职业道德及相关规章制度的教育和培训,乙方须积极 配合,并根据岗位职责要求努力提高自身的技能。 Party A is in charge of various training such as technical training, Position principles, safety operations, Company’s regulations and provision, etc. within the employment period. Party B shall accept the training with positive attitude for raising his/her work efficiency. 第4条劳动报酬 Payroll


(合同知识)外派劳务合同 书

外派劳务合同书 (合同编号:) 甲方全称:长沙市对外经济贸易XX公司 甲方代表: 乙方姓名: 性别: 出生年月: 护照号码: 身份证号: 家庭住址: 工资帐户:中国建设银行长岭支行(长沙) 工资帐号: 丙方全称:中国水利水电建设集团(马)XX公司巴贡2&3标项目经理部 丙方代表: 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》及配套法规,为保障甲方、乙方和丙方的合法权益依法确定劳动关系,经甲、乙、丙三方平等协商,自愿签订本劳动合同书。甲方向乙方说明了丙方用人要求、工作内容、工作时间、劳动报酬、劳动条件、职业危害及其后果、社会保险、规章制度等情况,乙方已认真阅读本合同书,同意按甲方及丙方有关规定执行。 壹、劳动合同期限及工作地点 本合同期限:乙方愿意根据丙方的工作安排,从2006年月日起,

为期20个月。如有续约,由三方另行协商。 本合同的工作地点:马来西亚沙捞越洲巴贡水电站施工现场。 本合同的货币单位:马币(RM)。汇率按1马币兑2.15人民币固定计算。 二、生产(工作)任务 1、甲方根据丙方生产(工作)需要,安排乙方于丙方所属马来西亚巴贡工地工作。 2、乙方的具体工作内容由丙方安排。 3、乙方同意且服从丙方所安排的岗位、工种、工作;丙方能够调整乙方的工作岗位和工作内容。 4、乙方必须按照丙方关于本岗位生产(工作)任务的责任制的要求,保证按质按量地完成规定的生产(工作)任务。 三、生产(工作)条件 1、丙方负责对乙方进行安全生产及各种规章制度的教育和培训。 2、丙方执行国家劳动安全卫生规程和标准,保障乙方于劳动过程中的安全和健康。 3、乙方于劳动过程中,必须严格遵守安全作业指导书,及丙方制订的劳动安全卫生等各项规章制度,有确保安全生产的责任。 四、各方职责 甲方职责: 1、甲方负责办理乙方的体检、护照、签证等关联手续,且承担相应费用。

劳务协议书-Labor-Service-Agreement-中英文对照 派遣员工劳务合同(中英文)最新合同版本

劳务协议书 Labor Service Agreement 甲方(单位名称): Party A (Company Name): 乙方(劳务者姓名): Party B (Service provider Name): 性别:男身份证/护照号码:联系电话: Gender: Male ID/Passport No.: Tel No.: 家庭住址: Home Address: 根据《中华人民共和国民法通则》、《中华人民共和国合同法》和有关规定,甲乙双方经平等协商一致,自愿签订本劳务协议,共同遵守本协议所列条款。 According to the "General Principles of Civil Law of the People's Republic of China", "Contract Law of the Peop le's Republic of China” and relevant regulations, after equal negotiation, Both parties agree to sign and comply with this labor service agreement 第一条乙方承担的劳务内容为:。甲乙双方可另行约定岗位具体职责及要求,详见职责说明书,附件一。 Article 1 Party B’s Job duty is:Both parties agree on Job duties and requirement as in, Annex I, Job Description. 第二条乙方的工作地点为:,根据甲方工作需要,经甲乙双方协调一致,可变更工作地点。Article 2 Working location of Party B is: , which can be changed on the basis of mutual agreement as per Par ty A’s business requirements. 第三条本协议期限为自年年月日生效,至年年月日终止。其中试用期从/ 年/ 月/ 日起至/ 年/ 月/ 日止。 Article 3, The Agreement period is from to . The probation is / month(s), from / to / . 第四条在协议期间,甲方的责任和义务是:


劳务输出合同范本(标准版) 甲方: 乙方:_______________ (身份证号:__________________) 经乙方申请,甲方决定派遣乙方赴日本某公司(以下简称日本公司)进行劳务输出,双方在平等自愿协商基础上,签订本协议: 第一条:到日本工作期限 1.1 乙方到日本公司工作的期限为从年月日到年月日,期限届满乙方应立即回国并回甲方工作;甲方有权自行决定缩短、调整或结束工作期限的权利。 第二条:出国费用承担及出国履约保证金 2.1 乙方应在出国前向甲方支付以下费用: (1)办理护照等出国手续费用人民币13500元; (2)单程去日本机票约人民币3500元(按实结算); (3)出国前三个月在国内的培训费用人民币1000元。 2.2 除上述约定外,乙方还应在出国前向甲方支付出国履约保证金人民币壹万元,若出现下列情况之一,乙方除要赔偿甲方因此造成的损失外,该出国履约保证金还应作为违约金赔偿给甲方: (1)乙方不愿出国; (2)因乙方的原因而无法出国、不能出国; (3)因乙方的原因,乙方被日本公司退工等而导致乙方无法完成三年工作时间。 如未出现上述情况,乙方回国到甲方工作后,上述出国履约保证金即退还给乙方。 第三条:工作报酬及回国履约保证金

3.1 乙方在日本公司工作期间的报酬约定为:第一年每月为5万日元、第二年和第三年每月皆为6万日元;加班报酬约定:第一年每小时为300日元、第二年每小时为320日元、第三年每小时为350日元。 3.2 乙方同意,甲方可要求日本公司每月从上述报酬中扣除2万日作为乙方的回国履约保证金,若出现下列情况之一,该回国履约保证金应作为违约金赔偿给甲方: (1)三年工作期满,乙方不愿回国或因乙方的原因无法回国、不能回国; (2)乙方回国后拒绝和甲方签订期限为三年的劳动合同或拒绝回甲方工作的; (3)乙方回国在甲方工作期间,乙方以个人理由解除劳动合同,或乙方严重失职或违反劳动合同中的条款而被甲方解雇。 如未出现上述情况,乙方回国到甲方工作三年后,上述回国履约保证金即退还给乙方。 第四条:在日本公司工作期间的义务 4.1 乙方在日本公司三年工作期间的食宿等费用开支皆由乙方本人承担,国内的养老等社会保险金皆由乙方个人承担,先由甲方代为支付,乙方回国后直接支付结算给甲方。 4.2 乙方从工作中获得的任何技术、知识、信息,均应保密,未经甲方事先书面允许,不得公开、泄露或提供给予他人,乙方的保密义务在本合同终止后继续有效三年。 4.3 乙方应认真学习、勤奋工作,在出国期间不得有下列违约行为: (1)触犯法律,违反当地有关劳动或其他条例; (2)参与或牵涉政治敏感性活动; (3)闹事、扰乱社会秩序和作出有损甲方和日本公司声誉的举动; (4)进行危险性运动或活动;


Labor Contract No. 乙方(劳动者)姓名:性别:民族:文化程度: Party B (laborer) Name: Gender: Nationality: Education degree: 户籍所在地:省县乡(镇)村组 Hukou: __________(provision) __________(county) ________township (town)___village _______group 乙方身份证号码:□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ ID No. of Party B: □□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□□□ 乙方通讯地址: Correspondence address of Party B: 为确立双方的劳动关系,明确双方的权利和义务,甲乙双方根据《劳动法》、《劳动合同法》等法律、法规、规章的规定,经双方平等协商,自愿同意签订本劳动合同,并共同遵守本合同所列条款: To establish the labor relationship between the parties and clarify the rights and obligations of the parties, Party A and Party B hereby enter into the labor contract pursuant to the rules of the law, regulatory rules and rules and regulations of the Labor Law and the Labor Contract Law through the equal and voluntariness consultations with the following terms and conditions for the parties to mutually abide by: 一、合同期限 I. Contract term 1、本合同为固定期限劳动合同,合同期限为年(自200 年月日起至20 年月日止),其中试用期为个月(自年月日起至年月日止)。


编号:_____________外国人劳务合同 甲方:___________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

甲方: Party A: 地址: Address: 乙方Party B: 性别Gender: 国籍Nationality: 护照号码Passport No.: 在华居住地址Address (Beijing): 联系方式Contact: 其他紧急联络人Contact person in case of emergency: 一、雇佣期限 Ⅰ Employment term 雇佣期限为年,自年月日起至年月日止The employment term is year(s), lasting from to . 二、雇佣内容及工作时间 Ⅱ Content and working hours 2.1 甲方根据工作需要,安排乙方完成以下内容的工作任务: Party A gives Party B the following work assignments according to its operating requirements:

工作内容Job responsibilities: 工作地点Place: 2.2 工作时间:乙方每日工作时间不超过8小时,平均每周工作不超过40小时,每周休息日为周六、日。 Party B works no more than 8 hours per day, no more than 40 hours per week, and Saturday and Sunday are set as weekly rest days. 三、报酬及其他福利 Ⅲ Remuneration and other welfare benefits 3.1 乙方的报酬为税前元/月,大写: Party B’s salary is RMB 3.2 甲方应于每月号以货币或转帐形式足额支付乙方上述报酬。 Party A shall pay salary to Party B before the day of every month in the form of cash or bank-transfer. 3.3 乙方应遵守国家及地方的税法制度,自行缴纳其个人收入的个人所得税,甲方无义务为其代缴。 Party B shall pay personal income tax voluntarily according to the state’s tax law. Party A doesn’t shoulder the responsibility to withh old and remit taxes for Party B. 3.4 乙方在合同期内享受中国法律规定的节日,公休假日。 Party B is entitled with all legal holidays in accordance with the state’s regulations 四、雇佣合同的解除和终止


外派劳务合同范本(含注意事项)甲方: 地址: 电话: 传真: 乙方: 地址: 电话: 传真: 甲、乙双方,就由甲方提供经乙方代表面试合格并录用的劳务人员赴_______工作一事,经协商签订合同如下: 一、事项 乙方拟通过甲方招募______名中国员工,赴____________公司从事______工作。 二、工薪 乙方支付受雇员工的月底薪________元,底薪从劳务人员抵达______之日起计算。 三、乙方确保按以下条款履约 (一)合同期限

1、合同期限为______年,自劳务人员抵达______之日算起。合同期满后,可依乙方和劳务人员双方意愿签订续约合同,续约合同应告知甲方。 2、劳务人员抵达乙方履约后的试用期为______个月,如不能胜任工作,试用期将再延长______个月。______个月后仍不能胜任工作的劳务人员将被遣送回国,回程机票费用由劳务人员自理。 (二)合同的终止 1、合同期未满因乙方或非劳务人员的原因需与劳务人员终止雇佣关系时,乙方应支付劳务人员______个月的底薪金额的补偿金并免费提供返回中国的机票。 2、合同期未满因劳务人员自身原因需与乙方终止雇佣关系时,劳务人员应提前______个月书面通知乙方,并根据未满合同期的实际时间按比例返还乙方因申请劳务人员前往乙方履约的开支(机票、工作准证的申请费用及更换费用),返回中国的机票费用自理,按乙方安排的时间离境返回中国。 (三)工作时间、月薪金、年终奖金及支付形式 1、劳务人员在乙方履约期间,每周工作_____天,每天_____小时。 2、劳务人员在乙方履约期间,周末工作及完成生产定额后超时工作为加班,加班薪金按______元/小时。 3、劳务人员的月薪:底薪+加班+奖金(保底工资为______元)。


外派劳务合同范本 甲方:________________ 地址:________________ 电话:________________ 传真:________________ 乙方:________________ 地址:________________ 电话:________________ 传真:________________ 甲、乙双方,就由甲方提供经乙方代表面试合格并录用的劳务人员赴_______乙方履约一事,经协商签订合同如下 第二条根据甲方事变必要,乙方同意从事________ 岗亭(工种)事变。经甲、乙两边协商同意,可以变动事变岗亭(工种)。 一、事项 乙方拟通过甲方招募 _____ 名中国员工,赴_________________ 公司从事 _________ 工作。 第三十二条乙方未提前30天向甲方提出辞职或有其他擅自离职情形的,甲方将在乙方办理交接工作后支付乙方的当月工资和办理相关的离职手续;由此给甲方造成经济损失的,乙方应承担相应的赔偿责任。 二、工薪 乙方支付受雇员工的月底薪如下,底薪从劳务人员抵达_______之日起计算。 第四条乙方认为,根据乙方目前的健康状况,能依据本协议第二条、第三条约定的劳务内容、要求、方式为甲方提供劳务,乙方也愿意承担所约定劳务。 工?种 底薪(美元/月) 备?注 熟练车缝工 计件计薪

[劳动报酬] 第四条:乙方按甲方规定完成工作任务,甲方应遵循按劳分配工资原则,实行同工同酬,实行计量工资的,按计量付酬。 2020年,××信息中心在市政府办公厅的关怀指导下,在县委、县政府领导的关心支持下,紧紧围绕市、县党委、政府的中心和重点工作,以服务领导决策为宗旨,积极适应 新的形势发展需要,不断创新工作思路,努力提高信息工作质量和服务水平,在为本级搞 好服务的同时,着力加强信息上报工作,收到良好的效果,全县政务信息工作呈现出良好 的发展局面,上报信息的采用数量和领导的重视程度均有较大提高,被省政府确定为省信 息直报县。回顾一年的工作,主要抓了三个方面: 挡车工 由于地震、台风、水灾、火灾、战争以及其它不能预见并且对其发生和后果不能防止 或避免的不可抗力事故,致使直接影响合同的履行或者按约定的条件履行时,事故的一方 应在十五天内电报通知另一方,并提交由当地公证机关出具的有效证明,经双方协商决定后,可以免除或部分免除履行合同的责任,亦可商定补救办法的补充协议,以付诸实施。 计件计薪 带线组长 双方经过友好协商,在公平、诚信与平等的基础上,共同促进信息交流和产品建设, 根据相关法律法规,______公司授权兼职编辑开发______分类搜索并维护。具体工作如下: 月薪 双方经过友好协商,在公平、诚信与平等的基础上,共同促进信息交流和产品建设, 根据相关法律法规,______公司授权兼职编辑开发______分类搜索并维护。具体工作如下:跟单员 月薪 三、乙方确保按以下条款履约 (一)合同期限 1.合同期限为_____年,自劳务人员抵达_______之日算起。合同期满后,可依乙方


YOUR LOGO 2021年涉外人员派遣劳务合同范 本 The state maintains social and economic order by enacting laws, and contracts signed in accordance with the law have legal effect and are protected by the state. 专业合同系列,下载即可用

2021年涉外人员派遣劳务合同范本说明:本合同书的作用是国家通过制定法律来维护社会经济秩序,规范合同当事人的行为,依法签订的合同具有法律效力,受到国家的保护。可以下载修改后或直接打印使用(使用前请详细阅读内容是否合适)。 涉外人员派遣劳务合同范本 _________(其总部设在_________,以下称“甲方”)与_________(其总部设在_________,以下称“乙方”),经过友好协同,乙方同意为甲方在_________国_________项目提供劳务,为此与甲方签订本劳务合同。 (一)合同目的 本合同的目的:乙方根据本合同条款向甲方_________人员和其他人员(以下称为派遣人员),甲方向乙方支付报酬。为保证甲方项目的顺利完成,双方应互相协作,认真执行合同。 (二)人员派遣 1.应按双方商定的计划派遣人员。甲方对所需派遣的人员应提前两个月用书面正式通知乙方。乙方同意在派出前一个月向甲方提交派遣人员一览表,包括姓名、出生年月日、工种、护照号码及_________国申请入境所需要的资料_________. 2.乙方负责办理乙方人员(从其居住国)的出境手续,并承担与此有关的各项费用。在_________国的入境和居住手续由甲方办理,并负担与此有关的各项费用。 3.根据计划的需要,派遣人员可以随时增加或减少。 4.如需要增加派遣人员时,甲方同意提前两个月向乙方总


第一条:合同双方 甲方: 乙方: 第二条:甲乙双方经友好协商就乙方向甲方派遣临时性服务人员(以下简称乙方劳务人员)事宜,特签定本合同。 第三条:本合同自年月日起,至年月日止。合同期满前一个月双方协商续签或终止事宜,如未续签,本合同期满自动终止。 第四条:双方的权利、义务、责任 1、甲方有权要求乙方组织的劳务人员符合甲方提供的工作岗位要求,且身体健康,无慢性病史,并持有本年度卫生防疫站所发健康证。 2、甲方有权根据预定情况,要求乙方及时派出劳务人员,并要求乙方保证人员数量。 3、甲方要求乙方派遣的劳务人员需要具备一年以上工作的工作经验,且年轻在20-25岁之间。 4、乙方劳务人员的各项社会保险(包括医疗保险及人身伤害保险)的缴纳及人事档案及相关事宜的办理由乙方负全部责任,乙方违反该约定而造成的一切后果均由乙方负全部责任。 5、甲方有义务对乙方派出的劳务人员进行与岗位相适应的专业培训和教育。 6、甲方有义务对乙方劳务人员的工作表现通知乙方,并协调处理相关事宜。 7、乙方有权要求甲方按劳动法和相关政策、法规,维护乙方劳务人员的合法权益。 8、乙方劳务人员如在工作中发生较重工伤事故,甲方应给予及时、积极的抢救,并及

时通知乙方。需做工伤鉴定的,应由乙方请有关部门做工伤鉴定,并由乙方处理善后事宜。乙方劳务人员的工伤事故甲方负有直接责任的,甲方按照责任的比例负责善后事宜。 9、乙方有责任按甲方要求及时提供符合甲方要求的劳务人员,所派劳务人员应无违纪和犯罪记录,品行良好。对于乙方派出的劳务人员,甲方一旦发现其有不良记录或在工作中违反劳动纪律、违反甲方的规章制度或不能胜任甲方工作要求的,甲方可要求乙方随时更换。 10、甲方在有临时变动或突发事件发生前,需在提前至小时内通知乙方。如不能在规定的时间内通知乙方,给乙方造成的经济损失,由甲方全部负责。 第五条:劳务费用及相关事宜 1、甲方按乙方劳务人员在甲方的服务总小时数支付乙方劳务费用。支付标准为: 服务每人每小时元人民币。国家法定节假日期间甲方应支付三倍费用,即每人每小时元人民币。 2、甲方应保证乙方服务人员到点用餐。 3、甲方负责乙方劳务人员的考勤记录并经乙方劳务人员的签字认可。 4、甲方每月月初结算上月乙方劳务费用,经甲乙双方确认后,支付乙方实际发生人员的劳务费。每月20号前以支票或现金形式支付给乙方。 5、乙方劳务人员所产生的个人所得税,由乙方劳务人员本人全部负担,并由乙方代扣代缴。 6、乙方劳务人员的上岗工服根据工作需要由甲方提供。 7、乙方应确保甲方要求的人数和工作时间派遣劳务人员。 8、乙方为保证服务质量每三个月一周期对员工进行一次培训。 第六条:其他


最新劳务派遣公司员工劳动合同范本【标准版】 最新劳务派遣公司员工劳动合同范本【标准版】 本劳动合同(下称“本合同”)由以下双方签订: 甲方:(聘请单位)___________________________________ 法定代表人或主要负责人:_____________________________ 住所:_______________________________________________ 乙方:(受聘人)______________________________________ 证件类型:___________________________________________ 证件号码:___________________________________________ 户籍所在地及邮编:___________________________________ 经常居住地及邮编:___________________________________ 联系电话:___________________________________________ 风险告知:根据《劳动合同法》相关规定,用人单位自用工之日起超过一个月不满一年未与劳动者订立书面劳动合同的,应当向劳动者支付每月双倍工资。此外,用人单位与劳动者签订的必须是正式劳动合同,不得以试用期合同“搪塞”,若签订合同为试用期合同的,该试用期合同期限视为正式劳动合同期限,薪资水平按同等岗位的水平发放。 甲,乙双方根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》和有关法律,法规规定,在遵循合法,公平,诚实信用原则的基础上,经平等自愿,协商一致签订本合同,并共同遵守本合同所列条款。 一、劳动合同期限 (一)本合同为二年以上(含二年)固定期限劳务派遣劳动合同。约定合


标准劳动合同中英文版 根据劳动法律、法规的规定,用人单位需要与劳动者签订劳动合同,标准劳动合同中英文怎么写?以下是小编整理的标准劳动合同中英文范文,欢迎参考阅读。 标准劳动合同中英文版范文篇一 甲方:Party A: 法定代表人(主要负责人)或委托代理人:Legal Representative (main responsible person) or Entrusted Agent: Address: 乙方:Party B (Employee): 性别:Gender: 通讯Communication Address: 居民身份证号码ID Card No.: 联系电话:Telephone: 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》的有关规定,双方遵循公平合法、平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用原则,订立本合同。The contract is hereby concluded by both parties in accordance with Labor Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Labor Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of

China, in the principles of fairness,legitimacy, equality, voluntariness, consensus through negotiation and good faith. 一、劳动合同期限 Contract Term 第一条本合同为固定期限劳动合同。本劳动合同期限为年,其中试用期至年月日止。本合同于年月日终止。 Article 1 : Party A and Party B signs a fixed-term labor contract. The contract lasts for ___ year(s), from _________to ________. Theprobation is ____ month(s), from ________ to ________. 二、工作内容和工作地点 Working Contents and Working Place 第二条乙方同意根据甲方工作需要,担任岗位(工种)工作。 Article 2 : Party B agrees to engage in_____________(post, work posts)according to needs of the Party A. 第三条乙方的工作地点为: 。Article 3 : The working place of Party B is ______________. 三、工作时间和休息休假 Working Hours and Rest Hours


劳动合同 Labor Contract 甲方名称(用人单位):【】 单位地址:【】 法定代表人(单位主要负责人):【】 Party A's name (Employing unit): 【】 Company address: 【】 Legal Representative (Authorized Representative) : 乙方姓名: 家庭住址(或户籍地址): 身份证号码: Party B's name: Home address (or household register address) : ID card number: 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》、《上海市劳动合同条例》以及有关法律、法规和政策,甲方和乙方(以下各自称“各方”,共同称“双方”)遵循平等自愿、协商一致的原则,签订本劳动合同,以确立劳动关系,明确双方的权利和义务,并共同遵守。各方的权利和义务如下: According to "The Labour Law of the People's Republic of China," "The People's Republic of China Labour Contract law," "Shanghai Labour Contract Regulations," and other relevant laws, regulations and policies, Party A and Party B (below termed "each party," together termed "both parties") shall adhere to the principles of equality and consensus, and will sign this labour contract in order to establish a working relationship and to define the rights and obligations of both sides. The rights and obligations of each side are as follows: 第一条劳动合同期限 Article 1 Labour Contract Time Period 1.1 本合同期限类型为期限劳动合同。 1.1 This contract is for a(n) [unlimited / limited] time period. 1.2 合同期限自年月日至年月日止。 1.2 Contract term is from______ Year_____Month_____Day to_____Year_____Month____Day. 1.3 自合同生效之日起个月为试用期。 1.3 _______ month(s) will serve as the probationary period from the day this contract goes into effect. 第二条工作岗位、工作职责 Article 2 Work Position and Duty 2.1 甲方安排乙方到___________部门,担任________职位,乙方必须按甲方确定的职务说明书的工作内容,按时、按质、按量完成甲方分配的工作(生产)任务; 2.1 Party A arranges for Party B to work in________department, serving as___[position]_____. Party B, according to the Party A-approved stipulations for the particular post as stated in the work manual, must complete assignments for Party A on time and according to certain quality and quantity standards; 2.2甲方根据生产经营的需要以及依据乙方的能力(专业、技能、健康)和工作表现,可在协商一致的基础上调整或重新分配乙方的工作职位,如乙方同意被分派到一个不同的职位,则甲方有权根据该职位的要求和该职位的市场情况重新审定和调整乙方的报酬。

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