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General Body Movements

stand up£?sit down£?walk£?stop£?turn left£?turn right£?turn around£?walk backwards£?jump£?hop£? bend over£?squat£?walk 3 steps, 5 steps, etc.£? face ___ (face me; face the wall, face the door, etc.)£?lift up your right leg (left leg, right arm, etc.)£?lower your leg (left leg, right arm, etc.)£? shake my hand£?kiss me (on the cheek!)£?make a fist£?clap your hands£?wave?£

Facial things

smile£?cough£?laugh£?cry£?sneeze£?open your mouth£?close your mouth£?stick out your tongue£?put your tongue back in£?wink£?blink£?wiggle your nose

General verbs you can use with objects

where is£? touch£?show me£?pick up£?put down£?put it back (return)£?drop£? move£?give me (give him)£?take it back£?throw£?catch£?turn over (flip)£?put the _____ on (under etc.) the ______£?push£?pull£? lift

Kitchen table stuff

cup£? plate£? bowl£? knife£?fork£?spoon£? napkin / tissue£? dish£?big round serving tray£?tray you?ˉd serve tea or coffee on£?table£?chair

kitchen stuff

pan£? oven£?stove£?sink£?faucet£?counter£?cupboard£?refrigerator

basic foods

flour£?sugar£?bread£?tea leaves£?coffee grounds£?rice£?nuts£?yogurt£?candy, etc. drinks

water£?milk£?juice£?soda£?yogurt (drinking)£?coffee£?tea


apple£? banana£? orange£? plum£? grapes£? fig£? dates£? raisons£? lemon£?pomegranate£?tomato£? cucumber£? zucchini£? onion£? carrot£? eggplant£? small eggplant£?potato£? garlic£? parsley£? lettuce£? grape leaves£? celery£? mint£?cabbage, etc.


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