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Microsoft Kinect Sensor and Its Effect - IEEE MM 2012

Microsoft Kinect Sensor and Its Effect

R ecent advances in3D depth cameras such as Microsoft Kinect sensors(www.xbox. com/en-US/kinect)have created many oppor-tunities for multimedia computing.Kinect was built to revolutionize the way people play games and how they experience entertainment. With Kinect,people are able to interact with the games with their body in a natural way. The key enabling technology is human body-language understanding;the computer must first understand what a user is doing before it can respond.This has always been an active re-search field in computer vision,but it has proven formidably difficult with video cameras. The Kinect sensor lets the computer directly sense the third dimension(depth)of the play-ers and the environment,making the task much easier.It also understands when users talk,knows who they are when they walk up to it,and can interpret their movements and translate them into a format that developers can use to build new experiences.

Kinect’s impact has extended far beyond the gaming industry.With its wide availability and low cost,many researchers and practitioners in computer science,electronic engineering,and robotics are leveraging the sensing technology to develop creative new ways to interact with machines and to perform other tasks,from helping children with autism to assisting doc-tors in operating rooms.Microsoft calls this the Kinect Effect.On1February2012,Micro-soft released the Kinect Software Development Kit(SDK)for Windows(https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ae17438888.html,/ en-us/kinectforwindows),which will undoubt-edly amplify the Kinect Effect.The SDK will potentially transform human-computer inter-action in multiple industries—education, healthcare,retail,transportation,and beyond.

The activity on the news site and discussion community https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ae17438888.html, helps illustrate the excitement behind the Microsoft Kinect technology.Kinect was launched on4Novem-ber2010.A month later there were already nine pages containing brief descriptions of approxi-mately90projects,and the number of projects posted on https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ae17438888.html, has grown steadily. Based on my notes,there were24pages on 10February2011,55pages on2August 2011,63pages on12January2012,and65 pages on18February while I was writing this article.This comment from KinectHacks. net nicely summarizes the enthusiasm about Kinect:‘‘Every few hours new applications are emerging for the Kinect and creating new phenomenon that is nothing short of revolutionary.’’

Kinect Sensor

The Kinect sensor incorporates several advanced sensing hardware.Most notably,it contains a depth sensor,a color camera,and a four-microphone array that provide full-body 3D motion capture,facial recognition,and voice recognition capabilities(see Figure1).A detailed report of the components in the Kinect sensor is available at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ae17438888.html,/news/ 58230/microsoft-kinect-somatosensory-game-device-full-disassembly-report-_microsoft-xbox. This article focuses on the vision aspect of the Kinect sensor.(See related work for details on the audio component.1)

Multimedia at Work Wenjun Zeng

University of Missouri,zengw@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ae17438888.html,

Zhengyou Zhang

Microsoft Research

Editor’s Note

Sales of Microsoft’s controller-free gaming system Kinect topped

10million during the first three months after its launch,setting a

new Guinness World Record for the Fastest-Selling Consumer Electron-

ics Device.What drove this phenomenal success?This article unravels

the enabling technologies behind Kinect and discusses the Kinect

Effect that potentially will transform human-computer interaction in

multiple industries.

1070-986X/12/$31.00 c2012IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society 4

Figure1b shows the arrangement of the

infrared(IR)projector,the color camera,and

the IR camera.The depth sensor consists of

the IR projector combined with the IR camera,

which is a monochrome complementary metal-

oxide semiconductor(CMOS)sensor.The

depth-sensing technology is licensed from the

Israeli company PrimeSense(www.primesense.

com).Although the exact technology is not dis-

closed,it is based on the structured light princi-

ple.The IR projector is an IR laser that passes

through a diffraction grating and turns into a

set of IR dots.Figure2shows the IR dots seen

by the IR camera.

The relative geometry between the IR projec-

tor and the IR camera as well as the projected IR

dot pattern are known.If we can match a dot

observed in an image with a dot in the projec-

tor pattern,we can reconstruct it in3D using

triangulation.Because the dot pattern is rela-


tively random,the matching between the IR

image and the projector pattern can be done

in a straightforward way by comparing small

neighborhoods using,for example,normalized

cross correlation.

Figure3shows the depth map produced

by the Kinect sensor for the IR image in Figure2.

The depth value is encoded with gray values;

the darker a pixel,the closer the point is

to the camera in space.The black pixels indicate

that no depth values are available for those pix-

els.This might happen if the points are too far

(and the depth values cannot be computed accu-

rately),are too close(there is a blind region due

to limited fields of view for the projector and

the camera),are in the cast shadow of the projec-

tor(there are no IR dots),or reflect poor IR lights

(such as hairs or specular surfaces).

The depth values produced by the Kinect

sensor are sometimes inaccurate because the

calibration between the IR projector and the

IR camera becomes invalid.This could be

caused by heat or vibration during transporta-

tion or a drift in the IR laser.To address this

problem,together with the Kinect team,I

developed a recalibration technique using the

card in Figure4that is shipped with the Kinect

sensor.If users find that the Kinect is not

responding accurately to their actions,they

can recalibrate the Kinect sensor by showing

it the card.The idea is an adaptation of my ear-

lier camera calibration technique.2

The depth value produced by the Kinect sen-

sor is assumed to be an affine transformation


of the true depth value—that is,Z measured ?a Z true tb —which we found to be a reasonably good model.The goal of recalibration is to de-termine a and b .(We could also use a more complex distortion model that applies the same technique.)Using the RGB camera,the recalibration technique determines the 3D coor-dinates of the feature points on the calibration card in the RGB camera’s coordinate system,which are considered to be the true values.At the same time,the Kinect sensor also produces the measured 3D coordinates of those feature points in the IR camera’s coordinate system.

Minimizing the distances between the two point sets,the Kinect sensor can estimate the values of a and b and the rigid transformation between the RGB camera and the IR camera.

Kinect Skeletal Tracking

The innovation behind Kinect hinges on advances in skeletal tracking.The operational envelope demands for commercially viable skeletal tracking are enormous.Simply put,skeletal tracking must ideally work for every person on the planet,in every house-hold,without any calibration.A dauntingly high number of dimensions describe this enve-lope,such as the distance from the Kinect sen-sor and the sensor tilt angle.Entire sets of dimensions are necessary to describe unique individuals,including size,shape,hair,cloth-ing,motions,and poses.Household environ-ment dimensions are also necessary for lighting,furniture and other household fur-nishings,and pets.

In skeletal tracking,a human body is repre-sented by a number of joints representing body parts such as head,neck,shoulders,and arms (see Figure 5a).Each joint is represented by its 3D coordinates.The goal is to determine all the 3D parameters of these joints in real time to allow fluent interactivity and with lim-ited computation resources allocated on the Xbox 360so as not to impact gaming perfor-mance.Rather than trying to determine di-rectly the body pose in this high-dimensional space,Jamie Shotton and his team met


Figure 4.Kinect calibration card.To recalibrate the Kinect sensor,the RGB

camera’s coordinate system determines the 3D coordinates of the feature points on the calibration card,which are considered to be the true values.

Figure 5.Skeletal tracking.(a)Using a skeletal representation of various body parts,(b)Kinect uses per-pixel,body-part recognition as an intermediate step to avoid a combinatorial search over the different body joints.





x y z

Left hand




Right shoulder

Left elbow

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challenge by proposing per-pixel,body-part rec-ognition as an intermediate step (see Figure 5b).3Due to their innovative work,Microsoft hon-ored the Kinect Skeletal Tracking team mem-bers with the 2012Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ae17438888.html,/about/technicalrecognition/Kinect-Skeletal-Tracking.aspx).

Shotton’s team treats the segmentation of a depth image as a per-pixel classification task (no pairwise terms or conditional random field are necessary).Evaluating each pixel sepa-rately avoids a combinatorial search over the different body joints.For training data,we generate realistic synthetic depth images of humans of many shapes and sizes in highly var-ied poses sampled from a large motion-capture database.We train a deep randomized decision forest classifier,which avoids overfitting by using hundreds of thousands of training images.Simple,discriminative depth compari-son image features yield 3D translation invari-ance while maintaining high computational efficiency.

For further speedup,the classifier can be run in parallel on each pixel on a graphics process-ing unit (GPU).Finally,spatial modes of the in-ferred per-pixel distributions are computed using mean shift resulting in the 3D joint pro-posals.An optimized implementation of our al-gorithm runs in under 5ms per frame (200frames per second)on the Xbox 360GPU.It works frame by frame across dramatically differ-ing body shapes and sizes,and the learned dis-criminative approach naturally handles self-occlusions and poses cropped by the image frame.

Figure 6illustrates the whole pipeline of Kin-ect skeletal tracking.The first step is to perform per-pixel,body-part classification.The second step is to hypothesize the body joints by

finding a global centroid of probability mass (local modes of density)through mean shift.The final stage is to map hypothesized joints to the skeletal joints and fit a skeleton by con-sidering both temporal continuity and prior knowledge from skeletal train data.

Head-Pose and Facial-Expression Tracking

Head-pose and facial-expression tracking has been an active research area in computer vi-sion for several decades.It has many applica-tions including human-computer interaction,performance-driven facial animation,and face recognition.Most previous approaches focus on 2D images,so they must exploit some appearance and shape models because there are few distinct facial features.They might still suffer from lighting and texture variations,occlusion of profile poses,and so forth.

Related research has also focused on fitting morphable models to 3D facial scans.These 3D scans are usually obtained by high-quality laser scanners or structured light systems.Fitting these high-quality range data with a morphable face model usually involves the well-known iterative closest point (ICP)algo-rithm and its variants.The results are generally good,but these capturing systems are expen-sive to acquire or operate and the capture pro-cess is long.

A Kinect sensor produces both 2D color video and depth images at 30fps,combining the best of both worlds.However,the Kinect’s depth information is not very accurate.Figure 7shows an example of the data captured by Kin-ect.Figure 7c,a close-up of the face region ren-dered from a different viewpoint,shows that the depth information is much noisier than laser-scanned


Depth image Inferred body

parts Hypothesized

joints Tracked skeleton

Figure 6.The Kinect skeletal tracking pipeline.After performing per-pixel,body-part classification,the system hypothesizes the body joints by finding a global centroid of probability mass and then maps these joints to a skeleton using temporal continuity and prior knowledge.

April June 20127

We developed a regularized maximum-likelihood deformable model fitting (DMF)al-gorithm for 3D face tracking with Kinect.4We use a linear deformable head model with a lin-ear combination of a neutral face,a set of shape basis units with coefficients that represent a particular person and are static over time,and a set of action basis units with coefficients that represent a person’s facial expression and are dynamic overtime.Because a face cannot perform all facial expressions simultaneously,we believe in general the set of coefficients for the action basis units should be sparse,and thus we impose a L 1regularization.

The depth values from Kinect do not have the same accuracy.Depth is determined through triangulation,similar to stereovision.The depth error increases with the distance squared.Thus,in formulating the distance between the face model and the depth map,although we still use the ICP concept,each point from the depth map has its proper covariance matrix to model its uncertainty,and the distance is actu-ally the Mahalanobis distance.Furthermore,the 2D feature points in the video frames are tracked across frames and integrated into the DMF framework seamlessly.In our formulation,the 2D feature points do not necessarily need to correspond to any vertices or to semantic facial features such as eye corners and lip contours in the deformable face model.The sequence of images in Figure 8demonstrates the effective-ness of the proposed method.

Microsoft Avatar Kinect has adopted similar technology (https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ae17438888.html,/en-us/kinect/avatar-kinect).With Avatar Kinect,you can control your avatar’s facial expression and head through facial-expression tracking and its arm movements through skeletal tracking (see Fig-ure 9).As you talk,frown,smile,or scowl,your voice and facial expressions are enacted by your avatar,bringing it to life.Avatar Kinect offers 15unique virtual environments to reflect your mood and to inspire creative conversations and performances.In a virtual environment you choose,you can invite up to seven friends to join you for a discussion or have them join you at the performance stage where you can put on a show.Thus,you can see your friends’actual expressions in real time through their



Figure 7.An example of a human face captured by the Kinect sensor.(a)Video frame (texture),(b)depth image,and (c)close up of the facial


Figure 8.Facial expression tracking.These sample images show the results of Kinect tracking 2D feature points in video frames using a projected face mesh overlay.

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Teleimmersive Conferencing

With increasing economic globalization and workforce mobilization,there is a strong need for immersive experiences that enable people across geographically distributed sites to inter-act collaboratively.Such advanced infrastruc-tures and tools require a deep understanding of multiple disciplines.In particular,computer vision,graphics,and acoustics are indispensable to capturing and rendering 3D environments that create the illusion that the remote partici-pants are in the same room.Existing video-conferencing systems,whether they are available on desktop and mobile devices or in dedicated conference rooms with built-in fur-niture and life-sized high-definition video,leave a great deal to be desired—mutual gaze,3D,motion parallax,spatial audio,to name a few.For the first time,the necessary immersive technologies are emerging and coming to-gether to enable real-time capture,transport,and rendering of 3D holograms,and we are much closer to realizing man’s dream reflected in Hollywood movies,from Star Trek and Star Wars to The Matrix and Avatar .

The Immersive Telepresence project at Microsoft Research addresses the scenario of a fully distributed team.Figure 10illustrates three people joining a virtual/synthetic meeting from their own offices in three separate loca-tions.A capture device (one or multiple Kinect sensors)at each location captures users in 3D with high fidelity (in both geometry and ap-pearance).They are then put into a virtual


as if they were seated at the same table.The user’s position is tracked by the camera so the virtual room is rendered appropriately at each location from the user’s eye perspective,which produces the right motion parallax ef-fect,exactly like what a user would see in the real world if the three people met face to face.Because a consistent geometry is maintained and the user’s position is tracked,the mutual gaze between remote users is maintained.

In Figure 10,users A and C are looking at each other,and B will see that A and C are

Figure 9.Avatar Kinect virtual https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ae17438888.html,ers can control their avatars’facial expressions through facial-expression tracking and body movements through skeletal tracking.

Figure 10.Immersive telepresence.One or multiple Kinect sensors at each location captures users in 3D with high fidelity.The system maintains mutual gaze between remote users and produces spatialized audio to help simulate a more realistic virtual meeting.

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looking at

each other because B only sees their side views.Furthermore,the audio is also spa-tialized,and the voice of each remote person comes from his location in the virtual room.The display at each location can be 2D or 3D,flat or curved,single or multiple,transparent or opaque,and so forth—the possibilities are numerous.In general,the larger a display is,the more immersive the user’s experience.

Because each person must be seen from dif-ferent angles by remote people,a single Kinect does not provide enough spatial coverage,and the visual quality is insufficient.Cha Zhang at Microsoft Research,with help from others,has developed an enhanced 3D capture device that runs in real time with multiple IR projec-tors,IR cameras,and RGB cameras.Figure 11illustrates the quality of the 3D capture we can currently obtain with that device.

A similar system is being developed at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill that uses multiple Kinect sensors at each location.5


The Kinect sensor offers an unlimited number of opportunities for old and new applications.This article only gives a taste of what is possible.Thus far,additional research areas include hand-gesture recognition,6human-activity rec-ognition,7body biometrics estimation (such as weight,gender,or height),83D surface recon-struction,9and healthcare applications.10Here,I have included just one reference per applica-tion area,not trying to be exhaustive.Visit https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ae17438888.html,/en-US/Kinect/Kinect-Effect and https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ae17438888.html, for more examples.MM


1.I.Tashev,‘‘Recent Advances in Human-Machine Interfaces for Gaming and Entertainment,‘‘Int’l https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ae17438888.html,rmation Technology and Security,vol.3,no.3,2011,pp.69 76.

2.Z.Zhang,‘‘A Flexible New Technique for Camera Calibration,‘‘IEEE Trans.Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,vol.22,no.11,2000,pp.1330 1334.

3.J.Shotton et al.,‘‘Real-Time Human Pose Recog-nition in Parts from a Single Depth Image,‘‘Proc.IEEE https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ae17438888.html,puter Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),IEEE CS Press,2011,pp.1297 130

4.4.Q.Cai et al.,‘‘3D Deformable Face Tracking with a Commodity Depth Camera,‘‘Proc.11th Euro-pean https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ae17438888.html,puter Vision (ECCV),vol.III,Springer-Verlag,2010,pp.229 242.

5. A.Maimone and H.Fuchs,‘‘Encumbrance-Free

Telepresence System with Real-Time 3D Capture and Display Using Commodity Depth Cameras,‘‘Proc.IEEE Int’l Symp.Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR),IEEE CS Press,2011,pp.137 146.6.Z.Ren,J.Yuan,and Z.Zhang,‘‘Robust Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Finger-Earth Mov-ers Distance with a Commodity Depth Camera,‘‘Proc.19th ACM Int’l Conf.Multimedia (ACM MM),ACM Press,2011,pp.1093 1096.

7.W.Li,Z.Zhang,and Z.Liu,‘‘Action Recognition Based on A Bag of 3D Points,‘‘Proc.IEEE Int’l Work-shop on CVPR for Human Communicative Behavior Analysis (CVPR4HB),IEEE CS Press,2010,pp.9 14.8. C.Velardo and J.-L.Dugelay,‘‘Real Time Extrac-tion of Body Soft Biometric from 3D Videos,‘‘Proc.ACM Int’l Conf.Multimedia (ACM MM),ACM Press,2011,pp.781 782.

9.S.Izadi et al.,‘‘KinectFusion:Real-Time Dynamic 3D Surface Reconstruction and Interaction,‘‘Proc.ACM SIGGRAPH,2011.

10.S.Bauer et al.,‘‘Multi-modal Surface Registration

for Markerless Initial Patient Setup in Radiation Therapy Using Microsoft’s Kinect Sensor,‘‘Proc.IEEE Workshop on Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision (CDC4CV),IEEE Press,2011,pp.1175 1181.Zhengyou Zhang is a principal researcher and re-search manager of the Multimedia,Interaction,and Communication (MIC)Group at Microsoft Research.His research interests include computer vision,speech signal processing,multisensory fusion,multi-media computing,real-time collaboration,and human-machine interaction.Zhang has PhD and DSc degrees in computer science from the University of Paris XI.He is a fellow of IEEE and the founding editor in chief of the IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental

Development .Contact him at zhang@


Figure 11.A screen shot of two remote people viewed from a third location.An enhanced 3D capture device runs in real time with multiple infrared (IR)projectors,IR cameras,and RGB cameras.

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