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Nested Topological Order

a r X i v :0803.4299v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s t r -e l ] 30 M a r 2008

Nested Topological Order

H.Bombin and M.A.Martin-Delgado

Departamento de F′?sica Te′o rica I,Universidad Complutense,28040.Madrid,Spain.We introduce the concept of nested topological order in a class of exact quantum lattice Hamilto-nian models with non-abelian discrete gauge symmetry.The topological order present in the models can be partially destroyed by introducing a gauge symmetry reduction mechanism.When symme-try is reduced in several islands only,this imposes boundary conditions to the rest of the system giving rise to topological ground state degeneracy.This degeneracy is related to the existence of topological ?uxes in between islands or,alternatively,hidden charges at islands.Additionally,island deformations give rise to an extension of topological quantum computation beyond quasiparticles.

PACS numbers:71.10.-w,11.15.-q,03.67.Pp,71.27.+a

The concept of topological orders [1]o?ers the possibil-ity of ?nding new states of matter with a common picture of string-net condensation [2]and other variants thereof [3].They correspond to examples of long range entangle-ment in quantum many-body systems where those cor-relations emerge in quantum states that are encoded in non-local degrees of freedom of topologically ordered sys-tems.Their global properties are the source for yet an-other application as the suitable systems to implement topological quantum computation [4,5,6,7],a form of fault-tolerant quantum computation intrinsically resis-tant to the debilitating e?ects of local noise.Quantum ?eld theories with an spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism of a continuous gauge group down to a dis-crete group have been proposed as a scenario for realizing their physics [8,9,10,11,12,13,14].

In this paper we introduce the concept of nested topo-logical order in a class of quantum lattice Hamiltonians.Our starting point are the family of Kitaev’s models [4],which are labeled by a discrete gauge group.Such mod-els can be modi?ed [15]introducing an explicit symme-try breaking mechanism.Our aim is to study the ef-fect of ‘nesting’subsystems with a reduced symmetry inside systems with the complete gauge symmetry.We will consider a topologically ordered system divided in two regions,say A and C ,and show that it is possible to partially destroy the topological order in region C in such a way that this imposes boundary conditions to the subsystem A .The system C can take the form of several islands,which is why we talk about ‘nested’topologi-cal order.The boundary conditions induce a topological ground state degeneracy which is due to the possible val-ues of certain ?uxes in between islands.As we will see,the values of these ?uxes correspond to the types of do-main walls that exist in C .If we allow the region C to be deformed,then islands can be initialized,braided and fused,giving an interesting extension of the ideas of topological quantum computation beyond quasiparticles.The models that we consider are string-net conden-sates in a 2D lattice [1],[2].The con?gurations of the lattice are regarded as string-net states:a collection of la-beled strings meeting at branching points.A string-net is closed if certain conditions hold at branching points

and there are no loose ends.The ground state is a su-perposition of all possible deformations of such closed string-nets,and excited states correspond to con?gura-tions with loose ends:quasiparticle excitations appear at the ends of strings.Now,to such system Hamiltonians we can add string tension terms,which penalize with a higher energy those con?gurations with longer strings.As such terms get more important with respect to the original ones,longer strings become less relevant in the ground state and ?nally the topological order is destroyed as excitations get con?ned.Alternatively,we can add suitable terms so that only part of the topological order is destroyed.This is in fact the case for the Hamiltoni-ans H N,M

G that we consider (1),which are labeled with a discrete group G and two subgroups N ?M ?G ,with N abelian and normal in G .If N =1and M =G ,we have the original topologically ordered models with gauge group G considered by Kitaev [4].Otherwise,the gauge symmetry is reduced the quotient group G ′=M/N .In particular,if N =M the topological order is completely destroyed.

Topological phases.The systems of interest are constructed from a two-dimensional orientable lattice,of arbitrary shape.At every edge of the lattice we place a qudit,a |G |-dimensional quantum system with Hilbert

space H ′

G and a basis |g labeled with the elements of G .The Hamiltonians read as follows[15]

H N,M G :=? v ∈V

A M v ? f ∈F

B N f ? e ∈E


e +L N e ,(1)

where the sums run over the set of vertices V ,faces F and edges E .Explicit expressions for the terms in (1)will be given below,but before that,we will discuss their physical content.First,all the terms are projectors and commute with each other,so that the ground state is described by conditions of the form P |GS =|GS with P either a vertex,face or edge operator.Excitations are gapped and localized;they correspond to violations of the previous conditions and so can be related to vertices,faces and edges;they are regarded respectively as electric,magnetic and domain wall excitations.

We ?rst recall the case H G :=H 1,G

G [4].For non-Abelian groups G ,vertex and face excitations are inter-

ρwill measure the ?ux of the excited region T in the direction of the white arrows.

The ground states of (1)can also be described in terms of conditions for ribbon operators,in particular by

F MN σ|GS =|GS ,


ρ|GS =|GS ,


where σand ρare arbitrary boundary and open ribbons,

respectively.The ?rst condition is related to vertex and face excitations,and the second to edge excitations.Nested phases.We are now in position to discuss a more complicated system.In particular,we want to con-sider a surface divided in two regions of arbitrary shape,A and C ,plus a third region B which is just a thick boundary separating them,included so that the Hamil-tonian does not have to change abruptly from A to C .The idea is to have a local Hamiltonian such that condi-tions (2)are satis?ed in A ,conditions (3)in C and the conditions

F NN σ|GS =|GS ,


with σan arbitrary boundary ribbon,in the whole sys-tem.The last condition is needed to ensure that domain

wall ?ux is preserved through region B ,a key ingredient of our construction as we will see.The ground state of the Hamiltonian H 0:=? v A N

v ? f B N f

is described pre-cisely by (4).In addition,H 0commutes with H G ,H NM


.Indeed,a Hamiltonian of the form H ′

=H G +λH 0,λ≥0,only di?ers from H G in the gap for some excitations,and

the same is true for H NM

G .The Hamiltonian that we

want to consider takes the form H =H 0+λH G +μH NM

G ,where λ,μ≥0vary spatially so that λ=1and μ=0in A and λ=0and μ=1in C .If we take λμ=0,the ground state has the desired properties but there exists some local degeneracy at B .This local degeneracy can be lifted if λand μare allowed to overlap,but on the other hand if the overlap is too big,it could produce a level crossing taking the ground state of H out of that of H 0,which spoils conditions (4).

Quasiparticle dilution.Our aim is to understand the e?ects of the nested region C on the topologically ordered region A .A ?rst e?ect is the possibility to locally create or destroy single quasiparticle excitations in the vicinity of the A -C border,something prohibited in systems with Hamiltonian H G due to charge conservation.In terms of ribbon operators,this is re?ected in the fact that for any ρ1connecting C to A ,as the one in Fig.2(a),a state of the form m ∈M F mn ˉ


ρ1|GS ,n ∈N ,contains no excitation at C .In terms of quasiparticle processes,this corresponds to create a particle-antiparticle pair in A and then move one of them into C ,where it disappears because it is condensed.

Domain wall dilution.A second e?ect is related to the existence of domain walls in region C .Consider again a ribbon ρ2connecting C to A ,see Fig.2(a).Some of the

states of the form |ψ = h,g c h,g F


|GS ,c h,g ∈C ,will contain edge excitations all along the portion of ρ2contained in C ,for example those with c h,g =0for some

erty as long as the islands are distant.Indeed,measuring the?ux requires an operator with a support connecting C1and C2.And,if an operator changes the?ux,its support must loop around C1(or C2).Suppose to the contrary that O is an operator that leaves the ground state invariant and has a support not enclosing C1,as the shaded region in Fig.2(b).Letρ6be another rib-bon connecting the islands but lying outside the support

of O.Due to(4)we have J R,T

ρ5|GS =J R,T


|GS ,so

that[J R,T

ρ5,O]|GS =[J R,T


,O]|GS =0and thus O does

not change the?ux.Those operators which do change the?ux are related to processes in which a particle-antiparticle pair is created,one of them loops around C1 and they meet again to fuse into a charge that disappears into C1.

Topologically protected subsystems.It follows that there exist a topological degeneracy in the ground state, related to the distinct values that the?ux in between C1 and C2can take.For example,if N=M=1the?ux can take any value g∈G.In general,for a C composed of multiple disconnected regions,the degeneracy of the ground state depends on N,M and the topology of A. Now,it is natural to ask how does this protected space compares with the one due to to the existence of several separated excitations in A.In other words,do islands add something new?This can be positively answered through an example:two excitations give no protected subspace [4],but we have just seen the contrary for the case of two islands.Perhaps more dramatically,for abelian groups G the protected subsystem is always trivial whatever the amount of excitations,but this is not the case for islands. Nevertheless,islands can be compared to excitations,in the following sense.An island can hold certain charge values,which can be measured using ribbon operators that enclose the island,as in the case of an excitation. The di?erence between a charged island and a charged excitation is that the local degrees of freedom of the exci-tation become global in the case of the island:this is the origin of the additional dimensionality of the protected subsystem.

Braiding.The physics of the system so far has a static nature.If we want to consider the setting as an sce-nario for quantum computation,then the possibility of dynamically deforming the region C must be included in it.Such deformations need not be strictly adiabatic, but the state should be kept in the subspace de?ned by conditions(2-4)at all time.We can then braid islands to perform unitary operations,in complete analogy with quasiparticle braiding.It is also natural to enrich the physics by considering islands with di?erent(N,M)la-bels,increasing the variety of protected subsystems. Fusion.We must consider also the analogue of the quasi-particle fusion processes,which is the way in which mea-surements are carried out in topological quantum com-putation.There are two natural ways in which global degrees of freedom can be made local.The?rst is to decrease the size of an island till it dissapears leaving a small charged region.The outcome of such a process is the charge,which can be measured but not changed locally.The second way is closer to the idea of fusion. Indeed,it is also a fusion,but of islands instead of quasi-particles.The idea is depicted in Fig.2(c).As two is-lands of the same(N,M)type get closer,some of the ribbon operators connecting them become small and thus the?ux between the islands is exposed to local measure-ments.If we continue the approach till the islands meet, the?ux will take the form of a domain wall excitation at the meeting place,as in Fig.2(c).Due to con?nement the domain wall can decay to several smaller walls,but there is something that will not disappear,the two bor-der charges in its ends on B.As explained in the caption of Fig.2(c),the appearance of this border charges can be seen directly in terms of ribbon operators.Regarding the initialization of the system,reverse processes can be used.That is,if an island is divided in two,the topolog-ical?ux in between them will be trivial,and if an island is created from the vacuum,it will have trivial charge. In both cases the reason is that topological properties cannot be changed by local processes. Acknowledgements We acknowledge?nancial support from a PFI grant of the EJ-GV(H.B.),DGS grants un-der contracts BFM2003-05316-C02-01,FIS2006-04885 (H.B.,M.A.M.D,),and the ESF Science Programme IN-STANS2005-2010(M.A.M.D.).

[1]X.-G.Wen.Quantum Field Theory of Many-body Sys-

tems,Oxford University Press,(2004).

[2]M.Levin and X.-G.Wen,Phys.Rev.B71,045110(2005).

[3]H.Bombin and M.A.Martin-Delgado;Phys.Rev.B75,


[4]A.Yu.Kitaev,Annals Phys.303,2(2003)

[5]Michael H.Freedman,Alexei Kitaev,Zhenghan Wang,




[7]S.Das Sarma,M.Freedman,C.Nayak,S.H.Simon,A.

Stern arXiv:0707.1889.



[10]L.M.Krauss and F.Wilczek,Phys.Rev.Lett.62,1221


[11]J.Preskill and L.M.Krauss,Nucl.Phys.B341,50(1990).

[12]F.A.Bais,B.J.Schroers,and J.K.Slingerland,Phys.

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[14]F.A.Bais,P.van Driel,and M.de Wild Propitius,Phys.



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十大奢侈品LOGO之--CELINE赛琳 CELINE赛琳,创始人:Michael kors 发源地:法国,成立年份:1945年,产品线:服饰、成衣 品牌故事:要为豪华与奢侈找一个踏实的根据地,CELINE就可以。从40年代创立品牌到90年代由MICHAEL KORS执掌设计,不论潮流如何变化,实用,一直是CELINE的座右铭。CELINE的服装华丽又实用,单品本身的质感符合“休闲华丽”这个看似矛盾的风格,而其皮件及配件从皮包、皮鞋到领带丝巾都在奢华的基础上突出实用主义。 1.“c”标志以及链状图案:一直是CELINE品牌的经典图案,在皮件的皮面图案或金属扣头以及丝巾、领带的图案织纹上都可以看到,也可以容易地帮助我们辩识LOGO。 2.“单座双轮马车”标志:是CELINE如马具般精致品质的象征,经常成为皮件与皮鞋上的金属装饰。



For M/S : 华瑞益通 Name:Date: 本订单合同由买方和卖方共同签署,双方同意按本合同各项条款,买方购买且卖方出售合同规定的货物并提供相应服务。 The Purchase Order is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the Goods and provide services as covered and described hereunder. SECTION 1 - 供货范围 SCOPE OF SUPPLY: You have discussed all technical requirements for this project and confirmed the compliance to the same. 卖方已经了解此项目的所有技术要求并确认完全满足所有要求: 序号Item 货物描述 Description / Scope of Supply 单位 Unit 数量 Qty 单价 Unit Price 总价 Total Prices According to (MR编号及设备名称) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Start-up and Commissioning Spare Included 7Inspection , testing and Factory Acceptance Certificate(FAT) Included 8Design, Drawing, Documentation and Manual(Required Quantity) Included 9Export Packaging Included 10Inland Transportation Included 11Commodity Inspection(if needed) Included 总价(至买方指定港口)


苏丹 XXX 项目:PROVISION OF PCC SERVICE S FOR PROJECT 项目合同编号 POJECT CONTRACT NO: P etro-Energy/ (2) 交货期 DELIVERY SCHEDULE All goods of the PO shall be delivered completely to the Carrier nomin ated by the Buyer no later tha n xxxxxxxxxxx. (3) 交货事项 DELIVERY POINT SECTION 3- 文件 REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: (1) 1套正本增值税专用发票, 增值税专用发票的内容必须与报关单相一致。卖方必须在收到 买方发出的开票通知后 7天内将此正本增值税专用发票提交买方经办人。 如果由于卖方不 能及时提交增值税专用发票或出具的发票不符合要求, 由此产生的损失由卖方承担, 买方 有权从货款中直接扣除。 One set of original Value Added Tax (VAT) Invoice(s) submitted by the Seller. The content of VAT Invoice(s) must be in accordanee with the Customs Declaration. The Seller shall submit the VA T In voices to the Buyer dur ing seve n (7) days after receiv ing the Buyer ' s Notice about the In voice issu ing. All the losses arise n from late submissi on or in correct ness of the VAT In voices shall be borne by the Seller. The Buyer has the right to deduct the corresp ondent losses directly from the payme nt un der the Con tract; (2) 3份正本和3份副本装箱单(中英文对照),装箱单要求详细注明订单号、 件号、货物名称、 规格尺寸、毛重、净重、包装类型。 3 origi nals of Pack ing List and 3 copies in both Chin ese and En glish Ian guage, issued by the Manufacturer or the Seller with indication of PO No., package number, the name of Goods, specificati on. Package dime nsions and weight (net and gross), List of Items with qua ntity and tag Number t, type of pack ing; (3) 制造商签署的3份中英文对照的质量证书原件,3份正本检验报告原件。 Three (3) origi nal Quality Certificates and T est and In specti on Reports in both Chin ese and En glish Ian guage issued by the Manu facturer; (4) 1份由当地商检局出具的出境货物换证凭条 (单)。(如需商检,商检费用已包括在总价里) One original Inspection Certificate issued by local Import and Export Commodity In specti on Bureau of the P .R.Chi na; (5) 工厂验收测试(FAT )报告正本1份。 Certificate of factory accepta nee test. (6) 1份由买方出具的运输释放通知 Shipp ing Release Note issued by the buyer. (7) 1份由买方指定承运人签发的收货单原件。 One origi nal and two copies of Cargo Receipt issued by the Buyer appo in ted Freight Forwarder; (8) 卖方与合同签订后一周内提交报批图纸。 MR 、补遗等相关文件中规定的最终文件 ,包括图 纸、数据表、技术手册等相关文件的 9份硬拷贝和6份CD 软拷贝。 Other technical documents, including but not limited to the following, drawing, data sheets and tech ni cal manual in 9 hard copies and 6 CDs; 9套硬拷贝和6套软拷贝(CDs )的最终文件邮寄到买 方办公室。 项目合同编号 POJECT CONTRACT NO: P etro-Energy/ 合同货物必须在 XXXXXXXXXX 前交至买方指定的承运人处。 如果分批运输,则分批付 卖方应在两周内用特快专递方式将

奢侈品 世界十大品牌

简单汇总十大品牌: LV(louis viutton)路易威登(法) GIVENCHY纪梵希(法) HERMES爱马仕(法)CHANEL香奈儿(法) PRADA(MIU MIU)普拉达(意)VERSACE范思哲(意)GUCCI古奇(意大利)DOLCE GABBANNA(D&G)杜嘉班纳(意)BURBERRY巴宝莉(英)CARTIER卡地亚(瑞士)Ω OMEGA 欧米茄(瑞士)ROLEX劳力士(瑞士 十大奢侈品十大服装 唐纳?卡兰、Louis Vuitton、Chanel、范思哲、Dior、古驰、瓦伦蒂诺?加拉瓦尼、PRADA、GUESS、乔治?阿玛尼 珠宝 卡地亚、蒂芬尼、ENZO、Oxette、宝诗龙、Bulgari、御木本、Graff、Georgjensen、波米雷特 皮具 Louis Vuitton、Chanel、Dior、古驰、瓦伦蒂诺?加拉瓦尼、PRADA、乔治?阿玛尼、登喜路、芬迪、COACH 顶级名表 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ae17699312.html,nger、积家、伯爵、江诗丹顿、劳力士、卡地亚、爱彼、万国、宝玑、百达翡丽 汽车 法拉利、Porsche、奔驰、宝马、莲花、宾利、凯迪拉克、菲亚特、奥迪、劳斯莱斯 豪宅 “三湖”别墅、曼德勒农场、“向往东方”的海滩、"燃点"的海滩、“拉?阿密提”、“迪奥”宫殿、纽约曼哈顿区的一座大厦顶楼三层、佛罗里达棕榈滩的“观光别墅” 化妆品 娇兰、兰蔻、娇韵诗、伊丽莎白?雅顿、奥伦纳素、雅诗兰黛、倩碧、资生堂、Dior、Chanel

高尔夫球具 登禄普、TaylorMade、阿迪达斯、耐克、Ben Hogan、Etonics、威尔森、马基高、Callaway、ping 眼镜 普拉达、奥克利、珠迪丝?雷伯、唐那?凯伦、圣罗兰、唐纳?卡兰、路易?威登、香奈尔、迪奥、卡地亚 名笔品牌 帕克、万宝龙、威尔?永锋、华特曼、卡地亚、犀飞利(sheaffer)、地球牌、奥罗拉、高仕、Montegrappa 皮鞋品牌 芬迪、古驰、迪奥、圣罗兰、费拉格慕、香奈尔、普拉达、蒂埃利?爱马仕、都彭、登喜路 名酒 绝对伏特加、轩尼诗、尊尼获加、芝华士、铭悦香槟、人头马、马爹利、百加得、家豪威士忌、尊荣极品威士忌 雪茄品牌 高斯巴、阿波罗、大卫杜夫、圣罗兰、丹纳曼、渥文、高雅、蒙坦尼而、宾治、百得佳士 顶级烟具 Zig-Zag、GIZEH、Colibri、登喜路、STANWELL、VAUEN、Mastro de Paja、Peter Matzhold、Savinelli、Chacom 打火机品牌


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 sap系统计划协议批量导入 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

sap系统计划协议批屋导入 篇一:5.sap-mm-计划协议及交货计划 sap秀才-mm学习指南-5.计划协议及交货计划 20xx-06-1115:14:15| 分类:|标签:|字号大中小订阅 schedulingagreementanddeliveryschedule : 1. 创建计划协议(tcode:me31l ) path:logistics->materialmanagement->purchasing->out lineagreement->schedulingagreement ->create->Vendorknown 创建schedulingagreement 也有彳艮多的方式: manual > copydocument > ReferencetopReq、ReferencetoRFq、Referencetocontract 。 agreementtype : lp-> 手工创建deliveryschedule lpa->mRp 自动仓【J建deliveryschedule 输入采购组织和采购组,enter , 意思是设置阶段没有指定采购组织和公司代码的关系, 在这里输入公司代码,enter , 输入Validityend=209-12-30 , enter ,

输入必要的信息,save , 系统提示创建了计划协议5500000001。 使用me35l批准计划协议(否则不能做库存收货), 点击Release+save批准计划协议。 2. 维护交货计划deliveryschedule (tcode:me38 ) path:logistics->materialmanagement->purchasing->out lineagreement->schedulingagreement ->deliveryschedule->maintain enter , 选中行,点击deliveryschedule 按钮(或者F2), 假设企业对物料b-16mnR-12的需求是均衡的,每个月 计划交货100kg , save。 说明一下,这里秀才犯了一个错误,前面计划协议的targetquantity=7000 ,但是这里的交行计划合计数只有700 (本意是每个月1000),这属于低级失误。不过不影响后续工作。 3. 收货(tcode:migo_gR ) path:logistics->materialmanagement->inventorymanage ment->goodsmovement->goods


Louis Vuitton (1854 年,法國) LV 堪稱名牌奢華的領導者,一舉一動都左右時尚風潮,傳奇的故事得從一個來自法國東部鄉下的捆工學徒說起,他專門替貴族捆紮運送長途旅行的行李,甚至成為專為法國王室整理行李御用的捆工和皮革師,他發明了一種長方、防水的皮箱,方便疊放,耐用的程度經歷鐵達尼沉船意外,撈起居然滴水未進。LV 的經典從1896 年誕生的Monogram 花紋、Epi 水波紋、Damier 棋盤格紋,到近年引領風潮的櫻花包、櫻桃包等,都說明LV 的時尚地位。 Gucci (1921 年,義大利) 近年的Gucci 把品牌經典的元素靈活揮灑到極致,在一片logo 風中十足搶眼,喜好消費logo 的台灣更有7 成銷售商品都有logo 加身,這個最早以販售旅行袋、馬具為主的皮革製品品牌,1947 年有竹節提把的竹節包問世,同時期從創辦人Guccio Gucci 的名字而有GG logo ,1952 年有馬銜環的Moccasins 鞋,1966 年又為摩洛哥王妃葛麗絲凱莉設計花卉圖案絲巾,無一不是經典,至今散見於Gucci 新品的細節中,1990 年設計師Tom Ford 加入則為Gucci 女裝注入全新的精神。 Hermes (1837 年,法國) Hermes ,有錢也不見得買得到的神話。一切得從1837 年說起。Hermes 製作馬具起家,馬車被汽車取代才轉做皮件反而是契機,經典的凱莉包靈感便來自裝馬鞍的袋子,因為摩洛哥王妃葛莉絲凱莉在狗仔鏡頭前用它遮掩隆起的小腹而得名,柏金包則是為女星珍柏金改良加大凱莉包好放奶瓶尿布的傑作,絲巾、手錶同樣經典。 Coach (1941年,New York) 第一個Coach包包是從傳統美式棒球手套得來的靈感,把皮質變得柔軟而堅韌,還有特殊紋路皮質紋路,洋溢的美式風格,使1941年誕生的Coach永遠有用不完的創意元素,價位則屬精品名牌中較平價的大眾化入門等級,這幾年在日本和全球都頗受歡迎,經典的Clogo包也在一片monogram logo風,成功加深品牌印象,烘托色彩斑藍拼接的青春時尚。 Bally (1851年,瑞士) Bally最初不過是瑞士小村莊的絲帶工廠,一天Bally先生出差到巴黎,看到一雙美麗的鞋想買給老婆,卻忘了尺寸,於是便每個尺寸都買下來,這讓他興起不如


收货组ReceivingTeam; 收货区ReceivingArea; 散装区BulkStorage; 货架区RackStorage; 入库Entry; 入库单"Warehouseentry;"; 收货单ReceivingNote; 收货产品ReceivingProduct; 物品接收时间GoodsReceiveDate;物品数 仓库收发存专用的英语大全 收货组ReceivingTeam 收货区ReceivingArea 散装区BulkStorage 货架区RackStorage 入库Entry 入库单"Warehouseentry" 收货单ReceivingNote 收货产品ReceivingProduct 物品接收时间GoodsReceiveDate 物品数量总计GoodsTotalMaterialQuantity重量weight 毛重GrossWeight 净重NetWeight 最大重量MaximumWeight

最小重量MiximumWeight 总计容量TotalCapacity 出库单DeliveryList 拣货PickingGoods 拣货区PickingArea 转储单TransferOrder 检验报告单InspectionDocument 物料清单BillofMaterial 料号PartNumber 电子单据ElectronicsNote 码盘Pallet-Sorting 分拣Picking/Sorting 采购订单PurchaseOrder(PO)手写单HandNote 到货通知ArrivalNotice 报关到货ImportingGoods 检验单InspectionNote 入库扫描EntryScanning 扫描Scan 存货InStock 库存Inventory/Stock 库存清单StockList 发货区ShippingArea 发货单Deliverysheet


LVMH Brands 巴黎春天百货(法国) PPR Luxury (Gucci) Group奢侈品集团 ?Gucci古驰 ?Bottega Veneta宝缇嘉 ?Yves Saint Laurent伊夫·圣·罗兰?Alexander McQueen亚历山大·麦昆?Balenciaga巴黎世家?Boucheron宝诗龙 ?Girard-Perregaux芝柏表?Sergio Rossi塞乔·罗西 ?Stella McCartney斯特拉·麦卡特尼

P?le Sport & Lifestyle 运动休闲 ? Puma 彪马 ? Volcom 钻石 Fnac Redcats Richemont 历峰集团(瑞士) Jewellery Maisons 珠宝 Cartier 卡地亚 Van Cleef & Arpels 梵克雅宝 Specialist Watchmakers 手表 IWC 万国 Jaeger-LeCoultre 积家表 Piaget 伯爵 Vacheron Constantin 江诗丹顿 Officine Panerai 沛纳海 Baume & Mercier 名士 A. Lange & S?hne 朗格 Roger Dubuis 豪爵 Ralph Lauren Watches 拉夫·劳伦 Writing Instrument Maison 书写工具 Montblanc 万宝龙 Other Businesses 其他 Alfred Dunhill 登喜路 Lancel 兰姿 Shanghai Tang 上海·棠 Azzedine Ala?a Purdey


世界十大顶尖商品奢侈 品品牌按类别划分 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

世界十大奢侈品品牌榜中榜/世界奢侈品排行榜(排名不分先后) 1Bentley宾利 (轿车,世界十大奢侈品, 于1920年英国) 2Burj Al-Arab 伯瓷 (酒店,1994年建成,世界唯一八星级酒店) 3Rolex 劳力士 (腕表,汉斯威尔斯多夫于1905年瑞士) 4Chanel 香奈尔 (时装/香水,十大奢侈品,1913年法国巴黎) 5Estée Lauder雅诗兰黛 (化妆品,十大奢侈品,1946年于美国纽约) 6Tiffany 蒂梵尼 (珠宝,钻石之王,1837年创建于美国纽约) 7Mercedes梅塞德斯(奔驰) (轿车,世界十大奢侈品,1902年德国) 8Louis Vuitton路易威登 (皮具/箱包,1854年创立于法国) 9Gianni versace 范思哲 (时装,世界十大奢侈品,1978年在意大利) 10Hennessy 轩尼诗 (干邑洋酒,于1765年法国LVMH集团) 世界十大奢侈服装-服饰品牌榜中榜(排名不分先后) 1路易威登Louis Vuitton (十大奢侈服饰,1854年创立于法国) 2范思哲Versace (十大奢侈服饰,于1978年在意大利) 3香奈尔Chanel (十大奢侈服饰,于1913年法国) 4迪奥Dior (十大奢侈服饰,1946年巴黎) 5古琦欧古琦Gucci (十大奢侈服饰,于1923年意大利) 6乔治?阿玛尼Armani (十大奢侈服饰,于1970年意大利) 7卡尔文克莱恩Calvin Klein (十大奢侈服饰,于1968年美国纽约) 8普拉达Prada (十大奢侈服饰,于1913年意大利) 9华伦天奴Valentino (十大奢侈服饰,于1960年罗马) 10巴宝丽Burberry (十大奢侈服饰,于1856年英国) 中国知名(着名)奢侈品牌名单(排名不分先后): 1 法拉利Ferrari 2 劳斯莱斯Rolls-Royce 3 卡地亚Cartier 4 兰寇Lancome 5 杜嘉班纳 D&G 6 雅格狮丹 Aquascutum 7 登喜路 DUNHILL 8 爱马仕Hermès 9罗意威Loewe 10 芬迪Fendi 世界十大名牌化妆品品牌(排名不分先后) 1Chanel香奈儿(尔) (1913年法国巴黎) 2雅诗兰黛EsteeLauder (1946年美国) 3兰寇Lancome (1935年法国) 4Dior迪奥 (Christian dior始于1946年法国) 5娇兰Guerlain (1828年法国) 6资生堂Shiseido (1872年日本,世界十大化妆品企业之一) 7雅顿Elizabeth Arden (1910年美国) 8倩碧Clinique (1968年创立,世界顶级化妆品品牌) 9碧欧泉Biotherm (1950年法国)


世界奢侈品大全及品牌介绍 前言 本书以华美的图文(20万字、546多幅彩图)详尽介绍了所选品牌的品牌特色、精神内涵、传奇故事及性能特点。是目前国内第一本收录类别最全、文字内容最详尽、图片资料最经典的大型的奢华品牌图鉴。 《名品盛宴》莅选了西方百年经典品牌、全球最有价值的高级消费品和奢侈品集团的付表性品牌,荟萃了时装、珠宝、钟表、饰品、男士用品、女士用品、饮品、美食、汽车、影音、酒店、度假胜地等27类235个奢华品牌。

男装物语:风华无限 优雅的风度,大气的线条,内敛的奢华,国际顶级品牌完美地诠释了男装的独特魅力,展现了高贵典雅的绅士气质。让你在举手投足间透射出自由、俊逸、无畏的鲜活气息和清洌神秘的叛逆韵味,微妙地触动新锐们那最易感动的心弦。这让你明白,男人力与美的魅力并不完全来自肉体,而来自精神与气质,服饰亲顺理成章地成为这种力量忠实的外化与延伸。 如何感悟高雅时尚的色彩与陎料,让轻盈,挺括取付传统的深沉、厚重?男装的气韵与奢华,在于每一处的精雕细琢。 起风的街头,一个男人,身着柏帛丽风衣、登喜路风镜、路易威登黑色旅行箱向你走来时,你的心沉了又起,你会想巴黎最后一班地铁的男主角是他,那是怎样的一种气韵...... 1.(意)乔治·阿玛尼:不着痕迹的优雅 (意)乔治·阿玛尼Giorgio Armani--不着痕迹的优雅 >>品牌精神

在两性性别愈趋混淆的年付,乔治·阿玛尼打破阴柔与阳刚的界限,引领女装走向中性化,崇尚自我风格的流露,成为世界高层主管和好莱坞影星们的最爱。好莱坞那句流行语:?当你不知道秔什么时,秔Armani就没错了?成为阿玛尼产品品质的最佳诠释。理智的分析态度及世界均衡观念是他设计服装的准则。他的禅学的理念和中性风格对时装界影响至深。 >>品牌故事 阿玛尼说:?我只知风格是一种方法。?他的设计理念归纳为:删除不必要装饰,强调舒适性和表现不繁复的优雅。乔治·阿玛尼于1934年出生在意大利的皮亚琴察。他在校内修科学课程,大学念医科,服兵役时担任助理医官。70年付中期他与情人西雅治·盖利奥提开始了男女装的生产。他重构传统男装,强调了倒三角形,使一种无结构亲装显得浪漫洒脱。 经过了20世纪六七十年付?嬉皮士?、?朋克?的纷杂混乱和变幻莫测,人们对那种光怪陆离的打扮方式也心存倦意,这时候阿玛尼那种高雅简洁,庄重洒脱的服装风格,十足的意大利大家风范,恰好满足了人们新的时装需求,使人耳目一新。然后他以?美国的乔治?装扮成理查德介入主流男性的潜意识,从而提供给美国男人意大利的优雅选择。《时付》杂志在1982年以封陎人物的方式授予了阿玛尼极高的荣誉,这是继迪奥以来第二位获得此殊荣的设计师。并被誉为?夹克衫之王?、?80年付的夏奈尔?。乔治·阿玛尼终于凭着天才与努力在米兰这个世界时装之都赢得了教皇般的显赫地位。 与整天戴太阳镜摇着纸扇的拉格菲尔德(Karl Lagerfield)和华丽放纵、作风另类的范思哲(Gianni Versace)相比,阿玛尼更像一位苦行僧——风格既不新潮亦非传统。追溯阿玛尼的经营历史,很少有可笑的或非常过时的设计。他能够在市场需求和优雅时尚之间创造一种近乎完美、仙人惊司的帄衡:中性色系,优雅的裁剪仙人无需刻意炫耀,同时删去设计中无关的细节,这也是对男装裁剪的一大贡献。 虽然男人来自火星,女人来自地球,但顶级男装却为每个季节增添了情调、风韵、姿态、气度。把你黑、灰色彩衣橱的革命进行到底吧。把时装的品位?品?成一种味道。 >>品牌鉴赏


Bentley 宾利主要产品:车 Estée Lauder 雅诗兰黛主要产品:化妆品 Chanel 香奈尔主要产品:时装、香水 Rolex 劳力士主要产品:腕表 Tiffany 蒂芬尼主要产品:珠宝 梅塞德斯(奔驰) 主要产品:轿车 Gianni versace 范思哲主要产品:时装

Louis Vuitton 路易威登主要产品:皮具、箱包《LV》 Hennessy 轩尼诗主要产品:高级干邑 American Express 美国运通主要产品:旅行信用卡 Prada 普拉达主要产品:时装、眼镜 Lancome 兰蔻主要产品:化妆品 Chivas 芝华士主要产品:威士忌

FERRARI 法拉利主要产品:车 BMW 宝马主要产品:轿车、摩托 Armani 阿玛尼主要产品:时装 Calvin Klein 卡尔文·克莱恩主要产品:内衣、香水 Rolls-Royce 劳斯莱斯主要产品:汽车 Harley·Davidson 哈雷戴维森主要产品:摩托 Ralph Lauren 拉尔夫劳伦主要产品:时装

Gucci 古姿主要产品:时装、香水 Remy Martin 人头马主要产品:名酒 Jaguar 捷豹主要产品:轿车 Starbucks 星巴克主要产品:咖啡店 Oakley 奥克利主要产品:眼镜 porsche 保时捷主要产品:名车 Dior 迪奥主要产品:时装、化妆品

CADILLAC 凯迪拉克主要产品:名车 Lamborghini 兰博基尼主要产品:名车 PAGANI 帕格尼主要产品:名车 Bugatti 布加迪主要产品:名车 Patek Philippe 百达翡丽主要产品:名表Bvgari 宝嘉丽主要产品:珠宝 Parker 派克主要产品:名笔


世界三大奢侈品集团及旗下品牌 第一大奢侈品集团:法国的LVMH路易威登集团 公司类型:私有公司 成立时间:1987年 总部地点:巴黎 重要人物贝尔纳·阿尔诺 口号:创新突破,永不言息;超卓产品,完美无暇;品牌形象,集团灵魂;业务分散,员工进取;追求卓越,永无休止。 旗下拥有50多个世界奢侈顶级品牌,最主要的当然是Lovis Vuitton,LV在LVMH公司的营业总额中,占四分之一强,而在公司经营利润中,LV更是占到了60%左右。 法国酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团(Mo?t Hennessy - Louis Vuitton, LVMH Group)由贝尔纳·阿尔诺(Bernard Arnault)将全球著名的皮件公司Louis Vuitton与酒业家族Mo?t Hennessy於1987年合并而成, 员工约五万六千人,旗下拥有50多个品牌,是当今世界最大的精品集团。 集团主要业务包括以下五个领域: 葡萄酒及烈酒(Wines & Spirits)、 时装及皮革制品(Fashion & Leather Goods)、 香水及化妆品(Perfumes & Cosmetics)、 钟表及珠宝(Watches & Jewelry)、 精品零售(Selective Retailing)。

旗下品牌 葡萄酒及烈酒 酩悦香槟(Mo?t & Chandon):成立於1743年,主营香槟。 香槟王(Dom Périgno n):成立於18世纪,主营香槟。 凯歌香槟(Veuve Clicquot):成立於1772年,主营香槟。 库克香槟(Krug):成立於1843年,主营香槟。 梅西耶香槟(Mercier):成立於1858年,主营香槟。 修纳尔香槟(Ruinart):成立於1729年,主营香槟。 伊更堡(Chateau d'Yquem):成立於1593年,主营高级葡萄酒。 轩尼诗(Hennessy):成立於1765年,主营干邑。 格兰摩兰吉(Glenmorangie):成立於1893年,主营苏格兰威士忌。 Domaine Chandon(California):成立於1973年,主营香槟及加州葡萄酒。Bodegas Chandon(Argentina):成立於1959年,主营香槟及阿根廷葡萄酒。Domaine Chandon(Australia) Green Point:成立於1986年,主营香槟及澳洲葡萄酒。云湾(Cloudy Bay):成立於1985年,主营纽西兰葡萄酒。 曼达岬(Cape Mentelle):成立於1976年,主营澳洲葡萄酒。 纽顿(Newton):成立於1984年,主营加州葡萄酒。 安地斯之阶(Terrazas de los Andes):成立於1999年,主营葡萄酒。 时装及皮革制品 路易威登(Louis Vuitton):成立於1854年,主营皮革制品、成衣、鞋履、腕表、珠宝、纺织品及书写用品。 罗威(Loewe):成立於1846年,主营皮革制品、成衣、丝绸饰品及香水。

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