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Unit Three Thinking and Translation
要求:1.预习《英汉翻译教程》p130第四节 一;p133二。《汉英翻译教程》p135三; p154二。
①他今天没来,他母亲住院了。(意合 → 形合)
②吃得苦上苦,方为人上人。(意合 → 形合)

③The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media. (形合 → 意合)

中国人重直觉:下意识或潜意识地直接把握事物,它不经过部分的分析,而是直接纳入,进而产生悟性。因此,汉语词义一般笼统而模糊。英语民族较为重视逻辑思维,重科学、理性,形成一种以逻辑分析为特点的思维模式。因此,词义比较精确。(试比较英汉:桌子 笔 牛 羊 你吃饭了吗?我开车来的。)例如:
①冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。 (模糊 → 精确)

②我们确定搞两个开放:一个是对内开放,一个是对外开放。(模糊 → 精确)

I have washed my hands. (精确 →模糊)
④He educated himself through correspondent courses. (精确 →模糊)
⑤She wishes to get a better husband. (精确 →模糊)
I. 客观 → 主观
①From the moment we stepped into the People’s Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side.

②Astonishment, apprehension, and even horror oppressed her.
③The thick carpet on the corridor killed the sound of my footsteps.
④There is a great temptation to tell a lie when we are wrong.
⑤The sight of the slide always reminds me of my childhood.
⑥Dusk found him crying in the street.
⑦Nanjing witnessed the most inhuman massacre in 1937.
⑧His acceptance of bribes led to his arrest.
⑨Rising prices prompted many labor unions to demand higher wages.
⑩A very little encouragement would set the worldly woman to talk volubly, and pour out all within her.
Poverty in

the developing countries has been ascribed by the West to low productivity, inappropriate domestic policies and inadequate national effort.

II. 试用主观 → 客观句型翻译下面各句。
a. 0f late, I have been in a rather uneasy frame of mind. Sitting in my courtyard enjoying the cool evening, I suddenly thought of the lotus pond that I pass on my way day in and day out. Tonight, it must have a charm all its own, bathed in the light of the full moon.
b. The last few days . This evening as I sat in the yard to enjoy the cool, me how different the lotus pool I passed every day must look under a full moon.
①不搞改革开放,就不能实现我们的战略目标。(螺旋 → 直入)

②全世界的科学家都在寻找净化空气、防治空气受到各种有害工业废气污染的有效方法。(螺旋 → 直入)

③可是父亲也来了,实在很难得。(螺旋 → 直入)
④The government is determined to keep up the pressure whatever it will pay in the end.(直入 → 螺旋 )

⑤I do not suppose he would have loved her if she had been poor when he first knew her, but the gratitude which he felt for the help which he owed to he kindly interest in him easily developed into a sincere affection. (直入 → 螺旋 )

①有人说,现在不再提心吊胆地过日子了。(具体 → 抽象)
②There had been too much publicity about his absence of position. (抽象 → 具体)

③A son , a job and housekeeping forced romance out.(抽象 → 具体)

④Wisdom prepares for the worst; but folly leaves the worst for the day it comes.(抽象 → 具体)

⑤You pass from the heat and glare of a big open square into a cool, dark cavern. (抽象 → 具体)

1. :在

②He had flown in just the day before from Georgia where he had spent his vacation basking in the Caucasian sun after the completion of the construction job he had been engaged in in the South. 《英汉翻译教程》p30

③It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
④Characteristically, Mr. Harold concealed his feelings and watched and learned.

⑤…and I was again crushed by the thought that I now stood on the site of the first atomic bombardment, where thousands upon thousands of people had been slain in one second, where thousands upon thousands of others had lingered on to die in a slow agony.

2. :英美人强调客体思维,中国人强调主体思维。译文添加了主语“人们”,句子更符合汉语习惯。例如:
①The workers were seen repairing the machine.
②It was told that the president would visit our school.
1. :语序的调整。例如:
①Tom did not remember his mother who died when he was only two years old.
②I think it enough that my parents, such as they were, never cost me a pang, and their son, such as he is, never cost them a tear.


2. :语态的调整。活译被动语态。例如:
①(This is literally a life or death matter.) The lives of thousands of innocent people must be protected.

②They were given a hearty welcome.
③Every country will be represented by its prime minister.
④Rivers are controlled by dams.
⑤Poets are born, but orators are made.
⑥He was buried on the third day.
⑦The prisoner was released yesterday.
⑧He has been reduced to begging.
1. :被动变主动。巧译被动语态。例如:
①The well-organized composition was written by a boy who is only six.

②He has been wedded to translation.
2. :切分法。对于复杂的英语长句翻译的步骤:抓主谓部分 → 其余按逻辑顺序 → 按流水句翻译。例如:
①Why should it be made longer than is necessary?
②By the middle of the year, he warned, the Soviet Union would take the United States in the land-based strategic missiles, the result of a massive Soviet effort beginning in the mid-1960s, after the Cuban fiasco, to achieve at least parity and possibly superiority in nuclear weapons.

(4) :英语习惯用长句,并将较长的定语置于被修饰词之后;而汉语习惯用短句,定语无论长短,置于

①They would have had to live the rest of their lives under the stigma that he had recklessly precipitated an action which wrecked the Summit Conference and conceivably could have launched a nuclear war.

②He will show her the place where they could make her look a proper dame——for next to nothing.

(5) :此句句型与(4)同,注意译文中分句间的逻辑关系。例如:
①He unselfishly contributed his uncommon talents and indefatigable spirit to the struggle which today brings them(those aims) within the reach of a majority of the human race.

②The doctor examined the rat that carried the flea that harbored the germ that inflected the poor Indian.

1. :例如:
①Despite months of anticipation, nothing could have prepared me for the impact of the actual day.
②An evening with him was an evening spent in listening to a monologue.
①What happened to you yesterday?
②All my courage deserted me.
③A wave of Cigar smoke accompanied him in.
④Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh.
2. :逻辑关系的调整:先因后果。例如:
David Brown, one of the most successful movie producers in America, was fired from three corporate jobs before he figured out that corporate life was not for him.

3. :这里以which引导的非限制性定语从句兼有状语职能,译成汉语的“而”,表转折关系。
①She actually works——works for the State which did its best in those dark years to prevent her from working.

②In 1974, Dr. Werner died, and Mrs. Werner’s children grew concerned about leaving their mother in the old neighborhood, where she loved to walk alone at night.

③She seeks happiness in selfish enjoyment, where it can never be found.

④He insisted on buying another house, which he had no use for.
⑤He is collecting authentic material that proves his argument.
⑥He always makes fun of anyone with whom he chats.
⑦The old couple has three children, who are all grown up with families of their own.

⑨She was very patient towards the children, which her husband seldom was.

(1) :变松散为紧凑,变模糊为清晰。汉语没有严密的逻辑关系(但也许是为了foregrounding),结构松散,呈现“意合”特征,译



③If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always.
④As I sat down on that hot and humid evening, there seemed to be no solution to the problems thrashing around in my brain.

1. :长句的切分。汉语句以意义的终结为断句依据,而英语则以形态结构完整为断句单位。例如:


2. :汉语中有些表示被动意义的句子以主动形式出现。英译时要注意这种语态的转换。如本句中的“这里发现了煤矿”、“铁路才铺进来”、“… … 渐渐废弃”。再例如:

③An illustration is furnished by an editorial in the Washington Post (January 17,2001).

④John actually loved Mary and was loved in return.
这布很耐洗。 The cloth well.
白色衣服容易弄脏。 White clothes easily.
搪瓷器皿容易弄干净。 Enamel wares easily.
这种材料不经久耐用。 This material won’t .
这篇文章读起来流畅。 This article smoothly.
他的新小说销路很好。 His new novel is well.
这些书容易包装。 These books easily.
这种纸一撕就破。 This paper easily.
这门锁不上。 The door won’t .
这套公寓房间每月租金500元。 The flat for 500 yuan a month.
这种金属容易切削。 This metal easily.
这车很好驾驶。 This car well.
这些苹果适于烹煮。 These apples well.
这些土豆容易削皮。 These potatoes easily.
西红柿容易碰伤。 Tomatoes easily.

好吃。 It well.
我的声音传不远。 My voice does not well.
这头母牛出奶率高。 The cow well.
并非每个习语都能这样容易译出。 Not every idiom with such ease.
房间很快挤满了人。 The room rapidly.
鸡正在烧。 The chicken is .
3. :例如:
②World War II was, however, more complex than World War I, which was a collision among the imperialist powers over the spoils of markets, resources and territories.
(3)只限于本句的 的思维让位于语篇(与上句的衔接),局部服从整体。例如:
A ceremony followed, in dumb show, in which, it was easy to recognize the pantomime of a marriage. At its termination, Colonel Dent and his party consulted in whispers for two hours, then….

下一单元将讲到主位── 述位推进模式:主位(theme)是已知信息,述位(rheme)是未知信息,由已知引出未知。了解这种模式对翻译和写作都有好处。做两题练习。
1. 试改正下面一段的推进类型,注意句间的衔接。
My father just bought a new house. There are four bedrooms and two bathrooms in it. I can see the garden behind the house from my bedroom window. My father has planted fruit trees in the garden. So I like my new house.

2. 比较下面两段的推进模式,试判断哪一种使上下文衔接得更紧凑。
a. The computer is a great invention of this century. The invention has greatly changed our ways of working and living ever since the first computer came into the world. A lot of things become impossible without computers. The world would not be what it is today.
b. The computer is a great invention of this century. Ever since the first computer came into the world, the invention has greatly changed our ways of working and living. Without computers, a lot of things become impossible and the world would not be what it is today.
(4) :汉语词义模糊,而英语词义精确。例如:


③His last years were spent on a houseboat.
1. :增加主语。例如:

2. :汉语流水句,英语树形句。例如:


3. :汉语句子疏散,而英语句子严谨。例如:
①(A candle was burning on the table, and) an old woman, rather rough looking, but very clean, w

as sewing by its light.

4. :原文中“引颈眺望”在译文中未得到体现,可用具象 → 抽象的方法,即用anxiously之类的词取代。在翻译中,注意这种具体与抽象的互换。例如:


③There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems; more than transient everydayness.

④With the credit card it is unnecessary to carry large amounts of cash and it is always useful in emergencies.

⑤I am sick to death of cleverness. Everybody is clever nowadays. You can’t go anywhere without meeting clever people. The thing has become an absolute public nuisance.

⑥Some newsmongers inform us, with a bright air of discovery, that they have questioned a number of female workers…

⑦The Great Wall is a must for most visitors to Beijing.
⑧He discussed greatness and excellence.
⑨It is also my firm conviction that our mutual efforts will contribute to the success of the negotiation.

⑩He is against the idea.

(1) a. 有关知识本质和教育方法的讨论从古希腊时期就已经开始了。

(2) a..我们未来的医生和研究人员将不能被充分地训练去应付出现的护理环境,除非我们很快就开始面对这种不平衡。

(3) a..每隔一段时间,学生们消化掉大量事实和少量的抽象知识后,他们被要求通过一些能够反映他们对知识掌握情况的标准化考试。

(4) a. .医学像其它科学分支一样也需要能够发展“实证规则”并能将规则运用到不断流动的新信息流中以便决定哪些与自己学科相关的这类学者。

(5) a. 他们的探索应该是去获得超越个体信息流以抓住整个问题及潜在的解决方法的洞察力。

(6) a. 一个主要问题就是经营保健业的増长和随之而来的临床收入的减少,而后者在传统上一直帮助资助医学教育

(1) a. It’s a small station which is worn out and in disrepair. I f not the rails, we could hardly find it hidden behind the pinewood. While we couldn’t help shouting cheerfully when we looked at it because we had been lost for 3 hours, and it was getting dark.
b. When it first emerged into our view in the gathering darkness, we could not help cheering and feeling greatly relieved after getting lost for 3 hours. We were led to it by the rails without which the small station could hardly be found as it was hidden behind the pinewood. The station looked worn out and in disrepair.
(2) a.50years ago, as a coal mine was found here, the rails were set up. But now the mine was out, so the rails and the station was deserted. But the man didn’t want to leave the house; he stayed to take care of the house as well as to provide light and water the drivers who came to transfer. Though the house was very old, it was built with big rocks and lumber. T here was a historical antiquity if seen afar.
b.The railway transport was set up 50 years ago because of a nearby newly-found coal mine. With the exhaustion of the resource, the station and the rail branch became gradually deserted. But the old man, who was reluctantly to leave, stayed to take care of the house as well as to provide guiding light to the train and boiled water for the engineers. The house, though old and worn, was built with big rocks and heavy lumbers, giving an impression of historical antiquity if seen afar.
(3) a. The meal was simple but special, and it was dark outside. The wind was thundering through the pinewood like a train, and we drank cheerful toasts with the old man.
b. When we enjoyed the simple but specially tasty meal and cheerfully drank toasts with the old man under the flickering lamp, it’s completely dark outside where the wind was thundering through the pinewood like a train.
(4) a.The old man tried in vain to persuade her, when the wind blew out the lamp the girl insisted on lighting it once and once again and finally the boy saw the light in the wood.
b.The wind kept blowing out the lamp; however, the girl lighted it time and time again. The old man tried to persuade not to wait like that, but she kept doing so. At last, the young man saw the light in the distant mountain.
(5) a.I thought that the station would be completely abandoned, and the heyday of busy transportation left only as history. But to us, some of the scenes would remain in our memories such as our getting lost and the girl who waited in front of the door with the lamp.
b.I thought the small station would at last be completely abandoned with its once busy transportation as a page of history. But to us, some scenes related to the station, such as our getting lost and the girl who waited in front of the door with the lam

p, would remain in our memories.
He was a good teacher. As a man richly endowed with a generous heart and a noble mind, he was widely admired for his genuine devotion to education. He could not only deliver his lectures vividly and humorously but easily make friends with students. He had applied persistent efforts to teaching English for many years until his last breath.
My father just bought a new house. In the house there are four bedrooms and two bathrooms. From my bedroom window I can see the garden behind the house. In the garden my father has planted fruit trees. So I like my new house.
