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当前位置:文档库 › 中小学英语:“it”用法详解





1.it 指前面已经提到过的人或事物,有时指心目中的或成为问题的人或事物,作真正主语。例如:What’s this? -It is a sheep? 这是什么?这是一只绵羊。

Who is it? -It’s me (I). 谁??是我。

It’s the wind shaking the window. 是风刮得窗户响。


What time is it? -It’s nine. 几点了??九点了。

It’s time for the meeting. Let’s go. 开会的时间到了,我们走吧。

What day is today? -It’s Saturday. 今天星期几??今天星期六。

What’s the date today? -It is October 1st. 今天是几号??今天是十月一日。

What season is it? -It is summer. 现在是什么季节??是夏季。

3.it 指气候。一般作无人称动词的主语。例如:

Is it cold in this room? -No, it isn’t. 屋里冷吗??不冷。

What’s the weather like today? -It is fine. 今天天气怎么样??是晴天。

It often rains in summer and it often snows in winter in this city. 这个城市夏天经常下雨,冬天经常下雪。4.it指距离、情况等。一般用作无人称动词的主语。例如:

It is five kilometers from my home to the school. 从我家到学校有五公里。

It is very near from this factory to that one. 从这个工厂到那个工厂非常近。

It is a long way to the sea. 离海很远。

Is it well with you? 你身体好吗?



1.It +谓语+动词不定式。It 作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。例如:

It is difficult to climb a mountain. 爬山是很艰难的。

It’s a good habit to do morning exercises. 作早操是个好习惯。

It’s important to do proper memory work in the study of

a foreign language. 在学习外语时适当地做一些有助于记忆的练习是很重要的。

It is right to do so. 这样做是对的。

2.It+谓语+动名词短语。It 作形式主语,动名词短语作真正的主语。例如:

It is dangerous playing with fire. 玩火是危险的。

It is no use learning without thinking. 学而不思则罔。

It’s useless arguing with a silly boy. 和笨孩子争论是没有用的。

3.It +谓语+名词性从句。It 作形式主语,以that 引导的名词性从句是真正的主语。例如:

It is a pity that you didn’t see such a good film. 你没看这么好的电影,真可惜。

It is certain that we shall succeed. 我们一定会成功。

It is strange that nobody knows where he lives. 真奇怪,谁也不知道他住在哪里。

(It is strange that…后面可用虚拟语气。

如:It is strange that he should have made such a mistake. 他居然犯了这样一个错误,真奇怪。

It is strange that nobody should know where he lives. 居然没有人知道他住在哪里,真奇怪。)

It is said that the plane will take off at ten tomorrow morning. 据说飞机明天上午十点起飞。


it 作形式宾语,代表其后所说的真正的宾语。真正的宾语是以that 引导的名词性从句或不定式短语。例如:

I consider it wrong that you Chinese students learn English without comparing it with your own language. 我认为你们中国学生学习英语,不和你们自己的语言比较是不对的。

I find it not so difficult to learn a foreign language. 我发现学习一门外语不那么困难。

I remember I made it clear to you that I was not coming. 我记得向你明确表示过我不来。

They want to make it clear to the public that they are doing an important and necessary job. 他们要向公众表明,他们在做一件重要而又必要的工作。

四、it 用于强调结构

在表示强调的结构中,it 可用作先行代词,这种结构的句型如下:It +is/was +被强调的部分+that +其他部分。如果强调的部分是人,可用who, whom 代替that. 例如:

Professor Wang teaches us English every Monday after noon. 王教授每星期一下午教我们英语。

强调主语:It is Professor Wang who teaches us English every Monday afternoon.

强调间接宾语:It is us whom Prof. Wang teaches English every Monday afternoon.

强调直接宾语:It is English that Prof. Wang teaches us every Monday afternoon.

强调状语:It is every Monday afternoon that Prof. Wang teaches us English. It was here that I first met him. 这就是我初次与他见面的地方。(强调状语)

It is the people who are realy powerful. 翻译练习

1)该上课了,快。It is time for class. Hurry up.


Is it far from here to your school? No, it isn’t. It’s about a kilometer.

3)从我家到颐和园去很近。It is very near from my home to the Summer Palace.

4)(天)正在下雨。 It’s raining now.

5)电灯是爱迪生发明的。 It was Edison who invented the electric light.

6)我认为学习一门外语是很重要的。 I think it important to learn a foreign language.

7)他通常一天读两次英语。 He made it a rule to read English twice a day.

8)从我家去天安门广场坐公共汽车大约要一个小时。 It takes about an hour to go from my home to the Tian’anmen Square by bus. 反意疑问句

反意疑问句相当于“对不对?”“好不好?”“行不行?”,用yes或 no 回答。由两部分组成,前一部分是陈述句,后一部分是附加疑问短语,中间用逗号隔开,所以反意疑问句又叫附加疑问句。


He studies English, doesn’t he?

He doesn’t study English, does he?

They are from America, aren’t they?

They are not from America, are they?


1.如果主句是be或其他助动词(如can, shall, will 等),其反意疑问句用同一助动词。如:

We are late, aren’t we?

You haven’t met my wife, have you?

He can drive a car, can’t he?

They used to have difficulty in just making ends meet, didn’t (usedn’t) they?

You’d better eat with knives and forks, hadn’t you?

2.如果主语带有seldom, hardly, never, rarely, few, little等否定词或半否定词时,因为主句本身具有否定意义,附加疑问部分的动词用肯定式,如:

We seldom go to the cinema, do we?

Sue almost never worked, did she?

3.如果主句部分是“I am…”结构,由于”am not”没有相应的缩略形式,附加疑问部分一般用aren’t I 代替。如:I am your friend, aren’t I? I’m late, aren’t I?

I am a student, aren’t I?

在祈使句中的附加疑问部分一般用will you, won’t you.

4. 在祈使句中的附加疑问部分一般用will you, won’t you.如:

Sit down, will you?

Have some tea, won’t you?

Open the window, won’t you?

这种句子可以理解为: Will you do something?

如:Will you open the window?

注意:否定的祈使句之后,只能用will. 如:

Don’t forget, will you?

Don’t make so much noise, will you?

5.以Let’s…开头的祈使句,肯定的用shall we? 否定的用all right? 或OK?如:

Let’s go back to our seats, shall we?

Let’s not have hot food this time, OK? (all right?) 这种句子可以理解为:Shall we (do something?), 如:Shall we go back to our seats.这样有助于理解和记忆。

注意:Let’s 与Let us 的区别:Let’s包括听话人在内,应用shall we, 而Let us 不包括听话人在内,表示“请你让我们…”,要用will you. 如:

Let’s watch the news on TV, shall we? (表示建议) Let us watch the news on TV, will you? (表示请求)

6.主句是I suppose, I think, I believe等时,附加疑问部分则往往与that 从句中的主语和谓语动词保持对应关系,但要注意否定的转移。如:

I suppose that you know the meaning of the word, don’t you? (这句话明显是要问“你是不是知道?”而不是问“我是不是这样认为?”)

I don’t think that you have read the book, have you?

7.当主句的动词have 表示“拥有”时,附加疑问既可用have, 也可用do, 如:

You have a color TV set, haven’t you/don’t you?

当主句的have不表示“拥有”而表示其他意思时,附加疑问要用do, 如:

You had a cold yesterday, didn’t you?

They don’t have coffee with breakfast, do they?

8.There be句型的反意疑问句,用there 作主语。如:

There is something wrong, isn’t there?

There won’t be any trouble, will there? 不会有任何麻烦,是吗?

9.陈述部分的主语是everyone, someone, anyone, no one,nobody等不定代词时,其疑问部分的主语可用he, 也可用they. 如:

Everyone knows it, doesn’t he/don’t they?


Mr. Jones can’t speak French, can he? ?No, he can’t.


Mr. Jones can’t speak French, can he? ?Yes, he can.

琼斯先生不会讲法语,对吗??不,他会讲法语。This is not a door, is it?

-Yes, it is. It is an iron door.


Word 是学生和职场人士最常用的一款办公软件之一,99.99%的人知道它,但其实,这个软件背后,还有一大批隐藏技能你不知道。掌握他们,你将开启新世界的大门。


Ctrl + D调出字体栏,配合Tab+Enter全键盘操作吧

Ctrl + L 左对齐, Ctrl + R 右对齐, Ctrl + E 居中

Ctrl + F查找, Ctrl + H 替换。然后关于替换,里面又大有学问!


Ctrl + Z是撤销,那还原呢?就是Ctrl + Y,撤销上一步撤销!

比如我输入abc, 按一下F4, 就会自动再输入一遍abc


你听过英文语法有动词(verb)、名词(noun);但你听过有动名词(gerund)吗? 1. The girl is singing a song. 2. The girl singing now is my sister. 3. Singing is one of her hobbies(爱好). 三个句子中都有singing。第一个句子的singing是常见的现在进行式(Present Continuous),是说眼下正在做什么;第二个句子的singing是现在分词(Present Participle),它把sing这个动词转为形容词,但仍有动词的成份(哈哈,这么一说,要把你搞晕了吧:-) 。关于分词,以后有空再谈OK?)。好戏在后头,你看看第三个句子的singing到底是什么东东呀?原来就是我们的主角动名词(Gerund)了!憧矗瑂ing原本是个动词,可是现在它加上ing后,看来竟像是一个名词了。 一、名词性的动名词(Nominal Gerund) Nominal Gerund 可以加上定冠词(Definite article,如the)或不定冠词(Indefinite article,如a, an),其他可加在动名词前的还有如:my, this, some, any, all, no 等等。举例如下: 1. The mellow(愉快地) singing of the birds announces the coming of spring. (singing前加定冠词the及形容词mellow;coming 前加the) 2. We knew the robber was near when we heard a faint rustling(沙沙声) in the bushes. (rustling 前加不定冠词a及形容词faint) 从上面的例子可看出如何将一个动词转成名词;但它和真正的名词还是有区别的,那就是没有单数或复数之分。不过,有一些动名词是可以变成真正名词的喔,如:saying, writing, opening, painting, cutting, heading, feeling, being,saving, surrounding, crossing, misunderstanding 等等。它们都可以有复数的喔,方法就是在它们的后面加个s,如:paintings。 二、动词性的动名词(Verbal Gerund) 看看下面的句子: Carelessly writing essays annoys the teacher. 上面的句子里的writing是动名词,但前面有副词carelessly(粗心地),后面又有受词(Object) essays。因此writing就有动词的特征。 注意:Verbal Gerund 这类动名词的前面可不能加上任何冠词(the, a, an ...)喔。 动名词的功能与用法 一、在句子中用作主语(Subject)或主语的补语(Subject Complement): 1.1 作主语 1. Listening to music gives me pleasure. (主语Listening ) 2. Running is good exercise. (主语running) 3. Walking to school is a good idea. (主语walking) 1.2 作主语的补语 1. My cat's favorite activity is sleeping. (补语sleeping) 2. Seeing is believing. (主语seeing, 补语believing) 1.3 主语置于句尾 1.3.1 用It + be + ... +v-ing 句型 1. It is fun speaking English. 2. It is of great importance fighting against pollution(污染).


中考英语重点单词和短语用法大总结 (88条) ◆1 。 cost / take / spend / pay 花费 花费时间做某事: It takes sb some time to do sth 。= sb spend some time doing sth 。= sb spend some time on sth 。 某人花钱买某物: sb spend some money on sth 。 = sb pay some money for sth 。 = sth cost sb 。 some money 。 ※ spend 和 pay 主语都是人, cost 主语是物。 ※ spent 还可以指“度过”→ How did you spend your weekend ? The sweater ________ me 90 yuan 。 = I _______ 90 yuan for the sweater 。=I _____ 90 yuan on the sweater 。 He spent lots of money ________ the mobile phone 。 It ________ her 20 minutes to go home every day 。= He ________ 20 minutes ________ home every day 。 ◆2 。 thanks for为…而感谢 ⑴ ______ inviting me to your birthday party 。 thanks to 多亏/于 第 1 页共 1 页 ⑵______ your help 。I got good grades 。


2011届高考英语一轮复习讲解:it的用法【知识要点】 It的用法 (一)作人称代词 1、it代替前面(或后面)的单数名词或分句等所表示的事物。 e.g. You cannot eat your cake but have it.(it代替前面的cake) Although we cannot see it, there is air all around us. (it代替后面的air) They say he has left town, but I don’t believe it.(it代替前面They…town分句中的情况) 2、代替有生命但不能或不必分阴阳性的东西(包括婴儿)。 e.g. Yesterday we saw a big tree. It was fully twenty metres high. (it代替前面的tree) The baby cried because it was hungry. (it代替前面的baby) 3、在某些习惯说法中,可以代替人。 e.g. ---- Someone is knocking at the door, Peter. ---- Who is it? ---- It’s me. ---- Who are singing? ---- It is the children. ---- The light is still on in the lab. It must be the third-year students doing the experiment. 4、it与one的区别:这两个词都可以代表前面说过的名词,但it用于同名同物的场合;one则用于同名异物的场合。 e.g. ---- Do you still have the bicycle? ---- No, I have sold it. ---- Is this knife yours? ---- No. It is Xiao Zhang’s. Mine is the one on the desk. 5、it与that的区别:两词都可代替某一特定名词,但that指同一类,并非同一个。 e.g. The climate of South China is mild(温和的); I like it very much.(it指the climate of South China) The climate of South China is much better than that of Japan.(that指the climate)(二)作无人称代词 it作无人称代词时,除了句中找不到它所代表的词语外,另一个特点是它后面的内容都是表示天气、时间、距离、度量衡及情况等。 It is fine (rainy, windy, etc.). It is noon. It is a half hour’s walk to the f actory. It is eighteen square metres in area. What does it matter? (三)作强调词,构成强调结构


WRONG: We would appreciate if you corrected the entry in the register as soon as possible. 错误用法:如果你能尽快更改登记处的入口,我将非常感激。 RIGHT: We would appreciate it if you corrected the entry in the register as soon as possible. 正确用法:如果你能尽快更改登记处的入口,我将非常感激(英语原句比前者多了一个it)。This is a very common mistake, and remember that when you use the phrase “I would appreciat e…”you MUST include the word “it”before “if”: 这是一个常见错误,记住当你要用“I would appreciate…”这个表达式时,一定要在if前加一个it。 More examples: 更多例子: E.g.1:I am sure the supervisory authority would not appreciate it if you took that course of action. 例1:我相信监督部门对你的所作所为不会表示欣赏。 E.g.2:We would appreciate it if you would arrange for immediate payment. 例2:如果您能立即付款,我们将很感激。 There is no need to add “it”if you do not include “if”. 如果你不用if从句的话,就没有必要在appreciate后面加it了。 E.g.: We would much appreciate a letter informing us of the result of your enquiries. 例句:如果您能对您的询盘结果给我们回信的话,我们将非常感激。 An alternative phrase to “I would appreciate it if…”is, “I would be grateful if…”This is the more formal phrase of the two and does not require that troublesome“it”! “I would appreciate it if…”这个表达式的替代用法有“I would be grateful if…”,但是这个用法更为正式,而且不需要加那个麻烦的“it”!


重点单词的用法 1.help v. / n. ---- adj.helpful 1)v. Help sb. (to) do sth. = help sb. with sth. 2)Thanks for your _________. Thanks for _________ me. Can you help me ______ my English? Here is a dictionary. It’s ________ for you to learn English. 2.want v. = would like 1)want to do sth. 2) Want sb. To do sth. 3) Want sth. 3.like v. / n. / prep.----- dislike 1)v. like sb. / sth. like to do sth. = like doing sth. 2)n. Likes and dislikes 3)prep. be like sound like, look like What’s the weather like? What do you look like? 4.enjoy v. enjoy doing sth. finish doing sth. have fun = have a good time doing sth. practice doing sth. spend time / money doing sth. 5.watch / hear / see / find / feel sb. doing sth. watch monkeys climbing around see a snake sleeping near the fire feel things moving 6.go camping / shopping / skating / swimming / boating / go to the movie = go to the cinema go to the countryside go the museum go to the supermarket go to the beach go to school go to work go to bed go to sleep go home 7.put on put up cut up cut down wake up pick up blow out 属于动词和副词构成的短语,要求宾语是_________词时,必须放在动词和副词之间,如果是名词,则位置可__________, 可__________. 1) Here are two apples. Please _______. A. cut it up B. cut them up C. cut up them 2) Every morning, my mother _____. A. wakes me up B. wakes up me C. woke me up 8.show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. Teach sb. Sth. = teach sth. To sb. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. For sb. make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. 9.make 1) V. 制作,做make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. make dinner be made of 2)v. 使,让make sb. do sth. make sb. + adj. keep sb. / sth. +adj 3) make friends with sb. Make soup make the bed make a wish


?Never be afraid of grammar ?Collect some examples; ?Watch them very carefully; ?Find out something in common; ?Try to use the rules ---- practise. it用法完全归纳 一、it 作人称代词的用法 1.指事物 作为人称代词,it 可以除人以外的一切事物或动物。如: I dropped my watch and it broke. 我把手表掉在地上摔坏了。 It’s hard work, but I enjoy it. 工作很辛苦,可是我乐意干。 “Where is the dog?”“It’s in the bedroom. ”“狗在哪?”“在卧室里”。 2.指人 it 指人主要用于指不性别不明的婴儿或用于确认某人的身份。如: Is it a boy or a girl? 是男孩还是女孩? There is a knock on the door. It must be the postman. 有人在敲门,一定是邮递员。 【说明】在答语中,常用来指本人,如说It’s me。

3.代替某些代词 代词it 还可用于代替指示代词this, that 以及复合不定代词something, anything, nothing等。如: “What’s this?”“It’s a new machine. ”“这是什么?”“是一种新机器”。 Nothing is wrong, is it? 没出什么问题,是吗? 二、it 作非人称代词的用法 1.基本用法 it 作非人称代词的用法,主要用于指时间、距离、价值、天气、气候及温度等自然现象。如: It’s too late to go there now. 现在去那儿已经太迟了。 It rained all day yesterday. 昨天下了一天的雨。 It can get very hot here. 这里有时会很热。 2.用于某些句型 It’s time for sth. 该做某事了。 It’s time to do sth. 该做某事的时候了。 It’s time for sb to do sth. 某人该干某事了。 It’s (about / high) time + that-从句. 某人该做某事了。(从句谓语用过去式,有时也用“should+动词原形”) It’s first (second) time + that-从句. 某人第几次干某事。(从句谓语用现在完成时)


It的用法(专项总结及训练) 一、人称代词 1,it的最基本用法是作代词,主要指刚提到的事物,以避免重复: ①They watched the train until it disappeared in the distance. 2.,也可以指动物或婴儿(未知性别的婴儿或孩子): ②Is this your dog?No, it isn’t. ③They got a baby and it was a ten-pounder 3.,也可指抽象事物或指抽象环境和情景: ③I hate it when people talk with a full mouth.. 二、.非人称代词 1.it有时并不指具体的东西而泛指天气、时间、日期、距离、价值、度量、温度、环境等: ⑴.指天气:It is a lovely day, isn’t it? ⑵.指时间: It was nearly midnight when she came back. ⑶.指日期:It is April First today. ⑷.指距离:It is some 3000 kilometers from Beijing to Guangzhou. ⑸.指价值:It is three dollars. ⑹.指温度:Today it is 30 degrees centigrade. 三、其他用法 1.在句子的主语不太明确时充当主语,表示谁在做某事: ①Who is it there? It's I (me/you/he.....). ②I thought it was Mary, but it was not she. ③Her face lighted when she saw who it was. 2.泛泛的指某件事:(有时泛指一般情况) ①It doesn’t matter. ②It is a shame, isn’t it? ③How is it going?(情况怎样) ④It says in the newspaper that...... 3.it用在一些词组中,it 没有特别的意思 The last train's gone. Come on, we'll foot it.(来,咱们步行吧。) 四、作形式主语,替代主语从句,动词不定式,或动名词短语: 1.作形式主语替代主语从句 ⑴It is clear ( obvious,true,possible,certain....) that 从句常译为"┅清楚的(显然的,真的,可能的,肯定的...)" It is very clear that he’s round and tall like a tree. = That he’s round and tall like a tree is very clear. ⑵It is important ( necessary,right,strange,natural...) that 从句常译为┅是重要的(必要的,对的,奇怪的,自然的┅).that 后的从句中要用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should 可以省去,建议记住该句型中的形容词。 ①It is important that we (should) learn English well.


外教一对一https://www.wendangku.net/doc/af18951885.html, 用appreciate表示「感谢」,用对不容易 在邮件里表示「感谢」的时候,我们常常会用到appreciate一词;在比较正式的场合,你也会偶尔听到有英美人在口语中使用appreciate 来表示「感谢」的含义。本帖将教会大家如何用对appreciate一词。1)表示感谢的时候,appreciate的对象通常不是某人,而是某件事。 和动词thank不一样的地方在于:thank 后面常常是某人。比如:Thank you for doing sth。但是appreciate后面常常是某件事,比如:I really appreciate your help. 很感谢你的帮助。Your support is greatly appreciated. 很感谢你的支持。以上的两个例句,通常都用在帮助或者支持完成之后说。而下面的这句话,是我们邮件中最常用的句式:I would appreciate it if you paid in cash. 如果你用现金支付,我会非常感谢。这个邮件的高频句式其实很容易出错,注意以下三点:appreciate后面的it不能漏掉appreciate后面不能直接加you以上面的句子为例,主句里的would和从句里的paid使用了过去式,是为了让语气更加婉转,而非表达过去的含义。I will appreciate it if...do...这样的句式也正确。2)中文里可以「欣赏」某人的品质;appreciate也一样。 中文里「欣赏」一词有两层含义:领略欣赏。比如:欣赏一段音乐认为……好。比如:老板很欣赏他的才华。巧合的是,appreciate 也有这两层含义:领略欣赏。You can't fully appreciate foreign literature in translation. 看翻译作品很难欣赏到外国文学的精髓。认为……好。His talents are not fully appreciated in that company. 在那个公司,他的才能得到充分地赏识。丨There's no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn't appreciate them. 别给他买很贵的酒,他不懂得品赏。3)appreciate还有一层生僻的含义:增值 我们会在财经新闻里看到appreciate及其反义词depreciate,分别表示「增值」和「贬值」。Their investments have appreciated over the years. 他们的投资在几年间增值了。currency depreciation 货币贬值 文章来源:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/af18951885.html,


Important sentences(重点句子) 1. How do you study for a test 你怎样准备考试▲study for a test prepare for a test 准备考试—What were you doing when I called last night 一I was studying for the math test.一昨天晚上我打电话时你在干什么一我在准备数学测验。2. I study for an English test by listening to cassettes. 我听录音准备英语测验。▲by 靠,用(方法,手段等),后接动名词(doing…) He makes a living by repairing bikes.他靠修车为生。▲listen vi.后加to再接名词。My sister was listening to music when I got home.当我到家时,姐姐正在听音乐。Listen! Someone is knocking at the door.听!有人在敲门。3.He studies by asking the teacher for help.他靠求助于老师来学习。▲ask sb for help求助于某人—You can ask me for help if you have trouble.—Thank you.1 will.—如果你有麻烦,你可以求助于我。一谢谢。我会的。4.Do you ever practice conversations with friends 你曾经和朋友练习过会话吗▲ever adv. 用于疑问句和否定旬中,“曾经” Do you ever worry that you’11 fail a test 你担心考试会不及格吗▲practice vt.=practice 练习▲在美国英语中practice既可作名词又作动词;但在英国英语中practice为名词;practise为动词。5. What about listening to cassettes 听录音怎么样▲what about + n./pron/doing =how about + n /pron/doing。例如:What/How about going to the movies tonight 今晚去看电影怎么样 6. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation 靠朗读来练习发音怎么样read aloud 朗读Reading aloud is very helpful in leaning English.朗读在学英语中很有帮助。7.I’ve learned a lot that way.我那样学到了很多。▲a lot 代表一个不可数名词。例如:Though he is young,he knows a lot.他虽然很小,但他知道很多。▲that way相当于一个副词,way 用于which,this,that之后,构成短语,“那样”。如:Don’t talk to your parents that way.别那样和父母说话。8.It improves my speaking skills.它能提高我的口语技巧。▲Improve vt. 改进,改善,提高His work is improving slowly.他的工作在慢慢改进。Her pronunciation has greatly improved.他的发音大大提高了。▲speaking skill 口语技巧listening skill 听力技巧writing skill 写作技巧reading skill 阅读技巧9. It’s too hard to understand to voices.听懂不同的声音很困难。▲too + adj./adv. + to do “太……而不能……”。又如:He is too young to go to school.他太小,不能上学。She runs too slow to catch up with me.她跑得太慢追不上我。10.This week we asked students at New Star High School about the best ways to learn more

高考英语 it的用法教案

it的用法: ⑴it用作人称代词:指代前面已经提到过的动物、事物、小孩或性别/身份不明的人,但应注意:指宠物时常用he/she,指大动物(马、大象等)可以用he/she;指祖国或家乡时,常用she. 注意句子:He failed in the examine,and it worried him. He failed in the examine. It worried him. He failed in the examine,which worried him. ⑵it用作非人称代词:常常用作句子的主语,可以指时间、距离、价格、长度、重量、日期、星期、月份、季节、气候等。 ⑶it用作形式主语或形式宾语:根据句子结构的需要,人们常用it作形式主语或宾语,而把真正的主语或宾语(不定式短语、动词-ing短语或名词性从句)放在句末。注意it作形式主语的常见结构有: ①It+ be + adj/n(for sb)to do sth. ②It +be + adj of sb to do sth. ③It +be + adj /n+ doing sth(一般限于名词fun,good,luck,joy,use,pleasure 或形容词foolish,wonderful,good,nice,interesting,useless,worth等作 表语时,才用it作形式主语,将真正的动名词主语后置) ④It +be + adj./n + that-clause. ⑤It +be+过去分词(如said,proved,known,believed,reported,thought,hoped, decided,announced, suggested,ordered,demanded,proposed,requested,advised 等)+that-clause.注意如果表语是划线部分的词,从句应该用虚拟语气。 ⑥It takes sb some time to do sth. ⑦It seems/looks as if…. ⑷it用在强调句型中: 强调句型“It is/was + 被强调部分 + 其他”的用法 ①这一句型可以强调除谓语、表语、定语和同位语以外的任何部分;如果被强调的部分是人,可以用who/that,如果被强调的部分是事物,只能用that。如:It was I who/that came here late this morning. It is a book that is on the desk. ②注意该句型不能强调让步状语从句;强调原因状语从句时,只能用because,不能用

make it全部用法详解

用法一表示事业获得成功 You will make it if you try. 你会成功的,如果你努力的话。 He’s never really made it as an actor. 他当演员从未有所成就 用法二表示某人做成某事 You needn’t worry; he will make it. 你不必担心,他会办成的。 If you want to make it, better get doing. 如果你想把这事干成,就该动手了。 I can’t make it on Friday.It’s very short notice. 星期五我办不好,时间太短了。 Many high-wire walkers died on their last step, thinking they had made it. 许多走绳索者死在最后一步上,这时他们认为已经表演成功了。 I thought he would be too old to get to the top of the mountain, but he made it at last. 我原以为他年纪大爬不到山顶,但最后他还是爬上去了。 用法三表示设法做到某事 I’ve been having violin lessons every two weeks, but I think I’ll make it every week from now on. 我一直是每两个星期上一次小提琴课,但是我想从现在起每个星期都上课。 用法四表示及时赶上火车等

The train leaves in five minutes—we’ll never make it. 火车再有五分钟就开了——我们绝对赶不上了。 The train won’t le ave for another ten minutes, so I think we can make it. 离开车还有10分钟,我想我们能赶得上。 用法五表示及时抵达某地 We are too late; I don’t think we can make it. 我们太迟了,我想我们难以准时赶到了。 He says he’ll come on time, but he’ll never make it. 他说他明天准时来,但他绝对做不到。 I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to make it on Sunday after all. 真的很抱歉,我星期天根本赶不到。 If you can’t make it Friday, we can invite somebody else. 如果你星期五赶不到,我们可邀请其他人。 用法六表示约定时间 “When shall we meet again?” “Make it any day you like; it’s all the same to me.” “我们什么时候再次碰头?”“随你定在哪天,我无所谓。” Let’s make it at seven o’clock on Tuesday morning at my office. 我们把时间定在星期二早上七点,地点就在我办公室。


表语从句用法详解(例句丰富) 一、表语从句的引导词 引导表语从句的词有连词that, whether,连接代词和连接副词,关系代词型what,以及as if, as though, because等连词。 1. 由that引导 The fact is that he doesn’t really try. 事实是他没有做真正的努力。 The trouble is that I have lost his address. 麻烦的是我把他的地址丢了。 My suggestion is that we should tell him. 我的建议是我们应该告诉他。 His sole requirement was (is) that the system work. 他唯一的要求是这个制度能起作用。 My idea is that we should start making preparations right now. 我的意见是我们马上就开始做准备工作。 2. 由whether引导 The question is whether the film is worth seeing. 问题是这部电影是否值得看。 【注意】whether 可引导表语从句,但与之同义的if却通常不用于引导表语从句。 3. 由连接代词引导 You are not who I thought you were. 你已不是我过去所想像的人。 The problem is who we can get to replace her. 问题是我们能找到谁去替换她呢。 The question is who (m) we should trust. 问题是我们应当相信谁。 What I want to know is which road we should take. 我想知道的是我们应走哪条路。 4. 由连接副词引导 The problem is how we can find him. 问题是我们如何找到他。 That was when I was fifteen. 这是我15岁时发生的事。 That’s where I first met her. 那就是我第一次遇见她的地方。 That’s why he didn’t come. 这就是他没有来的缘故。 That’s why I object to the plan. 这就是我反对这个计划的原因。 That’s where you are wrong. 这就是你不对的地方。


中考英语重点单词用法热身(收藏必备) consider是动词,意为考虑,思考,认为”。常用于下列结构: 1. consider+n。/pron。如: We must con sider the matter carefully 。 我们必须仔细考虑这件事。 2. consider doing sth 。如: Mr.Wa ng is con sideri ng going to America 。 王先生正在考虑前往美国。 3. c on side叶连接代(副)词+不定式如: They should con sider what to do n ext 。 他们应该考虑下一步该怎么办。 [友情提示] consider作认为”讲时,其后还可跟复合宾语,宾语补足语可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词短语和不定式(多为to be形式)等。如: I con sider myself to be lucky 。

我认为自己是幸运的 注:be terrified比be afraid的语气更强,害怕的程度更大一些。 18. c on ti nue continue意为“(使)继续,(使)连续”,既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。 1)作及物动词。如: Let C s ntinue our meeting。咱们继续开会吧。 2)作不及物动词。如: Ten minutes later ,the class continued。 10分钟后,又上课了。 3)c ontinue to do sth。与continue doing sth。,均可表示继续做某事”。 如: She continued to play the pia no 。她继续弹钢琴。 He continued work ing though he was ill 。 他虽然有病,但一直坚持工作。 19. c on sider consider是动词,意为考虑,思考,认为”。常用于下列结构: 1. consider+n。/pron。如: We must con sider the matter carefully o


动名词的用法详解 今天给大家带来动名词的用法详解,我们一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 英语语法:动名词的用法详解 动名词因同时拥有动词和名词两者的特点而拥有及其丰富 的用法,熟练的掌握这些用法不仅可以使口语表达更地道生动,也能在写作中增分添彩。 动名词主要有四种用法,做主语,作宾语,作表语,作定语,每种用法下又分小类别,是一个非常复杂庞大的系统,学习者们往往会理不清脉络,今天就为大家带来动名词的用法讲解。 一.作主语 1.直接位于句首 eg.Swimming is a good sport in summer. 2.用it作形式主语,把动名词(真实主语)置于句尾作后置主语。 eg.It is no use telling him not to worry.

.mportant,essential,necessary等形容词不能用于上述结构。 3.用于“There be”结构中 eg.There is no saying when hell come. 4.动名词的复合结构作主语: 当动名词有自己的逻辑主语时,常可以在前面加上一个名词或代词的所有格,构成动名词的复合结构,动名词疑问句通常使用这种结构做主语 eg.Their coming to help was a great encouragement to us. Does your saying that mean anything to him? 二.作宾语 1.作动词的宾语 某些动词后出现非限定性动词时只能用动名词作宾语,不能用不定式。不定式通常指某种特定的动作,但动名词表示泛指,常见的此类动词有: admit,appreciate,excuse,stand,advise,allow,permit,avoid,consider,e njoy,finish,give up,cannot help,imagine,include,keep,understand,keepon,mind,report,risk,mis s,put off,delay,practise,resist,suggest,depend on,think about,set about,succeed in,worry about,burst out,insist on,feel like,be used


重要短语的用法及区别 ★on,in和with. on:表示使用通讯工具、信息或传媒,乘坐交通工具等;I don’t want to talk about it on the phone. in:使用语言文字等媒介;Can you speak it in English? with:借助具体的手段或工具。Don’t write it with a red pen.★at , on , in三者都可以表示“在……的时候”。 At:表示在哪个时刻用;I get up at six o’clock in th e morning . 我早晨六点起床。 On:表示在哪一天,哪一天的早上(下午、晚上);on Wednesday , on Sunday morning , on May I , on a cold morning in 1936 in:表示在哪一年(季、月),在上午,下午等。in September , in the morning , in the afternoon ★spend,pay,cost,take

Sb. spend …on sth. 某人花了…(时间、金钱)在某事上。 (in) doing sth. 某人花了…(时间、金钱)做某事。Sb. pay …for sth.某人为某物花了…钱。 Sth. cost sb. …某物花了某人…钱。 It takes/took sb. … to do sth.花了某人…(时间、金钱)做某事。 ★too much, too many, much too too much + 不可数名词too many + 可数名词much too + 形容词 ★not … until &u ntil not … until直到…才… (主句动词是短暂性动词) until 一直到…(主句中使用延续性动词) ★few, a few; little , a little. 虽然都表示“少”,但 (1)few, a few是可数的, little, a little是不可数的。 (2)a few, a little含肯定意味,few, little含否定意味。
