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地点状语从句经常由where,wherever和everywhere来引导,它们所引导的从句既可以置于主句之前,也可以置于主句之后。where意为“在某个地方”,wherever意为“在任何一个地方,无论何地”,everywhere 意为“在每个地方”。

Keep the child where you can see him. You should put the book where it was.

Cross the stream where it is shallowest. You have the right to live where you want to.

They have gone where the police can’t get them. He goes wherever he wants.

Please keep sitting where you are. Everywhere I go, I find the same thing.

由where 引导的地点状语从句一般都可以使用 in / at the place where改成定语从句。

There is never peace where / at the place where men are greedy.

The thread breaks where / at the place where it is weakest.

I am not living where / in the place where I was.


Wherever you go,you should do your work well. 无论你到哪里,你都要努力工作。

Where there is love,there is faith. 只要有爱情就会有真诚。

Where there is will,there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。

Go where you should,keep on studying. 无论你到哪里去,都要坚持学习。

Wherever the sea is,you will find seamen. 哪里有海,哪里就有渔民。

Birth is nothing where virtue is not. 如果没有品德,出身再好也等于零。

Everywhere they appeared,there were ovations. 他们出现在哪里,哪里就是一片欢腾。


Where others are weak,he is strong.

We want to stay at home,where children would rather spend the holiday in the country.



Where引导定语从句,先行词不一定都表示地点 1. We will discuss a number of cases __ beginners of English fail to use the language preperly. A.which B.as C.why D.where 2.He was driving so fast as to get himself into a dangerous situation ___he is likely to lose the control over his car. A.which B.as C.why D.where 两道题都选where ,但是case, situation 都不是地点,如何理解? 在“先行词不是表示地点的名词”的前提下,如何判断是否使用关系副词where来引导定语从句的问题是一个高频考点。就是说,关系副词where所指代的先行词不只是表示地点的名词。 用Where引导定语从句,先行词不一定都表示地点按照通常的理解,当where引导定语从句时,它的先行词就是表示地点的名词,但事实并不是我

们想象的那么简单。很多情况下,where所指代的先行词并不表示地点。请看以下几个例句: 1. Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is greater than your need for each other. 请记住,最深的感情关系表现为彼此间的爱超过彼此间的需要。 点评:这里where引导的定语从句修饰先行词one,也就是relationship (此处one指代的是relationship)。Relationship不是地点名词,但此处却用了where来引导,where在这里表示“在这样的感情关系下”。从定语从句的结构来看,定语从句不缺主语和宾语,引导词where在从句中充当的是状语。 2. Cheating is most likely in situations where the vital interests are high and the chances of getting caught are low. 欺诈行为在这种情况下最有可能发生:利益重大, 而且欺诈行为被发现的可能性小。


Where引导定语从句,先行词不一定都表 示地点 1、We will discuss a number of cases __ beginners of English fail to use the language preperly、A、which B、as C、why D、where 2、He was driving so fast as to get himself into a dangerous situation ___he is likely to lose the control over his car、 A、which B、as C、why D、where 两道题都选where ,但就是case, situation都不就是地点,如何理解? 在“先行词不就是表示地点的名词”的前提下,如何判断就是否使用关系副词where来引导定语从句的问题就是一个高频考点。就就是说,关系副词where 所指代的先行词不只就是表示地点的名词。

用Where引导定语从句,先行词不一定都表示地点按照通常的理解,当where 引导定语从句时,它的先行词就就是表示地点的名词,但事实并不就是我们想象的那么简单。很多情况下,where所指代的先行词并不表示地点。请瞧以下几个例句: Other research, where siblings have been asked to say who their mother and father favor, suggests that mothers do tend to show a preference for their first-born son, but fathers often show great affection for their youngest daughters、 1、Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is greater than your need for each other、请记住,最深的感情关系表现为彼此间的爱超过彼此间的需要。

when 和 where 引导定语从句的用法

when 和 where 引导定语从句的用法 定语从句既是英语语法的一个重点,同时又是一个难点。说它是难点,主要难在两点上:一点是如何正确判断什么样的汉语句子要译为英语的带定语从句的复合句;另一点是定语从句的引导词较多(包括关系代词who, that, which, as 和关系副词when, where, why),而且其用法也较复杂。那么到底什么情况下用when和where来引导定语从句呢?它们又该怎么用呢?下面就举例说明: 一、when:当主句中的先行词(即主句中被后面定语从句修饰的词)是表示时间意义的名词时,它只能作定语从句的时间状语,放在定语从句句首。如果定语从句的引导词是作该定语从句的主语或宾语,则要改用关系代词that或which来引导。例如: The days when we used foreign oil are gone. 我们用洋油的日子一去不复返了。 I'll never forget the day when I was born. (=I'll never forget my birthday.) 我永远不会忘记我出生的日子。 It happened in November when the weather was wet and cold. 这事发生在天气又湿又冷的十一月。 In the years that (which) followed, Marx kept on studying English and using it. 在这之后的几年中,马克思继续学习和使用英语。(that作定语从句"that followed"的主语) The day (that) I always remember in all my life is my birthday. 我一生中最难忘的日子是我的生日。(that作定语从句"that I always remember in all my life"的宾语,that可以省略)


W h e r e引导从句的用法总结-标准化文件发布号:(9556-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

Where引导从句的用法总结 Where引导从句分为引导定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句三种,用法如下: 1.where引导定语从句—形容词性从句 where引导定语从句时,其先行词是表示地点的名词,where 引导的从句修饰先行词,Where是关系副词,它在定语从句中作地点状语,此时 where 相当于at/in/on+which。如: This zoo is not the only place where the animal can be seen. 这个动物园并不是唯一能够看到这种动物的地方。 She’s got herself into a dangerous situation where she’s likely to lose her life. 她将自己置于了危险的境地,而且很有可能丢掉性命。 2. where引导状语从句—副词性从句 where引导状语从句时,Where前没有表示地点的先行词,Where是从属连词,Where引导的从句修饰主句的谓语动词,它相当于 in/at the place where。如: My father grew up where he was born. 我父亲是在他出生的地方长大的。 Take him where it is safe. 把他带到安全的地方去。 3.where引导名词性从句—名词性从句 where引导的名词性从句主要有宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句以及同位语从句,此时where相当于the place where,可译为:“……的地 方”,where是疑问副词。如: Can you tell me where you found it? 你能告诉我你是在哪儿找到它的吗? That’s where I was when the accident happened. 那就是事故发生时我所在的地方。


Where引导定语从句,先行词不一定都表 示地点 1. We will discuss a number of cases __ beginners of English fail to use the language preperly. A.which B.as C.why D.where 2.He was driving so fast as to get himself into a dangerous situation ___he is likely to lose the control over his car. A.which B.as C.why D.where 两道题都选where ,但是case, situation都不是地点,如何理解? 在“先行词不是表示地点的名词”的前提下,如何判断是否使用关系副词where 来引导定语从句的问题是一个高频考点。就是说,关系副词where所指代的先行词不只是表示地点的名词。

用Where引导定语从句,先行词不一定都表示地点按照通常的理解,当where引导定语从句时,它的先行词就是表示地点的名词,但事实并不是我们想象的那么简单。很多情况下,where 所指代的先行词并不表示地点。请看以下几个例句: Other research, where siblings have been asked to say who their mother and father favor, suggests that mothers do tend to show a preference for their first-born son, but fathers often show great affection for their youngest daughters. 1. Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is greater than your need for each other. 请记住,最深的感情关系表现为彼此间的爱超过彼此间的需要。


where的用法小结 连接词where在高考试题中考查比较频繁,它是高考的热点,也是易错点,学生对这一词的用法掌握得也不够好,屡屡出错。为了解除学生对这一知识的疑惑,本文将通过翔实的典型实例进行归纳分析,总结连接词where的用法,把握高考对这一知识点的命题规律,掌握应对策略。 连接词where主要在定语从句、状语从句和名词性从句这三大从句中的使用。 一、where引导定语从句 where作为关系副词引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词为地点的名词或代词,同时,where代替先行词,在定语从句中作地点状语。 【例1】(2015年北京卷)Opposite is St. Pauls Church,you can hear some lovely music. A. which B. that C. when D. where 解析:D。where引导定语从句,修饰表示地点的先行词St. Pauls Church,where在定语从句中作地点状语。 【例2】(2013年新课标全国卷II)When I arrived,Bryan took me to see the house I would be staying. A. what B. when C. where D. which 解析:C。where引导定语从句,修饰表示地点的先行

词the house,where在定语从句中作地点状语。 【例3】(2013年浙江高考)The museum will open in the spring with an exhibition and a viewing platform visitors can watch the big glasshouses being built. A. what B. where C. when D. why 解析:B。where引导定语从句,修饰表示地点的先行词a viewing platform,where在定语从句中作地点状语。意为“博物馆将在春天开放,届时将有一个展览和一个观景平台。参观者可以在那个观景台上观看正在建设的大温室”。 另外,where引导定语从句要注意以下几点: 1. 关系副词where在意义上常用“介词+ 关系代词(which)”代替,即:where = in / at / on... + which。 【例4】(2015年浙江卷)Creating an atmosphere employees feel part of a team is a big challenge. A. as B. whose C. in which D. at which 解析:C。句意为:“创造一种让所有的员工都认为是这个团队的一部分的工作氛围是一个很大的挑战”。先行词为atmosphere。in a / an... atmosphere意为“在……氛围中”,为一固定搭配,故用in which(=where)引导定语从句,并在从句中作地点状语。又如: The university where (= at which)we are studying is very beautiful.


where的用法总结大全 where的用法你知道多少,今天给大家带来where的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 where的用法总结大全 where的意思 adv. 哪里,在哪里,到哪里,某种情势或位置 conj. 在…的地方 n. 地方,场所 pron. 哪里 where用法 where可以用作副词 where用作副词的基本意思是“什么地方,哪里”,可用作疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句。 where也可用作关系副词,意思是“在〔往〕哪里”; 引导限制性和非限制性定语从句,用于表示地点的词语之后。

where用作从属连词,可引导地点状语从句,相当于in〔at, to〕the place,其前常有加强语气的词,如just, only, even, right等或否定词not,有时某些成分可以省略。 where用作副词的用法例句 Where did she get the news?她从哪儿得到这个消息的? I know a place where you can have a picnic.我知道一个你可 以野餐的地方。 We then moved to Paris, where we lived for six years.我们後 来搬到巴黎 where可以用作连词 where用作从属连词,可引导地点状语从句,相当于in〔at, to〕the place,其前常有加强语气的词,如just, only, even, right等或否定词not,有时某些成分可以省略。 where也可引导对比状语从句,相当于while,可译为“而,却,反之”。 where还可引导让步状语从句,语气较轻,从句中常用倒装形式。 where用作连词的用法例句

where 的用法

Where 的用法 where用作连接副词,where用作关系副词,引导定语从句 where用于引申意义,where引导名词性从句,相当于the place (point), where 的用法 【用法1】where用作疑问副词, 在(往、从)哪里, 在什么地方: Where are you? 你在哪儿? Where did you get the computer (form)? 你从哪儿弄到这台电脑的? Where did you study medicine? 你从哪儿学的医? 【用法2】where用作连接副词, 引导下列从句: Where bees are, there is honey. 〔状语从句〕哪儿有蜜蜂哪儿就有蜜。 I’m going to do what I like and go where I like. 〔状语从句〕我要做我想做的事,去我想去的地方。 I wonder where she lives. 〔宾语从句〕我想知道她住在哪里。 It’s really no business of yours where I spend my summer. 〔主语从句〕 我真不知道她去哪儿了。 I really have no idea where she has gone.〔同位语从句〕我真不知道她去哪儿了。 The problem is where we should put the vase. 〔表语从句〕问题是我们把花瓶放在哪里呢。 【用法3】where用作关系副词,引导定语从句: England is one of the few countries where (=in which) people drive on the left. 英国是少数沿左侧开车的国家之一。 We then moved to Paris, where we lived for six years. 我们后来搬到巴黎,在那里住了六年。 【用法4】where用于引申意义: Where will all this trouble lead? ( =What result will it have? ) 这件麻烦的事会惹出什么结果? The crisis has reached a point where the receiver will have to be called in.危机已经到达非


在英语学习中,我们都知道,where在定语从句中用作关系副词,作状语,先行词一般指地点。例如: This is the farm where we worked when we were young. 这就是我们年轻时候在此干活的农场。 He met his wife in the park where they fell in love with each other.他是在这个公园遇到他的妻子,就是在那里,他们相爱了。 当然,在实际的英语学习中,where在定语从句中的用法远不是这么简单,相反,要复杂得多,为了让学生对where在定语从句中的用法有更好的了解,下面我就对学生在学习过程中的重难点问题谈一谈它的用法。 一、某些在从句中充当地点状语的“介词+关系词”结构可以与where 互换,where=in/at/on/...which 例如:This is the house in which I lived two years ago.这是我两年前住过的房子。 This is the house where I lived two years ago. 在英语学习中,并不是单纯地让学生知道where的这种用法就可以了,很多时候学生要掌握where和其他词的用法的区别,才能更好地把握定语从句的用法。例如: This is the factory where/in which you worked last year. This is the factory that/which/you visited last year. 在第一句中,关系词在定语从句中作状语,所以用关系副词where或者in which,因为定语从句中worked 是个不及物动词;而在第二句中,关系词在定语从句中做宾语,因此用that或which,还可以省略,visited是个及物动词。学生有时还会碰到更复杂的情况。例如: Is this factory the one that/which/\ you visited last year? Is this factory the one where/in which you lived last year? Is this the factory where/in which you lived last year? 这几个句子比前面的两个句子又复杂,除了要区别关系词在定语句子作什么成分,还要注意到前两个句子缺成分,所以要补充 the one。 二、where定语从句修饰抽象名词 where引导的定语从句的先行词大多数情况下是表示地点的名词,但也有特殊情况。如果定语从句修饰point,situation,part,condition和case等表示抽象意义的词,关系词在定语从句中充当状语时,常用where 引导,意思是“到了某种地步,在某种境况中” 。为了帮助同学们熟悉这一语言现象,正确掌握这一知识点,对where定语从句修饰抽象名词的用法作一归纳。 1) where定语从句修饰抽象名词point You reach a point where medicine can’t help. 你已到了药物无法治疗的地步。 We have reached a point where a change is needed.我们到了必须改一改的地步。 注:有时point也可以是具体的地点: The accident happened at the point where the A15 joins the M1. 事故发生在A15与M1交叉的十字路口。 2) where定语从句修饰抽象名词case There are cases where the word “mighty” is used as an adverb. 在一些情况下,mighty一词可用作副词。


先请看下面几道高考试题: 1. (天津卷) Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity_________sight matters more than hearing. A. when B. whose C. which D. where 2. (江西卷) After graduation she reached a point in her career_________she needed to decide what to do. A. that B. what C. which D. where 3. (陕西卷) Today, we’ll discuss a number of cases_________beginners of English fail to use the language properly. A. which B. as C. why D. where 解析:答案分别为:1. D2. D3. D上述三道考题均考查了where引导的定语从句,只是该从句的先行词并不是我们常见的表示地点的名词如place, room, house, street, area等,而是activity, point, case等。命题者正是通过这一类特殊的先行词来迷惑考生,使考生误选that或which。近年来高考对where的考查趋于复杂化,从先行词为明显的“地点”转变为“模糊的地点”,对此应引起同学们的注意。 再看下列考题: 1. (2006山东卷) We’re just trying to reach a point_________both sides will sit down together and talk. A. where B. that C. when D. which 解析:答案为A。本题的先行词为point,它表示抽象的地点且在定语从句中作地点状语,因此应填where。如果考生只知道point表示“点、分数”,不熟悉它也可以表示抽象的地点,极易造成误选。 2. (2005上海卷) If a shop has chairs_________women can park their men, women will spend more time in the shop. A. that B. which C. when D. where 解析:本题的句意是:“商店如果有椅子,女士们可以让男士们坐在椅子上”,即women can park their men in / on the chairs,所选引导词在定语从句中应该作地点状语,故选D。 3. (2004湖南卷) I work in a business_________almost everyone is waiting for a great chance. A. how B. which C. where D. that 解析:先行词是表地点的a business(商业机构,公司),从句中的谓语动词is waiting for后有宾语a great chance,所以需要填入where或in which,故选C。 4. (2004全国卷Ⅱ) There were dirty marks on her trousers_________she had wiped her hands. A. where B. which C. when D. that 解析:答案为A。本题的先行词是trousers,从句中缺少状语,不缺主语和宾语,所以用关系副词引导定语从句。句意为“在她擦手的裤子上有污迹”。 此外,when引导定语从句也有类似的用法。例如: (2003北京春季卷) We are living in an age_________many things are done on computers. A. which B. that


Where引导从句的用法总结 Where引导从句分为引导定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句三种,用法如下:1.where引导定语从句—形容词性从句 where引导定语从句时,其先行词是表示地点的名词,where 引导的从句修饰先行词,Where是关系副词,它在定语从句中作地点状语,此时where 相当于at/in/on+which。如: This zoo is not the only place where the animal can be seen. 这个动物园并不是唯一能够看到这种动物的地方。 She’s got herself into a dangerous situation where she’s likely to lose her life. 她将自己置于了危险的境地,而且很有可能丢掉性命。 2.where引导状语从句—副词性从句 where引导状语从句时,Where前没有表示地点的先行词,Where是从属连词,Where引导的从句修饰主句的谓语动词,它相当于 in/at the place where。如: My father grew up where he was born. 我父亲是在他出生的地方长大的。 Take him where it is safe. 把他带到安全的地方去。 3.where引导名词性从句—名词性从句 where引导的名词性从句主要有宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句以及同位语从句,此时where相当于the place where,可译为:“……的地方”,where 是疑问副词。如: Can you tell me where you found it? 你能告诉我你是在哪儿找到它的吗?

from where 用法归纳知识讲解

from where,定语从句,“从所在的地方”Sep 12, 2015 说明:from where当于“from + 介词短语” ,也就是两个介词连用。 例句: 1. We stood on the top of the mountain, from where we could see the whole city. 我们站在山顶,从所在的山顶,我们能看到整座城市。 (说明:这里from where = from on the top of the mountain) 2. The child stood behind the door, from where he stared at the guests. 孩子站在门后,从所在的门后,他盯视着来客。

(说明:这里from where = from behind the door) 3. The captain stood at the window, from where he could see nothing but trees.上尉站在窗前,从所在的窗前,他看到的只有树。 (说明:这里from where = from at the window) 4. Some people are standing under the big tree, from where they are enjoying a wonderful of view of the town. 一些人站在大树下,从所在的大树下,他们欣赏着眼前的城镇。 (说明:这里from where = from under the big tree) 5. We walked for two and a half hours to get there – first up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views and then down a steep


Where引导定语从句,先行词不一定都 表示地点 1. We will discuss a number of cases __ beginners of English fail to use the language preperly. A.which B.as C.why D.where 2.He was driving so fast as to get himself into a dangerous situation ___he is likely to lose the control over his car. A.which B.as C.why D.where 两道题都选where ,但是case, situation都不是地点,如何理解? 在“先行词不是表示地点的名词”的前提下,如何判断是否使用关系副词where 来引导定语从句的问题是一个高频考点。就是说,关系副词where所指代的先行词不只是表示地点的名词。

用Where引导定语从句,先行词不一定都表示地点按照通常的理解,当where引导定语从句时,它的先行词就是表示地点的名词,但事实并不是我们想象的那么简单。很多情况下,where 所指代的先行词并不表示地点。请看以下几个例句: Other research, where siblings have been asked to say who their mother and father favor, suggests that mothers do tend to show a preference for their first-born son, but fathers often show great affection for their youngest daughters. 1. Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is greater than your need for each other. 请记住,最深的感情关系表现为彼此间的爱超过彼此间的需要。


where引导的地点状语从句用法总结归纳 1、where 在地点状语从句中,除指地点外,还可指处境等。 eg. I'm unsatisfied with where I live. 我对自己住的地方特不 满意。 2、有时地点状语从句中的某些词能够省略。 eg. Fill in the blanks with the given phrases. Change the form where necessary. 用所给的短语填空,必要的地方能够改变其 形式。 3、地点状语从句一般置于主句之后。 eg. Keep it where you can see it. 把它放在你看得见的地方。 4、where一般表示一个确定的但非特指的地点。 eg. The school was built where there had once been a cemetery. 学校建在一座墓园的旧址。 5、wherever, anywhere 和 everywhere 表示“任何地方”。 eg. No matter where you now are in writing, you can improve with practice. 不管你在写作上你处于什么水平,练习都能帮你提升。 6、where引导定语从句时,从句前应有一个表示地点的名词作先行词;而状语从句前则无需先行词。 eg. Go back where you came from.你从何处来到何处去。(where引导地点状语从句) Go back to the country where you came from.你从哪个国家来了 就回哪去。(where引导定语从句,修饰place)


where,wherever与everywhere用法举要 ■崔长平河南遂平一高(463100) 地点状语从句经常由where,wherever和everywhere来引导,它们所引导的从句既可以置于主句之前,也可以置于主句之后。where意为“在某个地方”,wherever意为“在任何一个地方,无论何地”,everywhere 意为“在每个地方”。 Keep the child where you can see him. You should put the book where it was. Cross the stream where it is shallowest. You have the right to live where you want to. They have gone where the police can’t get them. He goes wherever he wants. Please keep sitting where you are. Everywhere I go, I find the same thing. 由where 引导的地点状语从句一般都可以使用 in / at the place where改成定语从句。 There is never peace where / at the place where men are greedy. The thread breaks where / at the place where it is weakest. I am not living where / in the place where I was. Where(ver)和everywhere引导的地点状语从句置于主句之前时,大都含有“条件”或“让步”的意味,常常译作“无论哪里……”,“哪里……哪里就……”,“如果……”,“只要……就……”。 Wherever you go,you should do your work well. 无论你到哪里,你都要努力工作。 Where there is love,there is faith. 只要有爱情就会有真诚。 Where there is will,there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。 Go where you should,keep on studying. 无论你到哪里去,都要坚持学习。 Wherever the sea is,you will find seamen. 哪里有海,哪里就有渔民。 Birth is nothing where virtue is not. 如果没有品德,出身再好也等于零。 Everywhere they appeared,there were ovations. 他们出现在哪里,哪里就是一片欢腾。 where引导的地点状语从句也可以用来表示“对比与转折”,语义接近于while,whereas,意为“可是,然而,却”。 Where others are weak,he is strong. We want to stay at home,where children would rather spend the holiday in the country. 1


用where引导从句时,状语从句与宾语从句的区别是什么呢 状语从句 一定义: A 状语主要是用来修饰动词和形容词的,以表明动作发生或状态存在的时间,地点,原因,等。 1 Ten years ago, She began to live in Dalian. 时间状语修饰began 2 The boy was praised for his bravery. 原因状语修饰was praised B 状语从句就是用一个句子来代替上面的时间状语和原因状语。 1 Ten years ago, she began to live in Dalian. When she was 12 years old, she began to live in Dalian. 2 The boy was praised for his bravery. The boy was praised because he saved the baby’s life in the freezing river. 二:地点状语从句: 连接地点状语从句的连接词有:where, wherever=no matter where: 1Where there is water, there is life. 2Where there is a will, there is a way. 3Wherever you go, I will follow you.== No matter where you go, I will follow you. 4I will go wherever I can find a good job.== I will go no matter where I can find a good job. 宾语从句:是做动词、介词或形容词宾语的从句。一、做动词的宾语: I think (that) you will like the pictures. 我想你会喜欢这些画的。 (连接词that无意义,在从句中不充当任何成分,可以省略) 当宾语从句(通常是由that引导的宾语从句)有一宾语补足语时,常用it作形式宾语,而将宾语从句置于句末。例如:

where 引导从句的用法

Where引导从句的用法 一、where引导定语从句 where引导定语从句时,其先行词是表示地点的名词,它在定语从句中作地点状语,此时where 相当于at/in/on+which。如: This zoo is not the only place where the animal can be seen. 这个动物园并不是唯一能够看到这种动物的地方。 She’s got herself into a dangerous situation where she’s likely to lose her life. 她将自己置于了危险的境地,而且很有可能丢掉性 命。 二、where引导状语从句 where引导状语从句时,它相当于in/at the place where。如: My father grew up where he was born. 我父亲是在他出生的地方长大的。 Take him where it is safe. 把他带到安全的地方去。 三、where引导名词性从句 where引导的名词性从句主要有宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句以及同位语从句,此时where相当于the place where。如: Can you tell me where you found it? 你能告诉我你是在哪儿找到它的吗? That’s where I was when the accident happened. 那就是事故发生时我所在的地方。 Where the old man comes from is still a puzzle. 这位老人是从哪里来的还是个谜。 I have no idea where we should go for a holiday. 我不知道我们该去哪里度假。 【巩固练习】请用引导词where来补全下列英文句子。 1. 有志者事竟成。 _______________________, there is a way. 2. 书在你原来放的地方。 The book is _________________________. 3. 她回到了她刚才坐的地方。 She is back to _____________________. 4. 请呆在原处。 Please stay _________________________. 5. 这就是他曾工作过的农场。 This is the farm _____________________. 6. 我很怀念我儿时生活过的地方。 I miss the place ______________________ in my childhood. 7. 我希望住在一个空气清新、人们友好的地方。 I hope to live _____________________ and people are friendly. 8. 明天我们在哪里见面还没有决定呢。 _________________________ has not been decided yet. 9. 她可以想去哪里就去哪里,想做什么就做什么。 She was free to _______________________ and do what she liked to do.

where 和wherever 的用法

Where 和wherever 区别和用法 (1) Where The word where has several uses. It can be used as a question adverb. In this case it introduces a direct or indirect question. Where does she work? I wonder where she works. Where can be used as a relative adverb. In this case, it refers back to a noun in the main clause. As a relative adverb, where introduces a relative clause. Do you know a shop where they sell used laptops? Here where introduc es the relative clause ‘where they sell used laptops’. It modifies the noun shop. I know a place where you can hide the treasure. Eventually he reached the point where he was beginning to suspect everyone. Where can also be used as a conjunction. In this case, it connects two clauses. (The preposition to can be dropped after where). Where are you going? OR Where are you going to? Where is often left out after words like anywhere, somewhere, everywhere and nowhere. Is there anywhere I can sit down? (More natural than ‘Is there anywhere where I can sit down?’) (2) Wherever The word wherever can be used as a conjunction and an adverb. Wherever she went, she was followed by press photographers. Wherever he goes, he takes his camera with him. Sit wherever you want. The word wherever can be used for emphasizing the word ‘where’ in questions that show surprise, interest or annoyance. I have been looking for this key since morning. Wherever did you find it? The word wherever can also be used for showing that you do not know where something is.
