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牛津9A Unit 1?4半期复习题


班级___________ 学号____________ 姓名______________ 得分 ____________________________


1.Daniel is clever, but he n ever shows off. He is m __________ .

2. A f _________ t eacher should treat each stude nt equally.

3.They often ___________ (争论)about the soccer players.

4.Dolly was the first c ____________ s heep.

5.Look, a __________ (蝴蝶)is flying among the flowers.

6.It's said that we will be _____ (分开)into 4 groups.

7.This doctor received high ________ (赞扬)from every one.

8.He did n't pass the-exam because of his __________ (粗心).

9.He had to _________ (出现)before the meeting to explain his behavior.

10.The ________ (首席的)manager of that company is his uncle.

11.Kitty is a _______ (生机勃勃的)girl. She enjoys dancing and singing.

12.He was very _________ (没有耐心的)with his students. He often asks them to stand in class.

13.Mr Li is good at draw ing. He is a b __________ artist.

14.The doctor was i __________ and often shouted at the patie nts.

15.Mike ofte n shares things with his frien ds. Today, he d __________ his watermel on into 8 parts.

16.He is a c ________ boy. He ofte n makes the same mistake.

17.Mr Black m __________ a lot of cha nces. Sometimes he feels sad.

18.Every one went to the zoo ___________ (除了)Wei Ming last Tuesday. Because he had to look after his little brother.

19.Liu Wei is a disabled boy. He learned to play basketball by ____________ (他自己).

20.The boy _________ (花费)three days reading the novel.

21.To our _________ (愉快),the actress will come to Xin gyi n ext Sun day.

22.My cousin is __________ (诚实的).He never tells lies.

23.She always keeps things in her room in ______________ (顺序).

24.I heard Li Qiang both came first in the two ____________ (赛跑).

25.You must be careful on the ___________ (高速的)railway while you are driving.

26.-How much are the ____________ (日历)? -Twenty yuan of each

27.My teacher told me to pay more _____________ (注意)to my spelling.

28.Your coat ________ (般配)your trousers well.

29.The teacher _________ (建议)us speaking more English in class.

30.She practises __________ (日常的)English every day.

31.___________________________ -Do you know who (发现)America? -Of course, Columbus did.

32.His father ________ (答应)to buy him an e-dictionary as his birthday present.

33._____________________________________________________________________ Listening to music sometimes can make you forget your ____________________________________________________________________ (悲伤).

34.I c an '_t ____________ (许诺) you anything at the moment, but I will try my best.

35._______________________________ Mrs Rainbow has (从事) this therapy for quite a long time.

36.____________________________________________________________________________ Which TV set should I choose? It 's hard for me to make a _________________________________________________________________ 决_定___)_.__ (

37.When I saw the old picture, it _______________ (使想起) me of my childhood.

38.____________________________________________________________________________ We had been together for two years, but both of us felt the _______________________________________________________________ (关系) wasn't really going anywhere.

39.________________________________________________________The final exam is coming. I hope you can (平衡)your study and rest.

40.Black means power and ___________________ (信任) and it ' s my lucky colour.

41._____________________________________________________ The red tie and a white shirt are a good (搭配).

42.____________________________________ There are over 100 teachers (从事,执业) in our school.

43.Some people were ill because they were ______________ (影响)by the bad weather.

44. He's _________ (允诺)that he will not give up his English already.

45.There are many kinds of ___________ (手提包)in the shop.

46.It ' s quite important that you can _______ 获_ (得) a balance between study and hobbies.

47.__________ The (方法)study is that you must listen to teachers carefully.

48.__________ He (怀疑) what you really meant by this.

49.____________________________________________ T o keep fit ,you ' debtter try more (体育锻炼)every day.

50.__________________________________________ The traffic stopped, and he had no (选择)but to walk home.

51.She feels very lonely at home because she has no _______________ (交流)with her parents.

52.________ (根据)to het words ,grandfather will call us at noon.

53.______ (化学) is one of my favourite subjects in school.

54._____________________________________________________ Jack finds it hard to spell some English words (正确地).

55.____________________________________________ T he teacher asks us not to keep our (令人担忧的事)to ourselves.

56.____________________________________________ W e have already got more than 100 答复)to our advertisement.

57.___________________________ He read the letter (大声地)as Grandpa ' s hearing was not so good.

58._______________________________________________ More than half of the students say that (学业)takes them the most time.

59.___________________________ We formed a close (友谊)when we were in middle school.

60.Don ' t be worried about getting hig_h ________ (分数)in the coining exam.

61.___________________________ Could you tell me the (原因)of your success?

62.________________ This is a (贵重的)watch. I can ' t afford it.

63.____________________________________________ T o my surprise? I found the baby girl (醒着的)all the way.

64.I think you can make great progress ________________ (凭借)hard work.

65.The boy has no ___________ (勇气)to tell his mother the truth.

66.1' m searching for information for my ______________ 研究)on the Internet.

67.At _____________ (大学), Mike made so many good friends.

68.Duri ng your lifetime, who do you _____________ (钦佩)most?

69.ln his ___________ (五十岁),he began to learn how to use the computer.

70.What do you think of your uncle ' s想法)?(

71.You must work hard. Remember: No road of flower ____________________ (通向)to success.

68.It seems that they have __________ (成功)solved the problem, or they don ook so happy.

69.You must work hard. Remember: No road of flower ____________________ (通向)to success.

70.Life is a ___________ (旅程).There are moments that help you learn and grow.

71.The woman ________________________ (更喜欢)to wear white to create a comfortable feeling .

72.Don' t wory about the baby. Mary ___________________ (允诺)to look after her while we are away.

73._________________________ (pronoun ce) all the words correctly can help you lear n it well.

74.In Wester n coun tries, a year _________________________(分)into a cycle of 12 star sig ns.

75.Messi ____________________ (得分)a winning goal in the sec ond half of the match.

76.There is a rule __________________ (与... 相反)taking pets into the museum.

77.We are not born with _____________________ (勇气).And we are not born with fear.

78.The Spring Festival is the most popular ______________________ (传统)festival in China.

79.This amazing little boy is good at playing different musical _______________________ (器械).

80.His name was Xiao Ming, a ________________________ (普通的)name in China.

81.They were discussing about the fire and its likely ___________ (起因).

82.He was so generous that he ____________ (提供)a lot of stationery to the poor children.

83.Tha nk you for your _________ (建议).They are of great value to me.

84.Would you please ____________ (留出)me some time? I have something important to tell you.

85.Make careful __________ (选择)before taking action, boys.

86. A number of students are ____________ (遭受)from stress at the moment.

87.Every one was liste ning to the teacher carefully. No one ____________ (注意)what Lucy did.

88.________ (尽管)it's hard for you, you can't give it up.

89.We won dered whether the boy would _______________ (接受)the pretty gift.

90.1think it 'sone of the ________________ (有价值的)among these advice.


1.He gets angry easily. We ofte n tell him not to be so ____________ (patie nt).

2.He has the ability to be an excelle nt ____________ (lead).

3.Big compa nies all hope to hire _____________ (create) staff.

4.He can do it without ____________ (difficult).

5.My gra ndfather would ___________ (expla in) things to me.

6.He only got a "C" because of his ____________ (care).

7.This book is ___________ (suit) for all ages.

8.She is _________ (patie nt) and n ever expla ins things to me well.

9.We all think you should think __________(two) about cha nging a new job.

10.Her _________ (speak) made lots of people moved.

11.We are often ___________ (divide) into three groups while we are playi ng a game.

12.I think you should pay attention to ___________(check) your e-mails on time.

13.At last, my computer was ____________ (conn ect) to the Internet successfully.

14.I am hungry because he ______________ (eat) up all the food.

15.The man is strong eno ugh _____________(carry) the biggest bag.

16.1thi nk red is ________ (good) than black.

17.Blue can bring _________ (sad).

18. D on't feel too _______ (stress) while you are tak ing an exam

19.Yellow is also the colour of __________(wise).

20.S un gives us __________ (hot) and light.

21.Gree n can make you ____________ (feel) en ergetic.

22.1have no difficulty _________ (find) his new house.

23. _________ (wear) red can also make it easier for you to take action.

24.Sometimes it is hard for me to make a _____________ (decide).

25.1will go swimmi ng in stead of ________(watch) TV at home.

26. D on' t be n ervous. Be ___________________ (relax) and you will perform well in the show.

27.We could see the ____________________ (happy) on his face after he heard the bad n ews.

28.He _____________________ (prefer) En glish to Chin ese last term.

29.The sun gives us ______________________(warm) and makes us feel comfortable.

30.Yellow is the color of _____________________ (wise).

31.The boy asked his father if the earth ____________ (move) around the sun in surprise.

32.Blue was once believed to have the power to drive evil spirits away, so people dressed baby boys in blue

in the hope that boys would _________________ (protect).

33.The little dog prefers bones to meat. He ' d rather _________________ (eat)l .something har

34.—Are you going to have a party? —Sorry, I _______________ (not decide).

35.I think all your ______________ (suggest) are very importa nt and helpful to us.

36.The sun can provide light and __________________ (hot) so that pla nts can grow well.r

37.My bedroo m needs _____________________(paint) again. I ' d like to use blue.

38.He is so shy that she is always afraid ________________ (speak) in public.

39.If you n eed physical ______________________ (stro ng), you should wear red clothes.

40.Did you prefer to _____________________(live) in the country to the city?

41.Many childre n in Brita in __________ (allow) to have their own bank cards these days.

42.Today ' s young people can ' t live without smart phones. They keep hands on the phone wherever they go.

even while they ____________ (have) meals.

43.Can I fined a place to have my new phone __________________ (repair)? It doesn ' t work.

44.The song reminds me of my old school days as soon as it __________________ (play).

45.—Tur n off the radio, dear. Baby is sleep ing. —There is no n eed. He ____________________ (wake) up.

46.—Has the teacher fini shed marki ng the exam papers?

—Sorry, I don ' t know. He ____________________ (mark) them in the office yesterday after noon.

47.Flying across the Atlantic Ocean for the first time was a great _________________ (achieve) in the huma n history.

48.After i practiced __________ (play) basketball for hours, i felt tired out.

49.The book tells us about the ____________ (nation) characteristics of the country, and it ' s worth reading.

50.They often meet and share their _________________ (think), feelings and experiences 。

51.She and her ________________ (old) sister were caught and sent to the a Nazi camp in 1944.

52.Ma ny childre n in Brita in ____________ (allow) to have their own bank cards these days.

53.1failed to °et high marks in exams because the noise around almost_________________ (drive) me mad.

54.Hobo will wake up Eddie as soon as the new house _____________________________ (build).

55.Eddie ___________________ (be) happy since I first met him.

56.While ___________________ (atte nd) junior high, Spud scored 20 points in his first game.

57.Spud had many great ___________________________ (achieve) , but his proud est moment came in 1986.

58.Ann and her elder sister died of ________________________ (ill) before the war en ded.

59.The player practiced even _______________________ (hard) and got the coach to change his mind.

60.He promised the therapy would make me feel ______________________ (en ergy) and thi nk more clearly.

61.Did he have other ______________________ (choose) but to stay up late to finish his homework?

62.It ' s a(n) ____________________ (usual) experienee, and few people have chances to do it.

63.To my surprise, my dad has decided to don ate his body for medical research after his __________________ (dead).

64.She ngzhou vn has bee n _______________________ (success) set up into the space.

65.As ____________________ (lead) of the groups, they all want their own teams to win in the fin al.

66.1thi nk watch ing table tennis match is _________ (simple) a waste of time. I have no in terest in it.

67.1won der if you have any _____________________ (th ink) on that project.

68.1don ' t know which of the _____________________ (German) once helped the Jews.

69.People supported to have a strong _______________________ (cen ter) gover nment after the war.

70.This is the most popular music of one of the famous ______________________ (music) I have ever heard.

71.1want to make more friends , but I don ' t know how to get others __________________ (talk) with me.

72.He is going to hospital to have the bad tooth _______________________ (pull) out tomorrow.

73. A large nu mber of people will lose their homes if a war ________________________ (break) out

74.It is three weeks si nee the flowers _______________________ (accept).

75.—When shall I hand in my report? —As soon as it ________________________ (fini sh) tomorrow.

76. Zhou En lai devoted most of his time he had to _________________ (work) for our country and people.

77. Can you imagi ne ________________________ (make) great progress in your study with no pla n?

78. His atte nti on n ever __________________ (relax) while in class.

79. Who has Mr Black had _________________________ (desig n) for his new house?

80. Each of us _____________________ (know) a lot about solar en ergy after liste ning to the talk on it.

三、据汉语意思完成句子 :

1. 在英语方面我有很多问题,你能帮助我吗?

I ________ _____________________________________ m y En glish. Can you help me?

2. 你应该注意你的发音和书写。

You should __________ _________ _______ your pronunciation and writing.

3. 埃米带来各种颜色的气球,真是太聪明了。

It is wise _________ Amy _______________________ b allo ons of all colours.

4. 你不必担心不能通过这次英语考试。

You needn ' t ___________________________ not ______________ the English exam.

5. 简很谦虚,从不炫耀。

Jane is very modest and never ______________________________ .

6. 海伦是个有条理的女孩子她喜欢把一切放得井井有条。

Hele n is that she

. I don 'tknow _______________ .

We can't _____________________

It is said that 10. 《江南Style 》这首歌不仅在韩国而且在世界其他地方也很流行。

Gangnan Style is ___________________ Korea _____________________________________ .

11. 明天,既不是Lucy 要去北京,也不是我要去。

_____________ Lucy ________________ I ______________________ Beiji ng tomorrow.

12. 红色和白色是好的搭配,因为有力量的红色能平衡沉静的白色。

Red and white are _______________________________________, as the powerful red__________ the calm white.

13. 当你犹豫不决的时候,红色可以有助于你做决定。

This may help whe n you ____________________________________________________________________ a decisi on.

14. 当一些人想要成功的时候,他们更喜欢黄色。

Some people ______________ yellow whe n they ___________________________________________________ .

15. 黄色是太阳的颜色,所以它能让你想到温暖晴朗的一天。

Yellow is the colour of sun, so it can ___________________________________________ a warm sunny day.

16. 如果你需要在身心上的力量,红色可能能帮助你。

7. 我不知道我适合做什么工作。 8. 我们承担不起犯任何错误。

If you _________________ in either body or mind, red may _______________________________________ to you.

17.比起购物,我更喜欢呆在家里。I _________________________________ shopp ing.

18. 我想知道这部老电影让她想起了什么。

I wonder ____________________________________________________ . 19.我将建议吃什么食物以保持健康。

I will __________________________ f ood _______________________ . 20. 把房间漆成蓝色使你更容易放松。 It is easy _________________________________________________ .

21. 你能告诉我我的电脑是否出故障了吗 ? Can you tell me ______________________________________________________ ?

22. 考试前把整本书再温习一遍。 ________________________________________ before the exam.

23. 许多与我同龄的学生都喜欢踢足球。

Many students ________________________________ like playing football. 24. 老师问谁能答出那道题。 The teacher asked ___________________________________________________ 25.他非常感谢我,因为去年我给他提供一份工作。

He was ___________________________ me,because I ____________________________ last year.

26. 父母们应该在日常生活中严格要求孩子。 Parents should ____________________________________________ At last , he ________ .

The book ____________ Guo Jingming . He his study. You should computer games. 31. 我太累了几乎走不远了。 I was

32. 你能告诉我如何处理压力问题吗? Can you tell me __________________________________________________________ ? 33. 他们需要一些关于怎样在学习和爱好中取得一种平衡的建议。

They need some ________________________________________________________ s tudy and hobbies.

34. 如果有人嘲笑你,你不要在意他。

If someone ____________________________ , _____________________________ h im.

35. 令我惊奇的是,杰克在写作竞赛中获得了一份大奖。

____________________ , Jack ___________________________________ the writing competition.

36. 你将不会发现任何不同寻常的东西,直到警察来到案发现场。

You won 't ____________________________________________________________ .


I ________________________________________________ Paris. 38. 因为水污染,每年有数以百万的动物失去生命。

. _________________________________ every year because __________________________

39. 他问我是否为自 2000 年以来在金坛所发生的巨大变化而感到自豪。

He asked me whether / if I ____________________________ that happened in Jintan since 2000.

40. 这个故事告诉人们只要永不放弃,几乎没有什么你做不到的。

This story tells people that you can ____________________________________________________ .

41. 它记录了那个时代,也成为人类精神胜利的象征。

It was ____________________ , and it has also ________________________________________________ .

42. 令我惊讶的是,他已经决定死后捐献遗体供易学研究。

__________________ , he has decided to donate his body _______________________________________ .

43. 姚明生活在美国时,无论何时他被召唤,他都会回到中国。

When Yao Ming was livi ng in the USA, he _______________________________________________________ .

44. 虽然我们生活在和平年代,但是世界上其它地区仍然有一些孩子为他们的生活而担忧。

Although we ____________________ , some childre n in other parts of the world still _____________ .

27.他最后想出了解决这个问题的办法。 28.这本郭敬明写的小说非常值得一看。




Is it time for us _____________________________ to improve our study habits?


Do you know how many famous thin kers ___________________________________ d uri ng the Ren aissa nee?


Millie can read books __________________________________________ .

48.毕业后,他成功地进入NBA打球.(用play basketball successfully同义短语)

After he graduated, he ________________________________________ basketball in the NBA.


He ______________________________________ after he got the don ati on from the charity orga ni zati on. 50.他的努力使他引起了总经理的注意。

His ___________________________________________________________ the gen eral man ager.


________________________________________ this time, we won ' t ____________________________ .


We all like the music __________________________________________________________________________________ .


The book was ________________________________________ and it has also become ____________________________ .


______________________________ ,they ___________________________ and got the teacher _____________________ .


Everyone should has _________________________________________________________ .


They _____________________________________ . That,s _______________________________________ in the end.


I hope this _________________________________________________________ .


Now,someone ___________________________________________ 』m ___________________________ in last En glish exam.


Our teacher told us __________________________________________________ .


Life is __________________________ .We ______________________________________________________ .
