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Toniiny: How is your I i tt e brother. Johnny? Johnny: lie is i 11 in bed. He hurt li msel f. Tommy: That" s too bad. Ilow did that happen?

Johnny: Wo played who cou 1 d Iean furthest out of tlx1indou, “nd ho won.





约翰丿比我们做游戏,看谁締把身F探出窗外貝认,他蟲了 =

1 Have His Ear in My Pocket

Ivan cnme home wi th a bloody nose and his mother asked, "What happened?^

*A kid bi t me, * replied Ivun?

* Would you recognize him i f you saw hi in again?* asked liis mother.

"I d know him any where, * said Ivan. "I have his ear in iny packet. *






A Good Bov

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"

*1 gnvr i t to a poor old wonwin. " ho nnswrrod?

Vcu? IF a good boy, ” said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more? But why are

you so interested in the old woman?#z

*She is the one who sei Is the candy. *




“我给i一个可怜的老太婆?”他I叫答说:“你真绘个好孩J-. ”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么憋兴趣呢?”


On(* day, a father and his little' soil W('TP going hom(\ At this age, the boy wns i nt forested :n a ' kir ds of tilings and was always asking cjuest k)ns ? X(w t lie asked, ^What r s the meaning of the word ‘Drunk’,dad?" "Well, my son, " his father replied, * look, there are standing two pc)l icemen. 11* I regard the two pnl icemen as lour then T am drunk?"

"But, dad," the boy said, * there1 s only ONE policeman!"


一人.父亲q小JI. f—iMM家。这个孩子正处于那种对"么巾都很陋兴魏的年静,老”仃棕不完的问题.他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,’醉’字足什么意恩? ”“唔,孩子?”父亲回答说,

“你眺那儿站右两个警索:如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了■” “可是,爸爸.” 孩了?说,“那儿只有一个警察呀!”

Hospi taiily

The hostess apologized to her un-xpocted guest for serving an apple-pip without any cheese? The little boy ol the ftunily left the room quietly for a n:jmcnl and returned with i\ p i ece of che(?so which he "lid on tlu* gih^st * s p l^itr ? The visi tor smi led, put thf1 cho('s(> into his nunitli rnd then said: "Ymi must h


由于客人冇吃苹果谄饼时?家甲?没有奶酪了,十是女丨人何人家表不歉意.这家的小男孩悄悄地禹开了心几过了一会儿?他拿若一八奶酪冋到房仙把奶酪放在容人的盘子里=容人微笑若把奶酪放进唏里说:“孩了,你的眼睛就避比你妈妈的好、你在哪见找到的奶酪? ” “在捕徵夹上.先生。”那小男孩说.


上个星期%我穿了一件Adidas的衣服去打球,一个老美看到就笑我说,"Do you know what does it mean? It means /\11 Day 1 Dream About Sex.我筋人都农您苕:性,缩4止好是Adidas)"我正惊讶他怎么反应这么快,联想力这么丰富时,旁边的


A?D. I.D.A.S, (Al 1 day I dreFun alx>ut sex)所以呃,这个典故可是很多老Jt都耳熟能详的喔!下次就换你去取笑老美了.

A m?in goes to church and starts talking toGcxl. fl(' says: "God, what is a mi 11 ion do' lais to yen?" and (k)d says: "A penny", then the rran says: 'God, what is a million years to you?" and God suys: *u second*, then llie nicin says: "God, cut) 1 litivc n penny*?* and God says *In a sreond"


匕詹男子又阿:"且话上帝说耳一砂钟?"最麻男子谊求道:"上帝,我能得到一便1. 吗?"上帝冋答:"过一秒钟

1.Two birls

Teacher: Here are two birds, one is a swal low. the other is sparrow. Now who can tel 1 us which is which?

Student: I cannot point out but T know the answer.

Teacher: Please tell us.

Student: The swallow is beside the sparrow and the sparrow is beside the swallow?


老帅:这儿有两只鸟. 只足麻徉.谁能指出哪只是燕子,哪只是麻律吗?




2.The Fish Net

"C?n you tel 1 me what fish net is inach% Ann?*

"A lot of little holes tied together with strinxs?"replied the little girL



"把许务小孔用绳了栓在-起就成了鱼MTo *小女孩冋答道

3.The X('w Tricher

George comes Iron school on the f'rst of Sc|)tcnilx'r? "(ieorge, how did you 1 ike you! neu teacher?** asked his mother.

*1 clidn\# t like her. Mother, becuusc she said that three and three were six and then she1 said that two and four WVTP six too ............................................. ”


9月1 口.乔治放学冋到家里一



4. A 卩hysics Examinat ion

Once in a physics exam in at ion. Nick finished the fi rst question very soon, wh: le his ckissiKites ^ere thinking i t liard?

The question was: When it tlninders why do we see the lighting first, then hear th。thunderrolls?

NickX*s answer: Becausi1 our eyes b(?fon? ('ars.





Jim' s History Examinut ion

Uncle: How did Jim do in his history examinat ion?

Mother: Oh. not at all well, but there, it wasn f t his fault. They asked him things that happened before the poor boy was born?





冋答斤可爱乖宁宁-四级20!(>-3-9 21:17

Magic change


Gaga is a little duck. lie is smaLl, dirty and ugly? Ilis friends don* l like to play with him.

One day, Gaga walked behind his friends quietly(静ffi悄地).But his friends did not want him?Gaga was very sad and ran to the river and cried loudly(人声」也)。

Just then, a big beautiful bird hpard(听WJhim crying and flew down( E 卜來. 汰 F X). She said. a Please don* t cry. Tell me. what do you want? 1 can help you.

Gaga told the t ruth (jXtil)? The beautiful bi rd said, "OK. 1 can help you to become a good looking duck. " Then she took out a blanket and put i t on the duck* s body. She said something which the little duck didn' t understnnd? Then she took awnv the blanket. There stood (站立)"good-looking duck.
