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申请签证解释信 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

尊敬的签证官您好, Dear Visa Officer, 我是申请人贾一凡,目前就读于石家庄市第二十八中学。My name is ////, I am studying in No.28 middle school. My mother works in ///branch of China Construction Bank. She is taking the position of credit approval department supervisor, mainly responsible for credit approval of the company. My father works in Chinese People's Liberation Army //// troops political department. He is taking the position of engineering in technical department, mainly responsible for equipment maintenance. I am the only child in my family, and my parents teach me to be an independent child since I was very young. I prefer to do thing by myself at school and at home. My mother plan to go on a trip to Canada with me ,and pay a visit to Canadian schools. Canada is a beautiful country with the largest investment in education. My mother has known some information about the learning environment and class styles from her friends. I have collected some information about the schools in Canada and I have felt in love on Canada. My mother has had the Canadian short-term visit visa since May in 2014. I have a strong desire to pay a visit to Canada with my mother in the summer holiday, and I think this experience will improve my

签证申请表填写说明 (2)

1.Familienname(姓) 填写姓,与护照上保持一致 bei Frauen: Geburtsname(女性填写出生姓) 我们不用填写 2.V ornamen(名) 填写名,与护照上保持一致 3.Geburtstag(出生日期) 填写出生日期,与护照上保持一致 4.Geburtsort(出生地) 填写出生地,与护照上保持一致 5. Staatsangehoerigkeit(en)(国籍) a) jetzige(当前的国籍),填写国籍,VR China b) fruehere(过去的国籍),不用填写或也填VR China 6.Familienstand(家庭状况) 划去不符合的项,ledig(未婚),verheiratet seit(自...起已婚),geschieden(离异),verwitwet(丧偶) 7. Ehegatte(配偶)*)注:即使此人身在国外也须填写本项 Name(姓) Geburtsname(bei Frauen)(女性填写出生姓) V ornamen(名) Geburtstag(出生日期) Geburtsort(出生地) Staatsangehoerigkeit(国籍) Wohnort(居住地) 第7项不填 8. Kinder(子女)*)注:即使此人身在国外也须填写本项 Name(姓) V ornamen(名) Geburtstag u. -ort(出生日期和出生地) Staatsangehoerigkeit(国籍) Wohnort(居住地) 第8项不填 9. Vater des Antragstellers(申请者的父亲)*)注:即使此人身在国外也须填写本项 Name(姓) V ornamen(名) 10. Mutter des Antragstellers(申请者的母亲)*)注:即使此人身在国外也须填写本项 Name/Geburtsname(姓,出生姓)


Explanation Letter May 6th , 2015 Dear Visa Officer, I’m the applicant **,I have a great interested in travelling and visit Canda is always my dream. Thus I apply for visit visa of Canada. Upon completion of ten-day trip in Canada, we are surely return to China. The reasons are listed as below:First,I, have my job in China. I love my job and my company needs me go back on time to continue my work. So I surely will come back China on time. Secondly, I have a happy family and want to live with them together in China. Also it’s my duty and wish to support and accompany my parents when they growing old. Thirdly, we have just buy a big house in China. Stable work and familiar living environment make me more comfortable to live in China. Dear Visa Office, thank you very much for reviewing our applications. We are looking forward to hearing from your favorable consideration and reply. Sincerely Y ours, **


俄罗斯为外国留学生境内延签证提供机会最近,俄罗斯总统普金签署法律,为国外留学生提供延期签证时间,这是什么情况呢?相比是不少出国人士比较关心的问题,和一起来看看相关资讯吧,欢迎阅读。 普京签署法律为外国留学生境内延签证提供机会 俄罗斯总统普京签署了一份关于允许外国留学生学习俄语一年后,被高校录取后可在俄境内办理签证的法律。 据报道,俄罗斯法律信息网202X年12月31日公布了这份文件。 根据早前的法律,外国留学生的签证有效期在俄语预科结业后即到期。为了延续签证继续在俄罗斯高校深造,留学生必须离境返回原居住国,重新递交文件申请留学签证。 延展阅读美国留学生哪些城市比较好找工作?美国留学生哪些城市比较好找工作?通过对全美各大城市的雇用机会、生活成本、工作满意度,以及工作—生活平衡度进行评分,最终评选出了全美最好找工作的25个城市,一起了解一下吧! 上榜的25个城市中,排在前三名的分别是宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡、印第安纳州的印第安纳波利斯以及密苏里州的堪萨斯城。加州的圣何塞、华盛顿特区等城市也在榜上,不过令人惊讶的是,大家心目中的金融中心纽约、科技中心旧金山却连榜单的前25名都没挤入。 具体的城市排名如下: 1. Pittsburgh, PA 综合评分:4.4/5.0 岗位开放数量:95,399 薪资中位数:$44,000 工作满意度:3.2/5.0

房价中位数:$137,400 热门职位:土木工程师,项目经理,注册护士 2. Indianapolis, IN 综合评分:4.4/5.0 岗位开放数量:80,561 薪资中位数:$43,000 工作满意度:3.3/5.0 房价中位数:$138,100 热门职位:DevOps工程师,市场经理,机器操作员3. Kansas City, MO 综合评分:4.4/5.0 岗位开放数量:90,649 薪资中位数:$45,000 工作满意度:3.3/5.0 房价中位数:$159,400 热门职位:软件工程师,研究助理,审计经理 4. Raleigh, NC 综合评分:4.4/5.0 岗位开放数量:65,810 薪资中位数:$50,000 工作满意度:3.4/5.0 房价中位数:$228,200 热门职位:移动开发人员,医生,土木工程师

签证申请 中英文

Upper-Intermediate-Applying For a Visa(D0154) A:你好,这里是中国驻纽约领事馆签证咨询服务。 您需要什么帮助? nˇ?hˇao,zh`elˇ?sh`?Zhˉonggu′o zh`u Niˇuyuˉe lˇ?ngsh`?guˇan qiˉan-zh`eng zˉ?x′un f′uw`u.n′?n xˉuy`ao sh′enme bˉangzh`u? Hello,this is the visa inquiry service at the Chinese con-sulate in New Y ork.How can I help you? B:我要申请去中国的签证。手续是怎么样的? wˇo y`ao shˉenqˇ?ng q`u Zhˉonggu′o de qiˉanzh`eng.shˇoux`u sh`?zˇenmey`ang de? I want to apply for a visa to China.What is the procedure? A:首先,你要填写一张申请表格并附上一张证件照片。在表格上签字,并付理签证费。你可以从网上下载申请表格,或者来大使馆签证处领取。完成表格后,你可以邮寄或者本人递交。 shˇouxiˉan,nˇ?y`ao ti′anxiˇe yˉ?zhˉang shˉenqˇ?ng biˇaog′e b`?ng f`u-sh`ang yˉ?zhˉang zh`engji`an zh`aopi`an.z`ai biˇaog′e sh`ang qiˉan-z`?,b`?ng f`ulˇ?qiˉanzh`eng f`ei.nˇ?kˇeyˇ?c′ong wˇangsh`ang xi`az`ai shˉenqˇ?ng biˇaog′e,hu`ozhˇe l′ai d`ashˇ?guˇan qiˉanzh`eng ch`u lˇ?ng-qˇu.w′anch′eng biˇaog′e h`ou,nˇ?kˇeyˇ?y′ouj`?hu`ozhˇe bˇenr′en d`?-jiˉao. First of all,you need to?ll in an application form and attach a passport photo.Sign the form and pay the application fee.Y ou may download the form from the internet or pick it up from the embassy.When you?nish the form,you may submit it by post or in person.


精心整理 解释信,是签证的申请人无法提供部分资料,或者无法达到使馆硬性要求时,说明原因的信件。对于申请人来说,无法按使馆规定提供相应的资料,拒签的概率是非常高的,这个时候,解释信将起到至关重要的作用。 解释信的开头需要表明申请人的姓名、护照号、出生日期,整篇需用英文书写,结尾由申请人签字。下面根据不同情况,说明解释信需包含的不同内容要点。 情况一:无固定收入 无固定收入会被使馆认为没有能力支付这次旅行的费用,或者有前往该国打黑工的嫌疑。然而一些自由职业者,淘宝卖家,自由投资人,作家,画家等是很难提供拥有固定收入的银行流水的,这种情况下,申请人的解释信应该包含以下要点: ?收入的来源(以什么为主要收入) ?平均每月收入多少 ?证明自己有经济能力支付此次旅行 ?希望去该国的目的及停留时间 参考案例: 签证官,您好: 我的姓名是***,护照号********,出生日期**年2月25 质量也不尽相同,因此通过贩卖画作, 在2万元上下,目前我的银行卡里还有30 签证申请中如何写一封让签证官亮眼的解释信? 情况二:无法提供营业执照 一些国企 ? ? ? ?公司盖章 参考案例: 公司名称: 公司地址:****** 法人名称:****** 公司负责人签字:***** 加盖公章 签证申请中如何写一封让签证官亮眼的解释信? 情况三:无法提供邀请函的复印件 这种情况经常出现在国外院校之中,比如,子女在国外大学读书,在毕业时,学校会邀请学生的父母来学校参加毕业典礼。但是,邀请父母的信函不会给到学生,而是由学校直接寄出。因此在收到邀请函前,申请人是无法提供复印件的。 有的学校邀请函寄出时间较晚,父母收到邀请函后,来不及办理签证,所以,可以在邀请函寄出的同时,申请签证办理。解释信应包含以下要点,同时适用于其它无法提供邀请函的情况:


申请签证解释信英文 版

精品资料 Explanation Letter Dear Sir or Madam, My name is //////( Sex: Female; ID No: ///////; Passport //////). My first application to Can ada as a visitor on December 14 2010 was unfortun ately rejected. My sec ond applicati on to Can ada as a visitor on June 202011 was rejected aga in. I would appreciate your time in readi ng reas ons of rejectio n before mak ing your decisi on. At the first time, I was not quite familiar with the requirements for a temporary reside nt visa and I made preparati ons too hurriedly. My applicati on was rejected just three days after my handing in my materials because of my in adequate preparati on. At the second time, my application was rejected because I didnoffer detailed in formati on about my travel and ide ntity docume nts, reas on for travel to Can ada, con tacts in Can ada, finan cial means for the trip and ties to country of reside nee. This time I can assure you that I will take my ID card and household book the original with me at the in terview. I n additi on, I will show clear in formatio n of my reas on for travel to Canada and financial means for the trip. A certificate will also be given to prove my ties to country of reside nee. Honorific visa officers the above are my explanations of my last two failed applicati on s. I sin cerely hope that you can believe the plausibility, validity and reliability of my explanations. I also hope my application can pass this time. So I can have the cha nee to visit family of my son. I truly miss them so much. Thank you! Wang Shuqing September , 2011 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢2


Schengen Visa Application form 申根签证申请表 Embassy/Consulate CAC Service provider Commercial intermediary Male / 男 Female / 女 9. Marital status / 婚姻状况 Single / 未婚 Married / 已婚 Separated / 分居 Divorced / 离异 Widow (er) / 丧偶 Other / 其它 ……………………………. Border Other Travel document 12. Type of travel document 护照种类: Ordinary passport / 普通护照 Diplomatic passport / 外交护照 Service passport / 公务护照 Official passport / 因公护照 Special passport / 特殊护照 Other (please specify) / 其它旅行证件(请注明):…………………………………… Means of subsistence Invitation Means of transport TMI Other: Refused Issued A C LTV No 否 Yes. Residence permit or equivalent …………………… No ………………… Valid until..………………………….. Valid This application form is free 此表格免费提供


解释信 Letter of Explanation 2013年3月,我因为申请去瑞典哥德堡自由行,在办理签证的时候被拒绝了,理由有5点:1、离婚而有移民倾向;2、外出旅游让母亲照顾6岁女儿;3、不会英语;4、行程表不确定;5、没去过申根国。现在我作如下解释: In March 2013, I was refused to grant a visa to Gothenburg, Sweden for self-service traveling due to the following 5 reasons: 1. Divorced with immigrant intent; 2. Leaving my mother to take care of my 6-year-old daughter while travelling abroad; 3. Unable to speak English; 4. Uncertain about the travel schedule; 5. Never been to the Schengen states. Now I explain it as follows: 1、移民倾向。难道单身就不能去瑞典旅游吗?这样会拒绝很多单身,同时又非常向往瑞典旅游的女士!而且我是机关工作人员,有稳定不菲的收入,还有自己的房子和车子,我怎么会留在瑞典不走呢? 1. Immigrant intent. Being a single is an excuse to decline a request for traveling to Sweden? If so, you would refuse a lot of single women who are very yearning for a visit to Sweden! In addition, I am working for a State organ with stable and high income, and I have my own house and car, how can I stay in Sweden and never leave? 2、让母亲照顾女儿。在国内,外婆照顾外甥女非常普遍,当年轻的妈妈有事要外出的时候。 2. Leaving my mother to take care of my daughter. In China, it is very common that the grandmothers take care of nieces, especially when the young mothers have to go out. 3、不会英语。签证官问我问题的时候,恰好旁边的签证窗口有人在大声说话,所以,我就让签证官重新问一遍。哑巴英语,听和说确实差了点。 3. Unable to speak English. When the visa officer asked me questions, someone at the next visa window was talking loudly, so I asked the visa officer to repeat the question. My English listening and speaking are a little poor as a mute English learner. 4、行程表不确定。因为我第一次申请去申根国家玩,且是一个人自由行,没有经验,随便在网上找了些地方写了个行程表。 4. Uncertain about the travel schedule. Because it is my first time to apply for travelling to the Schengen states independently with a lack of experience, I wrote this schedule based on some materials found on the Internet casually. 5、没去过申根国。因为是最近才有财力与时间去国外旅游,所以没去过什么国家。 5. Never been to the Schengen states. I have never been to other countries because I didn’t have enough money or time to travel abroad until now. 解释人: Explained by:


签证操作流程及注意事项 签证是你要去的国家允许你进入的证明,由其驻外领事馆签发,使旅行者便于入境的许可证。要办理签证,首先得有个人护照,护照是在自己户口所在地的县级或县级以上公安机关办理,一般护照的有效期为五年,办理任何一个国家的签证,护照有效期都必须在半年以上。 操作流程 1.询价 客人询价,问清楚所需要签证的类别,报价时注意大陆和台湾客人的差价,需要的工作日尽量多报1-2天。做好电话记录,跟旅游部专人确认签证是否能办理,资料、价格等是否正确。 2.确认、收证 客人确定后需要再次跟客人确认好签证的类别、价格、办理所需时间、资料,安排收证。(在收证的时候,要记得提醒客人,在我们的签证没有下来之前,一定不要确定机票日期,因为有可能会因为客人的资料不够完整或其他客观原因而影响正常的出证时间,若因此而出现任何的问题我们概不负责!) 3.审核 审核办证资料,发单到旅游部(传真内容要求:客人名字,护照号码,签证类别及价格),然后就通过快递送到同行手中; (请一定注意在护照上贴小便条:注明办理的签证类别和回寄地址,以免出现差错。在这个过程容易出现的另一个问题就是快递经常会耽误我们的送证时间,所以我们在第一时间要通知对方查收,一旦发现护照没有准时送到,我们就应该抓紧时间,从快递公司入手开始跟进,在这里建议一定要亲自打电话到快递公司,强调我们资料的重要和紧急,希望尽快送到,以保证我们的护照按时进馆受理,不耽误客人的行程。) 4.跟进 在确认同行收到护照时,一定记得再次核对办理签证的类别,以免出现误差。 5.出证、收款 出证之后,检查办好的签证是否正确,确认无误后才能送给客人并收款。 6.财务记账、登记客户资料 填写相关单据,由财务记账,登记客户资料。 审核签证资料时的注意事项 1.请客人提供护照原件并在护照末页签上姓名。 2.请客人提供本人身份证复印件一份,户口册整本复印件一份。 3.请客人准备的照片必须与所要求的颜色一致,请用裁相器剪成标准大小。 4.请客人提供营业执照附本复印件,如果是事业单位还需要提供机构代码证复印件,一定要在有效期内。 5.客人提供的营业执照复印件最好要有当年或去年的年检章。 6.客人提供的空白公文纸抬头必须与空白公文纸上盖有的公章名称要一致,同时也必须要与所提供的营业执照或机构代码证上的名称要一致。


出国签证的41个基础知识申请前先搞清楚 (1)什么是ADS签证? ADS(Approved Destination Status)签证的中文解释是“被批准的旅游目的地国家”。加注ADS签证后仅限于在被批准的旅游目的地国家一地旅游,此签证在目的地国家境内不可签转,不可延期。持有这种签证的人必须团进团出。 (2)什么是落地签证、免签证、过境签证? 落地签证是指是指您不用在出发前申请目的地国的签证,而是到该国后再办理,可以免去入关前办理签证的各种手续。当然是有条件的,而且对中国实行落地签证的国家并不多。免签证是指不用申请该目的地国家的签证,即可进入该国家。过境签证是指您取得前往某国家的入境签证后,搭乘交通工具时,途经第三国家的签证。有的国家规定,旅客搭乘交通工具通过其国境时,停留不超过24小时或一定期限的,均免办过境签证(一般都不允许出国际机场)。也有的国家规定,不论停留时间长短或是否出机场,一律须办过境签证。对中国实行过境免签的国家并不多。对中国护照可以落地签证的国家列表。对中国护照可以过境签证的国家和地区。 (3)什么是申根签证?申根国家目前有哪些? 申根签证是指:是指根据申根协议而签发的签证。这项协议由于在1985年卢森堡的申根签署而得名,所以申根是卢森堡的一个地方名,申根协议规定了成员国的单一签证政策。据此协议,任何一个申根成员国签发的签证,在所有其他成员国也被视作有效,而无需另外申请签证。该协定规定,其成员国对短期逗留者颁发统一格式的签证,即申根签证,申请人一旦获得某个国家的签证,便可在签证有效期和停留期内在所有申根成员国内自由旅行,但从第二国开始,需在3天内到当地有关部门申报。 (4)签证是如何分类的? 1)根据签证类别可分为:外交签证、公务签证、普通签证。 2)根据出入境事由可分为:移民签证、旅游签证、工作签证、商务签证、家属签证等。 3)根据出入境情况分为:出境签证入境签证和过境签证等。 4)根据停留次数可分为:一次签证、两次签证和多次签证。 5)根据停留长短可分为:长期签证、短期签证。 (5)使馆受理签证时间有什么要求?



怎样填写法国签证申请表/Demande pour un visa de Long Sejour 去法国,不管是常规留学,还是互惠留学 (Au pair) ,其签证都属于“长居”签证( visa de Long Sejour )。这一点连很多法国人都不明白,明明只住半年 / 几个月,怎么也被认为是 Long sejour 了呢?其实法国法律规定,停留超过 90 天即算是 Long Sejour 了( Court sejour 最长不超过 90 天)。 虽然留学生与互惠生的签证申请表格都是一样的,但鉴于二者性质不同,填写内容也就迥然相异了,而限于篇幅,本文只对互惠生签证申请做解释说明,至于留学签证可以参考网上其他文章,等我有空了再做修改和补充。 在一项项说明之前,先把几处重要的细节交待一下: 1. (原文翻译)所有栏目均用大写字母填写,错误或者缺漏将不被受理。应该在该表第二页署名; 2. 除了大写字母以外,还要注意用黑色墨水; 3. 凡是需要回答 OUI 或者 NON 的地方,均用交叉(×)表示“肯定”; 4. 从“1. NOM“开始填起,右栏是留给签证官的,请勿涉足; 5. 先试填,检查无误后再正式誊上去; 6. 可以去大使馆领取表格,也可以下载打印后填写(http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/IMG/pdf/Formulaire_visa_long_sej our.pdf )。 好了,现在开始一项项说明了: 1. NOM (你的姓) 2. PRÉNOM(S) ( 你的名字) 3. SEXE M- 男性, F- 女性 4. DATE (出生日期,格式为日日 - 月月 - 年年年年) 5. LIEU (出生地点,需跟你出生公证上的保持一致) 6. PAYS (国家,当然填 CHINE ) 7. AUTRE(S) NOM(S) (其他名字,如果户口本上有“曾用名”的话,那就写上你的曾用名) 8. ACTUELLE (你现在的国籍, CHINOISE- 注意国籍是阴性)


Explanation Letter Dear Sir or Madam, My name is 111111( Sex: Female; ID No: ///////; Passport //////). My first 即plication to th Canada as a visitor on December 14 2010 was unfortunately rejected. My second th application to Canada as a visitor on June 20 2011 was rejected again. I would appreciate your time in readi ng reas ons of rejectio n before mak ing your decisi on. At the first time, I was not quite familiar with the requirements for a temporary reside nt visa and I made preparati ons too hurriedly. My applicati on was rejected just three days after my handing in my materials because of my in adequate preparati on. At the second time, my application was rejected because I didn ' offer detailed information about my travel and identity documents, reason for travel to Canada, con tacts in Can ada, finan cial means for the trip and ties to country of reside nee. This time I can assure you that I will take my ID card and household book the original with me at the in terview. I n additi on, I will show clear in formatio n of my reas on for travel to Canada and financial means for the trip. A certificate will also be given to prove my ties to country of reside nee. Honorific visa officers the above are my explanations of my last two failed applications. I sincerely hope that you can believe the plausibility, validity and reliability of my explanations. I also hope my application can pass this time. So I can have the cha nee to visit family of my son. I truly miss them so much. Thank you! Wang Shu qing September , 2011 word可编辑..


Stand: Juli 2017 Zusatzerkl?rung zum Antrag auf Schengen-Jahresvisum/ Mehrjahresvisum mit mehrfacher Einreise (zu Nr. 29/30 im Antragsformular) Additional statement to my application for a Schengen visa for long term multiple entry (ref. to no. 29/30 in application form) I, the undersigned, Mr. / Mrs. ________________________________would like to apply for a ____ year multiple entry visa. The reason is____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________. In the event that the Embassy / Consulate General of Germany issues a one year or more than one year multiple entry visa, I acknowledge that I have been informed of the necessity to provide supporting documents regarding my accommodation, my means of living as well as travel health insurance each time I cross an external border of the Schengen area. I have been informed that I cannot raise a claim to be granted a long term multiple entry visa instead of a single journey visa. The decision remains solely with the visa section. 申根签证一年或多年多次往返的附加声明(申请表格第29/30项) 本人 ________________ 先生/女士 我希望申请_______年多次往返的类型签证, 原因为_________________________________________________________________。我已被告知如果获得由德国驻(中国)_______使馆/总领事馆签发的一年或多年多次往返签证,每次进入申根地区时均需提供住宿、生活费用来源及境外保险等相关证明文件。 我已被告知本人无权要求使领馆签发长期多次往返签证。签证处保留只签发一次入境签证的权力。 Place/地点:___________ Date/日期:___________ Signature/ 签名: ___________


俄罗斯签证领取委托书 Prepared on 24 November 2020

签证申请 / 护照领取委托书 herein, fully authorize (Ms. / Mr.) 对所填写的信息和提交的材料负责。本人已知悉每份签证申请或领取护照的委托书均必须为申请者本人(或未成年申请者的法定监护人)亲笔签名的原件,复印或共用无效。签证申请表也必须由申请者本人亲笔签名(未成年申请者由法定监护人代签),被委托人不允许模仿申请者的字迹在签证申请表上签名,否则签证申请将被拒绝。 To submit my visa application to Visa Application Center, to present any relevant explanation letter/statement or to pick up my passport. I will remain responsible for all the information and documents related to my application. I acknowledge that both for application submission and passport return, the letter of authorization must be originally signed by applicant (legal guardian of minor applicant), a copy or a shared original letter with other applicants is invalid. I have also been informed that the visa application form has to be signed by each applicant personally, in case of minors by the legal guardian(s). It is not possible to have the visa application form signed by a representative in my name (meaning: imitation of my signature). The visa application will be denied in such cases. 日期/Date : 签名/Signature : __________ ____________________ 使领馆关于委托书的要求 Requirements of the Embassy / Consulate on the Letter of authorization: 1. 代理人递交签证申请或代取护照时,必须提供一份独立的委托书原件(每位申请者一份,不可与其他申请者共用)。委托书上的签名须与申请者护照、签证申请表上签名一致,且信息填写完整,不得有任何涂改。 Representative submitting a visa application or picking up a passport must provide an original letter of authorization (one original for each applicant, not sharable with other applicants). The signature on the letter of authorization must be identical with the signature on the passport and visa application form. The letter must be fully filled and no handwritten correction is allowed. 2. 未成年申请者:委托书必须由父母任何一方或法定监护人签名,注意:父母或法定监护人请不要代签未成年申请者的姓名。年龄以递交申请日/领取护照日是否达到 18 周岁为准。如父母为未成年申请者代交申请或领取护照,不需要提供委托书,但须提供户口等证明关系的材料原件及复印件。 For minor applicants under the age of 18 years: The letter of authorization must be signed by one parent or a legal guardian. Please DO NOT sign the name of minor applicant. If parents submit the application for their children, the letter of authorization is not required, however family relationship proofs (original and copy) must be provided. 3. 如委托书缺失、涂改、版本或签名错误,签证受理中心将不受理相关的递交签证或领取护照的申请。 Visa Application Center cannot accept applications or passport return requests from representatives without letter of authorization or with a letter with handwritten corrections, wrong template or signature
