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6swans 格林童话 英文版

6swans 格林童话 英文版
6swans 格林童话 英文版


Brothers Grimm

The Six Swans

A king was once hunting in a great wood,and he hunted the game so eagerly that none of his courtiers could follow him.When evening came on he stood still and looked round him,and he saw that he had quite lost himself.He sought a way out,but could find none.Then he saw an old woman with a shaking head coming towards him;but she was a witch.‘Good woman,’he said to her,‘can you not show me the way out of the wood?’

‘Oh,certainly,Sir King,’she replied,‘I can quite well do that,but on one condition,which if you do not fulfil you will never get out of the wood, and will die of hunger.’

‘What is the condition?’asked the King.

‘I have a daughter,’said the old woman,‘who is so beautiful that she has not her equal in the world,and is well fitted to be your wife;if you will make her lady-queen I will show you the way out of the wood.’

The King in his anguish of mind consented,and the old woman led him to her little house where her daughter was sitting by the fire.She received the King as if she were expecting him,and he saw that she was certainly very beautiful;but she did not please him,and he could not look at her without a secret feeling of horror.As soon as he had lifted the maiden on to his horse the old woman showed him the way,and the King reached his palace,where the wedding was celebrated.

The King had already been married once,and had by his first wife seven children,six boys and one girl,whom he loved more than anything in the world.And now,because he was afraid that their stepmother might not treat them well and might do them harm,he put them in a lonely castle that stood in the middle of a wood.It lay so hidden,and the way to it was so hard to find,that he himself could not have found it out had not a wise-woman given him a reel of thread which possessed a marvellous property:when he threw it before him it unwound itself and showed him the way.But the King went so often to his dear children that the Queen was offended at his absence.She grew curious,and wanted to know what he had to do quite alone in the wood. She gave his servants a great deal of money,and they betrayed the secret to her,and also told her of the reel of thread which alone could point out the way.She had no rest now till she had found out where the King guarded the reel,and then she made some little white shirts,and,

as she had learnt from her witch-mother,sewed an enchantment in each of them.

And when the King had ridden off she took the little shirts and went into the wood,and the reel showed her the way.The children,who saw someone coming in the distance,thought it was their dear father coming to them,and sprang to meet him very joyfully.Then she threw over each one a little shirt,which when it had touched their bodies changed them into swans,and they flew away over the forest.The Queen went home quite satisfied,and thought she had got rid of her step-children;but the girl had not run to meet her with her brothers,and she knew nothing of her.

The next day the King came to visit his children,but he found no one but the girl.‘Where are your brothers?’asked the King.

‘Alas!dear father,’she answered,‘they have gone away and left me all alone.’And she told him that looking out of her little window she had seen her brothers flying over the wood in the shape of swans,and she showed him the feathers which they had let fall in the yard,and which she had collected.The King mourned,but he did not think that the Queen had done the wicked deed,and as he was afraid the maiden would also be taken from him,he wanted to take her with him.But she was afraid of the stepmother,and begged the King to let her stay just

one night more in the castle in the wood.The poor maiden thought,‘My home is no longer here;I will go and seek my brothers.’And when night came she fled away into the forest.She ran all through the night and the next day,till she could go no farther for weariness.Then she saw a little hut,went in,and found a room with six little beds.She was afraid to lie down on one,so she crept under one of them,lay on the hard floor,and was going to spend the night there.But when the sun had set she heard a noise,and saw six swans flying in at the window.They stood on the floor and blew at one another,and blew all their feathers off,and their swan-skin came off like a shirt.Then the maiden recognised her brothers,and overjoyed she crept out from under the bed.Her brothers were not less delighted than she to see their little sister again,but their joy did not last long.

‘You cannot stay here,’they said to her.‘This is a den of robbers;if they were to come here and find you they would kill you.’

‘Could you not protect me?’asked the little sister.

‘No,’they answered,‘for we can only lay aside our swan skins for a quarter of an hour every evening.For this time we regain our human forms,but then we are changed into swans again.’

Then the little sister cried and said,‘Can you not be freed?’

‘Oh,no,’they said,‘the conditions are too hard.You must not speak or laugh for six years,and must make in that time six shirts for us out of star-flowers.If a single word comes out of your mouth,all your labour is vain.’And when the brothers had said this the quarter of an hour came to an end,and they flew away out of the window as swans.

But the maiden had determined to free her brothers even if it should cost her her life.She left the hut,went into the forest,climbed a tree, and spent the night there.The next morning she went out,collected star-flowers,and began to sew.She could speak to no one,and she had no wish to laugh,so she sat there,looking only at her work.

When she had lived there some time,it happened that the King of the country was hunting in the forest,and his hunters came to the tree on which the maiden sat.They called to her and said‘Who are you?’

But she gave no answer.

‘Come down to us,’they said,‘we will do you no harm.’

But she shook her head silently.As they pressed her further with questions,she threw them the golden chain from her neck.But they did not leave off,and she threw them her girdle,and when this was no use, her garters,and then her dress.The huntsmen would not leave her alone,but climbed the tree,lifted the maiden down,and led her to the

King.The King asked,‘Who are you?What are you doing up that tree?’But she answered nothing.

He asked her in all the languages he knew,but she remained as dumb as a fish.Because she was so beautiful,however,the King’s heart was touched,and he was seized with a great love for her.He wrapped her up in his cloak,placed her before him on his horse.and brought her to his castle.There he had her dressed in rich clothes,and her beauty shone out as bright as day,but not a word could be drawn from her.He set her at table by his side,and her modest ways and behaviour pleased him so much that he said,‘I will marry this maiden and none other in the world,’and after some days he married her.But the King had a wicked mother who was displeased with the marriage,and said wicked things of the young Queen.‘Who knows who this girl is?’she said;‘she cannot speak,and is not worthy of a king.’

After a year,when the Queen had her first child,the old mother took it away from her.Then she went to the King and said that the Queen had killed it.The King would not believe it,and would not allow any harm to be done her.But she sat quietly sewing at the shirts and troubling herself about nothing.The next time she had a child the wicked mother did the same thing,but the King could not make up his mind to believe her.He said,‘She is too sweet and good to do such a thing as that.If

she were not dumb and could defend herself,her innocence would be proved.’But when the third child was taken away,and the Queen was again accused,and could not utter a word in her own defence,the King was obliged to give her over to the law,which decreed that she must be burnt to death.When the day came on which the sentence was to be executed,it was the last day of the six years in which she must not speak or laugh,and now she had freed her dear brothers from the power of the enchantment.The six shirts were done;there was only the left sleeve wanting to the last.

When she was led to the stake,she laid the shirts on her arm,and as she stood on the pile and the fire was about to be lighted,she looked around her and saw six swans flying through the air.Then she knew that her release was at hand and her heart danced for joy.The swans fluttered round her,and hovered low so that she could throw the shirts over them.When they had touched them the swan-skins fell off,and her brothers stood before her living,well and beautiful.Only the youngest had a swan’s wing instead of his left arm.They embraced and kissed each other,and the Queen went to the King,who was standing by in great astonishment,and began to speak to him,saying,‘Dearest husband,now I can speak and tell you openly that I am innocent and have been falsely accused.’

She told him of the old woman’s deceit,and how she had taken the three children away and hidden them.Then they were fetched,to the great joy of the King,and the wicked mother came to no good end.

But the King and the Queen with their six brothers lived many years in happiness and peace.


短篇格林童话故事大全 在《格林童话》,格林兄弟以其丰富的想象、优美的语言给孩子们讲述了一个个神奇 而又浪漫的童话故事。 在一个美丽的山谷里,有一大群美丽的蝴蝶在这里居住。 有一天,有几只蝴蝶再一起悄悄的议论起来,说:“再咱们的王国里,没有国王,国 家就没法生存了。”另一只蝴蝶说:“不如,咱们选一个国王吧!”一只蝴蝶说:“好啊!”说完,它们就行动起来了。 过了几天,这几只蝴蝶贴出了一张告示,上面说:“我们几只蝴蝶在一起商量过了, 准备选一个国王......” 选蝴蝶国王的时候到了,蝴蝶们把自己打扮的漂漂亮亮的,只有一只小蝴蝶没有打扮 自己,因为它只顾了帮助别人,而把选国王的事情望的干干净净。该小蝴蝶上台了,虽然 它不漂亮,但是,它表演的很好,受到了评委的好评。最后,还是小蝴蝶当了国王,它把 国家治理的很好,它心里也特别高兴! 你们好,我是萝卜,田地里别看我才有一点头发,就瞧不起我哦,其实身体健康着呢,就是身体藏在肥沃的田地里罢了。我们家里都是大力士,可就是胡萝卜给我们家族丢脸, 让它不好好发育,个部位长满了胡须,瘦的像根树枝似的。紫萝卜长的可胖了,像肥肥落 脚猪。白萝卜是我们当中的白胖子,它白生生身体,尖尖的脑袋,数它最漂亮。最后就是 水萝卜啦,健壮身体,是萝卜族的’大力士,谁也不敢欺负它。 有一句谚语说:冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不用医生开药方。就是说冬天吃萝卜可以抗病毒, 以免感冒,就单独介绍大力士水萝卜吧,它是家里最常见的一种,白色和浅绿色组成了萝 卜厚厚的外衣,为了不受其他人的欺负为自己的外衣喷了芥末油,剩下就是果肉了,白白的,咬一口,脆脆的,不是辣而是甜。 怎么样,了解了吧,可要多吃萝卜,对胃有好处哦,但是好东西也不可以多吃哦。 一天,小猴捡到一块肉骨头。它非常高兴,立即回家炖了一锅汤,并且还请了小狗、 小猫、小熊到家里做客。 骨头汤已经炖好了,小猴坐在椅子上等着客人们的到来。 “咚咚,咚咚!”有客人到了,小猴连忙把门打开一看,原来是小狗。小猴高兴地说:“快进来,你是第一个客人呢。小狗,你最喜欢吃什么味道的东西?” 小狗搔搔头,说:“喜欢辣味。”于是,小猴偷偷地往汤里撒了许多胡椒粉。


【主持词大全】 《格林童话》这本书成为广大少年儿童的课外阅读精品,丰富你们的精神世界,陪伴你们健康、茁壮地成长! 》》》《格林童话》在线阅读入口 曾记得小时候,奶奶会经常给我讲一些童话故事,从那以后我就深深地爱上了童话故事。八岁时,我特地让妈妈给我买一本《格林童话》来看。每次看书的时候,都是我最开心快乐的时候。《格林童话》是一个充满幻想的奇幻瑰丽的精彩世界,也是一个浪漫神奇的幻想天地,更是一个纯朴、纯真的童心世界,一个个曲折奇妙的故事,深深地吸引了我,开启了我的心智。 重新看了一遍《格林童话》却得到了与以前不同的感受。也许,有些人会认为童话很幼稚,充满梦幻,很不真实。但我却觉得童话也富有哲理,以前我听故事,只注意故事情节,却忽略了它所包含的寓意,而现在我却从中学到了很多,每一则有趣的故事都有其深刻的人生哲理。如《背包、帽子和号角》告诉我们做事不能太贪心,多做一些能够帮助别人的事,将来一定会得到好报。《灰姑娘》则说明了凡事不能光看表面,美的本质终究有一天会被人们发现的。《不肖的儿子》教我懂得了对待父母长辈要孝顺。 在那些新颖、鲜活、生动的童话中,我找到了另一个多彩而真实的世界,幼小的心灵认识和感受到了什么是真善美,什么是假丑恶,要以充满童真的心看待自己身边的一切。有名的就是《白雪公主》和《灰姑娘》了。 读过《白雪公主》,使我更清晰地认识到并不是所有人都是善良的,恶毒的人总会遭到惩罚。 而《灰姑娘》中的灰姑娘没有得到爱心,但是她却珍惜自己的爱心,没有因为别人不能够给予自己爱心就变得恶毒起来。她把自己的爱心用在了对母亲的倾诉上,她把自己的爱心用在了对小鸟的交往上,用在了那株美丽的大榛树上更重要的是她并没有因为境遇不好而放弃美好的追求。尽管受尽了继母与姐姐们的欺负与侮辱,但心地依旧善良的她,最终获得了幸福。 《格林童话》让我有了深刻的体会,那就是做人要善良。 善,这个字眼我们并不陌生。它是一种传统美德则展显人心灵美的一种体现。在我们的日常生活中,我们常常会看到在公交车上,有人毫不犹豫地让座给需要的人;在街上有人看到行人的钱掉在地上,会义无返顾地捡起来物归原主这些都是善的表现。善良的人终究会有好结果,所谓善有善报就是这个意思。 《格林童话》最为突出的特点,就是赞美勇敢、机智、心灵美的人物和善与恶、美与丑的对比,宣扬善良必将战胜邪恶的主题。 《格林童话》让我更深的了解人生,了解人生的真、善、美,同时也了解了人性丑陋的


英文童话故事:野天鹅 以下是###童话故事频道为大家提供的《英文童话故事:野天鹅》,供大家参考! 相关推荐:安徒生童话故事|格林童话故事|童话故事剧本|短篇童 话故事 Chapter 1 Once upon a time, there was a king. He has eleven handsome sons and one beautiful daughter. The daughter’s name was Elise. One day, he called all his children together. Children, three years ago, your mother died. We all love her very much. But the kingdom needs a queen. I met a wonderful woman. I asked her to marry me, and she said yes. She will be your new mother. Is she beautiful? Yes, she’s very beautiful. Is she smart? Yes, she’s very smart. Is she kind? Yes, she’s very kind. I’m sure she will love you all. Please help me make her happy. We will, father! The next week, the new queen came to the castle. She was very beautiful and very smart, but she was not kind at all. Husband, who are all these children? They are my sons and my daughter. Children, say hello to your new mother. Hello, pleased to meet you. I hate children. Keep them in their rooms.


经典格林童话故事集锦 导读:本文经典格林童话故事集锦,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【萝卜】 从前,有两兄弟,哥哥很有钱,弟弟很穷。 弟弟开始种萝卜。萝卜长出来了,其中有一棵萝卜,长得很大很大,大家都说它是萝卜王。于是,他把萝卜王献给了国王。国王一见就说:“竟有这么大的萝卜呀!这可真是宝贝,你能种出萝卜王真厉害!”于是国王给了他许多金子,弟弟一下子变得很有钱了,比他哥哥还有钱。 哥哥知道了,他也想变得更有钱,于是,他想出一个好主意:他把自己的财宝都献给国王,国王一定会很开心的,就会给他更多的金子了。 国王收了哥哥的财宝,可是应该奖励什么给他呢?于是,他想到了那个大萝卜。就叫士兵把那个大萝卜搬过来,送给了哥哥。 哥哥非常生气,他的财宝全都没有了,只剩下一个萝卜。 【傻瓜汉斯】 汉斯的母亲问:“汉斯,你上哪儿去?”汉斯回答说:“我去格蕾特那里。”“要有礼貌啊,汉斯。”“我一定会有礼貌的。再见,妈妈。”“再见,汉斯。” 汉斯来到格蕾特家,说:“你好,格蕾特!”“你好,汉斯!你

特给汉斯一根缝衣针。于是,汉斯说:“再见,格蕾特。”“再见,汉斯。” 汉斯接过针,插在一辆装满干草的车上,跟在车后面回了家。“晚上好,妈妈!”“晚上好,汉斯!你上哪儿去了?”“我到格蕾特家。”“你带了什么给她?”“什么都没带,反而要了点东西。”“她给了你什么?”“一根针。”“针呢?”“插在装草的车上了。”“糟透了,汉斯,你应该把针扎在袖子上才对呀。”“没关系,妈妈,下次我会注意的。” “汉斯,你上哪儿去?”“我去格蕾特那里。”汉斯回答说:“要有礼貌啊,汉斯。”“我会的,再见,妈妈。”“再见,汉斯。”汉斯来到格蕾特家,说:“你好,格蕾特!”“你好,汉斯!你带来什么好东西?”“我什么都没带,倒想问你要点什么呢。”格蕾特给汉斯一把刀。“再见,格蕾特。”“再见,汉斯。”汉斯接过刀,把它插在衣袖上回了家。“晚上好,妈妈!”“晚上好,汉斯!你上哪儿去了?”“我在格蕾特家。”“你带了什么给她?”“什么都没带,反而要了点东西。”“她给了你什么?”“一把刀。”“刀呢?”“插在衣袖上了。”“糟透了,汉斯,你应该把小刀装在口袋里才对呀。”“没有关系,妈妈,下次我一定注意。” “汉斯,你上哪儿去?”汉斯回答说:“我去格蕾特那里。”“要有礼貌啊,汉斯。”“我会的,再见,妈妈。”“再见,汉斯。”汉斯来到格蕾特家。“你好,格蕾特!”“你好,汉斯!你带来什么好


《格林童话》小学生读后感10篇 《格林童话》是德国着名的格林兄弟写的,这些故事深受少年儿童的喜爱。下面是橙子为大家整理的《格林童话》读后感,希望对大家有帮助。 《格林童话》读后感200字 我在一天时间内,把一大本的《格林童话》读完了。而我最喜欢的一篇文章是《聪明的农夫女儿》。 里面动人的故事讲得是:有一个很穷的农夫,穷的实在是太穷了,但是他有一个聪明过人的女儿。于是就向国王要了一块地。在翻地的时候翻到了一个金砖,结果国王看到了金块,还要更多的金砖,可农夫说他没有,于是国王就把他关进了监狱里。国王让他的女儿过来,但是不能穿衣服,不能裸身,不能骑马,不能坐车,如果都做到的话,就与她结婚。 农夫的女儿真的做到了,她用渔网裹住自己的身躯,把另一半渔网缠在了驴的尾巴上,驴把她拉了过去。她做到了最后国王与她结了婚。 我喜欢这个女孩,因为她太聪明了,因为她的聪明让我喜欢上了这篇文章。这个故事给我留下了很深的印象。 格林童话读后感 假期里,我读了一本《格林童话》的书,其中有一个青蛙王子的故事深深吸引了我。 故事讲的是从前有一位国王,他的女儿个个都很漂亮,尤其是那

个小女儿。一天,公主坐在井边上,她把金球一抛,金球滚到了井里,井里的水深不见底,她哇哇大哭起来。这时,有一只丑陋的青蛙说:“我可以把金球捞上来,不过我有几个条件,让我我陪你玩,和你坐一张桌子吃饭,用你的金盘子吃东西,和你睡同一张床。”当球捞上来以后,公主看到了那只丑陋的青蛙,不想兑现自己的诺言,但国王却坚持说:“你不管答应了什么,都得兑现你的诺言。”公主之好不情愿地答应了。晚上,青蛙要和公主睡同一张床时,公主终于不耐烦了,一下子把青蛙很狠地摔在了墙上,香蕉青蛙吃尽苦头,没想到奇迹发生了,青蛙被公主一摔,变成了英俊的王子。第二天,他们便举行了婚礼,成了恩爱的夫妻,从此,过上了幸福的生活。 我想:如果公主说话不算数,她也不会有真正的幸福,所以,欺骗和不守信用的人不会有好结果,一诺千金才是做人的本分。国王更是金口玉言,不然怎么会当国王呢? 通过青蛙王子的故事,我明白了做人要诚实守信,不要抱侥幸心理,不要耍阴谋诡计,不然不会有好结果。 读《格林童话》有感400字 我非常喜欢看书,妈妈给我买了好多好多书,我最喜欢看的是《格林童话》,因为里面有很多精彩、感人、有趣的童话故事。记得小时候,妈妈经常给我讲里面的故事。现在我自己经常读《格林童话》,深深感受到它的迷人魅力和给我的启迪。 翻开《格林童话》,各种各样的童话人物展现在你面前,各具特色各有特点,个性鲜明,你会看到美丽善良的“白雪公主”,聪明可


[格林童话(5篇)/ 格林兄弟著] 小精灵和鞋匠 ■The Elves and the Shoemaker There was once a shoemaker, who, through no fault of his own, became so poor that at last he had nothing left but just enough leather to make one pair of shoes. He cut out the shoes at night, so as to set to work upon them next morning; and as he had a good conscience, he laid himself quietly down in his bed, committed himself to heaven, and fell asleep. In the morning, after he had said his prayers, and was going to get to work, he found the pair of shoes made and finished, and standing on his table. He was very much astonished, and could not tell what to think, and he took the shoes in his hand to examine them more nearly; and they were so well made that every stitch was in its right place, just as if they had come from the hand of a master-workman. Soon after, a purchaser entered, and as the shoes fitted him very well, he gave more than the usual price for them, so that the shoemaker had enough money to buy leather for two more pairs of shoes. He cut them at night, and intended to set to work the next morning with fresh spirit; when he got up they were already finished, and a customer even was not lacking, who gave him so much money that he was able to buy leather enough for four new pairs. Early next morning he found the four pairs also finished, and so it always happened; whatever he cut out in the evening was worked up by the morning, so that he was soon in the way of making a gook living, and in the end became very well to do. One night, not long before Christmas, when the shoemaker had finished cutting out, and before he went to bed, he said to his wife, “How would it be if we were to sit up tonight and see who it is that does us this service ” His wife agreed, and set a light to burn. Then they both hid in a corner of the room, behind some coats that were hanging up, and then they began to watch. As soon as it was midnight they saw come in two neatly-formed naked little men, who seated themselves before the shoemaker's table, and took up the work that was already prepared, and began to stitch, to pierce, and to hammer so cleverly and quickly with their little fingers that the shoemaker's eyes could scarcely follow them, so full of wonder was he. And they never left off until everything was finished and was standing ready on the table, and then they jumped up and ran off. The next morning the shoemaker's wife said to her husband, “Those little men have made us rich, and we ought to show ourselves grateful. With all their running about, and having nothing to cover them, they must be cold. I'll tell you what: I will make little shirts, coats, waistcoats, and breeches for them, and knit each of them a pair of stockings, and you shall make each of them a pair of shoes. ” The husband consented willingly, and at night, when everything was finished, they laid the gifts together on the table, instead of the cut-out work, and placed themselves so that they could observe how the little men would behave. When midnight came, they rushed in, ready to set work, but when they found, instead of the pieces of prepared leather, the neat little garments put ready forthem, they stood a moment in surprise, and then they testified the greatest delight. With the greatest swiftness they took up the pretty garments and slipped them on, singing, “What spruce and dandy boys are we! No longer cobblers we will be. ”


格林童话灰姑娘 从前,在某个城镇上,有个非常可爱的女孩,她不仅聪明漂亮而且心地善良。这个女孩没有母亲,因为她的妈妈,在她还小的时后,就病逝了。 女孩的父亲,娶了个新妈妈回来,新妈妈还带来两个新姐姐。 “哇,这下家里可热闹了。”女孩非常地高兴。”家里突然间变的生气勃勃,热闹起来,女孩高兴得不得了。因为她不但有爸爸有新妈妈,同时还有两个姐姐。 可是,女孩的兴奋是短暂的。因为,新妈妈根本就不疼爱女孩,甚至还虐待她。 “快去打扫,扫完以后还要去做饭哟~” 新妈妈一直命令女孩做东做西的,却让自己的两个女儿在一旁玩耍。 女孩总是在炉灶旁,灰头土脸地工作着。所以坏心眼的姐姐们便常嘲笑、捉弄女孩。 “好讨厌啊~多么脏的女孩子呀~” “而那个脏女孩就是仙德蕾拉~” “是啊~她叫仙德蕾拉,所谓仙德蕾拉就说身上沾满着布尘,脏兮兮的意思呀~” “好有趣呀~噢~噢~” 因此这个女孩就这样被称为“仙德蕾拉”。 城堡里的王子发出请帖,邀请各户人家的女孩。 “王宫里将开舞会,请务必光临。”侍卫沿着街道喊着。 女孩们接到王子的邀请后,都欢欣雀跃。 在仙德蕾拉的家里,两个姐姐也因收到王子的请帖,而非常的高兴: “太好啦~去王宫必须穿漂亮点呀~” “是啊~要穿件引起王子注意的漂亮衣裳呀~”

“我要穿那件衣服呢,” “穿那双鞋呢,” 1 “头部要怎样装饰才好看呢,” 两个姐姐完全乐歪了。 舞会来临的当天,仙德蕾拉仍然得打扫房间。 “仙德蕾拉,你慢吞吞的干什么,还不快点扫~” 姐姐们开始责骂仙德蕾拉。 仙德蕾拉边提着水桶走出去,边伤心得抽抽噎噎地哭了。仙德蕾拉走进自己简陋的小阁楼里,看到映在镜子上的脸都是灰尘与污垢,而身上所穿的衣服又这么脏,不禁悲从中来,心里好难过~ “啊~我好想去参加王子的舞会呀~”仙德蕾拉跟其他的女孩一样,也想去参加舞会。“到底舞会有多热闹、多华丽呢,” 仙德蕾拉想到舞会,内心好兴奋,可是这身肮脏的打扮,怎么能够进入王宫,参加王子的舞会呢,仙德蕾拉非常羡慕两位姐姐。 姐姐们那么兴奋、愉快地准备着,可是仙德蕾拉尽做些打扫和做饭的杂事。 “仙德蕾拉~仙德蕾拉~仙德蕾拉~快来呀~” “仙德蕾拉~你死到那里去了~还不快来帮我忙,再不快点,就要耽误舞会呀~” 姐姐们大呼小叫着。仙德蕾拉急急忙忙地赶到姐姐们的身旁,听候使唤,一点也不敢偷懒。 “仙德蕾拉~你在干什么,快来帮我梳个漂亮的头发呀~拿鞋子啊~” “快~快帮我穿衣服呀~如果不穿华丽点,王子会笑我们寒酸,那多丢人~” 姐姐们焦躁不安地说。老实的仙德蕾拉按照姐姐们的吩咐,替姐姐们梳头穿衣服。


长篇经典格林童话故事 【四个聪明的兄弟】 那是很久以前的事了,有一户贫穷的人家,夫妻俩生了四个儿子,儿子长大后,穷人想让他们学点本领以摆脱贫困,他对儿子们说: “友爱的孩子们,我没有什么东西给你们,必须要你们自己到这个世 界去闯荡,去学习,自己掌握自己的命运。我看你们就从学习各种手 艺开始,为将来独立生活打好基础。”于是,四个兄弟拿着手杖,挎 着小包,离别父亲,一起出门拜师求艺去了。 他们来到一个十字路口,不同方向的四条路分别通向不同的地区,老大说道:“我们必须在这儿分手,四年后的今天我们再在这儿相会。这期间大家要靠自己独立去学习谋生的本领了。”互道珍重之后,他 们各自踏上了不同的旅途。 老大和弟弟们分手后便抓紧时间赶路。在路上,他遇到一个人问 他预备到哪里去,想干什么。他回答说:“我想在这个世界闯荡闯荡,学一门手艺来充实自己。”那人说道:“你就跟着我吧,我将教你如 何成为一名前所未有的最精明的小偷。”老大说道:“不!这不是正 当的职业,靠这种本领谋生最终都免不了要被绞死。”那人解释说:“嗨!你不必担心什么绞刑架,因为我仅仅教你如何寻出最适合的方 式方法和对象,取到别人得不到的东西,来无影,去无踪,让别人寻 不着你的踪迹。”听完之后,年青人被说服了,他跟着这位师傅学习,很快表现了他的天赋,只要是他想得到的东西,没有一样能逃过他的 手心。 老二在路上也遇到一个人,当那人了解到他此行的目的之后,就 问他想学什么本领,老二回答说:“我心里还没有底哩。”那人说道:“你就跟着我学做一名占星学家吧,这是一种崇高的职业,因为当你 了解了星象后,就没有什么事情能够瞒过你了。”一席话令他非常快


短篇格林童话故事文字版 午后,汤姆觉得很无聊,想出门玩耍。于是,蹦蹦跳跳的朝外面跑去。这时,他看到了外婆。想着,要么叫上外婆一起玩吧! “你也来,外婆。”他说。 “我?”外婆说,“我可太老了啊。” “不会啊。”汤姆说。 阳光在花园里投下淡淡的影子。一根枝丫断开了,一只苹果落下来。 “谁在那儿?”汤姆问。 只有掠过树间的风。 汤姆四处张望,颀长的细草变得平整,仿佛有人在上头踩过。汤姆紧跟着那行足迹,直走到外婆从前住过的小屋前。 汤姆从未进入这间小屋,但现在他想也许那儿藏着什么宝贝呢。他推开门。 一线微光透过窗户,照亮杂乱的小屋。汤姆开始搜寻,在古旧的抽屉里,在镜子背后,在锈迹斑斑的工具盒里。在小屋的后角,汤姆找到一只高高的壁橱,他打开了门。 是只绒毛小兔子!汤姆轻轻地拿起这件宝贝。 汤姆抱着兔子坐在屋外潮湿的草地上,他闭上眼想休息一下,却感到有人在轻拍他的肩膀。 “嗨,”汤姆说,“你是谁啊?这是外婆的花园。” “也是我的花园。”那个孩子说,“我来是为了绒毛小兔子。” “不过,是我找到了它,”汤姆说。

“我知道,”她说,“但它是我的。” 汤姆看着小女孩,“我们一起玩吧。”他说。 他们跟小兔子一起玩。他们玩间谍和巨人的游戏。他们玩雕像和 捉迷藏。 “看那边的玫瑰,是我种下的,因为我的名字叫玫瑰。” “外婆的名字也叫玫瑰啊。”汤姆说。 天色暗了。“我得走了。”玫瑰说,“我永远跟你在一起。” 现在,花园里没有人了。 玩了这么久,汤姆觉得真有些累了,他坐下来,闭上眼,想休息 一下。“汤姆。”他忽然听见外婆在叫他,他跑回屋子,紧紧地抱住 他的外婆。 “我爱你,外婆。”他说。 【记性不好的小熊】 有只小熊记性很不好,什么话听过就忘记。 一天,小熊家里来了客人,妈妈让小熊到商店去买苹果、鸭梨、 牛奶糖。 小熊担心忘了,一边走一边念叨:“苹果、鸭梨、牛奶糖,苹果、鸭梨、牛奶糖...” 他光顾着背那句话,一不留神,“扑通!”绊倒了。这个摔不要紧,小熊把刚才背的话全都忘啦! “妈妈让我买什么来着?”他拍着脑门想呀,想呀,“噢,想起 来了,是气球、宝剑、冲锋枪!” 小熊挎着宝剑,背着冲锋枪,牵着红气球回家了。


格林童话经典故事五篇 格林童话经典故事五篇 导语:《格林童话》是由德国语言学家雅可布·格林和威廉·格林兄弟收集、整理、加工完成的德国民间文学。这里励志故事网的小编为大家整理了五篇格林童话经典故事,希望你们喜欢。 故事一:《小红帽》 从前,有个漂亮的小姑娘,谁见了都喜欢她,可最最喜欢她的,还是要数她的外婆了,她简直不知道把什么东西送给她这个外孙女才好。有一次,她送给她一顶红天鹅绒的帽子,她戴着非常合适,从此以后就再也不戴别的帽子了,所以大家都管她叫“小红帽”。 有一天,妈妈对她说:“来,小红帽,这里有一块蛋糕和一瓶葡萄酒,你给外婆送去;她有病,身体虚弱,吃了可以恢复健康。趁天还不热,你就动身吧,到了外面要好好地、规规矩矩地走,不要离开大路,不然你跌倒了,摔碎瓶子,外婆就什么也吃不到了。你进外婆屋子的时候,要先问声早上好,不要东张西望。” 小红帽说:“这一切我都会好好地去做的。”然后她同母亲握

手告别了。 外婆家住在森林里,离村子有半个钟头的路。小红帽走到森林里,遇见了一只狼。她不知道狼是一种非常残忍的野兽,所以也不怕它。 狼说:“小红帽,你好。” “谢谢你,狼。” “这么早你上哪儿去呀,小红帽?” “去我外婆家。” “你的围裙下面放着什么东西呀?” “蛋糕和葡萄酒。蛋糕是我们昨天做的,外婆有病,非常虚弱,吃些好东西可以补一补身子。” “小红帽,你外婆家住在哪里?” “住在森林里,还有足足一刻钟的路,她的房子在三棵大橡树下面,四周是胡桃树篱笆,你一看就知道了。”小红帽说。狼心里想,这个小丫头的肉又肥又嫩,比起那老太婆味道好多了。我要想个巧妙的办法,把她们两个都捉住。于是它在小红帽旁边走了一会儿,然后说: “小红帽,你瞧,四周这些鲜花多美丽,你为什么不去看看呢?我觉得,小鸟儿叫得那么好听,你却根本没有听见。外面的森林里这样快乐,你却好像去上学的样子,只顾走自己的路。” 小红帽睁大眼睛一看:阳光透过树木,晃来晃去,好像在跳舞,到处都是美丽的鲜花。她想,要是我给外婆带去一束鲜

rapunzel 格林童话 英文版

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b23105462.html,/原典英语论坛欢迎您来探讨孩子的英语学习,与您的孩子一起进步成长! Brothers Grimm Rapunzel There were once a man and a woman who had long wished for a child–but without any luck.At last,the woman hoped that God was about to grant her desire.They had a little window at the back of their house from which a splendid garden could be seen,which was full of the most beautiful flowers and herbs.It was,however,surrounded by a high wall, and no one dared to go into it because it belonged to an enchantress, who had great power and was dreaded by all the world.One day the woman was standing by this window and looking down into the garden, when she saw a bed which was planted with the most beautiful plant called a rapunzel,and it looked so fresh and green that she longed for it, she quite pined away,and began to look pale and miserable.Then her husband was alarmed,and asked:‘What troubles you,dear wife?’ ‘Ah,’she replied,‘if I can’t eat some of the rapunzel,which is in the garden behind our house,I shall die.’The man,who loved her,thought:‘Sooner than let your wife die,better bring her some of the rapunzel–let it cost you what it will.’


短篇经典格林童话故事 【金钥匙】 隆冬,积雪覆盖大地,一个贫苦的小男孩不得不出门,滑着雪橇 去拾柴。拣到柴,把它们捆起来后,小男孩多么希望他不必立刻回家,能就地升上一堆火暖暖身子啊,他快冻僵了。 于是,他把雪扒到一边,清理出一块地方来,这时他发现了一把 小小的金钥匙。他想,既然钥匙在,锁也一定就在附近,便往地里挖,挖出了个铁盒子。 "要是这钥匙能配这铁锁就好了!"他想,"那小盒子里一定有很多 珍宝。"他找了找,却找不到锁眼。最后他发现了一个小孔,小得几乎 看不见。他试了试,钥匙正好能插进。他转动了钥匙,现在我们要等 一等,待他把铁盒子打开,揭开盖子,就会知道盒子里有什么好东西了。 【聪明的小伙计】 如果主人有一个聪明的小伙计,他既顺从听话,又能凭着自己的 聪明才智行事,那主人多幸运啊,他的家又该是多安乐!曾有这样一位 聪明的小伙计汉斯,一次主人让他去找回走失的牛,他出去后好长时 间没回家,主人想:“汉厮多忠心,干起活来多卖力!”可这么晚他还 没回来,主人担心他出意外,便亲自起身去找他。他找了好久,最后 总算瞧见汉斯在宽阔的田野另一头,正一蹦一跳地朝他迎面赶来。 “喂!亲爱的汉斯,我打发你去找牛,找到没有?”主人走近问。“没有,老爷。我没有找到牛,不过我也没去找。”小伙计答道。“那你 去找什么了,汉斯?”“找更好的东西,很幸运找到了。”“是什么, 汉斯?”“三只山鸟。”小家伙答道。“在哪里?”主人问。“我见到 一只,听到一只,然后拔腿去赶第三只。”聪明的小家伙回答道。 学学榜样吧!别再为主人或他们的命令犯愁。想干什么,乐意怎 么干,即使去做,到时你肯定会像聪明的汉斯一样机智。


长篇格林童话故事精选 【蜂王】 从前,有两个王子想到外面的世界去长见识。出去不久,却过起 了挥金如土的腐化生活,根本不想再回家了。他们的弟弟——一个毫 不起眼的小矮子——出门要去寻寻他的两个哥哥。当他经过千辛万苦 寻到他们后,他们却嘲笑他,说他年轻,不懂世务,应该想方法出去 游历游历,他们如此聪明,对这个世界有时也还不能应付。这样,他 们三人一起踏上了游历的旅程。 他们首先遇到的是一座蚁穴。两个哥哥要把它推倒挖开,想看看 那些可怜的蚂蚁在惊慌之下是如何乱窜,如何搬运它们的蚁卵的。但 小矮子却说:“让这些可怜的小生灵自由地生存吧,我不能容忍你们 给它们添麻烦,扰乱它们安静的生活。”在他的极力反对下,两个哥 哥只得打消念头,从旁边走了过去。 不久,他们来到了一个湖泊旁,湖中水面上有许许多多的野鸭在 游动。两个哥哥想抓两只鸭子来烤了吃,但小矮子说:“让这些可怜 的生灵自由地生存吧,你们不要杀死它们。” 在他的反对下,他们只好又走了。 随后他们来到一棵大树前,蜜蜂在树干上的一个洞内筑起了一个 大蜂巢,好多蜂蜜从树干上流了下来。两个哥哥要在树下放一把火, 把蜜蜂统统烧死,以便得到树洞内的蜂蜜。但小矮子挡住他们说: “让这些可怜的小蜜蜂自由自在地生存吧,我不能让你们烧死它们。” 最后,三个兄弟来到了一座城堡,他们经过马厩时,看到一些骏 马站在里面,但都是一些大理石做的,城堡里看不到一个人。他们穿 过一间又一间房子,终于发觉了一扇上面有三把锁的门,门上有一个 窗口,从窗口可以看到房子里的一切。往里面一瞧,他们发觉房子里

的一张桌子旁坐着一个头发花白的老人。他们连叫了两声,那老人都 没有听见,叫第三声时,他才站起来要他们把锁打开,让他走出房间。 出来后,他一句话也没说,也不许他们乱动,默默地将他们领到 了一张漂亮的桌子旁,桌子上面摆满了各种好吃的东西。吃饱喝足之后,他又给他们每人安排了一间卧房睡觉,然后就一声不吭地走了。 第二天早晨,他来到老大的卧房,将老大带出房间,来到一张大 理石桌子前。桌子旁边有三个石碑,看了碑上的刻文,老大才知道这 个城堡竟是被魔法控制着,因为石碑上刻着的是如何才能把这座城堡 从魔力控制之下解脱出来的方法。第一条碑文是:在森林的苔藓下面,散落着公主的一千颗珍宝,必须把它们全部寻到,假如在太阳下山前 还缺一颗没寻齐,那个寻寻的人就将变成大理石。 大哥动身了,他寻了一整天,但夜幕落临时,他寻到的珍宝还不 到一百颗,所以,他像碑文上所说的一样变成了石头。 第二天,二哥也冒险去了。但他的结果也不比大哥好多少,他只 寻到一百颗珍宝,因此同样变成了石头。 最后轮到小矮子了,他在苔藓中翻寻着。可要寻到珍宝实在太困 难了,这活也太苦太累,他难过地坐在石头上哭了起来。就在他处于 绝望之时,曾被他救过的蚁王给他帮忙来了。它带来了五千蚂蚁,那 些蚂蚁很快就把所有的珍宝都寻到了,并把它们搬在一起堆成了一大堆。 第二条碑文说:必须把公主卧房的钥匙从湖中捞出来。小矮子来 到湖边,那两只他救过的鸭子正在湖中戏水。它们看见他后,马上游 过来问他此行的目的,了解了他的困难后,鸭子们立即潜入水中,很 快就从湖底把钥匙捞了上来。 第三件事最难,就是要从三个公主中寻出最年青,最漂亮的小公主。但她们三个都一样漂亮,长相完全相同。他得知的线索就是大公


格林童话英语故事带翻译-莴苣姑娘 导读:本文格林童话英语故事带翻译-莴苣姑娘,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 Once upon a time there was a man and a woman who had long, but to no avail, wished for a child. Finally the woman came to believe that the good Lord would fulfill her wish. Through the small rear window of these people's house they could see into a splendid garden that was filled with the most beautiful flowers and herbs. The garden was surrounded by a high wall, and no one dared enter, because it belonged to a sorceress who possessed great power and was feared by everyone. One day the woman was standing at this window, and she saw a bed planted with the most beautiful rapunzel. It looked so fresh and green that she longed for some. It was her greatest desire to eat some of the rapunzel. This desire increased with every day, and not knowing how to get any, she became miserably ill. Her husband was frightened, and asked her, "What ails you, dear wife?" "Oh," she answered, " if I do not get some rapunzel from the garden behind our house, I shall die." The man, who loved her dearly, thought, "Before you let your wife die, you must get her some of the rapunzel, whatever the cost." So just as it was getting dark he climbed over the high wall into the sorceress's garden, hastily dug up a handful of rapunzel, and took it to his wife. She immediately made a salad from it, which she devoured eagerly. It tasted so very good to her that by the next day her desire for more had grown threefold. If she were to have any


十个睡前必讲的格林童话故事 ★《青蛙王子》 从前有个美丽的公主,很喜欢玩一个金球。结果有一天,金球掉 进深深的水里,一只青蛙帮公主捞起球来,但是要公主亲他一下。公 主首先答应了,但是等青蛙把球捞上来以后公主就反悔跑了。青蛙跟 着跑到公主家里,这事就被国王知道了,国王说别人在困难的时候协 助了你你不能言而无信。青蛙要和公主一起吃饭,还要在她的床上睡觉,公主生气一下就把它扔向墙角,青蛙一落地就变成了王子,原来 他被巫婆施了魔法才变成青蛙的。 ★《圣母的孩子》 圣母玛丽亚带了一个家里很贫苦的孩子到天堂,并且交给她十三 把钥匙。告诉她说,她能够欣赏别的十二道门里风景,但千万不能打 开第十三道门。如果打开会遭受到不幸的。她向圣母保证后圣母离开了。她打开了其中的十二道门,每道门里风景都很美。她忍不住诱-惑,还是打开的第十三道门。结果她的手变成的金色的,不过她怎么洗都 洗不掉。圣母回来后就让她没有了语言水平还把她打入一个荒无人烟 的原野。在那儿她碰到一位国王就嫁了他。圣母给了她好多次机会, 她还是不承认,就把她的三个孩子全带走了。孩子失踪的事情被所有 人知道,大家都说她是吃人恶魔,她被判处火刑,火从她的脚边四周 烧了起来。她才真正忏悔,也会开口说话。于是她得救了,并且和国 王过上了幸福的生活。 ★《傻小子学害怕》 一开始傻小子因为胆子很大,把教他学害怕的老师推下了楼房, 害得老师摔断了腿,所以父亲把他赶了出去。后来傻小子去了魔鬼宫,待了三天三夜还没事,其他人都死了,于是国王把他定为王位继承人。最后公主把一群怪鱼放在他身上,他才知道了害怕。他终于学会了害 怕!

★《狼和七只小山羊》 《狼和七只小羊》主要讲的是有一只母羊生了七只小羊。有一天,母羊出去找东西吃,走的时候跟七只小羊说:“你们在家里要听话, 千万不能让老狼进来。”七只小羊说:“知道了”。过了一会儿,狼 来了。它说:“孩子们,妈妈给你们带好吃的了。”小羊听到声音很 粗大,就说:“你不是我们的妈妈,我们的妈妈声音很脆”。狼吃下 一块石头声音变的脆了。一只小羊去开门,狼扑了过来,小羊一只只 的被吃了,只有一只小羊聪明,躲了起来。小羊妈妈回来了,从狼肚 里把小羊都救了出来。还想了一个办法把狼肚子里全部满石头。老狼 醒了觉得很渴,一下掉到了水里死去了。 ★《十二兄弟》 国王和王后本来有12个孩子,都是男孩,但国王下令:如果王后 第13个孩子是女孩就将12个男孩杀死好让公主继承更多财产。结果 王后诞下了一枚公主,12位王子虽免遭杀身之祸但要隐藏在森林里。 当公主长大的时候,知道还有12位哥哥的事实,便踏上了寻找哥哥的 道路…… ★《一群二流子》 这个故事讲的是公鸡和母鸡准备去偷吃松鼠的核桃,他们上山的 时候碰到鸭子,让他拉车,并在半路遇上打头阵和缝衣针两个赶路的,后来天黑后他们入驻旅店,说好话骗店主让他们入住,但是却在第二 天对店主做了恶作剧。 ★《小弟弟和小姐姐》 《小弟弟和小姐姐》的故事讲的是:小弟弟和小姐姐天天被恶毒 的继母毒打,无奈之下,他们逃了出来,但他们还是无法逃离继母的 魔法,小弟弟变成了小鹿,但是,命运并没有放弃他们。在一次国王 出行打猎的时候,国王和小姐姐相遇并迎娶小姐姐。小姐姐不忘变成

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