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Spring Festival作文

Spring Festival作文

The Spring Festival

There are many traditional festivals in China.The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals.It is celebrated in January.It’s a time to welcome the new year and say goodbye to the old year.People usually clean the house and wear new clothes.During this festival,we have many activities.For example,we put up paper cuttings on windows,doors and walls.We get together with our family and visit our relatives or friends.Then we eat delicious food.On New Year’s Eve, we will have a big dinner and watch TV programs.We can also enjoy fireworks and lion dances.Children have so much free time that they can have a good time.What’s more,they can get red pockets from their parents and relatives by WeChat.

All in all,the Spring Festival is the biggest day of a year because it’s a new start.Everyone likes to make resolutions because well begun is half done.

The Mid-Autumn Festival

My favorite Chinese festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival.It’s celebrated on August 15th.During this festival,people get together to eat mooncakes and enjoy the moon.It’s my favorite festival because the story about the festival is very touching.I get together with my family and talk about each other’s feelings.And I can also eat my favorite mooncakes.They are delicious and they carry people’s wishes to the families they love and miss.The festival is seen as symbols of being together and missing family members far away.As the saying goes:”As the bright moon shines over the sea,from far away you share this moment with me.”


那一刻我感受到了幸福 本文是关于初中作文的那一刻我感受到了幸福,感谢您的阅读! 每个人民的心中都有一粒幸福的种子,当它拥有了雨水的滋润和阳光的沐浴,它就会绽放出最美丽的姿态。那一刻,我们都能够闻到幸福的芬芳,我们都能够感受到幸福的存在。 在寒假期间,我偶然在授索电视频道,发现(百家讲坛)栏目中大学教授正在解密幸福,顿然引起我的好奇心,我放下了手中的遥控器,静静地坐在电视前,注视着频道上的每一个字,甚至用笔急速记在了笔记本上。我还记得,那位大学教授讲到了一个故事:一位母亲被公司升职到外国工作,这位母亲虽然十分高兴,但却又十分无奈,因为她的儿子马上要面临中考了,她不能撇下儿子迎接中考的挑战,于是她决定拒绝这了份高薪的工作,当有人问她为什么放弃这么好的机会时,她却毫无遗憾地说,纵然我能给予儿子最贵的礼物,优异的生活环境,但我却无当给予他关键时刻的那份呵护与关爱,或许以后的一切会证明我的选择是正确的。听完这样一段故事,我心中有种说不出的感觉,刹那间,我仿拂感觉那身边正在包饺子的妈妈,屋里正在睡觉的爸爸,桌前正在看小说的妹妹给我带来了一种温馨,幸福感觉。正如教授所说的那种解密幸福。就要选择一个明确的目标,确定自已追求的是什么,或许那时我还不能完全诠释幸福。 当幸福悄悄向我走来时,我已慢慢明白,懂得珍惜了。 那一天的那一刻对我来说太重要了,原本以为出差在外的父母早已忘了我的生日,只有妹妹整日算着日子。我在耳边唠叨个不停,没想到当日我失落地回到家中时,以为心中并不在乎生日,可是眼前的一切,让我心中涌现的喜悦,脸上露出的微笑证明我是在乎的。

爸爸唱的英文生日快乐歌虽然不是很动听,但爸爸对我的那份爱我听得很清楚,妈妈为我做的长寿面,我细细的品尝,吃出了爱的味道。妹妹急忙让我许下三个愿望,嘴里不停的唠叨:我知道你的三个愿望是什么?我问:为什么呀!我们是一家人,心连心呀!她高兴的说。 那一刻我才真正解开幸福的密码,感受到了真正的幸福,以前我无法理解幸福,即使身边有够多的幸福也不懂得欣赏,不懂得珍惜,只想拥有更好更贵的,其实幸福比物质更珍贵。 那一刻的幸福就是爱的升华,许多时候能让我们感悟幸福不是名利,物质。而是在血管里涌动着的,漫过心底的爱。 也许每一个人生的那一刻,就是我们幸运的降临在一个温馨的家庭中,而不是降临在孤独的角落里。 家的感觉就是幸福的感觉,幸福一直都存在于我们的身边!

英语作文Happy Lantern Festival

英语作文Happy Lantern Festival the15thdayofthe1stlunarmonthisthechineselanternfestival.正月15是中国的元宵节。 accordingtothechinesetradition,attheverybeginningofanewyear,whenthere isabrightfullmoonhanginginthesky,thereshouldbethousandsofcolorfullante rnshungout.根据中国的传统,新年伊始,当空中出现一轮明亮的圆月时,成千的彩灯就会被悬挂出来。 duringthelanternfestival,peoplewilltrytosolvethepuzzlesonthelanternsande atyuanxiao(glutinousriceball).在元宵节期间,人们会试着猜灯谜,吃汤圆。 inthesuidynastyinthesixthcentury,emperoryangdiinvitedenvoysfromotherc ountriestochinatoseethecolorfullightedlanternsandenjoythegalaperforman ces.在六世纪的隋朝,当时的隋炀帝邀请他国的外交使节来中国欣赏彩灯,观看节目。 bythebeginningofthetangdynastyintheseventhcentury,thelanterndisplaysw ouldlastthreedays.theemperoralsoliftedthecurfew,allowingthepeopletoenj oythefestivelanternsdayandnight.在七世纪的唐初,彩灯的展示会一直

春节习俗(Spring Festival Traditions)

春节习俗(Spring Festival Traditions) thespringfestivalisthemostimportantfestivalforthechinesepeopleandiswhe nallfamilymembersgettogether,justlikechristmasinthewest.allpeoplelivinga wayfromhomegoback,becomingthebusiesttimefortransportationsystemsof abouthalfamonthfromthespringfestival.airports,railwaystationsandlong-distancebusstationsarecrowdedwithhomereturnees.thespringfestivalfallso nthe1stdayofthe1stlunarmonth,oftenonemonthlaterthanthegregoriancale ndar.itoriginatedintheshangdynasty(c.1600bc- c.1100bc)fromthepeople'ssacrificetogodsandancestorsattheendofanoldyea randthebeginningofanewone.strictlyspeaking,thespringfestivalstartseveryy earintheearlydaysofthe12thlunarmonthandwilllasttillthemid1stlunarmont hofthenextyear.ofthem,themostimportantdaysarespringfestivaleveandthef irstthreedays.thechinesegovernmentnowstipulatespeoplehavesevendaysof fforthechineselunarnewyear.manycustomsaccompanythespringfestival.so mearestillfollowedtoday,butothershaveweakene d.onthe8thdayofthe12thlu narmonth,manyfamiliesmakelabaporridge,adeliciouskindofporridgemade withglutinousrice,millet,seedsofjob'stears,jujubeberries,lotusseeds,beans,l onganandgingko.the23rddayofthe12thlunarmonthiscalledpreliminaryev e.a tthistime,peopleoffersacrificetothekitchengod.nowhowever,mostfamiliesm akedeliciousfoodtoenjoythemselves.afterthepreliminaryeve,peoplebeginpr

小学生英语作文:My Happy Spring Festival,我的快乐春节(含译文)

My Happy Spring Festival SpringFestivalisthemostimportantandpopularfestivalinChina.Iwasveryhappyduri ng theSpringFestival.BeforeSpringFestival,Mygrandmother,motherandfathercleanedand decoratedourhouses.AndtheywenttotheFlowerFairstobuysomeflowers.Theyalsoboug htnewclothesfor me and my sisters. On the eve of the Spring Festival, my father and I had the redantithetical Spring Festival couplets on our doors. My families gottogetherand hada bigmeal athome.Wehadchattingeachother. We hadchicken, duck, fish, pork and such as. And we ate dumplings and watchthe Spring Festival party on television. During Spring Festival,myparents gave us lucky money. I and my sisters played the fireworks intheopen air.We hadmanyfireworks. Theywerevery beautiful.They runintotheskyandbrokeintopieces.Theylookedlikeflowersinthesky.Wewerevery happy andexcited. Afterthat,Imade awish.Ihopedthatthat we could have a happy and healthy life next year and everyone inmy family could be happy. During the Spring Festival, we visited relatives and friends withthe words“Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!”I love Spring Festival and enjoy it very happy. 作文翻译: 我的快乐春节 在中国,春节是最重要、最流行的节日。春节期间,我很快东。春节前,我奶奶、妈妈和爸爸对家进行了清洁和装饰,他们从花市里买来了许多鲜花和年桔。他们也给我、姐姐和妹妹买了新衣服。 在春节前夕,也就是大年三十,爸爸和我在门上贴了春联。我们一家聚在 1 一起吃大餐。我们互相交谈聊天。我们吃了鸡、鸭、鱼、肉和其它类似的食物。


关于我的幸福作文八篇汇总 幸福在每个人的心中都不一样。在饥饿者的心中,幸福就是一碗香喷喷的米饭;在果农的心中,幸福就是望着果实慢慢成熟;在旅行者的心中,幸福就是游遍世界上的好山好水。而在我的心中,幸福就是每天快快乐乐,无忧无虑;幸福就是朋友之间互相帮助,互相关心;幸福就是在我生病时,母亲彻夜细心的照顾我。 幸福在世间上的每个角落都可以发现,只是需要你用心去感受而已。 记得有一次,我早上出门走得太匆忙了,忘记带昨天晚上准备好的钢笔。老师说了:“今天有写字课,必须要用钢笔写字,不能用水笔。”我只好到学校向同学借了。当我来到学校向我同桌借时,他却说:“我已经借别人了,你向别人借吧!”我又向后面的同学借,可他们总是找各种借口说:“我只带了一枝。”问了三四个人,都没有借到,而且还碰了一鼻子灰。正当我急的像热锅上的蚂蚁团团转时,她递给了我一枝钢笔,微笑的对我说:“拿去用吧!”我顿时感到自己是多么幸福!在我最困难的时候,当别人都不愿意帮助我的时候,她向我伸出了援手。 幸福也是无时无刻都在身旁。 当我生病的时候,高烧持续不退时,是妈妈在旁边细心

的照顾我,喂我吃药,甚至一夜寸步不离的守在我的床边,直到我苏醒。当我看见妈妈的眼睛布满血丝时,我的眼眶在不知不觉地湿润了。这时我便明白我有一个最疼爱我的妈妈,我是幸福的! 幸福就是如此简单!不过,我们还是要珍惜眼前的幸福,还要给别人带来幸福,留心观察幸福。不要等幸福悄悄溜走了才发现,那就真的是后悔莫及了! 这就是我拥有的幸福,你呢? 悠扬的琴声从房间里飘出来,原来这是我在弹钢琴。优美的旋律加上我很强的音乐表现力让一旁姥爷听得如醉如痴。姥爷说我是幸福的,读了《建设幸福中国》我更加体会到了这一点。 儿时的姥爷很喜欢读书,但当时家里穷,据姥爷讲那时上学可不像现在。有点三天打鱼两天晒网,等地里农活忙了太姥爷就说:“别去念书了,干地里的活吧。”干活时都是牛马拉车,也没机器,效率特别低。还要给牲口拔草,喂草,拾柴火,看书都是抽空看。等农闲时才能背书包去学校,衣服更是老大穿了,打补丁老二再接着穿,只有盼到过年时才有能换上件粗布的新衣服。写字都是用石板,用一次擦一次,那时还没有电灯,爱学习的姥爷在昏暗的煤油灯下经常被灯火不是烧了眉毛就是燎了头发。没有电灯更没有电视,没有电视更没有见过钢琴,只知道钢琴是贵族家用的。


高考/备考辅导 高考英语满分作文:Spring Festival Is Coming春节即将 Spring Festival Is Coming春节即将 Now I am at home now to spend my holiday. I am busy every day. I get up early every day. I help my parents to clean the window, to wash the clothes and so on. We try our best to decorate our house. Because Spring Festival is coming. All my family feel happy. They are busy shopping to get ready for the Spring Festival. We will visit my grandparents. On that day, I will get together with my uncle and aunt. We will have a big dinner. We will eat dumplings together. And I will get money on that day. On the Eve, I can watch TV for the whole night. How excited I am! I wish it was Spring Festival now! 高考英语满分作文:Spring Festival Is Coming春节即将.doc [全文共323字] 编号:6226350


小学生作文《感悟幸福》范文五篇 小草说,幸福就是大地增添一份绿意;阳光说,幸福就是撒向人间的温暖;甘露说,幸福就是滋润每一个生命。下面是为大家带来的有关幸福650字优秀范文,希望大家喜欢。 感悟幸福650字1 生活就像一部壮丽的交响曲,它是由一篇一篇的乐章组成的,有喜、有怒、有哀、有乐。每一个人都有自己丰富多彩的生活,我也有自己的生活。我原本以为,吃可口的牛排,打电脑游戏,和朋友开心玩乐就是幸福。可是,我错了,幸福并不仅仅如此。 记得有一次,我放学回到家里放下书包就拿起一包饼干来吃。吃着吃着,突然我觉得牙齿痛了起来,而且越来越痛,痛得我连饼干也咬不动了。我放下饼干,连忙去拿了一面镜子来看。原来这又是那一颗虫牙在“作怪”。“哎哟哟,哎哟哟,痛死我了……”我不停地说着。渐渐地,那牙疼得越来越厉害,疼得我坐立不安,直打滚。后来在妈妈的陪伴下去了医院,治好了那颗虫牙。跨出医院大门时,我觉得心情出奇的好,天空格外的蓝,路边的樟树特别的绿,看什么都顺眼,才猛然一悟,幸福是简单而平凡的,身体健康就是一种幸福! 这学期我发现我的英语退步了,我决定要把这门功课学好,于是,我每天回

家做完作业后,都抽出半小时时间复习英语,在课上也听得特别认真,一遇到不懂的题目主动请教老师。经过一段时间的努力,终于,在上次考试的时候,我考了97分。妈妈表扬了我,我心里美滋滋的。我明白了经过自己的努力享受到成功的喜悦,这也是一种幸福。 …… 每个人都无一例外的渴望幸福。不同的人有不同的感受,其实,幸福就是那种能在平凡中寻找欢乐、能在困境中找到自信的一种心境。同学们,幸福其实很简单,就在我们的身边,触手可及。用心去认真地品味吧,它一直未曾离开我们身边! 感悟幸福650字2 有的人认为幸福就是腰缠万贯,有的人认为幸福就是找到意中人,“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”是陶渊明对邪恶幸福,“从明天起做一个幸福人,喂马、劈柴、周游世界。从明天起,关心蔬菜和粮食,我有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开。”这是海子的幸福。一千种人就有一千种对幸福的理解。 我对幸福的理解就是幸福使简单而平凡的,是无处不在的! 我的牙疼得奇怪而顽强不是这颗牙疼就是那颗牙疼;不是吃冷的疼就是吃热

春节 Spring Festival(大学英语作文)

春节Spring Festival 大学英语作文 SpringFestival, also called the Chinese New Year is the biggest festival in ourcountry. It comes between late January and the middle of February. EveryChinese enjoys this festival very much. 春节,也叫做中国新年,是我国最大的节日。这是一月下旬和二月中旬之间。每个中国人都喜欢这个节日非常。 DuringSpring Festival, we have seven days off. We usually get together with ourfamilies on New Year’s Eve. We have so many delicious dishes, such as chicken,duck, fish, meat and so on. But we consider fish as our major dish, sincehaving fish represents a wish that we will be prosperous in the next year.However, people in the north often eat dumplings. It means to ring out the oldand usher in the new year. After supper, we always watch TV programs, theSpring Festival Gala is the tradition. Or we also play fireworks outside. Onthe first New Year's Day, we always pay New Year’s visit to our relatives andfriends, so as to exchange our best regards with each other.


关于以幸福为话题的作文800字记叙文5篇 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是作者为各位家长学生收集整理的作文(日记、观后感等)范本,欢迎借鉴参考阅读,您的努力学习和创新是为了更美好的未来,欢迎下载! 以幸福为话题的作文800字记叙文1: 那是我生病后的第三天,妈妈从早上五点就起来为我准备早点。她蹑手蹑脚地走着“针步”,下楼煮早点,“啪”的一声,妈妈打开了煤气。在拿肉丝,打鸡蛋的她全然不知我正躲在楼梯口“监视”着她的一举一动。不一会儿,蛋炒好了。 她开始切肉丝,一不小心,妈妈的手指切破皮了,鲜血正一滴一滴地流下来,为了不影响我的睡眠,她把手指放在嘴里吸了一下,坚持把剩下的肉丝切完。 此时的我,心中犹如打翻了五味瓶,眼里的泪像断了线的珍珠般掉了下来,我再也忍不住了,一个劲地冲到妈妈面前,她赶紧把手背了过去,生怕让我知道了什么。 她吃惊地问我:“妈妈太吵了,吵到你了?”“不,不,没有”她见我这么早起来就让我再回去补个觉。我关心地问:“妈,你的手没事吧?”她吱唔着说:“没事,擦破点皮,不碍事!”我仔细地帮她清洗了伤口,贴了一片创可贴。 吃饭时,妈妈一直地往我碗里夹肉,“孩子,病刚好,多吃点!”可是我见她始终都没吃一块肉。我也夹了两块放在她的碗里。“儿子懂事了,你自己快点吃吧!补身体要紧!”我冲她点点头笑了笑,“嗯。” 这就是幸福,一份简简单单的幸福!我祈祷这幸福能伴我成长。 以幸福为话题的作文800字记叙文2: 在我眼中,成长就是记录我们长大过程中一点一滴的小事情的,而幸福就在这点点滴滴中。 在我的成长记忆中,永不磨灭的是2017年11月的一天。妈妈要去云南,妈妈早上四点半要到指定地点集合,这么早,妈妈要两三点就起来,可是最近我咳嗽比较严重,所以天天给我煮萝卜汤喝。 “叮铃铃,叮铃铃”闹钟叫了起来,把我从睡梦中吵醒,一醒来,去找妈妈,

英语作文:My favourite festival

英语作文:My favourite festival 导语:全世界有很多的节日,你最喜欢哪个节日呢?下面是 yuwenmi 小编为 大家整理的优秀作文 ,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 初二英语作文:My favourite festival My favourite festival is the Spring Festival. Why? Because I have lots of fun at the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is a popular holiday in our country. It is in January or February. Our family get together. We have a big dinner at my grandparents' home. I always eat a lot of delicious food. My cousin and me both get red packets from our grandparents. My parents usually go shopping with me. We buy some nice clothes for ourselves. We often watch TV at home and sometimes read books or surf the Internet. Sometimes, we greet other people on the phone. I'm always happy at the Spring Festival. Which is your favourite festival? 【参考译文】 我最喜欢的节日 我最喜欢的节日是春节。为什么?因为我在春节有很多乐趣。 春节在我国是一个受欢迎的节日。它是一月或二月。我们的家人聚在一起。 我们在爷爷奶奶家吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐。 我总是吃很多美味的食物。 我表弟和我 都从祖父母那里得到红包。 我父母经常和我一起去购物。 我们为自己买了一些漂 亮的衣服。我们经常在家看电视,有时看书或上网。有时,我们打电话问候其他 人。 春节我总是很快乐。你最喜欢的节日是哪一个? 初二英语作文:My father is a gentle man My father has small eyes,Wear a pair of glasses,looking more gently,the daddy's hair are not many, he said "the intelligent head does not grow hair", daddy does the management, but daddy usually ever not talk bureaucratically to others, therefore his personal connection is specially good,is the same as me.daddy speaks always

spring festival英语作文50字

spring festival 英语作文 50 字 导语:春节是中国最富有特色的传统节日。它标志农历旧的一年结束。新的 一年已经开始。下面是 yjbys 作文 网小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。 春节英语作文(1) When the Spring Festival, every household will prepare many things, you see the people on the street people mountain people sea appear cheery. Mom and I went to buy necessities, we bought a lot of things such as the Spring Festival couplets bought New Year paintings. The most let me happy is I bought some firecrackers. Mother gave me to buy a new suit of clothes. Arranged to buy back, we have to clean the house, mother hang lanterns in the morning to get up, dad is the Spring Festival couplet and blessing all the door, I put all dried fruit in the plate, placed neatly. Thirty day, mother put on new clothes for me, I was so happy! In the afternoon do mom and dad together I love to eat food more, eat family reunion dinner together when the whole family were very happy. Eat a big dinner the whole family sitting together watching the Spring Festival gala, holiday is wonderful, sketch, songs, and singing and dancing. The adults are making dumplings. Is nearly twelve o 'clock, rang with firecrackers outside. Dad carrying firecrackers went downstairs, and I came downstairs I smell the fireworks, we put many firecrackers, I also put a fireworks. Just a little hurriedly ran back, wait for a while still wasn't ask dad how haven't! I went to take a look! Father said: "no collapse over", I said: "I'll be careful," I went from a point, finally lit, the colorful firecrackers like a blooming flower in the air, beautiful. Finished put firecrackers, we eat dumplings, began to happy New Year, everyone gave me lucky money. A New Year begins, hope the whole family can happiness. I hope my learning progress. 过春节时, 每家每户都要准备很多东西, 你看大街上的人人山人海显得喜气 洋洋。妈妈和我去买年货,我们买了春联买了年画等很多东西。最让我高兴的是


最新整理高中关于幸福的议论文800字范文3篇 范文一 什么是幸福?当我把一个棒棒糖递给六岁的邻居小妹妹时,她满足的笑容告诉我,这是她的幸福。当我轻轻地走过妹妹的写字台时,我瞥见埋在桌上的妹妹的僵硬的表情。我笑笑,走近,她抬头,水汪汪的眼睛望着我,似乎带着某种渴求。我说:出去玩吧!她笑了,蹦蹦跳跳地跑了出去。我诧异,这么真诚的笑。玩耍是她的幸福。 暑假到了,马上面临实习的哥哥回来了。可没过几天,就不见人影了,好容易盼他回来,暑假也结束了。他说他去了内蒙的好多地方。我关切的问他累吗?他说:累啊!随后又骄傲地说:“可是我学会了许多东西,我相信那对我以后的人生路是有帮助的。”我笑,大声地喊:哥,你是我的榜样。在他看来,他的暑假是充实的,他是幸福的! 夜幕降临,繁星点点。隔着一层帘,我看见常年劳作的父亲坐在那里,默默地吸着一支烟。灯光打在他的脸上,我看不清他的表情,只有那斑白的鬓角依稀可见。父亲真的老了,每天早出晚归来支撑这个家,他一定很累了。眼泪盈满了眼眶,最后还是不争气的流了下来……“咳、、咳、、”一阵剧烈的咳嗽声传来。我擦干眼泪,走到父亲旁边,父亲把那支烟熄灭,慈祥的笑笑,说:爸爸老了,不中用了。我说:没有啊!父女两开怀的笑了,笑声混着一个个烟圈飘向远方……我问父亲:爸,这么多年付出,这么多年劳作,你幸福吗?他坚定地告诉我,幸福!他说:“只要你们开开心心快快乐乐地成长,我做的一切都值得。”他又说:“霞,好好读书,爸爸赚钱供你上大学,我还没老呢,至少还能干XX年,20年……然后是一片寂静,我和父亲看着远方,那里有希望。 年迈的姥姥是家里的大长辈,他常常念叨:平安就是福。那也许是经历了人生的酸甜苦辣后的感悟吧!每逢新春,一大家人在姥姥家围着看电视时,那应该是她的幸福吧! 幸福是什么?它不是你一个人拥有一座豪宅,它是一家人在并不宽敞的屋子里谈笑风生。它不是你一个人有拥山珍海味,它是一家人和和乐乐的吃一些普通

英语作文:My favourite festival.doc

英语作文:My favourite festival 初二英语作文:My favourite festival My favourite festival is the Spring Festival. Why? Because I have lots of fun at the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is a popular holiday in our country. It is in January or February. Our family get together. We have a big dinner at my grandparents' home. I always eat a lot of delicious food. My cousin and me both get red packets from our grandparents. My parents usually go shopping with me. We buy some nice clothes for ourselves. We often watch TV at home and sometimes read books or surf the Internet. Sometimes, we greet other people on the phone. I'm always happy at the Spring Festival. Which is your favourite festival? 【参考译文】 我最喜欢的节日 我最喜欢的节日是春节。为什么?因为我在春节有很多乐趣。 春节在我国是一个受欢迎的节日。它是一月或二月。我们的家人聚在一起。我们在爷爷奶奶家吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐。我总是吃很多美味的食物。我表弟和我都从祖父母那里得到红包。我父母经常和我一起去购物。我们为自己买了一些漂亮的衣服。我们经常在家看电视,


cctvspringfestivalgala作文 【篇一:英语作文 spring festival gala】 the spring festival is a traditional festival for all chinese people, it is the most exciting and lively chinese traditional festival. bright red couplets are showing festive atmosphere, and fireworks enhance the joyful mood of everyone.on that evening there is a very traditional ceremony----spring festival gala, which is the favorite for many people. it brings so much happiness to chinese all around the world in the past twenty years. spring festival gala is a variety show held by china central television (cctv) since 1983. for every year since then at the turn of the lunar new year, the program begins at 8:00pm and lasts five or six hours. it brings laughter to billions of people, creates many popular words and produces lots of tv phenomena meriting attention. for over twenty years, its value has gone far beyond a variety show. it is essential entertainment for the chinese both at home and abroad. many chinese would like to watch the gala while having the dinner on new year’s eve. in the cctv spring festival gala, we can see wonderful shows and some chinese traditions. people bless each other like”may all your wishes come true” or”everything goes well” and so on. there is a widely held discussion concerning the necessity of holding the cctv spring festival gala. nowadays, it is being challenged by a growing number of people, especially by younger generations. supporters of the first group who hold the opinion that spring festival gala should keep on being observed on new years eve assume that it is the traditional program from generations to generations for all the chinese. additionally, the tv shows can give people a lot of fun and laughter since all family members get together that night and enjoy the happy atmosphere while watching tv. nevertheless, the critics, who suggest that spring festival gala should be canceled maintain the reasons as followings. to begin with, it may waste a lot of time of the audiences since the program usually lasts for 5 hours or above. whats more, it


感受幸福作文(15篇) 感受幸福作文第1篇: 幸福是什么?这是许多同学要问的问题。 很小的时候,我就明白钱能够买来一大盒巧克力;钱能够买来玩具汽车;钱能够买许多的美丽的洋娃娃;钱能够买来一个大楼…… 我以为有钱就是幸福。 倡我错了,钱虽然能够买来一屋子巧克力,但买了甜蜜,钱虽然能买到房子,可是却买来家庭幸福;钱虽然能买来药,可是却买来健康,钱虽然能买来闹钟,可是买来时间……那时,我又明白了有钱必须幸福。 以前,我总是为了一条连衣裙而朝思暮想,盼望有一天能够穿上裙子,去放风筝。那时候,我以为拥有就是幸福。 最终有一天,妈妈给我买了这条连衣裙,我高兴的一宿都没有睡觉。可是几天的新鲜劲没有了,穿上裙子后,我并没有什么改变,依然是一个黄毛丫头。于是把它扔到箱子里。几个月后,我又把它翻出来,可是已经小了,穿下了。我又明白了,虽然裙子很美,但都是暂时的,完美的时光总是转瞬消失。 “幸福是什么?”我依然没有感受到。 几年后,我在街上看到了一对耄耋老人,他们虽然履蹒跚,可是互相搀扶,有时抬头看看天上的云卷云舒,有时望望西天如血的残阳,她们脸上洋溢着的是满足和幸福。 噢,我明白幸福就是真情。虽然他们很穷,可是他们很

相爱。他们彼此珍惜,从感叹世界对他们的公平。往往有的有钱人,他们虽然很有钱,可是他们并幸福,因为他们的心总是被金钱和权势所占据了,根本享受了这天伦之乐。 幸福其实很简单,就是和爸爸、妈妈吃一顿饭,和他在一齐聊聊天。 感受幸福作文第2篇: 夜,悄悄地打开了黑暗,散布着一如既往的宁静,天上的繁星披上了闪装,正对着我的眼,似乎害怕我听到它们之间的悄悄话。 知何时,甘寂寞的虫儿起劲地奏起了动听的乐曲,清凉的微风夹杂着泥土的芳香悄悄地将白天的烦闷与喧嚣赶跑。夜,显得更加宁静而诗意了。 静静的,左思,右想,就这样静静地坐在楼顶上,感受着夜馈赠我的美妙。就连天上偶尔飘过的云朵,也像是怕惊动了夜的宁静,如绒毛在平静水面滑过般,显得那么轻柔而迷人。 今夜独处在空旷的夜空下,感受着夜带给我的美妙,幸福惬意溢满于心。原先自我一向以来苦苦追寻的幸福其实就在自我的身边。 以往,有人努力打拼,渴望生活富裕来获得幸福,可一辈子的艰辛拼搏使自我逐渐沦为金钱的奴隶,苦苦追寻的幸福也越寻越远,最终留给自我的是岁月无情地染白的头发。其实,幸福并非是追寻能得到的,幸福是一种感受,仅有用心感受身边的一切,你就能发现,幸福无处在,譬如,管贫


The Spring Festival 春节 Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. The dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February. To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year's Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country. ,在中国最重要的节日是春节,也被称为中国的新年。中国人民是西方人的圣诞节一样重要。这个一年一度的庆典的日期是由农历而不是公历,所以假期的时间从一月底到二月初而异。 普通的中国人,节日实际上开始了农历新年前夕和农历的第一个月第五天结束。但是第一个月的15日,通常被称为元宵节,在这个国家的许多地区,春节意味着正式结束。

my spring festival英语作文(精选9篇)

my spring festival英语作文(精选9篇) my spring festival英语作文1 The Spring Festival comes after New Years Day.Its usually in January or February.Its the Chinese New Years Day.The Spring Festival is the biggest festival in China All of the Chinese like this festival.When it comes,people are busy.They usually do some cleaning,go to the stores to buy some new clothes and a lot of meat,vegetables and fruit.On the eve of the festival,everyone in the family comes back home from other places.They get together and have a big supper .They eat dumplings,New Years cake and some other delicious food in their houses.Some people like New Years cake,but more people think dumplings are the most delicious food of all. Some families have a party.They sing,dance and have a good time.I like this festival very much because I can play with my friends and I can get "red envelopes". my spring festival英语作文2 I had a good time during Spring Festival.This morning,I got up at six oclock.Then I brushed my teeth and washed my face.After that,I had breakfast with my parents. At noon,I went to my grandparents house and visited my aunts,uncles and cousins.In the afternoon,we made dumplings together.In the evening,we had dumplings,sweet and sour pork,and lots of nice dishes for dinner.After dinner,
