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牛津小学英语6A Unit 1 Public signs教案

牛津小学英语6A Unit 1 Public signs教案
牛津小学英语6A Unit 1 Public signs教案

Unit3.At a Music Lesson

[课题]牛津小学英语 5A Unit3. At a Music Lesson 第一课时A部分

[教材简介]本课A部分主要通过Mr Green与同学们围绕演唱英文歌曲以及学唱新歌“we can sing and dance”开展对话,引出“谈论能力”这一话题。

课文中所出现的词汇主要是can及其所带出的一串动词,主要学习Can you …?Yes,we can/No,we can’t.What can you do?I can…等句型。还出现了一些祈使句型的日常交际用语,这些都与教师的歌曲自然教学过程密切相关,完全可以通过与课文类似的过程予以呈现,学生容易理解。



1. New words and phrases:

Let’s start / Listen to … , please. /learn the song/ Now , follow me, please. / Let’s sing it together.

2. New dialogue:

A: Can you … ?

B: Yes,we can/No,we can’t.

A:What can you do?

B: I can…

2. 能力目标:给学生充分的交流时间和机会,提高综合运用语言的能力和表演能力。

3. 情感目标:






3. 理解并熟练朗读本课A 部分对话。




本课先充分利用与学生的自然对话,先教学谈论能力的句型,教学中教师应尽量运用图片、体态语为学生创设情景,以帮助学生理解这些句子的功能和意义,然后引导学生操练、练习、运用。然后通过谈论英文歌曲以及学唱新歌“ we can sing and dance”与课文相似的情景,以图片和多媒体课件等教学手段为辅助,

在情景中呈现、练习和巩固学唱歌曲中相关祈使句句型。然后再导入本课对话,通过课文图片的讨论,进行对话引言的教学。最后听课文录音,整体理解课文,完成相应练习。教学过程使用包括pair work、sing the song,,角色扮演等多种多样的教学手段,激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生灵活自如地把所学知识运用到日常生活中去。


Step1 . Free talk

1.T: what’s in the bedroom/…?

Ss: There is/are …

T: How many TVs/… are there in/…?

Ss: There are ….

T: How many TVS /… can you see?

Ss: I can see...

2. T:Let’s sing a song “Two jackets”.

本环节的设计通过师生自由对话,一步步的将学生带入英语学习的氛围之中.既复习了旧知,又顺便复习了与本课有关的How many TVS /… can you see?句型,这样学生对can的使用有一个印象,为新课can句型的进一步教学做好铺垫,。歌曲的安排既是下一步学习的过渡,又营造了活跃轻松的课堂气氛,使学生带着积极和活跃的心态投入课堂中.

Step 2. Presentation and practice

1. T: Can you sing the song“two jackets”?

Ss:Yes,we can./Yes,I can.

Teach “sing the song”

T: Can you dance/play the violin?(教师动作帮助理解)

Ss:No,we can’t /No,I can’t.

Teach “play the violin” “dance”

T: I can sing,what can you do?

S: I /we can sing/…

Teach “what can you do”


A: Can you play the violin/…?

B: Yes,we can./Yes,I can.

No,we can’t /No,I can’t.

A: what can you do?

B: I /we can sing/…

T –S ask and answer

S—S pair work and show out

T:Please ask and answer in pairs.

通过第一步学生的歌曲演唱自然导入Can you sing the song“two jackets”?,从而教学有关can的句型,然后教师引导学生pairwork巩固操练,从而为课文的理解打下坚实的基础。

2. T 出示学生几年已经学习过英语歌曲名称

T: We can sing the song“two jackets”.Look,there are many English songs.What can you sing ?

Ss: We can sing “in the classroom”/…

T: Let’s sing “in the classroom” first.

T:Let’s start.

Teach “What can you sing” “Let’s sing ‘ …’first” “ Let’s start.”

T:Can you sing “we can sing and dance”?

Ss:No,we can’t

T:Shall we learn the song“we can sing and dance”now ?

Ss:Yes/OK/All right.

Teach “learn the song”

T:Listen to the song ,please.

Ss:Yes/OK/All right.

Teach “Listen to…”

T:Now ,follow me ,please..

Ss:Yes/OK/All right.

Teach “follow me”

T: Can you sing it now?

Ss:Yes,we can.

T:Let’s sing it together.

Teach “sing it together”

在这里通过创设与课文相似的情境,一起与学生谈论会唱的英语歌曲,以及学唱新歌“we can sing and dance”,从而教学相关歌曲学习过程中要用的一些祈使句型的日常交际用语,与日常学习贴近的情境更利于学生的理解与掌握,并激发学生动口的兴趣。新课的教学始终是在情境中进行,体现了“单词教学情景化,句型教学任务化”这一教学理念.

Step 3 Text

1. CAI课件呈现课文的插图

T:Look, Mr Green is having a lesson.Watch the cartoon and answer the question.

1)Are they having an English lesson?

No,they’re having a music lesson.

Teach “have a music lesson”

2)Can the students sing the song “we can sing and dance”?

No,they can’t .


2.Let’s listen and try to fill in the blanks .

It is ________ in the _______. The students are ____________.

They are _____________.

Teach “two o’clock” “in the music room” “have a music lesson”

T:Please try to repeat.


3. Listen and answer the question.

1)What can the students sing?

They can sing “in the classroom” “colour song”

2)Can Ben sing “in the classroom”?

No,he can’t.

3)What can Ben do?

He can play the violin.

T:Read after the tape.(听录音读课文)



Step 4 :consolidation

1.Read the new words and phrases

2.Role in play(分角色扮演课文)


设计学生很感兴趣的任务,首先课文扮演,让学生上来饰演Mr Green,当老师的感觉很好,学生们都踊跃举手要求扮演,极大地激发了学生开口练习的欲望。然后再为课文flash动画配音,做“小小配音家”,也是学生极其感兴趣的活动,要求学生能够读出角色应有的语气语调,比一比谁的配音最像最好。两项活动很好地巩固和操练了课文的对话,让学生在课堂上便能开口练习,这是英语学习最重要的。只有学生都能大声地开口,才有可能学好英语。

牛津小学英语6A 知识要点

牛津小学英语6A知识要点 Unit 1 单词: cousin堂(表)兄弟姐妹question问题public公共的 sign标志mean意思是bin箱子danger危险must必须 away(离)开grass草off脱离,(离)开cage笼子quiet安静noise噪声know知道conversation对话complete完全的smoke吸烟litter乱丢cycle骑自行车back回suddenly突然地note钞票,纸币match比赛around在周围,四面nearby附近的keeper看守人 point指出fine罚款rubbish废物, 词组: 1.禁止停车No parking 2.禁止吸烟No smoking 3.禁止吃喝No eating or drinking 4.禁止践踏keep off the grass 5.禁止乱丢杂物No littering 6.禁止触摸Do not touch 7.安静Keep /Be quiet 8.朝他走去come up to him 9.罚款5元FINE ¥5 10.在鸟笼上on the birds’cage 11.指向point to 12.只有四岁only four years old 13.有许多问题have a lot of questions 14.问问题ask question 15.公共标志public signs 16.禁止骑车No cycling 17.在危险中in dange r 18.制造噪音make noise 19.散步take a walk20.远离stay away from 21.一个公园看守员a park keeper 22.环顾look around 23.在草地上走walk on the grass 24.进去go in 25.建筑物上的标志the sign on the building


牛津小学英语6A 1-2单元知识点复习 Unit 1 一、四会单词 always 总是 question 问题 ask 问 mean 意思是 must应当,必须 should应当,应该 take a walk 散步pick拾 二、短语 1. ask questions问问题 2. his cousin 他的表弟(妹) 3. park your car here把你的车停这儿 4. four years old 四岁 5. four years 四年 6. an interesting sign一个有趣的标志 7. know a lot 知道许多 8. a lot of questions 许多问题 9. on the Internet在因特网上 10. look at the photo看这照片 11. learn more 学到更多 12. climb the tree 爬树 13. fine ten yuan 罚款十元 14. a park keeper 一名公园管理员 15. an old woman in the green sweater 一位穿着绿毛衣的老妇 16.public signs 公共标志 17. different things 不同的事物 18. some questions about them 关于他们的一些问题 19. the sign on the wall 在墙上的标志 20. different things 不同的事物 21. stay away from the building 远离那幢大楼 22. keep off the grass 不接近草地 23. be/keep quiet 保持安静 24. the sign on the bids' cage 鸟笼上的标志 25. make noise 发出喧闹声 26. no smoking 禁止吸烟27. no littering 禁止乱丢杂务 28. no parking 禁止停车29. do not touch 不要触摸 30. no eating or drinking 不


序数词的记忆口诀: 基变序,有规律,一般结尾加上th。 一、二、三特殊记,结尾字母t,d,d。 (first,second,third), 八去t,九省e,(eight-eighth,nine-ninth), ve结尾时,f来代替,(five-fifth,twelve-twelfth), ty结尾时,y改成ie, 再加th, 保证不偏离。 若是碰到几十几,前基后序莫忘记。(twenty-first) 一、基数词、序数词互换。 1. twelve(序数词)________________ 2. thirteen(序数词)__________________ 3. ninth(基数词)_________________ 4. eighteenth(基数词)___________________ 5. second(基数词)_______________ 6. three(序数词)______________________ 7. fifth(基数词)_________________ 8. one(序数词)______________________ 9. nineteen(序数词)_______________ 10. twenty-four(序数词)________________ 11. thirty(序数词)_________________ 12. forty-second(基数词)_________________ 13. fiftieth(基数词)________________ 14. thirty-one(序数词)___________________ 15. twenty(序数词)________________ 16. twenty-three(序数词)________________ 二、英汉互译。 1. 五月八日______________________ 2. 三月二十二日_______________________ 3. 在四月 _______________________ 4. 在六月三日______________________ 5. 四月三十日____________________ 6.三月九日_______________________ 7. 五月十五日____________________ 8. 四月十二日_____________________ 9. 六月一日_____________________ 10. 在三月二日______________________ 11.the seventeenth of February____________ 12.the fifth of September__________ 13.on the twenty-first of December______________ 14. in August____________ 15.the thirtieth of November_____________ 16.the fourth of January___________ 17.the tenth of July_______________ 18.the twelfth of October______________ 19.今天是星期几? ________________________________ 今天是星期六。_______________________________ 20.今天是几月几日?________________________________ 今天是三月五日。______________________________ 21.你的生日在什么时候?_______________________________________ 我的生日在六月三日。________________________________________ 你想要什么作为生日礼物?_____________________________________ 我想要一台电脑。_____________________________________________ 动词的过去时练习1 一、用“am , is , was”填空。 1. I _____ a teacher now. I _____ a student five years ago. 2. He _____ a worker now. He _____ a little boy ten years ago.


六年级英语试卷(Unit 1) 班级姓名学号 一.听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(5分) ( )1. A litter B better C letter ( )2. A touch B much C watch ( )3. A talk B take C walk ( )4. A mask B ask C desk ( )5. A grass B class C glass 二.听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(5分) ( )1. A his cousin B her cousin ( )2. A on the dogs’ cage B on the birds’ cage ( )3. A come in B come up ( )4. A He always has a lot of questions . B. He always has lots of questions ( )5. A We can talk in the class. B. We can’t talk in the class. 三.听录音,给下列图片标上正确的序号。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四.听录音,选出正确的应答。(5分) ( )1. A. It’s a sign. B. It means you shouldn’t touch it.. C. It’s nice. ( )2. A. It isn’t. B. No, you don’t. C. No, you can’t. ( )3. A. Yes, a lot. B. They have different meanings. C. They are on the wall. ( )4. A. He is Mr. Smith. B. He is a park keeper. C. He is in the park.


牛津小学英语6A知识要点 Unit 1 单词: cousin堂(表)兄弟姐妹question问题public公共的 sign标志mean意思是 bin箱子danger危险must必须 away(离)开grass草off脱离,(离)开cage笼子quiet安静noise噪声know知道conversation对话complete完全的smoke吸烟litter乱丢cycle骑自行车back回suddenly突然地note钞票,纸币match比赛around在周围,四面nearby附近的keeper看守人 point指出 fine罚款rubbish废物, 词组: 1.禁止停车No parking 2.禁止吸烟No smoking 3.禁止吃喝No eating or drinking 4.禁止践踏keep off the grass 5.禁止乱丢杂物No littering 6.禁止触摸Do not touch 7.安静Keep /Be quiet 8.朝他走去come up to him 9.罚款5元FINE ¥5 10.在鸟笼上on the birds’cage 11.指向point to 12.只有四岁only four years old 13.有许多问题have a lot of questions 14.问问题ask question 15.公共标志public signs 16.禁止骑车No cycling 17.在危险中in dange r 18.制造噪音make noise 19.散步take a walk20.远离stay away from 21.一个公园看守员a park keeper 22.环顾look around 23.在草地上走walk on the grass 24.进去go in 25.建筑物上的标志the sign on the building 句型: 1.这个标牌是什么意思?What does this sign mean? 它意指“危险”。It means “Danger”. 2.那个标牌什么意思? What does that sign mean? 它意指你不应该在草地上走。It means you shouldn’t walk on the grass. 3.它是什么意思?What does it mean? 它意指你应该远离建筑物。It means you should stay away from the building. 4.我现在可以看电视了吗?Can I watch TV now? 不,你不可以。你应该先做你的家庭作业。No, you can’t. You should do your homework first. 5.杰克只有四岁,但他总是有许多问题要问。 Jack is only four years old, but he always has a lot of questions. 6.他正在问本一些有关公共标志的问题。 He is asking Ben some questions about public signs. 7.我可以进去吗? Can I go in? 不,你不可以。你必须远离这座建筑物。 No, you can’t. You should stay away from the building. 部分语言点解析 1.动词如果在No后表示禁止做某事,动词要用ing形式,如:No swimming; 如果前面是don’t 或者do not后面跟动词原形,如:Do not touch. 2.must, would, should (shouldn’t), can,may的区别 must 表示必须一定做到的事情;would表示想要做的事情,would like to do sth. should(shouldn’t)表示应该或不应该;can表示能够,会做某事;may表示可以或允许做某事。must, should shouldn't, can, may都是情态动词,后面都跟动词原形。

牛津小学英语6A 期中考试试卷(含听力材料)

牛津小学英语6A 期中考试试卷 学校班级姓名得分 听力部分(20分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到是单词或词组。(听一遍)5% ()1. A lot B let C lots D let’s ()2. A interested B interesting C different D doesn’t ()3. A get up B stand up C pick up D give up ()4. A No smoking B No littering C No parking D No eating ()5. A blackboards B black balls C black books D black box ()6. A January 3rd B June 3rd C January 23rd D June 23rd ()7. A 5:35 B 5:25 C 5:05 D 4:55 ()8. A eight B eighty C eighth D eighteenth ()9. A take off B keep off C turn off D get off ()10. A Let’s wait and see. B Let me see. C Let’s go and see. D Let’s go to the zoo. 二、听录音,选择正确的答案。(听两遍)10% ()1. A. It’s the 1st of Jun. B. It’s the 1st of Sep. C. It’s the 10th of Sep. ()2. A. She’s having dinner. B. She’s having breakfast. C. She’s playing football. ()3. A. It is on the chair. B. It is on the bed. C. It is behind the door. ()4. A. You shouldn’t walk on the grass. B. You shouldn’t make noise here. C. We shouldn’t park our car here. ()5. A. In the sitting-room. B. On the fridge. C. Near the TV. 三、听对话填词。(听三遍)5% 1、 A: What ________ is it today? B: It's ________. A: It's Jim's_________. ________ go and buy a ________ ________ him. B: OK. 2、A: Where _____ your ________ ? B: It's _____ bookcase .


牛津小学英语单词表(6A) 序号单词中文 类 别 单 元 分 册 分册单 元 1 keep off (使)让开;(使)不接近(短语) 1 6A <6A1> 2 make noise 发出(喧闹)声音(短语) 1 6A <6A1> 3 look around 环顾,往四下看(短语) 1 6A <6A1> 4 take a walk 散步(短语) 1 6A <6A1> 5 come up 上来(短语) 1 6A <6A1> 6 pick up 拾起,捡起(短语) 1 6A <6A1> 7 bird 鸟 1 6A <6A1> 8 fine 健康的,极好的;罚款 1 6A <6A1> 9 park 公园;停放(车辆等) 1 6A <6A1> 10 always 总是 1 6A <6A1> 11 ask 问 1 6A <6A1> 12 away (离)开 1 6A <6A1> 13 cage 笼子 1 6A <6A1> 14 cousin 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 1 6A <6A1> 15 danger 危险 1 6A <6A1> 16 grass 草;草地 1 6A <6A1> 17 keep 保持 1 6A <6A1> 18 keeper 看守人 1 6A <6A1> 19 litter 乱丢杂物 1 6A <6A1> 20 mean 意思是,意指 1 6A <6A1> 21 must 必须;应当 1 6A <6A1> 22 nearby 附近(的) 1 6A <6A1> 23 note 钞票,纸币 1 6A <6A1> 24 pick 拾 1 6A <6A1> 25 point 指 1 6A <6A1> 26 public 公共的,公众的 1 6A <6A1> 27 question 问题 1 6A <6A1> 28 quickly 快地 1 6A <6A1> 29 quiet 安静的,静静的 1 6A <6A1> 30 should 应当,应该 1 6A <6A1> 31 sign 标志;告示牌 1 6A <6A1> 32 smoke 吸烟 1 6A <6A1> 33 suddenly 突然(地) 1 6A <6A1> 34 blow out 吹灭(短语) 2 6A <6A2> 35 Let’s wait and see.让我们等着瞧。(短语) 2 6A <6A2> 36 take off 脱下(短语) 2 6A <6A2> 37 Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐!(短语) 2 6A <6A2> 38 April 四月 2 6A <6A2> 39 as 作为,当做 2 6A <6A2> 40 August 八月 2 6A <6A2>


一般过去时的用法巩固 一、概念 表示在的过去某个时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。通常在句子里找到表示过去时间的词或词组。如:yesterday,yesterday morning,yesterday afternoon,yesterday evening,the day before yesterday(前天),last night,last week,last month,last year,a moment ago(刚才),just now (刚才),two days ago,a week ago,in 1990等。 二、句子结构 1.在表示某个时间里存在的状态的句子,系动词用过式was,were构成。 如:(1)I was at home yesterday.昨天我在家。 (2)We were in the gym just now. 刚才我们在体育馆。 2.在表示过去某个时间里发生的动作,用动词的过去式构成。 如:I visited my uncle yesterday. 昨天我拜访了我的叔叔。 (1)一般过去时的肯定陈述句: 主语+动词过去式+宾语或表语。 He worked in Shanghai ten years ago. (2)一般过去时的否定句: a.主语+didn’t +动词原形+宾语。(did + not = didn't) He didn't do morning exercises yesterday. b.主语+wasn’t/weren’t +表语。(was + not = wasn't were + not = weren't) He wasn't an English teacher ten years ago. (3)一般过去时的一般疑问句: a.Did +主语+动词原形+宾语? Did you study English in 1990 ? b.Was/Were + 主语+表语? Was he a pupil five years ago ? (4)一般过去时的特殊疑问句: a.特殊疑问词+did + 主语+动词原形+宾语?


上海版小学牛津英语6A Module 1 relationship Unit 1 Meet my family rose [r?uz] n.玫瑰,蔷薇estate [i`steit] n.住宅区,房地产grade [greid] n.年级 than [e?n] conj.比 meet [mi:t] vt.遇见;见面people [`pi:pl] n.人(们) number [`n?mb?] n.数字;号码always [`?:lweiz] ad.总是 usually [`ju:?u?li] ad.通常,平常sometimes [`s?mtaimz] ad.有时 never [`nev?] ad.从不 Unit 2 Good friends together [t?`gee?] ad.在一起,共同same [seim] a.相同的 different [`difr?nt] a.不同的 after [`ɑ:ft?] prep./ conj.在…之后height [hait] n.高度,身高weight [weit] n.重量 heavy [`hevi] a.重的 each other [`i:t? `?e?] 互相 share [?e?] v.分享 weekend [`wi:kend] n.周末 week [wi:k] n.星期,周 end [end] n.末尾;尽头 crisp [krisp] n. 薯片, 松脆物crisps [krisps] n.油炸土豆片 dress up [dres] 穿上盛装,精心打扮centimetre [`senti?mi:t?] n.厘米 Unit 3 Let's go! tomorrow [t?`m?r?u] ad.(在)明天n.明天fountain [`fauntin] n.喷泉 aviary [`eivi?ri] n.大鸟笼,鸟舍pond [p?nd] n.池塘 area [`??ri?] n.地区,地域 pitch [pit?] n.球场 visit [`vizit] n.参观,访问,拜访city [`siti] n.城市,都市space [speis] n.太空 museum [mju(:)`zi?m] n.博物馆,展览馆dragon [`dr?g?n] n.龙 square [skw??] n.正方形;广场ferry [`feri] n.渡船 centre [`sent?] n.中心 west [west] n.西(方,部) east [i:st] n.东(方,部)


Unit 1 一词组和日常用语 No smoking 禁止吸烟 No littering 禁止乱扔杂物 No parking 禁止停车 Do not touch 禁止触摸 Danger!危险 No eating or drinking 禁止吃喝 keep off the grass 禁止践踏草坪 Be quiet 保持安静 keep quiet保持安静 his cousin 他的表弟 on the wall在墙上 go in入内 a lot of questions许多问题 ask sb. some questions about sth. 问某人一些有关某事的问题 only four years old仅仅四岁 a lot of public signs许多公共标志mean different things意味着不同的意思walk on the grass在草地上走 make noise发出喧闹的声音 know a lot about public signs 知道许多有关公共标志的知识the sign on the birds’ cage在鸟笼上的标志climb the tree爬树 stay away from the building远离那座建筑物at home在家 give me ten yuan给我十元 take a walk 散步 take photos拍照 see something on the grass 看见草地上有些东西 a ten yuan note一张十元纸币 look around看看四周 walk to the note走向纸币 pick it up 拣起它 pick up your pencil拣起你的铅笔 come up to him来到他面前 a park keeper一个公园管理员 point to a sign on the grass 指着草地上的一个标志 the boy in the green sweater 穿着绿色毛衣的男孩 shake one’s head摇头 on the Internet在网上 二.句子 1. What does this sign mean? It means ‘No smoking’.It means you shouldn’t smoke. 这个标志什么意思?它意味着“禁止吸烟”。它意味着你不应该吸烟。 2.What does it mean? It means ‘Kee off the grass’. It means you shouldn’t walk on the grass. 它的意思是什么?它意味着“请勿践踏草坪”。它意味着你不应该在草地上行走。 3.What does it mean ? It means ‘Be quiet’. It means you shouldn’t make noise here . 它的意思是什么?它意味着“保持安静”。它意味着你不能在此处发出喧闹的声音。4. Can I watch TV ? No, you can’t. Y ou should go to bed now. 我可以看电视吗?不,你不能。你现在应该睡觉了。 5.Can I go in ? No , you can’t . Y ou must stay away from the building . 我可以进去吗?不,你不能。你必须远离那座建筑物。 6. Now I know a lot about public signs . They mean different things . 现在我了解很多关于公共标志的知识。它们表示不同的意思。 三、部分语言点解析 1.动词如果在No后表示禁止做某事,动词要用ing形式,如:No swimming;如果前面是don’t 或者do not后面跟动词原形,如:Do not touch. 2.must, would, should(shouldn’t), can,may的区别 must 表示必须一定做到的事情;would表示想要做的事情,would like to do sth.


牛津小学英语6A调研试卷 (整洁分:2分) 一、辨音,相同的写“S”不同的写“D”10% readhead()sweaterbread() eatmean()roomzoo() baglate()fishbig() onlylot()publicbut() signlike()birdfirst() 二、词组互译(12%) .举行一场聚会 .一份生日礼物 .放学后 .在三月一日 ’.什么日期 11.住在Ben的附近 三、选词填空(每词只能用一次)12% alotofmakeaboutshouldoff quietinshouldn’t alwaysalotonaway 1.Jack________has________questions. 2.HeisaskingBensomequestions_________thepublicsigns. 3.CanIgo_________? 4.Youmuststay________fromthebuilding. 5.Keep________thegrass. 6.Thereisasign_________thegrass. 7.Pleasekeep__________. 8.Weshouldn’t_________noisehere. 9.You__________gooutwithoutacoat.You’llbecold. 10.NowIknow_________aboutpublicsigns. 11.You_________brushyourteethbeforeyougotobedeveryday. 四、用所给词的适当形式填空(10%) (have)abirthdayparty. (be)abigcake. (cartoon). (Ben)birthdayparty. (blow)outthecandles.


牛津小学英语6a课文及翻译 Unit 1 Public signs []第一课公共标志 Today is Saturday. Ben and his cousin, Jack,are in the Park.Jack is only four years old.but he always has a lot of questions. He sees some public signs in the park. He is asking Ben some questions about them. There are a lot of signs here,Ben. Yes.They're public signs. They mean different things. There's a sign on the wall. What does it mean? It means 'Danger'! Can I go in? No, you can't. You must stay away form the building. There's a sign on the grass.What does it mean? It means 'Keep off the grass'. What does that mean? It means we shouldn't walk on the grass. The sign on the bird's cage is interesting. What does it mean? It means 'Be quiet'!We shouldn't make noise here.


上海版牛津小学英语6A Module1 unit1 age [eid?] n. 年龄;时代 always ['?:lwe?z] ad. 总是;一直;永远 estate [??ste?t] n. 物业小区 family ['f?m?l?] n. 家庭;家族;子女 meet [mi:t] vt. 遇见,见到n. 会;集会 member ['memb?] n. 成员,会员 never ['nev?] adv. 从未;决不 number ['n?mb?] n. 号码;数字 only ['??nl?] a. 惟一的,仅有的ad. 仅仅,只,才 right [ra?t] n. 正当的要求;权利;右边;对;正确;公正a. 对;正确的;右;右边的;正当的;妥当的;正常的;健康的 sometimes ['s?mta?mz] ad. 有时 than [e?n] conj. 比time for bed [taim f?: bed ] 睡觉时间;就寝时间usually ['ju:???l?] ad. 通常,经常 young [j??] a. 年轻的;幼小的 Module1 unit2 after ['ɑ:ft?] prep. 在…之后conj. 在…以后 after school ['ɑ:ft? sku:l] n. 放学以后 centimetre ['senti,mi:t?] (美centimeter)n. 公分、厘米cycle ['saikl] v. 循环n. 循环;周期 dress up [dres ?p] 穿上盛装;装扮 each other [i:t? '?e?] ph. 互相 heavy ['hev?] a. 重的;繁重的;沉重的 height [hait] n. 高,高度 How about ... ? [hau ?'baut ] 你认为…怎样 just [d??st] adv. 只是;恰好 a. 公正的

牛津小学英语6A教案-unit 4

牛津英语6A教案Unit 4 It was there 第一课时 教学目标: 1.四会掌握单词was , a moment ago. 2.能听懂,会说,会读单词a camera, a CD Walkman, a roll of film, glasses, a mobile phone, a video recorder 3.能听懂、会说、会说和会写句型Where’s your …? It’s next to/in front of/on/in/between the …It isn’t there now. It was there a moment ago. Where are you your …? They’re next to/in front of/on/in/between the …They aren’t there now. They were there a moment ago. 教学重点: 能基本了解一般过去时的构成及用法。 教学过程: 一. Everyday English: How are you?

Pass the ball to … Give the pen to … Where’s … What’s the score? What date is it today? 二.Presentation and practise: 1. T: Today Su Hai and Su Yang’s cousin, Gao Yun is visiting them.Let’s have a look.(多媒体展示情景) T: What’s this?Do you know? Learn : a handkerchief 同理学习:a CD Walkman,a roll of film, a pair glasses, a mobile phone, a video recorder, earphones, a diary 2.T: Guess and say巩固这些词组。示图片反面让学生猜图上的单词。 3.T: Where’s my book? S: It’s on the desk. T: (把书拿走) It isn’t there now.


牛津小学英语6A教材分析 一、教材简介 牛津小学英语,根据“课程标准”中二级要求进行编写,以“话题---功能---结构---任务”相结合的原则,力求使话题、功能、结构和任务四个方面在比较真实的情景中紧密联系,融为一体;本教材提倡“任务型”的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。 本教材共有10个单元组成,其中第一~第四,第六~第九单元为新授单元,主要有A、B、C、D、E、F、G和H等八个板块构成;第五和第十单元为复习单元,由四个部分组成。以下主要分析新授单元各板块。 A Listen, read and say 情景对话教学。 本板块除了仍然有对话理解的背景材料外,对话篇幅明显增长,难度也增加,主要出现的语法有一般现在时(第三人称单数作主语)、现在进行时、一般过去时;情态动词、there be结构等等。通过该板块的教学,着重训练学生的朗读能力和会话能力。 对策:1、注意教学内容的衔接,温故知新。 2、在教学中,教师要尽量创设交际活动的情景,增强语言实践的真实感。 3、采用“先听说、后读写,先整体、后局部”的方法,引导和鼓励学生积极、主动地参加语言实践活动。 4、突出重点,加强感受,适当讲解语法现象。 5、,注意平时教学中的知识渗透和积累。 6、根据学生特点分阶段,分层次达标。 B Look, read and learn 词汇教学。 主要按话题归类和图词结合的方式呈现新的词语,有名词、动词、短语或他们的混合形式及过去式。在这些词语中,有的在前面已经出现过,但有的是第一次出现;有的只要求“三会”,有的却要求四会掌握。 对策:1、要尽可能用学生已知的情景引出新的词语。 2、注意与句型教学有机结合,使学生能在情景中学习和运用词汇。 3、不能盲目提高要求,应承认学生认知水平的差异性。 (A,B,C,D有机渗透;掌握好三会、四会词,不要将所有单词四会。) C Look and say / Ask and answer 句型的口语训练教学。 本板块以图为主,提供了主要句型,旨在通过比较真实的语言情境滚动的方法操练本单元和已学过的内容。学习句型的目的是为了掌握句子结构,以便在适当的交际情景中运用这些句型去表达思想,因此句型应放在情景中操练,力求使学生通过操练学到现实生活


牛津小学英语6A 知识要点 Unit 1 单词: question 问题 public 公共的 sign 标志 mean 意思是 must 必须 away (离)开 grass 草 off 脱离,(离)开 match 比赛 around 在周围,四面 nearby 附近的 keeper 看守人 point 指出 fine 罚款 rubbish 废物, 词组: I. 禁止停车 No parking 2. 3. 禁止吃喝 No eating or drinking 5.禁止乱丢杂物 No littering 6. 7.安静 Keep / Be quiet 8. 9.罚款 5 元 FINE ¥5 10. II. 指向 point to 12. 13.有许多问题 have a lot of questions 15.公共标志 public signs 16. 17.在危险中 indange r 18. 19.散步 take a walk 21. 一个公园看守员 a park keeper 23.在草地上走 walk on the grass 禁止吸烟No smoking 4. 禁止践踏 keep off the grass 禁止触摸Do not touch 朝他走去come up to him 在鸟笼上 on the birds ' cage 只有四岁 only four years old 14. 问问题 ask questi on 禁止骑车No cycling 制造噪音make noise 20. 远离 stay away from 22. 环顾 look around 24. 进去 go in 25.建筑物上的标志 the sign on the building 句型: What does this sig n mean It means “ Danger ” . What does that sig n mean It means you shouldn ' t walk on the grass. It means you should stay away from the buildi ng. Can I watch TV now 不,你不可以。你应该先做你的家庭作业。 No, you can ' t. You should do your homework first. 5. 杰克只有四岁,但他总是有许多问题要问。 Jack is only four years old, but he always has a lot of questi ons. 6. 他正在问本一些有关公共标志的问题。 He is ask ing Ben some questi ons about public sig ns. 7. 我可以进去吗 Can I go in 不,你不可以。你必须远离这座建筑物。 No, you can ' t. You should stay away from the building. 部分语言点解析 1.动词如果在No 后表示禁止做某事,动词要用 ing 形式,如:No swimming; 如果前面是don ' t 或者do not 后面跟动词原形,如: Do not touch. ,would, should (shouldn ' t ), can , may 的区另U must 表示必须一定做到的事情; would 表示想要做的事情, would like to do sth. should (shouldn ' t )表示应该或不应该;can 表示能够,会做某事;may 表示可以或允许做某事。 cage 笼子 quiet 安静 noise 噪声 know 知道 conv ersati on 对话 complete 完全的 smoke 吸烟 litter 舌L 丢 cycle 骑自行车 back 回 suddenly 突然地 note 钞票,纸币 3 .它是什么意思 What does it mea n cousin 堂(表)兄弟姐妹 bin 箱子 dan ger 危险 1.这个标牌是什么意思 它意指“危险”。 2 ?那个标牌什么意思 它意指你不应该在草地上走。 它意指你应该远离建筑物。
