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Let’s Make a Little Progress Every Day

A brief introduction to Sijing Second Primary School, Songjiang District

Located in the town of Sijing in Songjiang District in Shanghai, Sijing Second Primary School is surrounded by a large living community named Xinkai Homes. It has a long history with its predecessor Yucai Private Primary School founded in 1917 firstly, and then renamed as Silian Primary School after several changes. In August 2011, it has been moved to the new campus in Xinkai Homes while its name was officially changed into Sijing Second Primary School. Now the school is a member of the project “Building new high-quality school in Shanghai" targeted by the Shanghai City Board of Education, and it has won many awards in recent years, which including the National Model Schools for Nutrition and Health Education, the Model School of Conducting Codes of Shanghai, the Safe and Civilized Campus of Shanghai, the Guidance Base School for Family Education of Shanghai, and a lot of district-level awards such as the Model Establishment, the Advanced Unit for the Disclosure of School Information, the Characteristic Schools with Artistic Education, the Education Advanced Unit with Teaching Staff Construction, the Advanced Unit of Technological Education and so on. Meanwhile, the Children's Palace "Music of the Bay" in the school has been awarded the National Rural Children's Palace schools.

With a total area of 2.8 Hectares and a gross floor area of 15,374 square meters, Sijing Second Primary School has enjoyed a first class hardware facilities. At present, the School has more than 1500 students studying in 30 classes, and 150 teachers. Among the faculty and staff, 100 are full-time teachers, 5 are senior teachers, and more than 90 percent are Bachelor degree or above.

Adhering t he core idea of “Make a Little Progress Every Day”and focusing on the “Four Harmonious” educational goals, Sijing Second Primary School is an strong advocate of “Initiate the spirit of dedication thus improve teachers' professional level, reinforce the harmonious construction to embody team’s wisdom, establish the objective of personal growth and fight for it, and consolidate the promotion of the project so as to contribute to the building of a better school” in the cultural construction. It has explored a rigorous and harmonious managing strategy, trained the staffs to enjoy working with a variety of people, and improved a unique Ten Grade strategy through the sustainable development on quality-oriented education and inner construction in line with the consolidation of "running schools in conventions, fine tuning of management, and building the school with characteristics” under the concept of cultivating and nurturing the children. Following these efforts, the school remains at the forefront of Songjiang District in order of high quality educational effect, and has moved into the ranks of new high-quality schools in Shanghai from a normal rural school. Sijing Second Primary School has made a quickly and well development and explored a special approach for educational development through the unremitting efforts.


自动化专业英文自我介绍 General Introduction* I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. Education background In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester, and my overall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students. In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies. At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis. Research experience and academic activity


校园生活简介英语介绍 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】

湘潭大学是我最向往的大学之一 Xiangtan university is one of my most desirable universities 但在考研之前,我决定报考的学校不是湘潭大学 But before the postgraduate entrance examination, the school that I decided to apply for was not Xiangtan university 然而由于成绩不够优秀,我没有被第一志愿学校录取 However, due to lack of good grades, I was not admitted to the first volunteer school 幸运的是,湘潭大学为我提供了继续学习的机会,把我录取为硕士研究生 Fortunately, Xiangtan university provided me with the opportunity to continue my study and accepted me as a postgraduate student To be exact,Xiangtan university offer me what I need.It provides us with a good study and living environment. 我们的校园环境很优美,这里自然景观秀丽,人文气息浓郁。 Our campus environment is very beautiful, the natural scenery is beautiful, the humanistic atmosphere is rich. 潭大学有很多场馆,例如宏伟的图书馆,设施齐全的体育馆,多功能实验室,巨大的报告厅等


清远盛兴中英文学校 招生考试七年级数学试卷 考生现就读____年级 一、选择题(本大题5小题,每小题5分,共25分.每小题只有一个答案是 正确的,请把正确答案的序号填在题后的括号内.) 1. 在下列代数式3ab ,-4,2y x -,x 3,πa 中,单项式有( ) A. 2个 B. 3个 C. 4个 D. 5个 2. 用四舍五入法对31500取近似值,保留2个有效数字是( ) A. 320000 B. 3.2×104 C. 32×104 D. 3.2×105 3. 下列运算不能用平方差公式的是( ) A.)41)(14(22a a +- B.)1)(1(y x y x ---+ C.)32)(32(y x y x +- D.)32)(23(a b b a -- 4. 下列计算正确的是( ) A. 1)1(0-=- B.1)1(1=-- C.33212a a =- D. 437)()(a a a =-÷- 5. 在下列所给条件中,不能判定AB//DF 的是( ) A. ∠A+∠2=180° B. ∠1=∠4 C. ∠1=∠A D. ∠A=∠3 二、填空题(本大题6小题,每小题4分,共24分.) 6、如图,a //b ,且∠2是∠1的2倍,则∠2的度数为 第6题图 第8题图 考生姓名_______________ 考室号________ 座位号_______ 现就读学校________________________ 家 庭 住址__________________ ________ _ ____ 家长姓名_ _____________ 联系电话____________ _ __ _ - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - 密 - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - --封 - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - 线- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - 12 a b 1432B D C F A E A B D E C 1


大禾中心学校简介 大禾溪畔,鹅背屋旁,花甲禾小,栉风沐雨。大禾中心学校创办于1950年,是一所有着60多年历史的老校,也是一所迈向优质化、现代化的全日制公办小学。学校地处武平县最北端,在两省三县五乡交界处,坐落于“老、边、山、贫”地区。六十年风雨兼程,学校从无到有,从小到大,从简陋到初具规模。学校肩负起传承文化的光荣使命,培育出一批批优秀人才:现任福建省党校副校长,获博士学位的刘大可;现任龙岩市人大副主任,市总工会副主席的钟万福;现任厦大教授获博士学位的蓝维瑶;曾任武平县人大主任的蓝玉峰;清华大学毕业的蓝荣香、王鹏洋等学子,均从这里走向全国,他们已成为学校的骄傲,也成为后代学子们学习的楷模。 学校现有教学班12个,教师36人,学生356人,其中住宿生202人,校园占地面积9945平方米,建筑面积4564平方米。趁着“双高普九”的春风,学校在近几年新建了一栋教学楼,二栋学生宿舍楼。新学期,一栋崭新的学生食堂又即将在学生宿舍楼旁落成。踏进校门,一个规划科学,整洁、美观、大气的农村寄宿制学校让人眼前一亮。然而,学校虽初具规模,但仍有部分场地、设施急待完善,特别是学校三百多学生还没有一个像样的运动场,二百多住宿生还没有一张像样的床架,有篮球架却没有篮球场,有体育器材室、实验室、微机室、音乐教室、美术教室等多间功能教室,但里面的设施、设备缺还相当简陋,严重制约了学校发展的步伐。 近年来,在各级党政和教育主管部门的正确领导与社会各界人士的大力支持下,学校认真贯彻执行国家教育方针,不断进行教育教学改革与管理创新,不断探索农村小学发展的办学之路,形成了一整套比较完善的办学理念体系,办学效益大大提升,学校获得了跨越发展。学校拥有一支优秀的教师团队,其中有省级骨干教师4人,市骨干教师10人。教师中具有本科以上学历的6人。大专学历以上的教师占教师总数的百分之九十。近几年来,学校又涌现出一批优秀青年教


江阴市英桥国际学校简介 英桥国际学校创办于2007年7月,它的母体是有着百年文化底蕴的华士实验学校,英桥国际的成立是应江阴市教育国际化的需求而生,是中央教育科学研究所附属学校,被联合国教科文组织授予“国际教育实验学校”。英桥国际学校成立之初就确立了文化立校、文化兴校的核心价值观,致力于让学校真正拥有灵魂。 目前学校占地面积3万平方米,建筑面积2万平方米,绿化面积5千平方米,现有43个教学班,1300名师生。 英桥国际学校成立三年多来,已经形成了独特的校园文化之魂,归纳为“一二三四五”,即,一个家园:把校园建设成师生的精神家园;二个培养方向:让孩子成为优秀的世界公民和永远的中国人, 做幸福有为的人;三个同:同心、同行、同乐;四个一点点:每天比规定的多做一点点,每天比规定的做好一点点,每天比规定的做早一点点,每天比规定的做巧一点点;五个人人:人人都享有一份爱,人人都得到尊重,人人都享有机会,人人都有所追求,人人都体验欢乐和成功。 校名“英桥”,是取Enjoy具有“享受”的含义,意味着快乐学习、幸福生活;“英桥”还蕴涵培育精英、走向世界之意。学校以“享受学校”为办学理念,把“CHOOSE IT、 LIVE IT、 LOVE IT、 ENJOY IT”作为学校的教育理想和管理哲学。把“人人都有好身体、天天都有好心情、处处都有好环境、个个都有好发展、家家都有好希望”作为幸福校园的追求,让学校成为师生的精神家园。 我们的办学理念及其所取得成果吸引了省内外专家和教育媒体的关注,学校被吸收为江苏省名校俱乐部成员。目前,我们学校各个学段特点明显:幼儿园的角色故事教学富有成效,精品教育已在社会形成品牌;小学段特色教育很有成就;初中段的个性化辅导和精致教学已成雏形。 厚德的文化积淀,一流的办学质量,是校园成了师生的精神家园,国内外莘莘学子纷至沓来,在这里读书、长知、修身、立德。


路飞(Monkey.D.Ruffy) political:communist Birthdate:1987-5-5 Address:Roomxxx,No.xx building,west block,Guangdong University of Technology, Higher Education Mega Center,Guangzhou Postalcode:510006 Mobile:xxxxxxxxxx E-mail:xxxxxx1@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b55557218.html, Objective Education 2006.9-2010.7 Guangdong University of Technology Major: Automation Engineering Degree: Bachelor Specialized courses:Automatic Control Theory;Theory of Circuitry;Signal& Linear System; Principle of Microcomputer; C Language; Analogical Electronics; Digital Electronics; Pro- cedure Control and Auro-Measurement Technique ; Principle of Single-Chip Computer; Power Electronics Technology; Computer Control Technology; Electric Drive Control System; Electrical and Programmable Logic Controller Applied Technology(PLC);Motor Theory and Drive;Power Supply and Distribution Technology;Datebase(SQL) and so on. Personal expertise ?Master automatic control,computer control and process control,power technology; ?Skilled in the use of PLC ,SCM,C,assembler,matlab; ?Good use of Protel ,CAD,Photoshop,Word ,powerpoint and Excel; ?Master motor control,power electronics technology;good understanding of mechanical design principles,and mechanical analysis; ?Good rational thinking ability,Optimistic attitude towards life,adaptable;with good team spirit;responsible and honest;have a harmonious interpersonal relations with others. ?Language ability:Passed CET-4 446;Master automation professional English. Project Experience And Activities ?Two week of 2009/ 5 Temperature Control System Design Project Description: Design circuits, write procedures and control the temperature of Furnace at the required temperature which allow 1 to 2 C o error with SCM;This system must has the ability of refecting disturbance. ?2008/4 Attending Physics experiment Skills Competition of GDUT Project Description:I participate in the oscilloscope Group in this competition; The main requirement of the competition is to master the operation of oscilloscope and abilities to cope with some unexpected problems 2008.6-2009.6 Guangzhou ZhouHong Educational and Cultural Development Co., Ltd. Responsibilities: Part-time;The main task is making the courseware with PPT. Hobbies Reading,singing,outdoor activities,football,basketball,watching football games fishing and so on.


介绍新学校的英语作文「精选」 进入新的学校了,你觉得这间学校怎么样呢?下面我为大家整理了介绍新学校的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 my new school英语作文一 I have moved to my new school since Septmber. It is a modern and nice school which is in Beijing. It has a playground, a library, several labs, classrooms with electronic equipment and so on. It's quite different from my old school. It's larger, much more modern. This is why I love my new school. If you are free, you are warmly welcomed to come to our school to have a look. 参考翻译: 九月以来我已经搬到我的新学校。这是一个现代和漂亮的学校在北京。它有一个操场,一个图书馆,几个实验室,教室和电子设备等等。这完全不同于我的旧学校。更大,更现代。这就是为什么我爱我的新学校。如果你有空欢迎来我们学校看看。 my new school英语作文二 First here is our favourite place our beautifui garden many trees and many flowers in it. then you can go into it .Now,you know why we love it right .we can write red and chat in it.(tell you a secret:I like it because it


学校景点介绍中文英文 导语:学校是我们学习的地方,那么大家都是怎么去介绍自己的学校的呢?,接下来为大家介绍学校景点介绍中文英文文章,仅供参考! 学校景点介绍中文英文 英文: Wuhan Heping Middle School Our shool, Wuhan Heping Middle School, lies in the center of Wuhan city. It was just built and has the perfect size. The school yard is two hundred meters long, one hundred meters wide, and is surrounded by trees. When you walk throught the front gate, there is a huge garden that greets you with every kind of natural things. To the left is the school library in which there are more than 100, 000 books. To the right is the experiment building. In the very middle of the school yard stands the teaching building that stretches for one hundred and fifty meters. This teaching building has four floors with the teachers’ offices at either end of each floor. Standing on the top of the teaching building, you can see a flower bed. Behind the teaching building is a large playground on the right side. The students often do sports here after class.


郯城县职教中心学校简介 郯城县中等职业技术教育中心学校(以下简称“郯城县职教中心学校”)是郯城县唯一的国办职业学校,2011年4月被教育部评定为国家级重点职业学校,学校发挥资源整合优势,与时俱进,实现了里程碑式的跨越发展。 郯城县职教中心学校分南北校区,占地总面积122715平方米,建筑面积达51769平方米。校园环境优美,教学设施齐全,实习实训设备充足,有电工电子、电力拖动实验室等8个,专业实习实训车间8个;其中,服装实习车间配有高速缝纫机320台,车床实习车间配有普通、数控、磨床、铣床等各式车床80余台,焊接车间配有各式焊机70余台,微机室配有教学用计算机810余台,另有制图室、琴房、舞蹈室、演播室、网络中心等市级水平的教学设施。学校依据当地农业大县经济发展及农村劳动力技术短缺等状况,发挥自身资源优势,紧靠经济前沿办学,主动做好“四个服务”,坚持学历教育与教育培训并举,开设数控技术、服装工艺与设计、计算机应用、机电应用技术、学前教育、焊接技术应用、旅游服务与管理、园林技术等11个专业。目前学校拥有教职工406人,有76个教学班,在校生达3780余人,办学规模居全市前列。 学校坚持“以服务为宗旨、以就业为导向,以能力为本位”的职业教育理念,突出学生技能培养,注重综合素质提升,办学特色鲜明。按照专业教学大纲,将实验实训内容切块逐一进行,实施模块培养、项目教学,要求课程适用、目标多元,分阶段考核验收,定期举行技术比武、成果展示,学生技能训练卓有成效;学校建立起较为完善的科室、级部、班级管理体系,责任明确,

流程细化,“多头、重复、精细、立体”,实现学校无间隙常规管理,确保对学生全员、全面、全程管理;学校着力提炼历史发展文化积淀,确立“朴厚为人、自强立世”的校训,科学规划美化校园环境,力求“简单、大方、精致、包容、丰富”的绿化效果,营造和谐办学氛围;坚持全面育人,活动常做常新,实施“打造一生标志”的校本课程开发建设,广泛开展了独具本校特色的第二课堂活动。 近年来,郯城县职教中心抓住职业教育快速发展有利时机,以科学发展观为指导,按照“发展要有新思路、改革要有新突破、教育教学要有新局面、学校管理要有新举措”的要求,真抓实干,开拓创新,实现了学校各项工作的新突破,得到了上级领导的充分肯定,赢得了广泛的社会赞誉,学校先后被评为山东省职业院校毕业生就业安置先进单位、山东省“风采最佳”职业学校、临沂市花园式单位、临沂市职业教育教学工作先进单位、临沂市职业教育招生工作先进单位、2008年首届和2010年第二届临沂市职业教育“十佳学校”等。


超详细上海各区国际学校一览表看看哪个区的国际学校最多上海国际学校有哪些?最近很多家长表示想让孩子到国外去接受更加开放和先进的大学教育,因此为了让孩子能够更好地适应国外大学的教育理念和生活方式,从高中、初中甚至是从幼儿园到小学就开始接受国际学校的教育方式,选择国际学校就成为必然。那么上海各区国际学校有哪些呢?小编整理一份详细一览表,一起来看看吧。 上海各区国际学校一览表城区 学校名称 学校简介 学费 开设课程 办学层次 国籍要求 主要留学方向浦东新区上海光华学院剑桥国际中心 20XX年创建,民办学校,经上海市教委批准,获得英国剑桥大学考试委员会授权;剑桥大学授权考点。 美国高中课程12.8万元/学年、A-Level课程12万元/学年 美国高中课程、A-Level课程 初中、高中 无国籍要求 英国、美国上海市金苹果双语学校国际部 20XX年创办,民办学校。上海市文明单位、全国民办教育白强学校、全国最具创新力榜样学校。 小学6.8万元/学年、初中7.8万元/学年、高中9.8万元/学年

A-Level课程、美国高中课程 小学、初中、高中 无国籍要求 英国、美国上海交大集团剑桥A-Level国际课程中心 20XX年创建,公办学校。剑桥大学国际考试委员会(CIE)授权的考试中心。 10.8万元/学年 A-Level课程 高中 无国籍要求 英国上海师范大学附属第二外国语学校国际部 20XX年成立,民办学校。 8万元/学年 美国高中课程 高中 无国籍要求 美国美国佛蒙特州国际学校 20XX年成立,民办学校。 12万元/学年 美国VIA高中课程 高中 无国籍要求 美国上海澳大利亚国际高中 20XX年创办,民办学校。获得澳大利亚政府认可和支持,大中华地区唯一一所澳大利亚官方海外高中。


课程编号:070305 Code: 070305 课程名称:单片机及应用 Name: Principle and Application of Single Chip Microcomputer (SCM) 学时:44讲授学时,12实验学时 Hours : hrs lecture, hrs lab 学分:3 Credit: ` 课程简介:本课程介绍MCS-51单片机的功能结构、工作原理、指令系统、编程技术、接口技术和实际应用。通过该课程的学习,使学生初步具备简单的单片机应用系统的设计开发能力。 Brief introduction: This course shows the introductions to functional structure, principle, instructions, assemble language programming, interface and application of MCS-51single chip microcomputer. By the study of this course, the students can get the design and development ability of simple SCM application system. 课程编号:070306 Code : 070306 课程名称:计算机原理 Name: Principle of Microcomputer 学时:72讲授学时,16实验学时 , Hours : hrs lecture, hrs lab 学分:4 Credit: 课程简介:本课程是计算机科学技术专业的一门专业基础课;该课程介绍主流微机的结构、指令及汇编语言程序设计和常用的接口电路。 Brief introduction: Principle of Microcomputer is a basic course of Computer Science and Technology; The course introduces the structure of


Guangzou university is the key university in guangdong province which is on the xiaoguwei island.Entry in school, there is a big stone tablet with the words“guangzhou university”. In front of school gate,our library is more than twenty eight hundred thousand books. If hungry, just have something food in commercial center of guangzhou university or other canteens. The eastern administrative and science lab building is on the left of school gate . Behind the library, there is a little lake with many fish in it. Oh, there is also a nice pavilion and a bridge above the lake. After the class, we can entry th/e playground freely to do all kinds of sports we like. This is our school. Don’t you think it’s great?


学校介绍: 滨州学院是经国家教育部批准成立的一所综合性普通本科院校,坐落在“兵圣”孙子故里、充满生机与活力的黄河三角洲新兴城市——滨州市新区。近年来,学校党委、行政审时度势,科学分析,确定了办学定位,提出了“合格、强校、名校”三步走的发展战略,实施了改革创新、人才强校、品牌兴校、硬件带动、文明校园“五大工程”,全校上下聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展,各项事业呈现出生机勃勃、跨越发展之势。 Binzhou National Institute is the Ministry of Education approved the establishment of a comprehensive general undergraduate institutions, located in the "saint soldiers" Master Sun's native place, full of vigor and vitality of the Yellow River Delta emerging city - Binzhou City, the new district. In recent years, all the upper and lower concentrate on construction and development, showing the cause of vitality and the potential development by leaps and bounds. 学校实施“特色兴校”战略。依托滨州人文环境资源、高新技术和自身优势,精心打造了包括黄河三角洲生态文化等7大特色品牌。Binzhou university carries out the strategy of“developing the university with own characteristics”,has developed 7 characteristic fields including Yellow River Delta ecological culture by the full use of its own advantages as well as local humanity resources and high


篆角乡中心学校简介 篆角乡地处广南、西畴、麻栗坡三县交界处,距县城73千米,国土面积207平方千米,省道“西西公路”由北向南纵贯乡境20千米。这里交通便利,气候宜人,民风淳朴。全乡辖七个行政村,102个村民小组。辖区内居住着汉、壮、苗、彝、蒙古五种民族,总人口25680人,其中少数民族人口11497人,占总人口的44.77%。全乡现有25个校点,103个小学教学班,共有教职工158人,在校生2536人;初中部七至九年级20个教学班,共有教职工95人,在校生1036人。 篆角乡中心学校位于篆角鸡街西侧,占地13673平方米,建筑面积7256平方米,校园环境优美,教学设施齐全,校园文化建设独具特色。学校最早叫篆角鸡街小学,由乡长杨显科主持,组织筹资创建于1952年。1958年秋改名为冲天中心校。1988年6月更名为篆角中心校。1969年筹建篆角中心校附设初中班。现有小学专任教师158人,中专及以上学历157人,学历合格率99.37%;初中专任教师90人,专科及以上学历85人,学历合格率94.44%。现有省级骨干教师2人,本科学历教师24人。 1998年篆角乡通过了省人民政府“普六”验收;2004年通过了省人民政府“扫盲”验收;2007年12月通过了省人民政府“普九”验收之后又一直在积极主动地做好“两基”迎国检的各项准备工作。 自开展“两基”巩固提高工作以来,教学质量一路攀升。2008年中考陈琳同学以640分的实考成绩(不含照顾分)名列那洒考区第一,学校总成绩居考区第二。2009年中考600分以上7人,500分以上42人,总成绩居考区第二。2010年中考再创辉煌,600分以上的12人,500分以上的57人,总成绩居那洒考区第一;100班的杨德芬同学总分673分居那洒考区第一,并以115分英语成绩名列全县单科第一。 学校在狠抓巩固与提高的同时,十分重视对学生综合素质的培养,通过组建兴趣小组,举办运动会、文艺汇演、学科竞赛、诗歌朗诵、演讲比赛、书画展、英语口语赛等活动使每一位学生都有施展才华和展示自我的机会。我校在全国及省、州、县组织各种竞赛和评优活动中频频获奖,共计150人次。 当地党委、政府历届领导的高度重视,上级主管部门的关心,社会各界的支持,全体师生坚持不懈的努力才使我们这样一所农村中心学校不断发展进步,不断做出成绩,不断收获荣誉。学校先后荣获云南省德育工作先进集体、云南省“三生教育”书画作品评选活动集体三等奖、云南省第三届小作家作文竞赛活动优秀组织奖、州德育工作先进集体、州文明单位、县德育工作先进集体等28项荣誉。 在义务教育保障机制上,自国家实行教科书免费以来,教材均由县新华书店、邮政局统一配送。寄宿生学生生活费补助,2008年共计补助学生生活费737500元,补助贫困生1124人,2009年共计补助学生生活费737500元,补助贫困生1124人。2008年秋学校公用经费上级拨款343620元,2009年拨款1091757.12元,均严格按照上级的有关文件进行预算、支出。全乡学校教职工的绩效工资坚持公开、公平、公正原则。坚持多劳多得、优绩优酬,向艰苦边远地区倾斜,向班主任倾斜。严格按国家以及省州县的文件规定实行动态管理。绩效工资以工作绩效考核结果作为分配的主要依据。二○一○年十二月


超详细上海各区国际学校一览表看看哪个区的国际学校最 多 上海国际学校有哪些?最近很多家长表示想让孩子到国外去接受更加开放和先进的大学教育,因此为了让孩子能够更好地适应国外大学的教育理念和生活方式,从高中、初中甚至是从幼儿园到小学就开始接受国际学校的教育方式,选择国际学校就成为必然。那么上海各区国际学校有哪些呢?小编整理一份详细一览表,一起来看看吧。 上海各区国际学校一览表城区 学校名称 学校简介 学费 开设课程 办学层次

国籍要求 主要留学方向浦东新区上海光华学院剑桥国际中心 2008年创建,民办学校,经上海市教委批准,获得英国剑桥大学考试委员会授权;剑桥大学授权考点。 美国高中课程12.8万元/学年、A-Level课程12万元/学年 美国高中课程、A-Level课程 初中、高中 无国籍要求 英国、美国上海市金苹果双语学校国际部 2000年创办,民办学校。上海市文明单位、全国民办教育白强学校、全国最具创新力榜样学校。 小学6.8万元/学年、初中7.8万元/学年、高中9.8万元/学年

A-Level课程、美国高中课程 小学、初中、高中 无国籍要求 英国、美国上海交大集团剑桥A-Level国际课程中心 2008年创建,公办学校。剑桥大学国际考试委员会(CIE)授权的考试中心。 10.8万元/学年 A-Level课程 高中 无国籍要求 英国上海师范大学附属第二外国语学校国际部 2011年成立,民办学校。

8万元/学年 美国高中课程 高中 无国籍要求 美国美国佛蒙特州国际学校2011年成立,民办学校。12万元/学年 美国VIA高中课程 高中 无国籍要求 美国上海澳大利亚国际高中


提供专业的word版文档,优质的服务,希望对您有帮助/双击去除 自动化岗位面试求职英文自我介绍范文generalIntroduction* IamathirdyearmastermajorinautomationatshanghaiJiaoT onguniversity,p.r.china. educationbackground In1995,IenteredtheNanjinguniversityofscience&Techno logy(NusT)--widelyconsideredoneofthechina’sbestengineeringschools.Duringthefollowingundergrad uatestudy,myacademicrecordskeptdistinguishedamongth ewholedepartment.IwasgrantedFirstclassprizeeverysem ester,andmyoverallgpA(89.5/100)rankedNo.1among113st udents.In1999,Igottheprivilegetoenterthegraduatepro

gramwaivedoftheadmissiontest.IselectedtheshanghaiJi aoTonguniversitytocontinuemystudyforitsbestreputati ononcombinatorialoptimizationandNetworkschedulingwh eremyresearchinterestlies. Attheperiodofmygraduatestudy,myoverallgpA(3.77/4.0) rankedtop5%inthedepartment.Inthesecondsemester,Ibec ameteacherassistantthatisgiventotalentedandmatureds tudentsonly.Thisyear,IwontheAcerscholarshipastheone andonlycandidateinmydepartment,whichistheultimateac coladefordistinguishedstudentsendowedbymyuniversity .presently,Iampreparingmygraduationthesisandtryingf orthehonorofexcellentgraduationThesis. researchexperienceandacademicactivity whenasophomore,IjoinedtheAssociationofAIenthusiasta ndbegantonarrowdownmyinterestformyfutureresearch.In 1997,Iparticipatedinsimulationtooldevelopmentforthe schedulingsysteminprof.wang’


Chongqing Jiaotong University, situated on the south bank of the Yangtze River and at the foot of Mount Qinglong, with a beautiful campus covering an area of over 100 hectares, is an institution of higher education under the municipal government of Chongqing, P. R. China. Founded in 1951, it has developed into a multi-disciplinary university after over 50 years of unremitting efforts. Currently, Chongqing Jiaotong University has a number of prestigious specialties in civil engineering including Highway Engineering, Bridge and Structure Engineering, Harbor and Waterway Transportation, together with other non-engineering specialties such as Management, Science, Economics and Arts, etc. In all, the university has 13 schools (Civil Engineering and Architecture School, River and Ocean Engineering School, Machinery and Electronic Engineering School, Management School, Foreign Languages School, Finance and Economics School, Traffic and Transportation School, Humanities School, Computer Science and Technology School, Open Education School and Vocational Training School) and 3 departments (Graduate Department, Physical Education Department, Experiment Department and Social Science Department). The total enrolment of students was 22, 000 by the end of Sept.2007. Altogether, Chongqing Jiaotong University offers 44 specialties to undergraduates, 27 to graduate students and 3 to doctoral students. Now it has one National Qualification Education Center, one Engineering Research Center approved by the Ministry of Education, one Key Lab approved by the Ministry of Communications, seven provincial levels key disciplines, six municipal level qualified labs for core-course education in Higher Institution, two municipal level model centers for experiment teaching, two municipal engineering technology centers, and one key research base for municipal Humanities&Social Sciences. The university library has a collection of over 1.4 million books and journals, and the broad-band internet is accessible on every corner of the campus. There are approximately 1,700 faculty and staff, among whom 1,000 are full-time teachers with 470 having obtained senior titles. Among our faculty, six have been selected as national candidates for the Prominent Personnel Resources Project, two have been awarded the title of the Young and Middle-aged State-ranking Experts with Outstanding Contribution by the State Ministry of Personnel,
