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2020年热点非常多,今天距离高考还剩最后一天,曹老师把整理好的可能的英语作文热点分享给大家,大家有时间的时候,好好看看,同时,也预祝咱们2020年的考生们高考顺利,金榜题名。 一、疫情相关考题(4篇) 假定你是李华,你所在的山西国际学校要征集一封英文感谢信,以致意奋战在抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎第一线的医护人员,请你根据下列要点写一封信用于投稿。 1. 表达谢意; 2. 个人感受; 3. 表达信心。 注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。 参考词汇:流行病epidemic 疫情 epidemic situation 新型冠状病毒 novel coronavirus 【优秀范文】 Dear Medical workers, I am Li Hua, a high middle school student in Shanxi. I'm writing to express sincere gratitude to you all for your devotion and sacrifice in this battle against the Novel Coronavirus. In this epidemic, it is you who, despite the lack of equipment and the potential of infection, desperately rescue those infected but striving for life. It is also you who have shed new light on the virus with expertise to build up our confidence to defeat it. It is you who deserve all the admiration and love! I can never express our thankfulness too much for your selfless contribution. It's widely believed that our joint efforts China will win the battle and make a quick recovery. Good luck and stay well! Yours sincerely, Li Hua 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国好友Jim在给你的邮件中提到新冠病毒爆发给他带来了焦虑,并询问你在疫情期 间的生活。请给他回邮件,内容包括: 1.安慰与鼓励; 2.疫情期间你的生活与学习情况; 3.疫情给你带来的思考。 注意:1.词数不少于100; 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示词:新冠病毒 novel coronavirus; Dear Jim,

热门表情包 The Hot Memes(大学英语作文)

热门表情包The Hot Memes 大学英语作文 The oscar winner Leonardo has registered a weibo account, which is the most popular social media. The fans were happy about it and they gave the warm welcome to him by all kinds of memes. Memes has been the favorite way to express emotion for the young people.奥斯卡奖得主莱昂纳多已经注册一个微博账户,微博是最受欢迎的社交媒体。粉丝很高兴,他们给了他热烈的欢迎,发出了各种各样的表情包。表情包是年轻人表达情感最喜欢的方式。 Since the invention of memes, they become very popular in the Internet. People like to use these funny pictures to express themselves. It works much better than typing the words. On the one hand, memes not only have the function to tell words, they also impress others by showing the lovely pictures. When people use these funny images, they feel so relax to communicate.自从出现了表情包,它们在互联网变得非常受欢迎。人们喜欢用这些有趣的图片来表达自己。它比打字更有用。一方面,表情包不仅有传达话语的功能,他们也给他人留下深刻印象,通过展示可爱的图片。当人们使用这些有趣的图片时,他们感到很放


关于表情的英文表达汇总serene:淡定的complacent:自满的anxious: 担心的distracted:心烦意乱的pensive:沉思的 bored:乏味的 happy: 快乐的 trusting:轻易信赖别人的afraid:害怕的surprised:惊讶的 sad:悲伤的disgusted:厌恶的ecstatic:狂喜的admiring:钦佩的terrified:极度惊慌的amazed:吃惊的depressed:情绪低落的loathing:憎恨的annoyed:气恼的exhausted:精疲力竭的

confused:困惑的paranoid:患妄想狂的smug:自鸣得意的nervous:紧张的 angry:生气的 sleepy:欲睡的clueless:一窍不通的hysterical:情绪异常激动的confident:有自信的ashamed:耻辱的furious:愤怒的embarrassed:尴尬的overwhelmed:不知所措的hopeful:抱有希望的lonely:寂寞的lovestruck:热恋中的jealous:嫉妒的mischievous:淘气的 teary-eyed:眼含泪水的hehe:呵呵 zoink:惊呼 kawaii:可爱的

Smiley face: 笑脸 Sad face/frown face: 悲伤脸 Frown: 皱眉 Anguished face: 绝望脸 Anguished:感觉无望、心里痛苦的 Astonished face: 惊讶脸 Astonished: 吃惊的 Blush face: 脸红,不好意思 Blush: 两腮 I"m blushing: 我脸红了 Facepalm: 捂脸 很多人都喜欢这个表情:无语啊! Naughty face: 坏脸 这样的表情是做了坏事哦。 Grimace face: 做鬼脸 Grimace可以做动词,也可以做形容词。 一般这个也是指做了坏事,有点调皮 Smirk face: 嘲笑、冷笑 Smirk是一个动词: 假笑 Thumbs up/down: 赞/鄙视 大部分国家翘起大拇指都是赞,往下都是鄙视、不喜欢Heart: 比心


英语作文:对于网上聊天的看法 导语:很多学生都在网上跟人聊天交友,人们对于学生网上交友持不同意见。下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 请你用英语写一篇关于学生网上交友的短文,介绍人们的不同观点,并表达自己的看法。 Should students make friends on line? Some people say yes. The internet helps make many friends. Chatting on line, students can more freely express their feelings and opinions, and even get help with their foreign language studies. Others, however, think students should not. They say making friends on line is a waste of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on study. Besides, some students get cheated on line. It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other things. As for friendship, we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us. 学生应该在线交友吗?有人说是。互联网帮助许多朋友。


阅读下面的文字,完成7?9題. 材料一: 最近,讲述“慰安妇”老人生存现状的纪录片《二十二》吸引大批观众走进影院,悲情 触摸那段充满伤痛的历史;继而纪录片中老人们的截图竟然被制作成“表情包”在网络上出现,引发集体愤怒。两件事,让我们分别看到了尊重与无知。 “听完片尾曲,没有人说话。灯亮了,好些人还在位子上发怔。”一位观众的话,道出了多数人观看《二十二》之后的感受。老人们所经历的苦难,那些烙印于心的伤痛,即便只 是通过平静的镜头语言,也足以产生撼动人心的力量。从上映前3万多人为影片捐款,到后来无数人转发影片信息、呼吁人们观看,可以说,一部纪录片,倾注了从制作者到观影者共 同的情感,也凝结成整个社会的集体追思。但就是在这样的情境下,老人们痛苦、哭泣的表情,竟然被制作成充满戏谑色彩的“表情包”。这种消费苦难、无底线娱乐化的举动,无异 于是在受害者的伤口上撒盐,也是对大众集体感情的挑战,当然让人难以接受。后半生都在悲剧中活着的“慰安妇”,犹如压在我们民族心口上的一块石头,这块石头上刻印着战争历 史的痕迹,也承载着不能忘记的家国之痛。况且,她们所遭受的侵害,至今没有得到始作俑者的道歉。如何对待这些战争受害者,直接关系着各国对战争与和平的态度 (摘编自《别让对历史的铭记毁于“表情包”》)材料二: “葛优躺”表情包侵权案二审落槌,维持原判,判决艺龙网公司赔偿葛优经济损失及维 权合理支出7.5万元并赔礼道歉。从“葛优躺”走红,到葛优肖像权“躺枪”,再到今天葛优胜诉,尽管维权过程并非轻而易举,但这起案件给企业和公众都上了一堂普法教育课:使用真人表情包不能随心所欲,即使博人一笑,也应谨守法律边界,以不侵犯他人合法权益为 前提。 时下,表情包已成为流行的网络表达方式,但也带来了滥用的乱象。除了本案中的演员葛优外,姚明、张学友、周杰等体育、演艺明星的表情包,也是网民社交聊天、商家广告宣 传的热宠。事实上,明星官方出品的“正版”表情包不仅是宣传工具、圈粉利器,还能带来 实实在在的收入。现实中,明星真人表情包的使用却往往超越官方提供的范围,侵权纠纷也因此时有发生。 更为恶劣的是,个别商家与网友在制作与使用真人表情包时,为蹭热点而践踏道德底线。比如,韩红帮助环卫工人打扫街道的画面被制作成“韩红听了都想打人”的表情包,此类侵 犯他人合法权益、有违社会公德的表情包,不仅把网络环境搞得乌烟瘴气,更销蚀社会的价值认同。 (摘编自《表情包也要有“法治脸”》)材料三: 在网友看来,表情包的使用早已经不限定在官方提供的范围之内了。傅园慧的“我已经

新的表情包走红 New Facial Expressions are Hot_英语作文

新的表情包走红New Facial Expressions are Hot There is no doubt that Rio Olympic Games is the hottest topic at that time. The world’s watching the exciting match and everyday we can find funny things. Recently, a Chinese female swimmer is really hot on the Internet, because people love her facial expressions. 毫无疑问,里约热内卢奥运会是当时最热门的话题,全世界都在观看这些激动人心的比赛,每天我们可以发现有趣的东西。最近,一位中国女游泳运动员在互联网上火起来了,因为人们喜欢她的面部表情。 Most people pay attention to the champion during the matches, whileother athletes are easy to be forgotten. But this positive girl shows her charm after the match. After the semi-final, she walks to the journalist and accepts the interview. When being asked how she feels about the competition, this girl says she has done her best. Thenwhen the journalist tells her the result, the girl is surprised and just couldn’t believe that she could create the new record of her life, even though she falls behind others. 大多数人在比赛期间都是只关注冠军,而其他运动员则很容易被遗忘


教师下水作文练习: 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。(60分) 材料一:“表情包”是一种通过图片来表示感情的方式。表情包一经诞生,就统治了中国人的社交圈,尤其是年轻人,他们的社交方式是所谓“天可不聊,图不可不输”,几乎任何对话都会出现表情包的身影。 材料二:一位教授表示,他感觉自己“落伍”了,常常不知道该怎么跟学生在手机上进行交流。最典型的例子是,现在学生都喜欢用表情包,有时他苦口婆心劝告学生几句,学生啥也不说,回一个表情包;表扬或批评学生几句,他们常常也是发来一个表情包。老师说,表情包简直是结束聊天的“利器”,学生发“包”,他都不知道接下来该怎么回应;这不是对话结束,而是沟通中止了。 材料三:美国学者伯德惠斯特尔称,在两个人传播的场合中,有75%的社会含义是通过非语言符号传递的。专门研究非语言符号的艾伯顿?梅热比曾提出公式:沟通双方互相理解=语调、语速(38%)+表情、姿态(55%)+语言内容(7%)。 表情包是丰富了人们的表达能力,还是阻碍了人们的表达能力?对此,你有什么看法?请写一篇文章。要求自选角度,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭;不少于800字。

善哉,表情包! 科技的发展,社交方式也随之发生了深刻的变化。空间距离不再是隔阂的因素。文字不能即时表达,可以发送语音;语音表达不够淋漓,可以辅以表情包。生动、风趣的表情包不仅增强了语言的内涵,更弥补了文字的生硬与冰冷,所以,我要说,善哉,表情包! 在交流中,表情包增加了表情达意的效果。社交软件的交流有即时性,随写随发,没有更多的时间去思考,所以往往不能依靠准确、凝练的语言生动形象地表达情感。一句“我把你桌子上的面包吃了。”可以读的面无表情,也可以理解成欠债还钱的天经地义。但如果在这句话后面加上个偷笑的表情,那么一种朋友间的亲密无间,一种坏坏的恶作剧便跃然屏幕间。交流中不需要更多文字便达成了情感上的共鸣。这便是神奇的表情包,所以我要为表情包点赞。 表情包带着的是新时代的表情。作为沟通工具的表情包同所有流行文化一样,在流行中汹涌着时代的波涛。改革开放四十年来,时代变迁怎一个“快”字了得!在这个讲求快捷与效率的时代,充满活力的沟通怎能脱离效率与快捷呢?“这是怎么回事呢?”这句话按最快的拼音输入需要按键九次,而输入表情最多只需要按两次。一张充满疑惑的脸搭配一个问号,这样一个小小的表情足以表达疑问的意思。这样方便、快捷的沟通不正契合了时代精神吗?所以说,表情包透着的是时代的特色。善哉,表情包! 表情包的生命力也来自于创新的体验。表情包不是死板的工具,他是有着鲜活生命力的潺潺流水。它的生命力来自于人人可参与创


1、E veryone has to face death. How to end up one’s final days comfortably and dignifiedly ? Write a short essay no less than 200 words entitled " My Opinion on Hospice Care" based on the information you get from your text. My Opinion on Hospice Care Hospice care provides medical services, emotion support, and spiritual resources for people who are in the last stages of a severe illness, such as cancer or heart failure. Hospice care also helps family members manage the practical details and emotional challenges of caring for a dying love one. The goal is to keep you comfortable and improve your quality of life. Hospice programs offer services in your own home or in a hospice center. Quite a few hospices also offer services in nursing homes, long-term care facilities, or hospitals. Some people hold the view that starting hospice is the last methods, and it means they're giving up on life. Some think that hospice means a lower level of medical care. But hospice is simply a type of care that emphasizes the quality of your life instead of on continuing with treatment to prolong your life. In my opinion, hospice care is a good service. It can providE a compassionate approach to end-of-life care, enhancing the quality of remaining life and enabling patients to live as fully and as comfortably as possible. But I don't support the hospice care in hospital. It is pain and loneliness for patients So I think the best way is to accept hospice care in the home. 2、Directions: Having ethics is necessary for a harmonious society and so is in research world. Without research ethics or without any knowledge of research ethics, the research world would be terribly corrupted. you are required to write a short essay entitled The Importance of Research Ethics Teaching. You should write at Least 200 words for the essay based on the outline given below: 1. It is very important for anyone who are engaged in scientific research to have a strong sense of research ethics since it is closely related to one’s honesty and credibility, etc. 2. However, the phenomena of plagiarism and infringement frequently appears in academic world. 3. My suggestions are...... The Importance of Research Ethics Teaching Research ethics refer to the moral rules we should comply in the work in the



1. Absent: =preoccupied 出神的 2. Agonized [ˋ?g?naizd]: as if in pain or tormented 极度伤悲、痛苦的(源于Agony) 3. Alluring [?ˋlju?ri?]: attractive, in the sense of arousing desire 诱人的,激发人的某种欲望的 4. Appealing: attractive, in the sense of encouraging goodwill and/or interest 动人的,引起人浓厚兴趣的, 5. Beatific [?bi:?ˋtifik]: =blissful 洋溢着幸福的,喜气洋洋的 6. Bilious: ill-natured (源于bile胆汁, 这里是说脾气恶劣的) 7. Black: angry or sad, or see hostile (心怀敌意的,不友善的) 8. Bleak: see grim and hopeless (狄更斯的<荒凉山庄>就是Bleak House,毫无希望的,阴森冷酷的) 9. Blissful: showing a state of happiness or divine contentment (幸福满足的) 10. Blithe: carefree, lighthearted, or heedlessly indifferent(无忧无虑的,漫不经心的) 11. Brooding: 玩深沉、耍阴郁,就可以用这个词 She's all brooding. Just leave her be. 12. Bug eyed: frightened or surprised(像昆虫一样眼睛大的出奇,是因为惊恐而"怒目圆瞪"或因为惊喜而"目瞪口呆") 13. Chagrined [ˋ??grind]: humiliated or disappointed(悔恨的,苦恼的,失落的) 14. Cheeky: cocky, insolent(cheek脸颊,cheeky脸颊厚的=厚颜无耻的,自大傲慢无礼的) 17. Choleric [ˋk?l?rik]: hot-tempered, irate易怒易暴的,容易被触犯的 18. Coy: flirtily playful, or evasive (一个是故作羞态、扭捏做作但真正目的是诱惑男性的样子,还有就是躲躲闪闪的、含糊其辞的) 19. Deadpan: =straight-faced, expressionless, to conceal emotion or heighten humor(pan平底锅,毫无表情的样子一个是为了掩盖自己的真实情绪,还有种情况是"冷面笑匠"的功力了--比如蔡明在说谁给谁开门那句台词的时候,眼睛瞪得很大,其实是为了努力忍住让自己不笑,喜剧演员越不笑,就让ta所演绎的幽默越好笑.所以"冷面笑匠"习惯上说deadpan comedian,而不要自己想象编造用pokerface comedian) 20. Dejected: despondent = depressed = discouraged =downcast 气馁的,垂头丧气的,萎靡的 21. Derisive [diˋraisiv]: see sardonic [sɑ:ˋd?nik] 嘲弄讥讽的


关于喜怒哀乐的地道英语表达 2010年07月20日09:27沪江英语我要评论(0) 字号:T|T 心情不同时,呈现在脸上的表情也不同;微笑、流泪、抿嘴……各种表情就是你内心世界的外在写照。当你看到他人的表情时,你能用英语(论坛)形象准确地描述出来吗? 1. She throwed her head back in a hearty laugh after she heard the joke. 听了那个笑话,她笑得前仰后合。 2. She'll smile from ear to ear if we give her a bike for her birthday. 如果她生日得到我们送的自行车,一定会笑得合不拢嘴。 3. Come on, a big smile for me! 开心地笑一个吧! 4. Did you see the way her eyes sparkled? She's so happy. 你们看到她闪闪发亮的眼神了吗?她很开心。

5. See how she pouts, someone must be not very happy. 瞧瞧她那努嘴的样子,有人正生气呢。 6. Come on, wipe that frown from your face, nothing's that bad. 我说,你就不要那么一副难过表情了,没什么大不了的。 7. She's all teary-eyed. 她眼里噙满泪水。 8. He had his eyes downcast and was crestfallen. 他低着头,一副特别失落的样子。 9. I was frightened by the mean look in his eyes. 他眼神里充满愤怒,让我感到害怕。 10. Her lips were pursed, and she was ready to let him have it.


关于表情包的作文:表情包与真我的距离表情包与真我的距离 初二孟令卓东学西读1月5日 处在网络信息高速发展时代中的我们,可以说每天都在接收着来自各方,各式各样良莠不齐的信息。可要说起在现实生活中最让我有所感触的吧,除了那些在生活中能帮我们顺其自然地表达感情的东西之外,还要当属现在充斥着各个角落的那些滑稽可笑的表情包了。 可你有没有想过,这些所谓滑稽可笑的表情包真的能帮我们表达感情吗? 这个疑问都具体地体现在了哪里?我觉得最有发言权的也就是我们这一代人了。以前,人们的聊天方式只能用打字,而现在多数的表情包代替了许多文字。就像那天我们在属于我们的“班级群”中聊天,气氛很活跃,我们无话不说,原本还谈论些“鲜肉”“实锤”一类没有依据的网络词汇,可到了最后却硬生生的聊成了刷屏无下限的“斗图大赛”。 一张一张的搞笑图片在一瞬间铺天盖地地翻涌而来,这还是聊天吗?倒觉得像在挑衅,在胡闹。然而谁也不会知道,在屏幕前纵观“逗图大赛”一件这么对他们而言非常有意思的事,给我的感觉却是枯燥乏味,那一张一张毫无感情令人麻木的图片就像刀子一样一点一点划破我的心。忍不住想训斥一番,没过脑子就说了一句:“不要再发了,发了再多又有什么意思呢?”。发完这条消息的我可能感到有些不妥,

于是马上把信息撤回了。烦躁的心也随之平复了,现在想想,那个时候删去那句话也算正确的。大家斗图,不就是为了享受一丝快乐的时光吗?而我的那句话一旦被他们看到,这欢畅愉悦的气氛会随着这句话消失了。再想想,这毕竟不是错误也没什么可以反驳的,但是这些想说又不能说的话却如那千斤重的铁锚一般压在了我的心里。 后来已近夜深,大家都已经睡了,只有我还在翻阅着那一张一张带来欢笑的图片。我一直在试图说服自己,他们用图来表达情感,现代人这么做是正确的,可我的心却依旧固执地不肯随波逐流。 我想有很多人会像我这样,表面上说不在乎,内心中却给自己喝着所谓的鸡汤,可汤里却有充斥着太多的五味杂陈,而那种味道会一直停留在我们的心中,搅得波涛暗涌,心神难宁。对相同的事物,每个人都有不同的理解和体会,所以我的建议是,请别让这些毫无意义可言的图片代替我们的脸,不要用图片传递自己的内心情感,也别让我们心中存在太多的伪装,那样只会让我们失去真实,变成一个个带着面具行走的人。 生活应该就是本来的样子,简单纯粹,回归本真,不需要太多的修饰。


关于表情的英语单词 absolute完全的 admiring (赞赏的, 钦佩的), Admiring Adore Agreeable alone孤单的 amazed惊喜的 analytical (分析的) angry 生气的(愤怒)愤怒的 anxious 焦虑的,挂念的,渴望的 apathetic (缺乏兴趣的), approval (赞成, 承认), approving (满意的), as mad as a wet hen ad.非常生气available空余的 be offended at Sb's words biased (有偏见的), blue,dejected,depressed, discouraged, unfortunate ,unhappy , sad blushing脸红的 boring无聊的

bright明智的 busy忙的 calm冷静的 casual (偶然的), cautious (谨慎的, 小心的), chirrupy 【方】快活的 clever聪明的 comical滑稽可笑的 comic滑稽的 compassion n 同情(com共同 +pass+ion→共同感情→同情)compatibility n 和谐共处 (com+pat+ibility) compatible a 和谐的,相容的(com 共同+pat+ible→有共同感情的→相容的) compromising (妥协的), concerned (关心的), confident (自信的, 确信的), confused迷惑不解的contemptuous (轻蔑的, 侮辱的), convenient方便的


关于表情包的英语作文 表情包是在社交软件活跃之后,形成的一种流行文化,表情包流行于互联网上面,基本人人都会发表情包。在英语中也有关于写表情包的作文题材,那你想知道写表情包的英语作文怎么写吗?下面是小编收集整理的关于表情包的英语作文,大家一起来看看吧! 关于表情包的英语作文一:When asked what happened at a traffic accident scene, a senior citizen told a Chinese reporter, “I know nothing, I was eating a watermelon.” This is said to be the origin of the meme “watermelon-eating spectators,” which refers to bystanders who know nothing about what is going on. 在一次交通事故的现场,一位年长的市民被问及发生了什么事情,他告诉记者,“我什么都不知道,我只是吃瓜观众。”据说,这是“吃瓜观众”表情包的来源,这个词指的是不明真相的旁观者。 关于表情包的英语作文二:Chinese netizens recently have found out that some outstanding Chinese athletes surnamed Zhang are frequently captured with an indifferent expression, deemed their "poker faces". 中国网友最近发现,我国一些姓张的杰出运动员,频频被抓拍到一脸冷漠的表情,被网友纷纷调侃为“张氏冷漠”。 Chinese table tennis players Zhang Yining and Zhang Jike, as well as shooting athlete Zhang Mengxue are representatives of this phenomenon. 中国乒乓球运动员张怡宁和张继科,以及射击运动员张梦雪便是这一现象的典型代表。 Netizens subtitled their photos with Chinese characters "lěng mò",as a new "emoji package" set. 网友们将他们的表情PS上汉字“冷漠”,作为新的表情包。 Some even compared their poker faces with Chinese Olympic swimmer Fu Yuanhui's dramatic facial expressions, which have been an Internet favorite, since her extreme facial expressions also went viral from an interview given after the race that won her the bronze in the women's 100m backstroke on August 8th in Rio. 有些人甚至将他们的“张氏冷漠”脸与奥运会上中国女子游泳选手傅园慧的魔性夸张表情作对比,这也成为社交媒体一大趣事。8月8日,在里约奥运女子100米仰泳比赛中获得了铜牌的傅园慧,因其在随后的采访中夸张的表情而迅速走红网络。 Zhang Yining is a former Chinese table tennis player and has been considered one of the greatest female table tennis players in the history of the sport. 张怡宁是一名前中国乒乓球队的运动员,被人们认为是乒乓球运动历史上最伟大的女子运动员。 Zhang Jike is a Olympic champion in singles and the fourth male player in the history of table tennis to achieve a career grand slam. 张继科是一位奥运乒乓球男子单打冠军,并且是历史上第四位完成大满贯的男性运动员。 Zhang Mengxue is a member of China's national shooting team. She won the country's first gold medal at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. 张梦雪是中国国家射击队的一员。她在2016年里约奥运会上为中国代表团赢得了第一枚金牌。 关于表情包的英语作文三:After breaking her personal record and qualifying for the final of the women’s 100-m backstroke on Aug. 7, 2016, Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui said in a poolside interview, with hyper-excited facial expressions, “I didn’t hold back… I’ve already used all of my mystic energy.” Her phrase “mystic energy” has since become a meme.


QQ表情英语表达 1.smile微笑 2.grimace撇嘴(鬼脸;痛苦的表情) 3.drooling流口水 4.scowl发呆(愁容;怒容;阴沉沉的样子) 5.chill得意(寒冷的;冷漠的;扫兴的) 6.sob流泪 7.shy害羞 8.silence闭嘴 9.sleep睡 10.cry大哭 11.embarrassed尴尬 12..on fire.发怒 13.wink调皮(眨眼;使眼色;闪烁;瞬间) 14.grin呲牙笑 15.surprised惊讶 16.frown难过(难过) 17.cool酷 18.blush冷汗(脸红,羞愧) 19.scream抓狂(尖叫) 20.puke吐 21.chuckle偷笑

22.pleased可爱(开心的) 23.doubtful白眼(怀疑的) 24.smug傲慢(n. 书呆子;自命不凡的家伙;adj. 自鸣得意的;自以为是的;整洁的) 25.sneer冷笑 26.drowsy困的 27.panic惊恐 28.sweating流汗 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b85819089.html,ugh憨笑 30.soldier大兵 31.strive奋斗 32.scold咒骂 33.confused疑问 34.shhh嘘 35.hypnotized晕 36.frustrated折磨 37..in the dark.衰 38.skull骷髅 39.hammer敲打 40.wave再见 41.relieved擦汗(轻松的) 42..pick nose.抠鼻 43.applause鼓掌

44.flushed糗大了 45.hellooo坏笑 46.snub哼 47.yawn打哈欠 48.booo鄙视 49.distressed委屈 50.sniffle快哭了 51.sly阴险 52..uh oh.吓? 53.whimper可怜 54.wilt凋谢 55..thumbs up/down. 强/弱 56.admire抱拳(钦佩) 57.beckon勾引

【最新推荐】热门表情包英语作文word版本 (1页)

【最新推荐】热门表情包英语作文word版本 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 热门表情包英语作文 The oscar winner Leonardo has registered a weibo account, which is the most popular social media. The fans were happy about it and they gave the warm welcome to him by all kinds of memes. Memes has been the favorite way to express emotion for the young people. 奥斯卡奖得主莱昂纳多已经注册一个微博账户,微博是最受欢迎的社交媒体。粉丝很高兴,他们给了他热烈的欢迎,发出了各种各样的表情包。表情包是年轻 人表达情感最喜欢的方式。 Since the invention of memes, they become very popular in the Internet. People like to use these funny pictures to express themselves. It works much better than typing the words. On the one hand, memes not only have the function to tell words, they also impress others by showing the lovely pictures. When people use these funny images, they feel so relax to communicate. 自从出现了表情包,它们在互联网变得非常受欢迎。人们喜欢用这些有趣的图片来表达自己。它比打字更有用。一方面,表情包不仅有传达话语的功能,他 们也给他人留下深刻印象,通过展示可爱的图片。当人们使用这些有趣的图片时,他们感到很放松地去交流。 The memes has become part of the Internet culture. These hot emojis that are created by us are popular around the world. The NO.1 emoji is the round face smiles with tears, which means the awkward situation. Many foreigners join the team to use Chinese memes. This creative way to express our mood is much acceptable than words. The network language provides people more ways to communicate. 表情包已经成为网络文化的一部分。这些由我们创造的热门表情在迎世界 各地都很受欢迎。没有。第一名的表情是微笑的圆脸上有微笑与泪水,这意味着尴尬局面。许多外国人加入中国人的队伍去使用表情包。这种表达我们情绪创 造性的方式比言语更让人容易接受。网络语言给人们提供了更多的交流方式。


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