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Unit 3 Life in the future






Venus, the Wildest Adventure in 3016!

A trip to the moon, to Mars? You are out. Venus (金星) is your choice! Our spaceship carries you there at the speed of light!

Amazing Venus Facts

Temperature range: ALWAYS about 450 degrees Celsius. Great for barbecues!

Seasons: No seasons. Always visit during best season!

Gravity strength: 0.91 of Earth's gravity. Makes you lighter and more alive than ever!

Water: NONE. All boiled away.

Day length: 1 day=243 Earth days. Longest days in solar system, so fun never ends!

Rate of turning: 0.002 km/second. Turns in opposite direction of the earth, so able to see sun rise in the west and set in the east.

Year length: 1 year=224.7 Earth days or 0.62 of an Earth year.

Rate of revolution: 35.03 km/second.


△Very thick.

△96% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, and 0.1% water vapor.

△Can't support life: Suffocating carbon dioxide, thick clouds of sulfuric acid, and gases create greenhouse effect so very hot and no water.

*Your Accommodations*

◎You will travel on a high-tech rocket ship that will transport you from Earth to Venus in a mere 2.4 minutes by traveling at the speed of light. This trip will cost only $750,000.

◎Our two hotels are very luxur ious and are super strong, allowing you to lie on the ground with out being crushed by the pressure of the atmosphere. They are called Venus Heaven and Rocket Palace, and the cost to stay is only $200 per night. You'll get your money's worth at these two hotels, receiving free meals every day.

To book a trip, call 1 - 800.


1.What would you see if you faced east on Venus?

A.The rising sun. B.The circling earth.

C.The setting sun. D.The full moon.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据Amazing Venus Facts部分第六段第二句可知,在金星上面向东方可以看到日落。故C项符合题意。

2.During the trip to Venus, you would pay nothing for ________.

A.service B.food

C.the spaceship D.the hotel

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据Your Accommodations部分第二段最后一句可知,在去金星旅行期间,你的食物不需要付费。故B项符合题意。

3.Which section of a magazine is the text from?

A.Fashion circle. B.News report.

C.Modern art. D.Future world.

解析:选D 文章出处题。根据文章的题目Venus, the Wildest Adventure in 3016!可知,这次旅行发生在一千年之后,由此可推知,这是未来的事情。故D项符合题意。


It is a live celebration of the lasting power of letter writing!

LettersLive, which started in December 2013, was held at the Freemasons' Hall in London from March 10 to 15. The show invited various great performers who read remarkable letters that had been written around the world over the centuries.

“Bringing letters alive through outstanding

performances is one of the most powerful ways in which the joy and pain and humor and tragedy of being human can be shared,” Jamie Byng, managing director of Canongate Books publishing firm, told the Nowness video channel.

British actor Benedict Cumberbatch agreed. “Letters are windows into the love, beauty, pain and humor of their creators and receivers,” he told TheGuardian. “LettersLive makes us stop and imagine the lives behind the letters read and where they came from. It's a privilege to read this most ancient of communications live to an audience.”

This year, the movie Sherlock star treated the audience by playing the part of a 17-year Tom Hanks. He put on the young actor's voice when he read his letter to the Hollywood director George Roy Hill, a letter that urged Hill to “discover” him. The letter revealed that two-time Oscar winner Hanks' teenage dream was not to “be a big-time Hollywood superstar” but to one day own a Porsche car and call his favorite US actor Robert Redford his nickname


Other famous faces at the event included Carey Mulligan, who played a fictional laundry worker, a female activist fighting for women's rights in the 2015 movie Suffragette. The British actress once again played the role of a suffragette, when she read a very enthusiastic letter demanding the vote for women. The suffragette sent a precious 1913 note to TheDailyTelegraph newspaper.

“Everyone seems to agree upon the necessity of putting a stop to Suffragist anger, but no one seems certain how to do so,” Mulligan read out. “There are two, and only two, ways in which this can be done. Both will be effectual. One, kill every woman in the UK. Two, giv e women the vote.”


4.What was Cumberbatch's attitude towards Jamie Byng's opinion?

A.Doubtful. B.Positive.

C.Optimistic. D.Cautious.

解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第四段第一、二句及第四段内容可推知,Benedict Cumberbatch 对Jamie Byng的观点持支持态度。B项意为“积极的”,符合题意。

5.Which of the following was a dream of Tom Hanks as a child?

A.To become an actor. B.To call himself “Bob”.

C.To win Oscar Awards. D.To have a famous car.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句可知,Tom Hanks年少时的梦想之一是拥有一辆名车。故D项符合题意。

6.A “suffragette” is a woman who ________.

A.sends a valuable note to newspaper

B.reads out a letter to the audience

C.advocates women's right to vote

D.plays a famous role in a movie

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第六段第一句可推知,“suffragette”是指提倡妇女参政论的人,故C项符合题意。

7.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Famous People Gathering

B.Letters of Great Performers

C.Letters Brought to Life

D.Rights Given to Women

解析:选C 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文讲述作者支持“写信”这种联系方式,并介绍在这次庆祝活动中很多名人都把以前的信件念给听众听。C项“把信件带到生活中”适合做本文标题。故C项符合题意。


We talk about people being “colour-blind” but very few of us are.Even those who describe themselves as colour-blind are normally just colour lack.A strongly colour-blind person will still be able to tell 20 different colours, compared to the 100 or so that normal-sighted people see.

Pingelap, a tiny island in the Pacific, is a beautiful spot but one that has a genetic trouble. It is known as Colour-blind Island because so many people who live on this remote island can only see in black and white.

Not being able to see in colour is bad enough. But one islander, Herrol, who's a fisherman, also struggles in full sunlight because all he sees is a painful burnt-out image. “I find it difficult to go outside in the sun,” he says, “because when it's sunny I cannot see to do my work.”

But if being truly colour-blind is rare, why is it that around 10% of the population of Pingelap live in a totally black and white world?

Well, we know that in 1780 the population of Pingelap was all but wiped out by a tsunami (海啸). As few as 20 people survived, one of whom was the king. It's believed he had a genetic fault that causes colour-blindness and he passed this fault on to his many generations.

There is one advantage. Herrol can see well, really well, in the dark. So when it gets dark, Herrol and his friends get in their boats and hunt flying fish. They hang up flaming torches and the fish are attracted to the flames. “This type of fishing is fun,” Herrol says, “especially if we catch plenty. So even though it's hard work we enjoy it.”


8.What is Pingelap famous as?

A.A tiny island.

B.A beautiful island.

C.A mentally troubled island.

D.A colour-blind island.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“It is known as Colour-blind Island ...black

and white.”可知,Pingelap因为岛上很多居民是色盲而出名,故D项正确。

9.What can we infer about Herrol?

A.He may stay at home when it's sunny.

B.He is interested in burnt-out images.

C.He likes taking photos very much.

D.He doesn't live in Pingelap any more.

解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句Herrol所说的话可知,Herrol发现在阳光下他无法看清东西,所以无法工作;据此可以判断,阳光充足时他可能会待在家里,故A项正确。

10.Why are about one-tenth of people in Pingelap seriously colour-blind?

A.Because Pingelap often suffers from tsunamis.

B.Because the king had an unlucky marriage.

C.Because the king's genetic fault played a role.

D.Because the king made a serious m istake.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的最后一句可知,该岛的国王是色盲,他将这一基因遗传给了后代,故岛上很多人是色盲,故C项正确。

11.What would be the best title for the text?

A.The island of colour-blindness

B.The disadvantage of Herrol

C.The history of Pingelap

D.The advantage of colour-blindness

解析:选 A 标题归纳题。通读全文尤其是第二段的第二句可知,本文主要介绍了色盲岛——Pingelap,故A项最适合做本文标题。


In 1885, the Republic of France, important friend during the American Revolution, donated the largest statue in the world, Liberty Enlightening the World, to the United States of America. The statue would celebrate its century of independence. To ship it, the statue was broken down into 350 pieces. And now, spread across Bedloe's Island in New York Harbour, it sat in 214 wooden packing boxes. The problem was that New York had no money to re-assemble it. Six other cities, less affected by the recent economic decline, had the money and bid to build it.

But a Hungarian immigrant, Joseph Pulitzer, the owner of

America's biggest newspaper called theWorld, wouldn't let

“Liberty” go. When he heard that the Statue of Liberty was about to die from lack of funds, he saw his chance.

Pulitzer set the fund-raising goal of theWorld at $100,000. In its pages he laughed at the rich, thus increasing the paper's appeal among working-class people, and firmly planted the idea that the statue was a monument not just for New York City but, indeed, for all of America.

Perhaps Pulitzer's cleverest trick was the promise to publish the name of every single contributor in the pages of theWorld, no matter how small the contribu tion. The editorial that opened the fund-raising campaign set its tone. He wrote: “TheWorld is the people's paper and it now appeals to the people to come forward and raise the money for the statue's base.” The statue, he said, was paid for by “the masses of the French people. Let us respond in like manner.” The circulation of theWorld increased by almost 50,000 copies.

African American news papers joined in the effort, encouraging their readers to contribute to a monument that would, in part, celebrate the end of slavery. So the money poured in, as single-dollar donations from grandmothers and pennies from the piggybanks of schoolchildren.

On August 11, 1885, the front page of theWorld announced,“ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!” The goal had been reached, even slightly beyond, thanks to more than 120,000 contributions.


12.What does the unde rlined word “re-assemble” (Para. 1) probably mean?

A.Put together. B.Take apart.

C.Transport. D.Repair.

解析:选A 词义猜测题。根据第一段可知,自由女神像是法国送给美国人民的礼物,为了运送它,女神像被分解成350块,装在214个木箱里。问题是纽约没有钱来把它重新装配起来。故画线词“re-assemble”与put together意思相近,表示重新组装。故A项正确。

13.Which of the following was the greatest move in Joseph Pulitzer's success?

A.Attacking the rich people.

B.Celebrating the end of slavery.

C.Printing every contributor's name in theWorld.

D.Persuading children to donate thei r pocket money.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句并结合第二、三段可知,为了不让自由女神像因资金短缺而落入他人之手,Pulitzer发起筹募资金活动,同时还做了一些其他努力。其中最伟大的一项就是把每位捐款人的名字都公布在《世界报》上。故C项正确。

14.What did Joseph Pulitzer try to convey to his readers about the Statue of Liberty?

A.It was a symbol of independence.

B.It was a monument for the whole USA.

C.It was a wonder in the building history.

D.It was a favor from the rich French people.

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,关于女神像,Pulitzer想对读者传达的思想就是它是全美国的纪念碑。故B项正确。

15.What was the main purpose of Joseph Pulitzer's efforts?

A.To protect the Statue of Liberty.

B.To win wor king-class readers over.

C.To expand the circulation of his paper.

D.To raise money for the Statue of Liberty.

解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句中的“Pulitzer set the fund-raising goal”并结合第三至五段内容可知,Pulitzer所做的努力就是为自由女神像筹集资金。故D项正确。



How to get along with your boss

In your career, you may have to report to a manager, the person you call boss. __1__ Here are some tips to help you develop an effective relationship with your boss.

The first step is to develop a positive relationship with your boss. Relationships are based on trust. __2__ Keep timetable commitments (承诺). Never blindside your manager with surprises that you could have predicted or prevented. Keep him/her informed about your projects and interactions with the rest of the organization.

Tell the boss when you've made an error or one of your reporting staff has made a mistake. __3__ Lies or efforts to mislead always result in further stress for you as you worry about getting “caught”. Communicate daily or weekly to build the relationship.

Recognize that success at work is not all about you. __4__ Identify your boss's areas of weakness or greatest challenges and ask what you can do to help. What are your boss's biggest worries? How can your contribution reduce these concerns? Understand your boss's goals and priorities. Place emphasis on your work to match his/her priorities. Think in terms of the overall success of your department and company, not just about your narrow world at work.

__5__ Does he/she like frequent communication, autonomous (自主的) employees, requests in writing in advance of a meeting, or informal conversation as you pass in the hallway?

Your boss's preferences are important. The better you understand him/her, the better you will work with him/her.

If you sometimes disagree and occasionally experience an emotional reaction, don't hold hatred. Don't make threats about leaving. Disagreement is fine. You need to come to terms with the fact that your boss has more authority and power than you do.

A.Value your boss's time.

B.Do what you say you'll do.

C.Identify what he/she values in an employee.

D.Cover-ups don't contribute to an effective relationship.

E.Put your boss's needs at the center of your universe.

F.Learning how to read your boss's moods and reactions is also helpful.

G.The relationship with your boss is important for your work success and career progress.


1.选G 根据空处上句“在职场你得向你的经理,你称之为‘老板’的人报告”和下句“以下一些建议帮助你跟老板形成有效的关系”可知,空处选G“你与老板的关系对于你的工作成就和事业的进步很重要”。G项承上启下,符合语境。

2.选B 根据空后一句“Keep timetable commitments (承诺).”和空前一句可知,B项“做你说你要做的事情”符合语境。

3.选D 根据上句“当你或你的报告人员犯错误时你要告知你的老板”和空后一句可知,本处应选D“掩饰错误并不能有助于形成有效的上下级关系”。

4.选E 本段主要讲要考虑整个部门和公司的成功,而不是自己的成功。故选E“把老板的需要放在首位”,空处下句“发现老板的弱项或者他面临的挑战,问问他你能帮助做什么”承接E项。

5.选C 此处为该段主题句,根据下文内容可知,本段主要讲述的是,要弄清楚老板喜欢什么样的员工。C项意为“确定他/她看重员工的哪方面”,体现了本段的中心,符合语境。故选C。


高三年级课本复习Book3Unit1 课上检测卷 一、单词(每题3分;共30分) 1.(v.) 道歉(n.) 道歉 2.(n.) 信任;信仰→(v.) 相信;信任 3.(n.) 许可;允许→(v.)允许;许可 4.(adj.) 宗教的;信奉宗教的→(n.)宗教 5.(n.)农业;农学(ddj.)农业的 6.(n.)独立;自主→(adj.) 独立地;存主见的 7.(adj.) 明显的;显而易见的→(adv.) 明显地;显然 8.(adj.)充满活力的;精力充沛→(n.) 能量;精力;能源 9.(vt.) 赞美;钦佩;羡慕(n.)钦佩;羡慕→(adj.)令人钦佩的 10.(n.)起源;由来(adj.) 原始的;最初的;原创的(adv.)最初;起初;本来 二、短语(每题3分; 共30分) 1.发生 2.纪念;追念 3.盛装;打扮;装饰 4.期望;期待 5.好像 6.出现;到场 7.守信用;履行诺言8. 屏息;屏气 9.出发;动身;使爆炸10.使…想起… 三、单句语法填空(每题4分;共20分) 1.Although he didn't play well at first,he entertained a firm (believe)in final victory. 2.You need (permit) from the World Wide Web before you can access information. 3.She speaks English so well that her friends are filled with (admire). 4. (remind) not to miss the flight at 15:20,the manager set out for the airport in a hurry. 5. ---I often fall asleep at work. ---Why not drink some tea? Tea can keep you (energy). 四、短语填空(每题4分;共20分) 1.Once you have promised to do something,you should (守信用). 2.The government set up a monument (为了纪念)the heroes who died in the war. 3.Don't panic! Do you know how many times you need (被提醒)this? 4.The holiday we have been (期待)came at last. 5.You must (向...道歉)your teacher for being so rude.


必修四Unit 4 [基础回顾] Ⅰ.单句语法填空(导学号02516165) 1.It is good to be curious about the world around you because I think curiosity(curious) is the best teacher. 2.All the approaches(approach) to the airport were blocked by the police yesterday. 3.Much to his delight,the top student will represent his school to make(make) a speech at the meeting. 4.Parents,of course,will do everything they could to defend their children from/against harm. 5.I appreciate the professor's new approach to teaching(teach) languages. 6.We are trying to raise awareness about the environment in general and air pollution in particular. 7.She is not an outgoing person and she doesn't let anyone know what she truly(true) felt. 8.Shandong Province produced 50 million pounds of apples this year,ranking(rank) second in China. 9.At present,the library is functioning as a temporary hospital to cope with people injured in the earthquake. 10.Being misunderstood(misunderstand) by others when you do nothing wrong at all is quite a bad experience. Ⅱ.单句改错(每句一错)(导学号02516166) 1.John's careless work made him lose his face before his boss.去掉第一个his 2.Nurses do all they can to make patients feel with ease.with→at 3.Curious enough,a year later the same thing happened again.Curious→Curiously 4.The students are looking forward to represent the school to take part in the sports meet. represent→representing 5.The pencil-box on the desk as well as the bookmarks belong to my little sister.belong→belongs Ⅲ.佳句写作(导学号02516167) 1.随着高考的临近,一些学生变得越来越焦虑。(approach) 答案:With the College Entrance Examination approaching/As the College Entrance Examination approaches,some students are getting more and more anxious. 2.他是在那起交通事故中唯一幸存下来的人。(the only...to do) 答案:He is the only one to survive the traffic accident. 3.妈妈提醒我带把伞,以防下雨。(in case) 答案:Mother reminds me to take an umbrella in case it rains. 4.总的来说,对于我的决定,有两个原因。(in general) 答案:In general,there are two reasons for my decision. 5.很可能你想有一些志愿者来帮忙。(It is likely that) 答案:It is likely that you want to have some volunteers to help.


和《二轮复习》的措施(1) 高三英语组赵璐 高三的一轮复习已经基本结束了,回头看看近半年的教学与实践,有许多的经验及教训。 一、经验 1.本次一轮复习,我采取了与以往不同的顺序,先复习选修六到选修八,然后复习必修一到必修二。因为孩子们刚刚学完选修,对课本中所涉及的知识记忆犹新。通过复习,我们对所有必考知识进行了系统的梳理,通过梳理知识体系,深化了对核心知识点及关联的理解。尽管已经带过一轮高三,但由于考纲考点的变化以及自己年龄的增长,记忆力的衰退,对课本知识体系已经很模糊,所以本届一轮复习我专门用笔记本对基本知识体系进行细致科学的构建。一是注重单元与单元之间、单词与单词之间、句子与句子之间的联系,梳理出核心知识点的地位;二是注重对重点知识的细化,总结出运用时应当注意的问题;三是对于每本书和每个单元都梳理出了最核心的知识点,并归纳出考查角度,整理出了答案要点,给所有学生下发;四是总结出每个单元的语法考点并联系近几年的高考真题,有的放矢给学生进行考题训练;五是积极跟组内同仁探讨,有计划地对学生进行听力训练,六是仔细研究考纲,总结出了高考的考查变动方向。通过这些做法,本届一轮复习从首先从我这个教师层面上对教材的宏观把握更好、更细。

和《二轮复习》的措施(2) 高三英语组赵璐 高三的一轮复习已经基本结束了,回头看看近半年的教学与实践,有许多的经验及教训。 2. 通过仔细研究近几年的高考试题及考纲走向,通过对真题及各个地方模考试题的收集与整理,优化了自己的知识结构,基本上能够较好地把握命题的方向和规律。近几年的高考英语阅读试题,大多来自英美国家的新闻报道及实时跟踪,所以,在仔细研究考纲的同时,大量阅读英美国家是实时报道,并改变这些新闻知识成为学生的阅读材料,增加学生的知识构建;增加了学生的时政知识。另外通过专业网站,不断地学习高考的新变化和新要求,且学到了许多方法规律的总结,使自己的专业素养得到了很大提升。三是通过对几年来主观题设问的归类分析,总结出必修一到必修五,选修六到选修八的高频考点,总结出各类题目的答题技巧。 3、积极实践高阶思维导图,受益匪浅。在指导学生制作思维导图的时候,加强了自身对于各个课本和各个单元之间的联系与渗透;通过设置图表引导学生归纳总结核心知识和核心方法,并尝试让学生当堂自主命题,组织答案。通过这些大胆的尝试和学习,让自己懂得了启发学生思维的重要性,也给自己以后的课堂实践操作带来了一些可借鉴的价值。

2019-2020学年人教版高三英语一轮复习知识整理 Unit 4 Sharing

Unit 4 Sharing 阅读词汇1.airmail n. 航空邮件 2.fortnight n. 两星期 3.roof n. 屋顶;车顶 4.muddy adj. 泥泞的;泥土般的 5.bucket n. 水桶;吊桶;提桶 6.rectangle n. 矩形;长方形 7.rectangular adj. 长方形的;矩形的 8.broom n. 扫帚 9.jar n. 罐;广口瓶 10.sniff vt.&vi. 嗅;闻;用鼻子吸 11.interpreter n. 作口译的人 12.leftover n. 剩余物;残留物;剩饭 adj. 剩余的 13.toast vt. 烤(面包等);敬酒 n. 烤面包(片);吐司面包;干杯 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b86435986.html,b n. 梳子 vi. 梳(发) 15.astronaut n. 宇航员;太空人 16.catalogue n. 目录 17.seed n. 种子;萌芽 18.financial adj. 财务的;金融的;财政的 19.trunk n. 树干;躯干;大衣箱 20.clinic n. 门诊部;小诊所 识记词汇1.textbook n. 教科书;课本 2.weekly adj.& adv. 每周(的) 3.relevant adj. 有关的;切题的 4.remote adj. 遥远的;偏僻的

语 法 1. adjust v.调节;调整;(使)适合 归纳拓展 ①adjust sth.to sth.调整……以适应…… ②adjust to sth.∕doing sth.适应(做)某事 ③adjust oneself to 使自己适应于 ④make an adjustment 作出调整 完成句子 ①例如,你一登上飞机就开始把你的生物钟加以调节以适应目的地的时间。 For example,the moment you get on the airplane,start adjusting your biological clock to the destination’s time. ②当孩子出国留学时,他必须学会适应独立生活。 When a child is studying abroad,he must learn to adjust himself to living on his own. ③Adjusting to an upright position(调整到直立的位置)was quite a challenge,especially when the bones had to support an extra-large skull.(2019江苏,任务型阅读) 归纳拓展部分短语中 to 为介词,后接名词、动名词、代词作宾语。 2.participate vi.参与;参加;分享 归纳拓展 ①participate in 参加;参与 ②participate with sb.in sth.与某人分担某事 ③participate in (doing) sth. with sb. 同某人一起参与(做)某事 单句填空


高三英语第一轮英语复习的教学反思 李永强 高三英语第一轮复习已经结束,结合第二轮复习的开始,我就第一轮复习做以下反思: 第一.第一轮复习我把自己的复习计划告诉学生,让同学们对老师的教学程序有个全面的了解。这样,学生就可做到心中有数,进而全面制定一下自己的复习计划。现在看来,这个做法是非常有用,不但让老师做的有的放矢,也让学生做的井然有序。 第二. 我把阶段性复习的重点给学生们解释清楚,并认真实施复习计划。其中,最关键的部分是第一阶段即基础复习阶段,它是学生们提高高考英语成绩的保障,在这一阶段教师要像拉网一样,带领学生们系统地、全面地复习所学的知识,同时注意查漏、补缺,统筹知识的连贯性。在英语的最基本的词汇、短语和句型上狠下工夫,力争每一个同学在字、词、句方面过关,这是同学们下一步综合能力提高的关键。在要求学生记忆单词时,我想了很多办法,让同学们进行英语单词的记忆,尽量不让学生们机械性地记忆。在这一轮复习中,我有意识地把语法分配安排到各个章节,利用所复习的基础知识去操练所要复习的语法项目。 第三,注重方法指导,切忌随便评价学生。在第一轮复习阶段,学生要求学生把大部分精力都放在基础的词汇、短语和句型的复习上,教师要有目的地定期地对学生进行小范围的综合能力的培养和检测。在讲评时一定要注意对学生们解题方法的指导,由于学生的综合运用知识的能力可能少差一点,教师切记不能随便地批评学生,让学生失去信心,要让同学们在教师的正确的指导下逐渐取得进步,为学生们二轮复习时解题能力的提高做好准备。

第四, 认真选好一轮复习资料,忌内容深、难、偏。一轮复习是全面、系统的总复习,它要求教师一定要在复习过程中面面具到,说实话英语没有什么重难点,所有的内容都有可能考到。因此,教师在复习时要以课本为最基本的教学依据,适当选用一些复习资料,但是,要有选择性地让学生去参考,教师要多查阅一些资料,搜集适合自己学生的知识点,让学生们在第一轮复习中真正达到复习的效果,让学生们在查漏、补缺中丰富和练扎实自己的基本功。 高三第一学期对老师和学生来说都是一次磨砺,虽然辛苦,但师生彼此收获颇丰。但是,高考的备考路还没结束,我们还将任重而道远。

2018高考英语一轮复习构想 Unit 1 Art课时作业 新人教版选修6

Unit 1 Art Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Here I will introduce some books to you. Cook Yourself Young By (author) Elizabeth Peyton-Jones Want to look and feel 10 years younger? Keen to remove bags under your eyes, and other unpleasant symptoms of ageing? Long to lose weight and stay slim? All you need is to change what you eat and to COOK YOURSELF YOUNG. In her revolutionary new book, Cook Yourself Young, a health expert Elizabeth Peyton-Jones explains how simply by changing the way you cook you can make yourself look younger and live a healthier, more balanced life. Celebrations and Special Days By (author) Ellen Lawrence In Celebrations and Special Days, young readers will join children around the world as they celebrate religious festivals and special family days, such as weddings and coming of age ceremonies. From Holi to Hanukkah, Easter to Ramadan, readers will join families as they prepare special meals, decorate their homes, and take part in the special times that shape our lives. The Story of the Lost Child By (author) Elena Ferrante “Nothing quite like this has ever been published before,” said The Guardian newspaper about the Neapolitan Novels in 2014, “Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay, the third book in the series, was an international bestseller and a New York Times Notable Book of the Year.” Its author was considered as one of the greatest novelists of our time by the New York Times Book Review. This fourth and final installment in the series raises the bar even higher and indeed confirms Elena Ferrante as one of the world's best living storytellers. 【解题导语】本文是说明文,介绍了三本书的相关信息。 1.Which book should you buy if you want to look young? A. Cook Yourself Young. B. Celebrations and Special Days. C. The Story of the Lost Child. D. New York Times Book Review. 答案与解析:A 考查细节理解。根据Cook Yourself Young部分最后一句中的“by changing the way you cook you can make yourself look younger”可知,Cook Yourself Young这本书介绍了如何通过健康的饮食来使人们保持年轻,故A项正确。 2.Who is Celebrations and Special Days intended for? A. Old people. B. All the people. C. Young people. D. Middle-aged people. 答案与解析:C 考查细节理解。根据Celebrations and Special Days部分第一句中的“In Celebrations and Special Days, young readers will join children around the world”可知,Celebrations and Special Days这本书的阅读对象是年轻人,故C项正确。 3.What can we learn about Elena Ferrante? A. She is the greatest novelist in the US. B. Her books sell best at the present time. C. She is the author of Celebrations and Special Days. D. She belongs to the best living storytellers. 答案与解析:D 考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“and indeed confirms Elena

【人教版】高三英语一轮复习练习:必修1 Unit 5(含答案)

第一部分必修一Unit 5 Ⅰ.语法单句填空 1.________ devoted almost all our time to our schoolwork in the past three months, we have almost no time for fun and play. 答案:Having 考查非谓语动词。逻辑主语是we, 状语表示过去的时间in the past three months,因此用现在分词完成式。 2.The wetland park is ________(equal) attractive in spring and autumn, for the weather is pleasant in both seasons. 答案:equally 考查副词。句意:湿地公园春秋两季同样迷人,这两个季节的气候都很好。由句意可知,填equally,意为“同等地”。 3.An increasing number of products made in China are ________ good quality but much less expensive than those from abroad. 答案:of 考查介词。句意:越来越多的国产货质量很好,价格比进口的便宜很多。be of good quality“质量好的”。 4.During the past few years, the time and money he has devoted to ________(plant) trees in that remote area is now considered to be of great value. 答案:planting 考查短语动词。句意:在过去的几年里,他投入了很多时间和金钱在偏远山区植树,现在被认为很有意义。devote ...to...“把……投入到……”中to是介词。 5.In the great fire, he was fortunate to escape ________(kill). 答案:being killed 考查escape的用法。句意:在大火中,他很幸运地逃脱了死亡。escape doing sth.“逃脱做某事”。 6.It's important to learn to take a positive attitude ________ life when you are ________ trouble. 答案:to/toward(s);in 句意:当你处于困境时,学会对生活保持乐观的态度是很重要的。名词attitude 后用介词to或towards;in trouble“处于困境中”。 7.In time we reached a stage ________ we had more young readers than old ones. 答案:where 考查stage后定语从句的关系词。句意:最终我们到了一个新读者比老读者多的阶段。在定语从句中缺少地点状语,故选where。 8.Because of too much homework, gone are the days ________ we can play day and night. 答案:when 考查定语从句。句意:由于太多的作业,天天玩的日子一去不复返了。定语从句中缺少时间状语。 9.For all these years I have been working for others. I'm hoping I'll set ________ my own business someday. 答案:up 句意:这些年来我一直为别人工作。我希望有一天可以开创自己的事业。set up“设立;创立”。 10.________ when his wife put photos of her injuries on the web did he apologize. 答案:Only 助动词提到了主语之前,所以填only。句意:直到他的妻子将受伤的照片放在上时,他才(向妻子)道歉。


2021届高中英语新高考语法基础版一轮复习讲义(8) 独立主格知识点整理总结 独立主格结构是高中语法的难点之一,我之前在语法总结篇提到过,今天我就带大家来见识一下它的庐山真面目。 01 独立主格的概念 独立主格,从名称上看,它首先有个主语(所谓主格),其次它与主句的主语相比,是独立的,也即和主句的主语不同。我们来感受一下这个句子: Weather permitting, we will hold the sports meetings. (A) 天气允许的话,我们就会举办运动会。 这个句子是一个条件状语从句,还原成从句形式为: If the weather permits, we will hold the sports meetings. (B)天气允许的话,我们就会举办运动会。 A句中的we a th e r p e rm i t ti n g是一种独立主格结构,B句是它的还原形式。 weather是从句的主语,由于它不是真正意义上的主语,故而叫做逻辑主语。 因为它和主句主语不一样,故而叫独立主格。

02 独立主格的七种形式 除了常见的现在分词、过去分词能充当独立主格结构以外,还有其他一些短语结构可以用作独立主格,主要包括以下形式: 名词/代词+doing Weather permitting, we will hold the sports meeting. 名词/代词+done All things considered, he finally chose to give up the competition. 名词/代词+to do Here are the first two books, the third one to be sent next Monday. 名词/代词+介词短语 Baby in arms, she stood there looking after the cows. 名词/代词+形容词短语 His face, pale with anger, he stood up and left. 名词/代词+副词短语

【高三英语试题精选】2019人教版高三英语一轮复习练习必修一 Unit 3(附答案)

2019人教版高三英语一轮复习练习必修一 Unit 3(附答案) w 必修一 Unit 3 [基础回顾] Ⅰ单句语法填空(导学号02516021) 1.Thanks to your encouragement,I made continuous progress in math,and finally made up my mind to study (study) it in the university 2.I’m afraid we’ll have to work e xtra hours,for some problems are hard to settle (settle). 3.The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people are persuaded (persuade) to eat more fruit and vegetables 4.As scheduled (schedule),the performance is due to start at 19 o’clock and end at 21 o’clock on September 20 5.My father promised to take me to Beijing this summer vacationI can’t wait to go (go) there now 6.Tall buildings have been put up ,including classrooms and laboratory buildings,and a library 7.Look,the plane full of food and clothes is taking (take) off soon to help the victims in the earthquake 8.I met some old school friends on the anniversary of our graduation (graduate). 9.The workers refused to give in to the manager’s demands for working on weekends 10.Those activities were organized (organize) by our school,which really provided us with much pleasure Ⅱ单句改错(每句一错)(导学号02516022)


2021届高中英语新高考语法基础版一轮复习讲义原因状语从句知识点整理总结 状语从句有九大类,分别是时间、条件、地点、原因、结果、目的、让步、方式、比较状语从句,其中重要的是前7种,需要大家掌握。今天我们就来看原因状语从句。 01 原因状语从句的概念 原因状语从句是指由because等引导的表示“因为,由于”等含义的状语从句。如: I don't like him because he is selfish. 我不喜欢他,因为他太自私了。 02 原因状语从句的引导词 原因状语的引导词主要有以下三类: because/for/since/as四大引导词 这四个引导词是原因状语从句最常见的引导词,表示“原因是、由于、因为”。 in that和now that两个短语 in that表示由于,now that表示既然。

动名词做状语 用seeing that, considering that等动名词作状语,表示原因。 03 四大引导词的用法和区别 虽然be cau se/f o r/si n ce/a s都可以引导原因状语从句表示原因,但也有重要区别: because表示直接原因,因果关系最强 because是原因状语从句最常见、最直接、最适合回答why问句的引导词。如: He can't go to school because he is ill. 他无法去学校,因为他病了。 because一般不放在句首,可转换成because of + 名词结构。如:He can't go to school because of his illness. 他无法去学校,因为他病了。 since表示显然、双方已知的理由 since表示“既然”,语气比because弱,相当于now that,表示双方都知道的原因。如: Since you are free today, let's go and watch a movie.


肥东锦弘中学2019届高三英语一轮复习方案 一、主要任务: 认真研读考试大纲,将考试大纲的要求同课本结合起来,以“纲”为据,注重知识的横向联系,避免单一性,做到以点带面,点面结合,有效地突破重点、难点,由浅入深,循序渐进,把原来分散在各单元中的知识点加以梳理、归纳,构筑完整的英语知识体系。 1、复习模块1-8,共24个单元的词和句子; 2、掌握基本的语法规则可以自然表达自己的意思。 3、改编教材中的课文,供学生背诵。 二、目标达成:夯实基础,梳理知识,查漏补缺,系统归纳与提高。 1、模块复习目标:①能够将课标词汇音、形(含各种变形)、意烂熟于心,掌握其重要用法,并能在不同语境中灵活运用;②能够掌握教材中的重点句型,并能正确、灵活运用;③能够辨析易混词、短语、句型并且正确使用。 2、语法复习目标:①掌握各项语法的基本概念及用法;②熟练掌握并能够在不同语境中灵活运用各项语法功能。 3、能力目标:①重视基础知识的正确、灵活运用;②重视并坚持听力、阅读、写作训练。 三、复习进度: 原则上每大周复习两个单元的重点词汇和句型;每大周复习一项语法(重点班及以上班级任务)。考纲3500词汇书复习同步进行。具体如下:周计划:周一:复习上周知识+习题讲解+ 词汇验收。 周二:复习早读任务+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。 周三:复习周二知识+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。 周四:复习周三知识+语法+词汇验收。 周五:复习周四知识+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。 周六:复习周五知识+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。 四、每大周作业安排: 1.每单元老师听写两次,英语测试报一张,教师全批改。 2.单元测试卷每单元一次,教师做好检查。


英语高考七选五练习 A What’s your favorite weather? Do you like sunny or rainy days? Many people like sunshine (阳光) a lot. 1 . They think rain makes them feel sad. For a long vacation, they like going to the beach to enjoy sunshine. 2 . I like sunshine very much, but I also enjoy rain. 3 . It can make me feel quiet. On rainy days, I like listening to music and doing some reading, or just looking at the rain and daydreaming (做白日梦). 4 . I think it’s a good way to relax when it rains. 5 . I hope you can feel happy no matter (无论) it rains or it’s sunny. A. When you daydream, you don’t have to think about other things. B. Sunshine can make them feel good and happy. C. When it rains, the ground is wet and muddy. D. They don’t like rai n. E. Sunshine can make one run around and rain can make one keep quiet. F. I enjoy the sound (声音) of rain. G. They also like rain. B How to Be a Great Best Friend Everyone wants to be a great best friend but doesn't know how or where to start that perfect friendship. The following will help you. Be your own best friend first.1 If you can't respect yourself, then you can't respect others. Understand what values are important to you and stick to them. Seek out others who honor those values because you'll only end up hurting yourself and possibly others if those people don't have the same values as you. Trust each other.2 All you have to do really is make sure you can both trust each other. Don’t try to trick or use your friend to your advantage; you need to make them know they can trust you. Learn to listen. Nobody likes a best friend who just talks and talks, but never listens. If you're a chatterbox, try to develop good listening skills. Whenever your best friend says something, listen carefully and say something.3 If they ask for advice, listen carefully and give them the best advice you can. Care for your best friend. If your best friend is upset, ask them what's wrong, They might not tell you straight away, but they should in the end.4 Understand that certain things are private, and trust that they'd be just as patient with you if you were in their shoes. Let your friend have other friends, too. If your best friend picks another friend over you, try to be friends with their friend too.5 Everyone is always looking for new friends. But never leave the old one; your loyalty is what the other person expects and counts on every day.


高考英语第一轮复习知识点总结 Unit 1 Lifestyles Ⅰ.品句填词 1.After he g 2.Study hard,o you will not pass the final exam. 3.I find stamp-collecting r and it takes my mind off the stress of my work. 4.In fact,life is full of different 〔挑战〕when one is born into this world. 5.It is reported that there were about 100,000 Games-time 〔志愿者〕taking part in the 2008 Olympic Games. 6.Some students 〔抱怨〕that their homework is too much.They almost have no enough time to finish it. 答案: Ⅱ.短语识境 talk show;h;suffer from;switch off;get bored;be filled with;be free of; work one’s way through sth. 1.She is sitting at her desk and a lot of documents. 2.I shall retire next year and the trouble from all kinds of work. 3.I anger when I saw the middle-aged man kicking the dog. 4.The scientists are beating their brains trying to a solution to the problem.


2019高考英语一轮复习常见的问题 问题一:时间总是不够用怎么办? 高三的第一感觉:时间不够,相信这是几乎所有高三学子们共同 的心声。尤其是对于英语这种需要日积月累的学科来说,需要大家完 成一个比较庞大的基础量,所以大家一定要在提前做好相对应的计划,打有准备之仗。从大的方面来说,这个计划不需要详细到每天,建议 大家以一周为单位做一个大致的计划,比如单词量,语法模块,阅读 完型的扩展练习,写作句子和段落的仿写等等,一般来说计划不要过 于精确,要留出机动调整的部分。这主要是因为开学的前一个月大家 是在熟悉和适合高三的学习生活,如果计划过于详细,很容易被临时 事件打乱,比如小测验等等。从小的方面来讲,要保证每天有45分钟 左右的时间是用在英语学习上的,举例来说这个时间能够拆分成早读 25分钟,晚睡前20分钟的格式,对大家来说压力不会很大。英语时间分布的关键在于化整为零,因为整套英语试卷不需要过于连贯的思路,能够按照模块实行安排,重在坚持,一定会有所收获。 问题二:我该做什么? 一轮复习这个词会一直贯穿大家高三复习的前半期,在这个过程中,基本目标是打牢基础,夯实知识点。对于英语这个比较庞杂的学 科来说,需要大家从两个比较大的方面着手复习:词汇、语法,这也 是英语学习中的老生常谈了。对于词汇来说:首先要做好词汇的分类,从最宽泛的角度来讲,高考词汇分为三类: 第一类:识记类,即能够看英文反应中文意思即可,这是决定大 家阅读速度的所在,对于这部分词汇建议大家做一个英中对照的表格,中文部分空白。直接在表格张填写该单词的中文意思,对于不熟悉或 者第一时间没有想出意思的词单独标注,巩固强化。 第二类:辨析类,也就是完形填空经常出现的四个词意思差不多,需要大家比较选项,在这个部分建议大家以完型真题为范本,扎扎实

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