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In teach ing in the eleme ntary school lower grade calculati on, acco unts for a con siderable proport ion of stude nts the most error-pr one and comput ing, especially with the adve nt of the era


computer, computing capacity is often ignored by many people. I think computing capability is a basic skills esse ntial to every one, to cultivate the stude nts' calculati on ability is an importa nt task in the primary school mathematics teach in g, is the importa nt foun dati on of stude nts to learn mathematics. Society, life, life is in separable from the calculati on, the calculati on is the key of the

eleme ntary school mathematics teach ing.



Famous mathematician QiuZong hu pointed out that: if you want to learn math well, first of all to calculate, and to calculate well, mental arithmetic is a kind of thinking ability. Good mental arithmetic, the brain can only problem is, any time, any where can want to questi on.




Number sen se, it with the music of the \"music\" and \"beauty\" of art, maths has \" nu mber sen se\". I n the teach in g, lets the stude nt to observe, from the view of mathematics un dersta nding things around, using mathematical concepts and Ianguage to reflect and describe the problem of social product ion and life, comb ined with the con crete facts of life to teach ing mathematics knowledge, let students experience mathematics on the side, everywhere in the life mathematics, with positive attitude in learning, experience the \"number sense\".






Oral is the basis of manual computation and estimation, Jane is, in any integer, decimal

additi on and subtract ion, or, method, and the four mixed operati on, canno t leave the oral.

Such as:

360 prese nt 18 = 360 prese nt nine members prese nt 2 = 40 members prese nt 2 = 20, in the


of the abridged, using three oral arithmetic. Aga in such as calculati on of 5764 + 3821, and, n eed four additi on oral, any a link error, can lead to errors. Therefore, to improve the eleme ntary stude nt's comput ing power, it must grab from stre ngthe ning oral ability, oral training as a rout ine

work. My particular way is:

(1 )每天利用3-5分钟时间训练口算。在教学中,我每天在课堂上利用3-5分钟时间



(1) using 3-5 minu tes daily oral trai nin g. I n the teachi ng, I every day in the classroom use of 3-5 minu tes oral training, or ShiSua n or liste n to calculate, or, i n the case of a homework to copy one or two off type calculati on problem, marking and feedback in time every day, gradually

improve the stude nts' ability of calculati on.


(2) memory and some com monly used data coin cide nee coun ti ng method. As additi on and subtract ion, multiplicati on table with in 20, 1-20 square nu mber, etc., require stude nts to memorize and to the point of blurt out. At the same time, ofte n teach stude nts some clever calculate way, also can make its calculati on speed is greatly in creased. Such as: is multiplied by a nu mber from \"11\", \"on both sides of a pull, a middle, ten a into a\" forward; With a nu mber is multiplied by 5, 25,

125, can use opport un ely calculate method:

24X 5=24- 2X 10

24 * 24 prese nt 2 * 5 = 10

324X 25=324 - 4 X 100

25 = 324 prese nt 4 x 324 x 324

409 X 125=408 X 125+125=408 - 8X 1000+125

409 * 125 = 408 * 125 + 125 = 408 prese nt 8 x 1000 + 125


字相同时,俗称“同头”,被除数的前几位比除数小,且除数与被除数次高位上的数的差不超过最高位时,可直接用八与九试商) 、中数试商法、折半试商法等等,这些都是学生快算


Try some divisi on commercial law: differe ntial try to commercial law, with the head in additi on to bus in ess method (whe n the Numbers on the divide nd and the divisor that high phase at the same time, com monly known as the \"head\", divide nd top is smaller tha n the divisor, and the divisor and divide nd the nu mber of times on the high error is less tha n the highest level, can be directly used eight and nine test quotie nt), media n try commercial law, binary and commercial law, and so on, these are stude nts quick is n ecessary to master the basic method.





To make the stude nt union, must make it clear to calculate, this requires teachers to the algorithm and the prin ciple of teach ing must be correct, because the first impressi on is very importa nt, for the first time speak wron g, it is hard to remove it later. Remember a psychologist said: first percepti on of new kno wledge, proactive in hibiti on of in formati on into the brain can be affected by the in terfere nee, can leave deep impressi on in stude nts' brain cortex. But if the first percepti on is not accurate, the adverse con seque nces in the short term is difficult to remove. Therefore, the teacher must fully preparatio n, select the optimal scheme, in order to achieve good

teach ing effect.






In stude nts is clear, on the basis of to promote diversity algorithm. Diversity algorithm isn't required that every stude nt (should) use a variety of methods to solve the same problem, but rather to en courage stude nts to thi nk in depe nden tly and solve with suitable methods, ability can use a variety of methods, without the n eed of stude nts in a can. Advocati ng algorithm diversity, also want to pay atte nti on to the optimizati on method, for stude nts to come up with every kind of right way to give affirmati on, persuade stude nts give up their backward trival, to follow the outsta nding, simple method, so as to make their thi nki ng ability con sta ntly improve. Especially for middle and senior each kind of algorithm, can calculate, make its own in struct ions in order to preve nt the

\"lear ning, don't know why\", at the same time cultivate stude nts' logical thinking and the role of

oral expressi on ability.


Third, the value estimate, teach method






In our daily life and product ion practice, some calculatio n and the measureme nt result can't get or there is no n eed to get the precise result or judgme nt, is employed to estimate method. Such as the size of a room, the dista nee from home to school, a build ing height, experie need fisherme n who judge a nu mber of fish in the water, etc. Atte ntio n to the cultivatio n of stude nts' ability to estimate, therefore, not only can make stude nts' th inking more flexible, but also for the cultivati on of the stude nts' ability of in tuiti on thinking has a lot of help. At the same time, stre ngthe n the estimati on, can deepe n stude nts un dersta nding of digital, promote the cultivati on of nu mber sen se, enhance the con scious ness of applied mathematics, improve the ability of solvi ng practical problems. In the teach in g, I regularly throughout some estimati on tech niq ues and methods:


1, the approximate estimati on. In the actual calculati on, accord ing to the nu mber two at the same time for large or for small at the same time, or a big one for small forecast, so that verbal arithmetic is advisable. Estimati on process, because the stude nt's life backgro und, the differe nt way of thinking, to estimate the results may not be the same, therefore, allow a certa in range betwee n estimati on results with the accurate value of error of plus or minus error. Such as:

783+945 ?800+900=1700

Material 800 783 + 945 + 900 = 1700

3927-35~ 4000 - 40=1000

3927 prese nt 35 material prese nt 40 4000 = 1000



2, con tact the actual estimati on. Such as comput ing, rent a car nu mber, floor nu mber to buy brick, etc., must be an in teger, and must adopt \"i nto a\"; Do with tin tin box, tin box must be an

in teger, and must use the \"method\" to end.



In additi on to classroom teachi ng methods, the most effective way is to let stude nts exercise in

real life, in deali ng with specific issues.



Mathematics comes from life and serves life, and the calculati on is the importa nt means to

solve the problem of real life.



在教学36 X 4时,我以如下方式导入:一件上衣36元钱,买4件这样的上衣需要多少钱?


1, the prese nt way of life. \"New sta ndard\" poin ted out: through to real life situati ons, make stude nts experie nee, feel and un dersta nd the meaning of nu mber and operati ons, to be prese nted to stude nts a lot of realistic backgro und, closely related to mathematics and the life. As in teach ing 36 x 4, I import in the followi ng way: a top 36 yua n, how much do you n eed to buy 4 such blouse?

This way of life for the calculati on type questi ons, stude nts are willi ng to accept.




2, daily life mathematically. Everywhere in the life mathematics, such as street to buy clothes, about how much money n eed to take, n eed to estimate; Ready to buy how many pieces of goods, also n eed to statistics and computati on, so pay ing con scious atte nti on to mathematics educati on


stude nts. While along with the pare nts to buy food, pay special atte nti on salesma n is how to quickly calculate the results. We lear ned at the same time, also want to use the methods of estimati on, qiao is help to calculate a calculate, in order to improve their computi ng power.




Good habits and directly affects the calculati on speed and accuracy .In the teach in g, I found that stude nts' math error reas ons not to do, but not by heart, so I think to make stude nts form good habits as follows.


计算下一步时就误看成了“8”;把“ 7”潦草地写成了“ 1 ”,而造成计算结果错误。教师要


1, writte n in the specificati on. Calculatio n error caused by writ ing is not sta ndard phe nomenon, such as due to the \"5\" cursive writ ing, whe n calculat ing the next step is mistake nly ide ntified as \"8\"; Write a \"7\" scrawled \"1\", and cause calculati on error. Teacher is strict with stude nts writi ng format, and lead by example, being a good role model.





2, serious topic. It is the key to the rapid and accurate calculatio n. Do every computati onal problems, don't rush to laid hands on him, first have to look carefully, clear which step should be calculated, which is calculated after step, where to find a find method can be applied to calculati on of, do know, and the n carefully calculated, it is called \"k nife don't miss your job\", I can't give

stude nts cha nged to topic calculati on work by mistake.



3, dilige ntly check ing. Calculatio n is a kind of habit, is also a kind of ability. Check whether subject requireme nt, all stude nts are required to have to do, gradually to develop stude nts' good

habits of calculati ng.

4, 有错即改。我每次发下作业本后,便要求学生立即翻看,把错题重新审视一次,看看错在哪里,并及时订正,这样进一步加深了学生对算理、算法的理解,达到提高计算能力


4, there is a fault that is cha nge. After every time I send the homework, stude nts are required to immediately turn to put the wrong topic review time, and see what went wrong, and timely correct ion, so that further deepe ning the stude nts un dersta nding of calculate theory, algorithm, achieve the goal of improve the computi ng capability.
