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专业英语 Lesson 18 Bridge and Alignment

专业英语 Lesson 18 Bridge and Alignment
专业英语 Lesson 18 Bridge and Alignment

Lesson 18 Bridge and Alignment

Bridges are great symbols of mankind’s conquest of space. The sight of the crimson(深红色的)tracery (装饰的图案、花纹)of the Golden Gate Bridge against a setting sun in the Pacific Ocean, or the arch of the Gambit Viaduct(高架桥)soaring(高飞、翱翔)triumphantly (成功的、获胜的)above the deep gorge(深谷), fills one’s heart with wonder and admiration for the art of their builders.


They are the enduring (持久的)expressions (表达、表示)of mankind’s determination to remove all barriers (障碍物)in its pursuit(追求、追逐)of a better and freer world. Their design and building schemes(安排、设计)are conceived in dream-like visions(视力、想象力). But vision and determination are not enough.



All the physical forces of nature and gravity must be understood with mathematical precision (精确、正确)and such forces have to be resisted by manipulating(熟练地使用)the right materials in the right pattern. This requires both the inspiration(灵感)of an artist and the skill of an artisan(工匠).


All the physical forces of nature and gravity must be understood with mathematical precision (精确、正确)and such forces have to be resisted by manipulating(熟练地使用)the right materials in the right pattern. This requires both the inspiration(灵感)of an artist and the skill of an artisan(工匠).


Scientific knowledge about materials and structural behaviour(结构性能)has expanded(扩大;展开) tremendously(极大的、巨大的), and computing techniques are now widely available to manipulate (熟练地使用)complex theories in innumerable(无数的)ways very quickly.


Engineers have virtually revolutionized bridge design and construction methods in the past

decade. The advances apply to short-(小跨径桥梁), medium, and long-span bridges.


For permanent(永久的)bridges, the most commonly used materials are steel and concrete. Bridges of many different types are built with these materials, used singly or in combination. Timber(木材)may be used for temporary above-water construction, for the elements of a structure that lie below the waterline (particularly timber piles桩), or for short-span bridges located on secondary roads(次要道路). A few short-span aluminum(铝)bridges have been built in the United States on an experimental basis.


The principal (主要的、首要的)portions of a bridge may be said to be the “substructure”(下部结构)and “superstructure”(上部结构). This division is used here simply for convenience, since in many bridges there is no clear dividing line between the two.

Common elements of the substructure are abutments (usually at the bridge ends)(桥台) and piers (between the abutments)(桥墩). Piers and abutments often rest on separately constructed foundations such as concrete spread footings (扩大基础)or groups of bearing piles(承重桩); these foundations are part of the substructure.


Occasionally(偶尔的、偶然的)a bridge substructure comprises(由…组成)a series of pile bents (桩排架)in which the piles extend above the waterline and are topped by a pile cap (承台)that, in turn, supports the major structural elements of the superstructure. Such bents often are used in a repetitive(重复的、反复的)fashion as part of a long, low, over-water crossing.



In recent years, the dividing lines between short, medium, and long-span bridges have blurred(使模糊不清)somewhat. Currently, spans of 20 to 100 ft (6.1 to 30.5 m) are regarded as short by many designers, who have developed many standardized (使标准化)designs to handle these spans economically.

Medium spans range up to, perhaps, 400 ft (121.9 m) in modern bridge practice, depending on the organization(结构)involved and the materials used. Long spans range up 4000 ft (1219.2 m) or more, but a clear span above 1000 ft (304.8m) is comparatively(比较而言的)rare.

Bridges may also be classed as “deck”or “through”type(上(下)承式). In the deck type of bridge (上承式桥梁), the road way is above the supporting structure, that is, the load carrying elements of the superstructure are below the roadway.


In the through type of bridge(下承式), the roadway passes between the elements of the superstructure, as in a through steel truss (桁架)bridge. Deck structures predominate(优点): they have a clean appearance(外观简洁), provide the motorist with a better view of the surrounding area, and are easier to widen if future traffic requires it.



Examples of short-span concrete bridges include cast-in-place(现浇), reinforced concrete (钢筋混凝土)T beam (and slab);simple-span(单跨), prestressed which incorporates precast, prestressed I girders or box girders topped by a cast-in-place deck; and cast-in-place box girder (箱梁).


The designer of each medium-and long-span bridge tries to devise(想出、设计)a structure that is best suited to the conditions encountered(遭遇、遇到)at that particular location. The result is an almost bewildering (使迷惑、使混乱)variety of structures that differ either in basic design principle or in design details.


Plate girders are used in the United States for medium spans. They generally are continuous structures with maximum depth of girder over the piers(桥墩)and minimum depth at midspan. The plate girders generally have an I cross section(I 形断面); they are arranged in lines that support stringers(桁架), floorbeams, ((桥面)横梁)and, generally, a cast-in-place concrete deck(现浇桥面).


The girders are shop-fabricated (建造、装配)by welding; field connections generally are by high-strength bolts(高强螺栓). Welded-steel box girder structures (焊接钢箱梁)are generally similar to plate girder spans except for the configuration(形状、外形)of the bridge cross section.


Rigid frames (刚架)are used occasionally(偶然的), most often for spans in range of 23 to 30 m (75 to 100 ft) and for grade-separation structures(立体交叉构造物).

Arch bridges are used for longer spans at locations where intermediate piers cannot be used and where good rock is available to withstand the thrusts(推力)at the arch abutments(桥台).


A variation in the arch bridge is the tied arch(系杆拱), in which a horizontal tie (水平系杆)that carries the roadway takes much of the horizontal thrust inherent (内在的、固有的)in the arch form.


Cable-stayed bridges are specially suited in the span range of 200 to 500 m and thus provides a transition between the continuous box girder bridge and the stiffened(加劲、加强)suspension cable.


The cables provided above the deck and connected to the towers would permit elimination of intermediate piers(中间的桥墩)facilitating a larger width for purposes of navigation. Because of the damping effect (阻尼作用、缓冲作用)of inclined cables, the cablestayed decks are less prone(倾斜的、有…..倾向的)to wind-induced oscillations(摆动、振动)than suspension bridges.

Suspension bridges are used for very long spans or for shorter spans intermediate piers cannot be built. An example is the Verrazano Narrows Bridge(韦拉扎罗海峡大桥)which was completed in1964.


The $ 305 million, 1298 m structure spans the entrance to New York Harbor to join Staten Island and Brooklyn.

Concrete bridges come in nearly as great a variety as do steel bridges.



机械工程专业英语 课程负责人: 课程中文名称:专业英语 课程英文名称:English for Mechanical Engineering 课程类别:选修 课程学分数:2 课程学时数:32 授课对象:机械电子工程专业本科生 本课程的前导课程:公共英语,机械专业的相关课程 考核方式:平时成绩+期末考试 使用教材:《机械工程专业英语教程》施平主编(第3版)电子工业大学出版社 教学要求及目的: 了解专业英语的语法特点,熟悉专业词汇,逐步培养学生具有比较熟练的专业文献阅读理解能力、翻译能力和英文学术论文的写作能力。 教学方式: 课堂讲授、讨论与自学相结合。以教师讲授为主,引导学生积极阅读指定参考文献,完成课外作业,参与课堂讨论。有意识地积累与自己研究方向相关的词汇与文献资料,掌握专业英语学习方法。 具体教学目标: ●掌握机械工程专业方面的专业名词、专业术语 rolling contact bearing, 滚动接触轴承journal bearing, 径向轴承resonance 共振 upright drilling machine 立式钻床radial ['re?d??l]drill 摇臂钻床shaper 牛头钻床 ●掌握习惯表达方式 machine design, kinematics [,k?n?'m?t?ks] 运动学,动力学dynamic 动态 slider-crank mechanism ['mek(?)n?z(?)m] 滑动曲柄机构, assembly drawing 装配图detailed [d?'teld]drawing 明细图engineering drawing 工程图 degree-of-freedom (DOF) 自由度 a four-bar mechanism 四连杆机构vibration mechanism 振动机构 CAD Computer - Aided Design, CAM computer-aided manufacturing CAE Computer Aided Engineering ●掌握基本的专业文献阅读能力与翻译能力 ●掌握基本的写作能力 ●培养基本的专业文献资料检索能力 ●了解机械工程方面的国内外动向, 并熟悉与机械工程专业相关的其他学科与

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Lesson11 Professional Communication 1、Resume A resume is a brief summary of the details of a person’s life that are of interest to fellow professionals. It can make or break you in your search for a job or in application for an admission to a university. A strong resume may be the sole difference in getting a call for an interview. An effective resume may win you a job interview.1.1Q: What should be included in a resume?A: Almost every resume should include sections about objective, education, work experience, publications, personality.(1) Objective :You should offer your goal of acquiring a certain position.(2) Education: Stress your high marks here. Remember to include any training related to the position you are applying. (3) Work experience: make certain you include your part-time job and summer employment you had during your college years in this section.(4) Personal: you should tell the employer about yourself. Share the information about what you like to do in your free time. This information offers areas the employer can talk about and lighten the interview.1.2如何写英文简历英文简历的格式结构包括页眉部分、教育背景、工作经历和个人资料四部分。1.2.1页眉部分 1)名字, 名字有7种写法:例如“李扬”: 1) Yang LI 2) YANG LI 3) Yang Li 4) Yang Li 5) Li, Yang 6) Li Yang 7) LI Yang 2)地址 北京以后要写中国,但不必用PRC 等,因为用 China 简单清楚。邮编的标准写法是放在省市名与国名之间, 起码放在China 之前,因为是中国境内的邮编。 、管路敷设技术通过管线敷设技术,不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。在管路敷设过程中,要加强看护关于管路高中资料试卷连接管口处理高中资料试卷弯扁度固定盒位置保护层防腐跨接地线弯曲半径标高等,要求技术交底。管线敷设技术中包含线槽、管架等多项方式,为解决高中语文电气课件中管壁薄、接口不严等问题,合理利用管线敷设技术。线缆敷设原则:在分线盒处,当不同电压回路交叉时,应采用金属隔板进行隔开处理;同一线槽内,强电回路须同时切断习题电源,线缆敷设完毕,要进行检查和检测处理。、电气课件中调试对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷相互作用与相互关系,根据生产工艺高中资料试卷要求,对电气设备进行空载与带负荷下高中资料试卷调控试验;对设备进行调整使其在正常工况下与过度工作下都可以正常工作;对于继电保护进行整核对定值,审核与校对图纸,编写复杂设备与装置高中资料试卷调试方案,编写重要设备高中资料试卷试验方案以及系统启动方案;对整套启动过程中高中资料试卷电气设备进行调试工作并且进行过关运行高中资料试卷技术指导。对于调试过程中高中资料试卷技术问题,作为调试人员,需要在事前掌握图纸资料、设备制造厂家出具高中资料试卷试验报告与相关技术资料,并且了解现场设备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。、电气设备调试高中资料试卷技术电力保护装置调试技术,电力保护高中资料试卷配置技术是指机组在进行继电保护高中资料试卷总体配置时,需要在最大限度内来确保机组高中资料试卷安全,并且尽可能地缩小故障高中资料试卷破坏范围,或者对某些异常高中资料试卷工况进行自动处理,尤其要避免错误高中资料试卷保护装置动作,并且拒绝动作,来避免不必要高中资料试卷突然停机。因此,电力高中资料试卷保护装置调试技术,要求电力保护装置做到准确灵活。对于差动保护装置高中资料试卷调试技术是指发电机一变压器组在发生内部故障时,需要进行外部电源高中资料试卷切除从而采用高中资料试卷主要保护装置。


【福师大18秋】《高级英语(二)》在线作业一-1 [完整试卷带答案版] 一、单选题共50题,100分 1、Please put your ( ) on this application form. Asite Bsilly Cshower Dsignature 【答案选择】:D 2、You are very _______ to take the trouble to help me. I can not thank you enough. Awhisper Bvital Cthoughtful Dconsiderable 【答案选择】:C 3、I’m looking for the ( ) section in today’s paper. Acolumn Bcombination Ccomb Dclassified 【答案选择】:D 4、How much do you know about the works of great ( ) figures? Aliterary Bhumour Cgrammatical Dcircular 【答案选择】:A 5、They will _______ the project with the necessary funds. Arefer Brelate Cfurnace Dfurnish 【答案选择】:D 6、The cripple ( ) along the hospital corridor. Atottered Bplodded Cwalked Dhobbled 【答案选择】:D 7、He received four years of training in English and two years in English teaching.He is a ( ) English instructor. Aresponsible Bscared Cvast


Lesson 1 力学的基本概念 1、词汇: statics [st?tiks] 静力学;dynamics动力学;constraint约束;magnetic [m?ɡ'netik]有磁性的;external [eks't?:nl] 外面的, 外部的;meshing啮合;follower从动件;magnitude ['m?ɡnitju:d] 大小;intensity强度,应力;non-coincident [k?u'insid?nt]不重合;parallel ['p?r?lel]平行;intuitive 直观的;substance物质;proportional [pr?'p?:??n?l]比例的;resist抵抗,对抗;celestial [si'lestj?l]天空的;product乘积;particle质点;elastic [i'l?stik]弹性;deformed变形的;strain拉力;uniform全都相同的;velocity[vi'l?siti]速度;scalar['skeil?]标量;vector['vekt?]矢量;displacement代替;momentum [m?u'ment?m]动量; 2、词组 make up of由……组成;if not要不,不然;even through即使,纵然; Lesson 2 力和力的作用效果 1、词汇: machine 机器;mechanism机构;movable活动的;given 规定的,给定的,已知的;perform执行;application 施用;produce引起,导致;stress压力;applied施加的;individual单独的;muscular ['m?skjul?]]力臂;gravity[ɡr?vti]重力;stretch伸展,拉紧,延伸;tensile[tensail]拉力;tension张力,拉力;squeeze挤;compressive 有压力的,压缩的;torsional扭转的;torque转矩;twist扭,转动;molecule [m likju:l]分子的;slide滑动; 滑行;slip滑,溜;one another 互相;shear剪切;independently独立地,自立地;beam梁;compress压;revolve (使)旋转;exert [iɡ'z?:t]用力,尽力,运用,发挥,施加;principle原则, 原理,准则,规范;spin使…旋转;screw螺丝钉;thread螺纹; 2、词组 a number of 许多;deal with 涉及,处理;result from由什么引起;prevent from阻止,防止;tends to 朝某个方向;in combination结合;fly apart飞散; 3、译文: 任何机器或机构的研究表明每一种机构都是由许多可动的零件组成。这些零件从规定的运动转变到期望的运动。另一方面,这些机器完成工作。当由施力引起的运动时,机器就开始工作了。所以,力和机器的研究涉及在一个物体上的力和力的作用效果。 力是推力或者拉力。力的作用效果要么是改变物体的形状或者运动,要么阻止其他的力发生改变。每一种


食品专业英语常用词汇 海南大学食品学院编 2007.09.26 化学名词中常用的数目词头 1/2 hemi, semi 19 nonadeca 1 mono, uni 20 eicosa 2 di, bi, bis 21 heneicosa 3 tri, ter 22 docosa 4 tetra, quadri 23 tricosa 5 penta,quinqui,quinque 24 tetracosa 6 hexa, sexi 25 pentacosa 7 hepta, septi 26 hexocosa 8 octa 27 heptacosa 9 ennea, nona 28 octacosa 10 deca 29 nonacosa 11 undeca, hendeca 30 triaconta 12 dodeca 31 hentriaconta 13 trideca 40 tetraconta 14 tetradeca 50 pentaconta 15 pentadeca 60 hexacoonta 16 hexadeca 70 heptaconta 17 heptadeca 80 octaconta 18 octadeca 90 enneaconta 1、词头 mono- 一uni- 一bi- 二di- 二tri- 三tertio- 三tertrial- 三tetra- 四quart- 四penta- 五hexa- 六hepta- 七octa- 八nona- 九deca- 十undeca- 十一dodeca- 十二trideca- 十三tetradeca- 十四pentadeca- 十五hexadeca- 十六Heptadeca- 十七Octadeca- 十八Nonadeca- 十九Arachidic- 二十Methyl- 甲基Ethyl- 乙基Propyl- 丙基


(单选题) 1: 1949年3月24日,国民党参加北平和平谈判的首席代表是() A: 邵力子 B: 张治中 C: 黄绍闳 D: 章士钊 正确答案: (单选题) 2: 1949年6月,毛泽东发表()这篇重要文章,指出:历史的经验表明,资产阶级共和国的方案在中国是行不通的。 A: 《将革命进行到底》 B: 《论持久战》 C: 《论人民民主专政》 D: 《井冈山的斗争》 正确答案: (单选题) 3: 著名的支援西藏的好干部是 A: 焦裕禄 B: 孔繁森 C: 李顺达 D: 徐虎 正确答案: (单选题) 4: 经过两年多的斗争,迫使美帝国主义于1953年7月27日签订了朝鲜停战协定,具体签字地点是: A: 板门店 B: 釜山 C: 汉城 D: 仁川 正确答案: (单选题) 5: 在我党历史上组成的最广泛的统一战线是 A: 革命统一战线 B: 抗日民族统一路线 C: 人民民主统一战线 D: 爱国统一战线 正确答案: (单选题) 6: 新时期党的基本路线的思想开始形成于 A: 中共“八大” B: 中共十一届三中全会 C: 中共“十二大” D: 中共“十三大” 正确答案: (单选题) 7: 十一届三中全会以后,农村和城市经济体制改革的共同点有 A: 改革单一集中的管理模式 B: 分配上克服平均主义 C: 都解放了生产力 D: 其关键是改变所有制形式 正确答案: (单选题) 8: .制定社会主义初级阶段的基本路线是在: A: 1956年三大改造完成后 B: 1958年中共建设社会主义总路线中 C: .关于真理标准问题的讨论期间 D: .中共十三大 正确答案: (单选题) 9: .在“一国两制”的构想中,对台湾的政策不同于港澳地区的是: A: 设立特别行政区 B: 社会经济制度长期不变



Lesson1 1、the branch of scientific analysis, which deals with motions, time, and forces, is called mechanics and is made up of two parts, statics and dynamics. Statics deals with the analysis of stationary systems, i.e., those in which time is not a factor, and dynamics deals with systems, which change with time. 对运动时间和作用力作出科学分析的分支成为力学。他由静力学和动力学两部分组成。静力学对静止系统进行分析,即在其中不考虑时间这个引述,动力学对事件而变化的系统进行分析。 2、Any two such forces acting on a body constitute a couple. The arm of the couple is the perpendicular distance between their lines of action, and the plane of the couple is the plane containing the two lines of action. 作用在一个刚体上的两个这样的的里构成一个力偶。力偶臂是这两个条作用线之间的垂直距离,力偶面是包含着两条作用线的平面。 3、Mechanics deal with two kinds of quantities: scalars and vectors. Scalar quantities are those with which a magnitude alone is associated. Examples of scalar quantities in mechanics are time, volume, density, speed, energy, and mass. Vector quantities, on the other hand, possess direction as well as magnitude. Examples of vectors are displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, moment, and momentum. 力学涉及两种类型的量,标量和矢量。标量是那些只有大小的量。在力学中标量的例子有时间、体积、密度、速率、、能量和质量。另一方面,矢量既有大小又有大小又有方向。矢量的例子有位移、速度、加速度、力、力矩、动量。Lesson2(此课后面没翻译,翻译的不太准确谅解) 1 、The turning of a part in a lathe is another example of several forces in action.(as shown in figure1) 车床车削是一些力在起作用的另一个例子。figure1(如图)。 2 、If this workpiece is held between the centers of the lathe, the centers exert a compressive force against the work. 如果这个工件在放在车床中心之间,中心车床对工作产生压力。 3、 Rotary motion is required to drill holes, turn parts in a lathe, mill surfaces, or drive a generator or fan belt. 扶轮运动需要去钻孔,在车床上转换两件,表面,或驱动发电机或风扇皮带 4 、Harmonic and Intermittent Motion(谐和运动和间歇运动): Any simple vibration, such as the regular back, and forth movement of the end of a pendulum, is simple harmonic motion. Lesson4 1 、Virtually all machines contain shafts. The most common shape for shafts is circular and the cross section can be either solid or hollow. 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢2


食品专业英语 化学品/农药残留物检测系统- Chemical/pesticide residue testing; 外界污染源勘测仪器- Detection of foreign contaminating objects; 实验室设备和传感器- Laboratory equipment and sensors; 射线杀菌和巴氏杀菌消毒技术- Irradiation sterilization and pasteurization technology; 超高温杀菌设备- Over-temperature sterilization equipment; 冷冻速冻设备- Freezing and deep freezing equipment; 超临界萃取设备- Over-critical extraction equipment; 膜分离设备- Velum seperation equipment; 分子蒸馏设备- Molecule distillation equipment; 无菌(真空)包装设备- Vacuum packaging equipment; 化学品分析仪器- Chemical analyzers; 食品成分分析仪器- Constituent analyzers; 过滤设备- Filtration equipment; 食品预处理设备- Food preparation equipment; 湿度控制仪器- Humidity control equipment; 食品配料分析仪器- Ingredient analyzers; 污染控制设备- Pollution control equipment; 离析器- Separators; 饮业清洁设备- Catering sanitizers; 温度纪录仪器- Temperature recording equipment; 检测设备- Testing equipment; 废物处理设备- Waste disposal equipment; 水质量分析和控制设备- Water quality analysis and control equipment; 气相/液相色谱仪- Gas/Liquid chromatogram apparatus. 溶剂- Solvents; 餐饮业厨房用地板- Kitchen flooring for catering; 手套- Gloves; 清洁剂- Cleanser; 试纸、试剂- Test paper and reagent. 审核和认证服务- Auditing and certification; 数据库和软件服务- Databanks and software on regulatory issues; 实验室食品分析服务- Food analysis laboratory services; 咨询服务- Consulting services; 食品质量控制管理服务- Food quality control management services; 食品安全管理服务- Food safety management services; 食品卫生管理服务- Food hygiene management services; HACCP和BRC培训服务- HACCP & BRC training services; 微生物检测和认证服务- Microbiology testing and identification services; 专家咨询服务- Regulatory experts services; 食品安全保障技术- Food safety guarantee technology; 生物工程技术- Biology engineering technology 食品安全Food Safety 食品防御安全Food Security EEC serial No. 欧共体(食品添加剂)顺序号 EFEMA(European Food Emulsifer Manufacturers Association) 欧洲食品乳化剂制造者协会encapsulating agent for food additives and vitamins 食品添加剂和维生素用包囊剂


(单选题) 1: 指定Label控件的边框风格,需要设置其()属性。 A: BorderColor B: BackColor C: BorderStyle D: BorderWidth 正确答案: (单选题) 2: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b78411766.html,的Web应用程序被安装和运行在服务器端,其作用是 ( )。A: 输出页面到屏幕 B: 将保存在磁盘中的HTML文档发送到客户端 C: 提供数据给另一个应用程序 D: 动态产生页面的HTML并发送到客户端 正确答案: (单选题) 3: 用C#编写的网页后台代码被保存在 ( )文件中。 A: .aspx B: .vb C: .cs D: .config 正确答案: (单选题) 4: 运行https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b78411766.html,程序的计算机必须安装 ( )。 A: .NETFramework和IIS B: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b78411766.html, C: C#和https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b78411766.html, D: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b78411766.html, 正确答案: (单选题) 5: Internet 使用的通信协议是( ) A: FTP B: TCP/IP C: Telnet D: WWW 正确答案: (单选题) 6: 要将数据源绑定到控件,需要调用控件的()方法。 A: Load B: DataBind C: Dispose D: GetType 正确答案: (单选题) 7: TreeView控件()属性指定当节点展开时的图片路径。 A: ImageUrl B: ExpandImageUrl C: SelecteImageUrl D: NavigateUrl 正确答案: (单选题) 8: RangeValidator控件用于验证数据的()。 A: 类型 B: 格式 C: 范围 D: 正则表达式 正确答案: (单选题) 9: 页面的IsPostBack属性用来判别页面 ( )。 A: 是否需要回传 B: 是否回传的 C: 是否启用回传 D: 是否响应回传


机械五班王乘龙 Lesson 25 Computer Graphics(Reading Material) The term computer graphics refers to the entire spectrum of drawing with the aid of a computer,from straight lines to color animation.An immense range of artistic capabilities resides under the heading of computer graphics and drafting is just one of them. Computer graphics was originally associated with the field of electronics.Companies directly involved in electronics design and manufacturing were the first to experiment and work with computer graphics.As they tested equipment and software,new demands arose that required changes and advances in both hardware and software.Equipment and programs got better,faster,more powerful,less expensive,colorful,and fun to operate.The potential for this new computer development was endless.And as engineers and drafters learned to work with the new tools in a technically demanding atmosphere,artists were using the new tools in an atmosphere of unlimited structure.We see the structure and freedom brought by engineers and artists to computer graphics as we watch animated television network.Complex mathematical


食品专业英语 化学品/农药残留物检测系统 - Chemical/pesticide residue testing; 外界污染源勘测仪器 - Detection of foreign contaminating objects; 实验室设备和传感器 - Laboratory equipment and sensors; 射线杀菌和巴氏杀菌消毒技术- Irradiation sterilization and pasteurization technology; 超高温杀菌设备 - Over-temperature sterilization equipment; 冷冻速冻设备 - Freezing and deep freezing equipment; 超临界萃取设备 - Over-critical extraction equipment; 膜分离设备 - Velum seperation equipment; 分子蒸馏设备 - Molecule distillation equipment; 无菌(真空)包装设备 - Vacuum packaging equipment; 化学品分析仪器 - Chemical analyzers; 食品成分分析仪器 - Constituent analyzers; 过滤设备 - Filtration equipment; 食品预处理设备 - Food preparation equipment; 湿度控制仪器 - Humidity control equipment; 食品配料分析仪器 - Ingredient analyzers; 污染控制设备 - Pollution control equipment; 离析器 - Separators; 饮业清洁设备 - Catering sanitizers; 温度纪录仪器 - Temperature recording equipment; 检测设备 - Testing equipment; 废物处理设备 - Waste disposal equipment; 水质量分析和控制设备 - Water quality analysis and control equipment;气相/液相色谱仪 - Gas/Liquid chromatogram apparatus. 溶剂 - Solvents; 餐饮业厨房用地板 - Kitchen flooring for catering; 手套 - Gloves; 清洁剂 - Cleanser; 试纸、试剂 - Test paper and reagent. 审核和认证服务 - Auditing and certification; 数据库和软件服务 - Databanks and software on regulatory issues; 实验室食品分析服务 - Food analysis laboratory services; 咨询服务 - Consulting services; 食品质量控制管理服务 - Food quality control management services;


【福师大18秋】《大学英语(2)》在线作业二-1 [完整试卷带答案版] 一、单选题共50题,100分 1、While he was in prison he was not allowed to ___ with his family. Acomment Bcomplain Ccommunicate Dcomprehend 【答案选择】:C 2、Whenever she asks____help , he is always ready to help. Awith Bfor Cin Dto 【答案选择】:B 3、His father is ____________than his mother. Aolder four years Bas four years older Cfour years older Dfour years bigger 【答案选择】:C 4、Please don't ___ Bobby when he ___ you. Aturn down, turns to Bturn away from, turns into Cturn off, turns up Dturn out, turns over 【答案选择】:A [完整试卷带答案版]ll examination paper____________, the teacher let the students leave. Ahanding in Bhaving handed in Cto be handed in Dhaving been handed in 【答案选择】:D 6、I think English is____________than Japanese. Amuch important Bimportant Cmuch more important Dmore much important 【答案选择】:C 7、Can you find out ____________her pen? Awhere Alice had put Bwhere had Alice put Cwhere Alice has put


Gear Materials (Reading Material) 齿轮材料(阅读材料) Gears are manufactured from a wide variety of materials, both metallic as well as nonmetallic. 齿轮由多种种类的材料制造,包括金属材料和非金属材料。 As is the case with all materials used in design, the material chosen for a particular gear should be the cheapest available that will ensure satisfactory performance. 在设计中可以使用多种材料的情况下,对于特定齿轮,应当做到选用满足使用要求下的最便宜的材料。Before a choice is made, the designer must decide which of several criteria is most important to the problem at hand. 在作出选择前,设计师必须决定在众多设计准则中哪个是当前最重要的。 If high strength is the prime consideration, a steel should usually be chosen rather than cast iron. 如果高强度是第一要考虑的因素,通常就选择钢材而不选择铸铁。 If wear resistance is the most important consideration, a can be made, for problems involving noise reduction, nonmetallic. Materials perform better than metallic ones. 如果耐磨性是最重要的因素,可以选用非金属材料要比金属材料更好,同时也可以解决降低噪声的问题。However, as is true in most design problems, the final choice of a material is usually a compromise. 然而,在大部分实际设计问题中,对材料的最终决定往往是一个折衷的方案。 In other words, the material chosen will conform reasonably well to all the requirements mentioned previously, although it will not necessarily be the best in any one area. 换句话说,材料的选择要考虑到合理的达到所有的预定要求,尽管这样就不能在其中任何一方面达到最好。To conclude this discussion we will consider the characteristics of various metallic and nonmetallic gear materials according to their general classifications. 为了总结这次讨论,我们将按照通常的分类来考虑多种金属和非金属齿轮材料所具有的特性。 Cast Irons 铸铁 Cast iron is one of the most commonly used gear materials. 铸铁是最常用的齿轮材料之一。 Its low cost, ease of casting, good machinability, high wear resistance, and good noise abatement property make it a logical choice. 它具有低成本,铸造性好,机械加工性能好,高耐磨性,以及高减噪性的特点,这些特点使铸铁成为一个合适的选择对象。 The primary disadvantage of cast iron as a gear material is its low tensile strength, which makes the gear tooth weak in bending and necessitates rather large teeth. 铸铁主要的缺点是,作为一种齿轮材料,铸铁的抗拉强度很低,这使得轮齿的抗弯强度很弱而且不能造出很大的轮齿。 Another type of cast iron is nodular iron, which is made of cast iron to which a material such as magnesium or cerium has been added. 另一种类型的铸铁是球墨铸铁,是在普通铸铁中加入了镁或者铈制成的。 The result of this alloying is a material having a much higher tensile strength while retaining the good wear and machining characteristics of ordinary cast iron. 这种合金的特点是既具有高的抗拉强度,又保持了普通铸铁的高耐磨性和优秀的机械加工性能。 V ery often the combination of cast iron gear and a steel pinion will give a well balanced design with regard to cost,


LESSON 1营养 我们吃什么,以及我们如何确定我们吃营养状况的一个重要程度,并有外部和内部多种因素的影响。 谁的人要罚款的问题的答案:“我应该吃什么良好的营养?”很容易成为迷失在信息走廊迷宫,困惑由科学家提供的技术资料,由财富或提供简单的答案误导与产品销售[1]。某处之间是合理的,常识性的信息,我们可以用它来指导我们的声音营养知识的追求。 首先,我们需要学习一些常用术语的定义和营养找出各种各样的指引,可帮助我们衡量我们的饮食质量和健康的饮食模式发展。 营养与食品:定义 这个词往往是成对营养与食品一词,因为两者是相辅相成的。它们是相互依存的,但不能互换。 食品可能被定义为任何提供营养物质,食用时饮用。它是由许多天然成分的所有化学品的气味,如提供不同的功能了,味道,颜色和营养。给我们的营养成分,被称为营养素。 这些营养素归类为脂肪,蛋白质,碳水化合物(糖和淀粉),矿物质,维生素和水。他们被称为必需的营养素,因为我们不能让他们一直没有。我们需要为他们的能量,为建立和维持人体组织,以及用于调节身体机能的三个食品在体内基本职能。 营养可能被定义为过程,我们得到了必要的营养,并利用它们让我们的身体许多其他物质需要,这个过程将包括饮食和消化食物,吸收和利用,或代谢,它含有的养分。 我们可以从食物中获得所有必需的营养。但是,它可能获得不进食,消化食物,如果,例如,直接注入营养素如静脉营养静脉营养对我们的。 因此,它是所必需的营养素和食物,通常为他们提供[3]。由于粮食是重要的,我们需要知道食物的,哪些是对各种营养素的最佳来源,成为一个健康的饮食营养如何结合他们的内容。 良好的营养一词意味着,我们从我们的食物都需要保持在我们的身体运作,并保持最佳的健康必需营养素的数额获得。一个良好的营养非常简化的定义可能是“在正确的饮食量适当的食物。” 该工作涉及的营养科学家在人体中发现,每一个我们需要一笔发生的事情,当我们收到过多或过少,对粮食和死亡,我们应该吃什么食物和数额会有多大。 然而,在其最广泛的意义上有很多营养学方面:对风味,色泽感官因素的影响,食物的质地和进食行为;食品摄入的心理,文化,情感和社会方面的,连食物的经济学可用性和消费行为在食品购买。 营养成分 迄今为止,科学家已发现一些营养40至45必需的营养物质。但是,该名单在增长,因为新的营养素继续鉴定与营养科学史载有关于食品的营养成分已被确定为基本途径引人入胜的故事。在某些情况下,医学研究人员寻求某种疾病的原因发现,问题是由于一个单一的物质,这种物质时被添加到饮食,疾病的症状消失。数量的维生素被发现在这种方式。 营养素可分为金额,我们需要基于两个和煦的类别。这是宏量营养素(碳水化合物,脂肪,蛋白质和水),我们在相当大的数额和微量营养素的需要)矿物元素和维生素),我们在相对少量的需要。除了矿物元素的水和养分都列为有机化学品,因为它们含有碳元素。矿物元素和水是无机化学品,因为它们不含有碳。 维生素分为它们在水或脂肪溶解度的两个一般归类。脂溶性维生素是维生素A,D,E 及K,水溶性维生素,包括维生素C(抗坏血酸),烟酸,维生素B1 ,核黄素,包装瓶(又称叶酸)偶酸,维生素B6,维生素B12和生物素。
