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译林版七年级英语下检测三(Unit 4 comic strip- Integrated skills)Name___________________ Class______________ Score_________________ 一、单项选择(10’)

( )1. treasure A. weak B. leave C. bread D. wheat

( )2. Nanjing is the ________ of Jiangsu, in the ________ of China.

A. capital; south

B. capital; north

C. city; north

D. city; south

( )3. There is a river ___________ the two cities. ________ the river there is a bridge.

A. in; In

B. between; Over

C. between; On

D. outside; Under ( )4. The wall is _______________. It is a ____________ wall.

A. five metre long; five meters long

B. five meters long; five-metres-long

C. five-meters long; five-meter long

D. five meters long; five-meter-long ( )5. The boy standing ____________ Tina is too tall, so she can’t see the picture on the wall.

A. behind

B. next to

C. beside

D. in front of

( )6. ---Where is the post office, please? --- Walk _______ the street and you’ll see it soon.

A. under

B. along

C. above

D. in

( )7. --- Chinese way of ______ the road is very dangerous. You must wait for the green lights on.

---Thank you for you advice, sir.

A. going

B. walking

C. crossing

D. passing

( )8. There is no living thing on _________ moon.

A. the

B. a

C. /

D. an

( )9. ---Would you like to have ______________ cake? --- No, thanks. That’s enough.

A. other

B. others

C. another

D. the other

( )10. --- I will go to Hong Kong Disneyland with my parents tomorrow. ---_____________.

A. All right.

B. Have a nice trip!

C. Congratulations!



1. We are ____________________(准备) for the coming party now.

2. The college student often __________________(fix) computers for his neighbour.

3. I’m sure the bikes are those ________________________(woman).

4. You should take the _________________(three) turning on the left.

5. Can you see a kite ____________________(fly) in the sky?

6. There ________________________(be) four meetings next week, aren’t there?

7. I’m sure he _________________(know)the difference(不同) if he_____________(try)these foods.

8. When you are in danger, try to make a big s__________________ to ask for help.

9. Drivers should drive slowly when there is heavy t_______________ in the street.


Almost all the people can’t tell the right direction(方向) when they get to a new place. What should you prepare __1__ you go? I think you should take a map __2__ you, if you travel to a big city. It will give you some __3__ when you are lost.

When you are travelling in a new place, you should remember the famous buildings near the __4__

where you stay, such as banks, cinemas, shops and so on. When you are lost, you can ask others __5__ to get to those famous places. If you __6__ find the police, you can ask them for help. They are __7__ and they can tell you how to get somewhere clearly.

When you are lost and nobody can help you around, you can __8__ a taxi. The taxi driver will take you to any place that you want to reach(到达), and all the drivers know the city very __9__. If you are lost in the open air, don’t worry. Watch the sun. Remember the Sun moves __10__ the east to the west. If it is cloudy, walk along the rivers. You’ll get out of the forest or the mountains.

( )1. A. after B. until C. then D. before

( )2. A. with B. to C. at D. without

( )3. A. money B. help C. tickets D. people

( )4. A. post office B. hospital C. factory D. hotel

( )5. A. when B. why C. how D. what

( )6. A. can B. must C. do D. would

( )7. A. busy B. surprised C. friendly D. sad

( )8. A. buy B. take C. drive D. leave

( )9. A. bad B. easy C. fast D. well

( )10. A. in B. from C. to D. for


Hans said to his friend Kurt, “I’m going to take my car and drive to London.”

Kurt said, “Driving to London is very difficult, you aren’t going to find your hotel.” Hans was not afraid. He drove to Calais, put his car on his ship, took it off at Dover, and drove to London.

He stopped near the city and looked at his map. Then he drove into London, but he didn’t find his hotel. He drove round and round for an hour, and then he stopped and got out of his car. A taxi came, and Hans stopped it. “Take me to the Brussels Hotel.” he said. But he didn’t get into the taxi, he got back into his car. The taxi man laughed, then he drove to the Brussels Hotel and Hans followed him in his car. They got to the hotel in two minutes.

( )1. Hans went to London by ____________.

A. car

B. sea

C. air

D. sea and by car ( )2. Hans couldn’t find the hotel in ___________.

A. Calais

B. London

C. Dover

D. Brussels

( )3. Hans didn’t find his hotel because _____________.

A. he had no map

B. he didn’t know English

C. he was not good at driving

D. it was not easy to find the way

( )4. Hans stopped a taxi and ___________.

A. followed it to the hotel

B. got into it

C. laughed

D. drove it to the hotel ( )5. The hotel was ________.

A. very far away

B. very near

C. very difficult to get to

D. five minutes’ walk The future is coming! All over the world there are many new ideas for new places to live and work in. Some of the places will be in the sea! They will be very big and lots of people will live and work in them. The Americans are planning to build a town called Atlantis City. It will be in the sea, about five

miles away from the land. But the most exciting idea comes from Japan. It is called Aeropolis. Aeropolis will be a huge sea city, with parks, schools, a hospital and an airport(飞机场)…and it will move(移动)! It will travel slowly around the world. There are just two problems. Aeropolis will cost a lot of money to make. And for people who get seasick(晕船的), it won’t be much fun.

( )6. Which country will plan to build a town in the sea?

A. America

B. England

C. China

D. Japan

( )7. What’s the name of Japanese sea city?

A. Atlantis

B. Aeropolis

C. Tokyo

D. Osaka

( )8. What does the underlined word “huge” mean?

A. Very small

B. Very long

C. Very big

D. Very short

( )9. “Aeropolis will cost a lot of money to make” means “_____________.”

A. Aeropolis will be very cheap to build

B. People will spend much money building Aeropolis

C. It will cost little money to build Aeropolis

D. To build Aeropolis will take little money

( )10. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Sea cities will be holiday towns.

B. Sea cities will be on the land.

C. There are already two sea cities.

D. Sea cities will go around the world.


1. 熊猫宝宝一点也不像它的妈妈。

_________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 狮子不在空旷的区域,而是在一个很大的笼子里。

_________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 沿着小路走,你将看到在你的左边有一个小房子里。

_________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 在红绿灯处我应该走哪条路呢?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 走过超市,在第一个十字路口向左转。

_________________________________________________________________________________ 六、阅读表达(10’)

Dear Wang Fang,

Thank you for your letter. You wrote to ask me about American social customs(风俗) in their dinner party. You are asking the right person. I once(曾经) lived in America for five years. Now I’ll tell you something about it.

It’s a good idea to bring a small present when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always nice, or you may bring a bottle of wine if you know that your friends drink it.

You should arrive(到达) on time or five to minutes late. Don’t get there early. If you’re going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call before.

Try to be free at the dinner table. If you don’t know about choosing(选择) the right fork or knife, just watch the other people, and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, ask the person

beside you.

If you like the food, say so. Of course, you’ll thank them for the meal and for their kindness. I t’s also a good idea to send a card to thank them the day after.

Rose Answer the following questions with No More Than 4 Words

1. Who wants to know about American social custom in the dinner party? ______________________

2. What presents are always nice when you go to a dinner party? _

3. If you’re going to be more than fifteen minutes late, what should you do ?

4. How long did Rose once live in the USA ? ___ ___

5. What can you do to thank someone for the meal and the kindness? ___


The 30th Olympics host(主办) city, London, is the capital of the UK and one of the business centres in the world. It has a history of more than 2,000 years. Many places of London were once villages. Today, London is a growing city with more than 7 million people. They come from all parts of the world. Their ways of life are not the same but harmonious(和谐的). Their favourite food is pie and mashed potato. The symbol of London is the red double-decker(双层的) bus. It came to London in

1. ____________

2. ____________

3. _____________

4. _____________

5. ______________

6. ____________

7. ____________

8. _____________

9. _____________ 10. _____________


Dear Lily,

How are you? Next week our class will have a trip to Nanjing. I am h__1__ to email you to ask if you want to go with us. Now let me tell you something about this t__2__ to Nanjing.

We will go w__3__ our teachers next weekend. We will m__4__ at our school gate at 7:00 a.m. Then we will t__5__ a coach. We will get to Nanjing at about 8:30 a.m. Next we will climb the Purple Mountain(紫金山). It will take us about an hour to get to the top of the mountain. The a__6__ there is quite fresh. We can e__7__ the beauty of nature there. After that, we will have lunch there. In the afternoon, we will r__8__ a boat on Xuanwu Lake. It is one of the most beautiful lakes in Nanjing. Then we will come b__9__ to our school. We will really enjoy the day because it’s out first time to go there. We are very excited. If you want to go with us, please tell me s__10__.

1. ____________

2. ____________

3. _____________

4. _____________

5. ______________

6. ____________

7. ____________

8. _____________

9. _____________ 10. _____________

人教版 七年级(上)第三次月考数学试卷(含答案)

七年级(上)第三次月考数学试卷 一、选择题:(本大题10小题,每小题4分,共40分.每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题意的,请将该选项的标号填入表格内) 1.(4分)(2013?本溪)的绝对值是() A.3 B.﹣3 C.D. 2.(4分)(2016?寿光市模拟)下列各式:①﹣(﹣2);②﹣|﹣2|;③﹣22; ④﹣(﹣2)2,计算结果为负数的个数有() A.4个 B.3个 C.2个 D.1个 3.(4分)(2017秋?合肥月考)下列各式中,不是同类项的是() A.12x2y和13x2y B.﹣ab和3ba C.﹣3和7 D.25x2y和52xy3 4.(4分)(2017秋?合肥月考)下列式子:a2﹣1,,ab2,0,﹣5x,是单项式的有() A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 5.(4分)(2017秋?合肥月考)下列各式是一元一次方程的是() A.﹣3x﹣y=0 B.x=0 C.2+=3 D.3x2+x=8 6.(4分)(2017秋?合肥月考)已知数a,b在数轴上对应点的位置如图所示,则下列结论不正确的是() A.a+b<0 B.a﹣b>0 C.ab<0 D.>0 7.(4分)(2013秋?江阴市期末)已知代数式x+2y的值是3,则代数式3x+6y+1的值是() A.7 B.4 C.10 D.9 8.(4分)(2017秋?合肥月考)把6.965四舍五入取近似值,下列说法正确的是() A.6.96(精确到0.01) B.6.9(精确到0.1) C.7.0(精确到0.1)D.7(精确到0.1)

9.(4分)(2015秋?盘锦期末)41人参加运土劳动,有30根扁担,要安排多少人抬土,多少人挑土,可使扁担和人数相配?若设有x人挑土,则列出的方程是() A.2x﹣(30﹣x)=41 B.+(41﹣x)=30 C.x+=30 D.30﹣x=41﹣x 10.(4分)(2007?北塘区二模)参加医疗保险,住院治疗的病人享受分段报销,保险公司制定的报销细则如下表.某人住院治疗后得到保险公司报销金额是1100元,那么此人住院的医疗费是() A.1000元B.1250元C.1500元D.2000元 二、填空题:(每空4分,共40分) 11.(4分)(2017秋?合肥月考)哈市地铁3号线二期工程需要建设资金264亿元,将26400000000用科学记数法表示为. 12.(8分)(2017秋?合肥月考)﹣的系数是,次数是. 13.(4分)(2014秋?驻马店期末)已知(a﹣2)x|a|﹣1+4=0是关于x的一元一次方程,则a=. 14.(4分)(2017秋?合肥月考)若3x m+5y3与x2y n+1是同类项,则(m+n)2017+mn=. 15.(4分)(2017秋?合肥月考)有一张数学练习卷,只有25道选择题,做对一道给4分,做错一道扣1分,某同学全部做完练习,共得70分,问他一共对了道题. 16.(4分)(2017秋?合肥月考)用同样规格的黑白两种颜色的正方形瓷砖,按图的方式铺地板,则第2017个图形中需要黑色瓷砖块.


新七年级英语下册第一单元测试题 一、单项选择: ( )1. ---___ do you usually go to school? ---On foot. A. When B. How C. What D. Where ( )2.My mother goes to work__ her bike, but I go to school___ bus. A. in, on B. by, by C. on, by D. by, on ( )3.Bob___ school early every morning. A. gets B. gets to C. arrive D. reach ( )4.---How do you get to shop every day? ---I get there___ my car. A. by B. drive C. in D. take ( )5.It takes__ 50 minutes__ his homework. A. him, do B. his, to do C. his, go D. him, to do ( )6.---___________ does your father go aboard on business? ---Once a month. ---____does it take? ---It takes about 14 hours by plane. A. How often, How long B. How far, How soon C. How long, How many times D. How long, How often ( )7..The Greens usually come to China by plane. A. by bike B. by sea C. by car D. by air ( )8. Forty and fifty is _________. A. fifty B. ninty C. ninety D. eighty ( )9. It takes me ________ time to get there, it’s too far from here. A. much too B. many C. too much D. too many ( )10.I have to ______my home. My mother asks me to go back at once. A. leave B.leave for C.leaves D.leave to ( )11.—_____ are you staying there? — For about two weeks. A. How long B. How old C. How D. How much ( )12 . Students have to ___ a boat to get ___ home. A. take; to B. take; / C. takes; / D. takes; to ( )13 . Thomas wants to know ___ . A. where Tina live B. where Tina lives C. where Tina D. where does Tina live ( )14 . ___does Lily’s father get to work? By walking. A. How B. What C. Where D. How’s ( )15. Oh, you’re ____ a bike today. Don’t you usually_________ the subway to school? A. ride; take B. riding; by C. by; by D. riding; take ( )6.What about _____home a little earlier? A. leave B. staying C. to go D. going 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I usually spend two hours (get)to my hometown by bus. 2. Do you know where our English teacher (live) ? 3. They’re waiting for us at the bus (车站). 4. No one in our class knows how (到达) tothe Green Park. 5. It (take) her half an hour to surf the Internet every day. 三、补全对话: Mary: Excuse me . Can you tell me how to get to Manda shopping mall? A: Yes. 1________________________. Mary: Take No.60 bus? OK. 2_____________________________ A: It takes about 50 minutes. It is a little far from here. 3__________________________ Mary: Get there by subway? En, It’s a good idea.4._________________________ A: It is around 20 kilometers. Mary: Thank you very much. A: 5._______________________ .四、书面表达: 根据表格说明你和家人是怎样上班或上学的。

2020年七年级下册语文期末检测 (7)

2020年第二学期学业水平检测试卷 七年级语文 一、积累与运用 (一)基础知识积累与运用 车窗外,远处山顶残存的白色土墩轮廓依稀可见,那就是统万遗址了。①我不禁疑问,为何当年赫连勃勃在攻取长安后不以长安为都,②而执意选择统万城为都城?环顾四周景至,料想一来是游牧情结使然,善骑射的匈奴人游牧shǒu猎为生,在马背上他们才能活的潇洒痛快,一旦下马像汉人一样栖地务农,强势便销声匿迹,很快会被汉人击垮,③二来应该是当时统万城的忧越的地理环境吸引了他,无定河从东南方逶迤流下,水是万物之源,有水就有生命,择水而居的游牧民族视之为上天的恩cì,水丰草肥,得天独厚,往北就是大漠,进可攻退可守,而且远离各方割据武力角逐的焦点,实在是建立一个独立王国的理想之地。④ 1.根据拼音写汉字或者给加点字注音 shǒu( )猎恩cì( ) 逶.( ) 迤.( ) 2.文段中有两个错别字,请找出来并改正。(共2小题) ①“__________”改为“__________”②“__________”改为“__________” 3.文段中划线的词语,运用有误的的一项是( ) A.依稀可见B.潇洒痛快C.销声匿迹D.万物之源 4.文段中划波浪线的标点错误的一项是( ) A.①B.②C.③D.④ 阅读下面一段文字,完成5-6题 甲东寺晚钟即东山寺。乙在县城(织金县城)东0.5公里处,一山拔地而起,高出地面60余米。丙山上林木葱茏,藤蔓荫深,遮天蔽日;山势险峻,三面均是悬岩,只西面有一曲径可以攀登。①寺庙由正殿、前殿、钟楼、鼓楼、山门组成。②前后殿间左厢为钟楼,构成梯级四合天井。③前殿亦系悬山式木结构建筑,四角翘首,阔21.52米,深8.72米,前有斜形靠背栏杆走廊作上山通道,如悬空楼阁。④正殿“梵帝宫”,系5间并排悬山式木结构建筑,通阔,18.71米,进深7.75米,9架梁,木浮雕花枋支撑,瓜柱雕各式花纹图案,青瓦屋面。⑤山腰有一寺庙,名曰东山寺,建于清康熙八年(公元1669年),以后多次重修。 丁钟楼内原悬铁铸大钟一口,日暮方击,钟声悠远可达20左右公里外,故名“东寺晚钟”。 5.在文段中,句子①②③④⑤的顺序是被打乱的,正确的顺序是( ) A.④①⑤②B.①③③④②C.③⑤①④②D.⑤①④③②


公园路中学第一学期七年级数学第三次月考试卷 七年级数学 (总分:100分,时间:2小时) 亲爱的同学们:一学期的初中学习生活将要结束了,到了展示自己的时候,只要你仔细审题,认真答卷,你就会有出色的表现,相信自己是最棒的! 一、你们是最聪明的,该怎样选你一定很清楚,试试看(每题3分,共30分) 1、地球上陆地的面积约为148 000 000平方千米,用科学记数法表示为 ( ) A .148×106 平方千米 B .14.8×107 平方千米 C .1.48×108平方千米 D .1.48×109 平方千米 2、用一副三角尺画角,不能画出的角的度数是( ) A .15o B .75o C .145o D .165o 3、下列说法中正确的是( ) A.最小的整数是0 B.有理数分为正数和负数 C.如果两个数的绝对值相等,那么这两个数相等 D.互为相反数的两个数的绝对值相等 4、下列说法中正确的是 ( ) A .-a 的相反数是a B .|a|一定大于0 C .-a 一定是负数 D .|-m|的倒数是m 1 5、下列说法中,正确的有( ) ①过两点有且只有一条直线 ②连结两点的线段叫做两点的距离 ③两点之间,线段最短 ④若AB =BC ,则点B 是线段AC 的中点 A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 6、下列各数中,不相等的组数有( ) ①(-3)2 与-3 2些单位 ②(-3)2与32 ③(-2)3与-23 ④2-3 与3 2- ⑤(-2)3 与2 - 3 A.0组 B.1组 C.2组 D.3组 7、下列各组是同类项的是( ) A 、3 2x 与2 3x B 、12ax 与8b=-3 , n=2.


七年级语文下学期期末考试题 一、基础(24分) 1、古诗文默写。(10分) (1,往来无白丁。(刘禹锡《陋室铭》) (2,化作春泥更护花。(龚自珍《己亥杂诗》) (3。(杜牧《泊秦淮》) (4)《春夜洛城闻笛》一诗中写诗人因听到故乡的曲子而引发浓浓思乡之情的诗句是: 。 (5)默写完整杜甫《望岳》。 岱宗夫如何?齐鲁青未了。造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓。 。 2、根据拼音写出相应的词语。(4分) (1)那是一个幸运的人对一个不幸的kuì zuó()。 (2)船舱鼓鼓的,又像一个rén jùn bù jìn()的笑容,就要绽开似的。 (3)有一个想法安慰着我:不管走到tiān yá hái jiǎo((),我离她都不会再远了。(4)我似乎遇着了一个霹雳,全体都zhèn sǒng()起来。 3、下列句子中加点的词语使用不恰当 ...的一项是()(3分) A.在困难面前,我们如果能够从容乐观地看待生活,就能心安理得地鼓起勇气战胜困难。 B.世界数字图书馆馆藏包罗万象 ....,从图书到各种档案都有,资料质量非常高。 C.四周万籁俱寂 ....,一瞬间,一只鱼鹰的身影画着优美的曲线,掠过水面。 D.我对这小小的生灵肃然起敬 ....,同时又生出几分惭愧。 4、下列对病句的修改不正确 ...的一项是()(3分) A.董卿在主持《朗读者》节目时,旁征博引,妙语连珠,令广大观众目不暇接。(去掉“妙语连珠”) B.“一带一路”倡议举世瞩目,影响深远,它的实现是中华民族兴衰的关键。(“兴衰”改为“兴盛”) C.为了避免受打扰的事情不再发生,他闭门谢客,低调地度过了自己的92岁生日。(把“不再”改为“再次”) D.由于对志愿者精神理解不深,使得部分志愿者还不能主动投入到“全国文明城市”创建活动中。(去掉“由于”) 5、根据语境,仿照划线句子,接写两句,构成语意连贯的一段话。(4分) 人需要祝福,需要快乐,需要思念。如果一滴水代表一个祝福,我送你一个东海; , ; , 。 二、阅读(46分) (一)爱莲说(10分) 水陆草木之花,可爱者甚蕃。晋陶渊明独爱菊。自李唐来,世人甚爱牡丹。予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭净植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。


UNIT 3 How do you get to school?检测题 (时间:60分钟;满分:100分) 一、听力部分(满分20分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择与内容相符的图片。(每个句子读一遍)(每小题1分,满分5分) A. B. C. D. E. 1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ Ⅱ.听对话及问题,根据对话内容,选择恰当的答语。(每段对话读一遍)(每小题1分,满分5分) 6.A.Her bike is lost. B.There is something wrong with her bike. C.She doesn’t like riding. 7.A.He takes a bus. B.He rides a bike. C.He walks to school. 8.A.Thirty minutes. B.An hour. C.An hour and thirty minutes. 9.A.By ship. B.By air. C.By bike. 10.A.Less than two miles. B.More than two miles. C.Two miles. Ⅲ.听对话,根据对话内容选择正确的答语。(对话读两遍)(每小题1分,满分5分) 11.How does Mr Li go to work? A.He goes to work by bus. B.He goes to work by boat.

C.He goes to work on foot. 12.How does Mr Li’s wife go to work? A.She goes to work by car. B.She goes to work by bus. C.She goes to work by boat. 13.How does Mr Smith go to work? A.He goes to work by car. B.He goes to work by subway. C.He goes t o work by boat. 14.How does Mr Smith’s brother go to work? A.He goes to work by taxi. B.He goes to work by subway. C.He goes to work by motorbike. 15.How does Tom go to work? A.He goes to work by bike. B.He goes to work by subway. C.He walks to work. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确答案。(短文读两遍)(每小题1分,满分5分) 16.The children usually go to school. A.by bus B.by car C.on foot 17.Mrs. Brown has lunch. A.at scho ol B.with Mr. Brown C.at home 18.Mrs. Brown. A.goes to work with her friends every day B.does housework at home C.goes to cook supper for her friends 19.Mr. Brown usually . A.drives to work https://www.wendangku.net/doc/bb8880725.html,es back home by bus C.has lunch at home 20.The children usually go home. A.by bus B.by car C.on foot


七年级(下)语文期末检测试题 A卷(100分) 第I卷(选择题,共21分) 一、语言基本能力(12分,每小题3分) 1.下列选项中加点字注音正确的 ...一项是() A.销蚀.(shí)颠沛.(pèi)忏.悔(chàn)气冲斗.牛(dòu) B.愧怍.(zuò)嗥.鸣(háo)绞.肉(jiǎo)诸圣诸佛.(fó) C.停泊.(bó)诘.问(jié)瞬.息(shùn)忍俊不禁.(jìn ) D.滋.长(zī)孕.育(rùn)涎.水(xián)海市蜃.楼(shèn) 2 . 下列词语书写正确..的一项是() A.迫不急待锋芒毕露悔人不倦大庭广众 B.迥乎不同义愤填膺荒草凄凄群蚁排衙 C.怏怏不乐悲天悯人相得益彰毛骨悚然 D.鞠躬尽瘁珊珊来迟妇孺皆知颠沛流离 3. 下列句子中加点的词语运用有误的 ...一项() A.《海底两万里》中,紧张激烈的冲突,波澜起伏的情节,出乎意料的结局,让人毛骨悚然....。 B.如果你在沙漠中行走,由于高温的天气,有时候你会看到周围有海市蜃楼....的景象。 C.当得知重建家园还遥遥无期时,人们开始变得忧心忡忡 ....起来。 D.我已经语无伦次 ....了,这是那种人们将在赛季结束后回味无穷的比赛,我们做出完美反应,我们必须捍卫榜首。 4. 下列句子有语病 ...的一项是( ) A. 今年的“两会”上,代表们就建立和完善社会保障机制提出了许多宝贵意见。 B.刘慈欣创作的科幻小说《三体》,获得了第73届雨果最佳长篇故事奖。 C.我们只有对老师所提的问题理解到位,才能回答得清楚明了。 D.校长、副校长和其他学校领导出席了这届毕业典礼。 二、文言文阅读(9分,每小题3分) 阅读下面的文言文,完成5-7题。 水陆草木之花,可爱者甚蕃。晋陶渊明独爱菊。自李唐来,世人甚爱牡丹。予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭净植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。 予谓菊,花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也。噫!菊之爱,陶后鲜有闻。莲之爱,同予者何人?牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣。 5.下列句子中加点的词,解释错误..的一项是() A.濯清涟而不妖.(妖:过分艳丽) B. 不蔓不枝.(枝:长枝节) C.亭亭净植.(植:种植) D. 陶后鲜.有闻(鲜:少) 6.下面句子中加点的“而”字与“可远观而.不可亵玩焉”的“而”用法相同的一项是() A.学而.时习之 B.后狼止而.前狼又至 C.肃遂拜蒙母,结友而.别 D.康肃笑而.遣之 7. 对这篇短文分析,不准确的 ....一项是() A.“水陆草木之花,可爱者甚蕃”两句,是全文的总提,为下文将要说到的“菊之爱”“莲之爱”“牡 丹之爱”伏笔,是入题的准备 B.作者写“晋陶渊明独爱菊。自李唐来,世人甚爱牡丹”这两件事,是为了烘托出“予独爱莲”。 C.作者用“莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”这两句,表达了君子不与世俗同流合污的思想感情。 D.结尾的“牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣”,含蓄地表达了作者对世人只喜欢牡丹的肯定和赞许。


监考员填涂缺考 [ ]
[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
注意事项 : 1、答题前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或铅笔填写准考证号姓名、试室号、 座位号,再用 2B 铅笔把试室号、座位号的对应数字涂黑。 2、保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破。
1 2 3 4 5 [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] 6 7 8 9 10
18.填空,并在后面的括号中填理由: 如图,已知∠B+∠E=∠BCE,求证:AB∥DE 证明:如图,过点 C 作 CF∥AB ∴∠B=∠_______( ∵∠B+∠E=∠BCE 即∠B+∠E=∠1+∠2 ∴∠E=∠_______ ∴_______∥_______( ∵AB∥CF,____________(已证) ∴_______∥_______(

第 1 页(共 2 页)
[A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D] [A] [B] [C] [D]
) )
单 选 题
二、填空题( 本大题共 5 个小题,共 20 分) 11、 14、 12、 15、 13、 ,
三、解答题(本大题共 5 题,每题 6 分,共 30 分)
19.若关于 x、y 的方程组 ?
?2 x ? y ? ?1 ① 16.解二元一次方程组: ? ?3x ? 2 y ? ?5 ②
?3x ? 2 y ? 2k ? 5 的解 ?2 x ? 5 y ? ? k ? 4
x、y 互为相反数,求 k 的值
?2 x ? 3 y ? 4 z ? 3 ① ? 17.解三元一次方程组: ?3x ? 2 y ? z ? 7② ? x ? 2 y ? 3 z ? 1③ ?
20.如图,DE∥BC,CD 是∠ACB 的平分线,∠ACB=60°,求∠EDC 的度数.


部编版七年级下学期期中考试语文试题 一、(共12分,每小题3分) 1.下列各组词语中加点字的书写或注音完全正确的一组是() A. 涉.猎(shè) 挚.友 扑朔.迷离(suò) 锋芒必. 露 B. 骨.碌(ɡū) 浓密. 目不窥.园(kuī) 大廷. 广众 C. 粗拙.(zhuó) 萦.带 慷慨.淋漓(kǎi ) 鞠躬. 尽瘁 D. 书斋.(zhāi ) 肿.胀 妇孺.皆知(rú) 如释. 重负 2.依次填入下列句子横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是( ) 生命的历程中,人们往往丢掉当时觉得不重要的东西,抛掷时毫不 ;等到时光逐渐流去,失去的东西在流光中却不停地 ,在回忆里逐步被放大。时光虽缓,但渐渐也远逝了,等有一天终于 ,光阴却已永不回头。 A. 怜惜 闪耀 醒悟 B. 惋惜 闪烁 醒悟 C. 怜惜 闪烁 悔恨 D. 惋惜 闪耀 悔恨 3.下列各句中有语病的一项是() A. 博物馆是保护和传承人类文明的 重要殿堂,也是连接过去、现在和未来的桥梁。 B. 核心技术攻关,要打开大门,吸纳全球智慧,在与世界的开放融通中实现创新。 C. 近年来,公安部推出一系列涉及面广、影响力较大的出入境政策,吸引了很多海外优秀人才来华。 D. 要形成健康绿色的网络传播生态,除了依靠法治手段,还要重视网络伦理建设,努力营造良好的网络传播。 4.下列各句标点符号使用不规范的一项是() A. 你在人生中遭遇拒绝和障碍时,想想以下这种可能:不逃跑,并多问一句为什么。 B. 古人说文章是“经国之大业,不朽之盛事”,共产党人读书作文,更要把目光投向干事创业、治国理政的大境界。 C. 要写出好诗,就不得不在这两方面注意:一方面要做诗人人格的涵养,一方面要做诗的艺术训练,写出自然优美的音节,协和适当的词句。 D. 近来,共享经济的概念大热,单车、汽车、充电宝等都打着共享的旗号在运营。共享设施该如何配置?执法部门又该如何管理呢? 二、(共9分,每小题3分)


七年级下第三单元测试卷 一、积累与运用(28分) 1.下列各组词语中加点字注音完全正确的一项是( )(2分) A.塌败(tà) 嫉妒(jì) 凹凼(dànɡ) 昏厥(jué) B.取缔(dí) 涎水(xián) 颠沛(pèi) 诘问(jié) C.骷髅(kū) 震悚(sǒnɡ) 猝然(cù) 掳去(lǔ) D.滞笨(zhì) 伎俩(jì) 惧惮(chán) 文绉绉(zhōu) 2.下列各组词语的字形完全正确的一项是( )(2分) A.隍恐文诌愧怍焦灼 B.疮疤镶嵌筹划恶耗 C.糟塌眼翳渴慕琐屑 D.霹雳尴尬烦躁伎俩 3.下列句中加点成语运用不正确的一项是( )(2分) A.NBA揭幕战对于小牛而言可谓祸不单行,他们不但遭到血洗,还损伤了一员大将。B.小鬼子对游击队恨得咬牙切齿。 C.父亲又像是对我,又像是自言自语地感叹。 D.父亲老实厚道低三下四累了一辈子,没人说过他有地位,父亲也从没觉得自己有地位。4.下列各句中没有语病的一项是( )(2分)

A.通过汉字书写大赛,使人们重拾汉字之美,也就越发珍惜纸质时代的美好。 B.华人游子用他们所钟爱的音乐方式,在过去的岁月中创作了优秀的大量的歌曲。 C.深受人们喜爱的中国京剧脸谱艺术,被公认是中华民族传统文化的标识。 D.为了优化育人环境,提升办学水平,学校加快了校园环境改造的速度和规模。 5.下列句子中标点符号使用正确的一项是( )(2分) A.打开纸包,是四本小小的书,略略一翻,人面的兽,九头的蛇……等果然都在内。 B.后来长毛果然进门来了,那老妈子便叫他们“大王”,——据说对长毛就应该这样叫,——诉说自己的饥饿。 C.老王只有一只眼,另一只是田螺眼——瞎的。 D.好久之后,父亲又像问自己又像是问我:“这人怎么了”? 6.下列表述不正确的一项是( )(2分) A.《卖油翁》一文主要采用语言、动作、神态描写刻画人物形象。 B.《阿长与〈山海经〉》选自《朝花夕拾》,这篇小说选材详略得当,详写了阿长给“我”买《山海经》一事。 C.《台阶》一文表现了农民艰难困苦的生存状态和为改变生存状态而不懈努力的精神。 D.《老王》的作者杨绛在文中表达了一个幸运的人对一个不幸的人的愧怍。 7.填入下列横线处的语句,与上下文衔接最恰当的一项是( )(2分) “孝”是稍纵即逝的眷恋,“孝”是无法重现的幸福。为自己的父母尽一份孝心吧!也许是一处豪宅,也许是一片砖瓦;______________,______________;也许是一顶纯黑的博士帽,也许是作业簿上一


澄潭江中学七年级(下)期末检测 语文试题卷 本试卷总分100分,考试时间为120分钟。 一、听与说(共6分) 1.听录音两遍,完成下面两小题。(3分) ⑴沪杭磁悬浮中间唯一的站将设在哪里?(1分) ⑵沪杭磁悬浮将给嘉兴带来很大的变化,市长陈德荣是怎样描绘这样的变化的?(2分) 2.说话训练(3分) 母亲节这天,为了感谢母亲的养育之恩,你特地买来了鲜花。当妈妈进门时,你怎样向妈妈表达呢? 二、积累与运用(20分) 3.将下列词语准确、规范、清楚地抄写在方格内。(2分) 人声鼎沸生意葱茏 4.根据注音写出汉字。(2分) 20XX年感动中国十大人物之一的王顺友,20年来在苍凉孤寂的深山峡谷里独行。他从不在困难前jǔ▲丧,那是因为他有着一种对工作、对老百姓chì▲热的情感。 5.从备选词语中各选择一个合适的词语填在横线上。(2分) 远天的星辰以常年的静默让人遐思,我们到了一个远方,却又有一个远方在▲,多少人愿意▲眼前的幸福到远方去。人类从古到今,总是不断用行动去抵达远方。 (呼唤呼喊舍弃抛弃) 6.指出下面句子中的两个错别字,并加以改正。(2分) 闻一多先生做学问,足不下楼,是一位潜心治学的学者;对敌人斗争锋芒必露,揭穿他们的无耻斓言,是一位英勇无畏的战士。 7.布封的《马》赞美了马是人类忠诚而高贵的朋友。在我国,很多成语中都有马,如龙马精神、金戈铁马、马革裹尸、倚马可待、塞翁失马等。除这些外,请再写出三个带有“马”字的赞美性的成语。(2分) 8.古诗文积累。(6分) ⑴▲,寒光照铁衣。 ⑵未至,▲。弃其杖,化为邓林。 ⑶韦应物《滁州西涧》中描写出水急舟横的两句诗是▲,▲。 ⑷赵翼《论诗》中表明代代都有影响后世人才的两句诗是▲,▲。


2018-2019学年安徽省合肥市七年级(上)第三次月考数学试卷 一、选择题:(本大题10小题,每小题4分,共40分.每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题意的,请将该选项的标号填入表格内) 1.(4分)(2013?本溪)的绝对值是() A.3 B.﹣3 C.D. 2.(4分)(2016?寿光市模拟)下列各式:①﹣(﹣2);②﹣|﹣2|;③﹣22;④﹣(﹣2)2,计算结果为负数的个数有() A.4个B.3个 C.2个 D.1个 3.(4分)(2018秋?合肥月考)下列各式中,不是同类项的是() A.12x2y和13x2y B.﹣ab和3ba C.﹣3和7 D.25x2y和52xy3 4.(4分)(2018秋?合肥月考)下列式子:a2﹣1,,ab2,0,﹣5x,是单项式的有() A.1个B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 5.(4分)(2018秋?合肥月考)下列各式是一元一次方程的是() A.﹣3x﹣y=0 B.x=0 C.2+=3 D.3x2+x=8 6.(4分)(2018秋?合肥月考)已知数a,b在数轴上对应点的位置如图所示,则下列结论不正确的是() A.a+b<0 B.a﹣b>0 C.ab<0 D.>0 7.(4分)(2013秋?江阴市期末)已知代数式x+2y 的值是3,则代数式3x+6y+1 的值是()

A.7 B.4 C.10 D.9 8.(4分)(2018秋?合肥月考)把6.965四舍五入取近似值,下列说法正确的是() A.6.96(精确到0.01) B.6.9(精确到0.1) C.7.0(精确到0.1)D.7(精确到0.1) 9.(4分)(2015秋?盘锦期末)41人参加运土劳动,有30根扁担,要安排多少人抬土,多少人挑土,可使扁担和人数相配?若设有x人挑土,则列出的方程是() A.2x﹣(30﹣x)=41 B.+(41﹣x)=30 C.x+=30 D.30﹣x=41﹣x 10.(4分)(2007?北塘区二模)参加医疗保险,住院治疗的病人享受分段报销,保险公司制定的报销细则如下表.某人住院治疗后得到保险公司报销金额是1100元,那么此人住院的医疗费是() 住院医疗费(元)报销率(%) 不超过500元的部分0 超过500~1000元的部分60 超过1000~3000元的部分80 … A.1000元B.1250元C.1500元D.2000元 二、填空题:(每空4分,共40分) 11.(4分)(2018秋?合肥月考)哈市地铁3号线二期工程需要建设资金264亿元,

2020年新人教版七年级语文下学期期末测试题(含答案) (2)

七年级语文下学期期末考试试题 共150分,150分钟 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 得 分 总分人 一、知识积累与运用(33分) 请将1—7题正确答案序号填入下面答题卡中(每题3分,共21分)。 1. 下列词语加点字读音完全正确....的一项是(3分) ( ) A. 哺.育(bǔ) 遒.劲(qiú) 潜.心贯注(qián ) 沮. (jǔ)丧 B. 花圃.(fǔ) 脑髓.(suì) 回环曲.折(qū) 菜畦.(qí) C. 阴霾.(mái ) 归省.(shěng )叱.咤风云(chì) 嫉. (jì)妒 D. 祈.祷(qí) 亢.奋(kàng ) 鲜.为人知(xiān ) 环谒.(yè) 2.下列句子中,完全没有错别字的一项是( ) A. 它的头部比例整齐,给它一种轻捷的神情,这种神情恰好与颈部的美相得益章。 B. 假如我是一个诗人,我就要写出一首长诗,来描绘她们的变换多姿的旋舞。 C. 她总是对人们微笑着,总是迫不急待地想对人民有所贡献。 D. 他们的性格和为人却截然不同——甚至可以说他们走向了两个相反的极端。 3.下列加点字的成语使用正确的一项是(3分) ( ) A. 一个初一的学生,竟能写出如此漂亮的字,真叫人肃然起敬....。 B. 任何个人的成绩和人民群众的伟大创造比起来,都不过是沧海桑田.... 。 C. 5月26日凌晨,两只德国球队上演了一场石破..天惊.. 的比赛,最终拜仁慕尼黑队以2:1战胜了多特蒙德队,第五次捧起了欧冠奖杯。 D. 中国政府对日本在钓鱼岛问题上的肆意妄为.... ,提出了严正抗议。 4.依次填入下面一段文字横线上的句子,排列恰当的一项是(3分) ( ) H7N9型禽流感是一种新型禽流感,于2013年3月底在上海和安徽两地率先发现,并在全国成散发之势, 迄今已经夺走了数十条生命,一时人们谈“禽”色变,餐桌上少了禽类食品。 ①据实验,H7N9型禽流感病毒在60摄氏度以上的水中,几分钟内即可杀死,所以禽肉只要煮熟、煮透,就没有任何危险。 ②当然,我们也不可以掉以轻心,不论是不是在禽流感爆发期间,都要注意卫生,不接触可疑动物,避免食用不洁食品。 ③其实,对禽类食品你都不必过于忌讳。 ④鸡蛋也是,只要不吃生的或半生的鸡蛋,在食用时烹调加热充分,一样是安全的。 A. ①③②④ B. ③④②① C. ③①④② D. ③④②① 评卷人 得分 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


七年级英语下册Unit 3单元测试及答案 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. He has two ____________(box) of old books under his bed. 2. Can you come with___________(we) after school? 3. The __________(eight) story is very interesting. 4. This kind of medicine is ______________(cheap) than that one. 5. These skirts are ______(she). Yours are over there. 6. If it_______________ (rain), I will take a taxi. 7. ______________(read and write) more is good for your English. 8. The most popular way of______________(get) to school is walking. 9. Hainan is a good place _________ (go) sightseeing. 10. Hurry! The train ______________ (leave) in five minutes. 二、单项选择选出能填入各句中相应空白处的最佳答案。( 20分) 11. —How does he go to Hong Kong? —________. A. Take the plane B. Take plane C. By the plane D. By the air 12. —_____ do you live from school? —8 miles. xK b1 . Co m A. How long B. How far C. How much D. Where 13. I usually go to school ________. A. ride the bike B. on bike C. on the bike D. by my bike 14. –How do you usually go to school? -- _____my mother’s car. A. By B. With C. In D. For 15. If they live in Chongqing, they can go to Wuhan _____ easily. A. on foot B. by the taxi C. by boat D. by sea 16. He gets up early and ________ breakfast. A. have a quick B. has quick a C. has a quick D. have quick 17. The last train is left, so you _______ stay here until tomorrow. A. must B. have to C. needn’t D. can not 18. Please _________ who broke the window. A. find B. look for C. look at D. find out 19. Listen, a small number of students ______ in the classroom. A. talk B. talks C. is talking D. are talking 20. _______ she is ill, _______ she goes to school. A. Although; / B. Although; but C. But; although D. Because; / 21.The No. 6 Middle School is not far ___ his home. A. to B. from C. with D. at 22. It’s time for supper now. Let’s it. A. stop having B. stop to have C. to stop to have D. stopping to have 23. —How long does it take? --It takes ______. A. half an hour B. a hour C. two hour D. half a hour 24. Yesterday we went to a lonely village. It us about two hours to get there. A. spent B. took C. cost D. made 25. --__________ ? --It is wonderful.


部编版语文六年级下学期 期末测试卷 (时间:90分钟总分:100分)学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 座号________ 一、选择题 1.下列选项中没有错别字的一项是() A.唯恐领域压泊B.焚烧依畏小贩 C.凄凉蟋蟀解释D.倒霉惊煌远眺 二、信息匹配 2.在括号里选择正确的字组词语,用“”画出,并为其注音。 (然燃)放(甜批)评(阶芥)段 恐(饰怖)(僻避)免(肿肿)胀 (竭褐)色严(俊峻)(辨辩)斗 三、填空题 3.填写合适的关联词语。 (______)我们是为人民服务的,(______),我们(______)有缺点,(______)不怕别人批评指出。不管是什么人,谁向我们指出都行。(______)你说得对,我们(______)改正。4.用合适的词语替换句子中画线的部分。 (1)他们中间有几只扇着翅膀心里急切地想试试,但是一只老母鹅总是说:“别犯傻!你们一定会受冻挨饿的。”(______) (2)我的理智现在已经逐渐能够控制我的沮丧心情,我开始尽可能地安慰自己,把我遇到的凶险和幸运作个对比,使自己能够心里平和,不急躁,不生气。(______) (3)玛琪脸上露出轻视,看不起的神情:“学校?学校有什么好写的?我讨厌学校。”

(______) (4)但是我们想到人民的利益,想到大多数人民的痛苦,我们为人民而死,就是死得有意义、有价值。(______) 5.写出下列标点符号的作用。 (1)我觉得好像有方根钢针扎着喉管,失声喊起米:“老班长,你怎么……” 省略号:________________________ (2)这个力量就是他平日对我们讲的——他对于革命事业的信心。 破折号:_______________________ (3)没有当年作文上的九十八个红双圈,会有我今天的一切吗? 问号:__________________________ (4)腊月二十三过小年,差不多就是过春节的“彩排”。 引号:__________________________ 6.日积月累。 (1)《十五夜望月》一诗中与“举头望明月,低头思故乡”有异曲同工之妙的诗句是 _________,_________。 (2)老师常告诫我们光阴如流水,一去不再回,因此我们要珍惜青春年华。老师的这番话让我想起了《长歌行》中的一句诗:_________,__________! (3)《寒食》一诗中写仲春景色的两句诗是_________,________。 (4)《马诗》中描写边塞景色的诗句是________,________。 (5)当我们看到有的人历经无数磨难与考验依然“坚挺”时,会想到《竹石》中的诗句:_________,_________。 (6)有时候刻意去做一件事,反而失败了,无意间做的一些事,却有着很好的效果,这真是“___________,____________。” 四、语言表达 7.按要求写句子。 (1)我以日始出时去人近,而日中时远也。(翻译句子) ______________________________ (2)整个上午我就跟在母亲腿底下:去吗?去吧,走吧,怎么还不走啊?走吧……(照样

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