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Unit 1 Art Section Ⅰ Warming amp;Reading Pre-reading Starting around 4000B.C., traditional Chinese brush

painting has developed continuously over a period of more

than six thousand years. Its growth has reflected the changes

of time.

During the 1st century A.D., the art of painting

religious morals gradually gained in prominence (明显;突出),

with the introduction of Buddhism to China and the consequent

building of temples. However, the subject later expanded beyond

religious themes. For example, paintings of historical characters

and stories of everyday life became extremely popular. By the 4th century, this particular type of painting had already established itself

as an independent form of expression. It then gradually developed

into two separate styles including a genre (艺术风格) commonly

found in Chinese brush painting —flower-and-bird painting. A

great many artists in the 9th century painted in this genre and their subjects included a rich variety of flowers, fruits, birds, insects, and fish. Since the turn of the 20th century, painters have often mixed

several colors on one brush or mixed their colors with black inks,

which is similar to the western painting skill. As a result, they have

obtained more natural and richly varied colors. Such techniques have

been widely adopted and further developed in the contemporary period.

Section_ⅠWarming Up & Reading —Pre-reading



Art is influenced by the customs and faith ①of a people. Styles in Western art have changed many times. As there are so many different styles of Western art②, it would be impossible to describe all of them in such a short text. Consequently③,this text will describe only the most important ones, starting from the sixth century AD④.

The Middle Ages⑤ (5th to 15th century AD) During the Middle Ages, the main aim⑥ of painters was to represent religious themes. A conventional⑦ artist of this period was not interested in showing nature and people as they really were. A typical⑧ picture at this time was full of religious symbols, which created a feeling of respect and love for God. But it was evident⑨ that ideas were changing in the 13th century⑩when painters like Giotto di Bondone ? began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way. ①faith/feIθ/n.信任;信心;信念faithfully/'feIθf?lI/adv.忠实地




④现在分词短语starting from ...在


⑤the Middle Ages中世纪









⑩It is/was evident that ...“显



?Giotto di Bondone/'d??t??












The Renaissance? (15th to 16th century) During the Renaissance, new ideas and values gradually replaced those held in the Middle Ages. People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt? a more humanistic? attitude to life. At the same time painters returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art. They tried to paint people and nature as they really were. Rich people wanted to possess? their own paintings, so they could decorate their superb? palaces and great houses. They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and possessions?as well as?their activities and achievements.

One of the most important discoveries during this period was how to draw things in perspective?. This technique? was first used by Masaccio○21 in 1428. When people first saw his paintings, they were convinced that they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures○22. By coincidence○23, oil paints were also developed at this time, which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper. Without the new paints and the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces○24 for which this period is famous○25.?renaissance/rI'neIsns; US'ren?sɑ?ns/n.


the Renaissance文艺复兴(时期)








?as well as 既……又……;也,连接两个并列成分。




22If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been ...



by coincidence巧合地



for which ...是“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。






Impressionism○26 (late 19th to early

20th century)

In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal○27, from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one. Many people moved from the countryside to the new cities. There were many new inventions and social changes. Naturally, these changes also led to new painting styles. Among the painters who broke away from○28 the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris○29.

The Impressionists were the first painters to work outdoors○30. They were eager to show how light and shadow○31 fell on objects at different times of day. However, because natural light changes so quickly, the Impressionists had to paint quickly. Their paintings were not as detailed as those of earlier painters○32. At first, many people disliked this style of ○



post-impressionist adj.后印象派的n.后印象派艺术家

27a great deal大量

28break away from 脱离

29介词短语Among the painters位于句首,句子用完全倒装语序。

30动词不定式短语to work outdoors作定语,修饰the first painters。当中心词被the first/last等修饰时,通常用动词不定式(短语)作定语。


32句子Their paintings were ...中包含not as ... as句式,表示“不如……”,those 指代前面提到的复数名词paintings。


painting and became very angry about it.

They said that the painters were careless

and their paintings were ridiculous○33.





Modern Art (20th century to today) At the time they were created, the Impressionist paintings were controversial○34, but today they are accepted as the beginning of what we call “modern art”○35. This is because the Impressionists encouraged artists to look at their environment in new ways○36. There are scores of modern art styles, but without the Impressionists, many of these painting styles might not exist. On the one hand, some modern art is abstract; that is, the painter does not attempt○37 to paint objects as we see them with our eyes, but instead concentrates on certain qualities of the object, using colour, ○



what we call译为“我们所说的;


36This is because ...这是因为……


This is why ...这就是为什么……(why 后跟结果)


38on the other hand(可是)另一方面○

39so ... that“如此……以至于”,在

line and shape to represent them. On the other

hand ○38,some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs ○39. These

styles are so different. Who can predict ○40 what

painting styles there will be in the future ? 此引导结果状语从句。 ○

40predict /prI'dIkt/vt .预言;预告;预测








Please match the words with their proper meanings.


A .sth. you hope to achieve by doing sth. 2.typical

B .a strong feeling of trust or confidence


someone or sth. 3.aim C .the dark shape that someone or something

makes on a surface


D .having the usual features or qualities of a

particular group or thing

5.shadow E .sth. that you own or have with you at a

particular time

6.superb F.based on general ideas rather than specific


7.abstract G.have possession of

8.possess H.excellent; splendid




What is art? Can you list some forms of art?

答案:(1)painting(2)paper cutting(3)sculpture(4)architecture(5)dance

Fast-r eading

Skim the text and choose the best answers.

1.What does the text mainly tell us?

A.How religious paintings developed.

B.How oil paintings developed.

C.How Impressionist paintings developed.

D.How Western art developed.

2.In what way is the passage developed?

A.By time. B.By space.

C.By comparison. D.By contrast.



Read the text and choose the best answers.

1.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Paintings in the Middle Ages were very realistic.

B.Western art has changed a lot since the 5th century.

C.The Impressionist paintings were painted mainly indoors.

D.Modern art began in the Renaissance.

2.At first most people hated the Impressionists' style of painting, because ________.

A.their paintings were very abstract

B.their paintings were very realistic

C.they broke away from the traditional style of painting

D.their paintings were very ridiculous

3.In the Renaissance, painters ________.

A.painted religious scenes in a more realistic style

B.focused more on religion than on humans

C.began to paint outdoors

D.returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art

4.________ discovered how to make paintings look more real by using perspective.

A.Giotto di Bondone B.Masaccio

C.Claude Monet D.Pablo Picasso

5.According to the passage, art is influenced less likely by ________.

A.agriculture B.faith of a people

C.social changes D.the customs



Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text.

1.But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.












们开始用一种比较现实的风格来画宗教场景。2.By coincidence, oil paints were also developed at this time, which made the

colours used in paintings look richer and deeper. [句式分析] 本句是主从复合句,which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个句子的

内容;从句中made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper是“make+宾语+宾补”结构,宾补是不带to的不定式短语;过去分词短语used in paintings作后置






更丰富、更深沉。3.Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting

were the Impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris. [句式分析] 本句的主干是Among the painters were the Impressionists,介词短语Among the painters位于句首,引起全部倒装。句中的两个who引导的定语从句分别修饰先

行词the painters和the Impressionists。





4.At the time they were created, the Impressionist paintings were controversial, but today they are accepted as the beginning of what we call “modern art”.






而成为我们所说的“现代艺术”的始祖了。5.On the one hand, some modern art is abstract; that is, the painter does not attempt to paint objects as we see them with our eyes, but instead concentrates on certain qualities of the object, using colour, line and shape to represent them. [句式分析]that is为插入语;as we see them with our eyes为方式状语从句;using colour, line and shape to represent them为现在分词短语作方式状语。[








Many parents wonder why their children should study art. To some, art is nice

but useless. They consider it unnecessary to human existence. To others, art is important and meets some human needs that can't be met any other way.

So what is the purpose of art?

The earliest art — cave drawings and the like —

certainly had some important purposes. This type of art

was a record of events, a means of sharing stories, and

a way to pass on information. People created primitive

(原始的) art to show the world around them — pictures

were usually of animals, birds, plants, and humans in scenes of daily life,

especially hunting. In recent centuries, art has become more complicated. The spoken and written words have become our major means of communication, so art can be more than just a


of historic events or a way to share stories, although it still can le

be those things as well. Through art, artists share their feelings in a way that brings on something from the viewers. The feelings one experiences when viewing art may be pleasing or not. The artist is trying to express something; it's up to you to figure out what that is. Art is a conversation between you and the artist; they put themselves into their work, and you bring yourself to your explanation of it. Because of the feelings that art can bring on — feelings that usually cannot be brought on by other means — art is necessary to human existence. Art meets our needs for self-expression, communication, and our desire for connection with other humans

across centuries and cultures. Now, we can conclude that art is very important. Since it is important, kids

should learn it.


1.What do we know about the primitive art?

A.It didn't have any important purposes.

B.It was mainly about people's daily life.

C.It was created mainly to entertain people.

D.It was meant to help people understand the world.

解析:选B 细节理解题。由第三段的“People created primitive (原始的) art to show the world around them — pictures were usually of animals, birds, plants, and humans in scenes of daily life, especially hunting.”可知,艺术一开始主要是关于人


2.What does the underlined word “chronicle” in Paragraph 4 mean?





解析:选D 词义猜测题。第三段说艺术一开始主要是用来记录生活的,第四段指出后


3.Paragraph 5 mainly shows art's use of ________.

B.explaining problems

A.making a living

C.exchanging feelings

D.storing information

解析:选C 段落大意题。第五段主要说明艺术的情感交流的作用。

4.The text is meant to show that ________.

A.kids love art for a reason

B.children should study art

C.art is very important to humans

D.art is used for different purposes

解析:选 B 主旨大意题。由第一段的“Many parents wonder why their children should study art.”和最后一段可知,作者主要通过阐述艺术的重要性来表明小孩需要学习



Life can sometimes seem like an endless series of exhibitions. For those of

us involved in the art world, there are times when we're constantly visiting gallery (画廊) after gallery, taking in as much as possible and getting to know the works

of artists from far and wide. But there are some artists whose works

consistently stand out. Some artists' works stay in the

thought and heart of an audience long after the show is over.

I've noticed over the years that these are often the artists

who have understood fully the skill of telling the story

behind their art. These artists aren't just selling paintings — they're selling

an experience. Roxanna Kibsey is one of these artists. Her paintings are often exact description

of frozen tundra (冻原) or autumn trees — so bright that they could nearly burn a hole in the canvas. When I met her at an exhibition she couldn't wait to tell me about the place in her paintings. “Where I grew up we had nine months of winter

every year. It's really quite a tough place,” she said. She relived a part of her childhood when we chatted in front of her painting. The image brought to my mind memories of driving through the snow-covered countryside during my own first winter in Canada. I could almost hear the crunching ice under my feet as she described

to me the countryside she grew up in.


Businessmen may have their



ut artists, too, need their


30-second story which rolls freely off the tongue. That's why it's so important that for each piece you might be exhibiting, you can conjure up (唤起) a story behind it, and tell that story to your audience in a way that helps them connect with your

work, and makes them want to buy a piece.


5.What kind of artists does the author like?

A.Those who have great skills.

B.Those who have held many exhibitions.

C.Those who paint scenes of their own home towns.

D.Those who tell their experience through their paintings.

解析:选D 细节理解题。由第一段的“These artists aren't just selling paintings — they're selling an experience.”可知,作者认为能够打动观众、给观众以深刻印象的是那些能够通过自己的画作描述自己的经历的画家。

6.Through Roxanna Kibsey's painting, the author ________.

A.had a beautiful imagination

B.thought of a serious question

C.brought back his own memory

D.thought of his own home town

解析:选C 细节理解题。由第二段最后两句可知,作者看着Roxanna Kibsey的画作,听着她的讲述,不禁联想到自己第一次在加拿大过冬时的情景。

7.We can learn from Paragraph 2 that ________.

A.Kibsey's work reflects her own life

B.Kibsey had an unhappy childhood

C.Kibsey doesn't like her home town

D.Kibsey's home town is beautiful in winter

解析:选A 推理判断题。由第二段可知,Roxanna Kibsey的画作描述了画家家乡冬天一片肃杀的景象,反映了她的童年生活。

8.What does the underline d part “elevator pitch” probably refer to?

A.A sales introduction.

B.A wise choice.

C.A small mistake.

D.A modern tool.

解析:选A 词义猜测题。分析最后一段,商人的“elevatorpitch”就等同于画家的“30-second story”,是一种“产品推介”,用来吸引买家。


Tabloids (小报) are newspapers that usually report news about people. However,

the stories often leave readers wondering, “Could this really be true?” Read

the following stories from the hottest tabloids in town. Brasilia, Brazil After Gilberto Carvalho — a million-dollar lottery (彩票) winner — told reporters that his luck had come from a particular fish in a park pond, more than 200 other Brazilians spoke up with similar stories. They had touched this fish and soon after had won a prize! Although this “magic fish” is being studied and off-limits to the public, m any people have won money simply by touching

its picture. Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. Bruce Zalmer, 32, is fireproof. His skin can withstand (禁得住) flames without pain or damage. And his lungs (肺) can take in oxygen from smoky air. Medical scientists are amazed that a human could have either of these qualities, let alone both. Although Zalmer sees himself as “just a regular guy”,he once saved a family of four from a burning building after firefighters had given

up hope. Nakurn, Kenya As tourists in a bus looked on in amazement, a spaceship caught

11 elephants from a wildlife park. The bus driver had stopped at a watering hole and the tourists were watching the elephants when a huge spaceship appeared. The ship shot down a powerful beam of orange light that sucked up (吸走) the elephants and then flew off. Park officials confirmed that 11 full-grown elephants had

disappeared. Monterrey, Mexico Doctors say that hundreds of people who had been old and

sick became young and healthy again by drinking from a water fountain (喷泉) in a public park. Park officials removed the fountain because crowds were becoming a danger. Yet the people who had drunk its water remained young and healthy — and

made others young and healthy, too, simply by hugging them!


9.In Brasilia, it's said that there is a magic fish that ________.

A.brings people good luck

B.knows how to win prizes

C.can communicate with humans

D.can recognize different types of money

解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一个故事中描述的“They had touched this fish and soon after had won a prize!”和“many people have won money simply by touching its


10.Which of the following can best describe Bruce Zalmer?





解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第二个故事中描述的“he once saved a f amily of four from a burning building after firefighters had given up hope”可知,在危难中挽救

他人生命的Bruce Zalmer很勇敢。

11.All the stories mentioned in the text are ________.





解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第一段的“the stories often leave readers wondering,

‘Could this really be true?’”以及下文对四个故事的描述可知,这些故事都很不可思




Exercise is a way of keeping the body healthy through being active. Another name for exercise is physical fitness. Most people exercise in their spare time.

Sports are some of the most popular ways to get exercise. The two main kinds of exercise are aerobic exercise (有氧运动) and anaerobic exercise (无氧运动). Sports such as football and basketball are great forms of


exercise. __

1 Aerobic exercise is energetic movement that lasts for a certain period of time.


__ The lungs and the heart work harder to bring in extra oxygen. Swimming, cycling, 2

running and rapid walking are good examples of aerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise is a powerful burst of movement followed by a period of rest. During anaerobic exercise the muscles need more energy than the body can make with

its supply of oxygen. After the exercise a person feels out of breath because the


muscles have worked without oxygen. __

__ Exercise affects every part of the body in positive ways. It improves balance

). __

and coordination (


__ Exercise strengthens the heart and increases the


lungs' ability to take in oxygen. Through exercise the bones and muscles get

stronger, and the whole body becomes healthy and strong.


__ People who exercise generally have a more positive, happy attitude.


A.This is because they combine both of these types.

B.Frequent and regular exercise helps prevent diseases.

C.Exercise also gives people a greater feeling of well-being.

D.It also improves posture, or the resting position of the body. E.Weight lifting, jumping, and golfing are all types of anaerobic exercise. F.Physical exercise can contribute positively to keeping a healthy weight. G.During aerobic exercise the body combines oxygen with sugar to get more energy.


1.选A 由本段中的aerobic exercise和anaerobic exercise以及该空前的“Sports such as football and basketball are great forms of exercise.”可知,A项内容“这

是因为它们结合了这两种运动”符合此处语境。2.选G 由该空后的“The lungs and the heart work harder to bring in extra oxygen.”可知,设空处指在有氧运动中,人的身体会把氧气和糖分结合起来获取更多的能

量。3.选 E 由前段中的“Swimming, cycling, running and rapid walking are good examples of aerobic exercise.”以及本段对无氧运动的介绍可知,此处应该列举无氧运动

的例子。4.选D 由本段中的“affects ... in positive ways”及“It improves balance and coordination (协调).”等信息可知,设空处描述运动给人带来的积极影响,D项符合此处

语境。5.选C 由该空后的“People who exercise ... positive, happy attitude.”可知,


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