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江苏省淮安市洪泽县新区中学中考英语 考点剖析与典题精讲系列1 人教新目标版

江苏省淮安市洪泽县新区中学中考英语 考点剖析与典题精讲系列1 人教新目标版
江苏省淮安市洪泽县新区中学中考英语 考点剖析与典题精讲系列1 人教新目标版





【巧记提示】 no(不,没有)+thing(东西,事情)

【经典例句】 There is nothing in the room.


【考点聚焦】 1)nothing始终是单数,甚至后跟一个含复数名词的词组时也不例外。如:

Nothing except your fears stands (not stand) in your way.

除了你的恐惧之外没有什么(而不用 stand) 可以阻挡你。

Nothing but roses meets (not meet) the eye.

除了玫瑰以外没有什么(而不用 meet) 可以引起注意。

2)something 用于肯定句,anything用于否定句或疑问句。

【活学活用】 1.选择

There isn't in my pocket.






【经典例句】 We keep no secrets from you.


【考点聚焦】 secret指秘密的事物,而secrecy则更多地是指保密的性质、状态和能力。

如:let out a secret 泄露秘密;a secret talk 秘密谈话

There need be no secrecy.无需保密。

I can rely on his secrecy.我相信他不会泄露秘密。

【巧记提示】 joy(欢乐)→boy(男孩),欢乐的男孩。

【经典例句】 No joy without alloy/annoy.没有纯粹的快乐。



Swimming in the sea is great fun.在海里游泳很好玩。


Money cannot buy happiness.钱买不来幸福。


They told jokes at the beginning of the show.他们在节目开始时讲了些笑话。


He listened with pleasure to the beautiful music.他陶醉在美妙的音乐



【活学活用】 2.翻译

She was full of joy when her child was born.


【经典例句】 There is a difficult problem.


【考点聚焦】 1)注意problem可以被用来修饰其他名词,如:a problem child 问题孩子;a problem student 问题学生。

2)固定搭配:sleep on/upon/over a problem 把问题留到第二天解决

【巧记提示】 s+eat(吃)

【经典例句】 There are thirty seats in our classroom.


【考点聚焦】 1)以-eat结尾的词:meat n 肉;great adj.伟大的

2)短语:常见的短语:take a seat(=have a seat) 就座

【活学活用】 3.改写句子,句意不变

Please sit down.

Please a .


【巧记提示】 bit(一点)→fit(适合)

【经典例句】 His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion.


【活学活用】 4.翻译


答案:He will just fit the post.

【巧记提示】 square(广场)→spare(节省)

【经典例句】 The little girl drew a square on the paper.


【考点聚焦】注意12 m2,读作:twelve square meters

【经典例句】 It was clever of you to solve the problem.


【巧记提示】 hand(手)+-some(=same 像……的)

【经典例句】 He is a handsome man.他是个英俊的男士。

【考点聚焦】 1)handsome一般用来指男性的美,而指女性时,通常是用beautiful。


She is very beautiful,but not so extraordinarily handsome.


3)handso me有“慷慨的,大方的”意思,跟本单元学习的generous一词意


That is a quite ha ndsome birthday present.那是一份相当大方的生日礼物。

【巧记提示】 test(测试)→rest(休息)

【经典例句】 I was being tested for a driving licence for the third time.




He has stood the test of war.


The doctor examined her carefully.


The teacher will examine the students in English.


【巧记提示】 advice(n.建议)→advise(v.建议)

【经典例句】 You should take the doctor's advice.你应该接受医生的建议。

【考点聚焦】 1)advice是不可数名词,其动词形式是advise。

2)含有advice的短语有:give advice to sb.给某人提建议;give sb.advice

给某人提建议;take one's advice接受建议;ask for advice征求建议。



advice是不可数名词,没有复数形式。表示“一条建议”,要用a piece of



【活学活用】 5.请将下面的句子翻译成英文



答案:1)The teacher often gives me advice.

2)You'd better take my advice.

【巧记提示】 w+ear(耳朵)

【经典例句】 He always wears a smile.他总是面带笑容。

【考点聚焦】 1)wear这个单词还有其他的用法,表示“穿、戴”等,此时wear是及物动词;表示“磨损、损耗”,此时wear是不及物动词。

2) put on 表示“穿”的动作,而wear表示“穿着”的状态。

【活学活用】 6.选择

It's very cold outside.You should your coat.

A.put on

B.putting on





knock over sth.撞翻某物

【经典例句】 The clumsy waiter knocked over my cup of coffee.


上 k nock at/on

【活学活用】 7.用上面所提到的词组的正确形式填空

1)Someone is the door.

2)He seemed to be all thumbs today for he has three vases.

3)The boxer was at the third round.

4)It's after five,let's .

5)The woman a man when she went home on a rainy night. 答案:1)knocking at 2)knocked over 3)knocked out 4)knock off 5)knocked into agree with sb.同意某人

【经典例句】 Do you agree with me about the need for more schools?


【考点聚焦】固定搭配:agree like cats and dogs 水火不相容(像狗和猫一样无法和平共处)

agree like two peas in a pod 就像一个豆荚中的两颗豆粒(关系融洽)

1)We agreed leave at once.

2)Are we all agreed the best course of action?

3)She agreed my idea.

4)Spicy food does not agree me.

答案:1)to 2)on 3)to/oupn 4)with


He can walk fast but when he walks past the desks,he often knocks over our books and pens.



【拓展】 It never rains but it pours.(谚语)不雨则已,一雨倾盆。这句谚语同样是一个由but连接的并列句。

I never feel bored or unhappy when he is with me.


【剖析】这个句子是一个包含时间状语从句的复合句。主句是I never feel bored or unhappy.“我从来不会感到无聊或不开心。”后边的从句when he is with









Is this problem as difficult as that one?这道题和那道题一样难吗?

William is as poor as John.威廉跟约翰一样穷。

He has as much money as he wants.他想要多少钱就有多少钱。


He cannot run so/as fast as you.他没有你跑得快。


You are taller than I.你比我高。

China is larger than any other countries in Asia.中国比亚洲其他国家都要大。

It is easier to make a plan than to carry it out.制订计划比实施计划容易。

He is more humorous than his brother.他比他的哥哥更幽默。


Mike is the most intelligent in his class.迈克是班上最聪明的学生。

He has the prettiest house in this village.他拥有村上最漂亮的住宅。

Silence is like sleep which refreshes wisdom.缄默像睡眠;它使智慧焕然一新。形容词、副词变比较级、最高级规律如下:



例1(2010浙江中考)—Dick,is Nick your twin brother?

—Yes,and I'm thirty minutes than him.





思路解析:从答语中的thirty minutes可以判断Dick先于Nick 30分钟出生,也就是说Dick比Nick大。A、B、C三个选项都不能与时间搭配。所以选择D。

例2(2010江苏南通中考模拟)—What's behind door?I can't open it. —Let me have a look.Oh,there's a chair.






例3(2010山东济南中考模拟)Animals like tigers and bears are very dangerous.(改为一般疑问句)

animals tigers and bears very dangerous?

思路解析:首先判断出原句为主系表结构,因此把这样的句子变为一般疑问句,只要把be 提前即可。答案:Are,like


例4 A new car is much than a secondhand one in the same brand(品牌) and model





D.more expensive


黑色陷阱:本题有两处陷阱:一是误选B项,单从语法上讲,much cheaper没有任何语法错误,但从语意上讲,却不符合情理。二是要注意,当形容词的音节为两个或者两个以上时,要用more+形容词的形式,不可以用原形或者在形容词词尾加上-er。

解此类题应注意英语中一些常用的修饰比较级和最高级的形容词,比如:a bit,a


much,far,by far,many,a lot,lots of,a great deal,any,still,even等。

例5 Shanghai is the largest cities in the world.





思路解析:此题同样考查形容词比较级和最高级的用法及其相关内容,但同时也考查了介词among的用法。如:She is among the wealthy.她是个有钱人。我们也可以说:She is among the wealthiest.她是最有钱的人之一。此题答案是B。


Richard is the best student.理查德是最好的学生。

Richard is among(or one of)the best students.理查德是最好的学生之一。 Richard and Mary are among the best students.理查德和玛丽属于最好的学生。(among 这个词可用在复数主语后面,one of却不能。)

Richard is better than most students.理查德比大多数学生都要优秀。

Very few students are so goo d as Richard.很少有学生像理查德一样优秀。

例6 I think football is basketball in China.

A.more popular

B.so popular as

C.as popular as



思路解析:此题是考查形容词原级的表达方式,并没有太大的难度。参看课本第11页的练习。其次,在课本第2页,阅读文章中有:She is as slim as I am.也是原级比较的典型句子。此题答案是C。

绿色通道:B项是用在否定式和疑问句中的,参看语法讲解。A和D两个选项如果后边加上than一词就可以讲得过去,在语法上也没有错误。许多带as...as的说法已成为成语: The night was as black as jet.夜漆黑。

He is as bold as a lion.他很勇敢。

Proverbs are as good as gold.箴言珍贵。

John is as deaf as a post.约翰全聋了。

He is as poor as a church mouse.他一贫如洗。

She is as proud as a peacock.她很骄傲。

例7 This second hand camera is much than that new one.




思路解析:由than可以知道要用比较级。四个选项只有B是比较形式。此题答案是B。 例8 The students are all busy the exams.

A.getting ready for

B.getting ready to

C.to get ready for

D.to get ready to

思路解析:此题考查学生对形容词busy和ready的固定搭配的掌握。表示忙于做某事时,其固定的表达方式为be busy with sth.或者be busy dong sth.,而绝不可能是接由to 引导的不定式,所以C、D两个选项是错误的。ready表示准备好做某事,也有两种表达方法:be/get ready to do sth./for sth.,不同之处在于for后边要用名词,而不定式后边要接动词原形。此题答案是A。

例9 It's in summer.It's best to cool clothes.

A.warm;put on

B.hot;put on





绿色通道:解这类题,应注意春、夏、秋、冬的天气,春天是温暖的(warm),夏天是炎热的(hot),秋天是凉爽的(cool),冬天是寒冷的(cold)。同时还应注意区别像put on,wear 这样的同义词或短语。

例10 Let's have to eat.

A.nice something

B.nice anything

C.nothing nice

D.someth ing nice

思路解析:此题题意是:“让我们吃点好吃的东西”。其中的something,anything,nothing 是不定代词。形容词修饰不定代词要放在不定代词后,因此排除A、B项;C项不符合人们的语言习惯,故答案是D。




One winter morning,an employee(雇员) explained why he had shown up for work 45 minutes late.“It was so slippery(滑溜的) out that for every step I took ahead,I slipped back two.”

The boss eyed him suspiciously(怀疑地).“Oh,yeah?Then how did you ever get here.”

“I finally gave up,”he said,“and started for home.”

1.show up

2.take ahead

3.slip back


5.give up

参考答案:1.露面,到达 2.向前走 3.向后滑 4.打量 5.放弃

思路解析:一个雇员迟到45分钟,由late这个词可以推测出shown up是“到达”的意思。由前边slippery一词的构词法可以很容易地猜出slipped back是“向后滑”的意思。理解了文章的整体意思,也就自然可以知道take ahead是“向前走”。eye在这里是“打量”的意思,我们同样通过eye的原义得知。give up是一个固定的短语,作“放弃”讲。



江苏省淮安市盱眙县2020—2021 学年度第一学期第一次质量调研 七年级语文试卷

2020—2021 学年度第一学期第一次质量调研 七年级语文试卷 (试卷总分:150分考试时间:150分钟) 一(24分) 1.(8分)阅读下面一段文字,按要求答题。 当蒙蒙细雨弥漫起薄薄的水雾后,秋的韵味格外明显了。桂花的馥郁芳香,一阵一阵侵袭而来,直冲云宵,欲将zhù蓄了一秋的力量△(展示,表示)出来;满树的红叶也轻歌曼舞,美不胜收;然而露珠却与红叶有了分岐,不愿驻足枝头,悄然落去。秋是收获的季节,满地金黄的稻子,满树累累 ..的硕果,不仅彰显了大自然的慷慨,更体现了人的智慧。 ①(2分)用正楷字抄写下面的词语。 轻歌曼舞 ②(2分)给加点字注音,根据拼音写汉字。累.△ zhù△ ③(2分)找出并改正文段中的两个错别字。△改为△;△改为△。 ④(2分)结合语境,从括号内选择最恰当的词语填在横线上。△ 2.(4分)下面语段中标序号的句子都有语病,请加以改正。 ①书信不仅传承文化,更传递感情,同时也真实地记录了时代的变迁。②古人写信,内容包罗万象,把天气地理、风俗人情,都被写入了书信。③在书信中,人们议论时政、品尝诗文、训诫子弟、抒情言志乃至谈情说爱、讨论物价等等。④所以,书信不知不觉于无形之中成了历史文化的记录者和传承者。 (1)第①处语序不当,应将△与△互换位置。 (2)第②处结构混乱,应删去△。 (3)第③处搭配不当,应把△改为△。 (4)第④处成分赘余,应删去△。 3.(6分)综合性学习 “一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。”人生在世,离不开朋友。然而,大千世界,鱼龙混杂,友分益损。古人这样告诫我们:“匹夫不可不慎取友”,可见,如何认识和选择朋友,是十分重要的人生课题。为引导同学们正确交友,你所在的班级打算举行以“我们如何交朋友”为主题的综合性学习活动,请你积极参加并完成以下任务。 ①(2分)本次活动邀请学校心理咨询室张老师作指导,请你去邀请,你怎么说呢? ②(2分)围绕主题,设计两项活动,写出活动名称。 活动一:△ 活动二:△ ③(2分)本次活动结束后,你有什么收获? 4.(6分)诗文名句填空。 ①(2分)水何澹澹,△。(曹操《△》) ②(2分)△,闻道龙标过五溪。(△《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》) ③(2分)马致远在《天净沙?秋思》中抒发羁旅异乡的惆怅之情的诗句是:“△,△”。


淮安市2020年初中毕业暨中等学校招生文化统一考试 英语试题 第I卷 I. 单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 1.—Amy, do you know Langlang and his wife? —Of course. They play _________ piano well. A. a B. an C. / D. the 2.My English teacher has a good sense of humor. We all like _________. A. she B. her C. hers D. herself 3.Many teenagers want to be _________ like Zhong Nanshan when they grow up. A. writers B. engineers C. doctors D. inventors 4.—Peter, have you heard of the song Let it go? —Yes, it sounds _________ and it's popular among young people. A.nice B. bad C. terrible D. strange 5.When you have joys, you can share them _________ your friends. A. for B. in C. with D. on 6.My brother often _________ his spare time to help me with my spoken English. A. puts up B. gives up C. opens up D. tidies up


2018-2019学年江苏省淮安市洪泽区六年级(下)期末数学试卷一、填空题.(每空1分,共28分) 1.(2分)今年“五一”小长假某景区共接待游客209073人,这个数读作.景区“五一”期间旅游总收入约是25088.76万元,精确到“亿”位大约是亿元. 2.(2分)0.72吨=千克 4050平方厘米=平方分米 3. () 15245: 40 ÷===% 4.(2分)□38□同时是2、3、5的倍数,这个四位数最小是,最大是. 5.(2分)一个直角三角形的一个锐角比另一个锐角小12?,那么这个直角三角形的两个锐角分另是?、? 6.(3分)在数轴下面的括号里填上合适的数 7.(2分)西阳果园里苹果树与梨树棵数的比是5:8,苹果树的棵数是梨树的%,梨树的棵数比苹果树多%. 8.(3分)将一根长3米、底面直径为60厘米的圆柱体木料平均锯成6段,一共要锯次,锯完后,表面积比原来增加平方厘米,如果将其中一段加工成最大的圆锥体,这个圆锥体的体积是立方厘米. 9.(1分)一列分数1121231234 ,,,,,,,,, 1223334444 中, 5 7 是其中的第个. 10.(1分)2019年除夕那一天,江苏某市的最低气温是9C? -,最高气温是6C?,这一天该市的最大温差是. 11.(4分)图是一个水产养殖场投放不同鱼种的情况统计图,这类统计图的特点是能够清楚地表示出和之间的关系;已知鲫鱼和鳊鱼各占15%,投放黑鱼200千克,那么这个养殖场投放的鲢鱼占%,投放草鱼千克. 12.(1分)把一个半径8厘米的圆平均分成64份,再拼成一个近似的长方形拼成长方形的

长是厘米,面积是平方厘米. 13.(1分)如图是一个正方体的表面展开图,如果正方体相对两个面上标的数和是8,那么a b c ??的积是. 二、选择题.(选择正确答案的序号填在括号里)评卷人(每题1分,共10分) 14.(1分)下面的四个数,标在数轴上,表示这个数的点最接近于0的是() A.1 2 B. 1 10 -C.0.4D.1- 15.(1分)a、b两个不是0的自然数,已知1 a b -=,那么a和b的最小公倍数是() A.a B.b C.ab D.1 16.(1分)下面四组线段,()可以围成一个等腰三角形. A.B. C.D. 17.(1分)已知x和y是两种相关联的量,且21 k x y =,当k一定时,x和(y) A.成正比例B.成反比例C.不成比例D.无法判断18.(1分)一个长4cm,宽2cm的长方形按2:1放大,得到的图形的面积是(2 )cm.A.2B.16C.32D.64 19.(1分)5个一样大的正方形重叠(如图),重叠部分的顶点正好是正方形的中心.已知正方形的边长是a,整个图形的周长(重叠部分不计)是() A.10a B.12a C.14a D.16a


2020年江苏淮安中考英语试题及答案 第I卷 I. 单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。. 1.—Amy, do you know Langlang and his wife? —Of course. They play _________ piano well. A. a B. an C. / D. the 2.My English teacher has a good sense of humor. We all like _________. A. she B. her C. hers D. herself 3.Many teenagers want to be _________ like Zhong Nanshan when they grow up. A. writers B. engineers C. doctors D. inventors 4.—Peter, have you heard of the song Let it go? —Yes, it sounds _________ and it's popular among young people. A nice B. bad C. terrible D. strange 5.When you have joys, you can share them _________ your friends. A. for B. in C. with D. on 6.My brother often _________ his spare time to help me with my spoken English. A. puts up B. gives up C. opens up D. tidies up 7.You _________ smoke here! Look at the sign. It says "No smoking". A. needn't B. mustn't C. can D. may 8.—When shall we go on a picnic, Saturday or Sunday? —_________ is OK. I'm free the whole weekend. A. Neither B. All C. Either D. Both 9.—Dina, a theme park will be built in our city next month. —_________ good news! A. What a B. How a C. What D. How 10.—Mike, _________ do you have a health examination? —Once a year. A. how long B. how many C. how much D. how often https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b811803618.html,st year Huai'an Flyover(高架) _________. Now it brings much convenience to people.


A. What a B. How a C. What D. How 10.—Mike, _________ do you have a health examination? —Once a year. A. how long B. how many C. how much D. how often https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b811803618.html,st year Huai'an Flyover(高架) _________. Now it brings much convenience to people. A. finished B. finishes C. is finishing D. was finished 12.Our school basketball team will win the next match _________ they practise more. A. if B. before C. though D. while 13.—Excuse me, would you please tell me _________? —Certainly. It's about ten minutes' walk. A. where is the nearest shop B. how I can get to the nearest shop C. how far the nearest shop is D. how soon can I reach the nearest shop 14.—Mary got the first prize in the writing competition after years of hard work. —_________. A. No pain, no gain B. A miss is as good as a mile C. Don't burn the candle at both ends D. A friend in need is a friend indeed 15.—I think keeping dogs not make you feel lonely. —_________. In my opinion, dogs sometimes bring you a lot of trouble. A. Not exactly B. Take it easy C. I agree with you D. That's a good idea II. 完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 It was sunny last Friday. I arrived at the railway station at three in the


2019-2020学年江苏省淮安市洪泽区部编版三年级下册期末 语文试卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、填空题 1.看拼音,写词语。 yuān yāng jù lǒng lián peng nuò ruò zī shì (__________)(__________)(__________)(__________) (__________) biàn huàn wēi wǔ jiāo ào biàn rèn chèn shān (__________)(__________)(__________)(__________) (__________) mó:(________)型(________)菇 xù:思(________)继(________) 2.把下列词语补充完整并按要求填空。 (______)山(______)岭(______)棋书(______) (______)(______)于怀(______)(______)吁吁 形态(______)(______)自相(______)(______) 上面所填的词语中,_________和“望闻问切”结构相同:AABC的词语有:________,像这样的词语我还会写___________;选择其中的一个词语造句: ______________________ 3.根据课文内容填空。 1._____________,而身为宋国笑。 2.春天美,美在动物:“泥融飞燕子,___________。”“竹外桃花三两枝,___________。”春天美,美在景物:“____________,春来江水绿如蓝。”“人间四月芳菲尽, ______________。” 3.本册中我们积累了许多与节日有关的诗句:过春节了,我们吟诵“______________,____________”;清明节时,我们吟诵“____________,_____________。” 4.大家都说他是个坏孩子,但我从没见过他做坏事,妈妈让我不要轻信传闻,她告诉我:“___________,____________。”小明以前不爱学习,经常违反纪律,但他现在 知道错了并向老师道歉了,还保证以后一定会认真学习。于是老师对他说: “_______________”。(填写谚语)


淮安市中考英语试卷及答 案 Last revision date: 13 December 2020.

2015年淮安中考英语试卷 Ⅰ.单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1.My PE teacher often teachers us how to play ________football. A . a B. an C. / D. the 2.---Hi, Jack. Is this your new bike ---No, _________is over there. It’s a parent from my uncle. A . Mine B. Yours C. Hers D. His 3.Steven, go to bed now. You should________before six tomorrow, or you will miss the plane. A . get off B. get up C. get on D. get along 4.During the May Day holiday, we stayed in a mountain village with ______trees around. A . thousand of B. thousand C. thousands D. thousands of 5.We _________wait until the traffic light turns green when we cross the road. A . must B. can C. need D. may 6.6. ---Jenny, shall we watch the movie Fast & Farious 7 this weekend? 7. ---It sounds _______! I can’t wait to see it! A . strange B. bad C. great D. awful 8.I was writing a diary ______ my brother was watching TV yesterday evening. A . before B. after C. until D. while 9.---Mr. Smith, _______ is the new bridge --- Oh, let me see! It’s about 800 metres. A . how old B. how long C. how much D. how often 10.Helen is friendly and she always has a smile _____ her face. A . on B. with C. at D. for 11.Her son _____ the army for two months. She misses him very much. A . has joined B. has been in C. joined D. was in 12.---Is there _____in today’s newspaper 13.---- Yes, quite a lot. 14. A . anything interesting B. something interesting C. interesting anything D. interesting something 15.--- What are you doing ---I’m reading the book ______you lent me last week. A . what B. who C. when D. that 16.---I don’t know Kate’s address. Do you know____ 17. ---Sorry, I don’t know, either.


2015年淮安中考英语试卷 Ⅰ.单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1.My PE teacher often teachers us how to play ________football. A . a B. an C. / D. the 2.---Hi, Jack. Is this your new bike? ---No, _________is over there. It’s a parent from my uncle. A . Mine B. Yours C. Hers D. His 3.Steven, go to bed now. You should________before six tomorrow, or you will miss the plane. A . get off B. get up C. get on D. get along 4.During the May Day holiday, we stayed in a mountain village with ______trees around. A . thousand of B. thousand C. thousands D. thousands of 5.We _________wait until the traffic light turns green when we cross the road. A . must B. can C. need D. may 6. 6. ---Jenny, shall we watch the movie Fast & Farious 7 this weekend? ---It sounds _______! I can’t wait to see it! A . strange B. bad C. great D. awful 7.I was writing a diary ______ my brother was watching TV yesterday evening. A . before B. after C. until D. while 8.---Mr. Smith, _______ is the new bridge? --- Oh, let me see! It’s about 800 metres. A . how old B. how long C. how much D. how often 9.Helen is friendly and she always has a smile _____ her face. A . on B. with C. at D. for 10.Her son _____ the army for two months. She misses him very much. A . has joined B. has been in C. joined D. was in 11.---Is there _____in today’s newspaper? ---- Yes, quite a lot. A . anything interesting B. something interesting C. interesting anything D. interesting something 12.--- What are you doing? ---I’m reading the book ______you lent me last week. A . what B. who C. when D. that 13.---I don’t know Kate’s address. Do you know____? ---Sorry, I don’t know, either. A . why she lives there B. why does she live there C. where she lives D. where does she live 14.I still like those good old songs. I often listened to _______myself in my spare time. A . enjoy B. enjoying C. to enjoy D. enjoyed 15.---All the people of Huai’an need to work together to make our city more beautiful. ---That’s it . __________. A . Practice makes perfect B. Manyhands make light work.


2020下半年江苏省淮安市盱眙县中石化招聘毕业生试题及答案解析说明:本题库收集历年及近期考试真题,全方位的整理归纳备考之用。 注意事项: 1、答题前,考试务必将自己的姓名,准考证号用黑色签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置。 2、监考人员宣布考试结束时,你应立即停止作答。将题本、答题卡和草稿纸都翻过来留在桌上,待监考人员确认数量无误、允许离开后方可离开。 3、特别提醒您注意,所有题目一律在答题卡指定位置答题。未按要求作答的,不得分。 一、选择题(在下列每题四个选项中选择符合题意的,将其选出并把它的标号写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均不得分。) 1、在行政公文中,不可用于上行文的公文种类有()。 A、报告 B、请示 C、批复 D、意见 【答案】C 【解析】报告和请示只能用于上行文。意见既可做下行文,也可作上行文和平行文使用。而批复只能用于下行文。 2、亨利?福特曾说过:“如果我最初问消费者他们想要什么,他们会告诉我‘要一匹更快的马’。”有人说,如果真这样,汽车大王就不会出现了。材料体现的经济学道理是()。 A、生产为消费创造动力 B、产品开发不需要考虑市场要求 C、产品开发要利用人们的求异心理 D、消费所形成的新的需要会引导生产 【答案】A 【解析】生产为消费创造动力,消费者的需要就是动力,A项正确,当选。产品开发必须面向市场,才能实现其价值,B项错误。题干反映的不是求异心理,C项错误。题干强调的是生产,而不是消费的反作用。D项错误。因此A项当选。 3、“劳动是财富的源泉,也是幸福的源泉。”在现实生活中有些人却怀疑劳动价值论、劳动幸福论,对此,下列说法正确的有()。 A、资本创造财富已成共识,“劳动是财富、幸福的源泉”早就过时 B、财富、幸福的源泉有多种,劳动并不一定会给人带来财富和幸福 C、怀疑劳动价值论会导致价值观、幸福观发生扭曲 D、不合理的社会分配制度会导致对劳动价值论、劳动幸福论的怀疑


2019-2020学年江苏省淮安市洪泽区黄集镇苏教版三年级下 册期中质量调研数学试卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 1.70×8的积是(________)个十,70×80的积是(________)个百。 2.20个30的和是(________),24的5倍是(________)。 3.两位数乘两位数,积可能是(________)位数,也可能是(________)位数。 4.在括号里填上合适的单位名称。 青藏铁路全长1956(________)一个苹果约重150(________) 一头大象约重5(________)颐和园的长廊全长728(________) 爸爸的身高大约175(________)一袋面粉重25(________) 5.在括号里填上“>”“<”或“=”。 800米(________)8千米3吨(________)2999千克62×58(________)3000 210+30×6(________)210-30×6 72÷(2×3)(________)72÷2÷4 13×12(________)13×3×4 6.工厂进行节能减排改造后,一个月节约用水大约400千克,照这样计算,十个月可 节约用水________吨。 7.跑道每圈200米,1圈半是________米。小军跑了5圈就是跑了________千米。8.将450÷3=150,800-150=650合并成综合算式是(______)。 9.三(1)班的同学收集易拉罐为环保出自己的一份力,现在男生收集了75个,女生 收集了105个,易拉罐每3个1元,卖出这些易拉罐一共可以收入(______)元。10.2块砖重5千克,200块砖重(______)千克,(______)块砖重1吨。 11.25乘65的积的最高位是()。 A.十位B.百位C.千位 12.下面算式中结果最接近3000的是()。 A.51×39 B.599×5 C.52×58 13.下面算式和25 × 18 不相等的是()。 A.25×2×9B.25×10×8 C.18×5×5 14.136-16÷4 ○(136-16)÷4 A.>B.<C.= 15.在32×□0中,积是三位数,□里最大填()。


英语试卷 第1页(共26页) 英语试卷 第2页(共26页) 江苏省淮安市2019年中考试卷 英 语 (满分:120分 考试时间:120分钟) 第I 卷(选择题 共55分) Ⅰ.单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 1. To save time, many students have _____ lunch at school every day. ( ) A. a B. an C. / D. the 2. — Oh. My God! I forgot to bring my pen here. ( ) —Don't worry. I have two. You can use _____. A. I B. me C. myself D. mine 3. Betty has a beautiful _____. She wants to be a singer in the future. ( ) A. voice B. look C. noise D. sound 4. — What do you think of working as a doctor? ( ) — It's a good job to help people keep _____. A. busy B. strict C. healthy D. generous 5. — Will you stay here for dinner with us? ( ) — Sorry, I _____. My mother is waiting for me at home. A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. couldn't 6. _____ the help of modern technology, scientists got a photo of a black hole. ( ) A. At B. In C. On D. With 7. — What is your mother doing, Linda? ( ) — She _____ dinner in the kitchen now. A. is cooking B. was cooking C. cook D. cooking 8. Those young firemen were brave enough to _____ the fire in the forest. ( ) A. work out B. put out C. hand out D. look out 9.—It is said that 5G is coming It will improve our life great! ( ) — _____ amazing it is! A. What an B. How a C. What D. How 10. Some people are too shy to say a word in public. However, _____ aren't. ( ) A. another B. the other C. others D. the others 11. — Mr Black, _____ will the parents’ meeting last? ( ) — It’s hard to say. Maybe one hour more. A. how long B. how much C. how far D. how often 12. The charities have helped more children with the money _____ people raise. ( ) A. who B. what C. where D. which 13. Excuse me, could you tell me _____? ( ) A. when he was born B. how far is it from here C. what does he look like D. where he leaves for yesterday 14. — Where are the teachers now? ( ) — In the meeting room. They _____ the meeting for 10 minutes. A. have begun B. have been on C. have had D. have been held 15. — You have joined so many clubs. I’m afraid you’ll be too tired. Remember _____. — Thanks, Dad. I can look after myself very well. ( ) A. many hands make light work. B. you can’t burn the candle at both ends. C. the early bird catches the worm D. practice makes perfect Ⅱ.完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a pianist's concert on a summer holiday evening. After they found their 16 , the mother saw two friends in the hall and walked to 17 them. It was the boy's first time to come to the hall. He thought it was a good 18 for him to explore the wonders of the concert hall. He 19 and walked around. He walked 20 ------------- 在 --------------------此 -------------------- 卷--------------------上 -------------------- 答-------------------- 题--------------------无 -------------------- 效---------------- 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ ___________


2020下半年江苏省淮安市盱眙县事业单位招聘考试真题及答案 一、选择题(在下列每题四个选项中选择符合题意的,将其选出并把它的标号写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均不得分。) 1、关于中餐礼仪,不正确的是()。 A、在席间说话时,不要把筷子当道具,随意乱舞 B、喝酒时。一味给不胜酒力的人劝酒、灌酒,是失礼的表现 C、按礼仪惯例,面对正门者是上座,背对正门者是下座 D、够不到的菜,可随意起身或离席去取 【答案】D 【解析】D项不符合就餐礼节,正确的是如果多人入席,桌子很大,又不能旋转,菜离你比较远,最好不要站起来将胳膊伸到对方面前去夹食。相反,如果自己身边的菜别人够不着,应站起来帮助对方,这样既符合礼节。又显得亲切。 2、下列文种中,行文方向固定的是()。 A、批复 B、意见 C、函 D、纪要 【答案】A 【解析】从绝大多数文种看,行文方向是固定的,如请示、报告只用于上行文,决定、通报、批复只用于下行文。故选A。 3、现代中医借助西医的物理检验手段,提高传统的“望→闻→问→切→处”的诊断准确性。这样的优化属于()。 A、工期优化 B、技术优化 C、成本优化 D、流程优化 【答案】B 【解析】A项“工期优化”也称时间优化,就是当初始网络计划的计算工期大于要求工期时,通过压缩关键线路上工作的持续时间或调整工作关系,以满足工期要求的过程。 B项“技术优化”是指对一个现存的技术进行改进或升级,使其趋于完善的过程。 C项“成本优化”是指在保证质量的前提下,寻求质量成本总额最小。 D项“流程优化”是一项策略,通过不断发展、完善、优化业务流程保持企业的竞争优势。

中医是现存的技术,通过借助西医的物理检验手段,对其进行了完善,提高了准确性,属于技术优化。因此B 项当选。 4、公文质量在思想内容上应该做到()。 A、政策性强 B、时限性强 C、科学性强 D、针对性强 【答案】ACD 【解析】公文质量主要体现在公文的思想内容与文字表达两个方面。在思想内容方面,应该政策性强、针对性强、科学性强;在文字表达方面,应该结构严谨、语言精当、行文规范。 5、当货币被用来偿还赊购商品和到期债务时,货币执行的是()。 A、价值尺度 B、流通手段 C、支付手段 D、贮藏手段 【答案】C 【解析】货币被用来清偿债务或支付赋税、租金、工资等,执行的是支付手段的职能。支付手段是随着赊账买卖的产生而出现的,在赊销和赊购中,货币被用来支付债务。故选C。 6、超市柜台内货物的价格标签反映的是货币职能中的()。 A、流通手段 B、贮藏手段 C、支付手段 D、价值尺度 【答案】D 【解析】货币在表现和衡量其他一切商品价值时,执行着价值尺度职能。故选D。 7、衡量社会生产力发展水平的标志是()。 A、劳动资料 B、生产工具 C、劳动对象 D、生产资料 【答案】B 【解析】本题考查经济常识。生产工具是人们在生产过程中用来直接对劳动对象进行加工的物件,在生产资料

2019-2020学年江苏省淮安市洪泽区八年级下学期期末数学试卷 (解析版)

2019-2020学年江苏淮安市洪泽区八年级第二学期期末数学试卷一、选择题(共8小题). 1.下列图形既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是() A.B. C.D. 2.下列各式计算正确的是() A.÷=4B.+= C.2﹣=D.=× 3.反比例函数y=的图象位于() A.第一、二象限B.第一、三象限 C.第二、三象限D.第二、四象限 4.如果x﹣2y=0且x≠0,那么的值等于() A.﹣B.﹣C.D. 5.下列调查中适合普查的是() A.调查市场上某种白酒中塑化剂的含量 B.了解某火车的一节车厢内冠状病毒感染的人数 C.调查鞋厂生产的鞋底能承受的弯折次数 D.了解某市居民每周收看新闻联播的次数 6.在一个不透明的盒子里有形状、大小相同的黄球2个、红球3个,从盒子里任意摸出1个球,摸到黄球的概率是() A.B.C.D. 7.矩形一定具有而菱形不一定具有的性质是() A.内角和等于360°B.对角线互相垂直

C.对边平行且相等D.对角线相等 8.四边形ABCD中,对角线AC、BD相交于点O,给出下列四个条件: ①AD∥BC;②AD=BC;③OA=OC;④OB=OD 从中任选两个条件,能使四边形ABCD为平行四边形的选法有() A.3种B.4种C.5种D.6种 二、填空题(共8小题). 9.若在实数范围内有意义,则x的取值范围是. 10.反比例函数y=在第一象限内的图象如图,点M是图象上一点,MP垂直x 轴于点P,如果△MOP的面积为3,那么k的值是. 11.某班50名学生在适应性考试中,分数段在90~100分的频率为0.1,则该班在这个分数段的学生有人. 12.有五张形状完全相同不透明的卡片,每张卡片上分别写有0,,﹣1,,,π,将无字一面朝上洗匀后,从中任取一张,取到的是无理数的概率是. 13.已知菱形的两对角线长分别为6cm和8cm,则菱形的面积为cm2. 14.若关于x的方程﹣=1无解,则a=. 15.若平行四边形ABCD中一内角平分线和某边相交把这条边分成2cm、3cm的两条线段,则平行四边形ABCD的周长是cm. 16.观察:a1=1﹣,a2=1﹣,a3=1﹣,a4=1﹣,…,则a2020=(用含的代数式表示). 三、解答题 17.计算或化简: (1)÷(﹣)×;


2019年淮安市中考英语试题卷 试卷满分120分。考试用时120分钟。 第1卷(选择题共55分) Ⅰ. 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 1. To save time, many students have _________ lunch at school every day. A. a B. an C. / D. the 2. - Oh. my God! I forgot to bring my pen here. -Don't worry. I have two. You can use __________. A. I B. me C. myself D. mine 3. Betty has a beautiful _________. She wants to be a singer in the future. A. voice B. look C. noise D. sound 4. -What do you think of working as a doctor? - It 's a good job to help people keep___________. A. busy B. strict C. healthy D. generous 5. -Will you stay here for dinner with us? - Sorry, I ____________. My mother is waiting for me at home. A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. couldn't 6. __________ the help of modern technology, scientists got a photo of a black hole. A. At B. In C. On D. With 7. -What is your mother doing, Linda? -She ___________dinner in the kitchen now. A. is cooking B. was cooking C. cook D. cooking 8. Those young firemen were brave enough to __________ the fire in the forest. A. work out B. put out C. hand out D. look out 9. -It is said that 5G is coming. It will improve our life great! - __________ amazing it is! A. What an B. How a C. What D. How 10. Some people are too shy to say a word in public. However, __________ aren't. A. another B. the other C. others D. the others 11. –Mr Black, _______ will the parents’ meeting last? -It’s hard to say. Maybe one hour more.

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