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家长:坚决支持孩子的选择为保卫祖国贡献自己的力量8.设N A表示阿伏加德罗常数,下列说法正确的是

A.11.2LSO2中含有氧原子数为N A

B.2mol铝与足量烧碱溶液反应时被还原水的分子数为2N A

C.0.1mol/L的NH4NO3溶液中含氮原子数目为0.2N A

D.电解精炼铜,当外电路通过2N A个电子时,阳极溶解铜的物质的量小于1mol

9. 用硫酸铁电化浸出黄铜矿精矿工艺中,精矿在阳极浸出的反应比较复杂,其中有一主要






D.当转移1 mol e-时,有46 g CuFeS2参加反应


8. 干洗衣服的干洗剂的主要成分是四氯乙烯(CCl2=CCl2),下列有关叙述不正确的是







A.AlCl3溶液中加入过量的浓氨水:Al3++4NH3·H2O =AlO2-+4NH4++2H2O B.用FeCl3溶液腐蚀铜线路板:Cu + 2Fe3+=Cu2+ + 2Fe2+


D.钠与水反应:Na + 2H2O = Na++ 2OH-+ H2↑


A.6种B.4种C.3种D.2种12.用N A表示阿伏伽德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是

A.在1L 0.1mol/L硫化钠溶液中阴离子总数大于0.1 N A

B.1mol O2 作氧化剂时转移电子数一定为4N A

C.标准状况下,22.4L戊烷所含分子数为N A

D.在1L1.0mol/L NaCl 溶液中含有N A个NaCl分子











C.由途径①、②、③分别制取1 mol H2SO4,理论上生成1 mol H2SO4,各转移6 mol e-D.途径②、③与途径①相比更能体现“绿色化学”的理念是因为途径②、③比途径①污染相

















值相比(填:“偏高”或“偏低”),简述可能的原因: (4)若干燥管Ⅰ中碱石灰增重1.408g,则该实验中测得CN-被处理的百分率为。







27. (14分,每空2分)




___________________________ 。


_ 。


27.E Cl2K FeCl3 H Al(OH)3J Fe(OH)3 (各2分)

(1)2Al + 2OH- + 2H2O = 2AlO2- + 3H2↑(2分)

(2)2HCl(浓)+NaClO = NaCl+Cl2↑+H2O(2分)(4)4.48(2分)







(1)写出B、D的化学式:B ,D 。




(5)向C溶液中加入过量E溶液,反应的离子方程式为。(6)向100mL 1.0mol/LC溶液中加入1.0mol/LE溶液,若要使生成沉淀质量最大,则加入E的体积为mL。


(1)KNO3 D CuSO4 ;

(2)HCO3- + OH- = CO32- +H2O




(6)300 ;

27.(15分)(1)T℃下,某2L容器内A、M、N三种物质参与的某一化学反应:2A(g) M(g)+2N(g)



②若为了寻找该反应的最佳条件,在反应过程中持续不断地升高温度,所得的M 的体积

分数如图14,则该反应的△H 0(填“>”或“<”)。

(2)氮的氢化物肼(N 2H 4)是航天火箭发射常用的燃料。

①发射火箭时肼(N 2H 4)为燃料,二氧化氮作氧化剂,两者反应生成氮气和气态水。该反应的化学方程式为 。

②工业上可采用电化学的方法获得N 2H 4,装置如图15所示,则通入

氨气的一极为 。该电极反应式为 。

③将标准状况下112mL CO 2通入100mL 0.1mo1/L 的氨水中,所得溶液

碱显碱性,则溶液中离子浓度由大到小的顺序为 ;

该溶液中,23323()()()c HCO c CO c H CO --++ =



英语限时阅读训练(一) 第一部分完型填空 阅读下面短文,撑握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D),选出最佳选项。 Beth, my favourite dog, was murdered on November 25th, 2006. Here I use the word―murder‖without36 ,because I know the killers were my 37 members. Though the dog was not as strong and beautiful as others, she 38 my childhood and I loved her. Beth was killed because she bit my 39 . Dad was so angry that he decided to kill her. I was unable to 40 my father and I dared not look on at that moment. But I can imagine how 41 and painful she was when she was 42 between life and death. She 43 have been calling me for help. 44 , I could do nothing but cry. Her death was caused by a bite, but has every one of my family thought why she went out of her 45 to bite people that day? The person just moved into our community last week and Beth was not familiar with him. She bit him to keep her owner safe. Should we 46 her life because of her 47 ? Human beings sometimes are selfish and 48 to animals. When the animal is useful, they 49 to be kind. But once the animal makes them angry or becomes useless, people 50 it, alongside all sweet 51 about it. How terrible! How I wish God had told me the end of her life 52 . Even if there was only one day, I would have taken a day off to 53 with her in the field. I’d untie the line around her54 and let her run free 55 she was tired enough to go to sleep near my feet… 36.A.anger B.hesitation C.excuse D.complaint 37.A.family B.team C.human D.class 38.A.guided B.followed C.accompanied D.protected 39.A.classmate B.teacher C.friend D.neighbour 40.A.stop B.refuse C.persuade D.warn 41.A.disappointed B.separated C.helpless D.hopeless 42.A.struggling B.fighting C.shouting D.crying 43.A.should B.must C.could D.might 44.A.Instead B.Therefore C.However D.Besides 45.A.mind B.control C.place D.way 46.A.end B.kill C.complete D.give 47.A.kindness B.love C.mistake D.concern 48.A.cruel B.impolite C.rude D.stupid 49.A.determine B.appear C.pretend D.try 50.A.desert B.blame C.forget D.throw 51.A.events B.incidents C.memories D.laughs 52.A.before B.immediately C.in time D.in advance 53.A.walk B.relax C.communicate D.chase 54.A.neck B.head C.feet D.body 55.A.unless B.so C.until D.if 第二部分:阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A In today’s Internet age, online games can be a change from the pressure of school and work. However, they can also cause problems and unhealthy addictions. This is most clearly seen in the example of South Korea. This country has the world’s highest percentag e of high – speed Internet services. It has also a high number of game players who are addicted to online games. In 2004, a young man died after playing online games almost nonstop for 86 hours. A 12 – year – old boy stole $ 16,000 from his father to continue online games which he could not get away from. Such problems are spreading to other parts of Asia as well. In 2005, it was reported that about 80 percent of China’s 13.8 million online game players were under 25. And many of these were said to be addicted. Such numbers point toward a growing problem among Chinese youth. Dr. Sue – Huei Chen, a psychologist (心理学家), discovered some signs of at – risk people. Such people often go online to escape from their problems. And they usually have no friendship or good social skills. They feel the need to spend more and more time online, so they may be absent from school or family. And they become upset if anyone tries to limit their online game playing. 56.The passage is mainly about .


7.语言表达简明、连贯、得体,准确、鲜明、生动 1.参照下面的内容,用简明的文字叙说自己对父母威信的看法。(50字以内) 一位家长感慨:“唉,现在的孩子真不了起,知道的东西比我们还多,弄得我们这些做父母的常被他们瞧不起,更不要说什么威信了。” 答:________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 答案知识爆炸,科学发展,父母在接受新事物新知识方面可能不及子女,这是社会进步使然,无损于父母的威信。(或:家长的威信主要建立在社会、家庭的认可及他们的品行、能力等因素,并非由懂得多少来决定。) 2.根据文意排列下面句子的顺序,把正确句序的序号填入横线上。 有人说:世界上最难回答的问题往往是孩子提出的问题。因为他们的问题是真正的心灵问题、哲学问题,_________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________。 ①哲学最终成了极少数对问题穷追不舍的人的专利 ②大人们往往回避问题,或只分析问题 ③于是,哲学思想便在这种环境中很快地夭折了 ④而孩子们的问题又往往把真理性问题一丝不挂地揪出来,让大人们很尴尬 ⑤而孩子们往往因为大人们没有给出答案而沮丧,放弃了对问题的追问 答:____________________________________________________________________。 解析本题重点考查的是考生语言表达连贯的能力。④句“而”相当于“而且”表并列,连接“他们的问题是真正的心灵问题、哲学问题”句。②句是④句的结果,⑤句“而”相当于“进而”与前文构成递进关系,③句是⑤句的结果,①句是③句的结果。 排列语序,首先理清句子之间的语意关系,在此基础上要兼顾关联词语的作用。 答案④②⑤③① 3.在下面的空缺处分别填入7个备选句子,使其语意连贯、完整,将正确的排序写在横线上(只填序号)。 和我们熟悉的古装剧相比,《少年天子》多多少少有些新鲜,究竟新鲜在哪里呢?新鲜在台词。这种台词,有洞明世事的。____________________这让人领略到作者的思考。 脱离画面去听《少年天子》,故事依然是衔接的,对台词的感受或许更加深切。 ①这让人领略到作者的细腻 ②比如郑亲王对急于想上战场立功的儿子说:“做人贵在不动声色,万万不可虚张声 势。”


综合限时训练 (60分钟) 1.设3i 12i z -=+,则z = A .2 B C D .1 2.已知0.20.3 2log 0.2,2,0.2a b c ===,则 A . B . C . D . 3.函数f (x )= 2 sin cos x x x x ++在[—π,π]的图像大致为 A . B . C . D . 4.tan255°= A .-2 B .- C .2 D . 5.已知非零向量a ,b 满足a =2b ,且(a –b )⊥b ,则a 与b 的夹角为 A . π6 B . π3 C . 2π3 D . 5π6 6.双曲线C :22 221(0,0)x y a b a b -=>>的 一条渐近线的倾斜角为130°,则C 的离心率为 A .2sin40° B .2cos40° C . 1 sin50? D . 1 cos50? 7. △ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知a sin A -b sin B =4c sin C ,cos A =- 14 ,则 b c = A .6 B .5 C .4 D .3 8.曲线2)3(e x y x x =+在点(0,0)处的切线方程为___________. 9.记S n 为等比数列{a n }的前n 项和.若133 1 4 a S ==,,则S 4=___________. 10.函数3π ()sin(2)3cos 2 f x x x =+-的最小值为___________. a b c <

11.某商场为提高服务质量,随机调查了50名男顾客和50名女顾客,每位顾客对该商场的服务给出满意或不满意的评价,得到下面列联表: (1)分别估计男、女顾客对该商场服务满意的概率; (2)能否有95%的把握认为男、女顾客对该商场服务的评价有差异? 附: 2 2 () ()()()() n ad bc K a b c d a c b d - = ++++ . 12.记S n为等差数列{a n}的前n项和,已知S9=-a5.(1)若a3=4,求{a n}的通项公式; (2)若a1>0,求使得S n≥a n的n的取值范围.


春晖中学高二年级(3月)限时训练(一) 一、选择题(1-8单选,4分每题,9-10多选,全对得4分,选对但不全得2分,共计40分) 1.在物理学的发展史上,许多科学家付出了努力。下列说法符合史实的是 A .牛顿经过了大量的数据推演和模型创设,提出了行星的三大运动定律 B .库仑通过实验测定了静电力常数k 的具体数值 C .法拉第通过大量电和磁关系的实验研究,终于发现了电流周围存在磁场 D .楞次通过分析大量实验事实后确定了感应电流方向的定律 2.如图所示,经过专业训练的杂技运动员进行爬杆表演。质量为60kg 的运动员爬上8m 高的固定竖直金属杆,然后双腿加紧金属杆倒立,头顶离地面7m 高, 运动员通过双腿对金属杆施加不同的压力来控制身体的运动情 况。假设运动员保持如图所示姿势,从静止开始先匀加速下滑 3m ,用时1.5s ,接着立即开始匀减速下滑,当运动员头顶刚要 接触地面时,速度恰好减为零。若不计空气阻力,则 A .运动员下滑的最大速度为4.5m/s B .运动员匀加速下滑时所受摩擦力为440N C .运动员匀减速下滑的加速度为1m/s 2 D .运动员完成全程所需的总时间为3s 3.2020年,我国将一次实现火星的“环绕、着陆、巡视”三个目标。假设探测器到达火星附近时,先在高度恰好等于火星半径的轨道上环绕火星做匀速圆周运动,测得运动周期为T ,之后通过变轨、减速落向火星。探测器与火星表面碰撞后,以速度v 竖直向上反弹,经过时间t 再次落回火星表面。不考虑火星的自转及火星表面大气的影响,已知万有引力常量为G ,则火星的质量M 和火星的星球半径R 分别为 A .34 43M 128G v T πt =,2216vT R πt =B .3243M 128G v T πt =,216vT R πt =C .3443M 1024G v T πt =,2232vT R πt =D .3442 M 1024G v T πt =,232vT R πt =4.如图所示是一个绳长为L 的球摆,将小球拉离平衡位置到A 点使细绳 与竖直方向成37°角,然后在O 点的正下方距O 点d 处固定一颗钉子,再 将小球从A 点静止释放。设绳子不可伸长,忽略小球的大小以及一切阻力, 下列说法正确的是 A .当d =0.8L 时,小球向右摆动的过程中不能到达与A 点等高处 B .只要d <0.8L ,小球向右摆动的过程中都能到达与A 点等高处 C .当d =0.9L 时,小球向右摆动的过程中能够到达与A 点等高处 第4题图 第2题图


阅读限时训练(四) A On August 16, 1977, Elvis Presley saved me. The previous afternoon, I played with my six-year-old peers in Heather Peters’ backyard. I was enjoying my cake, when Heather asked me where my sleeping bag was. Only then did I know this party was a sleepover. The word “sleep-over” to a six-year-old bed-wetter is like what “cancer” means to an adult. But what if I told them I was a bed-wetter? At least with cancer, people gather at your bedside instead of running from it. I thought of a way to escape. I would explain that I needed my mother's permission to spend the nights. But as I called my Mom, Heather stood beside me to listen. She granted permission! Then I would be sleeping in the same living room as the other girls. I didn't bring my own pajamas (睡衣),so Mrs. Peters offered me H eather's pajamas. As the other girls drifted into their sweet dreams, I tried to stay awake. “Do I need to go again? I'll stay up to go one more time.” Of course, I finally fell asleep. The next morning, I was the first to wake up. I was warm! I lay in panic for what seemed like hours before the other girls started to wake up. I did the only thing I could do --- I pretended that the bed-wetting didn't happen. I got up, took off Heather's pajamas and changed into my clothes like the other girls. Mrs. Peters walked into the room, and before she could say anything, she stepped right onto the pile of my wet pajamas. My heart stopped as I watched her face burn red. “WHO DID THIS?” She screamed, with a look so frightening. Should I answer? And that was when it happened — Mr. Peters came in and grabbed his wife, ‘‘Elvis Presley died!” The news of the King's death overtook Mrs. Peters, and I, was spared. I got home without the other girls knowing what had happened. 21. The author had to spend the night at Peters' because _____. A. she enjoyed her cake there B. it was a routine of the party C. her mother allowed her to do so D. the famous singer Elvis Presley died that night 22. Mrs. Peters got angry because _____. A. her husband was rude to her B. Elvis Presley passed away C. she found the wet pajamas D. all the girls slept at her house 23. From the story, we know Mrs. Peters was _____. A. a bad-tempered woman B. a fan of Elvis Presley C. a woman for perfection D. a woman who hated to wash pajamas 24. The passage is mainly about _____. A. an unfriendly hostess B. a fan-purchasing experience C. the shocking death of a famous singer D. an embarrassing childhood incident B Have you ever lost your car on a parking lot? You don’t have a clue where your car is after shopping. Then you start walking around clicking on your car keys so the alarm goes off. It can be annoying, especially on a hot sunny day. No, you needn’t install(安装) an expensive GPS system to keep track of your car. That’s too expensive. You would need to pay a monthly fee to use it. But is there a way to track your vehicle without spending a fortune? Yes, now there is! A California-based company has created a tiny device that works with your smartphone, which could be exactly what you’re looking for! What is it? It’s called TrackR. It is a state-of-the-art tracking device the size of a coin. It’s changing the way we keep track of the important things in our lives. How does it work? It’s easy! Install the free TrackR app on your smartphone, connect the app to your device and you’re ready to go! Simply attach TrackR to whatever you want to keep an eye on. The entire process of setting it up only takes 5 minutes or less. You can attach it to your keys, briefcase, wallet, your latest tech gadgets and anything else you don’t want to lose. Then use the TrackR app to locate your missing item in seconds. If you forget where you have parked your car, pull out your smartphone and open the TrackR app. Tap on the “find device” button on the screen and the app will tell you the exact spot of the last known location of the TrackR. What else can I do with TrackR? The device is small and unnoticeable enough that you can attach it to your pet. Put it on their collar, and the issue of searching for them when they run away to nearby places will be over! You’ll never waste a minute searching the whole house for it. TrackR even comes with a double-sided glue so you can stick it to your laptop or under your bike seat. Track down and punish the thieves who steal your expensive things! How much does it cost? You’re probably thinking that this device is very expensive. False! TrackR only costs $29! That’s a small price to pay for peace of mind, isn’t it? Where can I buy one? You can buy it directly from the company’s website by clicking here https://buy.thetrackr.co/gu/special-offers/15/ . 25. From the passage, we learn that TrackR can ______. A. take good care of your pets at home B. help you locate your important things C. work better after you pay monthly fee D. track your wallet through GPS system 26. This passage is mainly developed by ______. A. providing statistics B. giving examples C. answering questions D. making comparisons 27. Where is this passage most likely taken from? A. A website. B. A journal. C. A personal blog. D. A research report. C Our non-profit organization had just received a large donation of clothing. As three of us walked home for dinner, we saw a woman begging by the bridge. She was old and had no legs. She shivered in her thin


小题精练:圆锥曲线(限时:50分钟) 1.(20142济南市模拟)若抛物线y 2 =2px (p >0)的焦点在直线x -2y -2=0上,则该抛物线 的准线方程为( ) A .x =-2 B .x =4 C .x =-8 D .y =-4 2.中心在坐标原点的椭圆,焦点在x 轴上,焦距为4,离心率为 22 ,则该椭圆的方程为( ) A.x 216+y 2 12=1 B.x 212+y 2 8=1 C.x 2 12+y 2 4 =1 D.x 28+y 2 4 =1 3.(20142哈师大附中模拟)与椭圆C :y 216+x 2 12=1共焦点且过点(1,3)的双曲线的标准方 程为( ) A .x 2 -y 2 3=1 B .y 2-2x 2 =1 C.y 22-x 2 2 =1 D.y 2 3 -x 2 =1 4.(20132高考北京卷)若双曲线x 2a 2-y 2 b 2=1的离心率为3,则其渐近线方程为( ) A .y =±2x B .y =±2x C .y =±1 2 x D .y =± 22 x 5.焦点在x 轴上的双曲线C 的左焦点为F ,右顶点为A ,若线段FA 的中垂线与双曲线C 有 公共点,则双曲线C 的离心率的取值范围是( ) A .(1,3) B .(1,3] C .(3,+∞) D .[3,+∞) 6.(20142昆明市高三调研测试)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,抛物线C :y 2 =2px (p >0)的焦 点为F ,M 是抛物线C 上的点,若△OFM 的外接圆与抛物线C 的准线相切,且该圆面积为9π,则p =( ) A .2 B .4 C .6 D .8 7.(20142荆州市高中毕业班质量检查Ⅰ)若椭圆x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a >b >0)的离心率e =1 2 ,右焦点 为F (c ,0),方程ax 2 +2bx +c =0的两个实数根分别是x 1和x 2,则点P (x 1,x 2)到原点的距离为( ) A. 2 B. 7 2 C .2 D.74 8.过抛物线y 2 =8x 的焦点F 作倾斜角为135°的直线交抛物线于A ,B 两点,则弦AB 的长 为( )


中考数学限时训练(函数综合训练) (时间:90分钟 分值:100分 得分:__________) 一、选择题(本大题10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.在平面直角坐标系中,点P (-2,x 2+1)所在的象限是( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 2.函数y = x -2 x -3 中自变量x 的取值范围是( ) A .x >2 B .x ≥2 C .x ≥2且x ≠3 D .x ≠3 3.(2018遵义)如图1,直线y =kx +3经过点(2,0),则关于x 的不等式kx +3>0的解集是( ) 图1 A .x >2 B .x <2 C .x ≥2 D .x ≤2 4.(2018扬州)已知点A (x 1,3),B (x 2,6) 都在反比例函数y =-3 x 的图象上,则下列关系 式一定正确的是( ) A .x 1<x 2<0 B .x 1<0<x 2 C .x 2<x 1<0 D .x 2<0<x 1 5.(2018荆州)已知:将直线y =x -1向上平移2个单位长度后得到直线y =kx +b ,则下列关于直线y =kx +b 的说法正确的是( ) A .经过第一、二、四象限 B .与x 轴交于(1,0) C .与y 轴交于(0,1) D .y 随x 的增大而减小 6.如图2,反比例函数y =k x 的图象与一次函数y =-1 2x 的图象交于点A (-2,m )和点 B ,则点B 的坐标是( )

图2 A .(2,-1) B .(1,-2) C.??? ?1 2,-1 D .? ???1,-1 2 7.如图3,点A 在反比例函数y =4x (x >0)的图象上,点B 在反比例函数y =k x (x >0) 的图象上,AB ∥x 轴,BC ⊥x 轴,垂足为C ,连接AC ,若△ABC 的面积是6,则k 的值为( ) 图3 A .10 B .12 C .14 D .16 8.一次函数y =-kx +k 与反比例函数y =-k x (k ≠0)在同一平面直角坐标系中的图象可 能是( ) 9.如图4所示是二次函数y =ax 2+bx +c 图象的一部分,二次函数图象的对称轴是x =1,且过点A (3,0),下列结论:① b 2>4ac ;② ac >0;③ 当x >1时,y 随x 的增大而减小; ④ 3a +c >0.其中正确结论的序号是( ) 图4 A .①② B .①④ C .③④ D .①③


加强英语阅读限时训练提高学生做题效率 湖北省巴东县第二高级中学沈玉邮政编码:444324 一.限时训练的重要性 许多学生平时在做阅读题时准确性很高,但做题速度较慢。在较正规的考试中,这些学生往往得不了高分,成绩不是很理想。究其原因就是英语教学中限时训练不到位,导致学生做题速度慢,考试时间不够用。在目前的英语高考中,英语试题题量大,所涉及的知识面宽,如果平时限时训练不到位,学生在考场上容易产生紧张情绪,时间利用会不合理,从而成绩不理想。因此,有针对性地训练考生驾驭时间的能力,提升考生在考试中的夺分能力尤显重要,英语教师在教学过程中要有目的地加强限时训练。 二.限时训练的方法 (一)让学生认识到限时训练的重要性、培养学生限时训练的意识和习惯教学是一项双边活动,需要教师和学生的紧密配合。只有首先让学生意识到了在规定时间内保质保量地完成任务的重要性,并配合老师积极主动地加以训练,才能使限时训练事半功倍。在这个过程中切忌强迫学生,而要潜移默化、循序渐进。 (二)限时训练要与讲解解题方法、进行能力提升同时进行 限时训练要在给学生讲解解题方法、解题技巧的基础上进行,要让学生不是一味为了限时,而要在运用要各种解题技巧、确保准确率的基础上限时,限时训练才有意义。同时,只有让学生理解、掌握了必要的解题技巧、提升了做题能力,学生才有信心进行限时训练。 (三)合理安排限时训练的内容 1、限时训练的内容应由浅入深、由易到难、循序渐进 英语老师在安排训练内容时必须首先考虑到由浅入深、循序渐进的原则,切不可一开始就上难度、高要求,让学生一步一个脚印,逐步提升。 2.训练内容要体裁丰富、贴近生活、紧扣高考 教师要精选阅读、完形填空内容,力求做到体裁丰富、贴近生活、时代感强并紧扣高考。学生通过这些内容的限时训练,能够开阔视野、丰富知识、提高学习英语的积极性。 3.重视文章篇章结构、语境及语义的理解 对文章的语篇结构分析,有助于学生对文章的整体把握,使学生读文章时思维清晰、阅读效率高。强调语境的作用,引导学生巧用上下文分析、解决问题,(四)合理安排限时训练的时间,课堂限时训练与课外限时训练有机结合教师要合理安排限时训练的时间和频率,限时训练要天天进行,让其成为学生英语学习的常规,养成良好的英语学习、训练习惯。要把课堂限时训练与课外限时训练有机结合,在课堂时间较充裕的时候,让学生在有限的时间内完成规定的阅读或完形填空题内容,老师对学生的限时训练情况有充分的了解,对学生的良好表现要给予充分的肯定,对不足之处要及时分析并提出解决方案。在课堂时间有限的时候,要安排学生在课外抽出时间进行训练并对训练情况进行抽查,这样有利于培养学生自觉学习、训练的良好习惯。但在限时训练中不能过分挤占学生的课外时间。 三.如何保证限时英语阅读训练富有成效

2018高考总复习限时规范训练(人教新课标) 必修1 unit 2 含答案

第一部分必修1 Unit 2 Ⅰ.完形填空 (2015安徽) In our modern world, when something wears out, we throw it away and buy a new one.The __1__ is that countries around the world have growing mountains of __2__ because people are throwing out more rubbish than ever before. How did we __3__ a throwaway society? First of all, it is now easier to __4__ an object than to spend time and money to repair it.__5__ modern manufacturing (制造业) and technology, companies are able to produce products quickly and inexpensively.Products are plentiful and __6__. Another cause is our __7__ of disposable (一次性的) products.As __8__ people, we are always looking for __9__ to save time and make our lives https://www.wendangku.net/doc/be12015377.html,panies __10__ thousands of different kinds of disposable products: paper plates, plastic cups, and cameras, to name a few. Our appetite for new products also __11__ to the problem.We are __12__ buying new things.Advertisements persuade us that __13__is better and that we will be happier with the latest products.The result is that we __14__ useful possessions to make room for new ones. All around the world, we can see the __15__ of this throwaway lifestyle.Mountains of rubbish just keep getting bigger.To __16__ the amount of rubbish and to protect the __17__, more governments are requiring people to recycle materials.__18__, this is not enough to solve (解决) our problem. Maybe there is another way out.We need to repair our possessions __19__ throwing them away.We also need to rethink our attitudes about __20__.Repairing our possessions and changing our spending habits may be the best way to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our


高一数学必修1限时训练 使用班级:高一级 使用时间:10月11日 班级 姓名 成绩 一.选择题(请将答案填写在答题卡,每题5分,共50分) 1.集合},{b a 的子集有 ( ) A .2个 B .3个 C .4个 D .5个 2. 设集合{}|43A x x =-<<,{}|2B x x =≤,则A B = ( ) A .(4,3)- B .(4,2]- C .(,2]-∞ D .(,3)-∞ 3.已知()5412 -+=-x x x f ,则()x f 的表达式是( ) A . x x 62+ B .782++x x C .322-+x x D .1062-+x x 4.函数f(x)=x 21-的定义域是 ( ) A 、[0,+∞) B 、(-∞,0) C 、(-∞,+∞) D 、(]0,∞- 5.下列函数中,定义域为[0,∞)的函数是 ( ) A .x y = B .22x y -= C .13+=x y D .2)1(-=x y 6.设,10<<,下面四个等式中: ①lg()lg lg ab a b =+; ②lg lg lg a a b b =-; ③ b a b a lg )lg(212= ; ④1lg()log 10ab ab = 其中正确命题的个数为 ( ) A .0 B .1 C .2 D .3 10.定义运算a b ⊕,a b ⊕=????? a ,a≤b, b ,a>b. 例如:121⊕=,则函数12x y =⊕的值域 为( ) A 、(-∞,1) B 、(0,1) C 、[1,+∞) D 、(0,1] 二 填空题(每空5分,共20分) 11.若{}{}0,1,2,3,|3,A B x x a a A ===∈,则A B = . 12.若函数2()1 x a f x x bx += ++在[]1,1-上是奇函数,则a = , b = . 13、函数)10()(≠>=a a a x f x 且在区间]2,1[上的最大值比最小值大2 a ,则a =__________ 14 .函数 y=log (x-1)(3-x) 的定义域是 。 三.解答题(每题15分,共60分) 15. 已知集合}04{2=-=x x A ,集合}02{=-=ax x B ,若A B ?,求实数a 的取值集合.


限时训练题十七 语法填空 I fin ally took part in my first local Walk for Hope eve nt, which is a race to raise money for breast can cer research. People usually give $30 at the least to walk a 4-mile (6.4km) roun dtrip course in the neighborhood. After finishing, they are greeted with tents and free food 1 the start ing point. I ___ 2 ______ (pla n) to do the Walk every year since the sixth grade, but fate seemed to have not wan ted it. This year, I cleared my schedule weeks in adva nee, and eve n went to bed before 10 pm to make sure I _________ 3__ make it. _______ 4_______ (fortun ate), I was early eno ugh to see the mayor cut the ribbon , marking the start of the walk. The n, the race bega n. I felt pretty good at first. However, about a mile (1.6km) down the course, I bega n to tire. My frie nd Dave, who was at first a half-step __5 _______________ me, was now half a block ahead. I was embarrassed and hated the fact ____ 6____ I could n't keep up with him. At the half-way point I decided to get a head start back to the start ing point with one of my girlfrie nds, Alyna. She had bee n wait ing for me there. Alyna and I man aged to jog 7 whole way back to the starti ng point, although at a slower pace tha n Dave and I had done before. Just _____ 8 ____ (th in k)of all the free food that was wait ing for me made me want to get back faster. It was already noon by the time the last walkers arrived at the finish line, and my friends and I had already had ____________ 9_____ b it of food and en terta inmen t. I was sweaty, smelly, and exhausted, ___ 10 ____ I was glad I was able to con tribute to a great cause exercise with my friends and eat free food, all at the same time. 完型填空 When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship. Having been a Straight-A stude nt, I believed I take tough subjects and really lear n somethi ng. One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne. I was extremely interested in the ideas heA in class. When I took the first exam, I was shocked to find a 77, C-plus, on my test paper, for English was my best subject. I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my argume nts but rema in ed_ 2 . I decided to try harder, although I did n ow whatthatimea nt because school had always been easy for me. I read the books more carefully, but got another 77. Aga in, I 3 with Professor t cha ng Jayne. Agai n, he liste ned patie ntly but would n his mi nd . One more test before the final exam. One more cha nce to improve my grade. So I redoubled my efforts and, for the first time. 4 The meaning of the word “ thorough ” . Buteffort did no good and everyth in g 5 as before. The last hurdle(障碍) was the fin al. No matter what grade I got, it would n ' t can cel three C-pluses. I might as well kiss the 6 goodbye. I stopped working head. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would.

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