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blouse n. 宽松的上衣

blow n.

blow (blew, blown) v.

blue n. /a.

boat n. n. 划船

body n.

boil v.

▲bomb n. v.

bone n.

book n. v. ~ a hotel

【bookcase n.】【bookshop n.】

▲bored a. boring a.

border n.



1. a tired boy 自己累的 a tiring boy令人累的

2. a satisfying look 令人满意的表情

a satisfied look 自己满意的表情

3 surprising 使人感到惊讶的(主动)

surprised 自己感到惊讶的(被动,即被惊讶的)

4 an exciting story 一个令人兴奋的故事(主动)

excited spectators 激动的观众(被动,即被引起激动的)

5 a moving film 一部感动人的影片。

A moved audience 受感动的观众

6 A tiring journey 累人的旅行

A tired football player 累了的足球运动员

7 He told us many interesting things last night.他昨夜告诉我们许多有趣的事情。

She is interested in astronomy. 她对天文学有兴趣。

born a. be born

borrow v.

boss n.

both a. pron.

not…both (或:both… not) "部分否定,并非两个……都……"

eg:I don't want both the books. 我不是两本书都要。


一、all的否定形式:not all……(all ……not)并非都……(不是所有的都)not all men can be masters. = all men cannot be masters.并非人人都能当头头。

not all bamboo grows tall.并非所有竹子都会长得很高

▲bother v. / n. 烦扰, 打扰

bottle n.

bottom n.

bo un ce vi. n反跳

bowl n. 碗

box n. ▲boxing n.

boy n.

boycott vt. / n. 联合抵制

brain n. mind, brains的区别


①He's nice, but hasn't got much brain.他人不错,但没大有头脑。

②The man has a fine brain.这人脑子很好用。

③The brain is the centre of higher nervous activity. 大脑是高级思维活动的中心。


④Brains is more than just education.有头脑不仅指受过教育。

③He has much brains.他很有头脑。

辨析:brains, head与mind



①She has good brains.她很有头脑。

②She has a good head for figures.她很有数学头脑。

③He kept a cool head in face of danger.在危险面前他保持冷静的头脑。

④She is a good student with good mind.她是个头脑清晰的学生。

▲brake n. vi.

▲brand n.

branch n. 基本意:树枝


eg: The company I work for has branched in Paris.



eg: Psychology is a branch of medicine.


brave a. 【bravery n. 】


bread n.

break out爆发;突发

【break away from 】放弃;脱离……

【break into some place】破门而入

【break in 】打断;闯入;训练;使逐渐习惯

【break off 】折断;突然停止,暂停

【break up 】打碎,破碎;结束;解散;衰落

breakthrough n. 突破

breakfast n. at breakfast have breakfast

▲breast n.(尤指女性)胸部

breath n. old one’s breath屏住呼吸out of breath喘不过气来,上气不接下气breathe vi.

bathe v. bath n. clothe v. cloth n. breathe v. breath n.

brick n.

▲b ride n. 新娘n. 新郎

▲brief n.摘要adj.简短的

bright a.

bring(brought, brought) vt.

Britain n.

British a.

the British n.

broad a.

vt. n.

n. 扫帚


brown n. a. 褐色

brush v. n. 刷子

buck et n. 桶

▲budget n. 预算

build (built, built) v. building n.

▲bunch n.串

burglar n. 夜贼

burn v. /n. 燃烧burning:正在燃烧burned:被点燃boiling / boiled burst v. 词组搭配

1.burst into闯入;情绪的突然发作

eg: The mob burst into the office ranting and raving.暴徒怒气冲冲地闯进了办公室。

She suddenly burst into tears.

2.burst out闯出来;突发;摆脱;大声喊叫

eg: The boy burst out of the room.那男孩冲出房间。

She burst out into a storm of abuse.她破口大骂。

3.burst out laughing突然笑起来

bury vt.

vt. 埋葬;隐藏[ 过去式buried 过去分词buried 现在分词burying ]

1. 埋葬


eg: She buried face in the pillow.她把脸埋在枕头里。

3. 把…除去:

eg: She buried the insult.她忘却了耻辱。


eg: to bury oneself in one's work埋头工作


①to apply oneself to/ to doing sth.

eg:Students should apply themselves to their study. 学生们应该专心致志学习。

②to devote oneself to;

eg: He has always devoted himself to research.他总是专心致志于研究工作。

③be intent on

eg: He was intent on the job he was doing. 他专心致志于正在做的工作。【burial n. 】埋葬

bus n.

bush n. 矮树丛

business n. ▲businessman/woma n n. (pl.businessmen/women)

busy a. 罗列短语be busy doing sth be busy with sth

1.as busy as a bee像蜜蜂一样忙碌,忙得不可开交

2.busy body爱管闲事的人

3.busy book作业本

4.busy hour忙时,忙碌小时

5.busy line忙线路

6.busy oneself in使忙于

7.busy season 旺季

butcher n. /vt. 屠夫

butter n. 黄油

butterfly n.

button n. v.

buy(bought,bought) vt.

by prep. by bus/ car/ plane/ train/ ship /air


【cab n.】计程车

cabbage n. 卷心菜

candidate n. 候选人

cafe n. /coffee

cage n

cake n.

call n. v.

call for

work that calls for patience.需要耐心的工作


【call at 】拜访;停靠(车站)

【call away 】叫走;转移;排解

【call in 】召集

【call off 】(1)取消

call off a trip; called the trip off.取消旅游;推迟旅游;(2)依次叫名

【call on 】访问;号召,请求

【call on sb to do sth 】号召某人做某事

【call out 】唤起;大声叫唤

calm a. v. adj.平静的;v. 使平静

calculate vt. 计算; 考虑

▲camel n. 骆驼

camera n.

camp n. /vi. v. 露营go camping

campaign n. /vi. [军]战役, (政治或商业性)活动Canada n. Canadian a./n.

▲cancel vt. ①取消; ②宣告…无效、

形近词:cance r n.

candle n. 蜡烛

▲candy n. 糖果

canteen n. 小卖部/餐厅

cap n.

capital n. 首府, 大写字母, 资本

captain n. 队长,船长,机长, 上校

carbon n. [化]碳(元素符号C),

card n. card games

care n. v. 讲词组


1.care about担心,关心

2.care nothing about/for对…漠不关心


3.take care(that…\ to do sth.)小心



(1)You’re so kind;thank you from the b________ of my heart.

(2)The Agricultural Bank of China has b________ all over our country.

(3)Coke and Pepsi are the most popular b________ of cola.

(4)They’ve made a major b________ in the treatment of cancer.It is a great discovery.

(5)The b________ got in through the kitchen window and took away the jewelry.

(6)There are only three c________ (求职者)for the job.

(7)Students complain about the food in the c________ (食堂)of the school.

(8)Today began a c________ (运动) to reduce road accidents.

(9)Just point the c________ (照相机)and press the button.It’s very easy.

(1 0)The organization has a b________ (预算)of $35 million.


breathe broadcast borrow bounce calculate boycott brake burst brush bury

(1)The balloon will ________ if you continue blowing it.

(2)Tommy! Stop ________ up and down on the sofa.

(3)We ________ all products tested on animals.It is so cruel.

(4)Relax and ________ deeply;it can keep you calm.

(5)The football match was ________ live all over the world.

(6)Don’t forget to ________ your teeth twice a day·

(7)The great writer died in 1956,and was ________ in the churchyard of St Mary’s.

(8)I'm trying to ________ how much money we need to buy a new flat.

(9)The driver had to ________ suddenly to avoid a dog in the road.

(10)You are allowed to ________ six books from the library at a time.


(1)The flight was already fully ________; no more seats were available.A.booked B.borrowed C.canceled D.calculated (2)There’s nothing to do here —— kids get ________!

A.boredom B.boring C.bored D.to be bored (3)She ________ in tears when she heard the sad news.

A.broke off B.broke up C.broke out D.broke down (4)It was impossible to see everything during our ________ visit to Paris.A.bound B.brief C.brilliant D.bright (5)While she was in prison,friends used to ________ her books and written materials.

A.bring B.take C.fetch D.carry (6)The room is three meters long and two meters ________.

A.width B.board C.broad D.abroad (7)In my days, children were ________ to respect the law.

A.called up B.brought up C.broken up D.built up (8)The students are kept busy ________ for the coming exams in June.A.prepared B.preparing C.to prepare D.being prepared

(9)There’s tea and coffee —— you can have ________.

A.both B.either C.all D.neither (10)Excuse me,________ I’m afraid this is a no-smoking area.

A.and B.for C.but D.so


burn down build up call off call for call in call up

care about care for burst out burst into

(1)Children _____________ the environment and want to help keep it clean.

(2)He thanked the nurses who had _____________ him while he was sick.

(3)Police were _____________ to deal with the difficult situation.

(4)The game was _____________ because of the bad weather.

(5)The old photos _____________ memories of her childhood.

(6)一Our team won!

一This ________ a celebration.

(7)The joke was so funny;everyone in the room ________ laughing.

(8)Laura ________ tears and ran out of the room.

(9)The old town hall was ________ in the 1970s and everything was destroyed.(1 0)Taking exercise will ________ your strength.It will make you strong.













必修4 Unit 1 A STUDENT OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE It is 5:45 am and the sun is just rising over Gombe National Park in East Afri ca. Following Jane's way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them in the forest. Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. Watching a family of chi mps wake up is our first activity of the day. This means going back to the place where we left the family sleeping in a tree the night before. Everybody sits and wa its in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off. Th en we follow as they wander into the forest. Most of the time, chimps either feed or clean each other as a way of showing love in their family. Jane warns us that our group is going to be very tired and dirty by the afternoon and she is right. Ho wever, the evening makes it all worthwhile. We watch the mother chimp and her b abies play in the tree. Then we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. We realize that the bond between members of a chimp family is as strong as in a human family. Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp behaviour. She spent years observi ng and recording their daily activities. Since her childhood she had wanted to work with animals in their own environment. However, this was not easy. When she firs t arrived in Gombe in 1960, it was unusual for a woman to live in the forest. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to be gin her project. Her work changed the way people think about chimps. For exampl e, one important thing she discovered was that chimps hunt and eat meat. Until th en everyone had thought chimps ate only fruit and nuts. She actually observed chi mps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it. She also discovered how ch


高三一轮基于整合话题的词汇复习 十九中高三英语组 高三一轮复习程中词汇复习起着至关重要的作用,但往往词汇复习也是问题最多的。最大的问题就是知识的讲解和训练与听、说、读、写综合语言运用能力的脱离.知识传授与语言技能培养严重分割开来,词汇学习效率低下,最终达不到需要的目的和要求。在词汇复习过程中,教师是“字典”和“题库,例句库”.脱离运用讲解语言知识点。学生辛辛苦苦地记笔记,最后还是不会实际运用。针对这个问题,武老师在本学期期初到我们学校视导时给我们提出了按话题复习的指导和建议,我们组全体同志经过认真集备和研讨,确定了话题复习的范围和方法。具体做法如下:一册书复习结束之后,按照写作的话题安排,确定需要整合的话题,然后围绕中心话题,通过同类归纳的方式,在1-8册书中把相同话题的模块整合起来,创设话题情境,总结复习同类词汇,归纳典型句式,训练类似的话题写作,然后再拓展该话题新材料的阅读,以提高词汇复习的效率。我们把高中阶段外研社的从第一册到第八册的教科书,归纳分类,选择了“学校生活,环境灾难,旅游,文化体育,人物介绍,饮食与健康”等几大类的话题材料,穿插进传统的复习过程中。每个话题所用课时不是固定的,一般是用三个课时。王老师的这一节课就是有关旅游这一话题的整合的第二课时。 第一课时的重点是词汇的整合拓展。以复习“环境灾难”为例,第一课时的课堂教学设计如下: Step I 教师创设话题情境,引导学生走入话题。 教师可以先展示一些有关于环境问题的图片或者录像片段,设计问题:What problems of environment are there on the earth? Step II 引导学生采用联想法,总结复习同类词汇 1.灾难发生 灾难的种类: natural disasters(自然灾难): earthquake 地震tsunami 海啸typhoon 台风sand storm 沙尘暴debris flow/ mudslide泥石流volcanic eruption 火山 爆发flood 洪水drought 干旱flooding 洪水tropical storm 热带风暴 hurricane 飓风a state of emergency 紧急状态dense fog 浓雾 发生时间: at…clock,on…day; in…year 发生地点: distaster/stricken area 受灾地区shelter 避难所 表示灾难发生的动词:hit strike break out occur take place happen 持续: last 发生方式: all of a sudden, suddenly, (突然)unexpectedly(出乎意料) 课文句子精选填空: 1) The worst earthquake ________________________(发生)the United States in 1906,________(导致)the worst fires in the nation’s history. 2) The fires _______ three days, which __________a total of 25,000 buildings. 3)The worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925,________ (影响)three US states. 4) In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent_____________, such as floods, droughts, mudslide, earthquakes, windstorms and sand storm 2. 受灾情况:


高三英语第一轮复习计划 一、多听老师的,少自作主张 虽然同学们之前经历过很多考试,但高考对于我们来讲还是有些陌生。就算有些学生在高一、高二已经做过高考题,对于自己的知识缺陷到底有哪些,高考的重点是什么也不一定有非常清晰的了解。而高三的英语第一轮复习主要就是从语法和词法两个方面帮助大家 梳理知识,并对应试策略加以指导。教高三的教师大都有着非常丰富的高考经验,也都会制定详细的教学计划,因此我们在安排自己的复习内容时要尽量和老师同步,把当天复习的内容彻底搞清楚,并辅以相应的练习加以巩固。遇到不会的,应该第一时间请教老师,千万不要留到最后甚至弃置不管。 二、多用碎时间,少搞大突击 英语学科是非常适合利用零碎时间来学习的。五分钟的时间能干什么?也许别的学科可以安排的复习活动并不多,但是英语却有很多。比如我们可以背单词,可以做一篇速读,可以朗读一篇文章,可以做若干个单项选择,可以听听力,可以翻看任何英语的杂志、报刊甚至小说等。总而言之,时间是海绵里的水,挤挤总是有的。当然,如果我们要复习一个比较重要的语法项目,或者做一套英语试题的时候,我们也需要相对完整的时间,但基于语言学习的灵活性,同学们要培养语言学习的意识。Learning is anytime, anywhere with anyone。(学习无处不在)有些学生在制定自己的复习计划时,把一个星期中的七天分别给了不同的科目,这样做是不太科学的。正确的做

法是每天复习两至三科为宜,而英语虽然持续时间不需要很长,但每天都接触确实十分必要的。A little bit every day makes perfect(点滴铸就完美)。 三、多接触英语,少钻研语法 近几年的高考越来越重视同学们运用英语的能力,逐渐削弱了对于语法的考察。纵观一份高考英语试卷,单纯考察语法的题目几乎没有。善于观察的学生更会发现,即使是在语法聚集的单项选择题中,也是强调语境的理解。此外,还逐渐加大了词义、词语辨析的考察。完形填空的四个选项是没有语法的错误的,考察大家是否能够根据文章的意思,选择用法上最恰当的词。阅读理解更是考察大家对于篇章的理解。当然,语法并不是不重要,有很多重点的项目是需要同学们掌握的。只是提醒大家在复习的时候,要做到从语言的使用入手,而不是只对语法规则感兴趣。 四、多做高考题,少扣模拟题 要想熟悉高考的思路,最重要的一环就是做题。近五年的高考试题,特别是有些地区新课标执行起来题型发生了变化,就更需要我们适应它。在做高考题的时候,应该注意以下几个方面: 1、时间的把控。这需要同学们一次性完成一整套试题,特别留意一下每部分自己的答题时间,并科学规划,保证在规定的时间内提前五分钟完成,留有检查的余地。 2、总结一下各部分的得分情况,了解自己的强弱项。


译林版小学四年级英语上册第七单元教案合集 Unit 7 How much 第1课时 教学内容:Story time 教学目的: 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写 1)词汇:shoe,sock,twenty,thirty, forty, fifty 2) 句型与日常用语: Can I help you? How much is it / are they? It’s / They’re yuan. Well done. 2. 能听懂、会说、会读 1) 词汇:how much, yuan, umbrella, only, twenty-eight, well done, fan, 2) 句子: These socks are very nice. It’s only nineteen yuan We have twenty-eight yuan, Miss Li. 3. 能听懂、会说、会读数词“几十”“几十几”的表达 4. 能正确、流利地运用所学语句询问、回答价格 5 .培养学生乐于助人的美好品德 教学重点: 1.句型:How much is it / are they? 及其回答It’s / They’re … yuan. 2.词汇:shoe, sock, twenty,,thirty, forty, fifty 教学难点: 1.句型:How much is it / are they? 及其回答It’s / They’re … yuan的语调和用法 2.词汇:umbrella,twenty, thirty, forty, fifty等单词的读音。These shoes, these socks的用法 Well done.的意思和用法 教学过程: A. Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Say a rhyme What would you like? B. Presentation and practice 1.Numbers 1)出示20本作业本 T: Look, I have many exercise books. How many? Can you guess? Let’s count. 复习数词1—19,并教学20. 板书:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen twenty 2) 拿出更多的作业本,教学30,40,50并板书


外研版高中英语必修四课文文 本(总15页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1 -CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除

Module 1 Reading The City of the Future What will the city of the future look like No one knows for sure, and making predictions is a risky business. But one thing is certain— they are going to get bigger before they get smaller. In the future, care for the environment will become very important as earth's natural resources run out. We will use lots of recycled materials, such as plastic, aluminium, steel, glass, wood and paper, and we will waste fewer natural resources. We will also have to rely more on alternative energy, such as solar and wind power. All this seems certain, but there are plenty of things about city life in the future which are not certain. To find out what young people think about the future of urban life, a teacher at a university in Texas in the United States asked his students to think how they would run a city of 50,000 people in the year 2025. Here are some of the ideas they had: Garbage ships To get rid of garbage problems, the city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun, preventing landfill and environmental problems. Batman Nets Police will arrest criminals by firing nets instead of guns.


高考英语第一轮复习提纲 一、阅读理解 阅读部分考查考生阅读理解能力,而所谓阅读理解能力即是指对文章的整体和局部信息的理解和掌握情况。整体指的是文章的主旨 要义、作者的态度、意图、上下文的逻辑关系等,局部则是指分散 于文中的特定信息。我们要通读全文,详读题干,甄别选项,将题干、选项和文中具体信息结合起来,并综合运用其它解题方法、技巧,准确、快速作答。要排除个别生词的干扰,把握整体,着眼中 心大意。遇到不顺的文章先搁置,不影响整体战略。要用熟悉的做 题策略答题。 二、“七选五”阅读 注意语句的衔接,两个相邻的句子能够衔接,它们必定有信息的重叠(词语或意义),正如两条绳子要想连结到一起,必须得打个结,我们在做题时就是要特别注意把握这些信息的结点。 三、完形填空 完形填空要求考生在掌握文章主旨大意和正确理解句与句、段与段之间的内在联系的基础上,准确判断动词、名词、形容词、副词 等的运用。考生要通览全文,了解文章脉络,特别注意第一段话对 全篇的辐射作用。注意对每个小题的四个选项进行对比甄别,根据 上下文结构和语境做出准确判断,我们要左顾右盼,瞻前顾后,上 下求索,在上下文语境中进行词语辨析。 四、短文改错 通览全文,了解大意,然后以句子为单位进行降级处理,排正求错。可将句子进行成分划分,分为主语、谓语、宾语等几个部分, 然后逐一排查,找出病疾,对症下药。看看主、谓、宾、状等成分 是否有误,看看主语和谓语、谓语和宾语的搭配是否正确,如此等等。

五、书面表达 认真审题,列全要点,确定时态。适量运用较为复杂结构的句子,但把握好准确、自然。适当分段。要特别注意内容要点、应用词汇 和语法结构的丰富性和准确性,上下文的连贯性,以及单词拼写、 标点符号和书写规范,确保审题准确到位,语言地道流畅,书写工 整大方,卷面干净整洁。 六、语篇型语法填空 1、给出动词基本形态,可以考虑三个方向:进行词性词形转化(转为名词、形容词等);填写谓语部分,可能需要填写两个或三个词;或是填写非谓语动词; 2、给出形容词,需要填写比较级、最高级,或词性词形转化, 转化为副词,或是填写反义词(前缀); 3、给出副词,填写比较级、最高级,或是填写反义词; 4、不给提示词,主要填写介词、连词、冠词和代词。我们要按 照上下文逻辑、意思进行填充,一般应按照如下的思路进行填空: 先考虑介词、连词、冠词、代词,然后考虑连接副词,最后考虑名 词和形容词(考虑到一些比较基本的搭配,同时也考虑到词性词形变 化的规律,有些名词、形容词的填空往往无法给出提示词)。


英语四年级上册第七课 一、单词: 1.你好_______ 2.那里,那儿________ 3.游泳_______ 4. 下午_______ 5.想要_________ 6.向下_________ 7.滑梯_______ 8.第一,首先________ 9.让______10.练习,锻炼__________ 11.现在______ 12.跳_______ 13.进入_______14.水_______15.举起_______16.胳膊 ______ 17.你的________ 18.弯曲______19.膝盖____ 20.触摸-_______21.脚趾________ 22.冷,寒冷_______ 23.这里,这儿_______ 24.来_______25.肩膀______ 26. 站立_________ 27.头________ 28.手___________ 二、选一选. ( )1.当你把妈妈介绍给朋友时,用英语怎么说: A.This is my mom. B.This is my dad. ( )2.当朋友正在翻看你的照片时,你告诉朋友“这是我。”用英语怎么说: A.This is I. B.This is me. ( )3.“这是一只小狗”。用英语怎么说: A.This is a cat. B.This is a dog. ( )4.“那是一个篮球”。用英语怎么说: A.This is a soccer. B.That is a basketball. ( )5.“这是我的哥哥”,用英语怎么说: A.This is my brother. B.This is my sister. 三、选择: ( ) 1. ---Where ________ his mother? ---She’s in the kitchen. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 2. ---What ________these ? ---They’ re dumplings. A. have B. are C. is


人教版高中英语必修四课文翻译 第一单元:非洲野生动物研究者 清晨5点45分,太阳刚从东非的贡贝国家公园的上空升起,我们一行人准备按照简研究黑猩猩的方法去森林里拜访它们。简研究这些黑猩猩家族已经很多年了,她帮助人们了解黑猩猩跟人类的行为是多么的相似。我们当天的首项任务就是观察黑猩猩一家是如何醒来的。这意味着我们要返回前一天晚上我们离开黑猩猩一家睡觉的大树旁。大家坐在树荫下等待着,这时候猩猩们睡醒了,准备离开。然后这群黑猩猩向森林深处漫步而去,我们尾随其后。在大部分时间里,黑猩猩或相互喂食,或彼此擦身,这在它们的家庭里是表示爱的方式。简预先提醒我们,到下午的时候我们就会又脏又累。她说对了。不过到傍晚时分我们觉得这一切都是值得的。我们看到黑猩猩妈妈跟她的幼子们在树上玩耍,后来看见它们晚上一切回窝里睡觉了。我明白了猩猩家庭成员之间的联系像人类家庭一样紧密。 在简之前没有人完全了解黑猩猩的行为。她花了多年的时间来观察并记录黑猩猩的日常生活。从孩提时代起,简就想在动物生活的环境中研究它们。但是,这不是一件简单的事。当她1960年最初来到贡贝时,对女性来说,住进大森林还是很稀罕的事情。她母亲头几个月来帮过她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。她的工作改变了人们对黑猩猩的看法。比方说,她的一个重要发现是黑猩猩猎食动物。而在此之前,人们一直认为黑猩猩只吃水果和坚果。她曾经亲眼看到过一群黑猩猩捕杀一只猴子,然后把它吃掉。她还发现了黑猩猩之间是如何交流的,而她对黑猩猩肢体语言的研究帮助她勾勒出黑猩猩的社会体系。 40年来,简古道尔一直在呼吁世人了解并尊重这些动物的生活。她主张应该让野生动物留在野外生活,而不能用于娱乐或广告。她还为黑猩猩建起了可以安全生活的保护区。她的生活是忙忙碌碌的,然而,正如她所说的:“我一旦停下来,所有的一切都会涌上心头。我就会想起实验室的黑猩猩,太可怕了。每当我看着野生黑猩猩时,这个念头总是萦绕着我。我会对自己说:‘难道它们不幸运吗?’然后我就想起那些没有任何过错却被关在笼子里的小黑猩猩。一旦你看到这些,你就永远不会忘记……” 简已经得到了她想要得到的一切:在动物的栖息地工作;获得博士学位;还向世人证明女人和男人一样也能在森林里生活。她激励着人们为妇女们的成就而欢呼喝彩。


新人教版高中英语课文译文 必修四 第一单元卓有成就的女性 Reading 非洲野生动物研究者 清晨5点45分,太阳刚从东非的贡贝国家公园的上空升起,我们一行人准备按照简研究黑猩猩的方法去森林里拜访它们。简研究这些黑猩猩家族已经很多年了,她帮助人们了解了黑猩猩跟人类的行为是多么的相似。我们当天的首相任务就是观察黑猩猩一家是如何醒来的。这意味着我们要返回前一天晚上我们离开时黑猩猩睡觉的大树旁。大家坐在树荫下等待着,这时候黑猩猩睡醒了,准备离开。然后这群黑猩猩向森林深处漫步而去,我们尾随其后。在大部分时间里,黑猩猩或互相喂食,或彼此擦身,这在它们的家族里是爱的表达方式。简预先提醒我们,到下午的时候我们就会又脏又累。她说对了,但是到了傍晚时分我们就觉得这一切都是值得的。我们看到黑猩猩妈妈跟她的幼子们在树上玩耍,后来看见它们一起回窝里睡觉了。我们明白了黑猩猩家庭成员之间的联系像人类家庭一样紧密。 在简之前没有人完全了解黑猩猩的行为。她花了多年的时间来观察并记录黑猩猩的日常活动。从孩提时代起,简就想在动物生活的环境中研究它们。但是,这不是一件简单的事。当她1960年最初来到贡贝时。对女性来说,住进大森林还是很稀罕的事情。她母亲头几个月来帮过她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。她的工作改变了人们对黑猩猩的看法。比方说,她的一个重要发现是黑猩猩猎食动物。而在此之前,人们一直认为黑猩猩只吃水果和坚果。她曾经亲眼看到

过一群黑猩猩捕杀一只猴子,然后把它吃掉。她还发现了黑猩猩是如何交流的,而她对黑猩猩身势语的研究帮助她勾勒出黑猩猩的社会体系。 40年来,简·古道尔一直在呼吁世人了解并尊重这些动物的生活。她主张应该让野生动物留在野外生活,而不是用于娱乐或公告。她还为黑猩猩建起了可以安全生活的专门的保护区,她的生活是忙忙碌碌的,然而,正如她所说的:“我一旦停下来,所有的一切就会涌上心头。我就会想起实验室的黑猩猩,太可怕了。每当我看着野生黑猩猩时,这个念头总是萦绕着我。我会对自己说:…难道它们不幸运吗??然后我就想起了那些没有如何过错却被关在笼子里的小 黑猩猩。一旦你看到这些,你就永远不会忘记……。” 简已经得到了她想要得到的一切:在动物的栖息地工作:获得博士学位;还向世人证明女人和男人一样也能在森林里生活。她激励着人们为妇女们的成就而喝彩。 Using Language 为什么不继承她的事业? 上学时我喜欢英语、生物和化学,但是我进大学该选哪门专业呢?直到有一天晚上坐在电脑旁研究中国的伟大女性时,我才有了答案。 很偶然地,我看到了一篇关于林稚巧大夫的文章。她是妇科专家,1901年生,1983年去世。林稚巧似乎一直都在为自己选择的事业而奔忙,去国外留学,写了很多书和文章。其中有一本书引起了我的注意。这是一本小书,介绍如何从妇女怀孕到护理婴儿的过程中降低死亡率,她提出了一些可以遵循的简单的做法,保持婴儿清洁和健康,让他们远离疾病。她为什么要写这些东西呢?林稚巧认为哪些妇女会需要这些忠告呢?我仔细地看了这篇文章,了解到那是为农村妇女写的。也许是她们在遇到紧急情况时找不到医生。


阅读理解的题目中常出现的词: 一、主旨题: show说明,展示mean意思是purpose目的view看法example例子experment实验conducte行为researcher研究者meant目的conclusion结论discuss讨论idea设想 main主要的mainly主要地primarily主要地topic话题concemed讨论title标题replaced取代article文章,项目argues表明,认为,坚持,争论indicates表明summary总结leare from结论attitude态度toward对于described描述carry 表达,携带message主旨,信息lead to导致cause原因 reason for原因implied暗示,意味infer推测concluded推断suggest建议advice劝告 二、词义题: refers提到,引用,参考stands for代表,象征probably可能,大概replaced取代close接近的 三、是非题: The least possible choice最不可能的选择true真空的correct正确的false不真实的mentioned提到的except除了opposite对立statement陈述describes描述 四、因果题: in that 因为as 由于due to 由于,因为consequently因此as a resulf 结果,因此depehd on 随...而定because of 由于,因为,基于 why 为什么,何必basis 基础,基准reason理由result结果because 因为for 因为,由于since 因为; 既然; 自从…以来 therefore 因此; 所以lead to导致result in导致result from起因于all this 所有这些; 这一切that is why那就是为什么; 这就是 for these reasons 因此; 由于这些原因as reasons作为原因 五、比较题: first 第一,首先major主要的,重要的,较多的none一点也不,没有一个only 但是,仅仅,可是aware of the risks了解到这些风险according根据,按照,相应的,相符的centers on集中在.上 envisions future展望将来deals with与.交易 expression表达however不管怎样,然而,可是 illustrates with阐明,举例,说明is aimede at其目的在于 problem问题whether…or…是.还是 whether or no不管怎样lies in在于 focus on针对,聚焦于,集中于it comes to涉及到 it is essenhal to 最重要的是appears出现 likely可能probably可能 possible可能的


2019届高考英语第一轮总复习教案 高考英语一轮重点复习 module 8 unit5一.重点单词1. interrupt v.i’m sorry to interrupt you but how could they live here?很抱歉打扰你, 我想问问他们是怎么在这里生活的? 1)阻断, 中断his studies were interrupted by the war. don’t interrupt him, for he hasn’t finished yet.2)打岔; 插嘴it is rude to interrupt.“don’t interrupt,” he said.区别: interrupt 和disturbinterrupt v. 打扰,打断,阻碍。常有“使……停止(中断)”的意思。his speech was constantly interrupted by applause. disturb v. 打扰, 妨碍。常指失去了正常的状态或导致困难产生。bad dreams disturbed her sleep.2. suggest vt. to make evident indirectly; imply 意为“暗示, 意味, 表明”her pale face suggests that she was ill. 她苍白的脸色表明她病了。the handwriting of the letter suggests that the letter might be from a lady. 从书信的字体上看, 写信人是一位女性。a silence that suggested disapproval.沉默暗示着反对。her face suggest she is happy now. 从她脸上能看出她现在很幸福。his bad manners suggest a lack of family education. 他的无礼反映了他缺乏家教。但当suggest作“建议”讲时, 其用法为:(+doing)/ +(that)… should do…i suggest her going


Lesson 7 Is she a doctor or a nurse? 教学内容和要求: 1、学习元音音标/?:/ /?:/ /a:/和辅音音标/t?/,能拼读含这些音标的单词。 2、能听懂、会说、会认、会拼写以下单词:teacher,worker,woman,doctor,or,nurse,并知道词义。 3、能听懂、会说以下句子:Is she a doctor or a nurse? She is a doctor.并能用来进行会话。 课时安排:四课时 第一课时 一、复习检查 A.自由对话:叫若干学生站起来,用以前学过的交际用语自由对话。B.复习前几课所学的音标:教师出示一些含以前学过音标的单词的音标,让学生拼读,如/wi:p/ /pi:s/ /w??/ /ru:m/ /hu:/等。C.复习含/?:/ /?:/ /a:/和/t?/音的单词:教师出示下列单词,让学生读一读并说出词义for,morning,short,four,your,door,her, bird,birthday,car,chick。 二、导入新课 A.学习音标/?:/ /?:/ /a:/和/t?/。 or,al ir,ur ar ch /?:/ /?:/ /a:/ /t?/ B.注音标、读单词: Listen,point and read

-or-,-al- /?:/ -ir-,-ur-/?:/ -ar-/a:/ -ch-/t?/ horse/h?:s/ bird /b?:d/ car/ka:/ chick /t?ik/ tall/t?:l/ nurse/n?:s/ farmer teacher 三、操练 让学生拼读下列含/?:/ /?:/ /a:/和/t?/音的单词。 born wall verb bird form small hurt sport walk worker ask catch far basket chalk 四、家庭作业 做练习册中的相关练习。 第二课时 一、复习检查 A.复习音标:朗读含/?:/ /?:/ /a:/和/t?/音的单词的音标。B.复习关于身份的问答:教师可以拿着一张自己的全家福,通过说句型Who is he/she? 让学生猜测照片里的人物身份,学生通过说He/She is your……来进行猜测。 二、导入新课 A.学习生词:本课共有6个生词teacher,worker,woman,doctor,or 和nurse,教师可以通过图片的形式来学习表示职业的名词,单词or 可以通过音标来进行学习。 B.导入对话:教师可以利用简笔画,通过自问自答导入。 三、操练


必修4 Unit 1 A STUDENT OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE It is 5:45 am and the sun is just rising over Gombe National Park in East Africa. Following Jane's way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them in the forest. Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. This means going back to the place where we left the family sleeping in a tree the night before. Everybody sits and waits in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off. Then we follow as they wander into the forest. Most of the time, chimps either feed or clean each other as a way of showing love in their family. Jane warns us that our group is going to be very tired and dirty by the afternoon and she is right. However, the evening makes it all worthwhile. We watch the mother chimp and her babies play in the tree. Then we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. We realize that the bond between members of a chimp family is as strong as in a human family. Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp behaviour. She spent years observing and recording their daily activities. Since her childhood she had wanted to work with animals in their own environment. However, this was not easy. When she first arrived in Gombe in 1960, it was unusual for a woman to live in the forest. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. Her work changed the way people think about chimps. For example, one important thing she discovered was that chimps hunt and eat meat. Until then everyone had thought chimps ate only fruit and nuts. She actually observed chimps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it. She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other, and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system. For forty years Jane Goodall has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements. She has helped to set up special places where they can live safely. She is leading a busy life but she says: "Once I stop, it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories. It's terrible. It affects me when I watch the wild chimps. I say to myself, 'Aren't they lucky?" And then I think about small chimps in cages


七大高考英语热点话题必备词汇 热点话题一:中学生的爱好与兴趣 基本词汇 favorite(最喜欢的); taste(爱好,志趣); read novels(读小说); surf the Internet(上网); chat online(在线聊天); collect stamps(集邮); make e\|friends(交网友); climb mountains(爬山); enjoy pop music(喜欢流行音乐) 亮点词汇 develop an interest in(在……方面培养兴趣); be fond of(喜欢); be keen on(对……着迷); have a taste in(喜爱); hobby(业余爱好); be interested in(对……感兴趣); have a great love for(非常喜爱……) 热点话题二:友谊 基本词汇 make friends with sb.(和某人交朋友); a strong personality (个性强); personal matters(私事); friendly(友好的); a close friend(一个亲密的朋友); trust each other (互相信任); share...with sb.(与某人分享); keep in touch with sb. (与某人保持联系); stay best friends with sb. (和某人保持很好的友谊); a friend in need(患难之交) 亮点词汇 get to know sb.(认识某人); know sb. very well(熟知某人); precious(珍贵的); worthy(有价值的); understanding(善解人意的); be loyal to(对……忠诚); keep sb. company.(陪伴,做伴) 热点话题三:招聘与求职 基本词汇 employ(雇用);


高考题型提能练(九)Unit 9 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2018·河南省普通高中毕业班适应性测试)Is geography important? Here's a question for you to answer. What have the following countries got in common: Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, Iceland and Madagascar? Quite easy if you can picture them on the globe —they are all islands. All of these nations are surrounded by sea. What have these five nations got in common? Hungary, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Paraguay and Liechtenstein. They are all landlocked. In other words, in contrast to the first five countries whose coastline forms their border, the second five have no coastline at all. If you are a Hungarian or a Paraguayan, you have to pass through somebody else's country if you want to go to the beach. Liechtenstein is even more of a geographical phenomenon; it is “doubly landlocked” because the countries that surround it — Austria and Switzerland are also landlocked. There is only one other country in the world in a similar position, Uzbekistan, which is surrounded by five other landlocked countries. Go and have a look at the map if you want to know which. So how do countries become landlocked? If you are Swiss or

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