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A: The 20th China Plastic & Rubber Exhibition will be staged at Shanghai New International Expo Center in April 2006. Can you give us a brief introduction?

B: 好的。它是亚洲最大的塑料和橡胶的展销会,总展览面积超过9万平方米,比去年增加了1. 3万平方米。有8个主题区。

A: That’s impressive. How many visitors will come to the exhibition?

B: 有79个国家和地区的52,000客商会参加我们的展销会.

A: That’s great. Can you also give us a brief introduction to the space allocation?

B: 展览区是根据主题来划分的,在收到参展商填妥的报名表和参展费用后, 我们就会安排展台.

A: What order will you follow regarding space allocation?

B: 从2005年8月开始收报名表, 在有展位的情况下,就是先来先得.

A: Can you introduce the exhibition space for us?

B: 我们提供两种展位.根据需求可以选择最适合你的展位.如果你有特别的要求,请联系我们.

A: Transport, customs clearance and storage are all important concerns for all participants. Will they get special assistance?

B: 到展馆以及从展馆运回的交通,托运,海关清关,以及仓储,这些服务必须要提前预订.

A: 欢迎光临上海进出口商品交易会。我叫陈明。我是上海机械公司的销售部经理。

B: Hi, Mr. Chen. My name is Sean Hudson. I’m from Seattle, U.S.A. I’m in charge of the supply department of the Pacific Trading Company Ltd.

A: 很高兴见到您,哈德逊先生。请坐,我想向您介绍一下我公司及产品。

B: Thank you. I have read your brochure and am very impressed by your scope of business, especially the variety of machine tools you manufacture.

I believe my customers will like you new products.

A: 您对我们产品感兴趣,我很高兴。不过我们的宣传小册子仅仅介绍了我公司生产的一小部分机床。您可以进来看看我们的展品。

B: Sure. Your exhibits are very attractive, though the workmanship is not so desirable. If you don’t mind, I’d like to make an inquiry. Here’s the list of our interested machine tools. I’d like to hear your lowest quotations C.I.F. Seattle.

A: 谢谢您的询价,您单子上所列的机床我们都有。这是我方的美国太平洋沿岸城市到岸价的价目单,我们还可以根据您所想要的数目调整价格。

B: Well, Mr. Chen, your prices are not very competitive. My demand is bulk, but of course I’ll have to substantially reduce the quantity of my intended purchase with your offer.

A: 哈德逊先生,我刚才说过,我方的价格可以根据贵方的购买量进行调整。如果是您不安的只是我方的报价,那么您可以到其它展台去看一看,然后我们还可以再坐下来讨论我方的报价。

B: I sure will. Nice meeting you. I’ll call home about your quotations and come back tomorrow with our decision.

A: 好的。明天见。

B: Bye.

A: Hi! I am David Anderson, sales representative from Willa Company. Are you the representative from Zhong’an Technology Company?

B: 你好!是的,我是中安科技外贸部的李华,欢迎来深圳。

A: Thanks.

B: 你的行李都取了吗?

A: Yes, I have.

B: 那我们这边走吧。公司的车在马路对面的停车场,我们一起过去?

A: Sure.

B: 飞机旅途还好吗?是从温哥华直飞的航班吗?

A: Yes, Thank you. The flight was very good and the service on board was excellent. It took just over 13 hours non-stop from Vancouver.

B: 真是路途遥远啊!

A: I do not sleep well on planes; therefore I am a little tired and the jet lag will catch up with me tomorrow.

B: 咱们直接去酒店吧, 我们已经在花园酒店给你定了房间。

A: Good.

B: 第一次来中国?

A: Yes, Shenzhen is such a beautiful city.

B: 这样一来,我们会尽量安排好你的中国之行,给你留下美好回忆。现在刚好是春季,深圳一年中最好的季节。

A: I am so lucky.

B: 那我简单把你的时间安排说一下。明天没有什么安排,让你好好休息一天,倒一下时差。

A: Good idea. I really need some rest.

B: 明晚,我们安排了在粤唯鲜的晚宴,让你感受一下广东的饮食文化。

A: Terrific. I like Chinese food very much.

B: 后天上午到工厂参观,下午谈一下合作的事项。接下来是安排你去锦绣中华参观。A: Will you give me a timetable? I would like to pay a visit to your factory to find out the possibility of importing automobile parts from you.

B: 会的,你如果有什么问题,生活和生意上的都可以直接找我。我会鼎力帮忙。A: Thank you.

B: 到了,我们上车吧!


Smith: I'll give you mine, too.


Smith: Not bad, but I'm a little tired.


Smith: Could you arrange a meeting with your boss?


Smith: Well, shall we get down to business?


Smith: Yes, we finished the evaluation of it. If the price is acceptable, we would like to order now.


Smith: What's your best price for that item?


Smith: I think the price is a little high, can't you reduce it?


Smith: Well, I'll accept the price and place an initial order of 10,000 units. Jin:太好了。史密斯先生,跟你做生意真是我的荣幸。

Smith: The pleasure is ours. Can you deliver the goods by March 31? Jin:当然行。

Tom: I'm glad to have the chance to visit your corporation. I hope to conclude some substantial business with you.


Tom: I'm interested in your hardware. I have seen the exhibits and studied your catalogs. I think some of the items will find a ready market in Holland. Here is a list of my requirements, for which I'd like to have your lowest quotations, CIF Sydney.


Tom: I'll do that. Meanwhile, would you give me an indication of price? Chen:这是我们的装运港船上交货价的价格单,所有价格以我们最后确认为准。Tom: What about the commission: From European suppliers I usually get a 3 to 5 % commission for my imports. It's the general practice.


Tom: I see, but I do business on a commission basis. A commission on your prices would make it easier for me to promote sales. Even a 2 or 3 % would help.


A: 感谢您的询价。这是我方在原价的基础上削减了3.5%以后的报价单。您一定会感到我们的报价在今天这个需求量上升的市场上最有竞争力。

B: To be frank with you, it is really difficult for us to market your products at the price offered. I‘ve been approached by other suppliers with much lower offers, yes, much lower, 5% -- 6%.

A: 那不可能,我们不可能出那样低的报价,那是荒唐的。

B: What do you have in your mind?

A: 您把我们的产品同他们的做过比较吗?不是一个档次的产品啊。再说,我们已经调过价了。

B: I agree your offer after this reduction is attractive but excuse my frankness, in any case it is by no means the most competitive one to the best of my knowledge. I did a lot of research lately and I’m su re you'll agree with me that a growing number of suppliers in other Southeast Asian countries have joined this market. I foresee a substantial drop in price next year.

A: 对您所说的大幅度降价,我不敢认同。您知道我们的产品是享誉全球的名牌产品,而且我们绝对保证质量。虽然我们的周边国家和地区或许会以较低的价格吸引客户,但是我们保证质量的做法,加上这次大幅度的价格下调,一定会在市场上取胜。实话对您说,我们的老客户,我相信也包括您在内,没有谁转到其他广商那儿去。相反,我们还接到许多新客户的订单。我们的报盘是合情合理的。

B: You're a real business negotiator, but if you hang on to the listed quotations, it's impossible for us to come to terms. I don't think your offer is in line with the current market. I do hope that you'll consider our counter-offer. After all, we've had a business relationship for almost ten years.

B: 好吧!为了庆祝我们10年来在生意上的合作,也为了继续推进我们的商务关系,我乐意给您破例追加 1.5%的特别折扣。这已远远低于我方的最低价了,所以我再也不能接受还价了。我希望您理解我的处境,我可不想丢了自己的饭碗啊!

A: I really appreciate your concession, and I’d like to sign our papers today. B: 我很高兴我们能够圆满成交。剩下的事可简单的多了。我们可以在下午解决合同文本方面的事情。

A: Sure.


Mr.White: Yes, I have the authority to conclude the deal.


Mr. White: Great. We have been very impressed by your quality control--it's excellent--and willing to make further contact with you.


Mr. White: I'm afraid we can't agree with you on that. Your price is higher than that of your competitor.

Qiao:每个公司都是依据质量来评定价格,是吧?请你们再考虑一下我们的报价。Mr. White: I'm sorry but I have to say I don't see any advantages in your quotations. Maybe some discounts will do.


Mr. White: I see, thank you for your kindness. Considering the amount... Let's say, 1,700 sets of a dozen?


Mr. White: Oh, that's interesting. If you offer a discount of 5%, we will take 2,500 dozen from you.


Mr. White: Good. Now we have settled price. What about the payment terms? Letter of Credit will be much appreciated.


Mr. White: We insist that you pay by Letter of Credit, in fact, none of our partners settle payment by remittance.


Mr. White: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice that it is so late.


Mr. White: Yes, tomorrow morning, see you then.

Li: 你们的产品给人印象深刻, 包装也很精美。好的,我们现在谈一下运货。你们最早什么时候可以开始运货呢?

Jack: It usually takes us three months to make delivery. Everything will be ready by the middle of June.

Li: 太晚了。T恤的销售旺季就要到了,有可能把运货日期提前到5月份前吗?不然,我们就赶不上销售旺季了.

Jack: I’m afraid we can’t promise delivery earlier than June. We sell our T shirts to more than twenty countries in the world and dozens of orders have been placed ahead of you.

Li: 那有什么其它办法吗?

Jack: The best we could do is to ship your goods in June.

Li: 那你们可以把运货日期提前一个月吗?我们要货很急。

Jack: Oh, tha t’s hard to say. Let me call our production department. (After Telephone)

Jack: Good news. There are cancellations for mid-May delivery. It’s tight, so we may not be able to get your full order today.

Li: 好的。那我们什么时候可以收到第一批货物呢?

Jack: The first lot will be delivered by mid-May and you will receive the remainder by the end of May.

Li: 谢谢您的努力。你要保证我们的运货。杰克先生,你知道运货时间对我们很重要, 而且货到了后,我们还要至少2周的时间来打通销售关节。我们必须购买这些货物,而且这些货物必须按时到达,因此请务必确保这批货物一定要准时到达,不然恐怕我们只能另找别家公司了.

Jack: Mr. Li, you have my word, mid-May! In view of our longstanding business relationship, I will urge the production department of our company to make an earlier delivery. We’ll do our best to advance the shipment, but you must open your L/C as soon as possible.

Li: 那谢谢你了。

Jack: But I would like to remind you that to expedite the shipment, we may charge extra fees. Would that be acceptable for you?

Li: 附加费可以接受, 这批产品对我们而言很紧急, 贵方尽早发货即可.

A: Good afternoon, may I help you?

B: 我对贵公司经营的新品种颇感兴趣。我可以看看贵方汽车零部件C.I.F.价目表吗?

A: Certainly. Lately we expanded our scope of business to better serve our Far East Asian customers, Chinese customers in particular. China is such an enormous market that nobody can afford to neglect. My company is willing to establish business relations with all interested Chinese parties.

B: 您这样说我很高兴。我们打算长期从贵公司进口一些汽车零部件,当然这得看贵方的价格是否比他人优惠。坦率地讲,贵方单子上的价格毫无竞争力。我希望知道贵方的最新报价。

A: We have just updated our prices. But of course I don’t mean our offer is final. As usual, we’d like to quote the most reasonable price to start our business relationship for the future, even at the cost of a substantial loss on our part.

B: 但是从我对汽车零部件市场所掌握的信息来看,贵方的报盘没有吸引力。此外我还需要时间来树立对贵公司产品质量的信心。如果您不愿给我方一些合理折扣,我还是打算等一下,先到别处看看再说。

A: We guarantee the quality of our supplies. And we have free samples for your inspection. As for the discount, we can reduce the listed prices by 5%. This is our floor offer and you’ll have to excuse me, we’re not prepared for any counter-offer.

B: 我很欣赏您的直率。虽然贵方的底价与我方所希望得到的价格仍有距离,我还是愿意签合同。我与您有同感,我现在这样做是着眼于我们将来业务关系的发展。

A: But I’m not sure if you are happy with the terms in the contact.

B: 我研究过你们的合同。有几处还不是很明确,需要讲清楚。还有合同的格式问题。我们希望用我公司自己准备、自己打印的合同副本。您看行吗?

A: No problem. But everything in the contract should be bilingual, both in English and Chinese.

B: 是的,从品名、规格、数量、单价、总额、货运,全都以双语写明。还有,我们希望货品在6月底之前发出,我们不能接受货运的耽搁。

A: Of course.

B: 我们付的是到岸价,所以保险费由贵方负担。

A: Certainly. We go by the contract.

B: 好了,没问题了。

A: That’s wonderful. Let’s leave the technical details of the contract to our assistants. I’d like to invite you to a drink and celebrate the success of your first business transaction.

B: 不胜感激。我相信我们这次合作仅仅是个开端,今后合作的机会将更多。

DIALOGUE 10 (Video Clip)

MCNEIL: Before we begin, are you sure that you are in a position to conduct this negotiation?

GREEN: Yes, I have the authority to negotiate with you.

MCNEIL: Right. Let's get down to business.

GREEN: Which of our product lines are you particularly interested in Mr. McNeil? MCNEIL: I could be interested in these ones that I have outlined here. But I want to hear what you say about discounts.

GREEN: Let's talk specifically about Big Boss.

MCNEIL: Let's be clear about one thing. I hope you realize that we must have a much larger discount than what's on the table now.

GREEN: I think the discount problem can be resolved but you need to be more precise about numbers.

MCNEIL: Fair enough. What kind of discount are you offering on ten thousand units? GREEN: On ten thousand units, Mr. McNeil, I can offer a discount of thirty percent. But I can't offer more

MCNEIL: 30 per cent!

GREEN: Just let me finish, 30 percent, but with a guarantee of delivery within two months. MCNEIL: Delivery must be within two months or I' m not interested. I' m offering you the chance to make a very large sale and you are turning it down because we're...

GREEN: Can I just come in here Mr. McNeil? I haven't turned anything down. I haven't said "no". I am just saying that on ten thousand units our discount terms are thirty percent. MCNEIL: But...

GREEN: Please let me finish. Now if you commit to buy twenty thousand units then I could consider a larger discount.

MCNEIL: How much larger?

GREEN: If you commit to twenty thousand units then I can offer a thirty-five percent discount.

MCNEIL: Thirty, thirty five percent. I' m getting tired of this. You are playing games. I am looking for a large discount, and I hope that you're going to offer me one.

GREEN: If you want a big discount then you must make the order a big one. Let's talk about unit price rather than discount. Our standard unit price to the wholesaler is 23.5. MCNEIL: And I' m not interested in 23.5.

GREEN: Yes, I know that Mr. McNeil. If you buy 40,000 units, then I can offer a unit price of 19.5. What will your mark-up be on the Boss, 3, 3.5, 4?

MCNEIL: About that.

GREEN: With those figures you're going to be very competitive.

MCNEIL: 19.5 unit price?

GREEN: If you buy 40,000 units; that represents a discount of...

MCNEIL: I can see what the discount is. Offer me a unit price of 19.5 on 25,000 units and we can do business.

GREEN: I can't do that. I' m sorry.

MCNEIL: Let's break for a few minutes. I've got a few things I have to see to. I'll be a couple of minutes. Would you like a cup of coffee?

GREEN: Yes, please.

MCNEIL: Help yourself to the phone if you want to make a call.

GREEN: Thanks.

DON BRADLEY: Don Bradley.

GREEN: Hi, Don. How's the meeting?

DON BRADLEY: It's just finished. I'm on my way over. How's your meeting?

GREEN: he's definitely interested. We're having a break.

DON BRADLEY: What's the situation?

GREEN: It's becoming difficult. We’re stuck on the size of the order for Big Boss. He wants a unit price of 19.5 on an order of 25,000.

DON BRADLEY: That sounds good to me.

GREEN: I think we can push him further.

DON BRADLEY: Do you think so?

GREEN: I think so...I hope so.

DON BRADLEY: Be careful. He's a clever man. I've dealt with McNeil before. When he starts banging on the table, that's as far as you can go with him. Good luck!

GREEN: Thanks. So let's clarify the position so far. As far as Big Boss is concerned we have agreed on a unit price of 20 for 30,000, and I can' t go below that price for an order of this size. Now let's look at terms of payment.

MCNEIL: Ninety days.

GREEN: I'm sorry Mr. McNeil, but that’s completely unacceptable. Our standard policy on discounts of over thirty percent is payment within thirty days of delivery.

MCNEIL: This is not a standard situation. I am making a very large order...

GREEN: Can I just come in here, Mr. McNeil? I know you're making a large order but you are also getting an excellent product at a very large discount.

MCNEIL: I can't believe that this is your final offer.

GREEN: If you order 35,000 then I can authorize payment in 90 days.

MCNEIL: We have already decided on quantity. This is my last offer. 30,000 at 60 days payment. Take it or leave it.

GREEN: I think that offer will be acceptable. So all we have to do now is finalize the delivery arrangements.

MCNEIL: Well, let's discuss the details tomorrow.

MCNEIL: Come in! Don, how are you?

DON BRADLEY: Hello, Danny, Edward. I' m sorry I' m late.

MCNEIL: You are late. I'd rather do business with you than this young man. What have you been feeding him?

DON BRADLEY: Oh, we don't feed him. We like to keep our staff hungry.


即学即用的商务谈判情景英语对话(一) A: So, thank you for coming, everyone. It's really a pleasure to see you all here. First of all, may i suggest you take a look at the agenda i sent you? Would you like to make any comment on that? B: Yes, i wonder if we can begin with shipment question first. We really need to come to an agreement on that before anything else. A: That's true, but it's also a very difficult issue. That's the reason why i put it last. I thought it might be a good idea for us to start with the points we have in common. We'll move on to the shipment issue after that. B: All right. That sounds reasonable. A: Well, before we go any future, I would like to say strongly how i feel that it's in both our interest to reach an agreement today. The market is becoming even more competitive and our combined strength will give us some big advantages, not least in terms of the dealer network. Now, i think Richard would like to say a few words about that. 1. make comments on sth 对某事进行评论 Example: Would you make comments on our women's garments in current design?您对我们流行女装款式有何评论 Oh look very nice! 哦,看起来很漂亮 2. have sth. in common: 有共同点 Example: The two firms have very little common in selling strategies. 这两家公司在销售策略上没有什么共同点。


Jason: Nice to meet you, my name is Jason Brown, the human resource manager of Pangda Company, this is our general manager Jason. Jerry: Nice to meet you, Mr. Brown, I am Jerry White the deputy of Qihang training company and this is my assistant Neil. Jason: Glad to see you Neil. Now that we are all here, let's begin the talk, shall we?Jerry: That is OK, Mr. Brown. Since we have receive your request, we have made a proposal on the training project, can we show it to you right now? Jason: Y es, please. Neil: Well, we have prepared a variety of training projects and we plan complete it in 100 days. The cost of this project will depend on the types of training, the manage training will cost 600 ponds per day and the sale training will cost 500 ponds per day. If you don't have any questions, we would like start this agreement at any time you like. Jason: We truly consider your company will do a good work and have no question on the training project, But I'm a little worried about the prices you're asking. Jerry: Y ou think we about be asking for more? Jason: That's not exactly what I had in mind. We think the price is a little high, as a matter of fact, our company will send dozens of people in this training. We want you can reduce the price with number up. Jerry: I am sorry, we can not agree it. As the training prepared, we will begin the class no matter how many people attend it. It really makes no difference. Jason: Y es, we know this problem; however, with so many people trained dozens of days, it is really a volume sale. We need a discount is reasonable. Jerry: OK, we can understand you, in that case, we'd like give you a 5 percent discount if you can attend 80 days' training; if more than 100 days, we can give you another 5 percent discount. Jason: Thank you for your understanding, but as a large company, many things may happen in some days, it is really difficult for us to ensure 80 days no more than 100 days. We will appreciate it very much if you can reduce 100 ponds per day.


商务谈判经典台词 4)灵活应变,将在外,军令有所不授,谈判人员要运用各种谈判策略与技巧,见招拆招,灵活应对。 (2)开局阶段策略 1)用了夸奖接近法使对方对方产生好感。营销经理用了夸奖舒馨公司的员工素质高来博得对方的好感,营造良好的谈判气氛。 2)坦诚策略,在谈判的开局中我方就派一个营销经理去谈,对方的章经理就开门见山得说你能不能全权代表你们公司。 (3)磋商阶段 1)报价策略,喊价高,给对方的要价规定了一个最高标准德同时,留给自己一个回旋的余地。 2)还价策略一是分割策略把报价的材料一个个分割开,来进行价格的磋商,貌似只降了一点,但是总体的成本就降了很多的。二是报价的对比策略任何的买卖都会有货比三家的行为。 3)最大预算策略,在本次得谈判中,我们已经知道了对方价格的底线,要求对方的单间装潢价格比龙行天下公司的单间价格降5%。 4)还有遇到僵局用了休会策略,来调解气氛 (4)结束阶段 1)后期限策略,销经理使用了4点钟前我要答复我们的总经理,不然我们就和博雅公司合作了,来危险对方。 2)感情投资,胡总请贵方公司的主要成员来吃饭来赢得长期合作。

万科谈判 从下午1点谈到5点,算是有一定成效,直接发会议记录了,我老婆做的,辛苦老婆了。另外有全程录音记录。 忘记感谢其他到场者了,抱歉抱歉。经老婆提醒,特此补上,感谢小鱼、Jane、小飞、qiaok、狠狠爱,大家都辛苦了! 时间:2008年10月25日 地点:万科白马花园售房处二楼会议室 人员:万科客服吴大使工程部陈经理物业金经理万科白马花园南块业主 会议问题: 1.根据万科生活服务手册中对装修时间的规定,周一至周五为上午8:00至12:00,下午14:00至20:00,双休日及节假日时间为上午10:00至12:00,下午14:00至20:00。但目前情况是,万科严重违反自己定制的施工时间的规定,并且也违反法律条文规定。(法律条文规定早6:00到晚22:00为施工时间)2.在10月18号业主与万科的会谈中,万科承诺监督松莘线区间车的运行情况,并在11月第一周做出准时发车的反馈,为何在此之前单方做出不允许南快业主乘坐班车的决定??南块业主要求,在公交公司和万科做出区间车发车准时反馈之前可以乘坐班车。 3.根据10月18日业主与万科会议的结果,区间车时刻表要尽快投放到南块各户业主信箱,但至今未见实施。 4.根据10月18日业主与万科会议的结果,万科必须出财务证明以此证明班车运行并没有使用到南块业主的物业费用。此财务报表必须有专业会计师事务所签字盖章以证明。 5.根据10月18日业主与万科会议的结果,区间车电子栏立刻投入使用,但至今未见实施。 解决办法: 1.白马花园南块施工时间为从当日早6:00至当日晚22:00,除此之外的时间不得从事严重产生噪音的扰民活动。噪音的分贝定义为55分贝以上。实施日期:2008年10月30日起。(已签定书面承诺书并签字盖章) 2.未谈妥 3.10月31日之前区间车时刻表投放到南块各业主信箱。(万科指出今后会有更新时刻表的可能,但承诺不会比现有时间间隔久) 4.关于财务证明,10月27日给答复。业主要求复印财务证明请专业审计人员审计。 5.关于电子栏,11月10日之前投放使用。


A:卖方林小姐代表华鑫贸易有限公司B:买方蔡先生代表詹姆斯布朗父子有限公司 1 A:早上好,蔡先生。很高兴见到你。 B:早上好,林小姐。我也很高兴见到你。 A:最近怎么样? B:一切都很好。 A:我通过您的光临,我们可以解决我们的瓷器价格,结束不久的商业希望。 B:我想是的,林小姐。我们来到这里谈谈我们的要求。你能告诉我们您的价格清单和目录? A:我们特别制作了一个价格清单,这些项目覆盖上最流行的市场。给你。 B:噢,这是非常你体贴。如果你能原谅我,我想现在就看看。 A:慢慢来,蔡先生。 B:哦,蔡小姐。在看过你们的价格列表和目录,我们感兴趣的是HX 1128和HX1115,但我们发现您的价格也比其他供应商要高。这将是我们无法在如此高的价格推向任何销售。 A:我很抱歉听到这个消息。你要知道,生产成本上升,近几年大量瓷器,而我们的价格基本不变。坦率地说,我们的商品到出口都是按高标准的,包装都是优秀的设计和印刷。因此,我们的产品价格适中。 B:恐怕我不能同意你的意见在这方面。我知道你的产品在设计有吸引力的,但我想指出的是,你的优惠比一些报价高。我已经收到了来自其他国家的竞争对手。所以,你的价格在这个市场缺乏竞争力。 A:蔡先生。正如你所知,我们的产品展示这是高质量的,在许多国家已经开发了良好的市场。所以,你必须把质量考虑进去了。 B:我同意你所说的,但价格差异应该不会那么大。如果你想要得到订单,你将不得不降低价格。这是合理的,不是吗? A:嗯,为了帮助你在这一行的业务发展,我们可以考虑在你的价格有些优惠,但从来没有到那种程度。B:如果你愿意削减8%的价格,我们也许能达成交易。 A:8%?我怕你要求得太多了。其实,我们从来没有给这样的低价格。对于友谊的缘故,我们可能会特别考虑减少5%的价格。这是最高的减少,我们可以负担的。 B:你真有办法把我说服。但我不知道,当我们把一个更大的订单,你会越降低价格。我要订购一集装箱HX1115和HX1128共438套。 A:蔡先生,我可以向你们保证,我们的价格是最优惠的。我们很遗憾地说,我们仍然可以降低一个较低的水平,我们的价格。 B:好吧,我接受。现在让我们来谈谈付款条件。你会接受D / P?我希望你会接受。 A:我们通常采用的付款条件是即期信用证。 B:但我认为这将有利于我们既要采取如D / P项更灵活的付款条件。 A:由L /C付款是我们做的这些商品都与客户的业务惯例。对不起,我们不能接受D / P条款。 B:在未来的定期订单,你能不能同意的D / P? A:当然可以。经过几次交易顺畅,我们可以尝试用D / P条款。 B:哦,至于装运,即将越好。 A:是的,装运要在四月,不允许分批装运。 B:好吧,我明白了。如何包装商品?


(准备好礼物、签约合同、双方谈判者的名牌,两国国旗) 1、进场、落座(握手欢迎,面带微笑) A1.B1总,您好!欢迎欢迎欢迎(随行人员:您好,您好,您好……) 2、寒暄 A1.B1总你们今天辛苦了。昨天晚上休息得怎么样,还习惯吗?对我们的安排还满意吗? B1.贵公司给我们安排的酒店非常舒适。 A1.饭菜还和您胃口吗? B1.哈哈哈,中国饮食文化博大精深,昨天我们真是大饱口福呀~ A1.我们公司呢特意给您准备了一份中国小礼物(起立,双手递上),希望您能够喜欢(此处应该有礼物,加亮!!) B1.(起立,双手接过)A1总,您真是太客气了,礼物我非常喜欢。 3、切入主题,介绍谈判代表 A1.再次欢迎各位谈判代表来中国进行业务洽谈,希望我们这次能够合作愉快。B1总,那我们现在可以开始了吗? B1.好的,可以开始了。 A1.首先呢,我想请我的助理来介绍下我方的代表。 A2.(起立)现在呢,由我来介绍下我方的代表。这是我方总经理A1(A1起立,你们好); 这是我方市场部经理A3,这是我方采购部部长A4,这是我方技术总监A5,还有这是我方法律顾问A6。我是总经理助理A2,你们好!(坐下) B1.现在呢由我方秘书来介绍一下我方的人员。 B2.这是我们的执行总监B1(B1起立,大家好),这是我们的销售部经理B3,这是我方财务总监B4,这是我方技术总监B5,还有这是我方法律顾问B6。我是助理B2。(坐下) 4、双方进行第一轮磋商(旁白A2) B1.在前期的谈判中,我们对你方提出的合同价格并不是十分满意,为了尽快促成合作,我方在“十一”之际与贵方谈判,希望这次双方能达成一致的意见。 A1.我方对贵方所表现的诚意再次表示感谢。经过慎重的考虑,决定在原来的报价基础上再提高10万美元,也就是225万美元。您看怎么样? B4. 贵方报价实在太低,恕我们对这次报价很难认同。我方建议合同报价为240万美元。 下面由我公司的销售部经理B3给出最新的市场调查情况。 B3. 好的,下面由我来说一下。我公司一直致力于开发高端的技术产品,研发的技术产品在美国、欧洲以致世界市场上都得到很好的反响。根据市场部分析,近年来我公司在中国市


一、人物介绍: 大家好,我方是此次空调设备的采购团,我是财务总监,负责此次谈判中的财务问题。今天,我方出席本次谈判的有我方主谈:李翠,此次谈判全权代表;法律顾问:李婧,负责谈判及合同的法律问题。我们的团队是非常优秀的团队,相信我们一定可以取得此次谈判的成功!场景一:开局寒暄 A:欢迎你们来到我们公司,路上辛苦了。 B:不辛苦不辛苦,你们公司很漂亮啊。 A:还可以吧,江西是一个美丽的城市,这里风景独特、气候宜人,还希望您多在我市歇息几日,同时也好让我校略尽地主之谊。 B:早就听说了你们江西的庐山,那有时间一定要去领略一番。 A:好说好说。不知道你们这次来打算留几天啊,我们尽快给您安排一下旅游行程怎样? B:感谢贵公司的一片好意,但由于我们公务还比较繁忙,就不宜多打扰了。 A:理解理解……那我们就尽快办完正事吧。 场景二:中期谈判 甲:我方政府预计将购买100台空调,以方便办公使用。经政府批准,我们便与贵公司取得联系,以便我校对贵公司的产品有更加详细的了解。 乙:谢谢贵校的赏识,那我就现介绍一下我公司的产品情况吧。我公司属于国内大型的家电企业,以生产和销售“海尔”品牌为主的空调产品。这是该几款产品的详细资料。 (递资料) 甲:(翻阅产品资料)贵公司的产品确实不错,不知贵公司产品是否能达到我方的配置要求?乙:我公司产品都是按照国家标准生产,并且通过国家产品质量检查,产品品质是绝对保证的。但不知贵校所说的配置有什么特殊要求? 甲:贵公司可以参考一下这份分析资料。(递资料) 乙:(翻阅资料)我公司在生产时也综合考虑了这类因素,所以在产品配置上是绝对符合标准的,还请贵校不用担心。而且我们会按照该要求加强产品配置生产的。 甲:我们通过私下探讨,看中了贵公司XX型号空调,产品感觉很不错。 乙:当然这款可是今年的热销产品,许多商家都已经脱销了,货源可能很紧张。不过,最近我们新到了一批YY型号的空调,比xx型号各方面的功能更优越。你们可以看看.(递给对方一张宣传单) 甲:这个……,我们再仔细看看,倒是挺吸引人的,似乎不错啊 东西倒是挺好,不知道价格怎么样啊? 乙:官方报价是4000。 甲:等等!价钱这么高?比我们选定那款高1000呢,是不是太贵了,好像不太合适。 乙:我们这可是原装的,质量有保证的! 甲:我们还是要之前这款吧。 乙:既然如此,我们也不强求,只是个建议嘛! 场景三:最后磋商 甲:在我们收集的资料中,贵公司报价偏高。我们这里有一份同系列产品的报价表。希望贵公司参考一下,提出一个令我方容易接受的价格。(递报表) 乙:(翻阅资料)我方报价是考虑了多方面因素的综合报价,比如贵方的一些特殊的配置,这些配置在生产上需要增大一定的生产投入。 甲:但在报价表中,别家报价比贵公司低1%左右,产品的配置也符合我们的要求。而且现在我方只是先试购一部分,如果效果很好,我方将大量购置。还望贵公司给出合理报价。乙:考虑到贵方的实际需要和我们的长期合作,我方同意降价1%。


商务谈判对话情景模拟 想要让你的谈判有好的结果,就一定要学会阐述利害关系。许多人在说中文时,往往可以巧舌如簧,但是你会用英语进行谈判吗?下面我整理了商务谈判对话情景模拟,供你阅读参考。 商务谈判对话情景模拟:情景对话 A: Hello? Ms. Patterson? This is Bill from Workmate calling. I’m just wondering if you had a chance to look over the estimate I sent for your gala(晚宴) dinner project next month... As I said in my email, we can help you with production according to your needs, but we will only be able to give onsite(现场的) management support services on a limited basis. B: Oh, yes. I reviewed your estimate. But it seems like the project blueprint(项目计划) you sent with the estimate is not quite what we had in mind. Did you get a copy of the specs for this project? A: Yes, I have several copies, but they’re all different versions(版本)... The latest I have is version , is that correct? B: No. Later we decided to opt(选择) for the prior outline, version 7. A: Hold on, let me pull up your version 7 requirements... Oh yes, no wonder our estimate is a little different from what you had in mind. I see the version 7 also includes 6 additional hostesses


商务谈判对话 模拟商务谈判对话 模拟我方谈判代表:何旭东徐翰林方薇霖 模拟对方谈判代表:楼梦婷郭忠胡梦婷 正式开场 何旭东(我):你好,我是新型绿茶公司外联部经理何旭东,今天很荣幸能代表我们公司与贵公司商洽保健项目合资合作事宜。 楼梦婷(对):你好,你好,我是楼梦婷、代表鼎盛建材公司负责与贵公司的合作项目。 (双方友好握手三秒) 徐翰林(我):听说贵公司近来生意挺红火的嘛,希望能与贵公司合作,借点财气,沾点喜气啊,哈哈。 胡梦婷(对):哈哈,徐副总真会说话,承蒙一些多年来一直支持我们的老顾客的关照,我们公司目前的经营状况在 同行业里面还算佼佼者吧。这次还打算与贵公司合作,在保健项目这块领域拓展一下,水往地处留,人往高处走,公司要横向发展嘛,哈哈。 方薇霖(我):我们公司能受到贵公司的青睐,是我们的荣幸啊。不过说实话,你们选择保健品这一块作为拓展领域,真是明智啊。近来随着我国改革开放的春风吹遍祖国大江南北,人们的生活水平就像爬山虎一样,一天天向上攀啊,在满足了基本的生活需求后,自然就把心思放在了提高生活质量上,而保健品恰恰是提高生活质量的先行军啊。保健品越来越被人们所熟知,所喜爱。尤其是绿茶,这东西可以与灵芝相媲美啊。

郭忠(对):说得对,说得对,这就是我们选择与贵公司商洽的原因所在啊。那我们就进入正题吧,我们这次是抱着十二分的诚意来与贵公司谈判的。请贵公司开个价吧。 徐翰林(我):既然你们这么爽快,那我也就不好扭扭捏捏的啦。我们要价150万,不知贵公司意下如何。 郭忠(对):说实话,这可不是一个小数字啊,恐怕我们不能接受啊。 何旭东(我):可能贵公司还不了解我们公司的情况,如果了解了,就会觉得这是物有所值啊。 楼梦婷(对):但这个要价确实太高,这样吧,我们对你们目前的资产情况还不是很了解,可否详细的解释一下。 方薇霖(我):没问题,这是我们的疏忽,我们应该事先讲清楚的。正好我带来了我们公司的资产情况分析书,上面有详细的介绍,您可以看一下。您一边看,我一边说吧。我们公司现有的品牌,生产资料,宣传策划,营销渠道等一系列有形资产和无形资产,估算价值为300万元人民币。具体来说,我们公司成立这么多年来,已经形成了自己的品牌,我们称之为品牌绿。而且我们已经注册生产“梦里老家”绿茶,这个品牌得到了广大消费者的喜爱和支持,市场调查表明,“梦里老家”有很好的口碑。第三,我们已经初步形成了一系列较为顺畅的销售渠道,在全省××连锁药房及其它大型超市、茶叶连锁店都有设点,销售状况非常好。所以,你们对我们的销售状况不用任何质疑,请绝对放心。 楼梦婷(对):但不知贵公司注意到没有,现在绿茶保健品已经如雨后春笋般充斥着市场,每一个都说得很好,消费者也是没法评判其好坏。换句话说,现在市场竞争这么激烈,贵公司怎么能保证将这个品牌在市场上打响。


英语口译商务谈判对话 英语口译商务谈判对话:实例对话 Botany Bay是家生产高科技医疗用品的.公司。其产品“病例磁盘”可储存个人病例;资料取用方便,真是达到“一盘在手,妙用无穷”的目的。此产品可广泛使用于医院、养老院、学校等。因此Pacer 有意争取该产品软硬件设备的代理权。以下就是Robert与Botany Bay 的代表,Mark Davis,首度会面的情形: M: Mr. Liu, total sales onthe Medic-Disk were U.S.$$ 100,000 last year, through our agent in Hong Kong. R: Our research shows most of your sales, are made in the Taipei area. Your agent has only been able to target the Taipei market(把……作为目标市场). M: True, but we are happy with the sales. It’s a new pr oduct. How could you do better? R: We’re already well-established in the medical products business. The Medic-Disk would be a good addition to our product range. M: Can you tell me what your sales have been like in past years? R: In the past three years, our unit sales have gone up by


商务谈判情景对话(二) as far as sb./sth. be concerned: 就什么而言; 至于 Example: As far as i am concerned, i agree with Jack on this point.就我而言, 我同意杰克的观点. As far as color is concerned, Tom prefers black. 就颜色而言, 汤姆更喜欢黑色. Dialogue 3 A: Will you have a cup of coffee, Mr. Wang? B: No. Don't bother, please. A: Of course, i don't know Smith at all, but you've got to be on your guard against George. I told you about our negotiating with him in New York three years ago, didn't I? B: I am sure you did. Can we focus on the final packing today, Mr. Brown? We mustn't get stuck in the price. They are going to knock us down. We have got some room to maneuver. A: That's right, George is the head of Marketing Department. B: What we must keep in mind is that we can make a concession if they push us on staff cut. A: Oh we don't need to worry about that, Mr. Wang. We will just play it by ear. 点睛注释 1. be on one's guard against sb./sth. 小心,防范 Example: We must be on our guard against pickpockets on a bus.在公交车上我们要小心扒手。


商务谈判模拟场景对话稿 卖方/(买方)总经理:大家早上好,首先由我代表永辉超市股份有限公司对深圳景田食品饮料有限公司的到来致以真诚的问候。我是总经理张翠平,下面由我介绍我方的谈判成员。财务总监XX先生,市场调研员XX先生,销售总监XXX女士 主谈:希望本次谈判能够圆满成功,双方能够维持长期友好的合作关系。 买方:正题:我方已对贵公司的产品进行了了解,表示对贵公司的产品很满意,(我方一致同意并邀请贵公司来这里会晤与商谈。) 买方:(我方非常乐意以贵方公司就我们合作的事宜进行洽谈,希望今天的洽谈有个愉快的结果) 买方:贵方提出产品合作中的条款我方可以接受,但是由于我方公司正着力拓展北京、安徽区域,力争发展成为全国性生鲜超市龙头企业,跻身中国连锁企业前列我方需要购买(多少箱水),数量多,所以我方本次报价为(多少元每箱)。 卖方:贵方的报价经过我方仔细的考虑与讨论,一致认为贵方的报价过低,以长期合作的角度来看希望贵方再考虑一下给出一个我方可以接受的报价。 买方:总经理:那么贵公司预想的报价是多少呢?

卖方:(…………………..) 买方:我方是经过仔细的市场调查之后得出这个合理的价格,但贵方公司的报价较高不知贵方是否能给出一个合理的理由呢。 卖方:总经理(详细讲解):下面请贵公司看下资料(景田矿泉水的优势) (总经理将资料分发给对方)讲解………所以提出这个价格已经是很合理了 买方:其实我们也是基于贵公司的(优势:例如:先进技术和贵公司在市场上的声誉等),在众多公司中选择与贵公司合作,而且通过近几次的接触和了解,我们也被对方的诚意所打动,我方以十二分的诚意与贵方商谈,我们衷心希望我们能在最终价格上达成共识。 卖方:我方十分感谢贵方特意为此合作抽出宝贵的时间,我方也能体会到贵方对本次合作的重视,我方也是带着十分尊重贵公司的提议进行谈判的。 买方:关于我方提出的(每箱多少元)报价请贵方好好的考虑一下降低贵方的利润空间,在价格上做出进一步的让步,我方接受贵方的邀请来(地点)进行谈判可见我们对此次合作的重视。 卖方:我方能体会到贵方的心情,也确实很感谢贵方的付出,但是价格的让步似乎有些太大了,这样一来我方不知如何获利,这样吧,为了体现我们的诚意,将价格降至XXX万元(价格仍低于对方的报价)。


商务谈判基本对话 1 I’d like to change this ticket to the first class. 我想把这张票换成头等车。 2 I want a package deal including airfare and hotel. 我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿。 3 I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago. 我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。 4 I won’t check this baggage. 这件行李我不托运。 5 I’d like to sit in the front of the plane. 我要坐在飞机前部。 6 I missed my train. 我未赶上火车。 7 I haven’t nothing to declare. 我没有要申报的东西。 8 It’s all personal effects. 这些东西都是我私人用的。 9 I’ll pick up ticket at the airport counter. 我会在机场柜台拿机票。 10 I’d like two seats on today’s Northwest Flight 7 to Detroit, please. 我想订两张今天西北航空公司7班次到底特律的机票。 11 We waited for John in the lobby of the airport. 我们在机场的大厅里等约翰。

12 I’d like to buy an excursion pass instead. 我要买一张优待票代替。 13 I’d like a refund on this ticket. 我要退这张票。 14 I’d like to have a seat by the window. 我要一个靠窗的座位。 15 You have to change at Chicago Station. 你必须要在芝加哥站转车。 16 We have only one a day for New York. 到纽约的一天只有一班。 17 Sorry, they are already full. 抱歉,全部满了。 18 I’d like to reserve a seat to New York. 我要预订一个座位去纽约。 19 The flight number is AK708 on September 5th. 班机号码是9月5日AK708。 20 The re’s a ten thirty flight in the morning. 早上10点半有班机。 21 I’m looking for my baggage。 我正在找我的行李。 22 I’d like to make a reservation 我想预订。 23 The sooner, the better. 越快越好。 24 I’d like to change my reservation.


商务谈判情景英语对话 A: So, thank you for ing, everyone. It's really a pleasure to see you all here. First of all, may i suggest you take a look at the agenda i sent you? Would you like to make any ment on that? B: Yes, i wonder if we can begin with shipment question first. We really need to e to an agreement on that before anything else. A: That's true, but it's also a very difficult issue. That's the reason why i put it last. I thought it might be a good idea for us to start with the points we have in mon. We'll move on to the shipment issue after that. B: All right. That sounds reasonable. A: Well, before we go any future, I would like to say strongly how i feel that it's in both our interest to reach an agreement today. The market is being even more petitive and our bied strength will give us some big advantages, not


谈判对白 甲方:四川耐力水泥公司乙方:风腾建筑公司 乙方经理:欢迎来自四川耐力水泥公司的各位谈判代表来我们公司进行业务洽谈,我是风腾建筑公司的经理XXX。首先,由我 来介绍一下我方的谈判代表,这位是~~,这位是~~···甲方经理:很高兴来到贵公司,我是四川耐力水泥公司的经理XXX,下面由我来介绍我方的谈判代表,这位是~~,这位是~~···乙方经理:X经理,不知你们对我们的食宿安排是否满意? 甲方经理:满意满意,我们都很满意,贵公司招待很周到。 乙方经理:X经理,想必您也参观过我们公司,对于我们公司的实力也有一定的了解,希望我们此次谈判能够让双方满意。甲方经理:贵公司实力雄厚,一直是我们公司很好的合作伙伴,我们也是带着诚意来进行洽谈的,也希望我们能够一直合作下 去。 乙方经理:好的,那我们就开始谈判吧。首先,让我的助理先介绍一下我们在这段期间的合作事宜。 乙方助理:周总,您好。我公司于4月18日向贵公司订货1100吨,规定的交货日期为5月3日。而且在4月20日追加订货 300吨,交货日期也为5月3日,但贵公司却不能再规定 时间内交货,给我方带来了损失。

甲方助理:是的,是的。这批货物的订单我们已经收到,我们的延期交货给贵公司带来了损失,对此我代表我公司向贵公司道 歉。 乙方经理:X经理,您也知道由于贵公司出货延期导致我方受到一定的损失,所以希望贵公司能对我们公司进行相应的赔偿。甲方经理:我们知道由于我们的延期给贵公司造成了损失,我们也会做出相应的赔偿,那么贵公司提出的赔款是多少? 乙方经理:经过我们讨论,我们希望贵公司赔偿我们100万美元。甲方财务:贵公司知道我们公司刚刚受到地震影响,公司的工作人员和生活设施和机器设备都受到不同程度的损伤,需要大笔 资金来恢复,因此在赔偿方面我们最多赔偿30万美元。乙方财务:我们知道贵公司需要大笔资金恢复,但由于贵公司延迟交货,使我方不能按时完成任务,还要额外承担工人的住宿 费、伙食费,还要向别的公司进行赔偿,这并不是一笔小 数目,希望贵公司能够仔细考虑。 甲方法律:地震属于不可抗力的因素,在法律上在不可抗力的影响下延迟交货不适用处罚条例。 乙方助理:希望贵公司能够再仔细考虑考虑。我们公司是全省最大的公司,拥有1/3的市场。我们此次和贵公司的谈判是希望 能与贵公司长期合作下去,促进我们双方的共同发展。如 果贵公司不肯提高赔偿金额,并拿地震这个不可抗力因素 来说事,那我们的合作或许会终止。


商务谈判对话 卖方:皇明太阳能热水机组生产公买方:神奇公司 谈判地点:(暂定卖方主场,买方客产) 流程 买方入场,卖方接待,双方握手,入座 卖方代表介绍本方人员 买方代表介绍本方人员 (人员头衔参考:主谈、法律顾问、总经理、技术总监、财务经理) 人员介绍: 赞美: 卖:今日难得贵公司各位精英亲临我们公司,真是让我们公司蓬荜生辉啊,如果我们公司有照顾不周的地方还请各位多多包涵啊。 买:XXX请别这么说,我们久闻贵公司热情好客,今天算是真切的感受到贵公司的热情招待,我们十分感谢贵公司的招待。 卖:XXX客气了,我们是非常希望能与贵公司一起合作,这是我们的荣幸。不过说实话,你们选择太阳能这一块领域,真是明智啊。近来随着我国改革开放的春风吹遍祖国大江南北,人们的生

活水平也在一天天向上攀,现在的国人受教育水平也高了环保是大多人所追求的生活态度,而太阳能热水机组正是环保的先行军啊。 买:XXX说得对,这就是我们选择与贵公司商洽的原因所在啊。那我们就进入正题吧,我们这次是抱着十二分的诚意来与贵公司谈判的。请贵公司开个价吧。 开价: 卖:既然你们这么爽快,那我们也不可扭扭捏捏的。我们要价1万6千每台,不知贵公司意下如何。 买:实在是太高了,据我们对贵公司的产品调查,其他的同类的都在1万元左右,当然一分钱一分货,贵公司的产品肯定有独特性,解释一下贵公司的这种产品的价格如此昂贵。 卖:好的,现在由我们的产品经理为各位再次详细介绍我们的产品。·······················································根据市场上贵公司的影响力和消费者的心理,消费者一般注重价格理性消费,更加注重售后服务,而且也注重环保效益,而我方产品更是注重环保理念且性价比高,贵公司不仅需要环保而且还需要让消费者满意,难道你们买一项产品就仅仅注重价格吗?买:说的不错,虽然顾客消费趋势发生变化,但是价格却是不可


商务谈判英语对话 如果商务英语的掌握能力欠佳,会影响双方的贸易来往,语言本身是一门用来使用的工具,商务英语是现代外资企业中不可或缺的角色。如果谈判者商务英语欠佳,可以提前准备好商务谈判英语对话,下面我整理了商务谈判英语对话,供你阅读参考。 商务谈判英语对话:表达技巧 I see what you mean.(我明白您的意思。) 如果表示赞成,可以说: That's a good idea.(是个好主意。) 或者说: I agree with you.(我赞成。) 如果是有条件地接受,可以用on the condition that这个句型,例如:We accept your proposal, on the condition that you order 20,000 units. (如果您订2万台,我们会接受您的建议。) 在与外商,尤其是欧美国家的商人谈判时,如果有不同意见,最好坦白地提出来而不要拐弯抹角,比如,表示无法赞同对方的意见时,可以说: I don't think that's a good idea.(我不认为那是个好主意。) 或者 Frankly, we can't agree with your proposal.(坦白地讲,我无法同意您的提案。) 如果是拒绝,可以说: We're not prepared to accept your proposal at this time.(我们这一次不准备接受你们的建议。) 有时,还要讲明拒绝的理由,如 To be quite honest, we don't believe this product will sell very well in China.(说老实话,我们不相信这种产品在中国会卖得好。)谈判期间,由于言语沟通问题,出现误解也是在所难免的:可能是对方误


1.I don't think that's a good idea. 我不认为那是个好主意。 2. I think you misunderstood me on this point. 在这一点上面,我想你误会我了。 3. We're not prepared to accept your proposal at this time. 我们这一次不准备接受你们的提议。 4. To be quite honest, we don't believe this point will sell very well in China. 说老实话,我们不相信这种产品在中国会卖得很好。 5. Can we do it this way? 我们能否这样做。 6. I'll convey your proposal to my boss and see what he says. 我会跟我的老板讲,看他怎么说。 7. We'd like to discuss the details of the contract at our new meeting. 我们希望在下次开会时,能讨论有关合同的细节问题。 8. Why do you think so? 您为什么这么想呢? 9. I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understand your point. 很抱歉,我不大了解您的意思。

10. Could you explain that in more detail? 能否更详细地说明一下呢? 11. What we'd like to do in the immediate future is (to)... 我们短期内希望做的是...... 12. Let's......, shall we? 让我们......., 好吗? 13. We haven't agreement on the price. 在价格上面,我们还没达成一致。 14. We'd like to discuss...... 我们想讨论一下...... 15. Our long-term goal is to increase imports. 我们的长期目标是扩大进口。 即学即用的商务谈判情景英语对话 A: So, thank you for coming, everyone. It's really a pleasure to see you all here. First of all, may i suggest you take a look at the agenda i sent you? Would you like to make any comment on that? B: Yes, i wonder if we can begin with shipment question first. We really need to come to an agreement on that before anything else. A: That's true, but it's also a very difficult issue. That's the reason why i put it last. I thought it might be a good idea for us to start with the points we have in common. We'll move on to the shipment issue after that. B: All right. That sounds reasonable.
