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Ni-CeO2-Al2 O3催化剂的制备、表征及其生物质合成气甲烷化性能研究

化学与生物工程2016,Vol.33No.08一www.hx y sw g https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b813834467.html, 一科学研究一一Chem istr y &B ioen g ineerin g 19一基金项目:863计划项目(NC2010MA0137),国家科技支撑计划项目(2015BAD21B05)

收稿日期:2016-04-18作者简介:刘婕(1991-),女,湖北人,硕士研究生,研究方向:物理化学(催化方向),E -mail :134********@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b813834467.html, ;

通讯作者:李光兴,教授,博士生导师,E -mail :li g xabc@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b813834467.html, ;梅付名,博士,副教授,E -mail :mfumin g @ali y https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b813834467.html, 三doi :10.3969/j .issn.1672-5425.2016.08.005刘婕,张盼盼,詹天,等.Ni -CeO 2/Al 2O 3催化剂的制备二表征及其生物质合成气甲烷化性能研究[J ].化学与生物工程,2016,33(8):19-26.

Ni -CeO 2/Al 2O 3催化剂的制备二



华中科技大学环境科学与工程学院,湖北武汉430074)摘一要:采用共浸渍法制备了添加不同助剂(CeO 2二ZrO 2二Co 3O 4二Y 2O 3二V 2O 5)的一系列Ni 基催化剂,采用XRD 二SEM 二BET 二H 2-TPR 等对催化剂的结构进行表征,

对Ni 含量二助剂含量二浸渍顺序二焙烧温度二还原温度二空速等条件进行优化,并考察了催化剂的生物质合成气甲烷化性能三结果表明:助剂CeO 2二ZrO 2二Y 2O 3二V 2O 5的加入均能提高催化剂

对CO 甲烷化的催化活性,其中6Ni -3CeO 2/Al 2O 3的催化活性二稳定性和抗积碳能力最好;采用6Ni -3CeO 2/Al 2O 3催化

剂,在V (H 2)?V (CO )?V (N 2)=0.45?0.15?0.40二空速为20000h -1二常压二350?下,CO 即可完全转化,

甲烷选择性达到90%,较6Ni /Al 2O 3催化剂提高了16%,CO 完全转化温度较6Ni /Al 2O 3催化剂低50?三6Ni -3CeO 2/Al 2O 3催化

剂的Ni 含量明显低于文献报道,应用于生物质合成气催化加氢转化为甲烷,CO 转化率达到80.5%,

有效地解决了生物质合成气中CO 含量高于民用燃气标准的问题三

关键词:生物质合成气;甲烷化;Ni /Al 2O 3;浸渍法;助剂中图分类号:TQ 426.6一一一一文献标识码:A一一一一文章编号:1672-5425(2016)08-0019-08

Pre p aration and Characterization of Ni -CeO 2/Al 2O 3and Its Catal y tic Performance for Methanation of Biomass S y n g as

LIU Jie 1,ZHANG Pan -p an 1,ZHAN Tian 1,XIAO Bo 2,LI Guan g -xin g 1,MEI Fu -min g 1(1.School o f Chemistr y &Chemical En g ineerin g ,Huazhon g Universit y o f Science &Technolo g y ,Wuhan 430074,China ;2.School o f Environmental Science &En g ineerin g ,Huazhon g Universit y o f Science &Technolo g y ,Wuhan 430074,China )Abstract :A series of Ni -based catal y sts with addition of different additives (CeO 2,ZrO 2,Co 3O 4,Y 2O 3,V 2O 5)were p re p ared b y a co -im p re g nation method.The structure of the catal y sts was characterized b y XRD ,SEM ,BET ,H 2-TPR ,etc.Effects of Ni content ,additive content ,im p re g nation order ,calcination tem p erature ,reduction tem p erature and s p ace velocit y (SV )on the catal y tic activit y were investi g ated.The catal y tic p erform -ance for methanation of biomass s y n g as was evaluated.Results showed that ,addin g CeO 2,ZrO 2,Y 2O 3,V 2O 5could im p rove the catal y tic activit y for methanation of CO ,and the catal y st 6Ni -3CeO 2/Al 2O 3had the hi g hest catal y tic activit y ,the best stabilit y and the best coke https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b813834467.html,in g 6Ni -3CeO 2/Al 2O 3as a catal y st ,CO could be com p letel y converted at conditions as follows :V (H 2)?V (CO )?V (N 2)=0.45?0.15?0.40,SV=20000h -1,atmos p here p ressure ,350?,CH 4selectivit y reached 90%,which increased b y 16%than that of catal y st 6Ni /Al 2O 3,the tem p erature of CO com p letel y conversion was 50?lower than that of catal y st 6Ni /Al 2O 3.The Ni content of catal y st 6Ni -3CeO 2/Al 2O 3was obviousl y lower than that of re p orted in literature.The catal y st
