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Task 1: 饼图

Task 2: 说明文– why & how


Task 1

The pie charts below show the percentage of five kinds of books sold by a bookseller between 1972 and 2012.


The three pie charts compare the popularity of five different kinds of books according to the sales of a bookseller during the period from 1972 to 2012.

In 1972, the percentages of adult fiction and children’s fiction equaled, both at 20%, and then the figures experienced a gradual increase of 5% and 2% in the following 20 years. However, the figure for adult fiction soared to 45% in 2012 while the figure for children’s fiction continued to rise and arrived at 25%.

Biography was less popular than other books over this 40-year period, and the gaps were 5%, 5% and 4% respectively. As for travel books, they gained the least popularity in 1972, but outnumbered biography in the year 1992 when the figure dropped during the rest

years and reached 10% in 2012.

Overall, the proportion of fictions increased remarkably over this period while the popularity of other categories of books had a marked decrease.


本次小作文考察的对象为动态饼图,可以按照饼图中各个数据进行趋势分类。各位考生也可以参考《剑桥雅思9》的Test 3,《剑桥雅思8》的Test 2,《剑桥雅思7》的Test 4来进行复习。

Task 2

International travel makes people more prejudiced rather than broad-minded. Why? How to improve the understanding of countries they visit?


题型分类:说明文– why & how


The popularity of international flight and globalisation makes it easier for travellers to step out of their national boundaries and experience the exotic culture of other countries. However, travellers’ prejudice also arises along with the booming of the international tourism. I contend that language barriers and the preconceptions of tourists are responsible for this phenomenon.

It is quite natural that many international tourists hardly know the local language, rendering it difficult for them to communicate with local residents. This means that the interaction between holidaymakers and local people is quite restricted, which may only range from taking some snapshots of the landscapes to getting some second-hand information from tourist guides. Thus, misunderstanding of the local conventions and cultures are likely to occur due to inefficiency of language, and misunderstanding itself will induce bias to some extent.

Another reason contributing to this problem is tourists’ preconceptions. The preconceptions, once coming into shape, are somewhat hard to change. Some tourists may feel reluctant to take initiatives to know the exotic cultures and practices by virtue of the difference between their native culture which they have been accustomed to and the totally new surroundings. For example, many international tourists from developed countries have a biased outlook of the unsophisticated and natural cultures of some African countries, misinterpreting them as backward and primitive.

To address this problem, concerted effort should be made. It is advisable that tourists form a more comprehensive understanding of their destination by obtaining more information about it. They can also make friends with some local citizens to have a closer look on their real life. Besides, publicity launched by local governments and media can also make a difference. More advertisements can be made to inform tourists of the realistic surroundings of their tour destination.

To sum up, prejudice of tourists can be attributed to the above-mentioned two reasons and joint effort should be made to alleviate this problem.

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