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当前位置:文档库 › 湖北省孝感高级中学2021年高三9月调研考试英语试题解析(解析版







第Ⅰ卷最新试卷十年寒窗苦,踏上高考路,心态放平和,信心要十足,面对考试卷,下笔如有神,短信送祝福,愿你能高中,马到功自成,金榜定题名。温馨提示:多少汗水曾洒下,多金榜题名,高考必胜!蝉鸣声里勾起高考记忆三年的生活,每天睡眠不足六个小时,十二节四十五分钟的课加上早晚自习,每天可以用完一支中性笔,在无数杯速溶咖啡的刺激下,依然活蹦乱跳,当我穿过昏暗的清晨走向教学楼时,我看到了远方地平线上渐渐升起的黎明充满自信,相信自己很多考生失利不是输在知识技能上而是败在信心上,觉得自己不行。临近考试前可以设置完成一些小目标,比如说今天走1万步等,考试之前给自己打气,告诉自己“我一定行”! 少期待曾播种,终是在高考交卷的一刹尘埃落地,多少记忆梦中惦记,多少青春付与流水,人生,总有一次这样的成败,才算长大。高考保持心平气和,不要紧张,像对待平时考试一样去做题,做完检查一下题目,不要直接交卷,检查下有没有错的地方,然后耐心等待考试结束。




听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍. 1.Where was the man born? A.In the US.

B.In Japan.

C.In China.

2.How long will the party last? A.4.5 hours.

B.5 hours.

C.5.5 hours.

3.What did the professor suggest students do? A.Pick up their letters on the twelfth. B.Watch the time during exams. C.Finish the paper early. 4.What does the woman mean?

A.She wants to keep the window closed. B.She prefers to open the window later. C.She will open the window at once. 5.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.A team.


C.A sport.




听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6.What does the woman think is important? A.The location.

B.The rent.

C.The decoration.

7.What do we know about the flat? A.It has four bedrooms.B.It is in good condition.

C.It doesn’t have much furniture. 8.Whose college is the flat close to ? A.Jean’s.




9.What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A.Classmates.

B.Brother and sister.

C.Teacher and student.

10.Why was the man absent from class today?

A.He forgot to set his alarm. B.He forgot the time. 11.What does the woman ask the man to do? A.Save water.

B.Buy her a cup of coffee. C.Go over the lecture notes.

C.He got up late.

听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12.What will the man drink? A.A large orange juice.

B.A medium orange juice. C.A small orange juice.

13.Why does the man come to the restaurant?

A.He likes the pies here.B.It has a good reputation. C.The chicken-fried steak is special. 14.What does the woman say about the baker? A.He slipped in the toilet.

B.He got injured two days ago.

C.He couldn’t make ice cream sundaes. 听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。

15.Why does the woman make the phone call?

A.To confirm an accident.B.To ask for in formation.C.To report a burglary to the police.

16.How long was the woman away from her house? A.For about three hours.

B.For about three and a half hours. C.For about four hours. 17.What is important to the woman? A.The hairdryer.B.The jewel box.

C.The radio.

听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.What season is it now? A.Spring.



19.How long will the sale last? A.Three days.

B.Five days.

C.Seven days.

20.What will happen on Friday? A.Many items will be out of stock.B.A line of boots will be introduced.C.There will be an introduction of the sale.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Camels are large animals living in dry areas. There are two species of camels; the Arabian camel with a single hump(驼背) from the dry desert areas of West Asia, and the Bactrian camel with two humps from Central and East Asia. Camels are over 7 feet tall and weigh over 1,600 pounds. They will live up to 40 to 50 years. Most camels are domesticated(驯化) and fed by people. Camels are plant-eaters.Camels are very strong animals with wide, padded feet. They have thick leathery pads on their

knees and chest. Camels have nostrils(鼻孔)that can open and close, protecting them from the desert environment. Bushy eyebrows and two rows of long eyelashes protect their eyes from sand. Their mouth is extremely tough, allowing camels to eat thorny(带刺的)desert plants. Their widened feet help them move without sinking into the sand. Their thick coats reflect sunlight, and also protect them from the intense heat from desert sand. Their long legs help by

keeping them further from the hot ground.

Camels can go without food and water for 3 to 4 days. They do not store water in their humps as is commonly believed.The humps are actually a container of fat. Camels are incredibly well-adapted to their environment. When conditions heat up, camels can increase their own body temperature, which prevents sweating and therefore water loss. They may not sweat at all during the day.

Camels are sometimes called“ships of the desert”because people ride them around the hot, dry deserts of the world.However, the number of camels is becoming smaller for various reasons.21.According to the passage, camels usually live in ________.A.Asia




22.Paragraph 2 is mainly about ________.

A.camels are useful animals

B.camels are clever animals

C.camels’ body structure and function D.camels’ chara cteristics and habits 23.The reason why camels lose little water in deserts is that they ________.

A.get water from green foods

B.can adjust their temperature D.can manage without water

C.store enough water in the humps

24.What will the author probably talk about following the last paragraph?

A.Ways to protect camels.

B.Habitats of camels.D.Functions of camels.

C.Reasons for raising camels.21.A 22.C 23.B 24.A

