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八年级(上)Module1 Unit2 Please help me

八年级(上)Module1 Unit2 Please help me
八年级(上)Module1 Unit2 Please help me

Module1. Unit2. Please help me!

Part one: Teaching content:

Talk about the methods that how to learn English. Master the verb phrases about learning English. Make some conversations between teacher and students and during students by questio n~answer.

1.Words and phrases: improve, enjoy yourself, conversation, take a deep

breath, remember, change.

2.New patterns: A: What do you think? B: This is a great way to learn English. A:

What should I do? B: Before you begin, take a deep breath and smile! Smiling always helps.

Part two: The analysis of text:

Continue to focus on the topic “how to learn English”. Through the conversations between learners and language doctor, the students can learn more advice about how to learn English. In the other hand, the students should notice the expression of question~answer. Comprehend the change of verb after modal. Part three: Teaching purposes and requirements

1.Master the words and phrases about learning English.

2.Through cooperation and communication, make students comprehend the

text in the further.

3.Do a survey about how to learn English well and share with teacher and students.

4.Discuss how to learn English such as how to arrange time, how to make learning

plan and so on.

Part four: Teaching points and difficulties

1.Summarized the advice about how to learn English from the text.

2.Tense and modal revision.

3.Master the skill of reading and some important words and phrases.

4.How to make students made their own learning plans after the class under

introduction from teacher.

Part five: Teaching process

Step1. Warming up/ lead-in

1.Ask some students to write down the advice about how to learn English have

learnt last unit in front of blackboard.

1).Speak English in class as much as possible

2).Write down the mistakes in notebooks.

3).Write down the collect spelling and grammar next to the mistakes.\

4).Check the vocabulary notebook every day.

5).Listening to the radio or reading a newspaper in English. Try not to translate every word.

6).Make a pen friend and write email message to each other.

2.Listen to the tape and working in pairs. What questions do you have about……understanding real English? …speaking English? …learning vocabulary?

T: What questions do you have about understanding real English?

S1: I don’t how to speak English in class.

T: What questions do you have about speaking English?

S2: I am shy and can’t speak to my teacher in English.

T: What questions do you have about learning vocabulary?

S3: I try to remember all the new words. I write them down, but I forget quickly.

After finishing the Questio n~answer between teacher and students, teacher asks the students to make conversation like this in pairs.

S1: What questions do you have about remembering vocabulary?

S2: I can not remember the new words after writing them down again and again.

S3: What questions do you have about listening to English?

S4: I don’t understand the meaning of sentences without reading them.


Step2. Pre-read

Teaching intention: To clear the language barrier for reading passage. In the other hand, let students read passage with thinking.

1.List the new important words and phrases of text:

Send, language, improve, basic, guess, enjoy yourself, conversation, remember, take

a deep breath, forget

2.Teaching them pronunciation of the new words and phrases.

3.Arrange some questions for students.

1). How many basic questions are there in the passage?

2). What advice does the Language Doctor give about understanding real English?

3). When you are shy, what do you do before you speaking English?

4). How to remember the new words?

Step3. While-read

Teaching intention: It is divided into quick-reading and detail-reading. First, make students to get outline of passage and develop the capability of quick-reading. Second, develop the skill that acquiring main information from passage.

Task1. Reading

1.Scanning and skimming: Ask students to read the passage quickly.

T: Try to write down the questions given by teacher while you are reading the passage:

How many basic questions are there in the passage? ……Ok, let’s begin.

2.Get students to read the passage the second and finish activities3, and check and

fine the answer in pairs or in groups.

Complete the sentences

1). Li Hao takes a long time to films and listen to songs in English because________.

2). To learn English, the Language Doctor thinks Li Hao should_________.

3). Sam is often shy when_________

4). The language Doctor advises Sam to__________.

5). Oliver forget his new vocabulary because__________.

6). The best way to learn vocabulary is to ____________.

3.Get students to read the passage the third time and finish activities4

1). What are there three basic questions about learning English?

2). Do you hind it easy to have a conversation in English?

3). Can you count the number of English words you know?

4). What do you often do after you take a deep breath?

5). Do you forget new vocabulary quickly or do you remember yt?

6). What make you shy?

7). How do you feel when you smile?

8). What’s the best piece of advice in the passage to help you improve your English. Task2. Play the recorder and explain some language points.

Step4. Post-read

Teaching intention: Develop Students self-study learning ability and Integrated use of language ability

Task1. Retelling

1.Ask students to look at the advice above and say information about how to learn

English like this:

There are several pieces of advice about learning English from Language Doctor.

1.Talk about the film or song with your friends and guess ……

Task2. Writing

1.Ask students to finish the activities5. Make a list of things you are good at in


Listening—I understand my teacher.

Speaking—I speak English all the time in class


2.Make a list of things you are not good at. Write a letter to the Language Doctor

and ask for advice.

Dear Language Doctor,

I have learnt English for 7 years, but I can’t understand what the teacher says in class. Can you help me?


Step5. Summary.

Organization: Sum up the language points.

Step6. Home work

1.In not more than 100 words, write a composition about how to learn English.

2.Finish the “New Learning Plan” Unit2.


八年级上册生字表 第一单元 第一课 纷纷溃(kuì)退锐不可当(dāng)泄(xiè)气督(dū)战歼(jiān)灭击溃(kuì) 要塞(sāi) 绥靖(suí jìng) 阌(wén)乡阻遏(è) 潢(huáng)川管辖(xiá) 消耗(hào) 襄(xiāng)阳负隅(yú)顽抗 第二课 月明风清(qīng) 阴森(sēn) 白洋淀(diàn) 竹篙(gāo) 疟(yào)子悠(yōu)闲寒噤(jìn) 提(dí)防吆(yāo)喝阴惨(cǎn) 梭(suō)子仄(zè)歪飒爽(sàshuǎng) 转弯抹(mǒ)角打 牙跌(diē)嘴闷(mèn)热泅(qiú)水张皇(huáng)失措疟疾(nüè jí) 遮(zhē)掩 第三课 偷袭(xí) 拂(fú)晓埋葬(zàng) 瓦砾(lì) 地窖(jiào) 匍匐(pú fú) 僵(jiāng)硬舀(yǎo)水 腋(yè)窝精疲(pí)力竭(jié) 名副(fù)其实珍藏(cáng) 屏障(zhàng) 默契(mò qì) 耸(sǒng)立闪耀(yào) 柔(róu)和闪烁(shuò) 模(mú)样鞠躬(jū gōng) 颤巍巍(chàn wēi wēi) 惊扰(rǎo) 肃穆(mù) 永垂(chuí)不朽 第四课 予(yǔ)以给(jǐ)予赞誉(yù) 恍(huǎng)苦缀(zhuì)满琉璃(liú lí) 珐琅(fà láng) 朱鹭(lù) 眼花缭(liáo)乱惊骇(hài) 晨曦(xī) 瞥(piē)见赃(zāng)物不可名(míng)状荡(dàng)然 无存富丽堂皇(huáng) 丰功(gōng)伟业箱箧(qiè) 野蛮(mán) 第五课 残酷(kù) 发泄(xiè) 杀戮(lù) 纳粹(cuì) 悼(dào)念纯朴(pǔ) 哗哗(huā huā) 朝(cháo) 圣蜿蜒(wān yán) 屹(yì)立肃穆(mù) 恍惚(huǎng hū) 木然(rán) 融(róng)合悲哀(āi) 荒谬(miù) 盟誓(méng shì) 憧憬(chōng jǐng) 执(zhí)着响彻(chè)云霄(x iāo) 倾泻(qīng xiè) 缭(liáo)绕不绝同胞(bāo) 应邀(yāo) 感染(rǎn) 沉寂(jì) 反驳(bó) 血腥(xīng) 赤裸裸(luǒluǒ) 果酱(jiàng) 第二单元 第六课 憎恶(zēng wù) 隐鼠(yǐn shǔ) 忘却(què) 倘(tǎng)使絮(xù)说搁(gē)置规矩(guī ju) 惶(huáng)急辟(pì)头烦琐(fán suǒ) 磨(mó)难投掷(zhì) 骇(hài)然劫掳(lǔ) 针灸(jiǔ) 疮疤(chuāng bā) 深不可测(cè) 淡薄(bó) 诘(jié)问惧惮(dàn) 哀悼(āi dào) 渴慕(kě mù) 和蔼(ǎi) 咒骂(zhòu mà) 疏懒(lǎn) 霹雳(pī lì) 震悚(sǒng)怨(yuàn)恨粗拙(zhuō) 干戚(qī) 孤孀(shuāng)


11.核舟记 教学目标 1.积累文言词语,把握文章内容。感受文本语言的简洁、严密和生动。 2.学习本文“总—分—总”的结构方式和空间说明顺序。 3.关注文中数量词的特点,体会古代汉语数量词与现代汉语数量词的异同。 4.了解我国古代雕刻技艺的精湛、成就的卓越,欣赏艺术品的巧夺天工之美,感受中国的艺术文化魅力。 教学过程 第1课时 一、导入新课 师:一颗桃核,能变成一件艺术品吗? 生:自由发表意见。 师:关于能否变成一件艺术品,下面这段视频会解答这个疑问。 配《微雕欣赏》视频(见光盘) 师:多么神奇而瑰丽的艺术,一颗平凡的桃核,竟在人工的雕琢下变得如此生动精美。不过,视频中的画面转瞬即逝,你也许未能仔细观察这瑰丽的艺术。没关系,作为补偿,让我们走进今天的课文《核舟记》,去感受这艺术的魅力所在。 二、教学新课 目标导学一:梳理字词,破除阅读障碍 1.教师范读课文,正音。 罔.(wǎng)贻.(yí)有奇 ..(yòu jī) 箬.篷(ruò) 髯.(rán) 衣褶.(hě)

袒.胸(tǎn) 黍.(shǔ) 矫.首(jiǎo) 篆.章(huàn) 壬戌 ..(rén ū) 2.教师范读,或听朗读音频。要求学生注意朗读节奏,整体感知大意。 3.结合工具书和注释,初步疏通文句。 4.特殊文言词语归纳。 (1)通假字 左手倚一衡.木(“衡”同“横”) (2)一词多义 ①奇:A.明有奇巧人曰王叔远(奇妙) B.舟首尾长约八分有奇(零数、余数) ②为:A.为宫室、器皿、人物(做。这里指雕刻) B.中轩敞者为舱(是) ③而:A.中峨冠而多髯者为东坡(表并列,并且、而且) B.启窗而观(表承接,不译) C.而计其长曾不盈寸(表转折,却、但是) ④之:A.径寸之木(助词,的) B.盖简桃核修狭者为之(代词,指核舟) ⑤其:A.其两膝相比者(他们) B.其人视端容寂(那) (3)词类活用 石青 ..糁之(名词作状语,用石青) (4)重点探究:古代汉语使用数量词的方法与现代汉语不完全相同,请根据下列例句,说说它们的不同在哪里。 ①尝贻余核舟一。


-------------------------------------------------------------------奋斗没有终点任何时候都是一个起点----------------------------------------------------- 初中数学试卷 期末考试 八年级上数学试题 温馨提示:1.本试卷共6页,28个小题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟. 题 号 一二三四总分 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 得 分 一、精心选(共10小题,每题4分,共40分)每小题下面,给出了代号为A、B、 C、D的四个答案,其中只有一个正确,请将正确的代号填在题后的括号中. 1.下列图形中,是.轴对称图形的为() 2.从实数6, ,0, 3 1 ,2π - -中,挑选出的两个数都是无理数的为() A. 0, 3 1 - B. π,2 - C. 6,π D.6,2 - 3.下列计算,正确的是() A.18 3 6a a a= ? B.()5 2 3a a= C.236 (2)8 x x -=- D.3 2 6a a a= ÷ 416) A.4 B.2 ± C.4 ± D.2 5.在平面直角坐标系中,直线1 y x =+经过() A.第一、二、三象限 B.第一、二、四象限 C.第一、三、四象限 D.第二、三、四象限 6.若216 x mx ++为完全平方式,则m的值为() A. 8 B.-8 C.±8 D.±4 *** 学校 班级 姓名 考号 *** *** 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 *** 得分评卷人

7.若22 a b >,则一定成立的是( ) A .a b > B . a b >- C . a b -> D .a b > 8.一次函数y kx b =+的图象如下图所示,当0kx b +<时,x 的取值范围是( ) A .0x > B .0x < C .2x > D .2x < A D 第8题图 第9题图 9.如上图,在△ABC 与△DEF 中,已知AB=DE ,还需添加两个条件才能使△ABC ≌△DEF ,不能..添加的一组是( ) A .∠B=∠E, BC=EF B .∠A=∠D ,BC=EF C .∠A=∠ D ,∠B=∠ E D .BC=E F ,AC=DF 10.小亮从家去学校上学行走的路程为900米,某天他从家去上学时以每分30米的速度行走了450米, 为了不迟到他加快了速度,以每分45米的速度行走完剩下的路程,那么小亮离家的距离.....S (米)与他 行走的时间t (分)之间的函数关系用图象表示正确的是( ). 二、耐心填(共10小题,每题3分,共30分)请将答案直接填在每题后的横线上. 11.计算:0 2009=_________. 12.计算:38-=_________. 13.计算:( )xy xy y x 510152 2÷- = . 14.图象经过点(1,-2)的正比例函数的解析式为 . 15.一次函数(26)y m x m =-+中,y 随x 增大而减小,则m 的取值范围是 . 16.分解因式:223 44xy x y y --= . 17.已知,3,5==+xy y x 则2 2y x += 得分 评卷人 2 y x O


Unit2单元测试 第二部分:笔试(100分) Ⅱ.情景交际。(5分) A:Good morning.What’s the matter? B:16 A:Do you have a headache? B:Yes,I do. A:Open your mouth and say“Ah”. B:Ah. A:17 B:No,I felt terrible last night. A:Oh,I see.You had a bad cold. B:Do I have to stay in bed? A:Yes.18 B:Is it serious? A:No.19But you really need a good rest and take this medicine. B:20 A:Three times a day. B:OK.Thank you.

A.Did you sleep well? B.How often need I take the medicine? C.I don’t feel very well. D.It’s nothing serious. E.Why not go to bed? F.You’d better stay at home for two or three days. G.What’s wrong? Ⅲ.完形填空。(10分) Everything has two sides.One side of SARS is already clear.It is a deadly(致命的)disease.Hundreds of people have died. But there’s21side.SARS tells us how weak22can be. Suddenly23gets to know there might not24be tomorrow. Wang Xinying,a student in Taiyuan,Shanxi Province,was near to a SARS patient in mid April.He was told to stay at home for at least two weeks.“Watching TV25more and more SARS patients dying,I 26knew that death could be so27.”he said. SARS teaches people to be grateful(感激),not only for their own lives,but also for others.Xu Bing,a student of Beijing No.5High School,


11.核舟记 【教学目】 1.知识目标:积累文言词汇,了解“记”这种特点,了解文章总分总的结构。 2.技能目标:整体感知课文,品味语言,感受观察细致、描写生动的特点。 3.情感目标:了解我国古代工艺美术的卓越成就,激发我们热爱祖国博大精深的传统文化的感情。 【教学重点】 学习运用简洁、周密、生动的语言,按空间顺序安排材料,再现“核舟”的形象及以空间位置和物、人的主次为说明顺序,有重点地说明事物的方法。 【教学时数】三课时。 【教学过程】 第一课时 一、导入新课: 我们中华民族是世界四大文明古国之一,我国古代劳动人民是最优秀、最勤劳、最聪明灵巧的人民,他们创造了光辉灿烂、永垂不朽、令古今世界瞩目的中华文明、中华文化。其中最令人喷喷称奇、叹为观止的有那源远流长、久盛不衰的手工雕刻艺术,尤其是微雕。微观雕刻是一种以微小精细见长的雕刻技法总称,是雕刻技法的一门独立分支。常见的种类有微刻、微画、微画雕、核雕、骨雕和微雕等。 中国微观雕刻历史源远流长。远在殷商时期的甲骨文中,就出现微型雕刻。战国时的玺印小如累黍,印文却有朱白之分。众所周知的王叔远的《核舟记》,也是中国历史上微雕艺术的经典之作。 二、检查课内预习 请大家运用字典并结合黑板上的预习题自读这篇文章(有些题目需在自读本上笔答完成) 1)本文出处及作者简介(摘要在自读本上)。 2)为文章生字词注音并释义,用铅笔标出疑难句。

示例:①罔、贻、轩敞、箬篷等②罔不因势象形,各具情态等 3)试概括文章段意 (要求用语精炼,各不超过十个字)。 4)思考下列问题: (1)核舟大小如何? (2)在这样小的核舟上雕刻家究竟雕了多少人和物? (3)雕刻者是如何精当巧妙地安置这些人物的? (4)本文虽名为“记”,是不是记叙文,为什么? (5)文章主体部分的写作顺序是怎样的? (6)文章的全部内容安排实际上紧扣了怎样一个核心? 三、朗读课文 1.请三位同学朗读课文 每位同学朗读两段。朗读后,各由其余同学对该位同学的朗读情况作评价,或指明其读音的错误,或纠正其断句不当;或称道其成功之处。 2.老师指导有关朗读的要领: 读音要力求用标准的普通话,注音要正确,特别是古今异读、变读、通假字、多音字必须严加推敲,查有实据,读准字音才能读得流畅,读准字音才能理解得清楚透彻。 断句是一项复杂的工作,古人称为“句读”。文言的断句水平跟读者的阅读面、阅读量以及文言的基础、功底和语感均成正比。但也有一些常规可以提前把握,以便有利于文言文的阅读和理解。比如句首的发语词“夫”、“盖”等必须断开,“盖大苏泛赤壁云”就不可误读为:“盖大/苏泛赤壁云”;另外,断句跟句法关系密切相联,主、谓、宾各成分之间一般应断开;再则,断句与句意必须一致,不可因断句错误而产生歧义或谬误。最后,断句还跟文言的一些语法习惯、文章的感情基调、文体规律、作家作文的习惯、读者的阅读习惯等有关。阅读中均需综合考虑。 3.在预习并对课文整体内容稍有感知、认识的基础上,在学生稍有阅读文言知识的情况下,教师或可带读,或可范读,力争引导学生熟读课文,达到流利畅达之境。“读书百遍,其义自见”。从而把握文章的整体,获得这种文体的语感。 四、研讨课文 本文的题目虽有一个“记”字,是否意味着是一种记叙文体?它与《桃花源记》、《小石潭记》是不是同一种文体? 本讨论题旨在考察同学在预习并熟读之后对课文的整体把握情况;同时借助比较,让学生对古文中的“记”体文言有比较深入的了解。 学生的讨论可以从下列角度开展: (1)所“记”的对象和内容 (2)表达方式及语言 这个问题在本课时最后提出,容同学课后查阅有关文章资料,并分小组讨论。 第二课时 一、齐读全文导入第一课时的“研讨课文” 对这个题目的正确解说应当是,(1)从所“记”的对象和内容看,《桃花源记》、《小石潭记》等“记”的是“桃花源”、“小石潭”等实地实景,显然属游记类性质的记叙;而《核舟记》作者“记”的是一艘“核舟”,一件工艺品,目的是要展示我国古代能工巧匠的绝顶智


新人教版八年级上册期末英语试卷附答案 (总分:100分时间:100分钟) 第?卷(共60分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) ()1. Yesterday I only bought _________ for my cousin, but __________ for myself. A. something; something B. nothing; something C. nothing; nothing D. something; nothing ()2. We _________ our holidays in Hong Kong next year. A. visited B. spent C. are going to visit D. are going to spend ()3. My sister is as __________as her classmate Joe, so they are good friends. A. outgoing B. more outgoing C. the more outgoing D. the most outgoing ()4. Of all the boys, John does his homework ___________. A. more careful B. the most careful C. more carefully D. the most carefully ()5. There _________ a book sale in our school next month. A. will be B. will have C. was D. has ()6.Mr Smith plans _________ here much longer because he has lots of things to do. A.to keep B. keep C. to stay D. stay ()7. ——Does your brother __________ play soccer? ——Yes. He plays it every day. A. often B. never C. hardly ever D. sometimes ()8.Our son is going to study medicine when he __________ school. A. leave B. leaves C. is leaving D. left ()9.——Will you go boating this Saturday? ——___________. We will camp by lake. A. Yes, we will. B. No, we won’t. C. Yes, we do D. No, we don’t. ()10. ——Do you know Lin Shuhao? ——Yes, he is one of ____________ basketball player in NBA. A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular D. the more popular ()11. ——We’ll have a picnic _______ it doesn’t rain tomorrow. ——Have a nice day. A.when B. because C. if D. since ()12.Susan, get some eggs and butter and _________. A. mix up them B. mix them up C. mix up it D. mix it up ()13.——Can you go camping with me tomorrow? ——_________. A. No, I don’t. B. Sure. C. No, I can’t. D. Let’s make it. ()14.What ________ if I ________ to turn off water? A. will happen; forget B. Will happen; will forget C. happen; forget D. happen; will forget ()15. ——_________ are these oranges and pears? ——About thirty yuan.


二、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ( )31. —Do you like watching TV ? —Yes, I like it very much. I often sit before the TV ____ two hours every day. A. at B. for C. with D. from ( )32. — What do you often do on weekends? — I often go ________ online. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )33. —Although my mother is tired after work, ______ she cooks dinner for us every day. —Oh, she is so great and she must love you very much. A. so B. but C. and D. / ( )34. — Would you like something to drink? — Yes. Some ______, please. A. coffee B. oranges C. chocolate D. hamburgers ( )35. — What is Tom interested in? — He is interested in sports, _____________ basketball, tennis and ping-pong. A. such as B. at least C. hardly ever D. because of ( )36. —What does Lily often do on the weekend? —She often _________ the old man wash his dirty clothes on weekends. A. keeps B. keep C. helps D. help ( )37. — Do you often go swimming, Nancy? — _________. I don’t like swimming at all. A. Never B. Always C. Often D. Usually ( )38. —I have got a low grade in my English test. —You _________ study hard in order to improve your English. A. ever B. hardly C. must D. maybe ( )39. I like watching TV. And Sports Games is my favorite _________. A. food B. program C. sport D. subject ( )40. 90 percent of my classmates _________ to school by bike. A. goes B. go C. going D. to go ( )41. Tony ________ to get the math book on the desk, but he couldn’t. A. tried B. disliked C. enjoyed D. remembered ( )42. — _________ did you pay for the sweater? — 100 yuan. A. How long B. How much C. How many D. How often ( )43. — _________? — I go shopping. A. When do you go shopping B. How often do you go shopping C. How long do you go shopping on weekends


八年级语文上册生字词拼音整理 第一单元 绥靖suíjìng 阻遏è歼灭jiān 溃退kuì竹篙gāo 寒噤jìn 蹿cuān 泅着qiú仄歪zè飒飒sà提防dī瓦砾lì鞠躬jūgōng 地窖jiào 拂晓fú脏物zāng 箱箧qiè制裁cái 荒谬miù肃穆mù颤巍巍wēi转弯抹角mò锐不可当dāng 张皇失措cuò荡然无存dàng 第二单元 惊骇hài 掳走lú惶急huáng 疮疤chuāng bā诘问jié渴慕mù疏懒shū霹雳pīlì孤孀shuāng 差使chāi 狼藉jí簌簌sù蹒跚pánshān 擦拭shì交卸xiè奔丧sāng 典质diǎn 颓唐tuí 琐屑xiè尴尬gān gà凹凼dàng 烦躁zào 塌败tā愧怍zuò 取缔dì骷髅kūlóu 滞笨zhì荒僻pì惶恐huáng 吊唁yàn 颠沛pèi 伎俩jìliǎng 文绉绉zhōu 焦灼zhuó噩耗è呵斥hē长途跋涉bá大庭广众穷愁潦倒liáo 连声诺诺nuò微不足道 第三单元 洨河xiáo 匀称chèn 惟妙惟肖xiào 推崇chóng 古朴巧妙绝伦煞风景shā驻足zhù轩榭xuān xiè嶙峋lín xún丘壑hè镂空lòu 蔷薇qiáng 重峦叠嶂zhàng 因地制宜额枋fāng 藻井zǎo 磬qìng 鎏金liú鳌头áo 金銮殿luán 蟠龙pán 琉璃liúlí伧俗cāng 帷幕wéi 缓冲huǎn 失之毫厘,差之千里chā 第四单元 孕育yùn 农谚yàn 连翘qiáo 翩然piān 萌发méng 蟾蜍chánchú囊náng 胚胎pēi 鳞片lín 两栖qī繁衍yǎn 脊椎jǐzhuī褶皱zhě潮汐xī追溯sù劫难jié遗骸hái 归咎jiù藩篱fān 啸聚xiào 顷刻qǐng 面颊jiá喷嚏t ì嘈杂cáo 充耳不闻草长莺飞yīng 销声匿迹nì衰草连天shuāi 重岩叠嶂zhàng 过滤lǜ 风雪载途zài 唠唠叨叨láodāo 无动于衷zhōng 物竞天择 束手无策在劫难逃五彩斑斓bānlán 天衣无缝fèng


核舟记原文及翻译核舟记作者:魏学洢 明有奇巧人曰王叔远,能以径寸之木,为宫室、器皿、人物,以至鸟兽、木石,罔不因势象形,各具情态。尝贻余核舟一,盖大苏泛赤壁云。 舟首尾长约八分有奇,高可二黍许中轩敞者,为舱,篛篷覆之。旁开小窗,左右各四,共八扇。启窗而观,雕栏相望焉。闭之,则右刻“山高月小,水落石出”,左刻“清风徐来,水波不兴”,石青糁之。 船头坐三人,中峨冠而多髯者为东坡,佛印居右,鲁直居左。苏、黄共阅一手卷。东坡右手执卷端,左手抚鲁直背。鲁直左手执卷末,右手指卷,如有所语。东坡现右足,鲁直现左足,各微侧,其两膝相比者,各隐卷底衣褶中。佛印绝类弥勒,袒胸露乳,矫首昂视,神情与苏、黄不属。卧右膝,诎右臂支船,而竖其左膝,左臂挂念珠倚之,珠可历历数也。 舟尾横卧一楫。楫左右舟子各一人。居右者椎髻仰面,左手倚一衡木,右手攀右趾,若啸呼状。居左者右手执蒲葵扇,左手抚炉,炉上有壶,其人视端容寂,若听茶声然。 其船背稍夷,则题名其上,文曰:“天启壬戌秋日,虞山王毅叔远甫刻”,细若蚊足,钩画了了,其色墨。又用篆章一文曰“初平山人”,其色丹。 通计一舟,为人五;为窗八;为篛篷,为楫,为炉,为壶,为手卷,为念珠各一;对联、题名并篆文,为字共三十有四。而计其长曾不盈寸盖简桃核修狭者为之。嘻技亦灵怪矣哉。 译文 明朝有个特别手巧的人名叫王叔远,能够用直径一寸的木头,雕刻房屋、器具、人物,以及鸟兽、树木、石头,没有不顺着木头原来的样子模拟那些东西的形状,各有各的情态。王叔远曾经赠送给我一个用桃核雕刻成的小船,原来刻的是苏东坡坐船游览赤壁。 船从头到尾长大约八分多一点,高大约两粒黍子左右。中间高起并开敞的部分,是船舱,用篛竹叶做成的船篷覆盖着它。旁边开着小窗,左右各有四扇,一共八扇。打开窗户来看,雕刻有花纹的栏杆左右相对。关上窗户,就看到右边刻着“山高月小,水落石出”,左边刻着“清风徐来,水波不兴”,用石青涂在刻着字的凹处。 船头坐着三个人,中间戴着高高的帽子并且有很多胡须的人是苏东坡,佛印在他的右边,鲁直在他的左边。苏东坡、黄鲁直一起看一幅书画横幅。苏东坡用右手拿着书画横幅的右端,用左手轻按鲁直的脊背。鲁直左手拿着横幅的末端,右手指着书画横幅,好像在说什么话。苏东坡露出右脚,黄鲁直露出左脚,各自略微侧着身子,他们的互相靠近的两个膝盖,各自隐蔽在书画横幅下面的衣褶里面。佛印极像弥勒菩萨,敞开胸襟露出两乳,抬头仰望,神态表情和苏东坡、黄鲁直不相关联。佛印平放着右膝,弯曲着右臂支撑在船上,并竖起他的左膝,左臂挂着念珠靠着左膝,念珠可以清清楚楚地数出来。 船尾横放着一支船桨。船桨的左右两边各有一个船工。在右边的人梳着椎形的发髻,仰着脸,左手靠着一根横木,右手扳着右肢趾头,好像大声呼叫的样子。在左边的船工右手拿着蒲葵扇,左手摸着炉子,炉子上面有个壶,那个人的眼睛正看着茶炉,神色平静,好像在听茶水烧开了没有的样子。


莆田第二十五中学2018~2019学年上学期期末质量检测 八年 语文 一、积累与运用(20分) (一)古诗文背诵(12分) 1.名句默写。(选填12格即可) (1)晴川历历汉阳树, 。(《黄鹤楼》) (2)晨兴理荒秽, 。(《归园田居》) (3)大漠孤烟直, 。(《使至塞上》) (4) ,尚思为国戍轮台。(陆游《十一月四日风雨大作》) (5)树树皆秋色, 。(《野望》) (6)大道之行也,天下为公, ,讲信修睦。(《大道之行也》) (7)气蒸云梦泽, 。(《望洞庭湖赠张丞相》) (8)杜甫在《春望》中极言战火之长,家书难得的诗句是: , 。 (9)《红楼梦》中有诗云:“质本洁来还洁去,不教污淖陷渠沟。”这让我们联想到周敦颐《爱莲说》中与之意义相近的名句: , 。 (10)《望岳》中 , 两句用虚笔写出了泰山的秀美,用实笔写出了泰山的高大。 (11)《陋室铭》中表现居室自然环境优美的句子是: , 。 (二)语言运用(8分) 2.根据拼音写汉字,并订正材料中的一个错别字。(4分) 秋天的兴化城虽然不像春天那样到处姹紫殷红,妩m èi 多姿,但同样美不胜收。高大挺拔的香樟绿得发亮,法国梧桐黄叶飘飞如同蝴蝶pi ān 然起舞,银杏枝头挂着累累硕果。夕阳西下,整个兴化城笼罩在霞光暮霭之中,显得异常温馨静m ì。 找错别字: 改为 3. 仿照句子,在横线上补写两句,使前后的句子构成排比修辞手法。(4分) 考场座位号:

太阳无语,却放射出光辉;高山无语,却体现出巍峨。 仿写:,;,。二、阅读(70分) (一)诗歌鉴赏(5分) 渡荆门送别 李白 渡远荆门外,来从楚国游。山随平野尽,江入大荒流。 月下飞天镜,云生结海楼。仍怜故乡水,万里送行舟。 4.“仍怜故乡水,万里送行舟。”表达作者了怎样的思想感情? (2分) 5.“山随平野尽,江入大荒流”一联,历来被人们称道。请任选一个角度进行赏析。(3分) (二)文言文阅读(18分) 【甲】林尽水源,便得一山,山有小口,仿佛若有光。便舍船,从口入。初极狭,才通人。复行教十步,豁然开朗。土地平旷,屋舍俨然,有良田美池桑竹之属。阡陌交通,鸡犬相闻。其中往来种作,男女衣着,悉如外人。黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐。 (节选自《桃花源记》) 【乙】大道之行也,天下为公,选贤与能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜、寡、孤、独、废疾者皆有所养,男有分,女有归。货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己;力恶其不出于身也,不必为己。是故谋闭而不兴,盗窃乱贼而不作,故外户而不闭,是谓大同。 (选自《礼记?礼运》) 6.解释下面划线的词语。(5分) (1)屋舍俨然:(2)阡陌交通: (3)不独子食子:(4)货恶其弃于地也: (5)盗窃乱贼而不作: 7.翻译下面句子。(6分) (1)黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐。 (2)选贤与能,讲信修睦。


人教新目标英语八年级上册册 Unit 2 How often do your exercise? 单元测试题 一、单选 1. Did Tom exercise __ last weekend? A. Fish B. working C. walking D. to walk 2. You must finish ___ even you don’t enjoy it A. listen to the music B. listening to the music C. to listen to the music 3. “stop __”the teacher said angrily. A. To talk B. talk C. talking 4. would you like to ___ the activity on weekends? A. Take part in B. join C. join in 5. He _ the Young Pioneer in 2005. A. took part in B. joined C. joined in 6. come on! __ us A. Take part in B. join C. join in 7. some students are lack of the first class __ they take their vacations. A. Because of B. as C. before D. and 8. __ a good teacher, he prepares for class carefully. A. For B. as C. as for D. job 9. The baby is __ sweetly. A. Sleep B. slept C. asleep 10. “ Don’t be nervous! I will __.” A. help B. give you a hand C. like you D. miss you 11. ---“Best wish to you.” ---”___” A. I hope so B. I like it C. the same to you D. you are welcome 12.--- please pass the key __ the lock. ---oh! Is it a set __ keys? A. Of; of B. to; of C. for; to D. to, for 13. Though __, we still have class. A. hot B. hotness C. it is hot 14. He still kept work though __. A. to be ill B. ill C. he is ill D. he was ill 15. ---__ do you go to the city? --- by sea. A. When B. how C. how to D. why 16. ---___ will he go back to school? --- in a week. A. how B. how long C. how soon D. how often 17. we must leave now. ____? A. how are you B. how old are you C. how often are you D. how about you 18. How about __ after dinner?


第1课《新闻两则》 鄂(a) 豫(yù) 溃退(kuì) 泄气(xia) 阻遏(a) 荻港(dí) 芜湖(wú)歼灭(jiün)管辖(xiá)要塞(sài)绥靖(suíjìng) 阌乡(w?n)锐不可当(düng) 气势磅礴(páng b?) 第2课《芦花荡》 悠闲(yōu) 仄(za)歪疟子(yào)寒噤(jìn) 飒飒(sà) 泅水(qiú) 舀出(yǎo) 蹿(cuün) 转弯抹角(m?) 月明风清张皇失措(cu?) 第3课《蜡烛》 瓦砾(lì) 赃(züng) 物制裁(cái) 拂晓(fú) 地窖(jiào) 鞠躬(jūgōng) 匍匐(púfú)颤(chàn)巍巍精疲力竭不可名状永垂不朽(xiǔ) 第4课《就英法联军远征中国给巴特勒上尉的信》 箱箧(qia) 瞥见(piy) 制裁(cái)晨曦(x?)珐琅(fàláng) 洗劫(ji?)琉璃(liúlí)掠夺(l?a)惊骇(hài)恍若(huǎng) 荡(dàng)然无存富丽堂皇丰功伟绩 第5课《亲爱的爸爸妈妈》 纳粹(cuì)荒谬(miù) 健忘憧憬(chōng jǐng) 恍惚(huǎng hū) 肃穆(mù) 悼念(dào)稚嫩(zhì)蜿蜒(wün yán)屹立(yì)执著(zhu?)杀戮(lù) 第6课《阿长与﹤山海经﹥》 惊骇(hài)掳走(lǔ)惶急(huáng)疮疤(chuāng bā)诘问(jié)渴慕(mù)疏懒(shū)霹雳(pī lì)孤孀(shuāng)惧惮(dàn)憎恶(zyng wù) 震悚(sǒng) 絮说(xù)玑(jī)懿(yì)规矩(jǔ)颈(jǐng)针灸(jiǔ)粗拙(zhuō) 莫名其妙 第7课《背影》 差使(chāi)交卸(xiè)奔丧(sān g)狼藉(jí)不禁(jīn)簌簌(sù) 迂(yū)腐箸(zhù)晶莹(yíng)颓(tuí)唐惦(diàn)记 栅栏(zhà)蹒跚(pán shān)踌躇(chóu chú)琐屑(suǒxia)赋闲(fù) 搀扶(chün)拭(shì)祸不单行触(chù)目伤怀情郁(yù)于中不能自已 第8课《台阶》 凹凼(üo dàng)尴尬(gün gà)烦躁(zào)门槛( kǎn )涎(xián )水 胯(kuà)骨揩(küi)一把镶嵌(xiüng qiàn)嘎嘎(gü)头颅(lú) 硌(ga)撬(qiào)蹿(cuün)磕(ky)憋(biy)住半晌(shǎng) 黏性(nián)烟瘾(yǐn)唿(hū)嗒筹划(ch?u)大庭广众微(wyi)不足道 第9课《老王》 伛(yǔ)攥(zuàn)惶恐(huáng)荒僻(pì)塌败(tā)取缔(dì) 骷髅(kū lóu)滞笨(zhì)愧怍(kuìzuò)翳(yì)绷(byng) 第10课《信客》 唏嘘(x?xū)噩耗(ahào) 诘(jié)问吊唁(yàn)呵斥(hychì) 焦灼(zhu?) 颠沛(diün pai) 潦(liáo)倒嫉(jí )妒轻蔑(miè) 猝(cù)然昏厥(jué) 晦(huì)气琢磨(zuó mo) 接济(jì) 伎俩(jìliǎng) 稀罕(hǎn) 文绉绉(zhōu) 穷困潦(liáo) 倒长途跋涉(básha) 连声诺诺(nu?) 低眉顺眼生死祸福 鸡零狗碎风尘苦旅从容不迫(p?)号(háo) 啕大哭人才济济(jǐ) 第11课《中国石拱桥》


黄渡完小八年级(上)数学期末试题 (满分: 150分 时间: 150分钟) 班级___ ____ 姓名_ ______ 总分__ _____ 一.选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列各式由左边到右边的变形中,是分解因式的为( )。 A 、a (x + y) =a x + a y B 、x 2-4x+4=x(x -4)+4 C 、10x 2-5x=5x(2x -1) D 、x 2-16+3x=(x -4)(x+4)+3x 2.下列运算中,正确的是( )。 A 、x 3·x 3=x 6 B 、3x 2÷2x=x C 、(x 2)3=x 5 D 、(x+y 2)2=x 2+y 4 3.下列图形中,不是轴对称图形的是( )。 4.已知△ABC 的周长是24,且AB=AC ,又AD ⊥BC ,D 为垂足,若△ABD 的周长是20,则AD 的长为( )。 A 、6 B 、8 C 、10 D 、12 5.8.已知m 6x =,3n x =,则2m n x -的值为( )。 A 、9 B 、 43 C 、12 D 、34 6. 一次函数y =-3x +5的图象经过( ) A 、第一、三、四象限 B 、第二、三、四象限 C 、第一、二、三象限 D 、第一、二、四象限 7.已知等腰三角形一边长为4,一边的长为6,则等腰三角形的周长为( )。 A 、14 B 、16 C 、10 D 、14或16 8.已知m 6x =,3n x =,则2m n x -的值为( )。 A 、9 B 、43 C 、12 D 、 34 9.已知正比例函数y kx = (k ≠0)的函数值y 随x 的增大而减小,则一次函数 y=x +k 的图象大致是( ). 10.直线与1y x =-两坐标轴分别交于A 、B 两点,点C 在坐标轴上,若△ABC 为等腰三角形, 则满足条件的点C 最多有( )。 A 、4个 B 、5个 C 、7个 D 、8个 二.填空题 (每小题3分,共30分) 11.当m= _______时,函数y=(m -3)x 2+4x-3是一次函数。 12.一个汽车牌在水中的倒影为 ,则该车牌照号码____________。 13.设a 是9的平方根,b=(3)2,则a 与b 的关系是 。 14. 已知点A (l ,-2) ,若A 、B 两点关于x 轴对称,则B 点的坐标为________。 15.分解因式3 3 2 2 x 2y x y xy -+= 。 16.若函数y =4x +3-k 的图象经过原点,那么k = 。 17.若等腰三角形腰上的高是腰长的一半,则这个等腰三角形的底角是 。 18. 多项式142+a 加上一个单项式后,使它能成为一个整式的完全平方,那么加上的单项式可以 是___________。(填上一个你认为正确的即可) 19.已知x +y =1,则 2211 22 x xy y ++= 。 20.如图EB 交AC 于M ,交FC 于D ,AB 交FC 于N ,∠E =∠F =90°, ∠B =∠C ,AE =AF 。给出下列结论:①∠1=∠2;②BE =CF ; ③△ACN ≌△ABM ;④CD=DN 。其中正确的结论有 (填序号) 三、简答题:(共6题,共90分) 21.化简(每题6分,共12分) (1))22(4)25(22a a a +-+; (2))1)(1(52-+x x x 22. 分解因式(每题6分,共12分) (1) 416a - (2) 2 2 29x xy y -+- 23.(6分)作图题(不写作图步骤,保留作图痕迹). 已知:如图,求作点P ,使点P 到A 、B 两点的距 离相等,且P 到∠MON 两边的距离也相等. x y O A x y O B x y O C x y O D A B C D M N A B C D E F 1 2 M . · A B

人教八年级上册英语Unit2 测试卷(含答案)

Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 测试卷 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1. He got home at (差不多) eleven o’clock last night. 2. Sonia eats (较少) meat than her sister because she doesn't want to be fat. 3. How many p did you get in the English exam? 4. He lent me a few books, but n of them are easy enough for me. 5.(荆州中考)- Linda,what does the instruction say? -You are supposed to take these pills only t a day. More than that isn't helpful. 二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. -How often you (eat)apples, Steve? -At least four (time) a week. 2. My sister (not like) eggs at all. 3. Milk (be) good for our health. So I (drink)it every day. 4. Linda (exercise) every morning and she never (watch) TV on school night. 5. your brother often (do) housework at home? 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.我经常帮他学习英语。 I often him his English. 2.约翰喜欢在户外锻炼。John likes in the open air. 3.我不能再吃了,我相当饱了。 I can't eat any more. I am . 4.你每天学习几个小时? do you study every day? 5.(天津中考)他们正在建一条隧道,它将穿过这座山。 They are building a tunnel, and it will the mountain. 6.有时候我乘坐公共汽车去上学。 I to school by bus. 7.我妈妈上班从不迟到。 My mother is for work. 8.她几乎从不熟夜 She stays up late. 9.不要总是待在家里看电视。 Don’t stay at home and TV. 10.迈克通常一个月去看望他的祖父母两次。 Mike visits his grandparents a . 四、单项选择。 ( )1.(宿迁中考)- I’d like some more apple juice. -Sorry, there’s left. A.nothing B. none C. few D.a few

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