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unit 2

Section A

Comprehension o f the text

1. He lived a poor and miserable life during his childhood.

2. Because no one in Britain appeared to appreciate his talent for comedy. His comic figures did not conform to British standards.

3. Because his dress and behavior didn't seem that English.

4. It was the first movie in which Chaplin spoke.

5. He used his physical senses to invent his art as he went along without a prepared script.

6. His transformation of lifeless objects into other kinds of objects, plus the skill with which he executed it again and again.

7. She brought stability and happiness to him and became a center of calm in his family.

8. Comic.

V ocabulary


1. coarse

2. betrayed

3. incident

4. postponed

5. execute

6. surrounding

7. applause

8. extraordinary

9. clumsy 10. sparked


1. for

2. against

3. up

4. about

5. up

6. to

7. down

8. down

9. in 10. on


l. I 2.J 3.B 4.D 5.E 6.G 7.F 8.L 9.N 10.A


1. service

2. help/hand

3. influence

4. guarantee

5. visit

6. span .

7. welcome

8. spirit

9. duties 10. buildings

Word Building


1. artist

2. terrorist

3. novelist

4. activists

5. biologists

6. idealist

7. capitalists

8. tourist


1. terrorism

2. industrialism

3. realism

4. idealism

5. criticism

6. heroism

7. racism

8. Modernism

sentence structure


1. If I had known that you were coming, I would have met you at the airport.

2. If he had tried to leave the country, he would have been stopped at the border.

3. If we had found him earlier, we could have saved his life.

4. If I had caught that plane, I would have been killed in the air crash.

5. If he had been in good health, he could have written many books.


1. it is a wonder to find

2. It is a surprise for us to find

3. it is a waste of time to argue with him

4. It's a comfort to know

5. It is a relief for us to learn


1. If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous, it would have attracted a larger audience.

2. She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a possibility for her to become a successful actress.

3. I never had formal training, I just learned as I went along.

4. As their products find their way into the international market, their brand is gaining in popularity.

5. She could make up a story by saying she was knocked unconscious by thieves and that all her

money was gone, but she doubted whether she could make it sound believable.

6. No one was certain whether he postponed the visit on purpose, but this brought more criticism of him. XII

1 .If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous,it would have attracted a larger audience.‘

2. She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a possibility for her to become a successful actress.

3 .I never had formal training,I just learned as I went along·

4. As their products find their way into the international market,their brand is gaining in popularity.

5 .She could make up a story by saying she was knocked unconscious by thieves and that all her

money was gone,but she doubted whether she could make it sound believable.

6 .No one was certain whether he postponed the visit on purpose, but this brought more criticism of him.XII.










6. 1977年,查理·卓别林在圣诞节那天去世了,身后留下了悲伤的家人和朋友,以及全世界数




1 .C 2. B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. C

11 .D 12. A 13.A 14.C 15.B 16. D 17.A 18.C 19. B 20. A

Structured Writing


Charlie Chaplin is a great comic for his native land Britain, but even more so for the world. On the

stage he often wore tiny moustaches, huge pants and tailcoats that were perhaps more characteristic of Europeans and may be not much of the British. Since more than half of the roles Chaplin played were

in silent films, people throughout the world had no difficulty understanding his films. With sound movies, Chaplin created a nonsense language that sounded like no known nationality and was accepted

and appreciated by people all over the world. For most of his lifetime he did not stay in his mother country; he traveled throughout the world to appear on stage for people of different nationalities. SECTION B


1. F. It is basically a fact though the sentence contains some words for opinions.

Words representing opinions: a most revolutionary thing

Words representing facts: six months ago; ran for mayor of Embu, Kenya, and won

2. F? It is basically a fact though the sentence contains some words for opinions.

Words representing opinions: even more surprising

Words representing facts: was voted in by her colleagues on the District Council, all men

3. O. It is basically an opinion though the sentence contains some words for facts.

Words representing opinions: suddenly became a symbol of the increasingly powerful political force Words representing facts: thousands of women in this farming area two hours northeast of Nairobi

4. F. It is basically a fact though the sentence contains some words for opinions.

Words representing opinions: many women had not been taught the basics of political participation Words representing facts: One veteran female political activist said

What the veteran female political activist said was a fact. So the sentence is basically factual.

5. O. It is basically an opinion though the sentence contains some words for facts.

Words representing opinions: not a new phenomenon

Words representing facts: political activity among Kenyan women

Comprehension of the 5-ext










V ocabulary


1. fierce

2. launched

3. colleagues

4. illegal

5. funded

6. jealous

7. refresh

8. substantial

9. sow 10. ridiculous


1. Could we take a walk? I feel like a little exercise.

2. Ms. Mbogo had made a bold decision: to run for mayor of Embu, Kenya.

3. Some leaders in Kenya were afraid of losing their power, so they tried everything to shut' Kenyan women out of politics.

4. She decided long ago that she would study the subject in earnest as soon as she left school.

5. He was arrested because he was paid to spy on our air bases.

6. After almost four hours of fierce negotiation, the President had the upper hand.

7. Victims of traffic accidents make up almost a quarter of the hospital's patients.

8. Ms. Mbogo's victory was important because all her male colleagues voted her in.

9. Two young men were originally hired to watch over the house as it was being built.

10. It is reported that government troops tried to break up the protest by firing their guns in the air. style


部编版二年级下册语文第二单元达标测试卷 一、基础知识(共1题;共4分) 1.判断题,用“正确”“错误”表示。 (1)“哪里需要献出爱心,雷锋叔叔就出现在哪里。”这句话告诉我们,哪里都有像雷锋叔叔这样热心助人的人。 (2)“一匹出色的马”指的是一根柳枝,说它“出色”是因为这匹“马”有独立、坚强的精神。 二、填空题(共7题;共13分) 2.拼一拼,写一写。 wèi jué wēn nuǎn gōnɡjù zhuōzi ________ ________ ________ ________ bōwén nán dào liàn liàn bù shě ________ ________ ________ 3.按要求填空. “甘”字共________画,第四画是________,组词:________。 “匹”字共________画,笔顺是________,组词:________。 4.加偏旁,变成新字,再分别组词. 象________ 采________ 西________ 头________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 5.照样子,写词语。 葱葱绿绿________ ________ 又细又长________ ________ 6.给句中的下划线词语选择合适的意思。 (1)大方:①对于财物不计较,不吝啬;②(言谈、举止)自然,不拘束。 小平演讲的时候,举止大方,声音洪亮。________ 我今天没带橡皮,小红很大方地借给了我。________ (2)自然:①自然界;②表示理所当然。 动物和植物都是大自然的成员。________ 她平时上课认真听讲,回家及时复习,自然能考出好成绩。________ 7.照样子,写句子。 例:天上的云一团一团的,好像巨大的棉花糖。 (1)池塘里的荷叶又大又圆的,好像________。 (2)林中的小路________,好像________。 (3)________,________ 8.根据所学内容完成练习. (1)无私奉献的同时,我们自己也会获得快乐,因为“予人玫瑰,________”。


第二单元达标检测卷 一、细心填空。(18分) 1. 3平方米=( )平方厘米 780000平方米=( )公顷 16平方千米=( )公顷48公顷=( )平方米 8000公顷=( )平方千米348000平方分米=( )平方米 4平方千米=( )平方米=( )公顷 2.一块长方形果园,长400米,宽200米,它的面积是( )公顷。 3.边长( )米的正方形土地,面积是1公顷;边长( )米的正方形土地,面积是1平方千米。 4.一块正方形的绿地,边长是600米,它的面积是( )平方米,合( )公顷。 5.一个长方形公园长800米,长是宽的2倍。这个公园的面积是( )公顷。 6.一个长方形苗圃的面积是4公顷,它的长是400米,宽是( )米。 7.我国的国土面积大约是960万( )。 8.每个教室的面积是50平方米,( )个教室的面积大约是1公顷。 9.我国香港特别行政区的总面积是十一亿零三百万平方米,也就是( )平方千米。 二、用心选择。(12分) 1.计量一个国家、一个省份的土地面积,用( )作单位比较合适。 A.平方米 B.平方千米 C.公顷 2.一个体育场的占地面积一般用的单位是( )。 A.平方米 B.平方千米 C.公顷 3.进率是100的两个土地面积单位是( )。 A.平方千米和平方米 B.公顷和平方千米 C.公顷和平方米 4.一块长方形水稻田长250米,宽40米,面积是( )公顷。 A.1 B.10 C.10000 5.一块长方形麦地,长4500米,宽600米,一台拖拉机每天可收割15公顷小麦,收完这块地需多少天?正确列式是( )。 A.4500×600÷15 B.15×(4500×600) C.4500×600÷10000÷15


部编版五年级上册第二单元课后习题参考答案 第五课《搭石》 1、本文共600余字,我阅读时间约(6)分钟。 2、说说课文给你留下印象最深的画面是什么,从哪些语句中可以体会到乡亲们的美好情感。 给你留下印象最深的画面是: A、上了点年岁的人,无论怎样急着赶路,只要发现哪块搭石不平稳,一定会放下带的东西,找来合适的石头搭上,再在上边踏上几个来回,直到满意了才肯离去。 从中可以体会到乡亲们“一心为他人着想”的助人之美。 B、每当上工、下工,一行人走搭石的时候,动作是那么协调有序!前面的抬起脚来,后面的紧跟上去,踏踏的声音,像轻快的音乐;清波漾漾,人影绰绰,给人画一般的美感。 从中可以体会到乡亲们相亲相爱、协调有序、生活默契的和谐之美。 C、假如遇上老人来走搭石,年轻人总要伏下身子背老人过去,人们把这看成是理所当然的事。从中可以体会到年轻人的礼让敬老之美。 第六课《将相和》 1、记录阅读时间,和同学交流自己的阅读体会 本文共1600余字,我阅读时间约(15)分钟。

读下面这段话的时候,你一眼看到多少内容? (我一眼看到了“和氏璧”,我一眼看到的内容是“和氏璧已经送回赵国去了”) 在阅读过程中圈画一些关键词句,也可以帮助我们理解,加快阅读速度。 2、主要内容本文以秦、赵两国的矛盾为背景,以蔺相如的活动为线索,通过对“完璧归赵”“渑池会见”“负荆请罪”三个小故事的记述,反映了将相之间由不和到和好的经过,赞扬了蔺相如勇敢机智、不畏强暴的斗争精神和以国家利益为重、顾大局、识大体的可贵品质,也赞扬了廉颇勇于改过的精神神,同时还赞颂了他们的爱国思想。 3、蔺相如、廉颇给你留下了怎样的印象?结合具体事例说一说。蔺相如是一个勇敢机智、不畏强暴人,他以国家利益为重,顾大局、识大体。如:在“完璧归赵”这个故事中,蔺相如见秦王绝口不提以璧换城,便说:“这块璧有点小毛病,让我指给您看。”机智地要回和氏璧,接着说“我看你并不想交付十五座城。现在璧在我手里,您要是强逼我,我的脑袋和璧就一块撞碎在这柱子上!”然后捧着璧,往后退了几步,靠着柱子站定,举起和氏璧就要向柱子上撞。从蔺相如故意说和氏璧有点儿缺陷从而成功从秦王手中取回和氏璧、取回璧后让手下人化了装将璧先送回赵国,可见他十分机智;从蔺相如宁可与和氏璧一起撞在柱子上也不肯把璧交给秦王,可见他十分勇敢;从蔺相如在渑池会面上强硬要求秦王为赵王击缶,可见他不畏强暴;从廉颇放话要让蔺相如下不了台,“秦王我都不怕,会怕将军吗?……我所以避着廉将军,为的是我们赵国呀!”蔺相如为了不使将相不和导致国家力量被削弱而避免与廉颇相见,可看出蔺相如以国家利益为重,顾全大局,识大体;从廉颇负荆请罪时蔺相如不仅没有责怪廉颇,反而连忙出来迎接廉颇,可见他宽宏大量。 廉颇虽居功自傲、性格直率,但能以国家利益为重,勇于认错,知错就改。 语言:“我廉颇攻无不克,战无不胜,立下许多大功。他蔺相如有什么能耐,就靠一张


第一单元达标测试卷 一、基础达标。(35.5分) 1.看拼音写汉字,把字写好看。(8.5分) 2.为加点字选择正确的读音,打上“√”。(6分) (1)皱.纹(zhōu zhòu) 挣.脱(zhēnɡ zhènɡ) 耕.田(ɡēn ɡēnɡ) 撒.手(sā sǎ) 希冀.(jì yì) 苦恼.(lǎo nǎo) (2)小力不顾公园里“禁.(jīn jìn)止攀折”的告示,情不自禁.(jīn jìn) 地采摘了一朵玫瑰花。 (3)传.(chuán zhuàn)记故事中有很多美丽的传.(chuán zhuàn)说。 (4)同学们送他一个称.(chèn chēnɡ)号——智多星,他觉得这个称号挺称. (chèn chēnɡ)心。 3.比一比,再组词。(4分) 4.认真观察,仿写词语。(3分) 念念不忘 ______________ ______________ ______________ 无边无际 ______________ ______________ ______________ 5.看图写成语并按要求做题。(8分)

()() (1)上面的成语都是寓言故事,请你再写出四个这样的成语。 ___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ (2)联系生活实际,从上面六个成语中选择两个各写一句话。 _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 6.按要求完成句子练习。(6分) (1)因释其耒而守株,冀复得兔。兔不可复得,而身为宋国笑。(用“/”断 句并写出大意) _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ (2)我们生来就是 ..来互相碰撞的。(用加点词写句话) ..盛东西的,并不是 ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ (3)补充句子。 ①妈妈______________________________:“你今天可漂亮了!” ②“我们终于又见面了!”丽丽____________________________。 二、教材回顾。(13分) 1.根据课文内容连一连,并填空。(5分)


人教二年级数学上册第二单元达标测试卷及答案一、填一填。(每空1分,共31分) 1.笔算加减法时,要把相同的数位(),从()位算起,计算退位减法时,个位不够减向()位借“1”当“十”。2.比35多28的数是(),比82少14的数是()。3.按规律填一填。 18,24,30,(),(),48,(),()。81,72,63,(),(),36,(),()。4.快乐碰碰车。(找规律,填一填) 5.28+()=5065-()=36()-27=43 6.在里填上“>”“<”或“=”。 41-73554+86243+1750-4 25+83240-83863-1342+18 7. 每个布娃娃()元, 每个玩具熊()元, 每个玩具火箭()元。 二、辨一辨。(对的画“√”,错的画“×”)(每题1分,共5分) 1.“鲸鱼”所说的数是46。()

2.小绿吃的害虫有多少只,列式是65-6。 () 3.两位数加两位数,和一定是三位数。() 4.52比什么数少18,求这个数列式是52-18。() 5.两步混合运算中,如果有小括号,一定要先算小括号里面的。 () 三、选一选。(把正确答案的序号填在括号里)(每题2分,共10分) 1.56+28=4,和的十位上的数是()。 ①7②8③9 2.右图用算式表示是()。 ①76-44 ②86-34 ③86-44 ④42+44 3.与63-29的结果相等的算式是()。 ①80-54②72-38③28+16 4.不计算,下面()是不进位加法。 ①56+99②32+48③62+17

5.国庆促销,每套书优惠16元。买这套《百科全书》要付()元。 ①16②64③96 四、计算挑战。(共34分) 1.口算。(每题1分,共12分) 59-6=27+3=20+55=5+23= 70-3=42+8=13+20=59-50= 90-8=30+6=2+18=48+5= 2.列竖式计算。(每题3分,共18分) 18+27=82-46=36+49= 74-26+35=98-(50-27)=75+(36-18)= 3.看图列式计算。(每题2分,共4分) (1) (2)


综合教程二Unit2 课后题答案 Active reading(1) Dealing with unfamiliar words 4 Match the words for actions in the box with their definitions. 1 to gently move your hand over skin, hair or fur (stroke) 2 to move along the ground on your hands and knees (crawl) 3 to copy someone’s actions, words or behaviour (imitate) 4 to touch someone gently several times with a flat hand to show that you care about them. (pat) Now complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. (a) My father patted me on the head to show he was pleased with me. (b) Children learn a lot by imitating their parents. (c) Babies start learning to crawl at about six months old. (d) She was sitting quietly in the corner, stroking the cat. 5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes. 1 (distinct) 2 (Infants) 3 (sympathetic) 4 (stem from) 5 (trace; discipline) 6 (an overall; distress) 改写:A lot of my childhood memories have faded now, but I have an overall impression that I often felt a vague sense of distress. 6 Answer the questions about the words and phrases. 1.a 2.a 3.a 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.a 8.a 9.b Active reading 2 3 Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.c 6.c 7.b 8.c 4 Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 (honorable) 2 (drama) 3 (beam) 4 (catalog) 5 (volume) 6 (knot) 7 (couch) 8 (clip) 9 (mostly)

部编语文二下第二单元 达标测试卷含答案

第二单元达标检测卷 时间:60分钟满分:100分一、基础训练营。(44分) 1.下面三组词语中,每组加点字的音节都有一个错误,请找出来画上横线,并订正在后面。(6分) (1) 营.业员(yín) 工程.师(chéng) 建筑.(zhù) 的.确(dí) () (2) 演.员(yǎn) 裁判.员(pàn) 计算.(suàn) 顺.着(xùn) () (3) 需要(xū) 饲.养(sī) 魔.术(mó) 熬.汁(áo) () 2.读拼音,写词语。(8分) 3.一字组多词。(12分) 劳() () () 能() () () 景() () () 留() () () 4.读一读,连一连。(8分) 粗壮的细雨年迈的河水 蒙蒙的小路碧绿的春风 弯弯的绿毯晶莹的大娘 柔软的大树温暖的露珠 5.给加点词选择正确的解释。(填字母)(4分)

【经过】A.通过;B.从某处过。 (1) 经过 ..深入调查,我终于发现了其中的秘密。() (2) 经过 ..操场时,我看见李明正在打球。() 6.根据要求,完成句子练习。(6分) (1) 难道千人糕不是需要很多人的劳动才能做成的吗?(换一种说法, 意思不变) ________________________________________________________ (2) 例:田野,葱葱绿绿的,像一片柔软的绿毯。(照样子,仿写句子) ①小河,_______________,______________________________。 ②_______,_______________,_____________________________。 二、综合展示厅。(8分) 7.二(1)班开展了一次“说说我的好朋友”的活动,也请你说说吧:他是谁?长什么样子?你们经常一起做什么? 明明:我的好朋友是张池。他的脸圆圆的,笑起来有两个小酒窝。 我们天天一起上学,一起回家,空余时间我们经常一起打乒乓 球。 我:____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 三、课本直通车。(18分) 8.与其锦上添______________,不如______________。 9.平时肯______________,_______________有人帮。


第二单元达标测试卷 一、基础达标。(35.5分) 1.看拼音写汉字,把字写好看。(8.5分) 2.为加点字选择正确的读音,打上“√”。(6分) (1)皱.纹(zhōu zhòu) 挣.脱(zhēnɡ zhènɡ) 耕.田(ɡēn ɡēnɡ) 撒.手(sā sǎ) 希冀.(jì yì) 苦恼.(lǎo nǎo) (2)小力不顾公园里“禁.(jīn jìn)止攀折”的告示,情不自禁.(jīn jìn) 地采摘了一朵玫瑰花。 (3)传.(chuán zhuàn)记故事中有很多美丽的传.(chuán zhuàn)说。 (4)同学们送他一个称.(chèn chēnɡ)号——智多星,他觉得这个称号挺称. (chèn chēnɡ)心。 3.比一比,再组词。(4分) 4.认真观察,仿写词语。(3分) 念念不忘 ______________ ______________ ______________ 无边无际 ______________ ______________ ______________ 5.看图写成语并按要求做题。(8分) ()() (1)上面的成语都是寓言故事,请你再写出四个这样的成语。

___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ (2)联系生活实际,从上面六个成语中选择两个各写一句话。 _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 6.按要求完成句子练习。(6分) (1)因释其耒而守株,冀复得兔。兔不可复得,而身为宋国笑。(用“/”断 句并写出大意) _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ (2)我们生来就是 ..盛东西的,并不是 ..来互相碰撞的。(用加点词写句话) _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ (3)补充句子。 ①妈妈______________________________:“你今天可漂亮了!” ②“我们终于又见面了!”丽丽____________________________。二、教材回顾。(13分) 1.根据课文内容连一连,并填空。(5分) 我还读过的寓言故事有《____________》《____________》《____________》。2.根据要求,写一个通知,注意格式。(4分) 三年级(4)班班委通知全班同学明天上午9点去参观科技馆。 3.口语交际。(4分) 班集体是师生共同组成的大家庭,怎样才能使这个“家”更舒适,使老师和同学们生活得更愉快呢?你想为这个“家”做些什么呢?说出你的想法。_________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________


第二单元达标测试卷 姓名学号 一、下列每组词语中都有一个字的注音或书写是错误的,请用“——”标出并改正在括号里。(4分) A.埋葬(zànɡ)布幔(màn)泻劲都督() B.惩罚(chén)名讳(huì)水寨私自() C.弓弩(nǔ)挠腮(ráo)胸膛委托() D.两截(jié)血泊(pō)拳头苏软() 二、根据要求完成下列词语练习。(9分) 1.将下面词语补充完整并回答问题。(6分) 自()妙()喜不()()自()()语()造()设()()挠腮一饮()()()机()算()男挈()()倦()疲(1)画“——”词语的意思是________________________________________。(2)在《猴王出世》中,与画“——”词语结构相同的词还有_____________、________________等。 2.判断对错,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。(3分) (1)“再筛一碗酒”中的“筛酒”可以理解为“倒酒”。() (2)“紫鹃也学小器了”中的“器”与“器具”中“器”的意思相同。()(3)“人而无信,不知其可”的意思是人如果不相信别人,不知道可不可以。() 三、读句子,完成练习。(9分) 1.鲁肃对周瑜说:“十万支箭,三天怎么造得成呢?”(去掉问号,句意不变。)(3分) _____________________________________________________________________ 2.鲁肃问诸葛亮:“你叫我来做什么?”(改为转述句)(3分) _____________________________________________________________________ 3.下列句子反映了人物的什么性格特点?括号里的说法有误的一项是()(3分) A.周瑜说:“对,先生跟我想的一样。现在军中缺箭,想请先生负责赶造十万支。这是公事,希望先生不要推却。”(狡猾善妒) B.鲁肃答应了。他不知道诸葛亮借船有什么用,回来报告周瑜,果然不提借船的事。(忠厚守信) C.武松听了,笑道:“就有大虫,我也不怕。”(英勇无畏)


精读4 Unit 2 课后练习答案 Vocabulary 1. Into English 1. assert one’s manhood 6. rub his eyes 2. cross one’s mind 7. munch her bead and butter 3. measure the ground 8. overpower that feeling of dread 4. secure one’s food 9. carry a long way 5. scatter the darkness 10. bend their backs Into Chinese 1. 燃烧着的煤 6. 一家之主 2. 他那长满雀斑的脸 7. 一颗怦怦直跳的心 3. 淡淡的八字须 8. 一组山间小屋 4. (不好的)事情迫在眉睫 9. 一块狭长的地 5. 一位精明的妇女 10. 一副凶猛严厉的表情 3. 1. Zhuge Liang pretended to be very calm and succeed in hiding the fact from Sima Yi that the city was really ungrounded. He proved himself worthy of the admiration he had received. 2. He knew that a bloody battle was imminent and his army was terribly outnumbered. So he pretended to be retreating quickly to the rear. Actually he was laying a trap for the enemy troops. 3. Social Darwinists asserted that we can compare human society to the animal world. It did not cross their minds that human beings could be different from other animals. They relied on their brain rather than their instinct. 4. These mass-produced chickens can not compare with the chickens we used to raise at home. Chicken farms may have increased the output, but they have robbed the chickens of their good taste. 5. The financial bubbles finally burst, causing a serious crisis that swept over the whole world. 6. Thanks to our price edge, our exports to that region increased by 30% compared with the same period the previous year. 7. The reporters were all bursting with questions. But the government spokesman/spokesperson said that all she knew was that people were watching a play when some thirty armed terrorists burst into the theater. 8. When the prisoners burst out singing, the prison warden was frightened. 9. The area is dotted with factories. It also has holiday inns dotted around the whole island. But there are already signs that many local people


第二单元达标测试卷 一、填空题。(每空1分,共23分) 1.420是6的()倍,4的()倍是800。 2.636÷6的商是()位数,商的最高位是()位。 3.402÷4的商的末尾有()个0,540÷4的商的末尾有()个0。4.从855里连续减去()个5,结果是0。 5.估算719÷8时,可以把719看成()来计算,结果大约是()。6.根据78÷2=39,很快算出下面的商。 780÷2=()7800÷2=()78000÷2=() 7.÷=63……7,里最小填(),这时里填()。8.在里填上“>”“<”或“=”。 60÷280÷4 240÷6320÷4 720÷9270÷3 84÷299÷3 20×280÷2 9000÷9700÷7 9.把117瓶汽水装在7个箱子里,平均每个箱子装()瓶,余()瓶。 10.三年级学生去农场劳动,其中女生去了156人,男生去了138人。 如果每6人分一组,一共可以分()组。 二、判断题。(每题1分,共5分) 1.笔算三位数除以一位数,从低位除起。() 2.0除以任何不是0的数都得0。() 3.被除数的末尾有0,商的末尾一定有0。() 4.248÷3=80……8。()

5.因为15×3+7=52,所以52÷3=15……7。() 三、选择题。(每题1分,共5分) 1.最大的三位数除以最大的一位数,商是()。 A.10 B.100 C.111 2.商最接近70的除法算式是()。 A.430÷6 B.283÷6 C.561÷8 3.4000÷8的商的最高位在()位上。 A.千B.百C.十 4.504÷的商是三位数,里填的数最大是()。 A.6 B.5 C.4 5.630÷6的商的末尾有()个0。 A.2 B.1 C.0 四、计算题。(1题6分,2题14分,3题9分,共29分) 1.口算。 90÷2=96÷4=350÷7=2400÷8= 240÷2=3200÷8=0÷9=400÷5= 82÷4≈182÷9≈205÷4≈178÷9≈ 2.列竖式计算,带△的要验算。 726÷5=308÷3=△500÷7=


Un it 2 Childhood memories Passage 1 Superma n Dealing with unfamiliar words 5 Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 accurate and true (defi nite) 2 con ti nuing all the time (perpetual) 3 to spin quickly in circles (whirl) 4 to shi ne very brightly (blaze) 5 to laugh in a nervous, excited or silly way that is difficult to control (giggle) 6 to en courage some one to speak or con ti nue speak ing (prompt) 7 to fall to the ground (tumble) 6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5. Plath n ever n eeded to be (1) prompted to talk about her childhood memories. They were very (2) definite and still real to her as an adult. She imagined she could fly and (3) whirl through the air like Superman. Coming from the highways around Bost on was the (4) perpetual sound of traffic. I n the dista nee a pla ne was taking off, its lights (5) blazing into the night sky. She remembered the sound of (6) giggli ng which came from the group of girls. Sadly in her later life it seemed as if Superma n had (7) tumbled to earth. 7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. 1 The lights at the airport went on and off all day and night. (blinked) 2 The playgro und was like a desert. It was without any in teresti ng or positive


第二单元达标测试 一.积累与运用(共20分) 1.下列词语中加点字的注音完全正确的一项是(3分)() A.缄.默(jiān)窥.探(kuì)弥.漫(mí)衰.草连天(shuāi) B.过滤.(lǜ)龟.裂(guī)沙砾.(lì)层峦叠嶂.(zhàng) C.骨骼.(gé)连翘.(qiáo)沟壑.(hè)销声匿.迹(nì) D.地壳.(ké)潮汐.(xī)追溯.(sù)风雪载.途(zài) 2.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是(3分)() A.农谚隧道冰雪融化偏然归来 B.稀疏咀嚼诸如此类难以值信 C.覆盖蔓廷目空一切旁若无人 D.致密劫难天衣无缝滴水不漏 3.下列句子中加点词语使用有误的一项是(3分)() A.这条小道极为隐蔽,路况也复杂,当年是谁开了它,为什么要开辟它,都是不解之迷。 B.抗日战争时期,日本人肆无忌惮地掠夺我国的财富和资源,犯下了罄竹难书的滔天罪行C.心脏设备设计公司的专家3D打印出一种用于心脏手术的工具,这种工具能在术后帮助医生将组织自动缝合在一起,并能做到天衣无缝。 D.本刊将洗心革面,继续提高稿件的编辑质量,决心向文学刊物的高层次、高水平攀登。 4.下列句子中没有语病的一项是(3分)() A.郑州市某中学采取了丰富多彩的读书活动,激发学生们的阅读热情。 B.在教育部公示的《通用规范汉字表》中,对44个汉字的字形进行了微调。 C.拓展性课程从培养孩子兴趣与特长作为出发点,为学生创造个性发展的平台。 D.央视举办的“汉字听写大赛”,使人们重拾汉字之美,越发珍惜纸质时代的美好。 5.下列句子的标点符号使用错误的一项是(4分)() A.看着人类这种狂妄的表现,大自然一定会窃笑——就像母亲面对无知的孩子那样的笑。 B.“是一只老鼠。”我说,接着补充了一句,“也许是一只田鼠。” C.通过对春雁集会的日常程序的观察,人们注意到,所有的孤雁都有一种共性:它们的飞行和鸣叫很频繁,而且声调忧郁。于是人们就得出结论:这些孤雁是伤心的单身。


Unit 2课后答案 Vocabulary I.1. have finished reading 2. by looking from behind his shoulder 3. is capable of providing 4. sent a message asking for the assistance of 5. disassembled the machine/ computer teacher 6. didn’t like / what to Ⅱ 1 in no time 2 crinkly 3 scornful 4 neighborhood 5 awfully 6 adjusting 7 tuck 8 nonchalantly 9 punched 10 fit (1. have a new church built; 2. thinning red hair / thin hair; 3. make a remark on; in a dishonest way 4. construction site 5. get the best effect; playback 9. raise the fists skyward; punch the air ; in delight 10. kitchen unit ⅢDABBACCB

(4. code of conduct 6. by a score of 1-2 8. a way out of this trouble) Ⅳ 1 funny, interesting, interesting, funny (funny is a very formal word, focusing mainly on whatever results in laughter because of oddness, abnormality, or inappropriateness. Interesting refers to something that attracts people’s attention, usually and deserves their observation and study.) 2 silent, silent, still, still (Still suggests a tranquil state, and often refers to a moment of calm between periods of noise and movement, and during this moment there is no sign of activity. Silent simply means “becoming speechless or being without noise”; it does not necessarily suggest serenity or motionlessness.) 3 dispute, arguing, disputing, arguing (Dispute is often used as a transitive verb及物动词,meaning “say that something is incorrect or untrue; fight passionately for 激烈争夺control or ownership of something.” Argue usually refers to a reasoned presentation of views or to a heated exchange of opinion; very often, when used intransitively不及物动词时, it is followed by prepositions 介词like “with”, “for/ against”, “about” , etc.)


部编人教版七年级上册第二单元达标测试卷 (附参考答案) 时间:120分钟满分:150分 一、语文知识及运用(30分) 1.下列加点字词读音全部正确的一项是( )(3分) A.侍.弄(shì) 瘫.痪(tān) 熬.夜(áo) 沉寂.(jì) B.粼粼 ..(lín) 诀.别(jué) 姊.妹(zí) 高洁.(jié) C.霎.时(chà) 匿.笑(nì) 沐.浴(mù) 脸颊.(xiá) D.锤.打(chuí) 菡萏 ..(hàn dàn) 徘徊.(huí) 絮.叨(xù) 2.下列词语中字形有误的一项是( )(3分) A.暴怒淡雅捶打憔悴心绪 B.折散嫩芽蹲下分岐荫蔽 C.信服诀别央求并蒂嗅到 D.祷告流转花瓣哽咽仿膳 3.下列句子中加点词语使用不恰当的一项是( )(3分) A.你的数学基础好,参加数学竞赛,我喜欢物理,参加物理竞赛,咱们各. 得其所 ...。 B.冬去春来,夏隐秋至,一年四季,变化无常 ....。 C.小张今天下午收到了期盼已久的足球票,真叫他喜出望外 ....。 D.每当我看电视的时候妈妈就会坐在我身旁,让我少看点电视,多看看书, 絮絮叨叨 ....个没完。 4.将下列句子依次填入文段的横线上,正确的顺序是( )(3分) 时间飞了,______________;皱纹深了,________________;泪水干了,________________;太阳落了,__________________。 ①每一个泪痕生动起来②梦的脚印留了下来 ③月亮的笑容浮现出来④躺在里面的故事丰盈起来 A.②④①③ B.①②③④ C.④③②① D.③④①②

5.请在横线上补写句子,使之与前后的语句构成语意连贯的排比句。(4分)亲情是一股涓涓的细流,给心灵带来甜甜的滋养;亲情是一缕轻柔的阳光,让冰冻的心灵无声融解;____________________________, ____________________。亲情是雨,带走烦躁,留下清凉;亲情是风,吹走忧虑,留下高兴;________,__________________。 6.名著阅读。(8分) (1)读了《朝花夕拾》,我们了解到鲁迅小时候最喜欢在________(地点) 玩耍,在迎神赛会上他最喜欢看的是__________(人物)。童年时的鲁迅有两个爱好,一是____________,二是描绣像。他的第一本个人专属图书是______________,他曾经渴慕、最终得到并引发了他更大的收集图书兴趣的图书是________________。(5分) (2)这部作品中的人物你最喜欢谁?请说明理由。(3分) 7.综合性学习。(6分) 爱是一种博大而深厚的情怀,生活的每一时刻、每一空间都有爱的存在。为疲惫的父亲捧上一杯热茶,为风雨中的清洁工递上一把雨伞,为偏远山区的儿童献上一份爱心……,而尊老爱老更是中华民族的传统美德。在重阳节到来之际,某班将组织开展“孝亲敬老”主题活动。请你完成下列任务。 (1)【活动设计】请你仿照示例为本次活动拟写两个活动形式。(2分) 示例:“孝亲敬老”社区行 ①____________________②____________________ (2)【交流表达】李奶奶是孤寡老人,同学们经常去帮助她。最近李奶奶 生病了,同学们自愿捐款,买了营养品前去探望。如果你是班长,见到李奶奶你会怎么说?(4分) 二、古诗文积累与阅读(25分) (一)8.古诗文积累填空。(共10分,每空1分) (1)________________________,落花时节又逢君。(杜甫《江南逢李龟年》) (2)夜发清溪向三峡,______________________。(李白《峨眉山月歌》) (3)树木丛生,____________________。(曹操《观沧海》)

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