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2017年12月合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)JOURNAL OF HEFEI UNIVERSITY OF T ECHNOLOGY Vol .40No .12 Dec .2017 收稿日期:2016‐03‐21;修回日期:2016‐03‐31

基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51378168);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2012HGZY 0024)

作者简介:方成杰(1991—),男,浙江杭州人,合肥工业大学硕士生;钱德玲(1956—),女,安徽安庆人,博士,合肥工业大学教授,博士生导师,通讯作者,E ‐mail :dlqian @sina .com .DOI :10.3969/j .issn .1003‐5060.2017.12.015


方成杰1, 钱德玲1, 徐士彬1, 姚兰飞1, 刘 杰1,2

(1.合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院,安徽合肥 230009;2.新疆维吾尔自治区交通规划勘察设计研究院,新疆乌鲁木齐 830006)

摘 要:为了准确地对中巴公路沿线泥石流进行易发性评价,针对评价过程中存在随机性和模糊性的问题,文章建立了基于正态云的泥石流易发性评价模型。该模型首先根据勘察规范选取了14个评价指标,并基于易发性分级标准生成每个指标隶属于不同等级的数字特征,然后利用正向正态云发生器模拟实测样本值隶属于各等级的确定度,结合评价指标权重得到评价样本的综合确定度,最后按照最大确定度原则选择泥石流易发性等级。将中巴公路沿线泥石流易发性等级评价实例结果与采用其他评价方法所得结果进行对比,结果表明,该模型应用于泥石流易发性评价是合理可行的,且该模型概念清晰、计算简便,为类似不确定性问题的处理提供了一种新的参考。


中图分类号:P 642.23 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003‐5060(2017)12‐1659‐07


FANG Chengjie 1, QIAN Deling 1, XU Shibin 1, YAO Lanfei 1, LIU Jie 1,2

(1.School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering ,Hefei U niversity of T echnology ,Hefei 230009,China ;2.Xinjiang T ransportation Plan ‐ning Surveying and Design Institute ,U rumqi 830006,China )Abstract:In order to accurately evaluate the susceptibility of debris flow along China ‐Pakistan International Karakoram Highway (KKH ),and giving consideration to both fuzziness and randomness of the evaluation ,the debris flow susceptibility evaluation model was established by applying the normal cloud theory .Firstly ,14evaluation indexes were determined by the code of investigation and the digital features of each evaluation index in different levels were generated according to the classification standard of debris flow susceptibility .Then the certainty degrees of measured indicators to each evaluation standard were analyzed by adopting the normal cloud generator .And the comprehensive degrees of certainty were obtained based on the weight coeffi ‐cients .Finally ,the susceptibility degree was identified by the maximum certainty principle .The calculation results of the debris flow susceptibility of KKH by the presented model were compared with those by other methods ,indicating the rationality and feasibility of the model in the evaluation of the susceptibility of debris flow .The model has features of clear concept and simple calculation ,thus providing a new means for similar uncertain problems .Keywords:debris flow ;susceptibility ;cloud model ;certainty ;China ‐Pakistan International Karako ‐ram Highway





