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教师资格证面试英语 pdf

教师资格证面试英语 pdf
教师资格证面试英语 pdf


高中英语教师资格证面 试经验分享 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

高中英语教师资格证面试经验分享有一句话是这么说的:“人有多大胆,复习拖多晚。死猪不怕开水烫,越到考试我越浪。” 我是今年一月份参加面试的,一月十号面试我一月七号才开始做准备,表示自己也是心大。有时间还是多准备准备,12月份应该有新一轮的教师资格证的面试吧,所以在此po上我自己的经历,希望对你有那么一点点作用。 相信对教师资格证面试做过一点了解的人都知道流程是什么样的,放一张流程图以防有人不知道 教资面试整体流程 因为我面试的是高中英语,因此我聊的都是和高中英语有关的,但其实所有的都大同小异。有一点要特别注意:面试英语学科全程英文面试!!不允许说中文!!! 面试前三天我做了哪些准备呢?和班上要一起参加面试的同学约个时间去练习,包括写教案,讲各种课型,虽然这三天只去练了几次,但在互相听课中都能发现一些问题,也能借鉴一些别人好的地方。 1. 正装可穿可不穿(根据你那边的要求来觉得),我当时面试的时候是冬天比较冷所以比较随意,但我个人建议不是非常冷的情况下最好穿一下,毕竟就只是冷一会儿就行; 2. 教资面试是靠演技的,你需要和学生互动,所以你可以提一个问题,假装有人回答了你,然后说:非常好!记住,自导自演。

3. 听说在面试过程中最好不要暴露自己的学校??这个我不确定,因为在后来答辩的过程中老师问了我是不是xx师大的,我就说是,总不能不回答老师吧。如果老师不问你你就不要主动跟老师说“老师我是xx大学的”。A. 候考 我是1.10中午12:45候场的那场面试,和朋友先签到进入候场室,等时间差不多了就会有老师开始念名字,一组20人,等一组都到齐之后就会有工作人员带领去存东西的教室。 B. 抽题 在存东西的教室存放好随身物品之后,老师会让你去抽题目的另一个教室,我们抽题目的时候是有七台电脑然后随便去任何一台电脑前,每台电脑前都有一位老师坐着,你填好你的相关信息电脑就会自动开始抽题目,是随机的。高中英语面试的课型有:词汇课、语法课(最难)、口语课、写作课、听力课、阅读课,听说读写嘛,英语所有的内容都在这儿了。 C. 备课 全组人员抽完题目之后就会有工作人员带你去写教案的教室,桌上会给大家准备好写教案的纸,然后就可以开始20分钟的写教案时间了。面试英语要用英文写教案,相信大家准备过教资的人都知道的! 面试完出来后朋友之间互相了解到,确实每一个部分都有人抽到,语法也很多。 抽题之前我一直希望God bless me,结果我抽到了语法讲解,讲定语从句!!!我完全不知道用英语怎么讲定语从句QAQ 题目是这样的,一篇文章里面有两句话画了线(划线的句子一个是限制性定语从句一个是非限制性定语从


2016下半年英语教师资格证面试真题(精选) 2016下半年英语教师资格证面试精选真题及中公教师命中分析考题:小学英语《spring festival》 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 小学英语《spring festival》主要教学过程及板书设计 (一)教学过程 《spring festival》 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 lead-in Show a video about the activities people in America to celebrate the Christmas Day. And ask students how much do they know about the Festival. After that, naturally lead in the new lesson about Chinese Spring Festival. Step 2 Presentation Firstly, let students read the passage in the textbook and answer the questions: 1. When is the spring festival? 2. How do Chinese people celebrate the festival? Then ask students to find out all the new phrases in the textbook and write them down on the blackboard. At last, use the PPT to show students


小学英语教师资格证面试教案模板:《Colours》 教学目标: 1、Knowledge aim:听懂、会说问候语Good morning.以及介绍别人用语This is ... 2、Ability aim:在实际情景中能区分并运用以上各问候语、介绍别人用语 3、Emotional aim:进一步培养学生学习英语的兴趣和敢于开口、勇于运用的习惯。 教学重难点: 教学重点:学生学习早上(上午)问候语Good morning. 及介绍人物用语This is …。 教学难点:介绍人物用语This is …一句的发音较难,口型和发音不易到位,教师要适当提示,切不可盲目纠正发音,从而挫伤孩子的学习积极性。 教学过程: 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) (1)教师播放第一单元的歌曲Hello,师生共唱。教师边唱边用体态语示范和学生问候,并鼓励学生边唱边和周边的同学打招呼。 (2)用所学打招呼用语,师生互相问候。Hello/Hi, what’s your name? Hello/Hi, I’m .… 新课展示(Presentation) (1)教师告诉学生英语的打招呼用语有很多,除Hello/Hi 以外,在

早上或上午可用Good morning. 来进行。同时教师出示表示上午的图片,或在黑板上画一个升起的太阳,并在旁边标上时间7:30和Good morning.一句。(在图案旁边板书Good morning.)然后教师用学生的英文名字,以不同的身份和学生打招呼。用Hello/Hi, A.和Good morning, A.两种方法同时进行(A代表人名)。 (使学生了解到,这两种方法都是在打招呼,但不同点在于Good morning.可用于上午或早上,Hello/Hi 可用于所有时间段。) (2)播放录音,让学生听录音,然后让学生翻开书本,看图片了解书中的大意。 (3),教师指导学生进一步理解对话内容,并用中、英文提问,引导学生用学过的句子练习回答This is … 。 (教师向学生打招呼:T: Good morning. I’m Miss Wang /Mr. … What’s your name? 学生回答S: My name’s … 同时出示一张Miss Green的图片,教师用This is Miss Green. 教师反复强调This is… (5)教师介绍卡通人物Kitty, Mickey并进行交流,并用简笔画,并让学生先简单了解称谓词Miss, Mrs , Mr。并告诉学生This is 是介绍人物的方法,本句的发音较难,口型和发音不易到位,教师要适当提示。(在简笔画旁板书This is….) (6)学生跟读并模仿Let’s talk 部分的内容。 (7)给学生分小组,扮演对话中的人物或其他人物,进行实际交流。教师可鼓励学生说Miss, Mrs, Mr(此时,学生可以运用教材中人物的图片)并让学生draw and say的练习,训练学生运用This is 的句型介


高校教师资格证 (教案) 申请人: 申请科目:英语 工作单位: 身份证号:

Teaching Plan Teacher: Target Audiences: second-year college students of non-English major Material Selection:Looking for a job after university?First, get off the sofa from New Standard College English, Text A, Unit 1, Book 4 1. Teaching material 1. To promote the students to know the individual examples of job searching and problems after graduation. This unit is intended to provide some effective suggestions of finding a job for the undergraduates. After learning it, students are expected to understand the present employment condition and make necessary preparations for their future job hunting in advance. 2. Scan the text and understand the structure and useful expressions. 2. Time allocation 1st period: careful explanation of words and expressions 2nd period: understanding the text 3rd period: post-exercises and extensive exercises 3. Teaching aims Knowledge objects To study the usage of new words and phrases. To make the Ss know how to understand the word meaning from the aspects of the text context. To finish some exercises. Ability objects To develop t he Ss? abilities of speaking, reading and writing. Focus on ability of speaking. 4. Key and difficult points Key point: how the parents should do when helping their sons or daughters find a job. Difficult points: 1. usage of new words and expressions; 2. organizing a talk about the experiences of finding jobs by their own words. 5. Teaching approaches 1. Students centered approach 2. Group discussion Teaching procedures 1. Background Information: asking the students thinking about a question: what was the social background in the year of 2008 to 2009? In 2008-2009, because of the global financial crisis and the recession, many employers were reducing their workforce. So for the graduates in that period, finding a job became harder and harder. After their final exams, some students rested in the summer before looking


教师资格证面试注意事项 一、面试流程:面试共两大环节,结构化和试讲。整个面试流程下来基本半天,所以大家要吃东西再去,女孩子化了妆的带好补妆的东西。着装尽量正式一点,正装最好,没有正装也不要紧,干净整洁,穿净色的衣服,千万不要花花绿绿。面试先是分科或是小学初中分开先到一个大教室等待,然后人齐了就抽签,就是抽你第几个面试,抽完就是交手机,然后就是等等等,可以上厕所,如果抽到后面的就有的等了,所以要是抽到后面也不要紧,好像是可以看资料的,我记不太清楚了,反正考试带着资料去,多看一会是一会。然后轮到你的时候会被带到抽题室抽题,对就是抽试讲的题目,在电脑上抽,听从老师安排就行,然后就直接坐在电脑前开始20分钟的备课,这20分钟一定要好好利用,如果你教案背的很熟,抓紧时间写完,剩下的时间就想想怎么讲,如果题目中遇到新的你没有准备过的也不要紧,比如语篇课你就按照阅读的来讲,我当时就抽到语篇课,然后题目中叫讲“but”这个词,然后我连but是连词都想不起来,但是还是冷静把阅读课的教案写了上去,当然随机应变,你可以在写的过程中按照你抽的文章做一些改动,比如把but这个词加到你背过的教案中就好了。这里记得不

要纠结教案,即使你讲的跟教案不一样不要紧,但是不要太离谱,把A4纸写满一点,字写开一点就好,考官基本不会细看你的教案,就瞥一眼,重要的是试讲,能不能过早就在你试讲完那一秒钟就决定了,尽量写的规范。之后就被带到面试的教室了哦,在去面试教室的过程中你是有机会接触到其他小伙伴的哦,不会的词,想不起来的就悄悄问问别人啦,问到了是运气好,问不到就不说这个词就好啦,脸皮厚一点,出了考场谁都不认识谁。我当时问了,但是小伙伴也不懂,所以我就没讲but是什么词,照样过。然后就是进到教室开始面试,紧张的话现在门口深呼吸,然后面带微笑,步伐稳重,昂首挺胸地走进去。记得进去先问好,随时面带微笑就对了,把教案交给考官就开始面试。先是大概5分钟的结构化面试,就是考官会问你3个问题,用中文。然后就是10分钟全英文试讲,最后英文答辩,考官会用英文问2到3个问题。 二、面试技巧:结构化面试别看那些培训机构啊书上啊,还有我自己买的资料啊说的多复杂,分多少类,但我觉得问题都能听懂,回答只有思路清晰,语句通顺,言之有理就可以了。不用花多少时间在结构化,我当时真的没复习过结构化,我记得当时问题就是你见到学生丢垃圾怎么办,家长会怎么与家长沟通


小学英语试讲稿 good morning,ladies and gentleman!i am no.6,i am glad that i can have a chance to stand here ,and hope you can like my lesson. shall we start it ,ok! hello,boys and girls,how are you doing today?yes ,i am great,thank you!i hope all of you can be happy in our english class,and hope you can enjoy the english trip! ok,let’ s sing a song which we have learned last week,little star,are you ready?ok , ready go! twinkle twinkle little star,how i wonder what you are. up above the world so high,like a diamond in the sky. oh,wonderful ,you did a good job! now let ’s have a short https://www.wendangku.net/doc/bf17968257.html,st class ,we learned a new topic,do you still remember ? yes,we talked about weather last class,so what is the weather like today? who can answer my question? any volunteer? wow ,jack ,please. good,yes,it is sunny today,but a little cold.because it is winter now ,we should put on more clothes because it is so cold outside .sit down,please ,jack. ok , now please look at the blackboard , today we will learn unit 4 where is my schoolbag? please look at me ,there is a big picture in my hands,can you guess what is this? yes,it is a classroom,it is a big nice classroom.what can you see from this picture? ruler,yes,desk,good,football,wonderful,schoolbag,great,pencil box,fantastic! keys,very good! yes,we can see many things from this picture and we also can find that they are in the different places. how to say it in english? now ,let’ s learn a new lesson. firstly,please look at some word cards in my hands,there are 3 word cards,they are on ,in ,under, so can you guess what is the meaning ? i think you got it ,right? ok,cindy,on,linda,in,angela,under.very good !now,let’ s look at the classroom again.please find the schoolbag,yes,it‘s here.the first conversation is:where is my schoolbag?it is on the desk. listen to me carefully.(repeat).then please find the keys ,yes,they are over there. the second conversation is :where are my keys? they are under the chair.here,please pay attention to the different usage of is and are. we have talked about them many times before,i believe that you know them very well,right ? great,give me five,give me five,sit down please. now let’ s listen to the tape and fill in the blank with on in or under. listen to the tape carefully ,when you finish,please hands up. ok ,stop here. all of you did a good job.i think it is very easy for you,isn’ t it? because you are very clever! how time flies,it is time to say goodbye. today ’s homework is make some sentences with on,in ,under ,and if you can,please teach your parents or your friends about the usage of on,in,under. ok,that is all for today,good bye,see you next time!篇二:小学英语教师资格证 试讲稿全英 先进教室,然后回答两个问题,老师会说开始你的试讲就可以开始了。 这是整个的试讲流程 开场:


Q:您所负责得班级里,有学生上课不认真听讲,课后不做作业,还与其她同学打架,您作为班主任跟家长说明情况,家长听后态度恶劣且袒护孩子.遇到这种情况,您会怎么办? A: 作为一名班主任,需要对全班所有学生得思想、学习、健康与生活负责,同时也充当着沟通者得角色,及时解决学校教育与家庭教育之间得冲突。面对题中情况,我会从两个方面努力,争取家长得理解与支持。 第一,平复家长情绪.在我与家长沟通过程中,可能过多得关注孩子表现不好得一面,语气与措辞不太恰当,造成了家长得反感,加深了误会,而家长护子心切也就是人之常情.因此,我会立即调整自己说话得方式,诚恳得向家长表明,我们得目得就是一致得,都就是希望孩子能够更加健康得成长,孩子身上出现这些问题,作为老师十分焦急,以致刚才得语气过重,希望家长能够予以谅解 第二,有效解决问题.与家长重新建立信任后,我会把话题重点引向如何与家长共同努力解决孩子身上得问题。一方面在平时得教学中多关注这位同学,多引导与激发她得学习兴趣,培养孩子良好得学习习惯;另一方面也希望家长能够在家庭教育过程中多予以监督与督促,尤其就是打架得问题,需要家长多加关注,与孩子深入交流,了解打架得原因,解开孩子得心结。只要家长与老师给孩子更多得关爱,一定可以帮助她尽快走出这种状态。 Q: 如果有学生当面问您涉及个人隐私得问题,您会怎么办? A:有学生当面提出关于我个人隐私得问题,这对于我来说确实有尴尬,但就是,我相信学生得这种做法就是基于青春期得强烈好奇心。因此,我会机智处理,转移话题,将学生得注意力集中在学习上,有效推进课堂教学得进度。 首先,我会点头微笑肯定学生得勇敢提问,向学生表明我得态度:问题涉及个人隐私,不方便在课堂上正面讨论.但就是为了维护学生自尊心,我会委婉拒绝,告诉学生这类问题可以在课下单独探讨,或就是找个合适得时机再告诉大家。 其次,我会表扬这位学生提问得做法,鼓励大家向其多学习积极思考,敢于提问得精神.但就是要注意不要探听她人得个人隐私,这属于“偷窥"行为,类似于“刺猬揭伤疤”得行为,当事人就是会受到伤害得.告诫学生交流要注意时机与场合,继而话题转移,将大家得注意力迁移到课堂教学中。 最后,我会针对“尊重个人隐私”这一主题,对学生进行集体教育,通过主题班会、辩论会等方式,增强学生们尊重她人隐私得意识,让大家明白与人交往、交谈要注意方式方法。当然,该生得提问也许带有玩笑色彩,所以今后我会注重教师形象得塑造、权威得树立,以此创建健康得师生关系. Q:有人说“要想教育公平,首先要保证教育投入公平”。对此您怎么瞧?


2016下半年《英语》面试真题 1.试讲题目:口语教学试讲 2.内容 I often go to movies with my friend, Mike. My favorite actor is Paul Jackson. He has a new movie, My Father’s Birthday. It’s a very funny comedy. Mike likes the actor Rock Smith. He really like his movie, Black September. It’s very successful thriller, but I think it’s boring. One interesting thing: Mike is English, but he likes Beijing Opera! Mike’s father likes it, too. 3. 基本要求(1)朗读所给段落(2)配合教学内容适当板书(3)针对该段落的内容,设计相应的口语教学活动(4)试讲时间:约10分钟(5)用英文试讲 2016下半年《英语》面试真题 1.试讲题目:语篇教学试讲 2.内容 I get up at 6 o’clock everyday. I often ride the bicycle to school. Winter is too cold and summer is too hot, but I never mind. And our school has uniforms, but some boys don’t like uniforms, but some girls like it very much. 3. 基本要求(1)朗读所给段落(2)配合教学内容适当板书(3)针对该段落的划线词,设计相应的讲解及应用活动(4)试讲时间:约10分钟(5)用英文试讲 2016下半年《英语》面试真题 1.试讲题目:听力教学试讲 2.内容 You must understand the correct ways to study if you want to get good results. To do this, you must know the best way to remember things. How do we remember things? There are several types of memory in our brain. The first type is short-term memory. Imagine your teacher tells you something. You listen but you do not write it down. When your teacher asks you the same thing again the next day, you don’t remember it. In this case, you have used your short-term memory. This kind of memory is not useful for getting good results. 3. 基本要求(1)朗读所给段落(2)配合教学内容适当板书(3)针对所给材料的内容,设计理解细节的听力教学活动(4)试讲时间:约10分钟(5)用英文试讲 2016下半年《英语》面试真题 1.试讲题目:阅读教学试讲 2.内容 Ashrita Furman is a sportsman who likes the challenge of breaking Guinness records. Over the last 25 years, he has broken approximately 93 Guinness records. More than 20 of these be still holds, including the record for having the most records. But these records are not make in any conventional sport like swimming or soccer. Rather Ashrita attempts to break records in very imaginative events and in very interesting places. 3. 基本要求(1)朗读所给段落(2)配合教学内容适当板书(3)针对所给材料的内容,设计相应的阅读理解教学活动(4)试讲时间:约10分钟(5)用英文试讲 2016下半年《英语》面试真题


Reading Teaching procedures: I. Lead in: (1 min) free talk/describe pictures/watch videos/quiz/news/stories Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls. Today, we are going to learn a new passage together. Have a free talk with students. 设计几个问题,要求贴近学生的生活,容易回答。 To start with, I’ll ask you four questions: when/where/why/how/what/did The first question: Did you_______________________ Tom, please. Very good. Sit down, please. Tom said ___________________________. The next question: When did you__________________ Kate, please answer the question. Well done. Sit down, said ___________________________. The third question: Where did you_________________ Susan, down, please. She said ___________________________. The last question is: Why did you____________________ Linda, please. Perfect. Sit down, said ___________________________. (自己把答案复述一下) (2mins) brainstorm/predict Tell me what plants can be used for. 2)Predict Now, boys and girls, let's read the title together. The title of this passage is _______________________. Do you know the meaning of ____________ It is called ____________(此处说汉语) in Chinese.(若标题太简单,此处可略去!) With the help of the title, could you please tell me what will be talked about in the passage Let’ answer this question group by group.Good, please sit down. Anyone else/Another group Well, you are pretty good at predicting. Remember: when you read the passage, you are sure to meet some new words. Don’t be eager to look them up. Try to guess their meanings according to the context, or you can refer to the word bank on page 85. Can you follow me While-reading:(4 min) Skimming (1 min): main idea/workout the correct sequence of the text Ask students to skim the text and try to find the main idea of the passage as soon as they can. How is the passage organized The passage is organized in the order of (time, places, events, importance) Step1 After your reading, I will ask you some questions to check your understanding. You will have about one min to go through the passage and find the main idea. And think about this question: how did you find that Now, let’s read it. When you finish it, you can discuss with your partner: how did you find the main idea Step2 Who can tell me the main idea of this article Is there any volunteer/Who can have a try/Any volunteers OK, Jimmy, please.He said ____. How did you find it out, Jimmy He said from key words.Good idea. Harry,Kate,Mary,Jessica,Jack,Betty,Oliva,Olivia, Do you agree with him Wonderful! What do we usually call these sentences Do you know Yeah, topic sentences. Usually we can find the main idea by reading the topic sentences. Good job! Step3 What do we need if we want to be an excellent basketball player or to be successful in our life Please think it over.


小学英语教师资格证面试真题 小学英语《Welcome to Africa》 一、小学英语《Welcome to Africa》 二、A butterfly 三、学段:小学 科目:英语

年级:五年级上册 试讲题目:What can you do?SectionA(Let’s Talk) 教材正文(教材图片或教材文字): 试讲要求: (1)试讲时间约10分钟,采用英语授课; (2)突出重点词汇与句型的教学,训练学生的口语表达能力; (3)引导学生形成一定的文化意识; (4)配合教学内容适当板书。 问题: 本篇课题内容讲解方面应该注意哪些东西? 问题: 新授与巩固练习过程中,什么时候安排单个学生的提问活动、什么时候安排多个学生的活动?

三、考试面试题目《Traffic lights》 四、人教版pep小学英语三年级,Unit twomy family (Let's talk), —Whoisthatman? —Heismy father. —Hi,Dad. Thisismyfriend.Amy. —Nice to meet you. —Nice to meet you,too 试讲要求: (1)全英文授课 (2)要求有一定的互动 (3)配合设计板书

五、小学英语《What would you like toeat?》 附:英汉答辩双译(熟记) 你教了几年书? Howlonghave you been teaching??I have been teaching for... 有教小学的经验吗? Didyou haveany experiences teaching in elementary school/primary school? ?Yes,Idid. orNo,I didnt. 你打算怎么样给小朋友上课? Howare you going togive lessonsto little kids? ?Ithink I amgoingtouse allkinds of materials that are available like CD player, pictures,word cards, TV,magazines,games ects inmy lessons.I amgoingto use different teaching meathods to help childrenwith different learning styles. 能否示范一下? Can you demonstrateone lesson??Sure.If I teach days ofthe week, Iwillteach children a song: Sunday, Monday...(用twinkle twinkle little star 的tune) ?你觉得教小学生跟教中学生有什么不同? What is thedifference betweenteaching elementary school children and the junior high schoo lchildren? ?well, when teaching little kids ateacher has tobe morepatient.He/she has to uselotsof songs,games, bodylanguage to help student learn English.The formsof each lesson should be different. ?Teaching junior high schoolkidsis a little bitdifferent. I canintroduce some grammer.I can givethem more writtenwork and I can havemorediscussions with the children. ?如何让小学生对英文感兴趣? ?How areyougoing to keepthe studentsinterestedinlearningEnglish? 如何将你的课上得有趣? ?How areyou going to keepyour lessons interesting? ?这两道题的答案是一样的,只不过问的形式不一样. ?Iwill trymybestto use all the teaching methodologies I learned at scho ol to reach each child. Stories, poems,riddles, jokes songs are all good for little kids.Iwillhave t hempracticeEnglishas a whole class, group work, pair work or independentwork.Whateve rworksout forthe children Iwill doit.There isnever one way to success.



1、学高为师,身正为范。对此你是怎样理解的? 答:学高为师,身正为范是一句古话,它折射的是一种教育的哲理。我认为“学高为师,身正为范。”简短数字,精辟概括出教师风范。“学高为师”说的是教师必须业务精炼,知识面广,有高超的教育教学能力。因此,教师必须具有渊博的知识,高尚的情操,海一样的胸襟……“身正为范”,指得是“教师的职业是太阳低下最光荣的事业”,担负着培养祖国未来的特殊的历史使命,在学生的心目中,教师是智慧的代表,是高尚人格的化身,教师的言行就是道德标准。因此,教育工作者的全部工作就是为人师表,即身正方能为范。身正就要诚实正直,言行一致,语言文明,仪表大方,态度和蔼可亲,教态高雅洒脱。时代在前进,形势在发展,知识也在不断更新,要努力做到“学高”“身正”,必须不断勤奋钻研,刻苦学习,加强自身修养。因此,如果我能成为一名光荣的人民教师,成为一名传播人类文明的使者,在今后的工作中一定要注重为人师表,严格要求自已,从思想作风到生活作风,从言行到举止,从心灵到外表,都应体现教师应有的文明风度和良好的精神面貌,做一个“学高”“身正”的人民教师。 2、现代教学的核心理念是民主平等,你认为在教学中要特别尊重学生的哪些学习行为?答:现代教育的核心理念是民主平等,这也是新课程改革的教学理念,建立民主平等的师是关系可以说是新课程的一项重大变革,建立民主平等的师生关系,必须以教师与学生在教学中互相尊重为原则,因此从教师的角度来说,以下几项是需特别注意的:

1、必须让学生的学习个性得到充分的张扬;教师必须把学生当作一个富有生命意义的活生生的人来看待,每一个人都会有自己的个性,教师要充分尊重学生的个性化学习行为; 2、教师必须要充分发挥学生的个人特长,学生在学习的过程中肯定会学有所长,也会有一些掌握得不够好的知识,这时教师在尊重学生的兴趣爱好,发展他的特长,而不能以教师的眼光和要求去规范学生,要帮助学生以自己的特长激起学习的兴趣,以充分呵护他们的学习积极性; 3、教师必须以平等中的首席出现在学生面前,既是学生学习中的导师,又是和学生一起学习的同伴,要充分理解和关注学生在学习中的困难,以更好地帮助他们解决学习中遇到的问题。当然尊重学生的学习行为还有许多,由于时间关系我不在这里一一列举,我想只有教师放下高高在上的师道尊严,以平等的眼光看待学生,以朋友之心对待学生,这样在教学中才能特别尊重学生的正常有益的学习行为,才会有民主平等的师生关系。 3、问题教学是目前课堂教学的研究热点,你认为课堂教学中问题的设计要遵循哪些基本原则?(此问题以题纲作答,必要时展开一些内容即可) 答:在开放教育的教学模式探索中,问题教学作为一种教育观念,一种适合远程教育的教法,一种适合学生自主学习的学法,一种资源展示的方式,不仅具有实用性和可操作性,而且,只要认真遵循问题设计

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