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课号:BB3J04A01 课程名称:国际金融函电阅卷教师:


Bank Letters Writing

-------correspondent relationship

1.The functions of bank letters

As we all know, bank letters is international financial communication between the banks and generally refers to the letters which are used to transmit the information, to deal with business matters and to contact or communicate for the relationship. In the modern society, bank letters is indispensable between the banks and has many functions.

Letters, E-mail became a necessary tool of communication, it indicates the importance of international financial correspondence in commercial banking. International financial correspondence is international financial exchange and inter bank on economic and financial operations in English thinking and communication of the telecommunications documents. Commonly used in business letters are mainly the consultation letter, inquiry letter, reply letter, request letter, notification and contact letter, etc. International financial correspondence is our business ties with the rest of the world outside of the necessary means, not only can expand trade business in our country, and can better improve the efficiency of business transactions, promote the communication between the commercial Banks. At the same time, greatly saving the cost and promote the perfection of our country's banking system, improve the overall level of China's commercial banking. It changes the enterprise's own production, operation, management, and the traditional way of trade impact. The most obvious sign is the increased trade opportunities.

For banks, bank letters is a medium for banks to communicate with each other so as to exchange or obtain the information which they are needed, in a way, it’s the foundation for banks to expend their owe banking business. On the other hand, they may finally set up a friendly partnership. For companies, it not only changes enterprise’s production, operation and management, but also brings a big impact to the traditional mode of trade. Bank letters increase the opportunities of international trade, reduce the cost and improve the trade efficiency, because of its owe characteristics such as globalization, opening, low cost and high efficiency. And in a macro sense, I think the international financial correspondence which also called bank letters had greatly motivated the development of international trade and international financial markets. In this way, we can see that bank letters plays a significant role in the international banking business.

2.How to write a bank letter

Generally speaking, international financial correspondence to set up agency relationship consists of two kinds of letters: request for the establishment of agency relationship and reply to the proposal of agency relationship. Here we choose the letter of request for the establishment of agency relationship as a sample to analyze.

Firstly, we will analyze from the structure. A complete bank letter usually consists of the following 14 parts: letter head, date, reference, inside address, attention note, salutation, subject, body of letter, complimentary close, signature, reference initials, enclosure notation, carbon copy notation and postscript. And among these parts, the letter head, date, inside

课号:BB3J04A01 课程名称:国际金融函电阅卷教师:


address, salutation, subject, the body of letter, complimentary close, signature are the eight indispensable parts. So we should know how to write these parts of the letter for agency relationship.

Secondly, we will discuss from the arrangement of the contents. The structure I stated hereinafter is an overview of a bank letter and the three sections such as the opening paragraph or sentence in the body of the letter is an abstract conception. But in this section, I will set forth the letter from its content. Generally speaking, we can divide the letter of the request for the establishment of agency relationship into three parts specifically. After looking at the sample letter, I know that we should state the purpose and the wish, state the necessity of establishing the agency relationship and put forward the specific plan.

When we want to tell something to the receiving bank, we commonly use such sentences as “we are pleased to inform you that…. / we wish to advise you that…. /we would like to inform you….”For example, the application in the sample letter is that “we are pleased to note that the volume of business between….”, which is good reflection. On the contrary, if we want to gain some information from another bank, we will say “please inform us that /please let us know that /we shall be pleased to have your information on”. Furthermore, in the case of acknowledging the receipt of the letter, we usually use “thank you for your letter…./we acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your letter…./we are in receipt of your letter….”. And the final sentence is generally to state the writer’s expectations, there are some examples, such as “we are looking forward to receiving your early reply / we wish you a greater business volume /we are waiting your favorable reply” and so on.

In my opinion, the expression of language is very important to a letter. It is not only just a letter but also represents for the bank. Once the expression is not correct, it will effects the relationship and cooperation between two banks, so when we write a letter, we should express correctly. There are some main points that we should pay attention to, first is politeness, like many sentences stated above contain some words such as “please, thank you”. Second, the writer should use some mild words to present their advice, such as the sentence in the sample letter “should the proposal meet with your approval, please send us….”, we can’t say “you must approve our propose and send us….”, so we can know that the expression with a order is not allowed in a letter, the bank must respect the receiving bank, which is distinct from the English business letters that are “we sincerely recommend you to accept our proposal as our stocks are getting lower and lower…”. If we have compared with them, we can find that there are many differences between bank letters and English business letters. Third, the words of expression should show our goodwill of establishing agency relationship as much as possible.

课号:BB3J04A01 课程名称:国际金融函电阅卷教师:


Like the words in the sample letter “we are pleased to…./we would like to…./please send…./please take….into consideration”. These all reflect our good attitude and sincere expectations. Finally, because the bank letters is circulated between banks around the world, the expression of language must be commonly used in the international financial communications and must be formal.

(一)Proposing the establishment of correspondent relationship

课号:BB3J04A01 课程名称:国际金融函电阅卷教师:班级:学号:姓名:成绩:

(二)Favorable reply

课号:BB3J04A01 课程名称:国际金融函电阅卷教师:班级:学号:姓名:成绩:

课号:BB3J04A01 课程名称:国际金融函电阅卷教师:


3.Personal Feelings

Before starting the courses in this semester, I have never come into contacting with the financial correspondence.I just thought that the teacher will teach us how to write letters between the banks in English from this name of course and I believed there isn’t big trouble in learning bank letters’ writing.But because of my poor English level,I was worried if I can understand what the teacher say and expressed my view suitably.

With an uneasy heart, I began the first lesson by Mrs Xie.Actually,we have been on her other class on Tuesday.When she appeared,the first thing she did was to explain the composition points at ordinary times for us ,and my heart was full of the feeling of speechless as looking at the strict proportion.However ,from the bottom of my heart,I like this teacher, who is principled,not only to students,but also to herself.I think the students who have the ability and the courage are worth a higher score indeed,by the way,I dislike those students who close to teachers on purpose in order to be recognized and get higher score at the end of term. The world although sometimes unfair, but Mrs Xie still made it as far as possible the fair in her class,and I think a lot of teachers can’t do it in University.So,I enjoy her style. Then talk about the process of the class.To be honest,in previous lessons,because there were too many things should be wrote and the teacher going too fast ,I felt it a little difficult to adapt.So,at this time,I always hoped that Mrs Xie could put more things that we need to take notes by our self on her PPT. After contacting with real bank letter , I began to know the difficult to learn it .For example ,a complete bank letter usually consists of the 14 parts and each part has its own structure and layout,I think it’s not easy to remember every part clearly.Next,due to the bank's business is varied,the body of letter also contains a variety of forms. We learned correspondent relationship, credit inquiry,bank account & bank accounting,credit and loan,letters of credit,bills for collection includes that request for the establishment of correspondent relationship and reply to the proposal of correspondent relationship,credit inquiry,bank account & bank accounting,credit and loan,letters of credit,bills for collection.Through the sample letter of learning and practice from the teachers,now I can translate some simple bank letters by myself rapidly but I can’t guarantee a high quality.

What let me the deepest memory was my first try to translate the whole bank sentences in fifteen minutes.At that time ,I thought it might be an impossible mission for me because the time is so limited.when I started to write,I found that the usual smooth sentences in mind just like a mess now ,all kinds of Tenses, prepositions and clauses were filled with my mind so that I could not write a complete sentence logically.At the last minute before ringing,I barely finished only half of it ,and in my own opinion ,it seemed so mangled.However,there was a girl completed the quest of teacher on time and I very admired her speed.In next class,with sample sentences slowly to present,I compared it with my own article and found so many differences between both of them ,not only in words too colloquial ,but also the connection between the sentences is in a mess.

Through this practice, I realized I has many deficiencies in the translation of business correspondence.As on class,I usually listen carefully and something would be remembered

课号:BB3J04A01 课程名称:国际金融函电阅卷教师:


and understanded,but if not review at that time ,it will be forgotten after back.And to the next, when you want to use them ,only a vague impression in mind, such is the low efficiency of learning.In order to avoid this situation ,therefore, after class,I will review what I learned from head to foot to deepen impression.It was a good way to help me writing.To my

delight,through practicing continually,I could complete the translation from teach punctuality and it proved that my English writing ability has been significantly improved.

Finally,I want to say some difficulties in the process of learning bank letters.One is the lack of professional knowledge and professional English vocabulary.Although I am a financial professional students,to be honest,in addition to teachers handed over the contents of the class, I never go to look for other books to learn on this major.In my heart,I clearly know it is not enough to listen knowledge from classes only,but I am too lazy to spent time going to library or looking professional books in dormitory.Therefore,the consequence is that when I heard some profession vocabulary in class,I always have a little impression but not clear , sometimes I felt I have never heard about it but it maybe appear few days ago.

As for English,it is my biggest weakness.Because I don't like English,thus,even if some profession vocabulary have been seen before,I also feel it strange and don't know its Chinese meaning.As a students who will enter the financial sector and engaged in related work in the future , I know the professional knowledge and professional English are very important, which even is considered to be a foundation, so I will try to improve myself as possible as I can.Another is I have a poor ability in the language organization.In order to show the formal performance , financial correspondence often use multiple complex sentences, which requires the complete sentence structure, the logic is clear, and prepositions used properly.But it is really a big challenge for me.

Actually, I was a little discontent with so many difficult professional courses in this semester originally , because I think junior should be more relaxed,.However the result is more hard than sophomore,as there are a lot of things need to write and remember in class. But now I feel such a busy and substantial learning is very good, because comfort will inspire the inertia of people, have pressure to just have motive.The teacher's teaching method make me feel back to high school, although it is tough enough, it can stimulate the potential of people, so it is very good, isn't it?If you want to has higher starting point and more opportunities than others after graduation, you must be enough cruelty to yourself , because the chance is always for the prepared person.


函电(1) 今天的题目是: Self-introduction 例文如下: Dear Sirs, We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counsellor's Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you. We are a state-operated corporation,handling both the import and export of Textiles. In order to acquaint you with our business lines,we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items suppliable at present. Should any of the items be of interest to you,please let me know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements. In our trade with merchants of various countries,we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote,by joint efforts,both trade and friendshp to our mutual advantage. We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon. Yours faithfully, 函电(2) ------ A (A) Request for the establishment of business relations 例文如下: Dear sirs, Having obtained your name and address from Messrs. Anderson & Co.,Rotterdam,we are writing you in the hope of establishing business relations with you. We have been importers of Arts & Crafts for many years. At present,we are interested in various kinds of Chinese Arts and Crafts and should appreciate your catalogues and quotations. If your prices are in line,we trust important business can materialize. We are looking forward to receiving your early reply.


宁波电大成教学院《国际金融》复习资料 考试题型 一、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 二、判断题(每小题1分,共10分) 三、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 四、多项选择题(每小题3分,共18分) 五、简答题(每题6分,共30分) 六、论述题(12分) 一、填空题 1、国际收支是一个流量概念。 2、各国的国际收支平衡表都是按照复式簿记原理来编制的。 3、国际收支平衡表的借方总额和贷方总额原则上是相等的。 4、国际储备主要由外汇储备、黄金储备、储备头寸和特别提款权四种形式的资产构成。 5、国际清偿能力是指一个国家的对外支付能力。 6、按外汇是否可以自由兑换,它可分为自由外汇和记帐外汇。 7、汇率的标价可分为:直接标价法和间接标价法。 8、金本位制是以黄金作为本位货币的货币制度。 9、资本国际流动的随机性成为国际金融领域研究的热点问题。 10、邓宁认为,影响企业对外投资的因素有:所有权优势、内部化优势和区位优势。 11、有关国际间接投资的组合投资理论是马科维茨与托宾在50年代发展起来的。 12、布雷顿森林体系是根据布雷顿森林协定于第二次世界大战后建立起来的以美元为中心的国际货币制度。 13、我国外汇储备在波动中呈递增趋势。 14、特别提款权的出现改变了国际储备资产供应过分依赖于美国国际收支逆差的格局。 15、牙买加体系是以浮动汇率制与多元化国际储备货币相结合的国际货币体系。 16、期货交易的保证金除了具有防止交易各方违约的作用外,还是清算所结算制度的基础。 17、外汇期货交易的买卖双方不仅要保证金,而且要交佣金。 18、国际货币危机又称国际收支危机。 19、套期保值的客观基础在于期货市场与现货市场价格存在平行变动性和价格驱动性。 20、无论是看涨期权还是看跌期权,按行使期权的有效日划分,又分欧式期权和美式期权。 1 21、外汇银行对外报价时,一般同时报出买入价和卖出价。 22、远期外汇投机有买空和卖空两种基本形式


建立业务关系 Dear Sirs, Through the courtesy of Mr.Freemen,we are given to understand that you are one of the leading exporters of Chinese light industrial products in your area. We now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you. We are very well connected with all the major dealers of light industrial products in this area . We are confident that we can sell large quantities of Chinese goods if we receive your offers at competitive prices. Please send to us necessary information regarding your products for export. We look forward to receiving your early reply. Y ours sincerely, XXX Dear Sirs, We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your letter of September 10 ,2009,informing us of your interest in our products. We look forward to establishing positive business relationship with your corporation. We are a state-owned corporation(国有公司) specializing in the export of Chinese light industrial products. We are convinced that our joint business efforts will be to our mutual benefit. As requested, a booklet including a general introduction , the scope of business and other topics are enclosed for your reference . Should you require any further information,please don't hesitate to let us know. Y ours sincerely, XXX 询盘 United Textiles Ltd. Y ork House , Lawton Street ,


Dear Sirs Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counsellor's Office of our Embassy in Pakistan,we avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you. We are a state-owned corporation sepcializing in the export of table-cloths,and are in a position to accept orders against customers'samples specifying design,specifications and packaging are also prepared to accept orders for goods with customers'own trade marks or brand names. In order to give you a rough idea of our various table-cloths,we are airmailling you under separate cover a copy of our latest catalogue for your you find any of the items interesting,please let us know as soon as shall be glad to send you quotations and samples upon receipt of your concrete enquiries. We await your early reply. Yours faithfully Dear Sirs, We known your name and address from the website of and note with pleasure the items of your demand just fall within the scope of our business line. First of all, we avail ourselves of this opportunity to introduce our company in order to be acquainted with you. (我们从阿里巴巴网站上看到您公司的名称和地址,并且很高兴地了解到您需要的产品正好符合我们的业务范围。我们很荣幸有这个机会向您介绍我们的公司。) Our firm is an Chinese exporter of various Canned Foodstuffs. We highly hope to establish business relations with your esteemed company on the basis of mutual benefit in an earlier date. we are sending a catalogue and a pricelist under separate cover for your reference. We will submit our best price to you upon receipt of your concrete inquiry. (我公司是一家中国的出口企业,主营各类罐头食品。我们非常希望能在双赢的基础上尽早同贵公司建立业务关系。我们给您发出了产品目录和价格表以供参考。如果能够收到您具体的询盘,我们将为您提供最优惠的价格。) We are looking forward to receiving your earlier reply. (期待您的尽早回复。) Yours faithfully,


四川大学网络教育学院 一、单项选择题。本大题共10个小题,每小题3.0分,共30.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.布雷顿森林体系规定会员国汇率波动幅度为 ( C ) A.±10% B. C.±2.25% D. E. F.±1% G.±10-20% 2.布雷顿森林协议在对会员国缴纳的资金来源中规定 3. ( C ) A.会员国份额必须全部以黄金或可兑换的黄金货币缴纳 B. C.会员国份额的50%以黄金或可兑换成黄金的货币缴纳,其余50%的份额以本国货币缴纳 D. E.会员国份额的25%以黄金或可兑换成黄金的货币缴纳,其余75%的份额以本国货币缴纳

G.会员国份额必须全部以本国货币缴纳 4.资本流出是指本国资本流到外国,它表示 5. 6. ( D ) A.外国对本国的负债减少 B. C.本国对外国的负债增加 D. E. F.外国在本国的资产增加 G.外国在本国的资产减少 7.目前,我国人民币实施的汇率制度是 8. 9. ( C ) A.固定汇率制 B. C.弹性汇率制 D.

F.有管理浮动汇率制 G.钉住汇率制 10.从长期讲,影响一国货币币值的因素是 11. ( A ) A.国际收支状况 B. C.经济实力 D. E. F.通货膨胀 G.利率凹凸 H. 12.汇率采取直接标价法的国家和地区有 13. 14. ( D ) A.美国和英国 B. C.美国和香港

E.英国和中国 F. G.中国和日本 所谓外汇管制就是对外汇交易实行一定的限制,目的是( D ) A.防止资金外逃 B. C.限制非法贸易 D. E.奖出限入 F. G.平均国际收支、限制汇价 持有一国国际储备的首要用途是 ( C ) A.支持本国货币汇率 B. 15. 16. 17. 18.


外贸函电常用范文 1、Set new business relationship 建立贸易关系,可以通过多种途径,如通过驻外机构、国外商会、同业商行、银行、出国访问、商品交易会、报纸广告、市场调查等等。建立贸易关系的信函,要写得诚恳、热情、礼貌、得体,并将写信人的意图清楚地叙述完整,给对方留下深刻地印象,使其愿意与你交往。Dear Mr. Jones: We understand from your information posted on https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b418141404.html, that you are in the market for textiles. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future. We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our website https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b418141404.html,,which includes our latest product line. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Sincerely, John Roberts 2. Make an inquiry 询盘的内容主要是商品的价格、包装、交货期、付款方式等。询盘信应简洁、清楚、礼貌。Dear Sir or Madam: Messrs Johns and Smith of New York inform us that are exports of all cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases. We would like you to send us details of various ranges, including sizes, colors and prices, and also samples of the different qualities of material used. We are large dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of this kind mentioned. When quoting, please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchases of quantities of not less than 100 dozen of individual items. Price quoted should include insurance and freight to London. Yours faithfully 3. Make an offer 报盘函是指卖方在销售某种商品时,向买方报价、介绍商品情况。提出交易条件(包括商品名称、数量、价格、付款条件、交货日期等)时所写的一种外贸信函。报盘有实盘和虚盘之分。实盘是报盘人在规定的期限内对所提条件的肯定表示,报盘人在有限期内不得随意改变和撤回报盘内容,报盘一经买方接受,买卖立即敲定,双方就有了法律约束力的合同关系。虚盘是报盘人所作的非承诺性表示,附有保留条件,如“以我方最后确认为准(subject to our final confirmation)”等。 (a.)firm offer Dear Mr. Jones: We thank you for your email enquiry for both groundnuts and Walnutmeat


您的本次作业分数为:100分86228单选题86228 1.【第01章】最早论述“物价现金流动机制”理论的是 A 马歇尔 B 休谟·大卫 C 弗里德曼 D 凯恩斯 正确答案:B 86235 单选题86235 2.【第01章】综合项目差额是指 A 经常项目差额与资本与金融项目差额之和 B 经常项目差额与资本与金融项目中扣除官方储备后差额之和 C 经常项目差额与金融项目差额之和 D 经常项目差额与资本项目差额之和 正确答案:B 86232 单选题86232 3.【第01章】在国际收支平衡表中,下列各项属于单方面转移的是 A 保险赔偿金

B 专利费 C 投资收益 D 政府间债务减免 正确答案:D 86239 单选题86239 4.【第01章】“马歇尔——勒纳条件”是指: A 进口需求弹性与出口需求弹性之和大于1 B 进口需求弹性与出口需求弹性之和大于0 C 进口需求弹性与出口需求弹性之和小于1 D 进口需求弹性与出口需求弹性之和小于0 正确答案:A 86237 单选题86237 5.【第01章】IMF规定,在国际收支统计中 A 进口商品以CIF价计算,出口商品以FOB价计算 B 进口商品以FOB价计算,出口商品以CIF价计算 C 进出口商品均按FOB价计算 D 进出口商品均按CIF价计算

正确答案:C 86236 单选题86236 6.【第01章】下列项目应记入贷方的是 A 从外国获得的商品和劳务 B 向外国政府或私人提供的援助、捐赠 C 国内私人国外资产的减少或国外负债的增加 D 国内官方当局的国外资产的增加或国外负债的减少正确答案:C 86243 单选题86243 7.【第01章】我国的国际储备管理主要是: A 黄金储备管理 B 外汇储备管理 C 储备头寸管理 D 特别提款权管理 正确答案:B 86245 单选题86245 8.【第01章】在二战前,构成各国国际储备的是:


《外贸函电》课程标准 一、课程概述 (一)课程性质 《外贸函电》是高职高专商务英语专业的职业技能课程之一。根据高职高专人才培养目标,结合应用英语专业岗位群和职业能力要求,结合岗位资格证书社会需要,本课程旨在培养学生掌握外贸英语函电的基本知识,定位于培养懂外语、掌握熟练的进出口业务操作技能,具备一定的计算机办公应用能力的复合型英语人才。 (二)课程基本理念 本课程领域的学习情境是依据以工作过程为导向,以典型工作任务为基点,讲授外贸常用文体的基本知识,包括各类商务书信、常用语句、常用术语及拟写技巧。通过对外贸易业务磋商过程中各个环节往来函电实例的学习,熟悉、掌握外贸业务磋商各个环节—建立业务关系、询盘、报盘、推销、还盘、成交、装运、保险、申诉、索赔、争议、代理等的常用表达及写作技巧,并能在实际应用中熟练使用;以及各类单据及单证实例如信用证、订单、提单、保险单、装箱单、检验证明等,让学生全面了解外贸业务知识的各个环节,并运用英语熟练表达,达到应用的目的。 (三)课程设计思路 以职业能力培养为重点,以情景教学为主线,以外贸英语函电在实际工作中的应用方向和具体要求为出发点,以专业岗位的任职要求为指导,本着“够用、实用、必须”的原则,打破以知识传授为主要特征的传统学科课程模式,突出对学生职业能力的训练,充分体现职业性、实践性和开放性,切实培养学生语言实践能力,实现课堂内外的有机结合。 此外坚持与行业、企业共同开发课程,通过行业专家,明确外贸岗位所包含的工作过程和任务,在任务分析的基础上,确定以任务为导向的课程方案,即教学内容按任务模块去组织,教学程序用任务去驱动。采取教学做一体的教学模式,加强对学生外贸操作技能的训练。 实践教学方面,按课内与课外相结合、仿真与实战相结合的思路设计实践教学,将理论知识学习、职业技能训练和实际工作体验结合在一起,使学生进入外贸岗位后能尽快适应企业环境、胜任工作。 二、课程目标 (一)总目标 《外贸函电》立足于进出口贸易基本操作技能的培养,理论结合实际,强调课程的岗位性,注重学生的敬业精神以及发现问题、分析问题、解决问题等综合能力和创新能力的培养。以外贸业务进展的顺序,系统地介绍了国际贸易中的一些重要环节如建立业务关系、询盘、报盘、接受与订购、支付方式、运输与交货、保险、索赔与仲裁等书面沟通实例,并介绍了外贸英语谈判外贸英语函电中的语言技巧及常用文体的基本知识,包括各类商务信函、电报、电传及电子邮件的格式、写作方法等。力争通过课堂传授与专门的模块实训、实务操作以及校外实训基地的业务实习,突出动手能

国际金融学作业 答案

1.【第01章】最早论述“物价现金流动机制”理论的是 ? A 马歇尔 ? B 休谟·大卫 ? C 弗里德曼 ? D 凯恩斯 2.【第01章】综合项目差额是指 ? A 经常项目差额与资本与金融项目差额之和 ? B 经常项目差额与资本与金融项目中扣除官方储备后差额之和 ? C 经常项目差额与金融项目差额之和 ? D 经常项目差额与资本项目差额之和 3.【第01章】在国际收支平衡表中,下列各项属于单方面转移的是 ? A 保险赔偿金 ? B 专利费

? C 投资收益 ? D 政府间债务减免 4.【第01章】“马歇尔——勒纳条件”是指: ? A 进口需求弹性与出口需求弹性之和大于1 ? B 进口需求弹性与出口需求弹性之和大于0 ? C 进口需求弹性与出口需求弹性之和小于1 ? D 进口需求弹性与出口需求弹性之和小于0 5.【第01章】IMF规定,在国际收支统计中 ? A 进口商品以CIF价计算,出口商品以FOB价计算 ? B 进口商品以FOB价计算,出口商品以CIF价计算 ? C 进出口商品均按FOB价计算 ? D 进出口商品均按CIF价计算

6.【第01章】下列项目应记入贷方的是 ? A 从外国获得的商品和劳务 ? B 向外国政府或私人提供的援助、捐赠 ? C 国内私人国外资产的减少或国外负债的增加 ? D 国内官方当局的国外资产的增加或国外负债的减少 7.【第01章】我国的国际储备管理主要是: ? A 黄金储备管理 ? B 外汇储备管理 ? C 储备头寸管理 ? D 特别提款权管理 8.【第01章】在二战前,构成各国国际储备的是: ? A 黄金与可兑换为黄金的外汇 ? B 黄金与储备头寸 ? C 黄金与特别提款权 ? D 外汇储备与特别提款权


国际商务专业 《外贸函电》 课程标准 课程代码:04010095 适用专业:国际商务专业 编制单位:广西机电职业技术学院 广西机电职业技术学院工商管理系 2016年2月

《外贸函电》课程标准 课程编码[04010095] 课程承担单位[广西机电职业技术学院] 制定人[谭启献] 制定日期[审核人[教学 部门主管教学负责人] 审核日期[批准人[教务处处长] 批准日期[一、适用对象 高职高专学生。 二、适用专业 国际商务专业 三、课程性质 本课程是依据国际商务专业人才培养目标和相关职业岗位(群)的能 力要求而设置的,对本专业所面向的外销员、外贸跟单员、外贸单证员等 外贸岗位群所需要的知识、技能和素质目标的达成起支撑作用。在课程设 置上,前导课程有《商务英语听说教程I-III》、《外贸业务基础》、《外贸 业务管理实务》及《报检实务》等;后续课程有《商务英语听说教程Ⅳ》、 《国际商务谈判》、《国际货运实务》及《外贸跟单实务》。 四、课程设计思路 本课程的设计思路是,在工学结合课程建设模式的指导下,首先依据对相关行业 企业的调研与校企合作企业共同分析外贸的各环节工作过程和任务,共同确定外贸各 环节对函电所需要的职业能力;然后以职业能力为本位,开发课程内容,设计项目活 动载体,编写项目教材;同时,建设双师结构的课程教学团队,在校内外实训基地开 展以学生为主体、融“教、学、考、做”为一体、以工作任务为驱动的项目教学;最 后,实施过程考核与结果考核相结合、校内考核与企业考核相结合、课程考核与职业

考证相结合的多样化课程评价体系。 五、课程目标 (一)知识目标 (1)掌握1000个左右外贸函电常用词汇。 (2)掌握外贸函电常用短语(术语、习惯用语)和句型各300个 (3)掌握外贸函电写作的基本格式和习惯表达方法。 (二)能力目标 1、专业能力目标 (1)能正确理解外商来函并译成通顺、具有专业特点的汉语。 (2)能用正确的格式、文字及语法撰写各业务环节的简单英语信函。 (3)能正确理解、翻译和制作一般的英文合同或协议。 2、方法能力目标 (1)能快速获得学习中急需的知识; (2)能利用专业书籍、图纸资料获得帮助信息; (3)能根据学习任务确定学习方案; (4)能根据实际需要灵活变更学习方案; (5)能解决学习中碰到的困难; 3、社会能力目标 通过分组完成项目任务,培养学生团队协作精神,锻炼学生沟通交流、自我学习的能力,从而培养学生形成规范的操作习惯、养成良好的职业行为习惯。 (三)证书目标 《国际商务英语等级证书》


七种外贸函电英文模板 1.主动跟新买家建立联系 Dear Mr. Jones, We understand from your information posted on https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b418141404.html, that you are in the market for textiles. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future. We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our online company introduction at …….com which includes our latest product line. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Sincerely, John Roberts 2.对新买家要求建立业务联系的回复


Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 建立业务关系 1、On the recommendation of···由···推荐 2、Establish business relations coincides with ones/enter into business relations with sb. 与···建立业务关系 3、Catalogue and pricelist 目录和价格表 4、Enclose(v.)把···封上;随函附寄enclosure ( n.)附件;装入物eg: Enclosed please find our Sales Confirmation in duplicate.随函附上我方售货确认书一式两份,请查收。 5、我们得悉贵公司名称,特此致函希望与贵方建立贸易关系。(establish relations with) We have come to know the name of your corporation and are pleased to write to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you. 6、本公司是专营出口中国工艺品的公司。(specialize in) We specialize in the export of Chinese arts and crafts. 7、贵方如能合作,我方不胜感激。(appreciate) It will be appreciated if you can give us your cooperation. 8、随函附上我方价目表两份。(enclose) Enclosed are two copies of our price list. 9、我公司欲扩大和中国的商务联系。(expand one’s business relations) Our company is thinking of expanding its business relations with China. 10、我方经营该项业务已有多年。(line of business) We have been in this line of business for many years. 10、经我方驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处介绍,今写信给你们。我们冒昧向贵方介绍,我们 经营丝绸商品,向日本和欧洲出口。我们专营上述业务,望与贵方建立直接的业务关系,因为你们是丝绸产品的进口商。贵方如能告知我们贵方是否对上述商品生意抱有兴趣,我们将深表感谢。若有兴趣的话,请告知所需数量。 Dear Sir or Madam, We are writing to you at the suggestion of our Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Embassy in your country. We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods, which we have been exporting to Japan and Europe. We are specialized in the above business. We are desirous of establishing direct business relations with your corporation, knowing that you are the importer of silk piece goods. We shall be grateful if you will let us know whether you are interested in the above items. If so, pleased inform us of the quantity required. Y ours sincerely, Unit 3 Status Enquiries 资信调查 1、sb should be very grateful to sb for sth./ sb should be obliged if sb would do sth./sb should greatly appreciate sth. 对···非常感谢 2、terms of payment 付款方式;支付方式 3、meet one’s obligation 履行义务 4、make delivery 交货 5、supply(n./v.)供应,提供supply sb with sth/supply sth for sb 给···提供··· 6、credit standing 信用状况 7、financial status 财务状况 Unit 4 Enquiries and Replies 询盘及回复


一、名词解释 1、商业票据:就是信誉好的大企业为筹措营运资金发行的短期无担保的商业期票。 2、回购协议:就是在买卖证券时出售者向购买者承诺在一定期限后,按预定的价格如数购回 证券的协议。 3、互换:就是一种金融交易,交易双方在一段时间内通过交换一系列支付款项,这些款项既可 以包括本金支付也可以包括利息支付,又可以只包括利息支付,以达到双方互利(即转移、分散与降低风险)的目的。 4、远期利率协议:就是交易双方同意在未来某一确定时间,对一笔规定了期限的象征性存款 按协定利率支付利息的交易合同。 5、打包放款:即出口商持进口商银行开立的信用证,从银行获得用于货物装运出口的周转性 贷款。 6、出口信贷:就是银行对本国出口商或者外国进口商及其银行提供的贷款,目的就是解决本 国出口商的资金周转困难,或者就是满足外国进口商支付货款的需要。 7、卖方信贷:指出口方银行为资助资本货物的出口,对出口商提供的中长期融资。 8、买方信贷:指出口方银行为资助资本货物的出口,向进口商或进口方银行提供的中长期融 资。 9、福费廷:指包买商从出口商那里无追索权地购买经过进口商承兑与进口方银行担保的远 期票据,向出口商提供中期贸易融资。 10、保付代理:又称承购应收账款业务,指保付代理商向出口商提供的以承购应收账款为 中心内容的综合性金融服务。 11、出口押汇:指出口商在货物运出后,持银行要求的单证向银行申请以此单证为抵押的 贷款,就是短期贸易融资中使用最多的融资方式。 12、信托收据:就是进口商以被信托人的身份向代为支付货款的银行开出的一份法律文 件,在其中确认货物已抵押给银行,允诺以银行的名义代为保管、加工与出售货物,并保证在规定的期限内用销售收入归还全部银行垫款。 13、国际债券:就是市场所在地的非居民发行人发行的债券。 14、外国债券:就是市场所在地的非居民在一国债券市场上以该国货币为面值发行的国 际债券。 15、欧洲债券:就是市场所在地非居民在面值货币国家以外的若干个市场同时发行的国 际债券。 16、扬基债券:就是外国发行人在美国债券市场发行的债券。 17、双币债券:就是以某一种货币为债券面值货币,并以该货币购买与支付息票,但本金 的偿还按事先确定的汇率以另一种货币支付。 二、填空 1.如果资金融通活动涉及非居民,形成(跨越国界的资金)借贷关系,就就是(国际金融市场)。 2.境外货币可以从两个方面理解,就市场所在地而言,就是(来自其境外的外国货币);就货币 发行国而言,就是(流到其境外的本国货币)。 3.国际融资证券化包括一种持续性的(融资手段)证券化与(贷款债权)的证券化。 4.按照金融市场分类的惯例,可将传统的国际金融市场分为(货币市场)与(资本市场)。 5.国际股票市场还有一种特殊的形式,即(存托凭证)。 6.欧洲货币市场从借贷期限、方式与业务性质可分为(欧洲货币资金市场)与(欧洲货币资本 市场)。 7.衍生金融工具就是一种价值取决于(基础金融资产)的金融合约,衍生金融工具市场交易


《外贸综合实训》课程标准课程类别:专业基础课 适用专业:国际经济与贸易 授课系(部):经济系执笔人签字:尚华伟学时(学分): 审核人签字: 64 一、课程定位和课程设计 (一)课程性质与作用 课程的性质:《外贸综合实训》课程是面向高等职业教育国际贸易实务专业的 一门必修技能训练课,具有很强的实践性和可操作性。 课程的作用:《外贸综合实训》以商品进出口贸易为实验对象,以我国的对 外贸易方针政策和国际贸易惯例为指导,以外贸函电和单证为媒介,训练学生在商品进出口操作中应掌握的基本知识与基本技能。通过实训操作,使学生掌握进 出口业务工作的基本环节,掌握外贸合同的各项交易条件,并能比较熟练的进行 合同条款的谈判及外贸合同的签订与履行工作,特别针对学生在外贸展销会业务 方面进行训练,使其掌握参展商业计划书制作、产品发布会(英文)、展场设计 与商品陈列、展场商务沟通等相关业务,为以后从事对外贸易工作奠定基础。 与其他课程的关系: 先导课程有:国际贸易概论、国际贸易实务、制单结汇、报关实务、国际 商务英语、外贸函电等课程。 (二)课程基本理念 课程设计坚持以外贸工作从业人员的综合职业能力培养为目标,以职业教育项目课程开发原则为指导,以校企合作为路径,与行业企业合作共同开发与设计。 课程设计的理念为:以外贸业务员岗位职业标准为依据制定课程标准;以岗位任 务对职业能力要求为核心设计课程内容;以企业真实项目为载体设计能力训练项目;以任务驱动、能力训练为核心设计教学方法;以过程性考核为主线设计考核

方案。 课程设计充分体现职业教育的开放性、职业性和实践性三个特点。开放 性主要体现在课程建设是由校内专任教师与企业外贸单证专家合作进行;职业性主要体现在课程培养目标定位于国家商务单证员、国家外贸跟单员等,课程内容的选取以岗位职业能力要求为依据、以实际工作过程为主线;实践性主要体现在能力训练项目设计以企业真实业务活动为载体,教学方法设计以任务驱动、能力训练为核心。 (三)课程设计思路 本课程总学时为 64 学时。本课程以就业为导向,课程设置以国际单证和国 际贸易流程为主线,根据高等职业院校经管类学生的认知特点来展示教学内容。 在工作任务引领下以情景模拟、角色互换、仿真操作、分组讨论等形式展开教学,使学生真切体会到外贸活动中所需的职业能力和实际动手能力。要求学生做学结合、边学边做,以培养学生胜任国际贸易操作的职业能力,提高学生分析和解决国际贸易问题的实际操作能力,适应该岗位实际运用需要。 二、课程教学目标 专业能力: (1)能进行简单的国际贸易交易磋商,会根据交易磋商的内容拟制外贸合同, 运用所学知识合理选择贸易的结算方式; (2)能根据进口合同的要求申请开立信用证;能按要求分析信用证的基本内容, 会根据外贸合同审核信用证;能根据不符点和修改意见撰写改证函并处理信 用证修改; (3)能根据合同、信用证和货物的实际情况,正确缮制发票、包装单据、出 口托运单、产地证明书、出口报检单、出口报关单、运输单据、保险单据、汇票 等出口单证; (4)能按流程规范缮制全套进口单证; (5)能根据单证审核的基本要求和方法快速审核相关单据并找出其不符点;


进出口英语外贸函电的范文 编写人: 日期: Word A4打印标准格式可随意修改

进出口英语外贸函电的范文 篇一:外贸英语进出口外贸函电英语范文 外贸英语:进出口外贸函电英语范文 做外贸第一步要学会的就是写外贸函电,这是作为一名外贸工作者最基本的技能。很多像我这样基础差的外贸工作者第一天上班或者准备上班的时候要准备的就是找一些外贸函电的范文,使自己新工作岗位上不至于无所适从。以下是一些常用的外贸函电范文,以后我将陆续给大家提供更多的范文。 1. 主动联系采购商 Dear Sirs: May 1, 2001 Inquiries regarding our new product, the Deer Mountain Bike, have been coming in from all parts of the world. Reports from users confirm what we knew before it was put on the market - that it is the best mountain bike available. Enclosed is our brochure.Yours faithfully 2. 提出询价 Dear Sirs: Jun.1, 2001 We received your promotional letter and brochure today. We believe that your would do well here in the U.S.A. Kindly send us further details of your prices and terms of sale. We ask you to make every effort to quote at competitive prices in order to secure our business. We look forward to hearing from you soon..
