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Comparison research on waste classification between China and the EU, Japan, and the USA


Waste and waste management have become significant global issues and common challenges that we face. Efficient and effective waste management is an essential part of civilized society. A good waste classification system is the foundation and precondition for efficient waste management. In this paper, waste classification systems in China, the EU, Japan and the USA are reviewed for collection, transportation and treatment sectors. Comparison analysis results show that waste classification methods are diversified and process-oriented classification, substance-oriented and hazardous properties classification principles are widely adopted for waste generation and transportation. For waste treatment process, all the countries and regions adopt similar classification methods based on follow-up treatment process. In general, the EU and Japan all have established their own integrated waste classification system. How ever, the EU’s macro–micro integration waste classification systems are more suitable for China to learn which process-oriented waste classification is used for declaration and registration at the micro-level and substance-oriented waste classification system for environmental statistics at the macro-level.

Keywords: Waste classification; Process-oriented; Source-oriented;

Hazardous property ; Environmental management


In China, waste means articles and substances in solid, semi-solid, or gaseous state in containers that are the result of production, living and other activities and have lost their original use values or are discarded or abandoned though haven’t yet lost use values, and articles and substances that are included into the management of solid wastes upon the strength of administrative regulations [1]. Although definitions of waste and what falls into waste categories among different countries or regions have slight differences, waste and waste management have become significant global issues and common challenges that we face. Efficient and effective waste management is an essential part of civilized society. Integrated waste management may include source separation, collection, transportation and treatment activities. Among the activities of waste management, one of the most important issues is waste classification. Waste classification is the process by which waste is assigned to one or more classes based on its properties, characteristics, components or other properties. Most countries and regions have developed their own waste classification systems. Although different waste classification systems exist in the EU, Japan, the USA and

China, there is one worldwide used classification, namely, the Basel Convention including classification for hazardous waste and nonhazardous waste [2]. Waste management practices can differ for developed and developing nations. A good waste classification system is the foundation and precondition for efficient waste management. When hazardous waste is transported within a country, it will be accompanied by a hazardous waste transfer manifest with waste codes.

China faces great challenges on waste management due to massive wastes thanks to the country’s fast development, mass production and consumption. Comprehensive waste classification systems in China have not been developed yet. Imperfect classification systems have resulted in a series of management problems, for example, there exists a blind zone in regulations for some new emerging wastes which are not covered by the current classification system and environmental statistics data cannot reflect the real situation.

It is, therefore, necessary to conduct comprehensive research on waste classification systems based on environmental management. In this paper, waste classification principles and systems from typical developed countries and regions such as the EU, Japan and the USA for waste generation, transportation and treatment are reviewed and analyzed. Relevant recommendations on improving China’s waste classification systems are proposed based on comparison analysis between China and the EU, Japan, and the USA.

Waste classification principles

The following principles are fundamental to the design and implementation of waste classification: systematicness, hierarchy, practical maneuverability and expansibility. Systematicness means that the whole waste classification system is an integration management framework. Hierarchy refers to a series of options for dealing with waste according to their environmental risks. Practical maneuverability means that the waste classification system can provide a user friendly tool for waste generators, recyclers and environmental managers. Good expansibility means that the waste classification system can adapt to changes and keep relative constancy.

Waste classification systems may contain multi-layer levels according to management practices. In this paper, waste classification systems between classifications were analyzed from macro-level and micro-level. The macro-level refers to waste classified by macro industrial structures or environmental risks or management responsibilities of state administrative organizations. While the micro-level is the detailed classification system under the macro-level and used for daily environmental management for waste generators, such as declaration and registration, and waste transportation.

Comparison on waste classification between China and the EU, Japan, and the USA

1. For waste classification at the macro-level, China, the EU, Japan and the USA all classify waste based on generation source and/or hazardous characteristics. The

advantages lie in the fact that it is very easy to distinguish corresponding responsibilities and to focus on management emphasis for environmental authorities.

2. For waste classification at the micro-level, classification methods are diversified and substance-oriented and process-oriented classification systems are widely used. A process-oriented classification system can help waste generators judge waste properties very easily and make the management process simpler and more feasible. For the EWC, it is quite easy to recognize or identify the relevant waste code to be used, because you have about 850 different entries in the catalogue. In that way the registration can provide very detailed information. The disadvantages lie in that production processes will be changed constantly with some typical processes disappearing and new processes emerging, which requires the lists to be adjusted accordingly. For substance-oriented classification systems, it is very simple and efficient for generators or managers who have a solid knowledge and understanding of all regulations and production process. Multi-oriented classification methods at parallel layers may occur overlaps of different waste categories and should be carefully adopted.

We analyzed the waste classification of the EU, Japan and the USA and put thinkable pros and cons in Table .From the view of systematicness, Japan’s waste classification system is much more integrated, not only at the macro-level, but also at the micro-level. From the view of hierarchy, the EU has clear and multi-level hierarchies, while Japan has clear and 2-level hierarchies. From the point of practical maneuverability, the EU’s waste classification system is much more us er friendly, while Japan’s waste classification system requires a certain degree of professional knowledge about the chemical and physical characteristics of the waste. From the perspective of expansibility, the EU classification system is superior to the other two systems.


毕业论文 大学生网络购物行为及其影响因素研究

第一章绪论 1.1研究背景 互联网出现于1983年,随着网络技术的飞速发展,推动了电子商务与网络营销的逐步形成于发展,从而形成了新的商业模式和商业机遇,对企业、国家的经济未来发展和国际竞争力产生了重要的影响,因此受到了各国政府和企业的高度重视。[1]截至2009 年12 月31日,中国网民规模达到 3.84 亿人,普及率达到 28.9%。网民规模较2008年底增长 8600万人,年增长率为 28.9%。根据中国互联网信息中心(CNNIC)第25次中国互联网络发展状况统计调查显示[2],商务交易类应用的用户规模增长最快,平均年增幅达到了68%,2009年中国网络购物市场交易规模达到2500亿,2010年网购物市场将迎来更大规模的发展。由此可见,在线消费已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。 我们也应该注意到,虽然我国的电子商务近几天有了很大的发展,但是总体状况还不是尽如人意。自从1998年迎来第一笔网络交易,我国的电子商务已经走过了12年的发展历程,近几年我国网络购物市场虽然发展迅速,但与发达国家的差距还是很明显。无论是从消费额,还是从电子商务给企业带来的利润来看,网络消费模式还远不可与传统的消费模式相比较,网络消费在人们生活中扮演的角色,通常还是一个消磨时间的工具,远没有达到预期的水平[3]。 但这也说明,我们中国的网络消费增长还有更大的空间。特别地,中国的网民主要以青年为主,青年网民接近2亿,其中学生网民占据重要地位。而且学历越高,网上购物比例越高,从而分析大学生网络购物的影响因素十分重要,进而建立一套科学的、符合我国实际情况且易于实行的网络购物的体系,而且也对我国的网络营销理论的发展有这深远的意义。 1.2研究目的与意义 1.2.1 研究目的 Iresearch公司在中国的调查显示,18-30岁之间的用户是目前中国最主要的网上购物群体[4]。他们当中,在校大学生受教育程度较高,对网络的使用驾轻就熟,对适合在网上销售的满足精神需要的产品具有更多需求,其预期收入也相对较高,因此他们主宰未来网络消费的可能性较大。从更深层次分析,在校大学生中的很多人毕业之后会逐渐走向管理岗位,其大学生活阶段的网络购物体验必然会对其今后将网络技术应用于自身管理工作的意识产生深远影响,而这正是推动我国电子商务取得可持续性发展的关键性因素之一。同时,各类电子商务网站可谓紧锣密鼓、明争暗斗,竞争异常激烈。但网络的便利性和无国界性使得网络消费者的转移成本相当低,大多数网络用户在进行购物


调查法 调查法是科学研究中最常用的方法之一。它是有目的、有计划、有系统地搜集有关研究对象现实状况或历史状况的材料的方法。调查方法是科学研究中常用的基本研究方法,它综合运用历史法、观察法等方法以及谈话、问卷、个案研究、测验等科学方式,对教育现象进行有计划的、周密的和系统的了解,并对调查搜集到的大量资料进行分析、综合、比较、归纳,从而为人们提供规律性的知识。调查法中最常用的是问卷调查法,它是以书面提出问题的方式搜集资料的一种研究方法,即调查者就调查项目编制成表式,分发或邮寄给有关人员,请示填写答案,然后回收整理、统计和研究。 观察法 观察法是指研究者根据一定的研究目的、研究提纲或观察表,用自己的感官和辅助工具去直接观察被研究对象,从而获得资料的一种方法。科学的观察具有目的性和计划性、系统性和可重复性。在科学实验和调查研究中,观察法具有如下几个方面的作用:①扩大人们的感性认识。②启发人们的思维。③导致新的发现。 实验法 实验法是通过主支变革、控制研究对象来发现与确认事物间的因果联系的一种科研方法。其主要特点是:第一、主动变革性。观察与调查都是在不干预研究对象的前提下去认识研究对象,发现其中的问题。而实验却要求主动操纵实验条件,人为地改变对象的存在方式、变化过程,使它服从于科学认识的需要。第二、控制性。科学实验要求根据研究的需要,借助各种方法技术,减少或消除各种可能影响科学的无关因素的干扰,在简化、纯化的状态下认识研究对象。第三,因果性。实验以发现、确认事物之间的因果联系的有效工具和必要途径。 文献研究法 文献研究法是根据一定的研究目的或课题,通过调查文献来获得资料,从而全面地、正确地了解掌握所要研究问题的一种方法。文献研究法被子广泛用于各种学科研究中。其作用有:①能了解有关问题的历史和现状,帮助确定研究课题。②


Inventory management Inventory Control On the so-called "inventory control", many people will interpret it as a "storage management", which is actually a big distortion. The traditional narrow view, mainly for warehouse inventory control of materials for inventory, data processing, storage, distribution, etc., through the implementation of anti-corrosion, temperature and humidity control means, to make the custody of the physical inventory to maintain optimum purposes. This is just a form of inventory control, or can be defined as the physical inventory control. How, then, from a broad perspective to understand inventory control? Inventory control should be related to the company's financial and operational objectives, in particular operating cash flow by optimizing the entire demand and supply chain management processes (DSCM), a reasonable set of ERP control strategy, and supported by appropriate information processing tools, tools to achieved in ensuring the timely delivery of the premise, as far as possible to reduce inventory levels, reducing inventory and obsolescence, the risk of devaluation. In this sense, the physical inventory control to achieve financial goals is just a means to control the entire inventory or just a necessary part; from the perspective of organizational functions, physical inventory control, warehouse management is mainly the responsibility of The broad inventory control is the demand and supply chain management, and the whole company's responsibility. Why until now many people's understanding of inventory control, limited physical inventory control? The following two reasons can not be ignored: First, our enterprises do not attach importance to inventory control. Especially those who benefit relatively good business, as long as there is money on the few people to consider the problem of inventory turnover. Inventory control is simply interpreted as warehouse management, unless the time to spend money, it may have been to see the inventory problem, and see the results are often very simple procurement to buy more, or did not do warehouse departments . Second, ERP misleading. Invoicing software is simple audacity to call it ERP, companies on their so-called ERP can reduce the number of inventory, inventory control, seems to rely on their small software can get. Even as SAP, BAAN ERP world, the field of


毕业论文中参考文献的格式规范 一 .参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识: 参考文献类型文献类型标示 专著M 论文集C 报纸文章N 期刊文章J 学位论文D 汇报R 规范S 专利P 电子参考文献类型标识 数据库DB 计算机程序CP 电子公告EB 二.① 主要责任者(专著作者、论文集主编、学位申报人、专利申请人、汇报撰写人、期刊文章作者、析出文章作者)。多个责任者之间以“,”分隔,注意在本项数据中不得出现缩写点“.”(英文作者请将作者名写全)。主要责任者只列姓名,其后不加“著”、“ 编”、“主编”、“合编”等责任说明。②. 文献习题名及版本1 / 3

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毕业论文(设计)外文翻译 题目:昌九一体化背景下的金融一体化研究 一、外文原文 DOES LOCAL FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT MATTER? We study the effects of differences in local financial development within an integrated financial market. We construct a new indicator of financial development by estimating a regional effect on the probability that, ceteris paribus, a household is shut off from the credit market. By using this indicator we find that financial development enhances the probability an individual starts his own business, favors entry, increases competition, and promotes growth of firms. As predicted by theory, these effects are weaker for larger firms, which can more easily raise funds outside of the local area. These effects are present even when we instrument our indicator with the structure of the local banking markets in 1936, which, because of regulatory reasons, affected the supply of credit in the following 50 years. Overall, the results suggest local financial development is an important determinant of the economic success of an area even in an environment where there are no frictions to capital movements. Since the seminal work of King and Levine (1993), a large body of empirical evidence has shown that a country’s level of financial development impacts its ability to grow.1 Much ofthis evidence, however, comes from a period when cross-border capital movements were very limited. In the last decade, international capital mobility has exploded. Private capital flow to emerging market economies have grown from close to nothing in the 1970s, to 170 billion in the 1980s, to 1.3 trillions in the 1990s.2 During the same period the amount of U.S. private equity money invested abroad and the number of foreign firms listed in the United States has experienced a similar growth rate. The phenomenon is so dramatic that many countries have started wondering whether they need a national stock market once their firms can list on NASDAQ. In light of these changes, the question of whether national financial institutions and markets still matter for growth once domestic agents have access to foreign markets has become very important from a policy perspective. Unfortunately, it is a difficult question to answer empirically. The integration of national financial markets is so recent that we lack a sufficiently long time series to estimate its impact in the data. At the same time, the pace of integration is so fast that if we were to establish that national financial development mattered for national growth during the last decade, we could not confidently extrapolate this result to the current decade. To try and assess the relevance for growth of national financial institutions and markets


本科生毕业论文 题目:我国消费者网络购物行为的影响因素分析

毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明 原创性声明 本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 作者签名:日期: 指导教师签名:日期: 使用授权说明 本人完全了解大学关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,即:按照学校要求提交毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服务;学校可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存论文;在不以赢利为目的前提下,学校可以公布论文的部分或全部内容。 作者签名:日期:

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研究报告毕业论文中研究方法,手段和步骤毕业论文中研究方法,手段和步骤.txt假如有一天你想哭打电话给我不能保证逗你笑但我能陪着你一起哭。坚强的基本,就是微笑。面具戴久了丶就成了皮肤?调查法 调查法是科学研究中最常用的方法之一。它是有目的、有计划、有系统地搜集有关研究对象现实状况或历史 状况的材料的方法。调查方法是科学研究中常用的基本研究方法,它综合运用历史法、观察法等方法以及谈 话、问卷、个案研究、测验等科学方式,对教育现象进行有计划的、周密的和系统的了解,并对调查搜集到 的大量资料进行分析、综合、比较、归纳,从而为人们提供规律性的知识。 调查法中最常用的是问卷调查法,它是以书面提出问题的方式搜集资料的一种研究方法,即调查者就调查项 目编制成表式,分发或邮寄给有关人员,请示填写答案,然后回收整理、统计和研究。 观察法 观察法是指研究者根据一定的研究目的、研究提纲或观察表,用自己的感官和辅助工具去直接观察被研究对 象,从而获得资料的一种方法。科学的观察具有目的性和计划性、系统性和可重复性。在科学实验和调查研 究中,观察法具有如下几个方面的作用:?扩大人们的感性认识。?启发人们的思维。?导致新的发现。 实验法

实验法是通过主支变革、控制研究对象来发现与确认事物间的因果联系的一种科研方法。其主要特点是:第 一、主动变革性。观察与调查都是在不干预研究对象的前提下去认识研究对象,发现其中的问题。而实验却 要求主动操纵实验条件,人为地改变对象的存在方式、变化过程,使它服从于科学认识的需 要。第二、控制 性。科学实验要求根据研究的需要,借助各种方法技术,减少或消除各种可能影响科学的无关因素的干扰, 在简化、纯化的状态下认识研究对象。第三,因果性。实验以发现、确认事物之间的因果联系的有效工具和 必要途径。 文献研究法 文献研究法是根据一定的研究目的或课题,通过调查文献来获得资料,从而全面地、正确地了解掌握所要研 究问题的一种方法。文献研究法被子广泛用于各种学科研究中。其作用有:?能了解有关问题的历史和现状 ,帮助确定研究课题。?能形成关于研究对象的一般印象,有助于观察和访问。?能得到现实资料的比较资 料。?有助于了解事物的全貌。 实证研究法 实证研究法是科学实践研究的一种特殊形式。其依据现有的科学理论和实践的需要,提出设计,利用科学仪


毕业设计(论文) 外文文献译文及原文 学生:李树森 学号:201006090217 院(系):电气与信息工程学院 专业:网络工程 指导教师:王立梅 2014年06月10日

JSP的技术发展历史 作者:Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates 来源:Servlet&JSP Java Server Pages(JSP)是一种基于web的脚本编程技术,类似于网景公司的服务器端Java脚本语言—— server-side JavaScript(SSJS)和微软的Active Server Pages(ASP)。与SSJS和ASP相比,JSP具有更好的可扩展性,并且它不专属于任何一家厂商或某一特定的Web服务器。尽管JSP规范是由Sun 公司制定的,但任何厂商都可以在自己的系统上实现JSP。 在Sun正式发布JSP之后,这种新的Web应用开发技术很快引起了人们的关注。JSP为创建高度动态的Web应用提供了一个独特的开发环境。按照Sun的说法,JSP能够适应市场上包括Apache WebServer、IIS4.0在内的85%的服务器产品。 本文将介绍JSP相关的知识,以及JavaBean的相关内容,当然都是比较粗略的介绍其中的基本内容,仅仅起到抛砖引玉的作用,如果读者需要更详细的信息,请参考相应的JSP的书籍。 1.1 概述 JSP(Java Server Pages)是由Sun Microsystems公司倡导、许多公司参与一起建立的一种动态网页技术标准,其在动态网页的建设中有其强大而特别的功能。JSP与Microsoft的ASP技术非常相似。两者都提供在HTML代码中混合某种程序代码、由语言引擎解释执行程序代码的能力。下面我们简单的对它进行介绍。 JSP页面最终会转换成servlet。因而,从根本上,JSP页面能够执行的任何任务都可以用servlet 来完成。然而,这种底层的等同性并不意味着servlet和JSP页面对于所有的情况都等同适用。问题不在于技术的能力,而是二者在便利性、生产率和可维护性上的不同。毕竟,在特定平台上能够用Java 编程语言完成的事情,同样可以用汇编语言来完成,但是选择哪种语言依旧十分重要。 和单独使用servlet相比,JSP提供下述好处: JSP中HTML的编写与维护更为简单。JSP中可以使用常规的HTML:没有额外的反斜杠,没有额外的双引号,也没有暗含的Java语法。 能够使用标准的网站开发工具。即使是那些对JSP一无所知的HTML工具,我们也可以使用,因为它们会忽略JSP标签。 可以对开发团队进行划分。Java程序员可以致力于动态代码。Web开发人员可以将经理集中在表示层上。对于大型的项目,这种划分极为重要。依据开发团队的大小,及项目的复杂程度,可以对静态HTML和动态内容进行弱分离和强分离。 此处的讨论并不是说人们应该放弃使用servlet而仅仅使用JSP。事实上,几乎所有的项目都会同时用到这两种技术。在某些项目中,更适宜选用servlet,而针对项目中的某些请求,我们可能会在MVC构架下组合使用这两项技术。我们总是希望用适当的工具完成相对应的工作,仅仅是servlet并不一定能够胜任所有工作。 1.2 JSP的由来 Sun公司的JSP技术,使Web页面开发人员可以使用HTML或者XML标识来设计和格式化最终


软件专业毕业论文外文文献中英文翻译 Object landscapes and lifetimes Tech nically, OOP is just about abstract data typing, in herita nee, and polymorphism, but other issues can be at least as importa nt. The rema in der of this sect ion will cover these issues. One of the most importa nt factors is the way objects are created and destroyed. Where is the data for an object and how is the lifetime of the object con trolled? There are differe nt philosophies at work here. C++ takes the approach that con trol of efficie ncy is the most importa nt issue, so it gives the programmer a choice. For maximum run-time speed, the storage and lifetime can be determined while the program is being written, by placing the objects on the stack (these are sometimes called automatic or scoped variables) or in the static storage area. This places a priority on the speed of storage allocatio n and release, and con trol of these can be very valuable in some situati ons. However, you sacrifice flexibility because you must know the exact qua ntity, lifetime, and type of objects while you're writing the program. If you are trying to solve a more general problem such as computer-aided desig n, warehouse man ageme nt, or air-traffic con trol, this is too restrictive. The sec ond approach is to create objects dyn amically in a pool of memory called the heap. In this approach, you don't know un til run-time how many objects you n eed, what their lifetime is, or what their exact type is. Those are determined at the spur of the moment while the program is runnin g. If you n eed a new object, you simply make it on the heap at the point that you n eed it. Because the storage is man aged dyn amically, at run-time, the amount of time required to allocate storage on the heap is sig ni fica ntly Ion ger tha n the time to create storage on the stack. (Creat ing storage on the stack is ofte n a si ngle assembly in structio n to move the stack poin ter dow n, and ano ther to move it back up.) The dyn amic approach makes the gen erally logical assumpti on that objects tend to be complicated, so the extra overhead of finding storage and releas ing that storage will not have an importa nt impact on the creati on of an object .In additi on, the greater flexibility is esse ntial to solve the gen eral program ming problem. Java uses the sec ond approach, exclusive". Every time you want to create an object, you use the new keyword to build a dyn amic in sta nee of that object. There's ano ther issue, however, and that's the lifetime of an object. With Ian guages that allow objects to be created on the stack, the compiler determines how long the object lasts and can automatically destroy it. However, if you create it on the heap the compiler has no kno wledge of its lifetime. In a Ianguage like C++, you must determine programmatically when to destroy the


今天刚知道原来参考文献可以自动生成……真丢脸!分享给为论文奋斗的同学来源: 周亮的日志 毕业论文不同于一般的小论文,特别是硕士毕业论文或者博士毕业论文。一般的小论文就四五页,而硕士论文动辄五六十页,有的甚至七八十页。所以有些东西如果要人工的去修改,将是一件非常痛苦的事情。痛苦的事情至少有两个:目录自动生成和编号、参考文献引用的上标。本文将从这两个方面说说小技巧,自动生成,非常方便。 先说两种痛苦情况。 设定好文章的目录结构后,突然发现中间要添加或者删除一个章节,添加删除容易,可是其后遗症就是后面的编号都要跟着变动。比如要删除第二章,那么原理的第三章就要改为第二章,后面的要跟着动,添加也一样,很麻烦。 第二个情况就是参考文献的上标问题。硕士论文参考文献都有好几十个,一般论文会要求按照论文的引用顺序列出参考文献。如果需要添加新的参考文献,那么这些参考文献的上标号又会跟着变动。 目录自动生成简单说下,将文档切换到大纲视图,然后设置你要设定成目录的文字的大纲级别。如果将大纲级别设定为1级,那么就是1级目录,一般我们会设置到3级,这样会生成1、2、3级目录。设定好后,在要插入目录的地方,点击“插入”-->“引用”-->“索引和目录”就可以了。格式在另外设置下就行了。 现在来说说这两个的简单解决办法。 首先都要设置成段落编号。将你要设定的一级目录设定成一级编号,二级目录设定成二级编号等等。参考文献一样,设置成段落编号。设定成段落编号有一个非常大的好处,就是插入或者删除其中的某个项目时,其后面的变好会跟着变动,所以这就解决了因添加删除中间的项目,而要同时修改后面的编号问题了。 目录的更新,只需要在“大纲视图”下点击更新目录,或者在页面视图的目录上,点击右键,选择“更新域”即可。


教育课题研究的基本方法有: ⑴观察法⑵调查法⑶测验法⑷行动研究法⑸文献法⑹经验总结法⑺个案研究法⑻案例研究法⑼实验法(在一个课题研究过程中,根据不同的研究目的和要求,往往会用到两种以上方法) 3.1观察法: 为了了解事实真相,从而发现某种现象的本质和规律。 观察法的步骤:观察法的实施分为以下三个步骤,步骤之一就是进行观察研究的设计,此步骤可分为如下几个方面: 3.1.1作大略调查和试探性观察。 这一步工作的目的不在于搜集材料,而在于掌握基本情况,以便能正确地计划整个观察过程。例如:要观察某一教师的教学工作,便应当预先到学校大致了解这位教师的工作情况,学生的情况,有关的环境和条件等等。这可以通过跟教师和学校领导人谈话,查阅一些有关的材料,如教案、教学日记、学生作业等,以及听课等方式进行。 3.1.2确定观察的目的和中心。 根据研究任务和研究对象的特点,考虑弄清楚什么问题,需要什么材料和条件,然后作明确的规定。如果这规定不明确,观察便不能集中,结果就不能深入。观察不能有几个中心,范围不能太广,全部

观察要围绕一个中心进行。如果必须要观察几个中心,那就采取小组观察,分工合作。 3.1.3确定观察对象 一是确定拟观察的的总体范围; 二是确定拟观察的个案对象; 三是确定拟观察的具体项目。 比如,要研究新分配到小学任教的中师或大专毕业生在课余时间进行业务、文化进修的情况,那么,拟观察总体就是教师工作年限达一年或两年的新教师。在这一总体范围内,再定下具体观察哪几所小学,哪几个教研组中的哪些教师。具体观察名单确定以后,再把拟观察的时间、场合、具体观察项目确定下来。 3.1.4制定观察计划 观察计划除了明确规定观察的目的、中心、范围,以及要了解什么问题、搜集什么材料之外,还应当安排观察过程:观察次数、密度、每次观察持续的时间,如何保证观察现象的常态等。 3.1.5策划和准备观察手段 观察手段一般包括两种: 一种是获得观察资料的手段;一种是保存观察资料的手段。


毕业论文外文文献 Photography Pen Film director and critic Alexander Astruc's comments in today, wrote a famous: "Following a variety of other arts, especially painting, novel, film is rapidly becoming a tool to express ideas. It swept the market, a mall next to the theater's entertainment products. It is a well preserved image of the times methods. Now is gradually becoming a language, that is, the artist can use it to express themselves through a means of thinking, no matter how abstract this idea, or that it is also used as a kind of artists like prose or fiction a form to express their themes. So, I put this new era for film today called "photo pen" era, that era of writing, the use of the camera …… "Silent film attempts to use symbolic links to all the concept and meaning of the expression. We know, Lenovo exist in the image itself, naturally present in the film development process, there is the role of performance in each posture and expression, present in every word of in; also present in the camera movement, this movement linked to a piece of things, to link people and things …… "Obviously, that is, screenwriter making his own films. Or even say that there is no longer what the movie writer. Because, in such films, the playwright and director, there is nothing between significant


Advantages of Managed Code Microsoft intermediate language shares with Java byte code the idea that it is a low-level language witha simple syntax , which can be very quickly translated intonative machine code. Having this well-defined universal syntax for code has significant advantages. Platform independence First, it means that the same file containing byte code instructions can be placed on any platform; atruntime the final stage of compilation can then be easily accomplished so that the code will run on thatparticular platform. In other words, by compiling to IL we obtain platform independence for .NET, inmuch the same way as compiling to Java byte code gives Java platform independence. Performance improvement IL is actually a bit more ambitious than Java bytecode. IL is always Just-In-Time compiled (known as JIT), whereas Java byte code was ofteninterpreted. One of the disadvantages of Java was that, on execution, the process of translating from Javabyte code to native executable resulted in a loss of performance. Instead of compiling the entire application in one go (which could lead to a slow start-up time), the JITcompiler simply compiles each portion of code as it is called (just-in-time). When code has been compiled.once, the resultant native executable is stored until the application exits, so that it does not need to berecompiled the next time that portion of code is run. Microsoft argues that this process is more efficientthan compiling the entire application code at the start, because of the likelihood that large portions of anyapplication code will not actually be executed in any given run. Using the JIT compiler, such code willnever be compiled.
