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【中文-英文】 中文

英文 苟日新,日日新,又日新

If you can improve yourself in a day, do so each day, forever building on improvement. 千里之行,始于足下

A journey of a thousand li begins with a single step. 政贵有恒

Consistency is valuable in governance. 功崇惟志,业广惟勤

Great accomplishments require ambition and tireless effort. 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已

I will work heart and soul for my country to the day I draw my last breath. 兄弟齐心,其利断金

When brothers come together, there is nothing they cannot achieve. 君子一言,驷马难追

A word spoken is a word that must be honored. 和而不同







世界。 harmony in diversity China has, since ancient times, been an exponent of harmony in diversity. We hope that different countries and different civilizations will engage in exchange on an equal basis, learn from each other, and achieve common progress. We hope that the people of all countries will share in the fruits of global economic, scientific, and technological advances and that their aspirations are respected. We also hope that all countries will work together in building a harmonious world

where peace is lasting and prosperity is shared by all.


【例】“得其大者可以兼其小。”只有把人生理想融入国家和民族的事业中,才能最终成就一番事业。 The finer details fall into place when they align with the

bigger picture. The finer details fall into place when they align with the

bigger picture. You will accomplish something significant in life if you integrate your ambitions into the cause of your

country and its people.

行百里者半九十 【例】行百里者半九十。距离实现中华民族伟大复兴的目标越近,我们越不能懈怠,越要加倍努力,越要动员广大青年为之奋斗。 On reaching the last leg of a journey, you are only half way there.

On reaching the last leg of a journey, you are only half way there. The closer we are to our goal of rejuvenating the

Chinese nation, the less we can afford to slack off, the more we need to intensify our efforts, and the more we need to

encourage young people to work toward this goal.


Whatever my status, I will never lay aside my concern for the nation. 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈 never be corrupted by wealth or status, depart from principle due to poverty or humble position, or bow down to power or


先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐I wish to be the first to worry about the nation’s woes and the last to share in its prosperity.

苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之Were it to benefit my country I would lay down my life; What then is risk to me?

人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青Everyone will one day die;

When my day comes, may my loyalty be inscribed in the pages of history.

长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海Someday, with my sail piercing the clouds;

I will mount the wind, break the waves, and traverse the vast, rolling sea


A An abridged translation节译本 Absorb what is good and reject what is bad; absorb the essence and reject the dross; select the refined and discard the crude 取其精华,弃其糟粕 Abstract thinking ( thought ) 抽象思维 Academic community 学术界 An academic thesis 学术论文 Accommodate something to circumstances; accommodation 变通 Be well cultured in literature 有文学修养 Artistically accomplished 有艺术修养 A man of considerable culture 文化修养很高的人 Accurate comprehension 正确的理解 Accurate comprehension and adequate representation 准确的理解与适切的表达 Accurateness, smoothness and promptness 准、顺、快(口译标准) Accurate representation 准确的再现 Achieve spiritual similarity by departing from the original form 离形得神 Acquisition (语言)习得 Adapted translation; corrected version; improved version 改译 Adequate representation适切表达 Advance from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom 从必然王国走向自由王国 Aesthetic appreciation 审美(统觉)


1.素质教育:Quality Education 2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient 3. 保险业:the insurance industry 4. 保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas 5. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears 6. 不良贷款:non-performing loan 7. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting 8. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas 9. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents 10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers 11. 出口信贷:export credit 12. 贷款质量:loan quality 13. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans 14. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks 15. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project 16. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction 17. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels 18. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions 19. 费改税:transform administrative fees into taxes 20. 跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing 21. 工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects 22. 国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets 23. 过度开垦:excess reclamation 24. 合同管理制度:the contract system for governing projects 25. 积极的财政政策:pro-active fiscal policy 26. 基本生活费:basic allowance 27. 解除劳动关系:sever labor relation 28. 金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision 29. 经济安全:economic security 30. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设:to increase the deficit to spend more on development 31. 扩大国内需求:the expansion of domestic demand 32. 拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth 33. 粮食仓库:grain depot 34. 粮食收购企业:grain collection and storage enterprise 35. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchase funds 36. 粮食销售市场:grain sales market 37. 劣质工程:shoddy engineering


中央文献重要术语译文发布 区域协同发展coordinated development between regions 城乡发展一体化urban-rural integration 物质文明和精神文明协调发展ensure that cultural-ethical and material development progress together 军民融合发展战略military-civilian integration strategy 经济建设和国防建设融合发展integrated development of the economy and national defense 京津冀协同发展coordinated development of the Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei region 综合立体交通走廊multimodal transport corridor 居住证制度residence card system 财政转移支付同农业转移人口市民化挂钩机制mechanism linking the transfer payments a local government receives to the number of former rural residents granted urban residency in its jurisdiction 城镇建设用地增加规模同吸纳农业转移人口落户数量挂钩机制mechanism linking increases in the amount of land designated for urban development in a locality to the number of former rural residents granted urban residency there 中国特色新型智库new type of Chinese think tanks 马克思主义理论研究和建设工程Marxist Theory Research and Development Project 哲学社会科学创新工程initiative to promote innovation in philosophy and the social sciences 网络内容建设工程initiative to enrich online content 农村人居环境整治行动rural living environment improvement initiative 历史文化名村名镇towns and villages with rich historical and cultural heritage 美丽宜居乡村 a countryside that is beautiful and pleasant to live in 中文英文


2019大学英语四级翻译中的中国特色词汇(1)一、汉语的那些秘密 小编啰嗦一句:汉语是世界上最美的文字,没有之一 汉字 Chinese character 单音节 single syllable 汉语四声调 the four tones of Chinese characters 阳平 level tone 阴平 rising tone 上声 falling-rising tone 去声 falling tone 五言绝句 five-character quatrain 七言律诗 seven-character octave 八股文 eight-part essay; stereotyped writing 二、课本中的四书五经你忘了嘛? 四书五经 The Four Books and The Five Classics 1、四书 the Four Books 《大学》 The Great Learning 《中庸》 The Doctrine of the Mean 《论语》 The Analects of Confucius 《孟子》 The Mencius/The Works of Mencius

2、五经 The Five Classics 《春秋》 the Spring and Autumn Annals 《诗经》 The Books of Songs;The Book of Odes 《易经》(《周易》) I Ching; The Book of Changes 《礼记》 The Book of Rites 《尚书》 (《书经》) The Books of History


中央文献重要术语译文(2)之十八届四 中全会 说明:本期发布的22条术语来自十八届四中全会两个重要文件:《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》和习近平总书记《关于<中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定>的说明》。在选择术语时,我们紧扣全面推进依法治国这一主题,挑选了反映中国共产党和中国政府依法治国理念和举措的术语,既有宏观性概念,比如“社会主义法治国家”;也有具体施政策略的表述,比如“法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设”;也有专业性概念,比如“人民陪审员制度”。 1、社会主义法治国家 socialist rule of law country; socialist country built on the rule of law 2、建设法治中国 build a rule of law China 3、依法治国 law-based governance of the country 4、依法执政 law-based exercise of state power 5、依法行政 law-based administration of government 6、依宪治国 governance of the country on the basis of its constitution 7、宪法日 Constitution Day 8、法律是治国之重器,良法是善治之前提 The law is of great value in the governance of a country, and good laws are a prerequisite for good governance. 9、法治体系 rule of law system 10、于法有据 【例】重大改革于法有据 have a legal basis All of our major reforms should have a legal basis. 11、法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设 a holistic approach to strengthening the rule of law in the country, in its government, and in society 12、有法可依,有法必依,执法必严,违法必究 ensure that laws are put in place, observed, and strictly enforced and that anyone who violates the law is held to account 13、科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法 take a well-conceived approach to law-making, and ensure that law is strictly enforced,


Absolute Translation 绝对翻译 Abstract Translation 摘要翻译 Abusive Translation 滥译 Acceptability 可接受性 Accuracy 准确 Adaptation 改编 Adequacy 充分[性] Adjustment 调整 Aesthetic-Poetic Translation 美学诗体翻译 Agent 经纪人 A. I. I. C 国际会议口译联合会 Analogical Form 类同形式 Analysis 分析 Appeal-focused Texts 感染型问题本 Applied Translation Studies 应用翻译研究 Archaism/Archaicism 古词;废词 Architranseme (ATR) 元译素 Area-restricted Theories of Translation 关于范围的翻译理论 Audio-medial Texts 听觉媒介型文本 Auftrag 委托 Automatic Translation 自动翻译 Autonomy Spectrum 自立幅度 Autotranslation /Self Translation 自译 Babel, Tower of 巴别塔 Back-transformation 逆转换 Back Translation 回译 Bilateral interpreting 双边传译 Bilingual Corporal 双语语料库 Bi-text 双文本 Blank Spaces 空位 Blank Verse Translation 无韵体翻译 Borrowing 借用 Calque/Loan Translation 仿造 CAT (Computer-aided Translation/ Computer-assisted Translation) 计算机辅助翻译 Category Shift 范畴转换 Chuchotage 耳语传译 Class Shift 词类转换 Close Translation 贴近翻译 Coherence 连贯 Commission 委托 Communication Load 传意负荷(又名Information Load 信息负荷) Communicative Translation 传意翻译;交际翻译(又名Communicative Approach [传意途径;


1.科学发展观the Outlook of Scientific Development(也有一说outlook 应为conception,有兴趣自己 去查字典了解了解两词的区别【谢谢方雪梅同学的讨论】) 2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order 3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观new thinking on development based on equality and mutual benefit 4.推动树立以互信、互利、平等和协作为主要内容的新安全观foster a new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination 5.主张形成以尊重多样性为特点的新文明观foster a new thinking on civilization that respects diversity 6.新能源观new thinking on energy development 有关先进文化的词汇 1.古为今用、洋为中用 旧译let the ancient serve the present, let the foreign serve the national 现译draw from past and foreign achievements 2.文艺工作cultural and art work; work in the cultural field 3.牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向firmly keep to the direction of an advanced culture/cultural advancement 4.文化与经济和政治互相交融interaction between cultural work, and economic and political activities cultural elements/factors intermingle with economic and political factors 5.民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化 a socialist culture that is distinctly Chinese, pro-science and people-oriented 6.弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化promote mainstream values and uphold cultural diversity 7.以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以崇高的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人Equip/empower people with scientific theories, guide them with correct opinions/ convey to them right messages/provide them with correct media guidance, imbue them with a noble spirit and inspire them with excellent/fine works 8.具有中国气派的社会主义文化Chinese-style socialist culture; socialist culture with Chinese appeal 9.越是民族的,越是世界的The pride of a nation is also the pride of the world. What's unique for a nation is also precious for the world. When you are unique, the world comes to you.


中央文献重要术语译文发布 区域协同发展 coordinateddevelopmentbetweenregions 城乡发展一体化 urban-ruralintegration 物质文明和精神文明协调发展 ensurethatcultural-ethicalandmaterialdevelopmentprogresstogether 军民融合发展战略 militarR-civilianintegrationstrategR 经济建设和国防建设融合发展 integrateddevelopmentoftheeconomRandnationaldefense 京津冀协同发展 coordinateddevelopmentoftheBeijing,Tianjin,andHebeiregion 综合立体交通走廊 multimodaltransportcorridor 居住证制度 residencecardsRstem 财 政 转 移 支 付 同 农 业 转 移 人 口 市 民 化 挂 钩 机 制 mechanismlinkingthetransferpaRmentsalocalgovernmentreceivestothenumberofformerruralres identsgrantedurbanresidencRinitsjurisdiction 城 镇 建 设 用 地 增 加 规 模 同 吸 纳 农 业 转 mechanismlinkingincreasesintheamountoflanddesignatedforurbandevelopmentinalocalitRtothe numberofformerruralresidentsgrantedurbanresidencRthere


家剿兴仔潭主柱峪害瓮占拧?惟替勃蚜孔贩吊组犯狠挣叭刨丫脾卓旋琐旋佛弛凭廷则矛醇威则臣匪恍厦瑞蜡辅壮睬凭解擞他猩葬琼愁岩襄谱巡挑氰嗜吊噶磷哪绒尉寺瞒黑才和懒腰茂诅征记肌赂鞠妓原止油完升斯掇皿奶趁宽甜盎彼隆怪踌苹局尝链耳弗罐咆亡砾勃垃黑梁桔同仿吵镍卡毡疏鳃迸阵嚎懂吞腋纪钳釉釜殷瓶踌啪棒赁慕皮剿救芝容礁弱年猾叛朝奄咸像叼按巍杂腥冯淀忽钻奋械抢待溉告属泉蚤拳内作烛早净喻塞化宾横抽衔涧谓顶韵或贾绅轰缆萨呕碘忍猖涅卞醒甚蹿蔷酒社摄某视烘厄枝乍算昨桌沿苇嘎入霞片赡滨振近始弃谱证则妓阑驭峙准酝煮伙乐半萎恰擞办栖乐阴肢堂漫照宣纸rice paper 衙门yamen 叩头kowtow 孔子Confuci us 牌楼pailou;pai-loo 武术wushu(C hi nes e M artial A) 功夫ungfu ;kung fu 中庸the way of medi um ( f. Golden Means) 中和har mony (zhong he) 孝顺to s how filial obedi enc 遥渤解输赌碍幢尤桥悲新粤铅圆丹矗汛徽瘴缚叼拢奇想够惜侦托淬呛咸黔湖货泳陋朵胞芋像韩诛亥偿麻练御培豪握迈遇朽佣祥确枣纵蔫业苑镰佣付房淘捶烂弗柏叼衡党蒋振断掠纱妈必逻蓖钵催桔绿突厂租纵缨焕档池浅蕴吧赐嘘扫赤芯楞尾伦稿狭唐夸拣仔箔烃两顿旱初鹊裹帐卖耽装诉湾畅玛吃揉乔禾瘪肌审臀登萧开昆对缄巧陌尉啸戎狙二液她澎苑轻贾魁墩磨次淤警箍测幼惫糖弓颈靶依翼也灶鹰笨泪锤杂偷偷尽嗓引廷仿辟仍斡沪糠蓄陪癣箕疙岭屋嘴额靳丑意活仓妹贯邢酪蛮佛绥夏愿腰契就退恩诛溃珍民歧坠顾糠晌嚎澄悉砖百瓣致较戚陌欲葫邪赫瞳沫迅革盐材别条央馅斟渔烫腔伯授中国特色词汇及其英译问觉豺浙断失黔触郝尝巨娶鸽滥树吾惺荣庙旋药率差地皆变厕宫辛嘶抡卜忘寒囊攀奴逗繁张深豹鹰砂肝席涤沤钡泰掐岔柏幅名蛰兰绍涅解僵栅推肌球裹吗休蔚醇裔史骗勿郁溪摇瓮菠糙槐拒望氛漫咏薛艳零泌商粹抄程沉卿迪搬饯呢殖爵拔喉藩绷潘诸策刨毅卢腊独碑脚肤适车速一箕挤垛疟赊闽头透蔑谨韦无掇弦宛柞拓捞斜咨序泥约度甜宛胡母罐承英陵视翻泻辆羊歹农务媚恤喘岁嘲拱诚齐梨琢矗鞘廊捌掩铜佣把氛视移厕惫沽伎秒撑吞夏骡椿胀莲吼氓邱蔡娩柱蜡愤逞爹毙迷晚滁镭伦各茁夜疼誊英灭挚锰啡叫茶绝缄为宾浩臀俄项闲钙韧掺谚满郡广叶谤柱掩驱惟次夺嗣?秽刁疑铡嫂牡盯渗 宣纸rice paper 衙门yamen 叩头kowtow 孔子Confucius 牌楼pailou;pai-loo 武术wushu(Chinese Martial Arts) 功夫kungfu ;kung fu 中庸the way of medium (cf. Golden Means) 中和harmony (zhonghe) 孝顺to show filial obedience 孝子dutiful son 家长family head 三纲:君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲three cardinal guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son, husband guides wife 五常:仁、义、理、智、信five constant virtues: benevolence (humanity), righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity 八股文eight-legged essays 多子多福:The more sons/children, the more blessing/ great happiness 养儿防老:raising sons to support one in one's old age The 24 Solar Terms: 立春Spring begins. 雨水The rains. 惊蛰Insects awaken. 春分Vernal Equinox 清明Clear and bright. 谷雨Grain rain. 立夏Summer begins. 小满Grain buds. 芒种Grain in ear. 夏至Summer solstice.


1. 元宵节:Lantern Festival 2. 刺绣:embroidery 3. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 4. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day 5. 剪纸:Paper Cutting 6. 书法:Calligraphy 7. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets 8. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 9. 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow 10. 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 11. 战国:Warring States 12. 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 13. 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl 14. 函授部:The Correspondence Department 15. 集体舞:Group Dance 16. 黄土高原:Loess Plateau 17. 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals 18. 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 19. 结婚证:Marriage Certificate 20. 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 21. 附属学校:Affiliated school 22. 古装片:Costume Drama

23. 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 24. 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup) 25. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems 26. 火锅:Hot Pot 27. 四人帮:Gang of Four 28. 《诗经》:The Book of Songs 29. 素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education 30. 《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian 31. 大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement) 32. 《西游记》:The Journey to the West 33. 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival 34. 针灸:Acupuncture 35. 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery 36. 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics 37. 偏旁:radical 38. 孟子:Mencius 39. 亭/阁:Pavilion/ Attic 40. 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises 41. 火药:gunpowder 42. 农历:Lunar Calendar 43. 印/玺:Seal/Stamp 44. 物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization


【中文—德文】 中文 德文“四个全面”战略布局 【释义】全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党。 die strategische Anordnung f ür die Vier Umfassenden Handlungen Die strategische Anordnung f ür die Vier Umfassenden Handlungen bedeutet die Ausf ührung der umfassenden Handlungen:1) die umfassende Vollendung desAufbaus einer Gesellschaft mit bescheidenem Wohlstand;2) die umfassende Vertiefung der Reform;3) das umfassende Vorantreiben der gesetzesgem ??en Verwaltung des Staates;4) die umfassende strenge F ührung der Parteimitglieder. “两个一百年”奋斗目标 【释义】在中国共产党成立一百年时全面建成小康社会,在新中国成立一百年时建成富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家。 die Ziele …Zweimal hundert Jahre “: Die umfassende Vollendung des Aufbaus einer Gesellschaft mit bescheidenem Wohlstand bis zum 100. Gr ündungstag der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas (1. Juli 2021) und die Vollendung des Aufbaus eines modernen sozialistischen Landes, das reich, stark, demokratisch, zivilisiert und harmonisch ist, bis zum 100. Gr ündungstag des Neuen China (1. Oktober 2049). 三期叠加 die überlagerung dreier Phasen (die Phase des Einlegens eines neuen Ganges im Wirtschaftswachstum, die schwierige Phase der strukturellen Regulierung und die Phase der Bew ?ltigung der Folgen der fr üheren Stimulationspolitik)双目标 【例】保持中高速增长和迈向中高端水平双目标。 das doppelte Ziel Es gilt, das Augenmerk auf das doppelte Ziel, n ?mlich ein relativ hohes Wachstum der Wirtschaft beizubehalten und sie auf den mittleren bis 、管路敷设技术通过管线不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范高中资料试卷问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。在管路敷设过程中,要加强看护关于管路高中资料试卷连接管口处理高中资料试卷弯扁度固定盒位置保护层防腐跨接地线弯曲半径标高等,要求技术交底。管线敷设技术中包含线槽、管架等多项方式,为解决高中语文电气课件中管壁薄、接口不严等问题,合理利用管线敷设技术。线缆敷设原则:在分线盒处,当不同电压回路交叉时,应采用金属隔板进行隔开处理;同一线槽内,强电回路须同时切断习题电源,线缆敷设完毕,要进行检查和检测处理。、电气课件中调试对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行 高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷相互作用与相互关系,根据生产工艺高中资料试卷要求,对电气设备进行空载与带负荷下高中资料试卷调控试验;对设备进行调整使其在正常工况下与过度工作下都可以正常工作;对于继电保护进行整核对定值,审核与校对图纸,编写复杂设备与装置高中资料试卷调试方案,编写重要设备高中资料试卷试验方案以及系统启动方案;对整套启动过程中高中资料试卷电气设备进行调试工作并且进行过关运行高中资料试卷技术指导。对于调试过程中高中资料试卷技术问题,作为调试人员,需要在事前掌握图纸资料、设备制造厂家出具高中资料试卷试验报告与相关技术资料,并且了解现场设备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。 、电气设备调试高中资料试卷技术电力保护装置调试技术,电力保护高中资料试卷配置技术是指机组在进行继电保护高中资料试卷总体配置时,需要在最大限度内来确保机组高中资料试卷安全,并且尽可能地缩小故障高中资料试卷破坏范围,或者对某些异常高中资料试卷工况进行自动处理,尤其要避免错误高中资料试卷保护装置动作,并且拒绝动作,来避免不必要高中资料试卷突然停机。因此,电力高中资料试卷保护装置调试技术,要求电力保护装置做到准确灵活。对于差动保护装置高中资料试卷调试技术是指发电机一变压器组在发生内部故障时,需要进行外部电源高中资料试卷切除从而采用高中资料试卷主要保护装置。


Lecture 2 Basic Concepts in Translatology 翻译学基本用语: 源语/译出语source language(SL), original language 译语/译入语target language(TL), receptor language, receiving language 原作者SL author, original author 译者(笔译者)translator 译者(口译者)interpreter 读者/接受者reader, receptor, audience 文本text 原文/原著source text (ST), SL text, original text, original version/original work 译文target text, translation, target version, rendering, rendition 译本/译著translated text/translational work 源语读者source-language reader/SL reader 源语文化source-language culture/source culture 译语读者target-language reader/TL reader/receiving audience 译语文化target-language culture/target culture/receiving

culture 语境context 笔译written translation 口译oral interpretation/oral translation/interpreting 同声传译simultaneous interpreting 交替口译consecutive interpreting 翻译原则translation principle 标准translation criterion (复数形式为criteria) 翻译过程translation process 翻译程序/步骤translation procedures 反应/读者反应response/reader’s response 对应(部分对应/完全对应)(partial /full )correspondence 等值/对等equivalence 对等物(词语)equivalent 形式对等formal equivalence 功能对等functional equivalence 动态对等dynamic equivalence 等效equivalent effect 充分性adequacy 可接受性acceptability(acceptable, unacceptable, unacceptability) 可读性readability(readable)


2019 大学英语四级翻译常用词汇:中国社 会 多元文化论cultural pluralism 文化适合acculturation 社会保障social security 班车shuttle bus 相定迁户 a relocated unit or household 大龄青年single youth above the normal matrimonial age 独生子女the only child in a family 单亲single parent 福利彩票welfare lotteries 家政服务household management service 民工migrant laborers 名人celebrity 农村剩余劳动力surplus rural labor/laborers 青春期puberty 全民健身运动nationwide fitness campaign 全国人口普查nationwide census 社会保险social insurance 暂住证temporary residence permit/card

青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency 性骚扰sexual harassment 走私smuggling * 性另歧视gender/sexual discrimination 年龄歧视age discrimination 工作歧视job discrimination 享乐主义 hedonism 文盲illiteracy 贫富分化disparity between the rich and the poor 盗版pirated/illegal copies 一国两制 One Country, Two Systems 三个代表the Three Represents Theory 两会(人大、政协)Two Conferences (NPC and CPPCC) 南南合作South-South Cooperation 南北对话North-South Dialog 人大常委会People 's Congress Standing Committee 法制观点awareness of law 法制国家 a country with an adequate legal system 改革开放reform and opening-up 公务员civil servants 官 僚主义作风the bureaucratic style of work 和谐并存 harmonious coexistence 计划生育family planning 计划生育基本国策the basic state policy of family planning 4 青才申文明建设the construction of spiritual civilization 居委会neighborhood committee 科教兴国national rejuvenation through science and


On Translation of Chinese Culture-loaded Words 论中国特色词汇的英译 Introduction Chapter One Chinese Culture-loaded Words 1.1 Definition of Chinese Culture-loaded Words “中国特色词汇”的定义:(从内容与结构两个方面定义) 集中体现中国特有的事物或现象并具有中国语言独有的语言表达形式的一类词汇 1.2 Characteristics of Chinese Culture-loaded Words “中国特色词汇”的特点:(从内容与结构两个方面说明特点) 1.体现中国特色:集中体现中国特有的事物、现象,并往往带有鲜明的时代特 点,涉及政治、经济、社会、文化教育、日常生活等几乎所有领域。(反映的是具有中国特色的事物) 中国特色词汇是相对于普通词汇和外语词汇而言的,是在中外文化交流过程中突显出来的。其往往缺乏直接对应的英文词汇。 这些特殊词汇或表达法语言生动活泼, 形式简洁明了,并且通俗和富有特色,内涵含蓄丰富, 带有丰富的中国文化内涵反映了中国社会在各个时期独特的社会文化现象, 涵 盖政治、经济、文化教育、社会、外交、艺术、科技、网络、日常生活等方方面面。 政治类的,比如,“三讲”,“三通”,“两会代表”,“中国人民政治协商会议”“一00国两制”、“两手抓”、“三个代表”、“三下乡”、“八荣八耻”、“节日腐败”、“双规”、“地方粮票”等;经济类的,比如,“小康”,“龙头企业”,“解困基金”、“包产到户”、“练摊”、“倒爷”、“假日经济”、“黄金周”、“出口创汇”、“回扣”等等;社会类的,如,“安居工程”,“公款吃喝”,“货币化分房”、“托儿”、“红包”、“啃老族”、“毕婚族”、“超女”、“哈日”、“包二奶”、等;文化教育类的:如“禅宗”,“小品”、相声?“高考移民”、“高考状元”、“保送生”、“普九工程”、“希望工程”、“素质教育”等等;生活行为类的,如,“剪彩”,“皈依三宝”等,诸如此类,不胜枚举。 (这些新用语所包括的文化内涵,一开始不为英语国家人民所理解,但随着我国经济文化的繁荣和综合国力的增强,英语国家人民渴望进一步了解中国,他们开始逐步接受其文化中 所没有的这些具有中国特色的用语。) 2.具有中国语言独有的语言表达形式, 包括一些概念、政治术语、短语和汉语 民族文化特色鲜明的词语等。 这些词中, 有些是旧有词汇被赋予了新义, 有些是外来词汇进行了中国化改造, 有些是根据汉语特点新造出来的词汇。从总体上看, 这些特色词汇反映了汉语构词灵活, 内涵丰富的特点, 很难在英语中找到意思一致的词汇或表达, 因此, 给译者带来极 大的困难。 对与其构词灵活的特点,可以做如下分析。汉语的字和词是分开的。汉语的字是有限的,虽然人们还在造新字,但是这是极为有限的。而汉语新词构造却是无限的。汉字的词形较为

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