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Animal Feed Fiber Procedures

Animal Feed Fiber Procedures
Animal Feed Fiber Procedures

AOAC Official Method 950.02

Animal Feed

Preparation of Sample

Grind sample to pass sieve with circular openings 1 mm diameter and mix thoroughly. If sample cannot be ground, reduce to as fine condition as possible. Do not grind molasses feed.

AOAC Official Method 962.09

Fiber (Crude) in Animal Feed and Pet Food

Ceramic Fiber Filter Method

First Action 1962

Final Action 1971

Revised First Action 1982


A. Principle

Crude fiber is loss on ignition of dried residue remaining after digestion of sample with 1.25% H2SO4 and 1.25% NaOH solutions under specific conditions. Method is applicable to grains, meals, flours, feeds, fiber-bearing material, and pet foods from which fat can be extracted to leave workable residue.

B. Reagents

(a) Sulfuric acid solution.----.0255+/- .005N. 1.25 g H2SO4/100 ml. Concentration must be checked by titration.

(b) Sodium hydroxide solution. --0.3 13 +/- 0.005N. 1.25 g NaOH/100 ml. free, or nearly so, from Na2CO3. Concentration must be checked by titration.

Prepared ceramic fiber. -Place 60 g ceramic fiber (Cerafiber, 8 lb/cu ft, E.J. Bartell Co., 700 Powell Ave., SW, Renton, WA98055) in blender, add 800 ml H20, and blend 1 min at low speed.

Determine blank by treating ca 2 g (dry weight) of prepared ceramic fiber with acid and alkali as in determination. Correct crude fiber results for any blank, which should be negligible (ca 2 mg).

(d) AIcohol.-95% or reagent alcohol, methanol, or isopropanol.

(e) Antifoam.-Dow Corning Corp. Antifoam A compound diluted I + 4 with mineral spirits or petroleum ether, or H20-diluted Antifoam B Emulsion (I + 4). Do not use Antifoam Spray.

(f) Bumping chips or granules.-Broken Alundum crucibles or equivalent granules (RR Alundum

90 mesh, Norton Co., I New Bond St., Worcester, MA 01606) are satisfactory.

C. Apparatus

(a) Digestion apparoius.-Wlth condenser to fit 600 ml beaker,

and hot plate adjustable to temperature that will bring 200 ml H20

at 25o to rolling boil in 15 +/- 2 min. (Available from Labconco Corp.,

8811 Prospect Ave., Kansas City, MO 64132.)

(b) Ashing dishes,-Silica, Vitreosil 70 x 16 mm; or porcelain, Coors Ceramics Co., 600 9th St., Golden, CO 80401, No.60230, or equivalent.

(c) Desiccator.-With efficient desiccant such as 4-8 mesh Drierite (CaCI2 is not satisfactory).

(d) Filtering device.-With No.200 type 304 or 316 stainless steel screen (W.S.Tyler Inc., 8570 Tyler Blvd., Mentor, OH 44060), easily washed free of digested residue. Either Oklahoma State filter screen (see Figure 962.09A; available from Labconco Corp.) or modified California plastic Buchner (see Figure 962.09B; consists of 2 piece polypropylene plastic funnel manufactured by Nalge Co., 75 Panorama Creek Dr, P0 Box 20365, Rochester, NY 14602, Cat. No. 42110-0700, 70 mm [without No.200 screen], or equivalent [also available from Labconco Corp.]. Seal screen to filtering surface of funnel, using small-tip soldering iron).

(e) Suction filter.-To accommodate filtering devices. Attach suction flask to trap in line with aspirator or other source of vacuum with valve to break vacuum.

(f) Liquid prehealer. -For preheating H20, 1.25% H2S04, and 1.25% NaOH solutions to bp of

H2O. Convenient system, shown in Figure 962.09C. consists of sheet Cu tank with 3 coils of 3/8"

(10 mm) od Cu tubing. 12.5' (3.8 m) long. Solder inlets and outlets where tubing passes through tank walls. Connect to reflux condenser and fill with H20. Keep H20 boiling with two 750 watt thermostatically controlled hot plates. Use Tygon for inlet leads to reservoirs of H2O, acid. and

alkali; use gum rubber tubing for outlets. Capacity of preheater is adequate for 60 analyses in 8 h.

D. Preparation of Sample

Reduce sample (riffle is suitable) to 100 g and place portion in sealed container for H20 determination. Immediately determine H20. Grind remainder to uniform fineness. (Weber mill with screen0.033-.040" [No. 18 or 20], Micro mill [Hosokawa Micron Powder Systems. Inc., 10 Chatham Rd, Summit, NJ 07901] with screen 1/25-1/16" [No. 18-No. 12], and Wiley mill with 1 mm [No. 18] screen give comparable fineness.) Since most materials lose moisture during grinding, determine H20 on ground sample at same time sample is taken for crude fiber determination.


Extract 2 g ground material with ether or petroleum ether (initial boiling temperature. 35-38o. dry-flask end point. 52-60o. >95% distilling <54o, and <60% distilling <40o. specific gravity at 600F. 0.630-0.660; evaporation residue <0.002% by weight). If fat is <1%extraction may be omitted. Transfer to 600 mL beaker. avoiding fiber contamination from paper or brush. Add ca 1.5-2.0 g dry weight of prepared ceramic fiber, 200 ml. Boiling 1.25% H2SO4 and 1 drop diluted antifoam. (Excess antifoam may give high results; use only if necessary to control foaming.) Bumping chips or granules may also be added. If extremely fine materials are being analyzed and filters are to be precoated with a filter mat. Prepare two beakers of ceramic fiber mixture for each sample as follows: Add 1.5 g dry weight of prepared ceramic fiber to each 100 ml beaker, then add 60-75 ml 0.255N sulfuric acid to each beaker and allow to soak until precoat step. Place beaker on digestion apparatus with preadjusted hot plate and boil exactly 30 min., rotating beaker periodically to keep solids from adhering to sides. Remove beaker, and filter as in (a) or (b). (a). Using Oklahoma filter screen (1) (Extremely fine materials only.) Skip to step (2) if no filter precoating is necessary. Precoat the filter screen as follows: Attach Oklahoma filter screen to vacuum flask. Turn on suction. Mix well the 60-75 ml 0.225N sulfuric acid and 1.5 g ceramic fiber mixture previously prepared. Insert the screen into beaker keeping face of screen just under the surface of liquid until all liquid is removed. Without breaking suction, proceed to step (2). (2) Turn on suction and insert screen (precoated with ceramic fiber if extremely fine materials are being analyzed) into beaker, keeping face of screen just under surface liquid until all liquid is removed. Without breaking suction or raising filter, add 50-75 ml boiling H2O. (Work rapidly to keep mat from becoming dry.) Remove filter from beaker and drain all H2O from line by raising above trap level. Return mat and residue to beaker by breaking suction and blowing back. Add 200 ml boiling 1.25% NaOH and boil exactly 30 min. Remove beaker.

(3) (Extremely fine materials only) Skip to step (4) if no filter precoating is necessary. Precoat the filter screen using the second beaker of ceramic mixture as described in E(a)(1)

(4) Filter as in E(a)(2). Without breaking suction, wash with 25 ml boiling 1.25% H2SO4 and three 50 ml portions boiling H2O. Drain free of excess H2O by raising filter. Lower filter into beaker and wash with 25 ml alcohol. Drain line, break suction, and remove mat by blowing back through filter screen into ashing dish. Proceed as in E(c).

(b) Using Claifornia Buchner (1) (Extremely fine materials only.) Skip to step (2) if no filtering precoating is necessary. Precoat the filter screen as follows: Attach Claifornia buchner to vacuum flask funnel must be level. Do not turn on vacuum (Note: Claifornia buchner may be held level above vacuum flask if vacuum connot be turned off. Mix well the 60-75 ml 0.225N sulfuric acid and 1.5 g ceramic fiber mixture previously prepared. Pour ceramic fiber/acid slurry into California Buchner. Allow to settle 5-10 s. Turn on min. vacuum, just sufficient to form ceramic fiber "pad".

(2) Filter contents of beaker through Buchner (precoated with ceramic fiber if extremely fine materials are being analyzed.) rinse beaker with 50-75 ml boiling H2O and wash through Buchner. Repeat with three 50 ml portions H2O and such dry. Remove mat and residue by snapping bottom of Buchner against white top while covering stem with thumb or forefinger and replace in beaker. Add 200 ml. Boiling 1.25% NaOH and boil exactly 30 min. Remove beaker.

(3)(Extremely fine materials only) Skip to step (4) if no filter precoating is necessary. Precoat the filter screen using the second beaker of ceramic mixture as described in E(b)(1)

(4) Filter as in E(b)(2) Wash with 25 ml boiling 1.25% H2SO4 three 50 ml portions H2O and 25 ml alcohol. Remove mat and residue; transfer to ashing dish.

(c) Treatment of residue Dry mat and residue 2 hr. at 130 +/- 2o Cool in desiccator and weigh. Ignite 30 min at 600 +/- 15o. Cool in desiccator and reweigh.

% Crude fiber in ground sample = C = (Loss in weight on ignition loss in weight of ceramic fiber blank) x 100- weight sample

% Crude fiber on desired moisture basis = C x (100 - % moisture desired) / (100 - % moisture in sample)

Report results to 0.1%


小学英语教案animals 【篇一:英语《animals》说课稿】 英语《animals》说课稿 一、说设计意图 首先,根据要求教育内容的选择既要贴近幼儿的生活,又要有助于 拓宽幼儿的经验和视野。此活动选材则来源于生活,又能服务于幼 儿的生活。《animals》活动中所涉及的英语单词都是日常生活中幼 儿们经常看到、接触到的小动物的词语。这些都在幼儿的生活经验 范围之内,能够调动起孩子们的兴趣,同时孩子们在生活中也有很 多机会接触到它们,从而使他们了解、爱好小动物。根据幼儿的年 龄特点及英语水平,我设计了一些教学活动。 二、说活动目标 活动的目标是教育活动的起点和归宿,对活动起着导向作用。根据 幼儿的实际情况及对教材的分析,制定了以下目标: 1、通过轻松、自然、愉快的英语游戏设计,让幼儿积极参与英语活动,大胆用英语进行表达,并感受英语活动带给他们的快乐与自信; 2、让孩子能听懂、说出、认读dog、pig、cat、duck四个单词, 知道它们的英语名称; 3、学会用句型:“here is a……”进行简单交际,在场景下进行简单的英语交流和表达。 三、说重点难点 通过分析教材,考虑到幼儿的英语学习实际情况,我确定了教学重 点和难点: 重点是掌握动物的英语名称,会用句型,“here is a……”进行交际;难点是运用句型进行主动表达并作出相应的回应。 四、说准备 为了使教学活动生动有趣,我作了如下活动准备:空间准备:让幼 儿围成半圆形入座 物质准备:标注英语单词的动物图片、动物布偶、小动物头饰 五、说教法 《纲要》指出:“教师应成为学习活动的支持者、合作者、引导者。”活动中应力求形成“合作探究式”的师幼互动。因此,本次活动我除 了用饱满的情绪影响孩子,以自己的形态感染幼儿外,还采用了适 宜的方法组织教学,主要教法有:

小学英语教案 Animals

小学英语教案-Animals 教学内容:单词:elephant、snake、panda、tiger、monkey 句子:It is a (an) ……. 教学重点、难点:听说、认读三会单词。掌握陈述句变疑问句的规则 多媒体制作要点:创设情境引入新课、出示五种小动物的动态图片,根据书上练习制作小动物相应的动作(突破句子这个难点,帮助学生理解,同时调动课堂学习气氛) 教学方法:合作学习 教学设计: 一、组织教学: 师:看谁坐得最精神! 师:(手指多媒体)同学们,这节课我们要乘坐Welcome 列车到动物王国里游玩一番,你们愿意吗?(生:愿意!)OK!Are you ready ?(生:Yes.) Now ,class begin ! 师生问好:Good morning ,class. (S:Good morning , Miss Lin .) OK,sit down ,please . 二、导入新课: 师:(多媒体展示)同学们看,动物王国的小动物可真淘气,有的露出一只小耳朵,有的露出了一只半截小尾巴,还有的露出了一只小手。那么你们能猜出它们是谁吗?(学生

纷纷举手发言) 师:那让我们来看个究竟吧!(多媒体展示各种小动物的动态图片)——生动有趣的动画效果,激起学生的学习兴趣师:第一个出场的是谁……(在多媒体展示的过程中,学生说出各种小动物,老师借此板贴单词卡片)——结合个别学生课外参加补习班的情况,而这一课的单词又比较常见,很多同学能直接说出这些小动物用英语怎么说。因此,借此导课。 三、教学单词: 1、了解学生知识水平 ①、师:刚才老师听到有些同学知道这些小动物用英语怎么说,老师可真佩服你。那么,你能站起来再说一遍吗?——及时鼓励!能说几个就说几个!——让每个学生知道自己很棒,感受成功的喜悦! (生说单词。师:你真棒!老师要奖励你一个小粘贴,希望你继续努力。同学们给他鼓掌。) 每讲授一个单词都让学生学说句子It is an elephant. Is it an elephant? ②、师:有没有5个单词全会读的同学?(生举手)请你们站起来给同学们大声读一遍好吗?——教读一遍单词,在给好学生表现机会的同时,老师了解学生的知识水平。 (3)总结陈述句变疑问句:一提二变三问号

pep人教版小学英语 Animals主题练习合辑 (92)

Can you name the following animal body parts? List as many animals as you can: Animals with spots: giraffes, ….………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Animals with fur: foxes, ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Animals with scales: fish, ………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Animals with tusks: elephants, …………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Animals with tails: monkeys, .……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Can you name all the members of the family? bull – cow - ………………………………, dog – bitch - ……………………………………, mare – stallion - …….……………………, sow – boar - …………………………………, drake – duck - ……………………………………… hen - ……………………………………… - chick.


新修订小学阶段原创精品配套教材 英语教案-Animals 教材定制 / 提高课堂效率 /内容可修改 English lesson plan-Animals 教师:风老师 风顺第二小学 编订:FoonShion教育

英语教案-Animals 小学英语第一册《Animals》教案设计 教学内容:小学英语第一册第四单元Part A 中的Let`s learn .(单词:rabbit、duck、dog、panda、bird、bee、monkey ) ,句子:I have a …… 。 教学重点、难点:听说、认读三会单词。 教具:有关六种小动物的头饰、玩具,相关单词卡片。 多媒体制作要点:创设情境引入新课、出示六种小动物的动态图片、小队比赛成绩表、根据书上练习制作小动物相应的动作(突破句子这个难点,帮助学生理解,同时调动课堂学习气氛) 教学方法:小组合作学习 教学设计: 一、组织教学: 师:看谁坐得最精神!(学生整顿坐资) 师:(手指多媒体)同学们,这节课我们要乘坐Welcome 列车到动物王国里游玩一番,你们愿意吗?(生:愿意!)OK!Are you ready ?(生:Yes.) Now ,class begin !

师生问好:Good morning ,class. (S:Good morning , Miss Lin .) OK,sit down ,please . 二、导入新课: 师:(多媒体展示)同学们看,动物王国的小动物可真淘气,有的露出一只小耳朵,有的露出了一只半截小尾巴,还有的露出了一只小手。那么你们能猜出它们是谁吗?(学生纷纷举手发言)——猜,是小学生的一大嗜好。一石激起千层浪,学生的热情被点燃。 师:那让我们来看个究竟吧!(多媒体展示各种小动物的动态图片)——生动有趣的动画效果,激起学生的学习兴趣师:第一个出场的是谁……(在多媒体展示的过程中,学生说出各种小动物,老师借此板贴单词卡片)——结合个别学生课外参加补习班的情况,而这一课的单词又比较常见,很多同学能直接说出这些小动物用英语怎么说。因此,借此导课。 三、教学单词: 1、了解学生知识水平 ①、师:刚才老师听到有些同学知道这些小动物用英语怎么说,老师可真佩服你。那么,你能站起来再说一遍吗?——及时鼓励!能说几个就说几个!——让每个学生知道自己很棒,感受成功的喜悦! (生说单词。师:你真棒!老师要奖励你一个小粘贴,

小学英语作文-不同的动物(Different Animal)

小学英语作文 不同的动物(Different Animal) 不同的动物(Different Animal) Panda is from China. It is very lovely. Everyone love it very much. It is white and black. It likes eating bamboos. There are only a few in China now. Pengwin is from Antarctic. It is white and black,too. It can walk on the ice and swim in the sea. It has short legs. It’s a bird, but it can’t fly. It eat fish. Giraffe is from Africa. It can run very fast. It has a very long neck and long legs. It can eat the leaves on a very tall tree. Koala is from Australia. It is cute and fiendly. It sleeps during the day, but at night it get up and eats leaves. 不同的动物 熊猫来自中国,它非常可爱,每个人都很喜欢它。它是白色和黑色的,它喜欢吃竹子,现在只有中国有一些。 企鹅来自南极,它也是白色和黑色的。它能在冰上走和在水里游泳。它有短腿。它是鸟,但它不能飞,它吃鱼。


小学英语第一册《Animals》教案设计 教学内容:清华大学出版社英语第一册第二单元中Lesson7-Lesson14 (单词:rabbit、monkey、bear、panda、elephant、tiger) ,对话:What do you have? I have a …。 What do you like? I like…。 教学重点、难点:听说、认读三会单词。 教具:有关六种小动物的头饰、玩具,相关单词卡片。 多媒体制作要点:创设情境引入新课、出示六种小动物的动态图片、小队比赛成绩表、根据书上练习制作小动物相应的动作(突破句子这个难点,帮助学生理解,同时调动课堂学习气氛) 教学方法:小组合作学习 教学设计: 一、组织教学: 师:看谁坐得最精神!(学生整顿坐资) 师:(手指多媒体)同学们,这节课我们要乘坐Welcome 列车到动物王国里游玩一番,你们愿意吗?(生:愿意!) OK!Are you ready ?(生:Yes.) Now ,class begin ! 师生问好:Good morning ,class. (S:Good morning , Miss Lin .) OK,sit down ,please . 二、导入新课: 师:(多媒体展示)同学们看,动物王国的小动物可真淘气,有的露出一只小耳朵,有的露出了一只半截小尾巴,还有的露出了一只小手。那么你们能猜出它们是谁吗?(学生纷纷举手发言)——猜,是小学生的一大嗜好。一石激起千层浪,学生的热情被点燃。 师:那让我们来看个究竟吧!(多媒体展示各种小动物的动态图片)——生动有趣的动画效果,激起学生的学习兴趣 师:第一个出场的是谁……(在多媒体展示的过程中,学生说出各种小动物,老师借此板贴单词卡片)——结合个别学生课外参加补习班的情况,而这一课的单词又比较常见,很多同学能直接说出这些小动物用英语怎么说。因此,借此导课。 三、教学单词: 1、了解学生知识水平 ①、师:刚才老师听到有些同学知道这些小动物用英语怎么说,老师可真佩服你。那么,你能站起来再说一遍吗?——及时鼓励!能说几个就说几个!——让每个学生知道自己很棒,感受成功的喜悦! (生说单词。师:你真棒!老师要奖励你一个小粘贴,希望你继续努力。同学们给他鼓掌。) ②、师:有没有6个单词全会读的同学?(生举手)请你们站起来给同学们大声读一遍好吗?——教读一遍单词,在给好学生表现机会的同时,老师了解学生的知识水平。 2、小组合作学习 ①、提出学习要求:我们同学可真棒!那么,如果让你把自己知道的知识教给你小组的同学,一会儿我们小组之间比一比,你们愿意吗?(生:愿意!)请你拿出单词卡片,我们比一比哪位同学最乐于助人,哪个小组学到的单词最多。开始! ②、同学们互教互学,老师巡视指导,督促性格内向或者知识基础较差的学生。


小学英语教学课堂实录 一、歌曲导入: T: Let's sing a song. The song's name is 《One little finger》. [评:教学热身是英语课堂TPR教学方法的重要形式之一,教师采用歌曲来缓解学生的紧张情绪,建立轻松和谐民主的课堂氛围,为进一步的学习奠定了良好的基础。] 二、师生问候: T: Class begins! Hello, everyone! Ss: Hello, Miss Cai! T: We all like the animals, but the zoo isn't really the animals home town. Where is their real home town? S:大自然。 T: Yes! Let's look at the animal in nature. OK?(观看多媒体影片) T: Do you like animals? Ss: Yes! T: The earth be longs to both animals and human beings. We should live peacefully together. We should try to give them a better living environment, and protect them from being hurt. Do you think so? Ss: Yes! T: OK! Let's begin from now on! T: The time is up. Good-bye everyone! [评:结束语知识性与思想性融为一体,既强调了本课知识的重点,又对学生进行了思想教育,使学生对所学内容有了一个更高层次的认识,使英语教学的目的得以充分的发挥。] 评析: 教者从学生的认知规律入手,由浅入深、由易到难,降低了英语语言学习的难度。同时,充分利用头饰、卡片、图片、多媒体教学软件等直观教学手段,调动了学生多种感观投入到语言学习中来。教者还利用TPR、歌曲、歌谣等活泼有趣的形式,增加了课堂教学的感染力,并采用实地应用语言的调查活动,提高了教学效果,达到了良好的教学反馈。 T: How are you to day? Ss: We're fine, thank you. T: What's the weather like today? Ss: It's fine. [评:简单的问候,可以帮助学生适应英语语感,使学生很自然地进入英语学习状态。] 三、新授知识: T: A lovely today, isn't it? I have a good news for you. We're going to visit the zoo. Are you happy? Ss: Yes! T: Today we'll learn a lesson about the zoo. Please tell me. Which lesson shall we learn? Ss: Lesson 9

小学生英语口语教案:We love animals

小学生英语口语教案:We love animals We love animals. Step1: Warm-up T:This class we’ll have a match. Group A and Group B are ZOO1. This zoo is for Group C and Group D. Step2:Greetings and Free talk Let’s sing a song. 《Hello》(拍手) (师生交流——生生交流) T:Look! There are so many teachers in our classroom. Please introduce yourself to them. Like this … … T:Now class it’s time to speak English. (CAI) Look! (表现三个场景——交际乐园) 场景一:你在上学的路上碰到了同学。 场景二:你在校园里碰到了老师。 场景三:你的同学到你家玩,你介绍你的同学给你的爸爸或妈妈 理解。 (给表演的学生奖励动物卡片并且让他们将所得卡片贴到自己的 动物园里) T:Here you are. S: Thank you . T: Stick it in your zoo. Step3: Presentation and new content T:Now class. Look! You have got so many animals. Let’s have a look. They are … …

I also have some animals. Look! I have a dog. I have a panda. I have a rabbit. And I have a zoo. (用卡片表现句子,贴到黑板上) Look, I have a … … T: What kind of animals do you have? S:I have a … … (用所学句型介绍自己的动物玩具) T:Cool! Great! Super! Wow! May I have a look?(表现新句型) S:Sure. Here you are . T: Thank you. Step3: Practice a. Have a role-read. b. Practice in pairs. (生生) A; Look!I have a … B: May I have a look? A: Sure. Here you are. B: Thank you. c. Let’s watch a video. (看视频) d. Act out.(口语秀) T:Three students a group make a dialogue according to the video. OK? Now begin. T: Who wants to show?(展示)


小学英语animals教案 【篇一:教案animals】 教案 教学目标: 知识目标: 1、学生能够基本掌握动物名称单词(hippo, shark, elephant, goat, snake, zebra, kangaroo, camel) 2、学生初步了解一般现在时 3、学生能够基本掌握重点句型 eg: 1、what animals do you like?i like....... 2、what animals does he\she like? he\she likes 能力目标: 1、学生能够使用动物名称单词 2、学生能够使用重点句型 3、学生初步了解一般现在时 情感目标: 1、培养学生爱护动物的意识 教学内容: 动物名称单词及句型 eg::1、what animals do you like?i like....... 2、what animals does she\he like? he\she likes..... 教学重难点:句型的熟练使用 教学过程: 开场白:good morning, everybody. today, we are going to study something about animals. before the class, i’d like to divide all of you into four\three teams. team a,b,c. because we will have a super pk. so do you want to the winner? ok, now, let’s get it started. please look at the screen. warm-up:展示一张有很多动物的照片或者是动物园的照片,并给出导入课堂的问题 t:did you go to the zoo? do you like animals?what animals do you know? s: dog, cat, rabbit, tiger, lion, monkey, duck(学生可能已知动物名称单词) ok, today we will learn some other animals. please follow me.

小学英语《Module 2 Unit1 Animals I like》教学设计

Module 2 Unit1 Animals I like 一、教学目标: 1、能正确地听、说、读,写单词monkeys, tigers, pandas, snakes, giraffes. 2、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际I like…. I don’t like…. 3、认识名词单、复数的基本形式。 4、能力目标:培养学生听、说、认读和对话交际的能力。 5、情感目标:培养学生爱护动物、保护动物的意识 二、教学重、难点: 1、理解并正确运用日常交际用语I like….I don’t like…. 2、认识名词单、复数的基本形式。 3、四会单词的拼读和三会单词的掌握。 三、课前准备: 1、教具准备PPT,单词图卡片,句子卡片。 四、教学过程: Step 1 Warming up/Revision 1.师生相互问候: T: Good morning, boys and girls! S:… T: How are you? S:… Chant:< everybody clap……> 2. Sing a song: T: Today I’m very happy .Are you happy? So let’s sing together.

Fourlittle,fivelittle,sixlittlerabbitsSevenlittle,eightlittle,ninelittle rabbitsTen little paper rabbits.>把学生分成两组 【设计意图】:通过儿歌给学生营造一个欢乐开朗的英语气氛,并为引入对上学期学过的动物单词的复习做铺垫。 3. Revision: T:(让学生看多媒体) What can you see? S:I can see two rabbits .T:利用多媒体引导学生复习以前学过的动物类单词;rabbit,dogs,cats,chick,birds,elephant, zebra, lion . 【设计意图】:利用多媒体图片,引导学生复习以前学过的动物类单词;为新课做铺垫。 Step Two: Presentation 1.T:这些都是我们的老朋友,今天我带大家去动物园认识几位新朋友,Canyouguess?(教师板书:Animals I like )分组 T:呈现多媒体画面学习:monkey (板书并指导发音)。依次学习:tiger, panda, snake,giraffe.(并穿插游戏) 2.运用水枪,炸弹等游戏练习这几个单词。 3.一个学生做动作,另一个学生猜单词;T:this group ,two students come here one ask andone answer . 4.看多媒体图片,两组抢答。 5.认识这些动物的复数形式。 【设计意图】:利用多媒体课件形象生动地学习monkey ,tiger, panda, snake, giraffe动物单词,从而激发学生的学习兴趣。进而使用游戏操练这些单词。 Step Three: learn“I like…….And I don’t like……”


小学英语三年级 2.P r e s e n t a t i o n (18分钟) 教师课前在黑板上用彩色粉笔画一个动物园的背景,突 出主题和引起学生强烈兴趣。 (1)教学d u c k a.教师画一个d u c k的简笔画,微笑着问学生:H e l l o,b o y s a n d g i r l s.W h a t’s t h i s?D o y o u k n o w?你们认识它吗?它的叫声 是怎样的呢? b.课件出现d u c k的画面及叫声。 T:L o o k a t m y m o u t h.d-u-c-k,d-u-c-k(注意元音字母u的 发音[^])然后把图片鸭子贴在黑板上。 (2)教学r a b b i t T:H e l l o.I’m a n a n i m a l.I h a v e t w o l o n g e a r s,a n d I h a v e a w h i t e b o d y, t o o.A n d,I h a v e t w o r e d e y e s.D o y o u k n o w?W h a t a m I?从此谜语中引出单词r a b b i t(设计思路:悬念式激情导入, 激发学生的好奇心和兴趣;不同的呈现方式不会使课堂枯燥,引 起学生的注意力。让学生在听力方面得到锻炼。) (3)教学p a n d a 出示课件C A I A s k:L o o k,i t’s a l o v e l y a n i m a l.W h a t’s t h i s? 引出熊猫单词p a n d a .出示卡片,领读,进行音标渗透。然后 说: H e l l o!M y n a m e i s P a n d a.N i c e t o m e e t y o u.(G e t t h e S s g r e e t t o p a n d a.)(引导学生用所学问候语向熊猫打招呼) S1:H e l l o!P a n d a,H o w a r e y o u? S2:G o o d m o r n i n g,p a n d a! S3:N i c e t o m e e t y o u,p a n d a! S4:……. (在熟知的语言中呈现单词,在真实的情境中交际,避免了枯 燥无意义的机械重复,使课堂生动、鲜活、富有生活情趣。) (4)老师模仿声音W o o f!W o o f!引出单词d o g.I’m a d o g. (做小狗的动作) D o g,d o g,I’m a d o g,w o o f w o o f w o o f. 声音w o o f引出单词d o g. 接着出示c a t的图片,引导学生说出C a t,c a t,I’m a c a t, m e o w,m e o w,m e o w .同法教学m o n k e y.(在展示单词的同时,配 上相应的动物动作,小学生的自控力不是很强,很难长时间的让 其保持注意力,所以动手,动脑,惟妙惟肖的滑稽动作,让学生 体会到了英语学习的乐趣。)


小学英语三年级W e l o v e a n i m a l s教学设 计 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

小学英语三年级We love animals教学设计 一.教材分析 1.Le t’s l e a r n 本部分是本册书Un it4We lo ve an im als的第二课时,课前学生已学习动物名称:r ab b it, p a n d a, m o n k e y会说及表示赞美的词语 Su p e r!Co o l!Gr e at!等。 2.Le t’s d o 本部分是为了巩固Le t’s le a rn部分的内容,并培养学生学习英语的兴趣而设计的。学生可以在此项活动中尽情发挥表演才能,看谁模仿的动物形体特征最逼真,学的动物声音最像。 二.学生分析 本节课的教学对象是小学三年级的学生。他们的年龄在九、十岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、特别感兴趣。学生学英语不久,有可能说的不好,有的还不敢说,课堂上以表扬为主,注重培养学习英语的兴趣,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、努力唱。他们已经学过一些简单、常见的动物单词,如d o g、c a t、 m o n ke y等。学生们喜新好奇,求知欲强,对于新鲜的事物有着浓厚的兴趣和探究欲望,动物本身就是学生喜闻乐见的事物,应抓住这一有利因素,让学生熟悉并喜爱这些动物和加强环保意识。 三.教学目标 能力目标: 1.能听说认读一些常见的动物单词c at,d o g, m o n ke y, d u c k, p a n d a,rab b it, 并能用英语介绍这些小动物。 2.能听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按照指令模仿动物做出相应的动作。 情感目标: 培养学生爱护动物、保护动物的意识。 四.教学策略 1.本课采用的教学方法有:直观教学法情景教学法 2.采用课件辅助教学。充分利用课件,为学生提供大量的与课本所学内容相关的图片、卡通动画、故事等素材,创设真实的情景,拓展课文内容,开拓学生视野,让学生的视觉及听觉产生全新的体验,从而激发学生说的欲望。 3.课前准备 教师准备可爱的动物玩具,并放于一个盒子中。准备多媒体课件、单词卡片、动物头饰、大红萝卜道具。学生准备玩具小动物或头饰若干个。 五.教学过程 1.W ar m-u p

pep人教版小学英语 Animals主题练习合辑 (14)

Prescott Anglo American School Primary Years Amazing Nature Animal senses Humans have five senses; sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. We use these senses every day of our lives when we work, play, eat, drink. Animals have sense too, and sometimes they are much more powerful than ours. We have our food prepared for us But animals need to find their own food using their senses. For example, predators often have very good sight. Some birds of prey can see a mouse at a distance of 1.5 kilometers. However, they don’t always catch the mouse. Mice have amazingly good hearing and this helps them escape from predators! Insects sometimes have senses that are different from ours. For example, butterflies don’t taste with their mouths –they taste with their feet. Crickets don’t hear with their ears – they hear with their legs. Chameleons have two eyes, the same as we do, but they can move their eyes separately and look in two different directions at the same time! Some animals seem to have special sense that tells them about the future. Birds, ants and many other animals look for food more busily just before bad weather. This helps them survive because it’s more difficult to find food when the weather is bad. They know that bad weather is coming. Birds also use this ability to avoid bad weather when they fly long distances. For centuries, people have noticed that animals often behave strangely before an earthquake. For example, in January 1975, a lot of farmers in one part of China told scientists that their horses and cattle did not want to go inside the barns. A few days later, there was a large earthquake in that region. Do animals have a special sense that predicts earthquakes? The answer is probably yes, but scientists do not yet understand how it works. Answer the following questions 1.How many senses do humans have? ____________________________________________________ 2.What do animals use to find their food? ____________________________________________________ 3.Which sense do birds of prey use to catch their food? ___________________________________________________ 4.Which sense helps mice to escape from predators? ___________________________________________________ 5.What do butterflies use to taste? ____________________________________________________ 6.What do crickets use to hear? ___________________________________________________ 7.What is special about chameleons? ___________________________________________________ 8.Which animals look for food more busily before bad weather? ___________________________________________________ 9.When do they behave strangely? ___________________________________________________ 10.What did farmers tell scientists in China? __________________________________________________

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