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380个mba例句(含英语词汇 带音标)






③本资料是《魔术英语 38小时速听速记考研英语词汇》中的







1. a bar code label is attached on the centigrade thermometer.


bar [bɑ:] n.条,杆,闩;酒吧;栅,障碍(物) v.闩上,阻拦code [k?ud] n. 代码,代号,密码;法典,法规,规划label ['leibl]n.标签;标记,

符号 v.贴标签于…,把…称为attach [?'t?t?]v.(to)缚上,系上;使依附,

使隶属,使依恋centigrade [?sentigreid] n./a. 摄氏温度计(的);百分度(的)thermometer [θ?‘m?mit?(r)] n. 温度计2. A compass, an album and a stack of pads are carelessly put near the calendar.指南针,相册和一沓便笺本被随意地搁置在日历


compass [?kΛmp?s] n. 罗盘,指南针;(pl.)圆规album

['?lb?m]n.集邮本,照相簿,唱片stack [st?k] n. 堆,一堆v. 堆积,堆起pad [p?d] n. 垫,衬垫;便笺簿v. 加上衬垫calendar ['k?l?nd?]n.日历,月历,日程表

3. There is a stack of hay and a leaky barrel in the discarded barn.在废弃的牲口棚里有一堆干草和一个漏的水桶。

stack [st?k] n. 堆,一堆v. 堆积,堆起hay [hei] n. 干

草barrel ['b?r?l]n.桶;枪管,炮管discard [dis'kɑ:d]v.丢弃,抛弃barn [ba:n] n. 谷仓,仓库

4. The gardener is trimming a peculiar pine tree‘s limbs with a saw.园丁正在用锯子修建一棵造型独特的松树。

trim [trim] a. 整齐的,整洁的v./n. 整理,修整,装饰

peculiar [pi'kju:lj?]a.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的pine [pain]

n. 松树limb [lim] n. 肢,翼,大树枝saw [s?:] n. 锯子,锯床v. 锯,锯开

5. Spiders spin webs amid the bush to capture insects as their food. 蜘蛛在灌木丛中结网并以捕捉昆虫为食。

spider [?spaid?] n. 蜘蛛spin [spin] v. 旋转;纺纱;织网,吐丝n. 旋转;自转web [web] n. 网,蜘蛛网amid

[?'mid]prep. 在...中capture ['k?pt??]v./n.捕获,俘虏;夺得,攻占,战利品,获得insect [?insekt] n. 昆虫

6. The capacity of that plastic container is 10 gallons, namely

80 pints, and the height is approximately 60 centimeters.那个塑料


capacity [k?'p?siti]n.容量,容积;能量,能力;接受力plastic

[?pl?stik, pla:stik] n. (常pl. )塑料,塑料制品a. 可塑的,塑性

的container [k?n'tein?]n.容器;集装箱gallon [?g?l?n] n. 加仑namely ['neimli]ad.即,也就是height [hait] n. 高,高度;(常pl. )高地,高处centimeter ['senti.mi:t?(r)] n.(centimetre)厘米

7. A gym locates besides the erect portrait and monuments of suburb with blooms around.在市郊笔直的雕像和纪念碑附近,坐落着一座体育馆,周围花团锦簇。

gym [d?im] n. 体育馆,健身房locate [l?u‘keit] v. 查出,探出,查找…地点,使…坐落于,位于besides [bi‘saidz] ad. 此外;并且 prep. 于…之外;除…以外erect [i‘rekt] v.

树立,建立,使竖立a. 直立的,垂直的portrait ['p?:trit]n.肖像,画像monument [?m?njum?nt] n. 纪念碑,纪念馆,遗迹,不朽的

业绩suburb [?sΛb?:b] n. 市郊,郊区bloom [blu:m]n.花(朵);

开花(期) v.开花around [?‘raund] ad. 在…周围,到处 prep. 在…四周(或附近)

8. The brave cowboy is herding a flock of sheep to descend a slope.那位勇敢的牧童把一群羊赶下山坡。

brave [breiv] a. 勇敢的 vt. 勇敢地面对(危险等)herd [h?:d] n. 群,兽群,牛群v. 放牧,群集flock [fl?k]n.(一)群,(禽,畜等的)群;大量 v.群集,成群descend [di'send]v.下来,下降slope [sl?up] n. 斜坡,斜面;倾斜,斜度v. (使)倾斜

9. The whistle of subway weakened and vanished away in the dim tunnel.地铁方向传来的汽笛声音在昏暗的地道里变弱消失了。whistle [(h)wisl]n.口哨,汽笛;口哨声,汽笛声v.吹口哨,鸣笛subway [?sΛbwei] n. 地铁;地下行人隧道vanish ['v?ni?]v.消失,消散

dim [dim] a. 暗淡的,模糊的tunnel [?tΛnl] n. 隧道,


10. The bamboos and honey peaches dot the bright and spectacular view on the mountain peak.竹林和水蜜桃树点缀着山顶亮丽壮观的风景。

honey [?hΛni] n. 蜜,蜂蜜peach [pi:t?] n. 桃,桃树

dot [d?t] n. 点,圆点v. 在…上打点bright [brait] a. 明


[spek't?kjul?]a.壮观的,引人注目的 n.壮观的演出view [vju:] n.景

象;视点;观察;眼界v.看待,观察,考虑mountain [?mauntin] n. 山peak [pi:k] n. 山顶,最高点;峰,山峰a. 高峰的,最高的11. The flour-roller clinging to the wall is stirring the mixture of

flour and water with a constant rhythm.紧靠墙角的面粉搅拌机正在


flour [?flau?] n. 面粉cling [kli?] v. (to)粘住;依附;

坚持stir [st?:] v.搅拌,搅动;动,摇动;激动;轰动;煽动,鼓动mixture [?mikst??] n. 混合;混合物,混合剂constant ['k?nst?nt]a.经常的;坚定的,忠实的 n.常数,恒量rhythm ['rie?m, 'riθ?m] n.节奏,韵律

12. The shallow smelly draining ditch outside the inn annoyed the civilians.客栈外面那条浅浅的发臭的排水沟使周围的民众很烦恼。shallow ['??l?u]a.浅的,浅薄的 n.浅滩,浅处drain [drein]n.排水沟,阴沟;消耗,负担 v.排去,放干ditch [dit?] n. 沟,沟渠,水沟inn [in] n. 小旅馆,客栈annoy [?'n?i]v.使恼怒,使生气,打搅

civilian [si'vilj?n]n.平民 a.平民的;民用的

13. The purple purse made of genuine leather for auction arouse our attention.那个待拍卖的真皮姿色钱包引起了我们的注意。

purple [?p?:pl] a. 紫的n. 紫色purse [p?:s] n. 钱包genuine ['d?enjuin]a.真正的,名副其实的leather [?lee?] n. 皮革,皮革制品auction [??:k??n] n./vt. 拍卖arouse [?=rauz]v.

唤醒,唤起;激起,引起attention [?'ten??n]n.注意(力),留心;立正

14. There is a stack of grain and some textiles on the saddle of donkey.驴鞍上驮着一麻袋谷物和一些纺织品。

stack [st?k] n. 堆,一堆v. 堆积,堆起grain [grein] n. 谷物,谷类;颗粒,细粒textile [?tekstail] n. 纺织品a. 纺织

的saddle [?s?dl] n. 鞍,马鞍,鞍状物donkey [?d??ki] n. 驴子;蠢人;顽固的人

15. There was a bottle of brandy(whisky),some stale toast and a bowl of bacon with ants in the cupboard(closet) of the bachelor.那



brandy [?br?ndi] n. 白兰地酒stale [steil]n.变质的,不新鲜的;

陈旧的,陈腐的toast [t?ust] n.烤面包,吐司;祝酒(词)v.烘,烤;(向…)祝

酒bowl [b?ul] n. 碗(状物),钵bacon [?beik?n] n. 咸

猪肉,熏猪肉ant [?nt] n. 蚁;蚂蚁cupboard [?kΛb?d] n. 碗柜,小橱bachelor [?b?t??l?] n. 单身汉;(亦作B-)学

士(学位)closet [?kl?zit] n. (壁)橱a. 私下的vt. 把…引进


16. Under the command of its master, the loyal hunting dog is wandering in the bundles of weeds, waiting for prey.在主人的指挥下,那只忠实的猎狗在野草丛中徘徊着等待猎物的出现。

command [k?‘ma:nd] n./v. 命令,指挥,控制n. 掌握,运用

能力loyal ['l?i?l]a.(to)忠诚的,忠贞的hunt [hΛnt] v./n. 打猎,

猎取;(for)搜索;寻找wander ['w?nd?]v.漫步,徘徊;迷路,迷失方向;离题bundle ['b?ndl]n.捆,包,束weed [wi:d] n. 杂草,野草vt. 除草,锄草prey [prei] n. 被掠食者,牺牲者,掠食v. 捕


17. The crude hut concealed by bunches of weeds, hedges and oaks refreshed my memory of childhood.被杂草、篱笆和橡树遮掩


crude [kru:d]a.天然的,未加工的;未熟的;粗鲁的,粗野的hut [hΛt] n. 小屋,棚屋conceal [k?n'si:l]v.隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽bunch [b?nt?]n.(一)簇,束,捆,串hedge [hed?] n. 篱笆,树篱,障碍物v. 用树篱围

住oak [?uk] n. 橡树,橡木a. 橡木的refresh [ri'fre?]v.(使)精

神振作,(使)精力恢复memory [?mem?ri] n. 记忆,记忆力;回忆;存储(器)childhood [?t?aildhud] n. 幼年,童年pilgrim [?pilgrim] n. (在国外)旅游者;朝圣者,最初的移民

18. We can see a queue of saints(pilgrims),some solemn isolated temples and bare summits in distance from the windows of our sightseeing bus.从旅行车窗中我们看到一队圣徒(朝圣者),一些


queue [kju:] n. 行列,长队v. (up)排队,排队等待saint [seint, s?nt] n. 圣人,基督教徒;(S-或St. 用于人,地名前)圣solemn ['s?l?m]a.庄严的,隆重的;严肃的isolate ['ais?leit]v.隔离,孤立temple [?templ] n. 庙宇,神殿,寺;太阳穴bare [b??]a.赤裸的,空的;稀少的,仅有的 v.露出,暴露summit ['s?mit]n.顶点;最高级

会议distance [?dist?ns] n. 距离,间隔,远方,路程sightseeing ['saitsi:i?]n.观光,游览

19. The machine consists of cylinder, piston, rotary, shaft, gears, bearings, bolts, screws and stainless steel crusts.那台机器由气



machine [m?‘?i:n] n. 机器,机械v. 用机器加工consist


[?silind?] n. 圆筒,圆锥体;汽缸piston [?pist?n] n. 活塞rotary [?r?ut?ri] a. 旋转的shaft [?a:ft] n. 轴;杆状物

gear [gi?] n. 齿轮,传动装置v. (to)调整,使适合bearing [?b??ri?] n. 轴承;忍受;关系,影响;举止;方向bolt [b?ul t] n. 螺栓,(门,窗的)插销 v. 闩(门),关窗,拴住screw [skru:] n. 螺旋,螺丝(钉)v. 拧,拧紧stainless ['steinlis]a.不锈

的steel [sti:l] n. 钢crust [krΛst] n. 外皮,壳;地壳

20. Through the mist, the stream that stretched for miles was

barely visible and authentic.透过薄雾,那条绵延数里的河隐约可


mist [mist] n. 薄雾,霭stream [stri:m] n. 小河,溪

流;流,一股,一串v. 流出,涌stretch [stret?]v.拉长,伸 n.一段时

间,一段路程;拉长,延伸mile [mail] n. 英里,哩,海里barely


得见的,可见的authentic [?:‘θentik] a. 真的,真正的;可靠



21. The attempt to develop atomic energy will undoubtedly revolutionize the lives of the coming generation.开发原子能的尝试


attempt [?'tempt]v.尝试,试图 n.(at)企图,努力undoubtedly

[Λn‘daJtid li] ad. 无疑,必定generation [.d?en?'rei??n]n.产生,发


22. The only resource of petroleum products is crude oil, which is pumped up from the interior of the earth.原油由地下抽出,它是石


resource [ri‘s?:s] n. (pl.)资源,财力;办法,智谋;应变

之才petroleum [pi‘tr?uli?m] n. 石油product ['pr?d?kt]n.产品,

产物;乘积crude [kru:d]a.天然的,未加工的;未熟的;粗鲁的,粗野的

pump [pΛmp] n. 泵v. 用(泵)抽(水);打气,泵送

interior [in'ti?ri?]a.内部的,里面的 n.内部,内地

23. Alcohol molecule is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.酒精分子式由碳、氢、氧三种元素构成。

alcohol ['?lk?h?l]n.酒精,乙醇molecule [?m?likju:l, ‘m?u-] n.

分子compose [k?m'p?uz]v.组成,构成;(of)由…组成;创作(诗歌

等)carbon [?ka:b?n] n. 碳hydrogen [?haidr?ud??n] n.

氢oxygen [??ksid??n] n. 氧,氧气

24. After analyzing the ancient housing estate, the historical

expert reached a conclusion that the Indians were the original inhabitants in North America.经过对古代住宅区的分析,历史学家


ancient [?ein??nt] a. 古代的,古老的,古式的estate [i'steit]n.地产,房地产historical [his't?rik?l]a.历史的;有关历史的expert [?eksp?:t] n. 专家,能手a. 熟练的,有经验的;专门的conclusion [k?n‘klu:??n] n. 结论,推论;结尾;缔结,议定original [?'rid??n?l]a.最初的,原文的;新颖的 n.原物,原作,原文inhabitant [in'h?bit?nt]n.居民,住户

25. Most of the telecommunication networks are accurately controlled by electronic robots.大多数远程通讯网络由电子自动装置精确地控制。

network [?netw?:k] n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络

control [k?n‘trol] n. (over)控制,支配v. 控制,支配

26. You should read the handy booklet for reference before commencing using the delicate scale.在用这台精密天平之前,你应该读一下那参考手册。

handy [?h?ndi] a. 手边的,近便的;方便的

reference ['ref?r?ns]n.提及;参考,参考书目;证明书(人)commence [k?‘mens] vt. 开始vi. 获得学位delicate ['delikit]a.纤弱的;精致的;微妙的;灵敏的scale [skeil]n.刻度;天平,磅秤;比例尺;规模;音阶;鱼鳞27. Some species of bacteria and virus thrive in simple compounds such as alcohol.一些细菌和病毒活跃于简单的化合物诸如酒精中。

species ['spi:?iz]n.(物)种,种类virus ['vai?r?s]n.病毒;(精神,道德方面的)有害影响thrive [θraiv]v.兴旺,繁荣simple [?simpl] a. 简单的;单纯的,直率的;迟钝的,头脑简单的compound ['k?mpaund]n.混合物,化合物 a.混合的,化合的,复合的alcohol ['?lk?h?l]n.酒精,乙醇

28. Laser light beaming onto glass fibers casts a characteristic pattern.射在玻璃纤维上的激光放射出一种特有的图像。

laser [?leiz?] n. 激光beam [bi:m] n. (横)梁,桁条;(光线的)束,柱 v. 微笑cast [kɑ:st]v.投,扔,掷,抛;铸造 n.演员表characteristic [.k?rikt?'ristik] a.(of)特有的,独特的,典型的 n.特征,

特性pattern [?p?t?n] n. 模式,式样;图案,图样v. 仿制,


29. Through the microscope lens I can clearly observe the worm egg that is not apparent to the naked eye.透过显微镜片,我清楚地


microscope [?maikr?sk?Jp] n. 显微镜lens [lenz] n. 透镜,镜头observe [?b‘z?:v] v. 观察,观测,注意到,监视,

遵守,评述,说worm [w?:m] n. 虫,蠕虫apparent

[?'p?r?nt]a.(to)明显的,显而易见的;表面的,貌似的naked ['neikid]a.


30. He is amazed that through triangle mirror, the torch light‘s reflection spectrum turns to a colorful ribbon image.令他感到惊奇



amaze [?'meiz]v.使惊奇,使惊愕,使惊叹triangle [?trai??gl] n.

三角(形)mirror [?mir?] n. 镜子;反映,反射v. 反映,反射torch [t?:t?]n.手电筒;火炬,火把reflection [ri'flek??n]n.(reflexion)映像,倒影;反省,沉思spectrum [?spektr?m] n. 谱,光谱,频谱;范围,幅度,系列ribbon [?rib?n] n. 缎带,丝带,带,带状物image ['imid?]n.形象;肖像,影像,映象

31. The study demonstrates that the quality of reaction accelerator can influence the density of refined copper.研究表明,反应催化剂


demonstrate ['dem?nstreit]v.论证,证实;演示,说明quality ['kw?liti]n.

质量,品质,特性reaction [ri(:)'?k??n]n.反应influence

['influ?ns]n.(on)影响,感化;势力,权势 v.影响,感化density ['densiti]n.

密集,密度,浓度refine [ri'fain]v.精炼,精制,提纯copper [?k?p?] n. 铜;铜币,铜制器

32. It‘s estimated that the claw hook of the cargo crane can‘t

heave the heavy lumber up.据估计,该货物起重机爪形钩吊不起那


estimate ['estimeit]v./n.估计,估价claw [kl?:] n. 爪,脚爪

hook [huk] n. 钩,吊钩,钩状物v. 钩住cargo [?ka:g?u] n. 船货,货物crane [krein] n. 起重机,鹤heave [hi:v] v. (用力)举,提,拉;扔;拖;呕吐n. 举起lumber [?lΛmb?] n. 木材,木料

33. It‘s inevitable that horrible earthquakes will happen in the margin of shifting earth layers.移动着的地层边缘将不可避免地发生


inevitable [in'evit?bl]a.不可避免的,必然发生的horrible ['h?r?bl]a.令

人恐怖的;极讨厌的,使人不愉快的earthquake [??:θkweik] n.

地震margin ['mɑ:d?in]n.页边空白;边缘;余地;幅度shift [?ift]v.替换,

转移n.转换,转变;(轮)班,(换)班layer ['lei?]n.层

34. Steel rods that could reinforce concrete structures are indispensable in constructing.钢筋可以加固混凝土结构,在建造过


steel [sti:l] n. 钢rod [r?d] n. 杆,棒reinforce [.ri:in'f ?:s]v.增援,加强concrete ['k?nkri:t]a.具体的,实质性的n.混凝土,水

泥v.用混凝土修筑structure [?strΛkt??] n. 结构,构造;建筑

物v. 构造,建造indispensable [.indis'pens?bl]a.(to,for)必不可少的,

必需的construct [k?n‘strΛkt] v. 建设,建造,构造;创立

35. A scholar predicted that such festival decoration would be a typical feature (trait) of next magnificent ceremony.一位学者预测,


scholar [?sk?l?] n. 学者predict [pri'dikt]v.预言,预测,预告festival [?fest?v?l] n. 节日;音乐节;戏剧节a. 节日的;快乐

的typical ['tipik?l]a.(of)典型的,有代表性的feature ['fi:t??]n.特征,特色;特写trait [treit] n. 特征,特点,特性magnificent

[m?g'nifisnt]a.壮丽的,宏伟的ceremony ['serim?ni]n.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪

36. The earth‘s axis is an imaginative line betw een the north and south polar and the equator divides the north and south hemisphere.地球的轴心是介于南北极之间的那条假想的线;赤道是


axis [??ksis] n. 轴,轴线,中心线;坐标轴,基准线imaginative [i'm?d?in?tiv]a.富有想象力的,爱想象的polar

[?p?ul?] a. 两极的,极地的,南辕北辙的n. 极线,极面equator [i‘kweit?] n. 赤道hemisphere [?hemisfi?] n. 半球

37. Sulfur dioxide is a toxic gas.二氧化硫是有毒气体。

toxic [?t?ksik] a. 有毒的;中毒的

38. It is absolute that the string of a piano vibrates when the keys are struck.钢琴的琴键一弹琴弦就想,这是再自然不过的事情了。absolute ['?bs?lu:t]a.绝对的,完全的string [stri?]n.弦,线,细绳;(一串),(一行) v.缚,捆piano [pi‘a:n?u, ‘pja:-] n. 钢琴vibrate [vai‘breit] v. (使)振动,(使)摇摆;受…而感动key [ki:] n. 钥匙;答案;关键;键a. 主要的,关键的

39. Emergence of the Internet is a grand symbol that mankind has access to a network era.因特网的出现时人类进入网络时代的重大


Internet [?int?net] n. [the~] 国际互联网,因特网

grand [gr?nd]a.盛大的,豪华的;重大的,主要的symbol ['simb?l]n.符号,标志;象征mankind [m?n‘kaind] n. 人类access ['?kses]n.进入;享用机会,通道;接近network [?netw?:k] n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络era [?i?r?] n. 时代,年代,阶段,纪元

40. The philosopher said that human behavior is mostly a product

of learning, whereas the behavior of an animal depends mainly on instinct.那位哲学家说人类的行为主要是认知的产物,而动物的行为


phil osopher [fi‘l?s?f?] n. 哲学家,哲人human [?hju:m?n] a. 人的,人类的n. 人product ['pr?d?kt]n.产品,产物;乘积whereas [(h)w??r'?z]conj.而,却,反之depend [di‘pend] v. (on)取决于,依靠,信赖,相信instinct ['insti?kt]n.本能,直觉,天性 intuition


41. Although working on a white-collar job, Mister Li is skilled at maintaining the gasoline turbine engine.李先生虽然从事白领工


although [?:l‘e?u] conj. 尽管,虽然…但是white [wait] a. 白色的;苍白的;白种的 n. 白色;白种人skilled [skild] a. (in)熟练的,有技能的;需要技能的maintain [mein'tein]v.维修,

保养;维持,保持;坚持,主张,支持turbine [?t?:bin, -bain] n. 汽轮机,涡轮机engine [?end?in] n. 发动机,引擎;火车头

42. The carpenter asserted that antique sofa could be readily converted into a bed.那位木匠声称这张老式的沙发他可以很容易地


carpenter [?ka:pint?] n. 木工,木匠assert [?'s?:t]v.断言,宣

称,声明,主张antique [?n‘ti:k] a. 古式的,过时的 n. 有价

值的古物,古董sofa [?s?uf?] n. 长沙发,沙发readily

[?redili] ad. 容易地;乐意地,欣然地convert [k?n'v?:t]v.变换,转

43. The eminent physicist from rural household is very modest , never boasts.那位农民家庭出生的杰出的物理学家从不吹嘘,很谦虚。

eminent [?emin?nt] a. 显赫的;杰出的;有名的;优良的physicist [?fizisist] n. 物理学家rural ['r??r(?)l]a.农村的household [?haush?uld] n. 家庭,家人a. 家庭(务)的,家

常的modest [?m?dist] a. 谦虚的,有节制的boast

[b?ust]v.(of,about)自夸,夸耀 n.自夸,大话

44. He is adored by youngsters for his talent, wisdom, honesty

and upright character and has gained wide acceptance.他因才能、


adore [?‘d?:] vt. 崇拜,敬慕,爱慕;非常喜欢youngster [?jΛ?st?] n. 小伙子,年轻人;少年,儿童talent [?t?l?nt] n. 才能,天资;人才wisdom [?wizd?m] n. 智慧,明智;名言,格言honest [??nist] a. 诚实的,正直的,老实的upright ['?p'rait]a.垂直的,直立的;正直的,诚实的 ad.竖立着character

['k?rikt?]n.性格,品质,特性;人物,角色;字符,(汉)字wide [waid]a.宽阔的;广泛的 ad.完全地,充分地acceptance [?k'sept?ns]n.接受,接


45. The embarrassed spokesman refused to make any comments on the split of the company.尴尬的发言人拒绝对公司的分裂发表任何评论。

embarrass [im‘b?r?s] vt. 使困窘,使局促不安;阻碍,麻烦spokesman [?sp?uksm?n] n. 发言人ref use [ri‘fju:z] v. 拒绝,谢绝n. 废物,垃圾comment ['k?ment]n.注释,评论,意见

v.(on)注释,评论split [split] v. 裂开,劈开;分裂,分离n. 分化,分裂,裂口

46. Owing to always leaning on the counter with depression and couldn‘t concentrate on sales, the salesman was dismissed by her shopkeeper.由于那位收货员总是沮丧地倚在柜台上,不能集中精力销售,因此被店主解雇了。

owing ['?ui?]a.欠的,未付的lean [li:n]v.倾斜,屈身;倚,靠,依赖 a.瘦的,无脂肪的counter ['kaunt?]n.柜台;计数器 a./ad.相反(的) v.反对,反击depression [di'pre??n]n.消沉,萧条期concentrate ['k?nsentreit]v.(on)集中,专心;浓缩 n.浓缩物salesman [?seilzm?n] n. 售货员,推销员dismiss [dis‘mis] v. 免职,解雇,开除,解散shopkeeper [???pki:p?(r)] n. 店主

47. The arbitrary sponsor declared abruptly to abolish the annual racial rally.那位武断的主办者突然宣布取消一年一度的种族集会。arbitrary [?a:bitr?ri] a. 任意的,任性的,主观的;专断的,武断的sponsor ['sp?ns?]n.发起人,主力者,保证人 v.发起,主办declare [di'kl??]v.宣布,宣告,声明;断言,宣称abolish [?'b?li?]v.废除,取消,废止,革除annual ['?nju?l]a.每年的,年度的n.年刊,年鉴racial ['rei?

?l]a.种的,种族的rally [?r?li] v. 重整,恢复,振作n. 聚集,


48. With a bundle of cartoon monthly, the postman(messenger) walked out of elevator and squeezed sideways through the crowded corridor.抱着一沓卡通月刊,送信人走出电梯,侧着身子


bundle ['b?ndl]n.捆,包,束cartoon [ka:‘tu:n] n. 漫画,幽默

画;动画片monthly [?mΛnθli] a. 每月的ad. 每月一次,按月

n. 月刊postman [?p?Jstm?n] n. 邮递员elevator ['eliveit?]n.

电梯,升降机squeeze [skwi:z]v.压榨,挤 n.榨取,勒索sideways

[?saidweiz] ad./a. 向旁边(的),侧身,横着(的),斜着

(的)crowd [kraud] n. 人群;一群,一伙v. 聚集,群集;

挤满,拥挤corridor [?k?rid?:] n. 走廊,通路

49. The crippled beggar packed a pinch of beans in cigar

wrapping paper, and then bound it with a cord.那位跛足的乞丐用雪


cripple [?kripl] n. 跛子,残疾人v. 使跛,使残疾pack

[p?k] v. 捆扎,打包;塞满,挤满n. 包裹,背包,一群/副pinch [pint?] v. 捏,掐,拧;收缩;紧急关头;匮乏;压力bean [bi:n] n. 豆;菜豆,蚕豆cigar [si‘ga:] n. 雪茄烟wrap

[r?p]v.包,卷,裹 n.围巾,披肩bound [baund]v./n.跳(跃) ,界限,

范围a.被束缚的,理应…的;开往…的cord [k?:d] n. 绳,索

50. The retailer introduced all sorts of recorders to a keen

enquiring consumer.零售商向那位热切咨询的消费者介绍了各种款


retailer [ri:'teil?]n.零售商introduce [,intr?‘dju:s] vt. 介绍;引

进,传入;提出(议案等)recorder [ri‘k?:d?] n. 记录员;录

音机keen [ki:n] a. 锋利的;敏锐的;敏捷的;(on)热心

的,渴望的consumer [k?n'sju:m?]n.消费者,用户

51. Some adult males and females are occupied in sowing grains

in acres of fertile and fruitful field.一些成年男女正在肥沃多产的广


adult [?‘dΛlt, ‘?dΛlt] n. 成年人a. 成年的,充分长成的,成

熟的male [meil] n./a. 男性(的),雄性(的)female

[?fi:meil] n. 女性;女人;雌兽a. 女性的;雌的;柔弱的occupy ['?kjupai]v.占,占用;占据,占领;使忙碌,使从事sow [sau]v.播种grain [grein] n. 谷物,谷类;颗粒,细粒acre ['eik?]n.英亩fertile

['f?:tail; 'f?:til]a.肥沃的,富饶的;能繁殖的fruitful ['fru:tful]a.多产的;果


52. The thirsty porter uncovered the kettle, and then drank the last drop of juice.那位口渴的搬运工揭开壶盖,把一壶果汁喝光了。

thirsty ['θ?:sti]a.口渴的;(for)渴望的,热望的porter [?p?:t?] n.

守门人,门房,行李搬运工,服务员uncover [?n'k?v?]v.揭开,揭露

kettle [?ketl] n. 水壶drop [dr?p] n. 滴;落下;微量v.

落下;下降;失落juice [d?u:s] n. (水果等)汁,液

53. The workmen, who were holding spades, squeezed gold ore particles out of tons of rock in the pit. 手握铲子的矿工在矿井中将金


hold [h?uld] v. 拿着;保有;托住;举行;继续n. 握住;船

舱spade [speid] n. 铁锹,铲子squeeze [skwi:z]v.压榨,挤 n.

榨取,勒索gold [g?uld] n. 金,黄金;金币;金黄色a. 金的,

金制的ore [?:(r)] n. 矿石,矿砂particle [?pa:tikl] n. 粒

子,微粒;极小量;小品词,虚词ton [tΛn] n. 吨;(pl.)大量,许多pit [pit] n. 坑,陷阱;煤矿,矿井

54. The grocer, who was driving a wagon, got frustrated by the

frost and slippery lane.驾着马车的杂货商因冰冻路滑而沮丧。

grocer [?gr?us?] n. 食品商,杂货商frustrate [frΛs‘treit] vt. 挫败,阻挠,使灰心frost [fr?st, fr?:st] n. 霜,霜冻,严寒slippery [?slip?ri] a. 滑的,滑溜的lane [lein]n.小路,小巷,行车

55. The evil selfish landlord was cursed and defied by cynical farmers in poverty.那位可恶自私的地主受到愤世嫉俗的穷人的咒骂


evil [?i:vl] a. 邪恶的,罪恶的n. 邪恶,罪恶selfish [?selfi?] adj. 自私的,利己的landlord [?l?ndl?:d] n. 房东,地主

curse [k?:s] n. 诅咒,咒语,祸因vt. 诅咒,咒骂,使受罪

defy [di'fai]v.(公然)违抗,反抗;蔑视

56. My workmate gestured, clarifying his intentions of using a

forged(faked) passport in haste.我的同事打着手势,匆忙地解释着


gesture [?d?est??] n. 姿势,姿态,手势v. 做手势clarify

['kl?rifai]v.澄清,阐明intention [in'ten??n]n.意图,意向,目的forge

[f?:d?] v. 锻造,伪造n. 锻工车间;锻炉passport [?pa:sp?:t] n. 护照,达到某种目的的手段haste [heist]n.匆忙,急速;草率 v. 匆忙;

赶快 fake [feik] n. 假货,赝品a. 假的,冒充的v. 伪造;伪

57. It is evident that the typist (receptionist) wearing fashionable blouse is capable.很明显,那位穿着时髦女衬衫的打字员(接待


evident ['evid?nt]a.明显的,明白的typist [?taipist] n. 打字员fashionable [?f???n?bl] a. 流行的,时髦的blouse [blauz]

n. 女衬衣,短上衣,宽阔的罩衫capable ['keip?bl] a.有本领的,有


58. The pregnant woman clumsily sliced up a loaf and put them

on a rack oven.那位孕妇笨拙地将面包切成片,放在架式烤炉上。pregnant ['pregn?nt]a.怀孕的;意义深长的slice [slais]n.薄片,切片;一份;部分切(片)loaf [l?uf] n. 一个面包rack [r?k] n. 挂物架,搁物架v. 使痛苦,折磨oven [?Λv?n] n. 炉,灶,灶箱

59. For the sake of security, he steered the steamer into port and cast anchor before the awful hurricane came.为了安全起见,在可


sake [seik]n.缘故security [si'kjuriti]n.安全steer [sti?] vt. 驾

驶,为…操舵;引导vi. 驾驶steamer [?sti:m?] n. 汽船,轮船port [p?:t] n. 港口cast [kɑ:st]v.投,扔,掷,抛;铸造 n.演员表anchor [???k?] n./v. 锚;危难时可依靠的人或物;用锚泊船awful ['?:ful]a.极度的,极坏的;威严的,可怕的 ad.十分hurricane [?hΛrik?n, -kin] n. 飓风

60. The client selected a pair of jeans, an elastic pants and a

gown for his madam.那位顾客给夫人买了一条牛仔裤,一条有弹性


client ['klai?nt] n.顾客;(诉讼)委托人select [si‘lekt] v. 选择,

挑选a. 精选的,选择的jeans [d?i:ns] n. 牛仔裤(又称blue jeans, dungarees等)elastic [i‘l?stik] a. 弹性的n. 松紧带,

橡皮圈pants [p?nts] n. 裤子,短裤gown [gaun] n.


61. With somewhat panic expression, grabbing the mobile phone, she dashed off the dormitory.带着惊恐的表情,她抓起手机,冲出


panic ['p?nik]n.恐慌,惊慌expression [iks'pre??n]n.表达,表示;词句,

措词;式,符号grab [gr?b] v./n. (at)抓(住);夺(得)

dash [d??]v./n.冲,猛冲,突进 n.破折号

62. The princess with curly hair wore a crown decorated with

small cube crystal (ruby) at the luncheon.用餐时,那位卷发公主戴


princess [prin‘ses, ‘prinses] n. 公主,王妃crown [kraun] n. 王冠,冕;君权,君王v. 为…加冕decorate [?dek?reit] v.

装饰,装璜,布置cube [kju:b] n. 立方形,立方体;立方,

三次幂crystal [?kristl] n. 水晶,水晶饰品;结晶a. 水晶的,

透明的ruby [?ru:bi] n. 红宝石

63. He shrugged his shoulder, indirectly implying that he was indifferent to the ballet concert in a nearby pub.他耸耸肩,间接地表示他对附近一家酒吧举行的芭蕾舞毫无兴趣。

shrug [?rΛg] vt./n. 耸肩(表示冷淡、怀疑、无奈、不满等)shoulder [???uld?] n. 肩,肩部v. 肩负,承担imply

[im‘plai] v. 意指,含…意思,暗示indifferent [in'dif?r?nt]a.冷漠的,不关心的,不积极的ballet [?b?lei] , [b?‘lei] n. 芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞团nearby [?ni?bai] a. 附近的ad. 在附近prep. 在…附近pub [pΛb] n. (英国)小酒店;小旅馆64. In a snack-bar, he dips tomato jam in a tray with the loaf when sucking soda.在一家快餐店里,他一边吮吸着汽水,一边用面包蘸着碟子里的西红柿酱。

snack [sn?k] n. 快餐,小吃,点心dip [dip] v./n. 浸,蘸jam [d??m] n. 阻塞,轧住;果酱v. (使)阻塞,(使)轧住不动tray [trei] n. 盘,碟,托盘suck [sΛk] v./n. 吸,舐;吸收(取)soda [?s?ud?] n. 苏打,汽水

65. Despite of holding an umbrella, the trousers of the viewer on the muddy wayside were soaked.虽然打着雨伞,这位站在泥泞路边的观众,裤子已经湿透了。

despite [dis'pait] prep.不管,不顾umbrella [Λm‘brel?] n. 伞trousers [?traJz?z] n. 裤子soak [s?uk] v. 浸泡,浸湿,浸透

66. They cheer with Coca-cola, exchanging congratulations for having been aboard an aircraft carrier.他们以可口可乐代酒,为登上航空母舰而互相庆贺。

cheer [t?i?] v.(使)振奋,(使)高兴 v./n.喝彩,欢呼exchange [iks‘t?eind?] v./n. (for)交换,兑换;交流,交易;交换台congratulation [k?n,gr?tju‘lei??n] n. (on)祝贺,(pl.)祝贺词aboard [?‘b?:d] ad./prep. 在船(飞机、车)上 ad. 上船(飞机)aircraft [???kra:ft] n. 飞机,飞船,飞行器carrier [?k?ri?] n. 搬运人;载体

67. The muscular boxer exerted every ounce of energy in this fierce vital punch to punish his opponent.那位肌肉发达的拳击手竭尽全力向对手发出致命的一击。

muscular [?mΛskjul?] a. 肌肉的;肌肉发达的;强健的exert [ig'z?:t]v.尽(力),施加(压力等)ounce [auns] n. 盎司,英两energy [?en?d?i] n. 活力,精力;能,能量fierce [fi?s]a.凶猛的,残忍的;狂热的,强烈的vital ['vaitl]a.生死攸关的,重大的;生命的,生机的punch [pΛnt?] n. 冲压机,冲床;穿孔机v. 冲压,穿孔

punish [?pΛni?] v. 惩罚,处罚opponent [?'p?un?nt]n.对手,反对者,敌手 a.对立的,对抗的

68. My partner, who is licking ice-cream, has rich imagination and speaks fluent oral English. 我的那位正在吃冰激凌的伙伴有这丰富的想象力和一口流利的英语。

partner [?pa:tn?] n. 合作者,合伙人,合股人,伙伴,舞伴,配偶lick [klik] vt. 舔;(火焰或浪)掠过;打败n. 舔;少量ice-cream [?aiskri:m] n. 冰淇淋imagination [i.m?d?i'nei?

?n]n.想象,空想,想像力fluent ['flu(:)?nt]a.流利的,流畅的oral [??:r?l] a. 口头的

69. The elegant bride embraced her lover tenderly at the wedding.那位美丽的新娘在结婚典礼上与爱人温柔拥抱。

elegant ['elig?nt]a.优雅的,优美的,精致的bride [braid] n. 新娘embrace [im'breis]v.拥抱;包含lover [?lΛv?] n. 爱好者;(pl.)情侣wedding [?wedi?] n. 婚礼

70. Though being a deaf and dumb mechanic, he holds no negative (passive) attitude to whatsoever his work and never lags. 虽然他是一位聋哑技工,但对工作没有任何消极态度,也从来没有落后。

deaf [def] a. 聋的;不愿听的dumb [dΛm] a. 哑的,无言的mechanic [mi‘k?nik] n. 技工,机修工negative

['neg?tiv]a.否定的,消极的,阴性的 n.负数;(摄影)底片passive [?p?siv] a. 被动的,消极的attitude [??titju:d] n. 态度,看法(to, toward, about);姿势whatsoever [w?ts?u‘ev?] ad. (用于否定句中以加强语气)任何lag [l?g]v./n.落后(于),滞后(于) 71. The chess champion of the union was unexpectedly eliminated in the preliminary match.工会的象棋冠军这次预赛中被意外地淘汰了。

chess [t?es] n. 棋,国际象棋champion ['t??mpj?n]n.冠军,得胜者;拥护者,斗士union [?ju:nj?n] n. 联合,团结;联盟,联邦;协会,社团;和谐eliminate [i'limineit]v.消除preliminary [pri'limin?ri]a.预备的,初步的

72. My neighbor frowned at the draining pipe choked by trash and rust.我的邻居因排水管被垃圾和铁锈堵住而沮丧。

frown [fraun]v.皱眉drain [drein]n.排水沟,阴沟;消耗,负担 v.排去,放干pipe [paip] n. 管子,导管;烟斗;笛choke [t??uk] v. 窒息,噎住;闷塞,堵塞,阻塞trash [tr??] n. 垃圾;拙劣的作品;渣滓,败类rust [rΛst] n. 铁锈v. (使)生锈

73. After attending the banquet celebrating the anniversary of charity council, the drunken millionaire fell down to the lawn adjoining a nightclub parking.参加慈善委员会成立一周年的宴会


attend [?'tend] v.出席,参加;(to)照顾,护理banquet ['b??kwit]n.宴会,盛会,酒席anniversary [.?ni'v?:s?ri]n.周年(纪念日)charity ['t??riti]n.慈善(团体),仁慈,施舍,a 仁慈的,宽厚的council ['kaunsil]n.理事会,委员会,议事机构millionaire [,milj?‘n??] n. 百万富翁lawn [l ?:n] n. 草地,草坪adjoin [?‘d??in] v. 临近,靠近;贴近,毗连park [pa:k] n. 公园,停车场,运动场v. 停放(汽车等),寄放

74. The rigid teacher criticized sandy for the fact that remotely relevant to the topic, his composition was simply nonsense! 严厉的老师批评桑迪那篇毫不扣题的作文简直是胡说八道。

rigid ['rid?id]a.刚性的;刻板的;严厉的relevant ['reliv?nt]a.有关的;中

肯的;实质性的,有重大意义的topic [?t?pik] n. 话题,主题,题目composition [k?mp?'zi??n]n.作品,作文,乐曲;作曲;结构,组成,成分simply [?simpli] ad. 简单地;完全,简直;仅仅,只不过;朴素地nonsense [?n?ns?ns] n. 胡说,废话

75. In order to protect his teeth against dental decay (erosion), sandy‘ mother declared to prohibit excessive sweet diets and desserts.为了防止牙齿被蛀蚀,桑迪的妈妈声明,禁止他过度地吃甜食和饭后甜点。

protect [pr?‘tekt] v. (from)保护,保卫dental [?dentl] a. 牙齿的;牙科(用)的decay [di'kei]v./n.腐朽,腐烂;衰减,衰退erosion [i‘r?u??n] n. 腐蚀,磨损;削弱,减少declare [di'kl??]v.宣布,宣告,声明;断言,宣称prohibit [pr?'hibit]v.禁止,不准;阻止excessive [ik'sesiv]a.过多的,过分的diet [?dai?t] n. 饮食,食物dessert [di‘z?:t] n. 正餐后的水果或甜食

76. The sincere Confucian‘s formal style of speaking was appropriate for the occasion.这位诚挚的儒家学者的讲话方式适合


sincere [sin'si?]a.诚挚的,真实的,诚恳的formal [?f?:m?l] a. 正式的;形式的style [stail]n.风格,文体;式样,时式,类型appropriate [?'pr?upri:?t]a.(to)适当的,恰如其分的occasion [?'kei??n]n.场合,时节,时刻;时机,机会

77. A refugee walked into a supermarket of downtown, adapted his eyes to the dizzy light indoors and peered at the price on the tag of some shavers.一位难民走进市中心的超市,尽量让自己的眼

睛适应室内炫目的灯光,细看标签以辨认出那些剃须刀的价格。refugee [.refju(:)'d?i:]n.难民supermarket [?sju:p?,ma:kit] n.

超级市场downtown [?dauntaun] ad. 在城市的商业区n./a. 城

市商业区(的)adapt [?'d?pt]v.(to)(使)适应,改编,改写dizzy

[?dizi] a. 头晕目眩的,眩晕的;(可能)使人头晕的indoor

[?ind?:] a. 室内的,户内的peer [pi?] n. 同辈,同等地位的人;贵族v. 凝视,隐约出现tag [t?g] n. 标签;鞋带;垂饰

vt. 加标签于;附加vi. 紧随

78. He deleted all the classical dramas in his computer, and reproduced some modern jazz music into it.他删去计算机中所有的


delete [di' li:t]vt.删除,擦掉classical ['kl?sik?l]a.经典的,古典(文学)的drama ['drɑ:m?]n.剧本,戏剧;戏剧性事件或场面computer

[k?m‘pju:t?] n. 计算机,电脑;计算者reproduce [.ri:pr?'dju:s]v.

生殖;翻版;繁殖;复制,仿造modern [?m?d?n] a. 现代的,近代的,新式的jazz [d??z] n. 爵士乐

79. I envy you, lucky devil (guy) –your wife is slender and graceful with fascinating smiles.我好羡慕你啊!你真是个幸运的家伙-你妻子


envy ['envi]v./n.羡慕,忌妒devil [?devl] n. 魔鬼guy [gai] n. 家伙,人slender ['slend?] a.修长的,细长的,苗条的;微小的,微薄

的graceful ['greisful]a.优美的,文雅的fascinate [?f?sineit] v.


80. The Negro, a diver, drinks lemon juice every day as a

substitute for Vitamin C.那位黑人跳水运动员每天喝柠檬汁替代维生


Negro [?ni:gr?u] n. 黑人a. 黑人的lemon [?lem?n] n.

柠檬substitute ['s?bstitju:t]n.代用品,代替品 v.(for)代替,替换vitamin [?vait?min, ‘vi-] n. 维生素


81. The sum of the mill‘s annual expenses budget is fourteen

billion dollars.那家制造厂的年度开支预算总计140亿美元。

sum [sΛm] n. 总数,和;金额;算术题;要旨v. 合计,总计mill [mil] n. 磨粉机,磨坊;作坊,工厂annual ['?nju?l]a.每

年的,年度的n.年刊,年鉴expense [ik‘spens] n. 花费,消费,

消耗budget [?bΛd?it] n. 预算vt./vi. (为…)做预算billion

[?bilj?n] num./n. (美)十亿,(英)万亿

82. There is a trend that Beijing will give priority to three pillar manufacturing industry.北京将优先发展三大支柱产业是必然的趋


trend [trend] n. 倾向,趋势vi. 伸向,倾向priority [prai'?riti]n.先,前;优先,优先权pillar [?pil?] n. 柱,台柱,栋梁manufacture [,m?nju‘f?kt??] v. 制造,加工n. 制造,制造业;产品industry ['ind?stri]n.工业,产业;勤劳,勤奋

83. The ornament manufacturers want to remove their headquarters and overall factory to the South and boom their products with a new trademark.装饰品制造商想把总部和所有工厂转移到南方,然后采用新商标迅速发展其产品。

ornament [??:n?m?nt] v. 装饰,美化n. 装饰,装饰物manufacturer [.m?nju'f?kt??r?]n.制造商remove [ri'mu:v]v.排除,消除,去掉;搬迁,移动,运走headquarters [?hed,kw?:t?z] n. 司令部,指挥部;总部,总局overall [??uv?r?:l] a. 全面的,综合的n. (pl.)(套头)工作服boom [bu:m]v.迅速发展,兴旺;发出隆隆声 n繁荣,隆隆声trademark [?treidma:k] n. 商标;特征vt. 注册的…商标

84. It‘s presu mably(probably) that the bank will accommodate the merchant with a fantastic amount of loan.很有可能银行将贷给那个商人一大笔款。

presumably [pri‘zju:m?b?li] ad. 推测起来,大概accommodate[?'k?m?deit]v.留宿,收容;供应,供给merchant ['m?:t??nt]n.商人,零售商fantastic [f?n't?stik]a.奇异的,幻想的,异想天开的,极好的amount [?‘maunt] n. 总数,数量;数额 v. 共计;等同,接近(to)loan [l?un]n.贷款;出借,借出 v.借出

85. The press claimed the Euro firm has made a tremendous advance in the realm of production portable generators.据媒体报道,这家欧洲的公司在小型发动机制造方面已经取得巨大的进步。press [pres] v. 压;压榨;紧迫,催促n. 报刊,通讯社;压榨机claim [kleim]v.要求;声称;索赔,断言n.要求;断言;索赔;权利tremendous [tri'mend?s]a.巨大的,极大的advance [?d'vɑ:ns]v.前进;推进;取得进展n.前进,进展;预付款realm [relm] n. 王国,国土;领域production [pr?'d?k??n]n.生产,产量;产品,作品portable ['p ?:t?bl]a.轻便的,手提(式)的generator ['d?en?reit?]n.发电机,发生器86. The development of tourism and recreation is an index of the country‘s prosperity, revealing the systematic economic restoring and growth after a sequence of terrorism attacks in its territory.旅


recreation [rekri‘ei?(?)n] n. 娱乐,消遣index

['indeks]((pl.)indexes,indices)n.索引 v.附以索引prosperity [pr?

s'periti]n.繁荣,兴旺reveal [ri'vi:l]v.展现,显示,揭示,揭露,告诉,泄露systematic [.sisti'm?tik]a.系统的,有组织的economic [.i:k?'n?mik]a.经济(上)的,经济学的restor e [ris‘t?:] v. 恢复,使回复;归还,交还;修复,重建growth [gr?uθ] n. 生长,增长,发展sequence ['si:kw?ns]n.先后,次序;连续,数列territory ['terit?ri]n.领土;版图;领域,范围

87. The prosperous economy of China caused worldwide attraction.中国繁荣的经济引起了全世界的瞩目。

prosperous ['pr?sp?r?s]a.繁荣的,兴旺的economy [i(:)'k?n?mi]n.节约;经济cause [k?:z] n. 原因;事业,事件,奋斗目标v. 使产生,引起worldwide [?w?:ldwaid] a. 全世界的,世界范围的ad. 遍及全世界

88. The industrial revolution, a thrill and also a thrust, modified wholly the traditional social structure of Great Britain.工业革命,是令人激动的事情,也是一种动力,改变了整个英国传统的社会结构。

revolution [,rev?‘lu:??n] n. 革命;旋转,转数thrill [θril]n.令人激动的事 v.使激动;使毛骨悚然modify ['m?difai]v.更改,修改,修饰wholly ['h?uli] ad.完全地,全部,一概structure [?strΛkt??] n. 结构,构造;建筑物v. 构造,建造

89. After th e attorney analyzed the reason why he couldn‘t inherit the considerable assets, he departed from the courtroom in pessimistic mood.在律师分析了他不能继承那笔客观的财产的原因后,他怀着悲伤的心情,离开了法庭。

attorney [?'t?:ni]n.律师analyze ['?n?laiz] v.(analyse)分析,分解inherit [in'herit]v.继承considerable [k?n'sid?r?bl]a.相当大(或多)的,可观的;值得考虑的asset ['?set]n. 资产,有用的东西,优点,长处depart [di'pɑ:t]v.离开,起程pessimistic [.pesi'mistik]a.悲观(主义)的optimisticmood [mu:d]n.心情,情绪;语气

90. The architect has abandoned the ring-road project, because the price of cement and brick continually fluctuates.由于水泥和砖的价格浮动不定,建筑师放弃了正在进行的环路公路工程。architect ['ɑ:kitekt]n.建筑师abandon [?‘b?nd?n] vt. 离弃,丢弃;遗弃,抛弃;放弃ring [ri?] n. 戒指;环;铃声;(打)电话v. 按(铃),敲(钟)project ['pr?d?ekt]n.方案,工程v.投射,放映;设计规划price [prais] n. 价格,价钱;代价v. 标价cement [si‘ment] n. 水泥;胶泥,胶接剂v. 胶合;巩固,

加强brick [brik] n. 砖块,砖 vt. 用砖围砌,用砖填补

fluctuate ['fl?ktjueit]v.使波动,使起伏

91. Those electronic instruments are essential for our domestic phone communication networks.这些电子装置对国内电话通讯网非


electron ic [ilek‘tr?nik] a. 电子的instrument [?instrum?nt] n. 工具,仪器,器械;乐器essential [i'sen??l]a.(to)必要的,必不可

少的;本质的,基本的domestic [d?'mestik]a.家里的;本国的;驯养的phone [f?un] n. (telephone)电话,电话机,耳机v. 打电

话communication [k?.mju:ni'kei?n]n.通讯,传达;(pl.)通讯系统;交通(工具)network [?netw?:k] n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络92. He acknowledged from hourly highlight news that the

particular schooling scheme is financed by a government grant.他

从整点要闻了解到,那个特殊教育项目由政府拨款资助。acknowledge [?k'n?lid?]v.承认;致谢highlight ['hailait]v.使显著,使突出;强调 n.最精彩的部分particular [p?'tikjul?]a.特殊的;特定的,个别

的n.(常pl.)详情,细目school [sku:l] n. 学校,(大学里的)

学院;上学,学业;学派scheme [ski:m]n.计划,方案;阴谋;配置 v.计划,策划;阴谋finance [fai‘n?ns, fi-] n. 财政,金融v. 为…提

供资金grant [grɑ:nt]v.同意,准予;给予,授予 n.授予物

93. I approve of his viewpoint that merely through strengthening diplomatic and external trade channels to improve Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is inadequate.我同意他的观点,仅仅通过加强外交


approve [?'pru:v] v.(of)赞成,满意,同意;批准,审定,通过viewpoint

['vju:.p?int]n.观点merely ['mi?li]ad.仅仅,只不过strengthen

['stre?θ?n]v.加强,巩固diplomatic [,dipl?‘m?tik] a. 外交的,

从事外交的;策略的,有手腕的external [eks't?:nl]a.外部的,外面的trade [treid] n. 贸易,商业;职业,行业v. 经商,交易channel [?t??nl] n. 海峡,水道;信道,波道;路线,途径gross [gr?us]a.总的,毛(重)的;粗鲁的,粗俗的 n.总额domestic

[d?'mestik]a.家里的;本国的;驯养的inadequate [in'?dikwit]a.(for,to)


94. A shortage of nylon-an important raw material-may affect the output of synthetic fiber.尼龙是制成合成纤维的重要原料,如果缺乏将会影响产量。

shortage ['??:tid?]n.不足,缺少nylon [?nail?n] n. 尼龙raw [r?:] a. 未煮过的,生的;未加工过的,未经训练的


A access/ ‘?kses/ n.接近;通道,入口accidental/ ?ksi’dentl/ a.偶然的;非本质的accommodate/ ?’k?m?deit/ vt.容纳;供应,供给accommodation/ ?,k?m?’dei??n/ n.招待设备;预定铺位accordance/ ?’k?r:d?ns/ n.一致;和谐;授予accordingly/ ?’k?r:di?li/ ad.因此,所以;照着account/ ?’kaunt/ n.记述;解释;帐目 address / ?’dres/ n.地址;演说;谈吐adequate/ ‘?dikwit/ a.足够的;可以胜任的advisable/ ?d’vaiz?bl/ n.明智的;可取的 age/ eid?/ vt.变老 alloy/‘?l?i, ?’l?i/ n.合金;(金属的)成色aluminium/ ?lju’minj?m/ n.铝 anchor/‘??k?/ n.锚vi.抛锚,停泊 anticipate/ ?n’tisipeit/ vt.预料,预期,期望apparatus/ ,?p?’reit?s/ n.器械,仪器;器官appetite/‘?pitait/ n.食欲,胃口;欲望appliance/ ?’plai?ns/ n.用具,器具,器械applicable/‘?plik?bl/ a.能应用的;适当的 article/‘a:tikl/ n.条款;物品

assemble/ ?’sembl/ vt.集合,召集;装配assembly/ ?’sembli/ n.集合;集会;装配assure/ ?’?u?/ vt.使确信;向…保证atom/ ‘?t?m/ n.原子;微粒;微量attribute/ ‘?tribju:t/ vt.把…归因于n.属性automobile/‘?:t?m?bi:l/ n.汽车,机动车auxiliary/ ?:g’zilj?ri/ a.辅助的;附属的 B bang/ b??/ n.巨响,枪声;猛击barrel/‘b?r?l/ n.桶;圆筒;枪管battery/‘b?t?ri/ n.电池;一套,一组bay/ bei/ n.湾;山脉中的凹处 beam/ bi:m/ n.梁;横梁;束,柱behalf/ bi’ha:f/ n.利益,维护,支持bind/ baind/ vt.捆绑;包扎;装钉biscuit/ ‘biskit/ n.(英)饼干;(美)软饼blade/ bleid/ n.刀刃,刀片;叶片blend/ blend/ vt.&vi.&n.混和 bold/ b?uld/ a.大胆的;冒失的 bolt/ b?ult/ n.螺栓;插销vt.闩门bond/ b?nd/ n.联结,联系;公债


一、学习用品 (school[sku:l] things) Pen钢笔[pen] Pencil铅笔['pens?l] pencil-case铅笔盒['pens?l-keis] ruler尺子['ru:l?] book书[buk] bag包[b?ɡ] comic book漫画书['k?mik-buk] post card明信片[p?ust-kɑ:d] newspaper报纸 ['nju:s,peip?, 'nju:z-] schoolbag书包['sku:lb?ɡ] eraser橡皮 [i'reiz?] crayon蜡笔['krei?n] sharpener卷笔刀 story-book故事书['st?:ri-buk] notebook笔记本['n?utbuk] Chinese book语文书 English book英语书 math book数学书[m?θ-buk] magazine杂志[,m?ɡ?'zi:n] dictionary词典['dik??n?ri] 二、人体(body)['b?di] foot脚[fut] head头[hed] face脸[feis] hair头发[hε?] nose鼻子[n?uz] mouth嘴[mauθ] eye 眼睛[ai] ear耳朵[i?] arm手臂[ɑ:m] hand手[h?nd] finger手指['fi?ɡ?] leg腿[leɡ] tail尾巴[teil] 三、颜色(colours) red红[red] blue蓝[blu:] yellow黄['jel?u] green绿[ɡri:n] white白[hwait] black黑 [bl?k] pink粉红[pi?k] purple紫['p?:pl] orange橙['?rind?, '?:-] brown棕[braun] 四、动物(animals)animal ['?nim?l] cat猫[k?t] dog狗[d?ɡ, d?:ɡ] pig猪[piɡ] duck鸭[d?k] rabbit兔['r?bit] horse马[h?:s] elephant 大象['elif?nt] ant蚂蚁[?nt] fish鱼[fi?] bird鸟[b?:d] eagle鹰['i:ɡl] beaver海狸['bi:v?] snake蛇[sneik] mouse老鼠[maus, mauz] squirrel松鼠['skw?:r?l, 'skwi-, 'skw?-] kangaroo袋鼠[,k?nɡ?'ru:] monkey猴['m??ki] panda 熊猫['p?nd?] bear熊[bε?] lion狮子['lai?n] tiger老虎['taiɡ?] fox狐狸[f?ks] zebra斑马 ['zi:br?] deer鹿[di?] goose鹅[ɡu:s] giraffe长颈鹿[d?i'rɑ:f]hen母鸡[hen] turkey火鸡['t?:ki] lamb小羊[l?m] sheep绵羊[?ip] goat山羊[ɡ?ut] cow奶牛[kau] donkey驴['d??ki] squid鱿鱼[skwid] lobster龙虾['l?bst?] shark鲨鱼[?ɑ:k] seal 海豹[si:l] sperm whale抹香鲸[sp?:m-hweil] killer whale虎鲸['kil?-hweil] 五、人物(people)['pi:pl] friend朋友[frend] boy男孩[b?i] girl女孩[ɡ?:l] mother母亲['m?e?] father父亲['fɑ:e?] sister姐妹['sist?] brother兄弟['br?e?] uncle叔叔;舅舅['??kl] man男人[m?n] woman女人['wum?n] Miss小姐[mis] Mr.先生 lady女士;小姐['leidi] mom妈妈[m?m] dada爸爸[d?d, 'dɑ:dɑ:] parents父母parent['pε?r?nt] son 儿子[s?n] grandparents祖父母['ɡr?nd,pε?r?nt] grandma/grandmother(外)祖母['ɡr?nd,m?e?] aunt姑姑[ɑ:nt, ?nt] cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹['k?z?n] daughter女儿['d?:t?] baby婴儿['beibi] kid小孩[kid] queen 女王[kwi:n] classmate同学['klɑ:smeit]visitor参观者['vizit?] neighbour邻居['neib?] principal校长 ['prins?p?l] university student大学生[,ju:ni'v?:s?ti-'stju:d?nt]pen pal笔友[pen-p?l] tourist旅行者['tu?rist] people人物['pi:pl] robot机器人['r?ub?t, -b?t, 'r?b?t] grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父['ɡr?ndpɑ:] / ['ɡr?nd,fɑ:e?] 六、职业(jobs)[d??bs] teacher教师['ti:t??] student学生['stju:d?nt, 'stu:-] doctor医生[d?kt?] nurse护士[n?:s] driver 司机[n?:s] farmer农民['fɑ:m?] singer歌唱家['si??] writer作家['rait?] actor男演员['?kt?] actress女演员['?ktris] artist画家['ɑ:tist] TV reporter电视台记者[ri'p?:t?] engineer工程师[,end?i'ni?] accountant会计[?'kaunt?nt] policeman(男)警察[p?'li:sm?n] salesperson销售员['seilz,p?:s?n]cleaner清洁工['kli:n?]police警察[p?'li:s] baseball player棒球运动员['beisb?:l-'plei?] assistant售货员[?'sist?nt] 七、食品、饮料(food & drink) rice米饭[rais] bread面包[bred] beef牛肉[bi:f] milk牛奶[milk] water水['w?:t?, 'w?-] egg蛋[eɡ] fish 鱼[fi?] tofu豆腐['t?ufu:] cake蛋糕[keik] hot dog热狗[h?t-[d?ɡ] hamburger汉堡包['h?mb?:ɡ?] jam果酱 [d??m] French fries炸薯条[fraids] cookie曲奇['kuki] biscuit饼干['biskit] noodles面条['nu:dl] meat肉[mi:t] chicken鸡肉['t?ikin] pork猪肉[p?:k] mutton羊肉['m?t?n] vegetable蔬菜['ved?it?bl]salad沙拉 ['s?l?d] ice冰[ais] soup汤[su:p]ice-cream冰淇淋['aiskri:m]Coke可乐 juice果汁[d?u:s] tea茶[ti:] coffee咖啡['k?fi] breakfast早餐['brekf?st] lunch午餐[l?nt?] dinner/supper晚餐['din?] /['s?p?] meal一餐[mi:l] 八、水果、蔬菜 (fruit/ vegetables) [fru:t]['ved?it?bl] apple苹果['?pl] banana香蕉[b?'nɑ:n?, -'n?-] pear梨[pε?] orange橙['?rind?, '?:-] watermelon 西瓜['w?:t?-'mel?n] grape葡萄[ɡreip]eggplant茄子['eɡplɑ:nt,-pl?nt] green beans青豆[ɡri:n-bi:n] tomato西红柿[t?'mɑ:t?u] potato土豆[p?'teit?u] peach桃[pi:t?] strawberry草莓['str?:b?ri] cucumber黄瓜['kju:k?mb?] onion 洋葱['?nj?n] carrot胡萝卜['k?r?t] cabbage卷心菜['k?bid?] 九、衣服(clothes)[kl?ues] jacket夹克衫['d??kit] shirt衬衫[??:t] T-shirt丅恤衫skirt短裙子[sk?:t] dress连衣裙[dres] pants 长裤[p?nts] jeans牛仔裤[d?i:n, d?ein] socks袜子[s?k]s shoes鞋子[?u:]sweater毛衣['swet?] coat上衣[k?ut] cap 便帽[k?p]


337 purple ['p?:pl] adj & n 紫色(的) 338 brown [braun] adj&n棕色(的),褐色(的) 340 grey [grei] adj & n 灰色(的),灰白(的) 398 doll [d?l] n 玩具娃娃 444 juice [d?u:s] n (水果;蔬菜;肉等的)汁;水汁450 wardrobe ['w?:dr?ub] n 衣柜 473 robot ['r?ub?t] n 机器人 543 ski [ski:] v 滑雪 546 roller-skating ['r?ul?skeiti?] n 滑旱冰547 chess [t?es] n 国际象棋 924 harvest ['hɑ:vist] n 收获 )更好的 929 pumpkin ['p?mpkin] n 南瓜 931 turkey ['t?:ki] n 火鸡 932 celebrate ['selibreit] v 庆祝 947 corn [k?:n] n (美)玉米,谷类庄稼 965 dolphin ['d?lfin] n 海豚 973 lion ['lai?n] n 狮子 977 deer [di?] (pl.deer) n 鹿 979 rabbit ['r?bit] n 兔子 984 cage [keid?] n 笼(子),鸟笼 1000 theatre(theater['θi?t?])['θi?t?]n剧场,戏院典人的 1103 rock [r?k] n 摇动,摇滚乐 1104 band [b?nd] n 乐队 1105 concert ['k?ns?t] n 音乐会,演奏会1176 melon ['mel?n] n 瓜 1202 candle['k?ndl] n 蜡烛 1233 kitchen ['kit?in] n 厨房 1239 pepper ['pep?] n 胡椒 1243 fork [f?:k] n 叉,餐叉 1244 spoon [spu:n] n 匙,调羹 1245 chopsticks ['t??pstiks]n (常用复数)筷子 1247 pea [pi:] n 豌豆 1248 butter ['b?t?] n 黄油1249 cheese [t?i:z] n 乳酪 1381 storm [st?:m] n 暴风雨 1421 solve [s?lv] v 解决,解答 1433 cousin ['k?zn] n 堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹 1434 engineer [,end?i'ni?] n 工程师1468 dim [dim] adj 微暗的,昏暗的 1471 blind [blaind] adj 瞎的,盲的 1588 scissors ['siz?z] n (复数)剪刀 1589 racket['r?kit]n (网球,羽毛球等的)球拍 1591 review [ri'vju:] v 复习(功课等) 1593 novel ['n?v?l] n (长篇)小说 1594 wallet ['w?lit] n 钱夹,皮夹 1600 mention ['men??n] v 提到,说起1601 crow [kr?u] v 拥挤 1602 imagine[i'm?d?in] v 设想,想像1605 steer [sti?] n & v 驾驶,掌舵 1606 steering wheel n 驾驶盘 1607 dive [daiv] v 潜入(水中),跳水 1608 diver ['daiv?] n 潜入水中的人,潜水员1611 breathe [bri:e] v 呼吸 1613 rob [r?b] v 抢劫 1614 hard-working adj 辛勤工作的,用功的 1615 art [ɑ:t] n 艺术,艺术品 1616 at the moment phr. 此刻 1617 Titanic[tai't?nik] n 泰坦尼克(船名) 1618 set [set] v 使开始,安置 1619 set off ['set ?f] phr. 出发,动身,起初1620 pleasant ['pleznt] adj 愉快的,快乐的1621 iceberg ['aisb?:g] n 冰山 1637 penguin['pe?gwin] n 企鹅 1638 pink [pi?k] adj 粉红色的,桃红色的1639 shellfish ['?elfi?] n 贝类,甲壳虫1640 lay [lei] v 下蛋,产蛋 -可编辑-


英语单词例句[欣赏的英文单词及例句] 欣赏的英文: appreciate enjoy admire 参考例句: anappreciativeaudience 能欣赏之听众Notprizedorvalued;unappreciated. 未被看上的未被珍视或重视的;未被欣赏的 Totastewithrelish;savor. 品尝,欣赏津津有味地品尝;品味Weadmiredthegracefulpoiseofthedancer. 我们很欣赏那位舞蹈演员的优美舞姿。 You'retoosuperficialtoappreciategreatliteraturelikethis. 你没有钻劲,无法欣赏这类文学巨著。ManyaflowerisBorntoBlushunseen. 有许多花儿生来就开著没有人欣赏。 It'sacreativeactivitythatthefamilycanshareandenjoy. 这是全家人都能分享和欣赏的创造性活动。"Perhapsweneedtoadmirethisskill,ratherthangetparanoidabouti t.”" 也许我们应该欣赏这种技能,而不是疑神疑鬼。Dickensopenlyrevelsinthebook'srichphysicaldetailandhigh-heartedconflict.

狄更斯对该书中丰富多彩的具体细节描写和勇敢的争斗公开表示欣赏。Sheprimpedandpreenedinthemirroradmiringthependant,butshejus twasn'tsatisfied. 她对着镜了打扮来打扮去,欣赏着项链。可她还不满足。appreciate是什么意思: v.感激,感谢;欣赏,重视;理解,体会 appreciation[ofsituation] 判断〔局势〕Antiquepaintingswillappreciatewithtime. 古董画会随时间增值。Landwillcontinuetoappreciate. 土地将继续增值。enjoy是什么意思: v.从…获得乐趣;欣赏;喜爱;享有 Libertiesareenjoyedbyallcitizens. 公民皆享有自由权。Ienjoylightwine. 我爱喝清淡的酒。Goodsaretheirsthatenjoythem 能享受自己财产的人是财产的真正主人admire是什么意思: v.钦佩;称赞 someonewhoadmires;especiallyanadmirerofayoungwoman. 钦佩羡慕别人的人;尤指女性的爱慕者。ThemagnificenceofVersaillesisadmirabletoeveryone. 凡尔赛宫的富丽堂皇让每个人都赞叹不已。 Helen'sconcernisadmirable. 海伦的关心值得赞赏。


Curtains ['k?:t?nz]窗帘Clothes—hanger 衣架 Pillow ['pil?u]枕头 Pillow case 枕袋 Quilt [kwilt]被子 Blanket ['bl??kit]毛毯 Extra bed ['ekstr?]加床Mattress:床垫 Hard mattress ['m?tris]硬床垫Soft mattress[s?ft, s?:ft] ['m?tris]软床垫 Laundry list ['l?:ndri, 'lɑ:n-] [list] 洗衣单 Laundry bag['l?:ndri, 'lɑ:n-] [[b?ɡ]] 洗衣袋 Laundry:洗衣店。 Sewing kit 针线包 Towel ['tau?l]毛巾 Shampoo [??m'pu:]洗发水Conditioner[k?n'di??n?]护发素Toothbrush['tu:θbr??]牙刷Toothpaste['tu:θpeist]牙膏Tooth:牙齿 Soap [s?up]香皂 Tissues['ti?u]面巾纸 Toilet paper['t?ilit]['peip?]卫生纸 Comb [k?um]梳子 Bath tub [bɑ:θ][t?b]浴缸Bath towel [bɑ:θ]['tau?l]浴巾 Face towel[feis] ['tau?l]小方巾 Bath mat[bɑ:θ][m?t]地巾Shower cap ['?au?] [k?p]浴帽Bath robe [bɑ:θ] [r?ub]浴袍Hairdryer['he?drai?;'her,drai? r; 'he?drai?(r)] 吹风机 Tap [t?p] 水龙头 Coffee table 茶几 Bed-head 床头 Electric kettle[i'lektrik] 酒店客房用品英语词


高考英语重点词汇及例 句 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

A ability 能力;He has ability to solve the problem 1- All he needs is an opportunity to show his ability absent 缺席的;He will be absent from the meeting tomorrow. abroad 到国外;Steven has been working abroad for five years. achieve 获得,实现;Many people will work hard to achieve these goals activity 活动;You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching advanced先进的,高级的;The company bought many advanced equipment last year. adventure冒险,奇遇; 1-I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year. advantage优势; 1-I will take advantage of this trip to buy all the things that we need. 2-Our advantage is we are familiar with all the roads. advertise登广告;They put some advertisement 名词on the newspaper. affect影响;This will affect our mood. afford 买得起;The car is so expensive that we can’t be able to afford it. agriculture农业;Agriculture is very important for all the countries. announce 宣布;The director announced that we had won the competition. anxious 焦虑的,渴望的;He is very anxious to go aboard. apologize道歉;I need to apologize for what I did. appearance出现,外表; 1-It was the president's second public appearance to date 2-She care about her appearance very much. appreciate感激,欣赏;We appreciate what you did for us. astronaut 宇航员;I saw an astronaut driving the spacecraft. atmosphere大气,气氛;very good atmosphere 很好的气氛或氛围 attempt 企图,尝试;We are attempting to persuade him to work for our company attract 吸引; 1-In order to attract the investors, Chinese government has reduced the taxes. audience听众;All the audience were attracted by his performance.


幼儿英语词汇大全(带音标) 目录 一、幼儿英语水果名称(fruit水果)错误!未定义书签。 二、颜色的英语(colours颜色)错误!未定义书签。 三、身体英语名称(body身体)错误!未定义书签。 四、动物英语名称(animals动物)错误!未定义书签。 五、人物英语名称(people人物)错误!未定义书签。 六、食品、饮料(food&drink)错误!未定义书签。 七、蔬菜英语名称(vegetables)错误!未定义书签。 八、衣服英语名称(clothes)错误!未定义书签。 九、交通工具英语名称(vehicles)错误!未定义书签。 十、植物英语名称(plants)错误!未定义书签。 十一、气象英语名称(weather)错误!未定义书签。 十二、地点英语名称(locations)错误!未定义书签。 十三、职业英语名称(jobs职业)错误!未定义书签。 十四、景物英语名称(nature)错误!未定义书签。 十五、星期英语名称(week)错误!未定义书签。 十六、月份英语名称(months)错误!未定义书签。 十七、数字(number)错误!未定义书签。 十八、情绪(emotion)错误!未定义书签。 幼儿英语水果名称(fruit水果) apple苹果[??p?l] banana香蕉[b??n?n?] pear梨[per] orange橙子[??:r?nd?] Watermelon西瓜[?w?:t?rmel?n] grape葡萄[ɡrep] peach桃[pit?] strawberry草莓[?str?:beri] betelnut槟榔['bi:tl?n?t] carambola杨桃[?k?r?m'bo?l?] cherry樱桃[?t??ri] chestnut栗子[?t??s?n?t]


英语单词分类带音标 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

一、 学习用品 (school[sku:l] things) Pen 钢笔[pen] Pencil 铅笔['pensl] pencil-case 铅笔盒['pensl-keis] ruler 尺子['ru:l] book 书[buk] bag 包[b ɡ] comic book 漫画书['kmik-buk] post card 明信片[pust-k ɑ:d] newspaper 报纸['nju:s,peip, 'nju:z-] schoolbag 书包['sku:lb ɡ] eraser 橡皮 [i'reiz] crayon 蜡笔['krein] sharpener 卷笔刀 story-book 故事书['st:ri-buk] notebook 笔记本['nutbuk] Chinese book 语文书 English book 英语书 math book 数学书[m θ-buk] magazine 杂志[,m ɡ'zi:n] dictionary 词典['diknri] 二、 人体 (body )['bdi] foot 脚[fut] head 头[hed] face 脸[feis] hair 头发[hε] nose 鼻子[nuz] mouth 嘴[mau θ] eye 眼睛[ai] ear 耳朵[i] arm 手臂[ɑ:m] hand 手[hnd] finger 手指['fi ɡ] leg 腿[le ɡ] tail 尾巴[teil] 三、 颜色 (colours ) red 红 [red] blue 蓝 [blu:] yellow 黄 ['jelu] green 绿[ɡri:n] white 白 [hwait] black 黑 [blk] pink 粉红[pik] purple 紫 ['p:pl] orange 橙['rind, ':-] brown 棕[braun] 四、 动物 (animals )animal ['niml] cat 猫[kt] dog 狗[d ɡ, d:ɡ] pig 猪[pi ɡ] duck 鸭[dk] rabbit 兔['rbit] horse 马[h:s] elephant 大象['elifnt] ant 蚂蚁[nt] fish 鱼[fi] bird 鸟[b:d] eagle 鹰['i:ɡl] beaver 海狸['bi:v] snake 蛇[sneik] mouse 老鼠[maus, mauz] squirrel 松鼠['skw:rl, 'skwi-, 'skw-] kangaroo 袋鼠[,kn ɡ'ru:] monkey 猴['mki] panda 熊猫['pnd] bear 熊[bε]


一、学习用品(school[sku:l] things) Pen钢笔[pen] Pencil铅笔['pens?l] pencil-case铅笔盒['pens?l-keis] ruler尺子['ru:l?] book书[buk] bag包[b?ɡ] comicbook漫画书['k?mik-buk]postcard明信片[p?ust-kɑ:d] newspaper报纸['nju:s,peip? 'nju:z-] schoolbag书包['sku:lb?ɡ]eraser橡皮[i 'reiz?] crayon蜡笔['krei?n] sharpener卷笔刀story-book故事书 ['st ?:ri-buk] notebook笔记本['n?utbuk] Chinese book语文书English book英语书math book数学书 [m?θ-buk] magazine杂志[,m?ɡ?'zi:n] dictionary词典 ['dik??n?ri]二、人体(body)['b?di] foot脚[fut] head头[hed] face脸[feis] hair头发[hε?]nose鼻子[n?uz]mouth嘴 [mauθ]eye眼睛[ai] ear耳朵[i?]arm手臂[ɑ:m] hand手[h?nd] finger手指['fi? ɡ?] leg腿[leɡ] tail 尾巴[teil] 三、颜色(colours) red红[red] blue蓝[blu:]yellow黄['jel?u] green绿[ɡri:n] white白[hwait]black黑[bl?k] pink粉红[pi?k] purple紫['p?:pl] orange橙['?rind?, '?:-]brown棕[braun] 四、动物(animals)animal['?niml] cat猫[k?t] dog狗[d?ɡ, d?:ɡ]pig猪[piɡ]duck鸭[d?k] rabbit兔['r?bit] horse马[h?:s]elephant大象 ['elif?nt] ant蚂蚁[?nt]fish鱼[fi?] bird鸟[b?:d]eagle鹰['i:ɡl]beaver海狸['bi:v?]snake蛇[sneik]mouse老鼠[maus, mauz] squirrel松鼠['skw?:r?l, 'skwi-, 'skw?-] kangaroo袋鼠[,k?nɡ?'ru:]monkey猴['m??ki] panda熊猫['p?nd] bear熊[bε?]lion狮子['lai?n]tiger老虎['taiɡ?] fox狐狸[f?ks] zebra斑马['zi:br?] deer鹿[di?] goose鹅[ɡu:s] giraffe长颈鹿[d?i'rɑ:f] hen母鸡[hen]turkey火鸡['t?:ki] lamb小羊[l?m] sheep绵羊[?ip] goat山羊[ɡ?ut] cow奶牛[kau] donkey驴['d??ki] squid鱿鱼[skwid] lobster龙虾['l?bst?] shark鲨鱼[?ɑ:k] seal海豹[si:l] sperm whale抹香鲸[sp?:m-hweil] killer whale虎鲸['kil?- hweil] 五、人物(people)['pi:pl] friend朋友[frend] boy男孩[b?i] girl 女孩[ɡ?:l]mother母亲['m?e?] father父亲['fɑ:e?]sister姐妹['sist?] brother兄弟['br?e?] uncle叔叔;舅['??kl]舅 man男人[m?n] woman女人['wum?n] Miss小姐[mis] Mr先.生 lady女士小;姐['leidi] mom妈妈[m?m] dada爸爸[d?d, 'dɑ:dɑ:]parents父母parent['pε?rnt]son儿子[s?n] grandparents祖父母['ɡr?nd,pε?r?nt] grandma/grandmother(外)祖['ɡ母r?nd,m?e?]aunt姑姑[ɑ:nt, ?nt] cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹['k?z?n]daughter女儿['d?:t?] baby婴儿['beibi]kid小孩[kid]queen女王[kwi:n] classmate同学['klɑ:smeit]visitor参观者['vizit?] neighbour邻居['neib?] principal校长['prins?p?l] university student大学生[,ju:ni'v?:s?ti-'stju:d?nt]pen pal笔友[pen-p?l]tourist旅行者['tu?rist] people人物['pi:pl]robot机器人['r?ub?t, -b?t, 'r?b?t] grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父['ɡr?ndpɑ:]/ ['ɡr?nd,fɑ:e?]六、职业(jobs)[d??bs] teacher教师['ti:t??] student学生['stju:d?nt, 'stu:-]doctor医生[d?kt?] nurse护士[n?:s]driver司机[n?:s] farmer农民['fɑ:m?]singer歌唱家['si??] writer作家['rait?] actor男演员['?kt?] actress女演员['?ktris] artist画家['ɑ:tist] TV reporter电视台记[ri'p?:t?]者 engineer工程师[,end?i'ni?] accountant 会计[?'kaunt?nt] policeman(男)警察[p?'li:sm?n] salesperson销售员['seilz,p?:s?n] cleaner清洁工 ['kli:n?] police警察[p?'li:s] baseball player棒球运动['beisb?:l员- 'plei?] assistant售货员[?'sist?nt] 七、食品、饮(料food & drink) rice米饭[rais]bread面包[bred]beef牛肉[bi:f]milk牛奶[milk] water水['w?:t?, 'w?-] egg蛋[eɡ]fish 鱼[fi?] tofu豆腐['t?ufu:]cake蛋糕[keik] hot dog热狗[h?t-[d?ɡ]hamburger汉堡包['h?mb:ɡ?]jam果酱[d??m] French fries炸薯条[fraids]cookie曲奇['kuki]biscuit饼干['biskit] noodles面条['nu:dl]meat肉[mi:t] chicken 鸡肉['t?ikin]pork猪肉[p?:k]mutton羊肉['m?t?n] vegetable蔬菜['ved?it?bl]salad沙拉['s?l?d]ice冰[ais] soup汤[su:p]ice-cream冰淇淋['aiskri:m]Coke可乐 juice 果汁[d?u:s] tea茶[ti:] coffee咖啡['k?fi] breakfast 早餐['brekf?st] lunch午餐[l?nt?] dinner/supper晚餐['din?] / ['s?p?] meal一餐[mi:l] 八、水果、蔬(fruit/菜 vegetables)[fru:t]['ved?it?bl]


小学英语单词分类表 学习用品(school things) pen /pen/ 钢笔pencil /'pensl/ 铅笔pencil-case /'penslkeis / 铅笔盒 ruler /'ru:l?/ 尺子book /buk/ 书 bag /b?g/ 包 post card /p?ust kɑ:d/明信片newspaper /'nju:z,peip?/ 报纸schoolbag /sku:lb?g/ 书包 eraser / i'reis?/ 橡皮 crayon / 'krei?n / 蜡笔 sharpener / '?ɑ:p?n?/ 卷笔刀 story-book / 'st?:ri] buk / 故事书notebook / 'n?utbuk / 笔记本 Chinese book / 't?ai'ni:z / 语文书English book / 'i?gli?/ 英语书 maths book / m?θs /数学书magazine / ,m?g?'zi:n / 杂志newspaper / 'nju:z,peip?/ 报纸dictionary / 'dik??neri / 词典 二、身体部位(body) foot / fut / 脚head / hed / 头 face / feis / 脸hair / h??/ 头发nose / n?uz / 鼻子mouth / mauθ/ 嘴eye / ai / 眼睛ear / i?/ 耳朵 arm / ɑ:m /手臂hand / h?nd / 手finger / 'fi?g?/ 手指 leg / leg / 腿tail / teil / 尾巴三、颜色(colours) red /red/ 红blue /blu:/ 蓝 yellow /'jel?u/ 黄green /gri:n/ 绿 white /wait/ 白black /bl?k/ 黑 pink /pi?k/粉红purple /'p?:pl/ 紫orange /'?:rind?/ 橙brown /braun/ 棕四、动物(animals) cat /k?t/ 猫dog /d?g/ 狗 pig /pig/ 猪duck /d?k/ 鸭 rabbit /'r?bit/ 兔子horse /h?:s/ 马elephant /'elif?nt/ 大象ant /?nt/ 蚂蚁fish /fi?/ 鱼bird /b?:d/ 鸟 snake /sneik/ 蛇mouse /maus/ 鼠kangaroo /,k??g?'ru:/ 袋鼠 monkey /'m??ki/猴子 panda /'p?nd?/ 熊猫bear /b??/ 熊 lion /'lai?n/ 狮tiger /'taig?/ 老虎deer /di?/ 鹿giraffe /d?i'rɑ:f/长颈鹿goose /gu:s/ 鹅hen /hen/ 母鸡 turkey /'t?:ki/ 火鸡lamb /l?m/ 小羊sheep /?i:p/ 绵羊goat /g?ut/ 山羊 cow /kau/ 奶牛shark /'?ɑ:k/ 鲨鱼 seal / si:l / 海豹 五、人物(people) friend /frend/ 朋友boy / b?i / 男孩 girl /g?:l/ 女孩mother /'m?e?/ 母亲father /'fɑ:e?/父亲 sister /'sist?/ 姐妹brother /'br?e?/ 兄弟uncle /'??kl/叔叔man /m?n/ 男人woman/ 'wum?n/女人Mr先生Miss小姐lady /'leidi/ 女士 mom /m?m/ 妈妈dad /d?d/ 爸爸parents /'p??r?nts/ 父母 grandma /'gr?ndmɑ:/ grandmother /'gr?nd,m?e?/(外)祖母grandpa /'gr?ndpɑ:/ grandfather /'gr?nd,fɑ:e?/(外)祖父 aunt /ɑ:nt/阿姨cousin /'k?zn/ 堂兄妹son /s?n/ 儿子baby /'beibi/ 婴儿 kid /kid/小孩classmate/'klɑ:smeit /同学queen /'kwi:n/ 女visitor /'vizit?/ 参观者neighbour /'neib?/ 邻居 principal /'prins?p?l / 校长 pen pal / pen p?l / 笔友 tourist /'tu:rist / 旅行者 people /'pi:pl / 人物 robot /'r?ub?t / 机器人 六、职业(job) teacher /'ti:t??/ 教师 student /'stju:d?nt/学生 doctor /'d?kt?/ 医生 nurse /n?:s/ 护士 driver /'draiv?/ 司机 farmer /'fɑ:m?/农民 singer /'si??/ 歌唱家 writer /'rait?/ 作家artist /'ɑ:tist /画家actor /'?kt?/男演员actress/'?ktris/女演员TV reporter /ri'p?:t?/ 电视台记者engineer /,end?i'ni?/ 工程师 policeman / p?'li:sm?n /(男)警察salesperson /'seilz,p?:sn / 销售员 cleaner /'kli:n?/ 清洁工 baseball player/'beis,b?:l 'plei?/棒球运动员


guy2/ ga?; ɡa?/ n (infml 口) man 男人; 家伙; 小伙子: He's a great guy. 他是个了不起的小伙子. * the guys at the office 办公室的男同事 gym/ d??m; d??m/ n (infml 口) [C] gymnasium 体育馆; 健身房: exercises in the gym在健身房的锻炼. habitat/ ?h?b?t?t; ˋh?b??t?t/ n natural environment of an animal or a plant; home (动物或植物的)自然环境; 栖息地: This creature's (natural) habitat is the jungle. 这种动物的(天然)栖息地是丛林. hail1/ he?l; hel/ n [U] frozen rain falling in a shower 雹; 冰雹. hail v 1. [I] fall as hail in a shower 下雹: It is hailing. 正在下雹. 2.[Tn] call to (a person or ship) in order to attract attention 招呼(人或船): within `hailing distance, ie close enough to be hailed 在可以招呼的距离内. An old friend hailed me on the other side of the street. [Cn.n/a] ~ sb/sth as sth enthusiastically acknowledge sb/sth as sth 热情地承认某人 [某事物]为...: crowds hailing him as king, as a hero 拥他为王﹑赞他为英雄的群众 halt/ h??lt; h?lt/ n [sing] temporary stop; interruption of progress 暂停; 停顿: Work was brought/came to a halt when the machine broke down. 机器出了毛病, 工作便停顿下来. halt v[I, Tn] (cause sb/sth to) stop temporarily (使某人[某事物])暂停: Platoon, halt! 全排注意, 立定! * The officer halted his troops for a rest. 军官下令部队停下来休息. hamper2/ ?h?mp?(r); ˋh?mp?/ v [Tn] prevent the free movement or activity of (sb); hinder (sb/sth) 束缚(某人); 妨碍(某人[某事物]): Our progress was hampered by the bad weather. 我们前进时受到了恶劣天气的阻碍. handful hand·ful /?h?ndful/n [C]an amount that you can hold in your hand 一把 a handful of The boy picked up a handful of stones and started throwing them at us. a handful of sth 少数 a very small number of people or things There were only a handful of people there.

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