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QuickStudy Medical Terminology Basics

QuickStudy Medical Terminology Basics
QuickStudy Medical Terminology Basics


Cells - tissues - organs - systems - organism 1.Cells:Major Components

a.Cell membrane


c.Nucleus 2.Tissues:Primary T ypes






https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b919094821.html,posed of two or more different tissues

b.Have specific functions

4.Systems:Related organs with common functions

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b919094821.html,anism:A living person


A space containing organs 1.Dorsal a.Cranial

b.Vertebral (spinal)2.V entral a.Abdominal b.Pelvic



An imaginary flat surface 1.Frontal – anterior/posterior 2.Sagittal – right/left

3.Transverse – upper/lower


A reference point for location or direction.1.Anterior/V entral – front of the body Posterior/Dorsal – back of the body 2.Deep – away from the surface Superficial – on the surface 3.Inferior – situated below Superior – situated above

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b919094821.html,teral – pertaining to the side

5.Medial – pertaining to the middle

6.Prone – lying face down Supine – lying face up


Most medical words are composed of two or more terms. To define a medical word:?divide the word into its terms ?analyze the terms ?define the word Examples:Pericarditis

peri = around; card = heart; itis = inflammation Inflammation around the heart O ncology

onco = tumor, mass; logy = study of Study of tumors B.Terms

Term + Term (.....+.....) = medical word There are five categories of terms:1.Prefix - beginning of a word (ex., pre ____; post _____)

Designated by a “____” after the term.2.Suffix - ending of a word (ex., _____stomy ; _____itis )

Designated by a “____” before the term.3.Root - foundation/base of a word (ex., hepat ;gastr )

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b919094821.html,bining vowel - vowel (usually “o”) added to a root (ex., gastro ).

Use a combining vowel when joining:

a.Root to another root (ex., gastrohepatitis )

b.Root to a suffix beginning with a consonant (ex.,cardiomegaly )

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b919094821.html,bining form - root + vowel (ex., hepat/o ;gastr/o )

Designated by a “/” between the root and the vowel Examples:


hyper (prefix) = excessive

leuko (combining form) = white cyt (root) = cell

osis (suffix) = condition of

Definition: condition of excessive white blood cells (leukocytes)Hematotoxic

hemato (combining form) = blood tox (root) = poison

ic (suffix) = pertaining to

Definition: pertaining to blood poisoning


1.Some terms have more than one definition. To determine the correct definition in a particular medical word, analyze the other terms in the word.Example:Poliomyelitis

polio = gray (matter)

myel = spinal cord, bone marrow itis = inflammation

Definition: Inflammation of the gray matter of the

spinal cord. The bone marrow does not have gray matter.2.Some terms may function as a root/combining form in one word and a suffix in another word.Classification depends upon the specific medical word.Examples:Cytology

cyto (combining form) = cell logy (suffix) = study of Definition: Study of cells Erythrocyte

erythro (combining form) = red cyte (suffix) = cell

Definition: Red blood cell


calor/i heat calorimetry campt/o


camptocormia capsul/o,caps/o capsule, container capsulitis carcin/o cancer

carcinolysis cari/o

caries, rottenness cariogenic -cataphasia affirmation

acataphasia cathar/o,cleansing, purging catharsis cathart/o -cathisia,sitting


-kathisia caud/o

tail caudal cavit/o,cav/o hollow, cavity cavitation chem/o chemical, chemistry chemosurgery chron/o time, timing chronobiology clin/o to slope, bend clinocephaly -coimesis sleeping dyscoimesis -coma deep sleep semicoma consci/o awareness, aware unconscious constrict/o narrowing, binding vasoconstriction contus/o to bruise contusion corpor/o body corporeal critic/o crisis, dangerous critical cry/o

cold cryotherapy cyt/o,-cyte cell cytocide dem/o people epidemic desicc/o to dry electrodesiccation dilat/o enlarge,expand vasodilator dolich/o long dolichofacial dolor/o pain dolorogenic dors/o back dorsoventral duct/o to lead conduction dynam/o power, strength dynamometer -dynia pain gastrodynia dys-bad, difficult, painful dysphonia echin/o spiny, prickly echinocyte ectr/o congenital absence ectrogeny ele/o oil eleoma emmetr/o the correct measure, emmetropia proportioned

enanti/o opposite, opposed enantiobiosis equi-equality, equal equilibrium erethism/o irritation erethismic eti/o cause etiology eu-good, normal, well eubiotics -facient to cause, make liquefacient happen febr/i fever febriphobia fil/o,fil/i,thread, threadlike filamentous

filament/o -form

specified shape, form multiform

frig/o,frigid/o cold


funct/o performance

dysfunctional gel/o to freeze, congeal gelosis

gemell/o twins

gemellology -gen,gen/o producing, generating pathogen -genesis production, formation neogenesis -genic

produced by, forming

carcinogenic ger/o,geront/o aged, old age geriatrics -grade step

centigrade hapl/o simple, single haploid

heredo-heredity heredoimmunity -hexia condition cachexia hist/o tissue

histoclastic homeo-likeness, constant, homeodynamics


hydr/o water, hydrogen hydrolysis iatr/o treatment, physician iatrogenic -ician specialist clinician ion/o

ion ionophoresis

TERMS DEFINITIONS WORDS acid/o acid, sour, bitter acidity


acupuncture acu/o,acut/o sharp, severe subacute

adip/o fat adiponecrosis aer/o air, gas

aerophagy agit/o rapidity, restlessness agitophasia -algia pain cephalalgia ambul/o to walk ambulatory anomal/o irregular anomaly anthrac/o coal, carbon, anthracosis carbuncle

anthrop/o man, human being anthropometry antr/o antrum antrotomy aphth/o ulcer aphthosis apic/o apex apicotomy aque/o water

aqueous atmo-steam, vapor atmometer axi/o axis

abaxial bar/o weight, pressure barotrauma bary-heavy, dull, hard baryphonia -basia

walking brachybasia bathy-,batho-deep, depth bathycardia bio-,bi/o life, living

biogenesis blast/o,-blast early embryonic blastocyte stage, immature -calculia

to compute





Author:Dr. Corinne B. Linton

This QuickStudy ?reference guide is a comprehensive list of medical terminology. Use it to your advantage in class, dur-ing homework and as a memory refresher while preparing for exams. Reinforce your k nowledge of medical terminology with this convenient guide. This is a powerful study tool that can be quick ly and repeatedly referred to during and well beyond your college years.


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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher.?2000, 2002, 2005 BarCharts Inc. Boca Raton, FL.


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一、填空题 1. HTTP协议的工作模式是基于________、_________。 2. Web全称是____________,Web是一种体系结构,通过它可以访问分布于Internet主机上的通过_________联接在一起的链接文档。 3. JavaScript是由Netscape开发的一种_______语言,可以直接插入到_______文档中。 4. IP地址中一个C类地址最高三位是110,接下来21位是________,其余___位是主机地址。 5. DHTML中的D指的是_______。 6. DOM,即__________________,是由W3C提出的,从_______对象模型技术发展而来。它将文档作为一个______结构,其中的每个节点表现为一个HTML标记或者HTML标记内的文本项。 7. ASP运行于________端,是Microsoft公司在1996年底推出的一种取代______的Web应用程序开发技术。 8. ASP通过后缀名为____的文件来实现,一个ASP文件相当于一个_______文件。 9. ________技术是一种良好的Web数据库访问解决方案,通过一组对象的______和方法来完成相应的数据库访问的目的。 10. 可以直接在Internet Explorer浏览器中打开XML文档,更多的是通过________和_________方式来显示XML文档。 二、选择题 1.相对比较早出现的服务器端技术是: A.ASP B.CGI C.JSP D.JavaScript 2. Web的工作模式是: A. 客户端/服务器端 B. 浏览器/服务器 C. 浏览器/浏览器 D. 浏览器/客户端 3.
表示: A.分段 B.产生空格 C.强制换段 D.强制换行 4.一组选项中可以选择多项的表单元素是: A.Checkbox B.Radio C.Text D.Textarea 5. 在DHTML中把整个文件的各个元素作为对象处理的技术是: A.HTML B.CSS C.DOM D.Script 6. 下面那种语言是解释执行的: A.C++ B.Delphi C.JavaScript D.Java 7. ASP文件所有的Script程序代码均须放在下列符号之间: A./* */ B.