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FIDIC金皮书中英文(设计施工和营运合同条件)第5部分 (2012-11-20 07:46:15)转载▼ 标签: fidic金皮书 杂谈 分类: 工程设计施工采购监理招标 An Interim Payment Certificate shall not be withheld for any other reason, although: (a) If anything supplied or work done by the Contractor is not in accordance with the Contract, the cost of rectification or replacement may be withheld until the rectification or replacement has been completed; and /or (b) If the Contractor was or is failing to perform any work or obligation in accordance with the Contract, and had been so notified by the Employer’s Representative, the value of this work or obligation may be withheld until the work or obligation has been performed. The Employer’s Representative may in any Interim Payment Certificate make any correction or modification that should properly be made to any previous Payment Certificate. An Interim Payment Certificate shall not be deemed to indicate the Employer’s Representative’s acceptance, approval, consent or satisfaction of the Works. 虽然存在以下情况,期中付款证书不得由于任何其它原因而被扣发: (a)如果承包商所提供的物品或已完成的工作不符合合同要求,则可扣发修正或重置的费用,直至修正或重置工作完成;以及(或者) (b)如果承包商未能按照合同规定,进行工作或履行义务,且业主代表已经通知了承包商,则可扣留该工作或义务的价值,直至该工作或义务被履行为止。 业主代表可在任何付款证书中对任何以前的付款证书给予恰当的改正或修正。付款证书不应被视为是业主代表对工程的接受、批准、同意或满意的意思表示。 14.8Payment The Employer shall pay to the Contractor: 付款 (a) The advance payment within 21 days after receiving the documents in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.2[Performance Security] and Sub-Clause 14.2[Advance Payment] and the Payment Certificate for the advance payment issued in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.7[Issue of Advance and Interim Payment Certificates]; (b) The amount certified in each Interim Payment Certificate within 56 days after the Employer’s Representative receives the corresponding Statement and supporting documents, including any amounts due in accordance with a decision by the DAB which have been included in the Interim Payment Certificate; and (c) The amounts certified in the Final Payment Certificate Operation Service within 56 days after the Employer receives each such Final Payment Certificate, including any amounts due in accordance with a decision by the DAB have been included in the Final Payment Certificate. Payment of the amount due in each currency shall be made into the bank account, nominated by the Contractor, in the payment (for this currency) specified in the Contract. 业主应向承包商支付: (a)首次分期预付款额,时间是根

据FIDIC金皮书4.2(履约担保)和FIDIC金皮书14.2(预付款)的规定,收到相关的文件以及根据FIDIC金皮书14.7(签发预付款和期中付款证书)签发的有关预付款的付款证书之日起21天内; (b)期中付款证书中开具的款额,时间是在业主代表收到报表及证明文件之日起56天内,包括根据DAB决定包含在期中付款证书内的款额; (c)设计建造最终付款证书和运营服务最终付款证书中开具的款额,时间是在业主收到该付款证书之日起56天内,包括根据DAB决定包含在最终付款证书内的款额。 每种货币支付的款项应被转入承包商在合同中指定的对该种货币的付款国的指定银行帐户。 14.9Delayed Payment延误的付款 If the Contractor does not receive payment in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.8[Payment], the Contractor shal be entitled to receive financing charges compounded monthly on the amount unpaid during the period of delay. This period shall be deemed to commence on the date for payment specified in Sub-Clause 14.8[Payment], irrespective ( in the case of its sub-paragraph(b)) of the date in which any Interim Payment Certificate is issued. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Data, these financing charges shall be calculated at the annual rate of three percentage points above the discout rate of the central bank in the country of the currency (or currencies if more than one) of payment, and shall be paid in such currencies. The Contractor shall be entitled to this payment without formal Notice or certification, and without prejudice to any other right or remedy. 如果承包商没有收到根据FIDIC金皮书14.8(付款)应获得的任何款额,则承包商应有权就未付款额按月所计复利收取延误期的融资费。延误期应认为是从FIDIC金皮书14.8(付款)规定的支付日期开始计算的,而不考虑(当该款(b)段的情况发生时)期中付款证书颁发的日期。 除非合同信息中另有规定,此融资费应以年利率为支付货币所在国中央银行的贴现率加上三个百分点进行计算,并用同种货币进行支付。 承包商有权得到此类付款而无需正式通知或证明,并且不损害他的任何其他权利或补偿。 14.10Payment of Retention Money保留金的支付 When the Commissioning Certificate has been issued, the first half of the Retention Money shall be certified by the Employer’s Representative for payment to the Contractor. If a Section Commissioning Certificate is issued for a Section, the relevant percentage of the first half of the Retention Money shall be certified and paid to the Contractor. Such amount shall be included for payment in the next Interim Payment Certificate following the issue of the Commissioning Certificate. The Contractor shall be entitled to include the second half of the Retention Money in the Final Statement Design-Build. 当试运行证书已

签发时,业主代表应开具证书将保留金的前一半支付给承包商。如果颁发的试运行证书只限于一个单位工程,则应就保留金的前一半的相应百分比的开具证书并给予支付。该款额应包含在试运行证书签发后下一次期中付款证书中的付款中。 承包商有权将下一半保留金包括进设计建造最终报表中。 14.11Application for Final Payment Certificate Design-Build设计建造最终付款证书的申请 Within 28 days after the end of the Retention Period, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer’s Representative one original and five copies of the Final Statement Design-Build with supporting documents showing: (a) The value of all work done in respect of the Design-Build; and (b) Any further sums which the Contractor considers to be due to him under the Contract in respect of the Design-Build. 在保留金期限截止日期之后的28天内,承包商应向业主代表提交设计建造最终报表正本一份,副本五份,并附证明文件,说明以下内容: (a)与设计建造相关所完成的所有工作的价值, (b)承包商认为根据合同与设计建造相关的应进一步支付给他的任何款项。 Together with the Final Statement Design-Build, the Contractor shall submit a written undertaking that the Statement is in full and final settlement of all matters under or in connection with the Contract relating to the Design-Build. 提交最终报表时,承包商还应提交一份书面结清单,以确认最终报表的总额为根据或参照合同与设计建造相关的应支付给他的所有款项的全部和最终的结算额。 If the Employer’s Representative disagrees with or cannot verify any part of the Final Statement Design-Build, the Employer’s Representative and the Contractor shall attempt to agree such matters, and the Contractor shall re-submit his Final Statement based on the agreement with the Employer’s Representative. The Employer’s Representative shall then issue a Final Payment Certificate Design-Build under Sub-Clause 14.12[issue of Final Payment Certificate Design-Build] for the agreed amount. If the Parties cannot agree on such matters, or the Contractor has failed to submit his application for payment within the said 28 days, the Employer’s representative shall issue an Interim Payment Certificate under Sub-Clause 14.7[Issue of Advance and Interim Payment Certificates] for the amount which he considers to be due to the Contractor. If the Contractor is dissatisfied with the amount certified, he may refer the matter to the DAB for a decision in accordance with Clause 20.6[Obtaining Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision]. 如果业主代表不同意或不能证实设计建造最终报表中的某一部分,则业主代表和承包商应尽量就该事宜达成一致,然后承包商应根据与业主代表达成一致的意见重新提交其最终报表。业主代表然后应

就达成一致的款项根据FIDIC金皮书14.12(签发设计建造最终付款证书)签发最终付款证书。如果当事人没能就此事宜达成一致,或者如果承包商未能在所说的28天之内提交付款申请,业主代表应根据FIDIC金皮书14.7(签发预付款和期中付款证书)签发期中付款证书,其中的款额为其认为承包商应该得到的。如果承包商对该签发的款额不满意,他可以根据FIDIC金皮书20.6(取得争端裁决委员会的决定)将此事宜提交给DAB来获得决定。 14.12Issue of Final Payment Certificate Design-Build 签发设计建造最终付款证书 Within 28 days of receiving the Final Statement Design-Build, or the re-submitted Final Statement (as the case may be), and the written undertaking from the Contractor in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.11[Application for Final Payment Certificate Design-Build], the Employer’s Representative shall issue to the Employer, with a copy to the Contractor, the Final Payment Certificate Design-Build stating: (a) the amount which is finally due for the Design-Build; and (b) after giving credit to the Employer for all amounts previously paid by the Employer and all sums to which the Employer is entitled in respect of the Design-Build, the balance(if any) due from the Employer to the Contractor or from the Contractor to the Employer, as the case may be. Upon receipt of the Final Payment Certificate Design-Build, the Employer shall pay the Contractor the amount, if any, due in accordance with the provisions of Sub-Clause 14.8[Payment]. 在收到承包商根据FIDIC金皮书14.11(设计建造最终付款证书的申请)中规定提交的设计建造最终报表或者重新提交的最终报表(视情况而定)后28天内,业主代表应向业主发出一份设计建造最终付款证书(同时一份副本给承包商),说明: (a)最终应支付的款额; (b)在对业主以前支付过的款额与业主有权得到的与设计建造相关的全部金额加以核算后,业主还应支付给承包商或承包商还应支付给业主(视情况而定)的余额(如有时)。 在收到设计建造最终付款证书后,业主应根据FIDIC金皮书14.8(付款)支付承包商应得款额。 14.13Application for Final Payment Certificate Operation Service 运营服务最终付款证书的申请 Within 56 days after receiving the Contract Completion Certificate, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer’s Representative one original and five copies of the Final Statement Operation Service with supporting documents showing: 在收到履约证书56天内,承包商应向业主代表提交运营服务最终报表正本一份,副本五份,并附证明文件,说明以下内容: (a) the value of all work done in respect of the Operation Service including authorized expenditure from the Asset Replacement Fund; and (b) any further sums which the Cont

ractor considers to be due to him under the Contract including any unused monies from the Maintenance Retention Fund. Together with the Final Statement Operation Service, the Contractor shall submit a written discharge according to the requirements of Sub-Clause 14.14[Discharge]. (a)与设计建造相关所完成的所有工作的价值,包括来自资产置换基金的授权花费; (b)承包商认为根据合同应进一步支付给他的任何款项,包括任何来自维修保留基金没有使用的钱款。 承包商应按照FIDIC金皮书14.14(结清证明)的要求,与运营服务最终报表一起提交一份书面结清证明。 14.14Discharge结清证明 When submitting the Final Statement Operation Service, the Contractor shall submit a written discharge which confirms that the total of the Final Statement Operation Service, together with the Final Statement Design-Build submitted according to Sub-Clause 14.11[Application for Final Payment Certificate Design-Build] represents the full and final settlement of all monies due to the Contractor under or in connection with the Contract. This discharge may state that it becomes effective only after payment due under the Final Payment Certificate Operation Service has been made and the Performance Security referred to in Sub-Clause 4.2[Performance Security] has been returned to the Contractor. 提交运营服务最终报表时,承包商还应提交一份书面结清证明,,以确认运营服务最终报表的总额与附上根据FIDIC金皮书14.11(设计建造最终付款证书的申请)提交的设计建造最终报表一起为根据或参照合同应支付给他的所有款项的全部和最终的结算额。该结清证明可说明,只有在根据运营服务最终付款证书所述的全部款项得到支付且FIDIC金皮书4.2(履约担保)所述履约保证退还给承包商后,该结清证明才能生效。 14.15Issue of Final Payment Certificate Operation Service 签发运营服务最终付款证书 Within 28 days of receiving the Final Statement Operation Service and the written discharge from the Contractor in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.13[Application for Final payment Certificate Operation Service] and Sub-Clause 14.14[Discharge] respectively, the Employer’s Representative shall issue to the Employer, with a copy to the Contractor, the Final Payment Certificate Operation Service stating: 在收到承包商根据FIDIC金皮书14.13(运营服务最终付款证书的申请)提交的运营服务最终报表和根据FIDIC金皮书14.14(结清证明)提交的书面结清证明后28天内,业主代表应向业主发出一份运营服务最终付款证书(同时一份副本给承包商),说明: (a) the amount which is finally due for the Operation Service; and (b) the amount which is finally due for the Contract; and (c) after giving credit to the Employer for all amounts previously paid by the Employer and all sum

s to which the Employer is entitled in respect of the Contract, the balance (if any) due from the Employer to the Contractor or from the Contractor to the Employer, as the case may be. If the Employer’s Representative disagrees with or cannot verify any part of the Final Statement Operation Service, the Employer’s representative and the Contractor shall attempt to agree such matters, and the Employer’s representative shall issue a Final Payment Certificate Operation Service for the agreed amount. If the Parties cannot agree on such matters, the Employer’s representative shall issue a Final Payment Certificate Operation Service for the amount which he considers to be due to the Contractor. If the Contractor is dissatisfied with the amount certified, he may refer the matter to the DAB for a decision in accordance with Clause 20.6[Obtaining Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision]. Upon receipt of the Final Payment Certificate Operation Service, the Employer shall pay the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of Sub-Clause 14.8[payment]. (a)最终应支付运营服务的款额; (b)根据合同最终应支付的款额; (c)在对业主以前支付过的款额与业主有权得到的与合同相关的全部金额加以核算后,业主还应支付给承包商或承包商还应支付给业主(视情况而定)的余额(如有时)。 I如果业主代表不同意或不能证实运营服务最终报表中的某一部分,则业主代表和承包商应尽量就该事宜达成一致,然后业主代表应就达成一致的款项签发运营服务最终付款证书。如果当事人没能就此事宜达成一致,业主代表应就其认为承包商应获得的款额签发期中付款证书。如果承包商对该签发的款额不满意,他可以根据FIDIC金皮书20.6(取得争端裁决委员会的决定)将此事宜提交给DAB来获得决定。 在收到运营服务最终付款证书后,业主应根据FIDIC金皮书14.8(付款)支付承包商。 14.16Cessation of Employer’s Liability 业主责任的终止 The Employer shall not be liable to the Contractor for any matter or thing under or in connection with the Contract or execution of the Works, except to the extent that the Contractor shall have included an amount expressly for it in the Final Statement Design-Build or the Final Statement Operation Service. However, this Sub-Clause shall not limit the Employer’s liability under his indemnification obligations, or the Employer’s liability in any case of fraud, deliberate default of reckless misconduct by the Employer. Furthermore, if the Contractor has not submitted any matter to the Dispute Adjudication Board under Sub-Clause 20.6[Obtaining Dispute Arbitration Board’s Decision]within 56 days of receiving notification from the Employer’s representative of the amount included for payment in either the Final Certificate Design-Build or the Final Certificate Operation Service, then he will be dee

med to have accepted the amounts so certified, and the Employer shall be deemed to have no further liability to the Contractor, subject only to that payment due under the Final Payment Certificate Operation Service has been made and that the Performance Security referred to in Sub-Clause 4.2[Performance Security] has been returned to the Contractor. 除了承包商在设计建造最终报表或者运营服务最终报表中,为合同或工程实施引起的或与之相关的问题和事项,明确提出款项要求以外,业主不应再为之对承包商承担责任。 但是,本款将不限定由于业主的损害赔偿义务引起的责任,或由于业主的欺诈、故意违约或粗心渎职而造成的业主的责任。 此外,如果承包商在收到业主代表关于设计建造最终付款证书或运营服务最终付款证书中款额的通知56天内,没有根据FIDIC金皮书20.6(取得争端裁决委员会的决定)向DAB提交争议事宜,那么就视同承包商接受了该签证款额,而业主除了支付根据运营服务证书签发的应付款以及将与FIDIC金皮书4.2(履约担保)相关联的履约担保退还给承包商外,就不再对承包商负有责任。 14.17 Currencies of Payment 支付的货币 The Contract Price shall be paid in the currency or currencies named in the Contract Data. Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions, if more than one currency is so named, payments shall be made as follows: (a) if the Accepted Contract Amount was expressed in Local Currency only: (i) the proportions or amounts of the Local and Foreign Currencies, and the fixed rates of exchange to be used for calculating the payments, shall be as stated in the Contract Data, except as otherwise agreed by both Parties; (ii) payments and deductions under Sub-Clause 13.5[Provisional Sums] and Sub-Clause 13.6[Adjustments for Changes in Legislation] shall be made in the applicable currencies and proportions; and (iii) other payments and decutions under sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) of Sub-Clause 14.3 [Application for Advance and Interim Payment Certificates] shall be made in the currencies and proportions specified in sub-paragraph(a)(i) above; (b) payment of the damages specified in the Contract Data shall be made in the currencies and proportions specified in the Contract Data; (c) other payments to the Employer by the Contractor shall be made in the currency in which the sum was expended by the Employer, or in such currency as may be agreed by both parties; (d) if any amount payable by the Contractor to the Employer in a particular currency exceeds the sum payable by the Employer to the Contractor in that currency, the Employer may recover the balance of this amount from the sums otherwise payable to the Contractor in other currencies; and (e) if no rate of exchange are stated in the Contract data, they shall be those prevailing on the Base Date and determined by the centra

l bank of the Country. 合同价格应以合同信息中指定的一种或几种货币支付。除非在专用条件中另有规定,如果指定的货币不限于一种,则应按下述规定进行付款: (a)如果中标合同金额仅以当地货币表示: (i)则支付的当地货币与外币的比例或数额,以及计算该款额所用的固定汇率应按合同信息中的规定执行,双方当事人另有协议的情况除外; (ii)根据FIDIC金皮书13.5(暂列金额)和FIDIC金皮书13.6(因法律改变的调整)规定的应付款项和减扣款项应以适用的货币种类和比例进行付款和减扣; (iii)根据FIDIC金皮书14.3(预付款和期中付款的申请)(a)段至(d)段的要求的其他应付款项和减扣款项,应以上述(a)段(i)中规定的货币种类和比例进行支付和减扣; (b)合同信息中规定的损害赔偿费,应按合同信息中规定的货币种类和比例进行支付; (c)承包商应支付给业主的其他款项,应以业主支付时使用的货币种类支付,或以双方当事人协议使用的货币支付; (d)如果承包商以某种特殊货币向业主支付时的金额,超过了业主以同种货币向承包商支付时的金额,业主可从以其他货币进行支付的金额中弥补上述金额的余额; (e)如果在合同信息中未注明汇率,所采用的汇率应为工程所在国中央银行规定的在基准日期通行的汇率。 14.18Asset Replacement Fund 资产置换基金 The Asset Replacement Fund is to provide the necessary funding for the replacement of items of Plant identified in the Asset Replacement Schedule as required for the continued efficient operation of the Works for the duration of the Operation Service Period. In each application for an Interim Payment Certificate during the Operation Service Period made in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.3[Application for Advance and Interim Payment Certificates], the Contractor shall be entitled to include any monies from the Asset Replacement Fund which, according to the Asset Replacement Schedule, have become due following the replacement of the scheduled items by the Contractor. Under no circumstances will the amount payable from the Asset Replacement Fund be increased from the amount due according to the Asset Replacement Schedule, irrespective of the value or amount of replacements which have been made. For any items which have not been replaced by the date or other operational milestone identified in the Asset Replacement Schedule, payment will not be released until such replacement has been effected. In the event that there is money remaining in the Asset Replacement Fund upon the completion of the Contract due to planned replacements, which by mutual agreement of the Parties, are not required or used, such amounts shall be shared equally between the Parties, and the Contractor shall be entitled to include his share of such amount in his

Application for Final Payment Certificate Operation Service made in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.13[Application for Final Payment Certificate Operation Service]. 为了运营服务期持续有效的工程运营,在资产置换资料表中规定生产设备置换项目,资产转换基金就是为了这些置换项目提供必要的基金。 当承包商在运营服务期间根据FIDIC金皮书14.3(预付款和期中付款的申请)提交期中付款证书申请时,其将按照资产置换资料表有权从资产置换基金中获得的钱款包含在内。无论资产置换实际价值或款额是多少,在任何情况下从资产置换基金中支付的款额不应超过资产置换资料表中所述的款额。对于在资产置换资料表中的规定日期或者其他运营里程碑到期时,还没有置换的物品将不能获得付款,直到他们被置换后才能获得付款。 双方当事人可共同协商哪些置换计划可以不作要求或者不使用,由此会在合同完成时资产置换基金仍有遗留钱款。对于这笔遗留钱款,应由双方当事人对半分享。承包商应有权在根据FIDIC金皮书14.13(运营服务最终付款证书的申请)提交运营服务最终付款证书申请时,将其应分享的款额包括进去。 The Asset Replacement Fund shall not cover the cost of: (a) routine maintenance items associated with the correction of defects; (b) replacement of Plant and materials which have a life expectancy of less than five years; (c) providing spares between scheduled dates for major plant replacement; or (d) the replacement of Plant and Materials which are not identified in the Asset Replacement Schedule. 资产置换基金应不含盖下列费用: (a)用于纠正缺陷的日常维护项目; (b)置换的生产设备和材料预期寿命不超过5年; (c)在主要生产设备置换计划日期之间所提供的备件; (d)对于资产置换资料表中没有列出的生产设备和材料的置换。 The cost of meeting the requirements of sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) above shall be borne by the Contractor and be deemed to be included in the Contract Price. The Contractor shall give Notice to the Employer’s Representative at least 28 days prior to his intention to replace any item of Plant identified in the Asset Replacement Schedule. The Employer shall authorize release of funds from the Asset Replacement Fund in accordace with the amounts certified by the Employer’s representative in each applicable Interim Payment Certificate. Funds will only be disbursed from the Asset Replacement Fund to the values and in accordance with the time scales for replacement identified in the Asset replacement Schedule. Where items of Plant require replacement at times earlier than the scheduled replacement times given in the Asset Replacement Schedule, the appropriate funds shall not be released until the scheduled replacement date has been reached.

If the Contract Price is subject to adjustments for changes in cost according to Sub-Clause 13.8[Adjustments for Changes in Cost], the amounts due from the Asset Replacement Fund shall be adjusted on the same basis as other costs. In the event of a termination of the Contract under Clause 15 [Termination by the Employer] or Clause 16[Suspension and Termination by the Contractor], any amount remaining in the Asset Replacement Fund, including any accrued interest, shall be deemed to be to the account of the Employer and shall not be disbursed to the Contractor. 为满足上述段落(a)到(d)要求所发生的费用由承包商承担,并且该费用视同包含在合同价格里。 承包商应在资产置换资料表中规定的需要置换的项目在置换前28天通知业主代表。 业主应根据业主代表每次签发的期中付款证书,授权启用资产置换基金中的钱款。该钱款仅运用于资产置换资料表中按照时间段列出的置换项目的价值。 如果要求置换的生产设备项目的时间早于资产置换计划规定的资产置换资料表安排,则该部分基金只有到了计划置换日期时才能启用。 如果合同价格根据FIDIC金皮书13.8(因成本改变的调整)基于费用变化而作了调整,则资产置换基金的相应款额应按照其他费用的相同原则进行调整。 当按照FIDIC金皮书15(由业主终止)或者FIDIC金皮书16(由承包商暂停和终止)合同终止时,资产置换基金中的残留款额,包括孳生的利息应归业主所有,而不属于承包商。 14.19 Maintenance Retention Fund维修保留基金 During the Operation Service Period, a Maintenance Retention Fund shall be created by deducting five percent (5%) from the value of each interim payment, determined by the Employer’s representative in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.7[Issue of Advance and Interim Payment Certificates], due to the Contractor, commencing with the first payment following the issue of the Commissioning Certificate, and continuing until the last Interim Payment Certificate is issued or until the amount in the Maintenance Retention Fund has reached the value(if any) stated in the Contract Data, whichever is earlier. If the Contractor so chooses, the maintenance Retention Fund may be replaced by a maintenance Retention Guarantee in a form and with an entity approved by the Employer. However, the value of the Guarantee shall not exceed the maximum amount of the maintenance retention Fund stated in the Contract Data. The Contractor shall ensure that the Maintenance Retention Guarantee remains valid and in force until the issue of the Contract Completion Certificate. If the maintenance required under the Contract has not been carried out, the Employer may, after giving due Notice to the Contractor, carry out such maintenance himself and apply any amounts standing to the credit of the maintenance retention Fund in so doing. Where such amounts ar

e insufficient to cover the Employer’s whole cost of carrying out the maintenance, the uncovered costs shall be set off against any payments due to the Contractor under the Contract, or to the extent that no such payment is due, shall become a debt by the Contractor to the Employer. Following the issue of the Contract Completion Certificate under Sub-Clause 8.6[Contract Completion Certificate], all funds remaining in the Maintenance Retention Fund shall be included in the Final payment Certificate Operation Service and paid to the Contractor with the final payment. 在运营服务期,业主代表在根据FIDIC金皮书14.7(签发预付款和期中付款证书)签发期中付款证书时,可扣除5%的金额作为维修保留基金。从签发试运行证书后的第一次期中付款证书开始一直到最后一次期中付款证书或者维修保留基金达到了合同信息所规定的金额(以最先为准)。承包商也可选择提供维修保留金保函来替代维修保留基金,该保函应按照业主事先认可的格式,并由事先认可的担保机构提供。但是保函担保的价款不应超过合同信息中规定的维修保留基金最大金额。在签发履约证书之前,承包商应保证维修保留金保函有效。 如果承包商没有按照合同约定进行维修,业主在承包商发出指示后,可以自己进行维修并使用维修保留基金。当该款额不足以补偿业主进行维修的全部费用时,该未能补偿部分的费用可从承包商根据合同应获得付款中抵扣,或者如果没有这样的付款时,则成为承包商向业主的债务。 根据FIDIC金皮书8.6(履约证书)签发履约证书,所有维修保留基金的剩余款额均应包含在运营服务最终付款证书中,并在最终付款中支付给承包商。 15 Termination by the Employer由业主终止 15.1 Notice to Correct通知改正 If the Contractor fails to carry out any obligations under the Contract, the Employer’s Representative shall by Notice require the Contractor to make good the failure and to remedy it within the time specified in the said Notice. 如果承包商未能履行合同义务,业主代表可发出通知要求承包商在通知中规定的时限内更正 15.2 Termination for Contractor’s Default因承包商违约的终止 The Employer shall be entitled to terminate the Contract if the Contractor: (i) fails to comply with Sub-Clause 4.2[Performance Security] or with a Notice under Sub-Clause 15.1[Notice to Correct], (ii) abandons the Works or otherwise plainly demonstrates the intention not to continue performance of his obligations under the Contract; (iii) without reasonable excuse fails: (i) to proceed with the Works in accordance with Sub-Clause 9.1[Commencement of Design-Build] or Sub-Clause 10.2[Commencement of Operation Service]; or (ii) to comply with a Notice issued under Sub-Clause 7.5[Rejection] or

Sub-Clause 7.6[Remedial Work], within 28 days after receiving it; (iv) subcontracts the whole of the Works or assigns the Contract without the required agreement or subcontracts the Operation Service or any parts of the Works in breach of Sub-Clause 4.4[Subcontractors]; (v) either gives Notice to the Employer under Sub-Clause 4.25[Changes in the Contractor’s Financial Situation] from which the Employer reasonably concludes that the Contractor will be unable to complete or fulfill his obligations under the Contract, or if the Contractor fails to give such a Notice, but the Employer in any event reasonably concludes that the Contractor will be unable to complete or fulfill his obligations under the Contract due to the Contractor’s financial situation; (vi) becomes bankrupt or insolvent, goes into liquidation, has a receiving or administration order made against him, compounds with his creditors, or carries on business under a receiver, trustee or manager for the benefit of his creditors, or if any act is done or event occurs which (under applicable Laws) has a similar effect to any of these acts or events; (vii) gives or offers to give (directly or indirectly, either before or during the currency of the Contract) to any person any bribe, gift, gratuity, commission or other thing of value, as an inducement or reward: (i) for doing or forbearing to do any action in relation to the Contract; or (ii) for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavor to any person in relation to the Contract; or if any of the Contractor’s Personnel, agents or Subcontractors gives or offers to give (directly or indirectly) to any person any such inducement or reward as is described in this sub-paragraph(g). However, lawful inducements and rewards to Contractor’s Personnel shall not give a right to termination; (viii) fails to complete the Design-Build by the Cut-Off Date stated in the Contract Data or, if no such date is given, then a period of 182 days after the Time for Completion of Design-Build. If any of these events or circumstances, the Employer may, not less than 14 days after giving Notice to the Contractor, terminate the Contract and expel the Contractor from the Site unless the Contractor cures the event or circumstances within the said 14 days. However, in the case of sub-paragraph (f) or (g), the Employer may by Notice terminate the Contract immediately. The Employer’s election to terminate the Contract shall not prejudice any other rights of the Employer, under the Contract or otherwise. The Contractor shall then leave the Site and deliver any required Goods, all Contractor’s Documents, and other design documents made by or for him, to the Employer’s Representative. However, the Contractor shall use his best efforts to comply immediately with any reasonable instructions included in the Notice (i) for the assignment of any subcontract, and (ii) for the protection of life or property or for the safety of the Works.

After termination, the Employer may complete the Works and /or arrange for any other entities to do so. The Employer and these entities may then use nay Goods, Contractor’s Documents and other design documents made by on behalf of the Contractor. The Employer shall then gives Notice that the Contractor’s Equipment and Temporary Works will be released to the Contractor at or near the Site. The Contractor shall promptly arrange their removal, at the risk and cost of the Contractor. However, if by this time the Contractor has failed to make a payment due to the Employer, these items may be sold by the Employer in order to recover this payment. Any balance of the proceeds shall then be paid to the Contractor. 如果承包商有下列行为,业主有权终止合同: (a)未能遵守FIDIC金皮书4.2(履约担保)的规定或未能遵守根据FIDIC金皮书15.1(通知改正)发出的通知, (b)放弃工程或明确表明他不愿继续按照合同履行义务, (c)无正当理由而未能: (i)按FIDIC金皮书9.1(设计建造的开工日期)或者((FIDIC金皮书10.2(运营服务的开始)))实施工程,或 (ii)在收到根据FIDIC金皮书7.5(拒收)或FIDIC金皮书7.6(修补工作)颁发的通知28天遵守通知要求, (d)未按要求经过许可即擅自将整个工程分包出去或转让合同,或者违反FIDIC金皮书4.4(分包商)的规定分包运营服务或者工程的任何其他部分。 (e)根据FIDIC金皮书4.25(承包商财务状况的改变)规定向业主发出通知,业主据此从之可以合理推断承包商将不能完成或实现其合同义务,或者如果承包商未能发出此通知,但是业主根据承包商的财务状况合理推断承包商不能完成或实现其义务。 (f)破产或无力偿还债务,或停业清理,或已由法院委派其破产案财产管理人或遗产管理人,或为其债权人的利益与债权人达成有关协议,或在财产管理人,财产委托人或财务管理人的监督下营业,或承包商所采取的任何行动或发生的任何事件(根据有关适用的法律)具有与前述行动或事件相似的效果,或 (g)给予或提出给予(直接或间接)任何人以任何贿赂、礼品、小费、佣金或其他有价值的物品,作为引诱或报酬: (i)使该人员采取或不采取与合同有关的任何行动,或 (ii)使该人员对与合同有关的任何人员做出有利或者无利的表示; 或者,如果任何承包商人员、代理商或分包商如(f)段所述的那样给予或提出给予(直接或间接)任何人以任何此类引诱或报酬。但是,给予承包商人员的合法激励和报酬不应导致合同终止。 (h)未能在合同信息规定的截至日期?完成设计建造或者如果没有约定此日期,则为设计建造竣工时间后的182天。 如果发生上述事件或情况,业主可在向承包商发出通知14天后,如果承包商

没有在该14天内纠正上述情况,则业主可终止合同,并将承包商逐出现场。另外,如果发生(f)段或(g)段的情况,业主可立即通知承包商终止合同。 业主选择终止合同不应影响他根据合同或其他规定享有的业主的任何其他权利。 承包商随后应离开现场,并将任何要求的货物,所有承包商文件以及其他他自己编制的或他人为其编制的设计文件转交给业主代表。此外,承包商还应尽其最大努力立即遵守通知中所包含的下述合理指示:(i)为任何分包合同的转让,以及(ii)为保护生命或财产或工程的安全。 在此类终止后,业主可以完成工程,和/或安排由任何其他实体完成工程。业主和此类实体可使用任何货物、承包商文件以及承包商编制的或以其名义编制的其他设计文件。 业主随后应发出通知,说明承包商设备和临时工程将在现场或现场附近退还给承包商。承包商应以自己的费用并自担风险安排上述设备和临时工程的撤离,不得拖延。但是,如果此时承包商还有应支付给业主的未付款额,为了获取这笔款额,业主可以出售上述设备和临时工程。此类收益的所有余额应归还承包商。 15.3 Valuation at Date of Termination for Contractor’s Default因承包商违约终止日期时的估价 As soon as practicable after a Notice of termination under Sub-Clause 15.2[Termination for Contractor’s Default] has taken effect, the Employer’s Representative shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations] to agree or determine the value of the Works, Goods and Contractor’s Documents, and any other sums due to the Contractor for work executed in accordance with the Contract. 在根据FIDIC金皮书15.2(因承包商违约的终止)发出的终止通知生效后,业主代表应尽快根据FIDIC金皮书3.5(确定)商定或决定工程、货物和承包商文件的价值,以及承包商根据合同实施的工作其应得到的所有款项。 15.4Payment after Termination for Contractor’s Default因承包商违约终止后的付款 After a Notice of termination under Sub-Clause 15.2 [Termination for Contractor’s default] has taken effect, the Employer may: (a) proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 20.2 [Employer’s Claims]; (b) withhold further payments to the Contractor until the costs of design, execution, completion and remedying of any defects, damages for delay in completion (if any), and all other costs incurred by the Employer, have been established; and/or (c) recover from the Contractor any losses and damages incurred by the Employer and any extra costs of completing the Works, and after allowing for any sum due t the Contractor under Sub-Clause 15.3 [Valuation at Date of Termination for Contractor’s Default]. After recovering any such losses, damages and extra costs, the Employer s

hall pay any balance to the Contractor. 在根据FIDIC金皮书15.2(因承包商违约的终止)发出的终止通知生效后,业主可以: (a)按照FIDIC金皮书20.2(业主索赔)的要求执行, (b)扣留向承包商支付的进一步款项,直至业主确定了设计、施工、竣工和修补任何工程缺陷的费用、误期损害赔偿费(如有时),以及业主花费的所有其它费用,以及/或者 (c)在考虑根据FIDIC金皮书15.3(因承包商违约终止日期时的估价)应支付承包商的任何金额后,自承包商处收回业主由此招致的任何损失、损害赔偿费以及为完成工程所导致的额外费用。在收回此类损失、损害赔偿费和额外费用后,业主应向承包商支付任何结存金额。 15.5 Termination for Employer’s Convenience因业主方便的终止 If at any time the Employer elects to terminate the Contract for reasons other than those specified in Sub-Clause 15.2[Termination for Contractor’s Default], and subject to the applicable Law of the Contract, he shall notify the Contractor in writing, with a copy to the Employer’s representative. Such termination shall be deemed to be termination for the convenience of the Employer. Upon issuing a Notice to terminate under this Sub-Clause, the Employer shall immediately make arrangements to return the Performance Guarantee to the Contractor, and the termination shall take effect 28 days after the date the Contractor receives the Notice, or 28 days after he receives the Performance Security, whichever is the later. Upon issuing the Notice, the Employer shall immediately cease to have any right of use of the Contractor’s Documents, and shall forthwith return all and any such Contractor’s Documents to the Contractor. The Employer shall not terminate the Contract under this Sub-Clause in order to execute or operate the Works (or any part thereof) himself, or arrange for the Works (or any part thereof) to be executed by another contractor. 如果在任何时候业主选择了终止合同,并且终止合同的原因不是FIDIC金皮书15.2(因承包商违约的终止)中所述,并且在满足可适用的合同法情况下,其应书面通知承包商,并抄送业主代表副本。此终止视为因业主方便的终止。 在根据本款签发终止通知时,业主应立即着手安排返还承包商履约担保,与此同时此项终止应在承包商收到该通知28天后或者承包商收到履约担保的28后两者较晚日期生效。在签发通知后,业主应立即停止享有承包商文件的权利,同时应立刻返还所有承包商文件给承包商。 业主不应为了要自己实施或运营工程(或任何部分),或者安排其他承包商实施工程(或任何部分)而根据本款终止合同。 15.6Valuation at Date of Termination for Employer’s Convenience 因业主方便终止日期时的估价 As soon as practicable after a Notice o

f termination under Sub-Clause 15.5 [Termination for Employer’s Convenience] has taken effect, the Employer’s Representative shall proceed with Sub-Clause 3.5[Determinations] to agree or determine the value of the Works, Goods and Contractor’s Documents, and any sums due to the Contractor for work executed in accordance with the Contract. 一旦根据FIDIC金皮书15.5(因业主方便的终止)发出的终止通知生效,业主代表应根据FIDIC金皮书3.5(确定)同意或确定工程、货物和承包商文件的价值,以及承包商根据合同所实施工作的价款。 15.7Payment after Termination for Employer’s Convenience因业主方便终止后的付款 After termination for the Employer’s convenience under Sub-Clause 15.5[Termination for Employer’s Convenience], the Contractor shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 16.3[Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor’s Equipment] and shall be paid in accordance with Sub-Clause 16.4 [Payment on Termination]. 在根据FIDIC金皮书15.5(因业主方便的终止)进行因业主方便终止后,承包商应按照FIDIC金皮书16.3(停止工作和承包商设备的撤离)的要求执行,并应按照FIDIC金皮书16.4(终止时的付款)从业主处得到支付。 16 Suspension and Termination by Contractor由承包商暂停和终止 16.1Contractor’s Entitlement to Suspend Work 承包商暂停工作的权利 If the Employer’s representative fails to certify in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.7 [Issue of Advance and Interim Payment Certificate], or the Employer fails to comply with Sub-Clause 2.4[Employer’s Financial Arrangements] or Sub-Clause 14.8[Payment], the Contractor may, not less than 21 days after giving Notice to the Employer, suspend word (or reduce the rate of work) unless and until the Contractor has received the Interim Payment Certificate, reasonable evidence or payment, as the case may be and as described in the Notice. The Contractor’s action shall not prejudice his entitlements to financing charges under Sub-Clause 14.9[Delayed Payment] and to termination under Sub-Clause 16.2 [Termination by Contractor]. If the Contractor subsequently receives such Interim Payment Certificate, evidence or payment (as described in the relevant Sub-Clause and in the above Notice) before giving a Notice of termination, the Contractor shall resume normal working as soon as is reasonably practicable. If the Contractor suffers and /or incurs cost as a result of suspending work (or reducing the rate of work) in accordance with this Sub-Clause, the Contractor shall give Notice to the Employer’s representative and shall be entitled, subject to Sub-Clause 20.1[Contractor’s Claims], to: (a) an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or will be delayed, under Sub-Clause 9.3[Extension of Time for Completion of Design-Build]; and (b) payment of any such Cost Plus Profit, which shall be included in the Contra

ct Price. After receiving this Notice, the Employer’s Representative shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5[Determinations] to agree or determine these matters. 如果业主代表未能按照FIDIC金皮书14.7(签发预付款和期中付款证书)开具付款证书,或业主未能按照FIDIC金皮书2.4(业主的资金安排)或FIDIC金皮书14.8(付款)的规定执行,则承包商可在提前21天以上通知业主,暂停工作(或降低工作速度),除非并且直到承包商根据情况和通知中所述,收到了期中付款证书,合理的证明或支付。 此行为不应影响承包商根据FIDIC金皮书14.9(延误的付款)得到融资费以及根据FIDIC金皮书16.2(由承包商终止)终止合同的权利。 如果在发出终止通知前,承包商随即收到了此类期中付款证书、证明或支付(如相关条款和上述通知中所述),则承包商应尽快恢复正常工作。 如果承包商根据本款规定暂停工作(或降低工作速度)而造成拖期和(或)导致发生费用,则承包商应通知业主代表,并根据FIDIC金皮书20.1(承包商索赔)承包商有权: (a)如果竣工时间已经或将要被延误,根据FIDIC金皮书9.3(设计建造竣工时间的延长)的规定,就任何此类延误获得延长的工期, (b)获得任何此类费用加利润的支付,并将之加入在合同价格中。 在收到此类通知后,业主代表应根据FIDIC金皮书3.5(确定),对上述事宜商定或做出决定。 16.2 Termination by Contractor由承包商终止 The Contractor shall be entitled to terminate the Contract if: (i) the Contractor does not receive the reasonable evidence within 42 days after giving Notice under Sub-Clause 16.1 [Contractor’s Entitlement to Suspend Work] in respect of a failure to comply with Sub-Clause 2.4[Employer’s Financial Arrangements]; (ii) the Employer’s representative fails, within 56 days after receiving a Statement and supporting documents, to issue the relevant Payment Certificate; (iii) the Contractor does not receive the amount due under an Interim Payment Certificate within 42 days after the expiry of the time stated in Sub-Clause 14.8[Payment] within which payment is to be made (except for deductions in accordance with Sub-Clause 20.2 [Employer’s Claims]); (iv) the Employer substantially fails to perform his obligations under the Contract; (v) the Employer fials to comply with Sub-Clause 1.6[Contract Agreement] or Sub-Clause 1.8[Assignment]; (vi) a prolonged suspension affects the whole of the Works as described in Sub-Clause 9.10[Prolonged Suspension]; or (vii) the Employer becomes bankrupt or insolvent, goes into liquidation, has a receiving or administration order made against him, compounds with his creditors, or carries on business under a receiver, trustee or manager for the benefit of his creditors, or if any act is done or event occurs which

(under applicable Laws) has a similar effect to any of these acts or events. In any of these events or circumstances, the Contractor may, not less than 14 days after giving Notice to the Employer, terminate the Contract unless the Employer cures the event or circumstance within the said 14 days. However, in the case of sub-paragraph(f) or (g), the Contractor may by Notice terminate the Contract immediately. The Contractor’s election to terminate the Contract shall not prejudice any other rights of the Contractor, under the Contract or otherwise. 如果发生下述情况,承包商应有权终止合同: (a)对于业主未能履行FIDIC金皮书2.4(业主的资金安排)的规定,根据FIDIC金皮书16.1(承包商暂停工作的权利)发出通知后42天内,承包商没有收到合理的证明, (b)在收到报表和证明文件后56天内,业主代表未能颁发相应的付款证书, (c)在FIDIC金皮书14.8(付款)规定的支付时间期满后42天内,承包商没有收到按开具的期中付款证书应向其支付的应付款额(根据FIDIC金皮书20.2(业主索赔)进行扣除的金额除外), (d)业主基本上没有履行合同中规定的义务, (e)业主未能按照FIDIC金皮书1.6(合同协议书)或FIDIC金皮书1.8(权益转让)的规定执行, (f)FIDIC金皮书9.10(拖长的暂停)所述的持续的暂时停工影响到整个工程, (g)业主破产或无力偿还债务,或停业清理,或已由法院委派其破产案财产管理人或遗产管理人,或为其债权人的利益与债权人达成有关协议,或在财产管理人,财产委托人或财务管理人的监督下营业,或业主所采取的任何行动或发生的任何事件(根据有关适用的法律)具有与前述行动或事件相似的效果。 如果发生上述事件或情况,承包商可在向业主发出通知14天后,如果业主没有在该14天内纠正上述情况,终止合同。此外,如果发生(f)段或(g)段的情况,承包商可立即通知业主终止合同。 承包商选择终止合同不应影响他根据合同或其他规定享有的承包商的任何其他权利。 16.3Cessation of Work and removal of Contractor’s Equipment停止工作和承包商设备的撤离 After a Notice of termination under Sub-Clause 16.2[Termination by Contractor] or Sub-Clause 18.5[Optional Termination, Payment and Release] has taken effect, the Contractor shall, unless the Employer cured the event or circumstance within the 14 days’Notice Period, promptly: (a) cease all further work, except for such work as may have been instructed by the Employer’s Representative for the protection of life or property or for the safety of the Works or protection of the environment. For all such instructed work, the Contractor shall be entitled to be paid Cost Plus Profit and shall be relieved of further liabilities under Sub-Clauses 4.8 [Safety Procedures] and 4.18 [Protection

of the Environment]; (b) hand over to the Employer the Contractor’s Document, Plant, Materials and other work, for which the Contractor has received payment; and (c) remove all other Goods from the Site, except as necessary for safety, and leave the Site. 在根据FIDIC金皮书16.2(由承包商终止)或FIDIC金皮书18.5(自主选择支付、终止和解除)发出的终止通知生效后,承包商应迅速: (a)停止一切进一步的工作,但业主代表为保护生命或财产或为工程的安全可能指示进行的工作除外。对于此类指示的工作,承包商应有权获得费用加利润,并免除FIDIC金皮书4.8(安全程序)和FIDIC金皮书4.18(环境保护)下的责任; (b)向业主移交承包商已得到付款的承包商文件、生产设备、材料及其他工作, (c)撤离现场上所有其他的货物(为了安全所需的货物除外),而后离开现场。 16.4 Payment on Termination 终止时的付款 After a Notice of termination under Sub-Clause 16.2 [Termination by Contractor] has taken effect, the Employer shall promptly: (a) return the Performance Security to the Contractor; (b) pay the Contractor in accordance with Sub-Clause 18.6[Optional Termination, Payment and release]; and (c) pay to the Contractor the amount of any loss of profit or other loss or damage sustained by the Contractor as a result of termination. 在根据FIDIC金皮书16.2(由承包商终止)发出的终止通知生效后,业主应迅速: (a)将履约保证退还承包商, (b)根据FIDIC金皮书18.5(自主选择支付、终止和解除)向承包商进行支付, (c)向承包商支付因终止合同而使其遭受的任何利润的损失或其他损失或损害的款额。 17 Risk Allocation风险分配 17.1 The Employer’s Risks during the Design-Build Period设计建造期的业主风险 Subject to the provisions of Sub-Clause 17.8[Limitation of Liability], the risks allocated to the Employer and for which the Employer is liable during the Design-Build Period are divided into: (a) The Employer’s Commercial Risks, which are: (i) the financial loss, delay or damage allocated to the Employer under the Contract or for which the Employer is liable by law, unless otherwise modified under the Contract; (ii) the right of the Employer to construct the Works or any part thereof on, over, under, in or through the Site; (iii) the use or occupation of the Site by the Works or any part thereof, or for the purpose of design, construction or completion of the Works other than the abusive or wrongful use by the Contractor; and (iv) the use or occupation by the Employer of any part of the Permanent Works, except as may be specified in the Contract; and (b) The Employer’s Risks of Damage, which are: (i) Damage due to interference, whether temporary or permanent, with any right of way, light, air, water or other easement(other than that

resulting from the Contractor’s method of construction) which is the unavoidable result of the construction of the Works in accordance with the Contract; (ii) Fault, error or omission in any element of the design of the Works by the Employer or which may be contained in the Employer’s Requirements, other than design carried out by the Contractor pursuant to his obligations under the Contract; (iii) Any operation of the forces of nature (other than those allocated to the Contractor in the Contract Data) against which an experienced contractor could not reasonably have been expected to have taken adequate preventative precautions; and (iv) The Exceptional Risks under Clause 18[Exceptional Risks]. 基于FIDIC金皮书17.8(责任限度)的规定,在设计建造期分配给业主以及业主有责任承担的风险为: (a)业主的商业风险: (i)在合同没有另行规定的情况下,按照合同或者适用的法律分配给业主应承担的财务损失、延误或者损害; (ii)在现场之地面上、下、上空、内部或穿过来建设工程或工程任何一部分的权利; (iii)工程或者其任何部分使用或占用现场,或者基于设计、施工或完成工程或其某部分使用或占用现场,承包商滥用或者误用除外; (iv)业主对永久工程任何部分的占用或使用,合同另有规定除外; (b)业主的损坏风险: (i)由于道路、光线、空气、水或其他地役权(非承包商建设方法所致)临时或永久干预导致的损害,并且此损害是根据合同进行工程建设所无法避免的结果; (ii)业主负责设计的组成部分或者包含在业主要求的组成部分的过失、错误、缺陷或者省略,但不是承包商根据合同履行义务所进行的设计; (iii)一个有经验的承包商无法合理防范的自然力的作用(但不是在合同信息中那些分配给承包商的)。 (iv)根据FIDIC金皮书18(例外风险)规定的例外风险。 17.2The Contractor’s Risks during the Design-Build period设计建造期的承包商风险 Subject to the provisions of Sub-Clause 17.8 [Limitation of Liability], the risks allocated to the Contractor and for which the Contractor is liable during the Design-Build Period are all the risks other than those listed under Sub-Clause 17.1[The Employer’s Risks during the Design-Build Period], including the care of both the Works and the Goods. 基于FIDIC金皮书17.8(责任限度)的规定,设计建造期分配给承包商的风险以及承包商有责任承担的风险为除FIDIC金皮书17.1(设计建造期的业主风险)所列举风险以外的所有风险,包括工程和货物的照管。 17.3The Employer’s Risks during the Operation Service Period运营服务期的业主风险 Subject to the provisions of Sub-Clause 17.8 [Limitation of Liability], the risks allocated to the Employer and for which the Employer is liable during the Operation Service Per
