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? 高级口译教程经典背诵版之文化交流
1.现代化的交通与传播手段使世界变得越来越小,整个国际社会好似一个 巨大的世界村。有着不同文化背景的世界村的村民们在文化交流和文化冲撞 中和睦相处。
Thanks to the means of modern transportation and communication, the world is
getting smaller and smaller. And the whole world community appears to be no more
than a large global village, where the residents come together with different
cultural backgrounds and values. While experiencing the inevitable cultural
exchanges as well as cultural clashes, the “villagers” seek to live in harmony.
2.当代社会的任何一个民族,其先进文化不是孤立的现象,而是与其他民 族的文化进行广泛交流的产物。
In this modern world, the advanced culture of any nation has never been an
isolated phenomenon, but the product of extensive exchanges with other cultures.
3.当然,任何一个民族的文化,其根基与主流必须具有这个民族的鲜明特 征。
Of course, the root and the main current of any culture must bear its own
distinctive national features.
4.文化交流不是让外国文化吞没自己的文化,而是为了丰富和充实本民族 的文化。
Culture exchange is by no means a process of losing one’s own culture to a
foreign culture, but to enrich a nation’s own culture.
Through culture exchange, different cultures can absorb and influence each
In cultural field, Mutual influence is a very complicated phenomenon.
Therefore, absorbing foreign culture is metaphorically a process of taking a
bite, chewing and ingesting.
We should adopt the principle of eliminating the false and retaining the true,
discarding the dross and selecting the essential, exporting more and importing
the best, and resisting corruptive influences.
9.我不认为各种文化的不同特点和风格会因此而消失,相反,不同的文化 可以取长补短,互为补充。
I don’t believe that such a practice will result in the disappearance of the
particular features and styles pertaining to particular cultures. On the
contrary, different cultures can learn from each other’s strengths and offset
their own weakness and complement one another.
10.事实上,随着中国经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,中国人民的视野 开阔了,艺术鉴赏力也起了变化。
As a matter of fact, with the development of China’s economy and the improvement
of people’s living standards, Chinese people’s horizons have been broadened and

ir tastes for art also have changed.
And they have developed more interests.
12.他们不仅关心中国传统文化艺术和现代文化艺术,而且有了解世界文化 发展趋势的愿望,又了解不同艺术风格和流派的愿望。
They are not only concerned about Chinese traditional and modern cultural art,
but also eager to know about the trends of cultural development across the
planet, to learn about different styles and schools of art.
We should not be content with imitation without creation while absorbing
excellent achievements from foreign cultures.
14.沉溺于简单的模仿会使自己失去创作力,无法达到新的艺术高度,无法 向世界推出自己的优秀作品。
An obsession with simple imitation will sterilize creation, and as such it will
be impossible for us to scale new heights in art and impossible to present to
the world excellent works of our own creation.
15.新意是现代风格与传统风格的结合,是外国特色与本民族特色的结合, 是艺术性于教育性的结合。
Novelty and originality result from the integration of modern and traditional
styles, of the distinctive features of foreign countries and those of our own
nation, and of artistry and education.
1.The Business English Certificate (BEC) test is gaining ever-increasing
popularity in China, even surpassing the TOEFL test in some respects.
商务英语证书考试在中国越来越受到人们的欢迎,在有些方面其影响已经超 过了托福考试。
2.The BEC, an English proficiency test administered throughout the world under
the supervision of the Examination Committee of Cambridge University, offers
successful parties a language ability certificate accepted in many countries.
商务英语证书,是在英国剑桥大学考试委员会监管下,在全球范围内实施的 一种英语水平测试,凡通过考试者都可以得到议长为许多国家认可的英语语 言能力证书。
3.Three year ago, Cambridge University contacted China’s State Education
Commission concerning a cooperative effort to establish the BEC in China.
三年前,剑桥大学与中国国家教委一起共同合作在中国建立 BEC 测试的适 宜。
4.Initially, the commission was hesitant about allocating the investment
necessary to introduce the unknown entity.
5.However, their fears were quickly dispelled when over 5,000 people in 29
cities, including 3,000 people in the Beijing area alone, applied to take the
first exam.
但是他们的担忧很快就烟消云散了。29 个城市的 5000 多个人申请参加首次 测试,仅北京地区的考生究达到 3000 人。
6.The BEC exam te

sts one’s specialized vocabulary needed to draft official
business letters, as well as spoken language for telephone communications.
BEC 测试考查人们起草官方商务信件所必需的专业词汇以及电话交谈的口 语能力。
7.It focuses on listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially on spoken
English and practical business vocabulary.
8.In the wake of introductory exam, a BEC training network has been established
in some 10 universities and institutions such as Beijing University, Beijing
Normal University and Beijing Foreign Studies University.
第一次考试实施以后,BEC 培训网在北京大学、北京师范大学、北京外国 语大学等 10 来所高等院校建立起来。
9.High demand has resulted in the rapid enlargement of the network.
对接受 BEC 培训的高需求导致了网络的迅速扩大。
10.At present, some two-thirds of those people involved in training for the exam
are either employees of joint ventures, high-tech companies or hotels, and the
rest are students.
参加应试培训的学生中约有三分之二属于合资企业、高科技公司或宾馆的职 员,其余都是学生。
11.Shanghai International Studies University, for example, has become a major
and successful training center for the BEC test in Shanghai.
全国各地越来越多的院校也开办了深受欢迎的 BEC 培训班,例如上海外国语大学已经成为上海地区成功主办 BEC 测试的一个主要培训中心。
12.China has opened its doors ever wider in recent years.
13.Business activities and economic exchanges and cooperation in this country
are gaining in frequency.
14.There is a substantial rise in the number of entrepreneurs and financiers
flocking to China to establish factories and companies.
15.These companies seek for prospective Chinese employees with adequate
certification of their English proficiency.
16.As a matter of fact, many institutions and companies such as the Beijing
Diplomatic Personnel Service Bureau, Motorola (China) Corp., and NEC of Japan
have already accepted the BEC as the criterion for the English level of their
applicants, and are currently offering their employees training in BEC programs.
事实上,许多机构和公司比如北京外交人员服务局、摩托罗拉中国公司和日 本电气株式会社,都早已把是否拥有 BEC 作为检验救治着英语水平的标
准。目前这些机构和公司正在为其雇员们提供补习 BEC 的培训机会。
1.18 年前中国开始对外开放,接踵而至的是中国与外国之

间在商品、观念 和文化方面活跃的交流。
Eighteen years ago China opened its door, and with that opening came a brisk
exchange of goods, ideas and cultures between this country and the rest of the
We tried to know about the outside world and in the meantime, the outside world
tried to understand – a healthy situation that was bound to benefit everyone.
The Chinese young intellectuals were among the first group of people who
benefited from this new open policy.
4.从 1978 年起,中国大批知识分子走出国门,他们之间有公派的、也有自费的。
Since 1978, a large number of Chinese intellectuals have gone abroad to study,
some at the government’s expense, and others at their own.
5.中国人不断地走向海外,外国人也来到中国工作和学习,于是出现了在文化、经济、科技、方面广为交流的局面。中国人为之受益、世界也同样得 益。
When Chinese continue to go overseas, people from other countries are coming
here to work and study. The result is a wealth of cultural, economic, scientific
and technological exchanges that profit not only China but the rest of the world
as well.
Quite a few Chinese people who returned form abroad at the conclusion of their
studies have become the leader in their respective fields in this country.
7.在中国留学的外国人也成了文化使者,他们的努力增进了中国与世界的 友谊。
At the same time, foreigners who studied in China have become cultural envoys,
and are working hard to promote the friendship between China and rest of the
China welcomes the support of all our foreign friends, past, present or future.
The world needs China and we need the world.
1.Walk around any downtown district in a big city in China and you will likely
bump into at least several foreigners, many to find a bargain in a department
store or at a street stall.
漫步在中国任何一个大城市的市中心,你都可能碰到几个外国人,他们中的 许多人想在百货商店或者地摊上猎取廉价商品。
2.You will come across other coming in and out of busy hotels, who might have a
Chinese spouse or sweetheart in tow.
你也会遇到另一些进出繁忙酒店的外国人,他们或许又以中国配偶或请人相 伴左右。
3.It seems that these people are everywhere.
4.While many Chinese seek to go abroad, millions of foreigners come to China
every year.

5.Like many other countries, the Chinese government is selective of those to
whom it will grant the right of permanent residence.
6.Many would be immigrants often go to a lot of trouble to obtain a Residence
Permit, the Chinese version of green card.
7.After a long wait, some of them finally get to stay and settle down, while
others have to pack up and leave for a new destination.
8.Marring a Chinese is the most common way to get a resident status in China.
9.This type of marriages have increased year by year all across the country.
10.Years ago, when a Chinese married someone from overseas, she or he would
often choose to emigrate.
11.Lately, however, more and more foreigners have chosen to stay here with their
Chinese spouses.
12.Why would anyone from overseas want to stay in China?
13.The reasons vary.
14.Some like the Chinese culture, and some think they can earn money more easily
over here, while others want to escape the cruel, breathless rat race in the
一些人喜欢中国文化,一些人认为他们在这里可以很容易地挣到更多的钱, 而另一些人是为了逃避西方社会那种残酷而又令人无法喘息的激烈竞争。
15.One Japanese gentleman married a Chinese woman and didn’t find himself
wanting to return to Japan.
16.Although he could have an enjoyable life with well-off living conditions in
his homeland, with a cozy apartment and even a nicer bank account, the sheer
effort to simply get that far had taken its toll and besides, he had had enough
of office politics and could no longer tolerate his back stabbing co-workers.
17.It was in Beijing that he finally found himself a comfortable and easy life,
the kind of life that he had been longing for.


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