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酒店英语 前台英语

酒店英语  前台英语
酒店英语  前台英语




What’s your name? May I have your name?


Do you want some tea? Could you like some tea?


Over here, please. Could you come this way please?


* 不要说OK, Sure, Yeah等等,而要说Certainly, Sir.

* Hey, uh-huh, Hang on 等等,也不适合在酒店中使用。

* 别说“I don’t know.”回答“不知道”是非常不礼貌的说法。

可以说“just a moment, please. I’ll check that for you.”(请稍候,我来帮您确认),然后请


* 对男性客人,尊称为Sir; 面对女性客人时尊称为Ms.

在招呼客人时,最好说“Excuse me, Sir(Ms)”, 不要直接称呼Mr.或Ms. 至于称呼小孩,可以直接使用Excuse me,但是不可以直接称呼boy或girl.

* 正视对方的眼睛,以显示出你的信心和诚意。但必须注意,注视对方的眼睛,并不是无理地盯着对方看。

* 在面对语言不通的外籍人士时,一定要多加利用手势和肢体语言。但是使用手势时要特别小心,因为对于不同国家、民族而言,手势的意义也大不相同。



1. May I ~

2. Could you ~

3. Would you ~

4.Shall I ~?

只要理解这四种基本的句型,就可以处理大部分业务上的状况。1.自己要做什么事时,就使用May I ~

May I have your name, please?


May I have your check-out time, please?


May I see your passport, please?


May I know your nationality, please?


2.麻烦客人时,可使用Could you ~

Could you fill out the form, please?


Could you write that down, please?


Could you draft the fax, please?


Could you hold the line, please?


3.询问客人的喜好或是做什么时,可使用Would you ~

Would you like tea or coffee?


Would you like to take a taxi?


Would you mind sitting here?


** 只要在疑问词后加“Would you ~”,就可以提出大部分的询问。

When would you like to visit Kunshan?


When would you like to have lunch?


What time would you like to eat?


Who would you like to contact?


Which kind of room would you prefer?


How would you like to settle your bill?


How long would you like to stay?


How many tickets would you like to buy?


4.在提供建议协助、征求意见时,可使用Shall I ~ 或Would you like me to do ~?

Shall I draw the curtains?


Shall I draw you a map?


Shall I make the reservation for you?



Good morning. (用于中午以前)

Good afternoon. (用于中午至下午六点以前)

Good evening. (用于下午六点过后)


Good morning, sir. Are you checking-out?


Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to LI JIA Hotel.


Good evening, Ms. May I help you?



Good morning, sir. This is the Front Desk. May I help you? 早上好,先生。这里是服务台,请问您需要服务吗?



I see, sir.


Certainly, sir.



Just a moment, please.


Thank you for waiting.


I am very sorry to have kept you waiting.


Could you wait a little longer, please?




I am afraid I can’t do that.


Excuse me, sir. Please let me pass.



如果是自己的错就说“I am sorry.”; 如果是公司的错,就说:“We are sorry.”。

I am very sorry for the delay.


I am very sorry for the inconvenience.


I would like to apologize for the mistake. 为这个错误我深致歉意。

5.客人对自己说“Thank you.”时回答

You are welcome.


Thank you, sir.


Thank you very much.



Here you are.


Here is your room key.


Here it is.


7.当客人准备离开时,可以说:Have a nice day.


Please enjoy your stay


We hope to see you again soon. 希望不久能再次见到您。

Thank you for staying with us. 谢谢光临。


面对客人的疑问,不要只是一味地傻笑,或是一直说Yes, Yes.如果听不懂事,要向客人提出疑问,或是先向对方说“Just a moment, please.”, 然后请求他人协助。



Pardon me?


I beg your pardon?


Could you repeat that, please?



Excuse me, sir. Do you mean you lost your room key?




“Hello, this is Information Desk.”


“Information Desk speaking. May I help you?”




I am afraid you have the wrong number.


This is the LI JIA Hotel, 2234-1156.



This is Room Reservations. I’ll transfer your call to Restaurant Reservations.


I am afraid this is a direct line. We can not transfer your call to the Chinese Restaurant Could you dial 2234-1156, please.



I am afraid Mr.Lin is out at the moment. He should be back around 5 p.m.


I am afraid Mr.Hao is on another line. Could you hold the line, please?


I’ll tell him to call you back when he returns.


May I have your name and phone number, please?



结束电话中的对话时,不可以简单说“bye-bye”,最好说:Thank you for calling.


You are welcome, sir.


We look forward to hearing from you.


Please contact me if you have any further questions. 如果您有任何其他问题,请和我联络。



C=服务员 (Clerk)


BC=领班(Bell Captain)


To the Front Desk.


B: Good evening, Ms. Welcome to China-trust Hotel.


G: Thank you.


B: How many pieces of luggage do you have?


G: Just this three.


B: Two suitcases and one bag. Is that right?


G: Yes. That’s all.


B: I’ll show you to the Front Desk. This way, please. I’ll put your bags by the post over there.


G: I see, thanks.


B: A bellman will show you to your room when you have finished checking-in.


G: OK. Fine.


B : Please enjoy your stay.


Taking a guest to the room

Part one : general expressions

1) Good morning (afternoon ,evening),sir (madam).早上好(下午、晚上好),好,先生(夫人)

2) How do you do? (-- how do you do ?)您好!

3) Hello (or hi )!您好!

4) How is everything (with you )?


5) How are you getting on ( or along ) these days ?这几天过得怎么样?

6) How are you ? (- Fine ,thank you .and you? )您的身体好吗?

7) Glad (nice ) to see you .


8) Welcome to our hotel.


9) It’s nice to meet you again , Mr. Johnson .再次见到您太好了,约翰逊先生。

10) Good –bye.(or bye-bye)再见!

11) Good night.晚安(晚间告别用)

12) Have a good rest.祝您休息好!

13) See you later (tomorrow).


14) Hope to see you again soon.


15) Have a good time.


16) We wish you a pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们饭店过得愉快!

17) Please don’t leave anything behind.请不要遗忘你的东西。

18) Mind (or watch) your step!


19) We wish you a pleasant journey.


20) Have a nice trip!一路平安!

21) All the best!万事如意。

22) Take care!多保重!

23) Good luck!祝您好运!

24) Thank you (very much)


25) Thanks a lot.多谢。

26) Thank you for coming.


27) Thank you for staying in our hotel.


28) I’m very grateful to you.


29) It’s very kind of you.


30) You are (most) welcome.


31) Not at all.不用谢。

32) Don’t mention it.不用谢。

33) My pleasure.(or with pleasure)


34) Glad to be of service.


35) At your service.乐意为您效劳。

36) I’m sorry.很抱歉。

37) Excuse me.对不起。

38) I’m terribly sorry. It’s my fault.


39) I’m awfully sorry for my carelessness.对于我的粗心大意我非常抱歉。

40) Sorry to have kept you waiting.


41) Sorry to interrupt you.


42) That’s all right.这没什么。

43) It doesn’t matter.没关系。

44) Never mind.不要紧,没关系。

45) Let’s forget it.算了吧!

46) What can I do for you?


47) Can I help you?

48) 我能为您干点什么?

49) Is there anything I can do for you?


50) Just a moment, please.


51) Don’t worry about it别担心。

52) I beg your pardon?(or Pardon?)


53) You are wanted on the phone, Mr. Bellow.贝罗先生,有您的电话。

54) Who is speaking, please?


55) I’ll switch you to Room 1120.


56) What number are you calling?


57) Who would you like to talk to?


58) Could you hold the line, please?


59) Here are come letters for you.


60) What a shame!多可惜!

61) I’m sorry to hear that!


62) We are all sorry to hear of your illness.听说您病了都很担心。

63) There ,there, Now try not to get too upset about it.


64) I wish you good health.祝您健康。

65) Let me wish you every success.


66) Happy New Year!新年快乐!

67) Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐!

68) Happy birthday to you!


69) Congratulations!祝贺您!(恭喜)

70) My hearty congratulations!


71) As you wish(or like)


72) Certainly.当然可以。

73) Of course.当然可以。

74) Go ahead and do what you like.


75) I’m sorry, that’s not allowed.


76) No, I’m afraid not.不,恐怕不行。

77) Out of the question, I’m afraid.


78) Walk straight ahead.一直往前走。

79) Turn left(right).往左(右)转。

80) Go upstairs(downstairs).


81) Take the lift to the third floor.


82) The lifts are in the lobby near the main entrance.


83) The bellman will show you the way to the banquet hall.


84) There is a washroom at the end of the corridor.洗手间在走廊尽头。

85) The post and cable service is opposite the bar.


86) The bank is next to the shop.


87) You can get your money changed at the cashier’s desk.


88) How much would you like to change?你要兑换多少呢?

89) The rates of exchange are on the board there.


90) There are some local products on sale here.这里出售一些地方产品。

91) It’s sold by weight(yard, meter…)


92) Sorry, it’s sold out.


93) How do you like this?


94) What about that one?


95) Here is your change.


96) Here is your receipt.


97) Air mail or ordinary mail?


98) An air mail letter for abroad is $1.60.寄往国外的航空信需1.60元。

99) The travel agency in the hotel takes all kinds of booking.


100) Please don’t smoke here.


Part two: reception &housekeeping service第二部分:总台及客房服务。101) What kind of room would you like (or prefer)?您希望要什么样的房间?102) Do you want a single room or a double room?


103) Would you like a room with bath or shower?


104) How long do you plan to stay here?你打算住多久?

105) For how many nights


106) How many people are there in your party?你们一起有几个人?

107) I can book you a single room with shower for the 26th.


108) What time will you be arriving?


109) Unfortunately, we are fully booked for the 21st


110) We won’t be able to guarantee you a room for May 6th .


111) For a single room the price would be 35 dollars


112) There is a small charge of 25 cents a day extra.


113) There’s a reduction for children.


114) Could you fill in this form, please?


115) Could you sign your name,please?


116) Give me your passport,please,We need it for registration.


117) Have you got any identification?


118) May I see your passport,please?


119) Would you please complete this registration form?


120) What’s your occupation,please?


121) What’s your nationality, please?


122) What’s your address in your native country,please?


123) Your room number is 246 on the second floor.


124) Number 246 is an air-conditioned room with a private bath. 246号是带空调和独用浴室的房间。

125) Here’s your key card.


126) Here’s your key to Room 246.


127) I’ll get the porter to take your luggage up.


128) The porter here will take your luggage and show you the way. 这里的行李员会为您提行李,并为您领路。

129) We’ll extend the reservation for you.我们可以为您延长预订。130) We’ll make the change for you.


131) You may keep the room till 3 p.m,if you wish. 如果您愿意,可以将房间保留到下午三点。132) How much longer would like to stay? 您想再住多久?

133) If you want to keep your room this afternoon, we’ll have to charge you 50% of the price.


134) I’m afraid you’ll have to vacate your room by 11. 恐怕要请您在十一点以前搬出房间了。135) Are you checking out today, Mr. Smith?史密斯先生,您今天可以结帐吗?

136) Would you like to vacate your room now? 您今天要退房吗?

137) Your bill totals $665.


138) That makes a total of $665.


139) That comes to $665 altogether.


140) Here is your bill. Would you please check it?


141) That charge is for drinks taken from the mini-bar. 那笔钱是您从房间冰箱里取用饮料的费用。142) Your overseas telephone call is included in the bill. 您的国际长途电话费用包括在这个帐


143) The service charge is included in this bill. 这个帐单包括报务费。

144) How would you like to settle your bill (or account)?您准备怎样付帐?

145) In what form will payment be made?您准备以何种方式付帐。

146) Are you going to pay in cash or by credit card?


147) We accept the following credit cards,….我们接受下列信用卡……

148) I’m sorry,we don’t accept personal cheques.对不起,我们不收个人支票。

149) All lf the rooms have phones.


150) If there’s anything you need, just ring reception.


151) If there’s anything for the laundry, just leave it in the laundry bag in your room.


152) Washing handed in by 9:30 a.m.,will be returned to you before 5:30 p.m. on the same day 早上9:30以前送去洗的衣服,当天下午5:30以前能送回来。

153) If you wish to have breakfast in your room, ask for room service on the phone.如果您希


154) Room service is available from 6 a.m. .从早晨六点开始提供客房服务。

89) The rates of exchange are on the board there.


90) There are some local products on sale here.这里出售一些地方产品。

91) It’s sold by weight(yard, meter…)


92) Sorry, it’s sold out.


93) How do you like this?


94) What about that one?


95) Here is your change.


96) Here is your receipt.


97) Air mail or ordinary mail?


98) An air mail letter for abroad is $1.60.寄往国外的航空信需1.60元。

99) The travel agency in the hotel takes all kinds of booking.


100) Please don’t smoke here.


Part two: reception &housekeeping service第二部分:总台及客房服务。101) What kind of room would you like (or prefer)?您希望要什么样的房间?102) Do you want a single room or a double room?


103) Would you like a room with bath or shower?


104) How long do you plan to stay here?你打算住多久?

105) For how many nights


106) How many people are there in your party?你们一起有几个人?

107) I can book you a single room with shower for the 26th.


108) What time will you be arriving?


109) Unfortunately, we are fully booked for the 21st



酒店前厅部常用英语Hotel English 100 sentences Greetings (打招呼) 1、Good morning ,sir(madam) 早上好,先生(小姐) 2、Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen 下午好,女士们,先生们. 3、Good evening ,miss Price 晚上好,普莱丝小姐. 4、How are you today ,Mr Brown ? 你今天好吗?布朗先生. 5、I’m quite well ,thank you. 我很好,谢谢你. 6、Hs good to see you again ,sir(madam) 再次见到你真高兴,先生(小姐) 7、Nice to meet you ,sir. 见到你真高兴,先生. Tithes(称呼) 8、Are you mrs,Best? 你是贝丝特夫人吗? 9、You must be professor Ford. 你一定是福特教授. 10、May I know your name,sir(madam)? 我可以知道你的名字吗?先生(小姐). 11、Here’s a letter for you ,Dr white. 怀特医生,这儿有你的一封信. 12、you’re wanted on the phone,Captain Smith. 史密斯船长,有你的电话. 13、Welcome to our hotel, miss Henry. 欢迎来到我们酒店,享利小姐. 14、May I be of service to you,mr Baker ? 我能为你服务吗?贝克先生? 15、Can I help you, Ms Blake? 我能帮你吗?布雷克小姐? 16、Would you take the seat ,young lady ? 请坐,小姐, Offering Help 主动提出帮助 17、May I help you ? 18、Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? 19、What can I do for you ? 我能为你作什么? 20、 May I take your ba for you?


前台接待日常用语 Part 1 Greetings 第一部分问候 1. Welcome to haiyatt garden Hotel . I 'm ***, what should I call you, please? 欢迎光临海悦酒店。我是*** ,请问我该怎么称呼你呢? 2. Good morning/afternoon/evening, Sir/Madame. What can I do for you? 先生/ 女士,你好!请问我能为您做点什么? 3. My name is ***, is there anything else I can do for you, just let me know. 我叫*** ,如果需要我为您做些什么,请告诉我。 4.If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us . 如果你有任何需要,请随时联系我们。 Part 2 Helping to Check-in 第二部分帮助入住 1. Please have a seat for a while I ' ll help you with the check-in

procedure. 请在那边稍坐一会儿,我将会为您办理入住手续。 2. Would you please give me your passport and credit card ?, I ' ll return them to you right away after the check-in procedure. 请把您的护照和信用卡交给我。办完入住手续后,我会马上归还给您。 3. How many nights will you stay this time? 这次入住您会住多少天? 4. Which room would you like, smoking room or non-smoking room? 您是要吸烟房间还是不吸烟房间? 5. Excuse me, Sir/Madame. How would you like to pay the deposit, together or separately? 先生/ 女士,不好意思,打搅一下。请问您是要分开付押金还是一起付呢? 6. Here is your room key and the breakfast coupon. Would you please sign here? 这是您的房卡和早餐券。请您在这里签个名好吗? 7. Here are your passport and the credit card . You can go up to the room now


英语句子翻译大全 导读:本文是关于英语句子翻译大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 01、I never stopped loving you,I just stopped showing it。 我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不再让别人知道而已。 02、Standing in a corner of the world,watching the sunrise and sunset。 站在世界某一个角落,看着日出日落。 03、Waiting is painful。Forgetting is painful。But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering。 等待是一种痛,忘掉也是一种痛,但不知道该怎么办,是一种更折磨人的痛。 04、That formerly how to pick,time flies straight forward。 那段从前怎么去捡,光阴似箭一直向前。 05、Are you turn a walk,do not see my sad。Am I too wayward,regardless of your feelings。 是你转头就走,没看见我的难过。是我太任性,不顾你的感受。 06、Start everyday with a new hope,leave bad memories behind & have faith for a better tomorrow。 用新的希望开启每一天,释放掉不好的回忆,相信明天会更

好。 07、Who’s who of the hook,and who is who of redemption。 谁是谁的劫,谁又是谁的救赎。 08、They say after losing only treasure,in fact,after losing most painful treasure。 她们都说失去以后才懂得珍惜,其实珍惜后的失去最痛。 09、Love warms more than a thousand fires。 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。 10、It is good if you begin crying,that is the sign of cure。 能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征! 11、Life is too short for us to wake up in the morning with regrets。 人生苦短,所以每天不要带着遗憾醒来。 12、Because of loving you so much that I stood aside。Although myfigure left you away,my heart didn’t。Today I have made up my mind to say “I love you。” 正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天我终于鼓起勇气,向你表达我的爱。 13、As long as people do not lose their direction,they will not lose themselves。 人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。


■服务台常用词汇 management 经营、管理market price 市价cashier's desk 兑换处coin 硬币accounting desk 帐务处check_out time 退房时间voucher 证件price list 价目表check, cheque 支票 sign (动)签字interest 利息form 表格reservation 预订reception desk 接待处tip 小费reservation desk 预订处luggage office 行李房…per thousand 千分之…spare (形)多余的postpone (动)延期cancel (动)取消traveller's cheque 旅行支票pay (动)付款fill (动)填写administration 管理、经营note 纸币registration desk 入宿登记处lobby 前厅luggage rack 行李架visit card 名片identification card 身份证rate of exchange 兑换率conversion rate 换算率charge (动)收费bill 帐单change money 换钱procedure 手续、程序information desk 问询处luggage label 行李标签overbooking 超额订房…per cent 百分之…reasonable (形)合理的cash (动)兑换keep (动)保留、保存bank draft 汇票accept (动)接受procedure fee 手续费fill in the form 填表 ■电讯服务 operator 电话员 house phone 内部电话 special line 专线 dial a number 拨号码 hold the line 别挂电话 can't put somebody through 接不通 ordinary telegram 普通电话receiver 听筒 city phone 城市电话 telephone number 电话号码 replace the phone 挂上电话 Line, please. 请接外线。 The line is busy(engaged) 占线。 send a telegram(cable) 发电报long distance 长途电话 telephone directory 电话簿 call somebody up 打电话给某人 can't hear somebody 听不见 can't get through 打不通


1.人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。 Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life which only lasts for a few decades. Laugh or cry as you like, and it is meaningless to oppress yourself. 2.于千万人之中,遇见你所遇见的人;于千万年之中,时间的无涯荒野里,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,刚巧赶上了。 Among thousands of people, you meet those you’ve met. Through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor a bit too late. 3.记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的.Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten.Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable. 4.能冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间,以时间来推移感情,时间越长,冲突越淡,仿佛不断稀释的茶。 Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted. 5.鱼对水说你看不到我的眼泪,因为我在水里.水说我能感觉到你的眼泪,因为你在我心里。“You couldn’t see my tears because I am in the water.” Fish said to water. “But I could feel your tears cause you are in me.”Answered water. 6.我们确实活得艰难,一要承受种种外部的压力,更要面对自己内心的困惑。在苦苦挣扎中,如果有人向你投以理解的目光,你会感到一种生命的暖意,或许仅有短暂的一瞥,就足以使我感奋不已。It‘s true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to be under various external pressures, but also to be in the face of internal perplexities.You would be affected by the warmth of life if someone gives you an understanding look during your bitter struggle.Even a mere glance would make you moved and inpired. 7.我不去想是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程;我不去想,身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界的只能是背影。I wou ldn‘t care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn‘t care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizon .


前台: --Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening; this is Highbird International, may I help you? 早晨好.需要帮忙吗? --Do you have an appointment? 您欲约了吗? --May I have your name? 请问您的姓名? --Welcome to XX. Please follow me. Sit down here,please. I'll see if she's available now. 欢迎光临XX。请跟我来.请坐,我去看一下她是否有空. --After you. 您先请. --Would you like drink tea or coffee? 您想喝点什么茶还是咖啡? --Would you give me your businese card? 我能看看您的名片吗? --May I tell him what you wish to see him about? 您找他什么事我能转告吗? --Mr.Li is expecting you. I'll tell him you're here. 李先生正在等您.我告诉他您来了. --I'm sorry. Mr.Li has a full schedule this week. 报歉.李先生本周的日程已排满. --Could you please write a note to him on the matter you wish to see him about? 您能否留下便条说明您有什么事要见他? --Could I get a new weekly schedule? 我可以索要一份新的本周课表吗? --Sure. This is our new weekly schedule. Here you are. 当然。这是我们本周最新的课表。给您。 --It’s dinner time. I want to order a meal. Could you show me the menu please? 现在是就餐时间,我想点餐。 --Can I get some coins? 我可以兑换几枚硬币吗? --Sure. How many do you need? 当然可以,你想兑换几枚? --Three one-Yuan and one fifty cents coins. 3枚1元硬币和一枚5角的硬币。 今天有到访吗?有几个?Do we have visited clients today? How many? 谁/哪个部门预约的?Who made the appointment? Which department made the appointment? 有咨询电话吗?Are there any consulting phones? 都是通过什么渠道来的?How do they know our school? 怎么样,都能来吗?效果好吗?Will they come? How is the effect? 今天有什么事情吗?What shall we do today? What’s going on?What’s up? What’s happening? 还有什么事情吗?Anything else? 一会XX上去替你们,咱们开会。XX will cover you after a while, and we will have a meeting.


Good morning/afternoon!Miss /Mr Wang!早上/下午/晚上好,王老师!3.What's your name?你叫什么名字?My name is… 我的名字叫…… 5. Nice /Glad to meet you!见到你很高兴!6.How are you?你好吗?7. How do you do?你好?8.-What's this?-It's...这是什么?这(它)是…… 9.Welcome to No.14 Middle School!欢迎到第14中学来!10.Excuse me . Are you Li Ming? 对不起,你是李明吗?11.Can you spell it,please?你能拼一下它吗?12.Goodbye!Bye-bye!Bye!See you later!See you!再见!14.What class/row are you in?你是哪个班级/排的?15.What's your number?你是第几个?16.What's your telephone number?你的电话号码是多少?17.How old are you?/Can you tell me your age(年龄)?/ What's your age?你多大了?18.What's this /that in English?这/那个(东西)用英语怎么说?19.What's the English for“电脑”?“电脑”用英 语怎么说?20.What is your father?/What does your father do?你爸爸是干什么工作的?21.Who is that(speaking)?你是谁?22.This is Bill(speaking).我是比尔。 23.Is Tom in /at home?汤姆在家吗?24.Who's that(speaking)?你是谁?25.Hello!May/Could I speak to Wang Ming?你好!我可以和王明通话吗?26.Can I speak to Tom ?我可以和汤姆讲话吗?27.Is that Kate(speaking)?你是凯特吗?28.Here you are.给你。29.Thank you(very much)/Thanks(a lot).(多)谢谢。Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。That's OK/You are welcome/That's all right/It’s a pleasure. 不用谢。30.Sorry.对不起。Not at all./It doesn't matter./That's all right.没关系。31.Your English is very good!你的英语真好!Thank you.谢谢。32.Is everyone here?/Are we all here?今天大家都到了吗?33.Who's on duty today?今天谁值日?34.What colour are your shoes?你的鞋是什么颜色的?35.Can I see your licence?我能看一下你的执照吗?36.How many boats are there in the picture?图中有多少艘船?37.Mrs Green has two children.One is a son,the other is a daughter.格林夫人有两个孩子,一个儿子,另一个是女儿。38.It's time to go to school.该上学了. It's time for break.该休息一下了. 39.What else can you see in the picture?图中你还看到别的什么东西吗?40.Which colour do you like best?你最喜欢哪种颜色?41.What's your favourite animal?你最喜欢哪种动物?42.Would you like some apples?你想要一些苹果吗?Would you like to drink a cup of tea?你想喝杯茶吗?I don't think so.我不想吃苹果/喝杯茶。No,thanks 不,谢谢了. Yes,please. 好 的.43.Do you like to have eggs for breakfast?你早餐喜欢吃鸡蛋吗?44.Here is a full bottle. 这儿有一瓶满的。45.What's the matter with your plane?你的飞机怎么啦?What’s wrong with your plane?46.What would you like for bre akfast? 你想吃什么早点?I'd like a glass of milk and an egg.我想要杯牛奶和一个鸡蛋。 47.Let me help you.让我帮你吧。48.What/How about a glass of fruit juice?来杯果汁怎么样?What /How about something to drink?喝点东西怎么样? 49.What’s your favorite sport,football,volleyball or basketball?你最喜欢什么运动,足球、排球还是篮球?50. Can’t you ride a bike?难道你不会骑自行车吗?51.Could you help me,please?你能帮助我吗?52.Let me help you,please.请让我帮助你。53.I(don't)think so.我认为(不)是这样的。54.Do you want a go?你想试一试吗?55.Lin Tao has no pencils and no pens.李雷

实战酒店前台英语 收银常用英语

酒店前台&收银常用英语前台reception或者front desk收银casher 大厅lobby机场airport 餐厅restaurant房务部housekeeping 超市supermarket工程部engineer department、 无线网络wifi密码password 收据receipt押金deposit xxtowel刮胡刀shaver 烟灰缸ashtray伞umbrella 快递express南航购票点southern China office 火车站trainstation地铁metro station 入住时: 1、先生/小姐,您好,请问有什么可以帮到您? hello,sir,may I help you? 房价是多少 What is the room rate? 现在的房价是300元每晚 Is 300 RMB per night 2、请问您有预定么? Do you have a reservation? 3、您需要单人房还是双人房?

Asingle room or double room? 您的退房时间是? when is your check out time 4、我能看一下您的护照么? may I have your passport please 5、请签一下您的名字 Please sign your name here。 6、您的房卡 this is your room card 我们的早餐时间是七点半到九点半 our breakfast time is during seven thirty to nine thirty 7、您的房号是….. Your room number is…. 8、您需要提前预付300元人民币的押金 You should pay for a deposit of 300 RMB 9、押金我们会在您退房的时候退还给您 The deposit we will return to you when you check out 退房时: 1、可以把您的房卡给我们吗 May I have your room card please。 2、这是您的账单


hotelenglish part 1 greetings问候 2. good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam. what can i do for you? 先生/女士,你好!请问我能为您做点什么? 3. my name is ..., is there anything else i can do for you, just let me know. 我叫...,如果需要我为您做些什么,请告诉我。 4.if you have any problems, please feel free to contact us . 如果你有任何需要,请随时联系我们。 5.have you make a reservation ?\have you booked the room?\are you the vip? 请问有预订吗?\请问你是会员吗? 6.what kind of room would you like ? 请问您需要什么类型的房间。 7.sorry ,i don’t quite understand . 对不起,我不是很明白。 8.i’m afraid we’ve fully booked for that time . 抱歉,我们那个时段已给订满了。 9.it’s the hot /peak/busy season ,you know ? 这是酒店业的旺季。 10.excuse me ,how do spell it ,please ? 打扰一下,您能拼写一下您的名字吗? 11.we can only keep your table /room till … 我们能保留您的房间直到... 12.let me show you to your room ,this way please . 让我带您到房间,这边请。 _______________________________________________________________________________ part 2 helping to check-in帮助入住 1.please have a seat for a while, i’ll help you with the check-in procedure. 请在那边稍坐一会儿,我将会为您办理入住手续。 2. would you please give me your passport or id card and credit card ?, i’ll help you to fill in the form. 请把您的护照和信用卡交给我,我帮您办理入住手续。 3. how many nights will you stay this time? 这次入住您会住多少天? 4. which room would you like, we have these kinds of rooms...? 您是要哪种房间? 5. excuse me, sir/madame. how would you like to pay the deposit, cash or credit card(together or separately)? 先生/女士,不好意思,打搅一下。请问您是要付现金还是刷卡(分开付押金还是一起付)呢? 6.here is your room key and the breakfast coupon. would you please sign here? 这是您的房卡和早餐券。请您在这里签个名好吗? 7. here are your passport and the credit card . you can go up to the room now i hope you enjoy your stay with us..


C/I Dialogue A A:Good morning, sir.Welcome to Dragonlake Princess Hotel.Can I help you? 早上好,先生,欢迎来到九龙湖公主酒店,请问有什么可以为您效劳? B:Good morning ! I have a reservation for a single room with a balcony. 早上好,我订了一间有阳台的单人房。 A:May I have your name, sir, please? 请问先生用什么名字预订? B:Bradley , John Bradley. Bradley , John Bradley. A:Just a moment , sir. Let me check the reservation for you. Yes, we have a reservation for a single room with a balcony, May I have you passport? 请稍等先生,让我为您查找。您好先生,已找到您的预订是一间有阳台的单人房,请问可以借您的护照吗? B:Yes.Here you are. 当然。 A:Thank you.Mr Bradley .Please sign here and write down your address. 谢谢,MR Bradley,请在这填一下您的住址及签上您的签名。 B:Yes. 好的。 A:Mr Bradlry,how long would you like stay here? Mr Bradlry,请问您打算住多久? B:Just one night. 只是一个晚上。 A:Thank you. How would you like to pay the deposit? In cash or credit card? 谢谢!请问押金是给现金或是刷卡呢? B:Credit card. 信用卡。 A:May I have your credit card .And I will take RMB 1500 for the deposit.It’s that ok? 可以借用您的卡吗?您好先生,请问可以从您的卡上刷RMB1500元作为住房押金吗? B:Yes. A:Thank you your credit card. Sir.Please sign for the deposit. 谢谢先生的信用卡,请在卡纸上签名确认。 B:Yes. 好的。 A:Mr Bradley ,Your room number is 6302. It is on the 3rd floor at 6 BLOCK. The daily rate is RMB563 including one breakfast. The breakfast is in Mine cafe on 6th BLOCK. And the breakfast time is 07:00am to 10:00am, you just take the welcome card to have breakfast. This is your room key and I’ll call bell-boy take you to your room. Mr Bradley,您的房间在6号楼的3楼6302房,每天的房租是RMB563元包含一位


英语日常用语1000句 三、Identifying Objects 辨别物品 31. What's this? 这是什么? 32. It's a pen. 是支笔。 33. Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗? 34. No, it isn't. / Yes, it is. 不,它不是。/是的,它是。 35. Whose pen is this? 这是谁的笔? 36. It's Kate's. 是凯特的。 37. Is that a car? 那是一辆小汽车吗? 38. No, it isn't. It's a bus. 不,那是一辆公共汽车。 39. What do you call this in English? 这个用英语怎么说? 40. What is the color of your new book? 你的新书是什么颜色的? 41. How big is your house? 你的房子有多大? 42. How long is the street? 这条街有多长? 43. What's the name of the cat? 这猫叫什么名字? 44. Where's the company? 那个公司在哪儿? 45. Which is the right size? 哪个尺码是对的? 四、About Belongings 关于所有物 46. What's this? 这是什么? 47. It's an air-conditioner. 这是空调。 48. Is this yours? 这是你的吗? 49. Yes, it's mine. 是的,是我的。 50. Where are my glasses? 我的眼镜在哪儿? 51. Do you know where I've put my glasses? 你知道我把眼镜搁哪儿了吗? 52. Over there. 在那边。 53. On the desk. 在桌上。 54. Is this your pen? I found it under the desk. 这是你的笔吗?我在桌下捡的。 55. No. Mine is blue. 不是。我的是蓝的。 56. Which is your bag? 哪个是你的包? 57. The bigger one. 大些的那个。 58. The one on your right. 你右边的那个。


酒店前台英语口语 一.概述 在酒店里所使用的英语会话,基本上是属于商业英语,与日常生活会话中所使用的英语略有不同,较注重礼节。正式英语通常会让人误解为极艰深的英语,其实,只要套用一定格式的句子和单词,就可以了。例如: 非正式英语正式英语 What’s your name? May I have your name? 您贵姓?请问您贵姓大名? Do you want some tea? Could you like some tea? 您要喝茶吗?请问您想喝茶吗? Over here, please. Could you come this way please? 这边请。请您往这边走好吗? * 不要说OK, Sure, Yeah等等,而要说Certainly, Sir. * Hey, uh-huh, Hang on 等等,也不适合在酒店中使用。 * 别说“I don’t know.”回答“不知道”是非常不礼貌的说法。 可以说“just a moment, please. I’ll check that for you.” (请稍候,我来帮您确认),然后请有能力处理的人前来协助。 * 对男性客人,尊称为Sir; 面对女性客人时尊称为Ms. 在招呼客人时,最好说“Excuse me, Sir(Ms)”, 不要直接称呼Mr.或Ms. 至于称呼小孩,可以直接使用Excuse me,但是不可以直接称呼boy或girl. * 正视对方的眼睛,以显示出你的信心和诚意。但必须注意,注视对方的眼睛,并不是无理地盯着对方看。* 在面对语言不通的外籍人士时,一定要多加利用手势和肢体语言。但是使用手势时要特别小心,因为对于不同国家、民族而言,手势的意义也大不相同。 二.基本待客英语 (一)在正式的英语表现里,疑问基本句型可分为下列四种: 1. May I ~ 2. Could you ~ 3. Would you ~ 4.Shall I ~? 只要理解这四种基本的句型,就可以处理大部分业务上的状况。 1.自己要做什么事时,就使用May I ~ May I have your name, please? 请问尊姓大名 May I have your check-out time, please? 请问您什么时候结帐离开? May I see your passport, please? 请让我看一下您的护照好吗? May I know your nationality, please? 请问您的国籍是什么? 2.麻烦客人时,可使用Could you ~ Could you fill out the form, please? 请您填写这张表格好吗? Could you write that down, please? 请您写下来好吗?


基本待客英语 (一)在正式的英语表现里,疑问基本句型可分为下列四种: 1. May I ~ 2. Could you ~ 3. Would you ? 4.Shall I ?? 只要理解这四种基本的句型,就可以处理大部分业务上的状况。 1. 自己要做什么事时,就使用May I? May I have your n ame, please? 请问尊姓大名 May I have your check-out time, please? 请问您什么时候结帐离开? May I see your passport, please? 请让我看一下您的护照好吗? May I know your n ati on ality, please? 请问您的国籍是什么? 2. 麻烦客人时,可使用Could you?

Could you fill out the form, please?

请您填写这张表格好吗? Could you write that dow n, please? 请您写下来好吗? Could you draft the fax, please? 请您写下传真的草稿好吗? Could you hold the line, please? 请不要挂电话好吗? 3. 询问客人的喜好或是做什么时,可使用Would you ~ Would you like tea or coffee? 请问您要喝茶还是咖啡? Would you like to take a taxi? 请问您要搭计程车吗? Would you mind sitt ing here? 请问您介意坐在这里吗? **只要在疑问词后加“Would you?”,就可以提岀大部分的询问 Whe n would you like to visit Fosha n? 请问您想要何时参观佛山? Whe n would you like to have lun ch?



基本待客英语(一)在正式的英语表现里,疑问基本句型可分为下列四种: 1. May I ~ 2. Could you ~ 3. Would you ~ 4.Shall I ~? 只要理解这四种基本的句型,就可以处理大部分业务上的状况。 1.自己要做什么事时,就使用May I ~ May I have your name, please?请问尊姓大名 May I have your check-out time, please 请问您什么时候结帐离开 May I see your passport, please 请让我看一下您的护照好吗 May I know your nationality, please 请问您的国籍是什么 2.麻烦客人时,可使用Could you ~ Could you fill out the form, please

请您填写这张表格好吗 Could you write that down, please 请您写下来好吗 Could you draft the fax, please 请您写下传真的草稿好吗 Could you hold the line, please 请不要挂电话好吗 3.询问客人的喜好或是做什么时,可使用Would you ~ Would you like tea or coffee 请问您要喝茶还是咖啡 Would you like to take a taxi 请问您要搭计程车吗 Would you mind sitting here 请问您介意坐在这里吗
