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新视野大学英语第二版第二册unit4练习答案key to unit 4 exercise

新视野大学英语第二版第二册unit4练习答案key to unit 4 exercise
新视野大学英语第二版第二册unit4练习答案key to unit 4 exercise

新视野大学英语(第二版)第二册Unit 4答案

Section A:



1. forbid

2. identical

3. objection

4. warmth

5. volunteers

6. overseas

7. declined

8. resisted

9. fancy 10. decrease/decline


1. without fail

2. volunteer for

3. as long as

4. right away

5. more than

6. am thankful...for

7. wrote back

8. forbidden from

9. vanished into 10. was free to










9.C 10.N

Word Building


1. sadness

2. weakness

3. carelessness

4. illness

5. darkness

6. kindness

7. laziness

8. nervousness


1. noisy

2. wealthy

3. sunny

4. lucky

5. tasty

6. healthy

7. angry

8. icy

Sentence structure


1. It is necessary for the manager to finish the whole task before leaving for a holiday.

2. It is a shame to take so much money for doing so little.

3. It is our responsibility to help people around us who are in trouble.

4. It is a surprise for us all to realize he has been cheating us.

5. It is pleasant for the mother to see her daughter growing into a young lady.


1. as long as she got her father's agreement

2. As long as you set a goal for yourself

3. As long as she covers all the expenses herself

4. as long as she does her job well

5. As long as you never lose heart



1. It is a great pleasure to meet friends from afar.

2. It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.

3. You must let me have the money back without fail by ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

4. Allow me to take part in this project: I am more than a little interested in it.

5. Everyone knows that he is special: He is free to come and go as he pleases.

6. Watching the unhappy look on her face, I felt as though she wished to say something to me.


1. 现如今,仅仅受过中等教育的人要想找份好工作越来越难了。

2. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

3. 如果你对所购物品不满意,我们将很乐意退款。

4. 我们对这块伟大的美丽的土地心怀感激之情,多年来它迎接了众多的人来这里的海滩游览。

5. 让老师吃惊的是,没人自愿当班长。

6. 那条狗忠心耿耿地继续在火车站等待主人,直到两年后死去。











9.C 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.C


Parents have to save a large amount of money for their children to study abroad. Apart from the international flight, they have to pay for their daily expense, such as food, shelter, entertainment, long-distance telephone calls, and clothing. In addition, the children should have some money ready to cover unexpected expenses. Section B:












1. insurance

2. descended

3. precision

4. trace

5. stain

6. specify

7. accustomed

8. embraced

9. knelt 10. prosperity


1. The Rockefeller family achieved a huge amount of prosperity in the oil business.

2. What all workers have in common is expecting better working conditions.

3. You don't know what his feelings will be, as they change from day to day.

4. This is generally a warm place, but we do get freezing weather on occasion.

5. Every year at Christmas drunk driving takes its toll on the joyful atmosphere.

6. Many people still cling to the hope that one day there will be peace between the two countries.

7. He was so angry that he lost control.

8. The climate in Alaska is a far cry from that of Florida.

9. How on earth did she manage to pass the test?

10. His career as a teacher came to an end when he broke his leg, but he continued to write textbooks for students.


1.下列选项中,不属于细胞膜功能的是 () A.控制物质进出细胞 B.将细胞与周围环境分隔开 C.进行细胞间的信息交流 D.控制细胞的代谢 2.(2019·枣庄调查)下列生理过程中,需要依赖于细胞膜上的受体才可完成的是() A.氨基酸通过细胞膜进入组织细胞被利用 B.高等植物细胞间通过胞间连丝相互连接 C.垂体细胞分泌生长激素 D.神经递质作用于突触后膜引发兴奋或抑制 3.下列过程不能体现细胞膜的流动性特点的是() A.蛙红细胞的分裂 B.唾液腺细胞分泌淀粉酶 C.植物细胞质壁分离 D.肝细胞膜上的糖蛋白识别胰岛素

4.下列有关细胞间信息交流的叙述中,正确的是() A.细胞间信息交流是细胞膜的功能之一,体现了细胞膜的选择透过性 B.神经递质与突触后膜上的受体结合后,即被受体转运到突触后膜上,使后膜兴奋或抑制 C.与胰岛素和甲状腺激素结合的受体可能相同,也可能不同D.细胞间信息交流的方式多种多样,可以是细胞接触传递信息,也可以通过介质传递 5.(2019·衡阳八中质检)如图表示细胞膜的亚显微结构,其中a和b 为物质的两种运输方式,下列对细胞膜结构和功能的叙述错误的是() A.若图示为肝细胞膜,则尿素的运输方向是Ⅱ→Ⅱ B.细胞间的识别、免疫、细胞的癌变与Ⅱ有密切的关系 C.适当提高温度将加快Ⅱ和Ⅱ的流动速度 D.b过程不需要A TP,a过程未体现膜的选择透过性这一生理特性6.(2019·长沙月考)下列关于细胞膜的流动镶嵌模型说法正确的是() A.罗伯特森利用光学显微镜提出了“亮—暗—亮”的三明治结构是一

种静态模型 B.利用放射性同位素标记法将小鼠和人细胞膜上的蛋白质做标记的实验,证明了细胞膜具有一定的流动性 C.细胞膜上绝大多数的蛋白质和磷脂双分子层都具有一定的流动性D.欧文顿利用了化学上的“相似相容原理”解决了脂溶性物质为什么更容易进入细胞,是因为细胞膜上具有大量的磷脂和少量的固醇7.(2019·枣庄学情调查)关于细胞核的叙述,正确的是() A.细胞核行使遗传功能的结构是核孔 B.核糖核苷酸只能通过核孔进入细胞核 C.细胞核控制细胞所有的遗传特性 D.没有细胞核也能合成蛋白质 8.心房颤动(房颤)是临床上最常见并且危害严重的心律失常疾病,最新研究表明,其致病机制是核孔复合物的运输障碍(核孔复合物是位于核孔上与核孔的结构和功能密切相关的物质),据此分析正确的是() A.核膜由两层磷脂分子组成,房颤的成因与核膜内外的信息交流异常有关 B.核孔运输障碍发生的根本原因可能是编码核孔复合物的基因发生


八上Unit4 What’s the best movie theater ? 一.根据首字母提示补全单词。(10x1=10) 1. We all know that Liu Qian is a great m . 2. We Chinese usually have 3 m a day,breakfast,lunch and supper. 3. --Who do you think is the best p_________? --MeiLanfang, I think. 4. People in big cities often go to the countryside ,beacause the air there is f . 5. Relaxing on the beach makes me feel very c . 6. My home is very c to our school,so I often walk to school. 7.Now we look at the s in class instead of (而不是)the blackboard. 8.The food in the the restaurant is good and the s here is better,so many people come here. 9.Here are 3 movie theaters ,I don't know which one to c . 10.Now our country gives money to those p students to help them. 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。(15X1=15) 1.My father is much _________ than my mother.(busy) 2.He is the ________ in our class.(outgoing) 3.Jeans Corner is a ________ (good) store. It sells _________ (good) clothes in town . 4. Kitty has the _________ (little) milk of the three. 5. Liu Bing runs __________ of all.(fast) 6.Who do you think is (boring), Tim or Tom? 7. He is as _________ (friend) to us as his sister. 8. Tom is ____________ (tall) of the two. 9.Which one is ________of all the problems? (easy) 10.This radio is not so ________ as that one. (cheap) 11.It’s always interesting (watch) people (show) their talents. 12.She is good at (show) her talent. 13.However,not everybody enjoys (watch) these shows. 14.The people who watch the show usually play a role in (decide) the winner. 15. Which city is _________ (beautiful),Beijing,Shanghai or Hangzhou? 三.单项选择(25X1=25) ( )1. This bread is too small. Do you have _____? A. a bigger piece B. a bigger one C. a big bread D.a big one ( )2.The girl sings . A.beautiful,beautiful B.beautifully,beautifully C.beautiful,beautifully D.beautiffully,beautiful ( )3.—is it from your home? —10 minutes by bus. A.How long B.How far C.What time D.When ( )4.China is one of in the world. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c23197818.html,rger country https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c23197818.html,rger countries C.the largest countries https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c23197818.html,rgest country ( )5. Last week's talent show was a great _____. A.sucess B. success C. succeed D.successfully ( )6. You are _____ now,Victor.So you should wash your clothes by yourself. A.young enough B. enough old C. old enough D. enough young ( )7. There's going to _____ a basketball game tomorrow.

新标准大学英语2Unit 4习题答案

Unit 4 News 24/7 Active Reading (1) Reading and Understanding 3. Choose the best answer to the questions 1.c 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.a 6. a 7.c Dealing with unfamiliar words 4. Answer the questions about the words in the box. 1. No, it is made more exciting in some way. 2. A very long time, centuries. 3. They should follow the guidelines. 4. They should check the source. 5. They live in poverty. 6. It is image. 7. It is element. 5. Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1.chase 2.trainee 3.erode 4.odd 5.horror 6.startle 7.echo 8.reaction 9.frame 6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 5. 1.reactions…horror 2.chase 3.echoes 4.startled 5.trainees 6.eroded 7.oddest 8. frame 7. Answer the questions about the words. 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.a Reading and interpreting 8. Decide what evidence there is for the following statements. If there is no evidence, decide what the passage really says. 1. This is not the passage. It is noted that bad news is common, but no judgment as to the desirability or otherwise of this is given. 2. Many people, we are told, reacted in the same way to bad news in the case of 9/11 and the assassination of President Kennedy, so such a reaction is normal. 3. Yes, as and example is given of people feeling a need to pass on the bad news they had heard. (See pare 2: Their first instinct was to go and tell someone else about it.) 4. Yes. (See para4: We seek the odd and unexpected.) 5. Not stated –the passage says such issues never seem to have the same impact because the stories are ongoing and not reported in all newspapers on the same day, but bit by bit here and there. 6. Immediacy is part of news so such an item is certainly potentially news, but of course it might be too trivial to really be considered such. 7. Yes, mostly. 8. No. Paragraph 8 says the camera position has an important effect on how viewers understand the story.

综英5 Unit4 课后练习参考答案

Unit 4 Part I Listening Task Script for the recording: You may recall from Unit One, the author Eudora Welty telling us how she, in her early childhood, developed a love for reading under the influence of her parents. Perhaps you'd like to know what her teachers were like. Well, let's listen to what she has to say about them: Every school week, visiting teachers came on their days for special lessons. On Mondays, the singing teacher blew into the room fresh from the early outdoors, singing in her high soprano "How do you do?" to do-mi-sol-do, and we responded in chorus from our desks, "I'm ve-ry well", to do-sol-mi-do. Miss Johnson taught us rounds —"Row row row your boat gently down the stream", — and "Little Sir Echo," with half the room singing the words and the other half being the echo, a competition. She was from the North, and she was the one who wanted us all to stop the Christmas carols and see snow. The snow falling that morning outside the window was the first most of us had ever seen, and Miss Johnson threw up the window and held out wide her own black Cape and caught flakes on it and ran, as fast as she could go, up and down the ais1es to show us the real thing before it melted. Thursday was Miss Eyrich and Miss Eyrich was Thursday. She came to give us physical training. She wanted no time on nonsense. Without greeting, we were marched straight outside and summarily divided into teams (no choosing sides), put on the mark, and ordered to get set for a relay race. Miss Eyrich cracked out "Go!" Dread rose in my throat. My head swam. Here was my turn, nearly upon me. (Wait, have I been touched —was that slap the touch? Go on! Do I go on without our passing a word? What word? Now am I racing too fast to turn around? Now I'm nearly home, but where is the hand waiting for mine to touch? Am I too late? Have I lost the whole race for our side?) I lost the relay race for our side before I started, through living ahead of myself, dreading to make my start, feeling too late prematurely, and standing transfixed by emergency, trying to think of a password. Thursdays still can make me hear Miss Eyrich's voice. "On your mark —get set — go!" V ery composedly and very slowly, the art teacher, who visited each room on Fridays, paced the aisle and looked down over your shoulder at what you were drawing for her. This was Miss Ascher. Coming from behind you, her deep, resonant voice reached you without being a word at all, but a sort of purr. It was much the sound given out by our family doctor when he read the thermometer and found you were running a slight fever, " Um-hm. Um-hm." Both alike, they let you go right ahead with it. After Listening 1.On Mondays, Miss Johnson, our singing teacher, would blow into the room, singing in her high soprano "How do you do?" to do-mi-sol-do, and we students would respond in chorus from ouir desks, "I'm very well", to do-sol-mi-do. 2.Miss Eyrich gave us physical training on Thursdays. She wanted no time on nonsense. Without greeting, she ordered us to march straight outside and get set for a relay race. 3.In a very composed and slow manner, the art teacher Miss Ascher would pace the aisle and

人教新课标高中生物必修二第1节 孟德尔的豌豆杂交实验(一) 第1课时 提高练习

第1节孟德尔的豌豆杂交实验(一)(第1课时)1.孟德尔通过杂交实验发现了一些有规律的遗传现象,通过对这些现象的研究提出了遗传的基本规律。在下列各项中,哪项不是出现这些有规律遗传现象不可缺少的因素()A.F1体细胞中各遗传因子表达的机会相等 B.F1自交后代发育成活的机会相等 C.各遗传因子在F2体细胞中出现的机会相等 D.每种类型雌配子与每种类型雄配子相遇的机会相等 2.下表是桃树花色的三组遗传实验结果,据此分析下列叙述错误的是() A.组合①的红花亲本与F1红花植株均为杂合子 B.组合②③均可判断这对性状的显隐性关系 C.组合③的F1中纯合红花所占比值为1/4 D.组合③,F1红花中,杂合子所占比值为1/2 3.现有两块农田,农田A混合种植了杂合高茎豌豆和矮茎豌豆,而农田B混合种植了甜玉米和杂合非甜玉米。豌豆的高茎和矮茎与玉米的甜和非甜均受一对遗传因子控制,不考虑其他植物,下列相关叙述,错误的是() A.豌豆的高茎对矮茎为显性,玉米的非甜对甜为显性 B.农田A中矮茎豌豆所结种子长成的植株均表现为矮茎 C.农田B中杂合非甜玉米所结种子长成的植株1/4为甜玉米 D.农田A中各植株自花受粉,而农田B中各植株随机受粉 4.已知豌豆种子子叶的黄色与绿色是一对遗传因子Y、y控制的,用豌豆进行下列遗传实验,具体情况如下: 实验一实验二

P 黄色子叶(甲)×绿色子叶(乙)P 黄色子叶(丁) ↓↓自交 F1黄色子叶(丙)绿色子叶F1黄色子叶(戊)绿色子叶 1 : 1 3 :1 请分析回答: (1)用豌豆做遗传实验容易取得成功的原因之一是________________________。 (2)从实验____可判断这对相对性状中________是显性性状。 (3)实验二黄色子叶戊中能稳定遗传的占________。 (4)实验一子代中出现黄色子叶与绿色子叶的比例为1:1,主要原因是黄色子叶甲产生的配子种类及其比例为______。 (5)实验中一黄色子叶丙与实验二中黄色子叶戊杂交,所获得的子代黄色子叶个体中不能稳定遗传的占_______。 5.豌豆花的腋生和顶生是一对相对性状,受一对遗传因子B、b控制。如下表是几组杂交实验结果。 根据以上实验结果,分析回答下列问题。 (1)根据组合______可判断出显性性状是______(填“顶生”或“腋生”)。 (2)组合二亲本的遗传因子组成是______和______,理论上其后代腋生豌豆中纯合子所占比例为______(填分数)。 (3)组合三后代的腋生豌豆中杂合子占______(填百分比)。

综合教程4 Unit4课后练习答案

Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action ▇Working with Words and Expressions 1 In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ■Answers: 1) mass 2) gambled 3) voluntary 4) hunted 5) classified 6) abolished 7) division 8) senseless 9) fashions 10) coordination 11) declarations 12) committed 13) necessity 14) moderately 15) slightest 16) considerable 17) evaluate 18) derived 2In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Complete the sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. ■Answers: 1) stands/stood a chance 2) ruled out 3) consist /consists of 4) gone through 5) in the strict sense 6) At a guess 7) earns a living 8) coincide with 9) gone in for 10) got their teeth into ▆ Increasing Your Word Power 1 Word Building Did you notice the suffix -ary and -ory in words such as “voluntary” and “satisfactory” in Texts A and B? The suffix -ary or -ory can be added to a noun to form an adjective. Now add the suffixes of -ary or -ory to the nouns in the following table to form adjectives, then translate them into Chinese. ▆

超级资源(共24套119页)人教版高一生物必修二(全册)同步练习 课后作业汇总

超级资源(共24套119页)人教版高一生物必修二(全册)同步练习课后作业汇总 孟德尔豌豆杂交实验(一)(总分:71分) 一.选择题(每题2分) 1.下列各对性状中, 属于相对性状的是() A.狗的长毛和卷毛 B.棉花的掌状叶和鸡脚叶

C.玉米叶梢的紫色和叶片的绿色 D.豌豆的高茎和蚕豆的矮茎 2.“假说—演绎法”是现代科学研究中常用的一种方法, 下列属于孟德尔在发现基因分离定律时的“演绎”过程的是( ) A.生物的性状是遗传因子决定的 B.由F2出现了“3∶1”推测, 生物体产生配子时成对遗传因子彼此分离 C.若F1产生配子时成对遗传因子分离, 则测交后代会出现两种性状, 比例接近1∶1 D.若F1产生配子时成对遗传因子分离, 则F2中三种基因个体比接近1∶2∶1 3.狗的卷毛(A)对直毛(a)是显性, 判断一只卷毛狗是否是纯合体, 最好选用与它交配的狗是() A.纯种卷毛 B.直毛 C.杂种卷毛 D.A.B.C都对 4.下列叙述中正确的是() A.纯合体自交的后代是纯合体 B.杂合体自交的后代是杂合体 C.两种纯合体杂交其后代仍是纯合体 D.杂合体杂交的后代全是杂合体 5.杂合子高茎豌豆自交, 后代中已有16株为高茎, 第17株还是高茎的可能性是()A.0 B.25% C.75% D.50% 6.将具有一对等位基因的杂合子, 逐代自交3次, 在F3代是纯合子的比例为()A.1/8 B.7/8 C.7/16 D.9/16 7.水稻中非糯性(W)对糯性(w)为显性, 非糯性品系所含淀粉遇碘呈蓝黑色, 糯性品系所含淀粉遇碘呈红褐色。下面是对纯种的非糯性与糯性水稻的杂交后代进行观察的结果, 其中能直接证明孟德尔的基因分离定律的一项是 ( ) A.杂交后亲本植株上结出的种子(F1)遇碘全部呈蓝黑色 B.F1自交后结出的种子(F2)遇碘后, 3/4呈蓝黑色, 1/4呈红褐色 C.F1产生的花粉遇碘后, 一半呈蓝黑色, 一半呈红褐色 D.F1测交所结出的种子遇碘后, 一半呈蓝黑色, 一半呈红褐色 8.下列四组交配中, 能验证对分离现象的解释是否正确的一组是() A.AA×AaB.Aa×aaC.Aa×AaD.AA×aa 9.基因型为AA的个体与基因型为aa的个体杂交产生的F1进行自交, 那么F2中的纯合子占F2中个体数的() A.25%B.50%C.75%D.100% 10.基因分离定律表明, 杂合子() A.不能稳定遗传, 自交后代有性状分离 B.不能稳定遗传, 自交后代无性状分离


Unit4 What’s the best movie theater? 19.sing the most beautifully 唱得最美妙 20.be up to 是……的职责;由……决定21.play a role 发挥作用;有影响 22.make up 编造(故事流言等) 23.for example例如 24.take ...seriously认真对待 用法集萃 1. laugh v. & n. 笑 We all laughed loudly when she made a joke. 她说了个笑话,我们都大声笑起来。 We all laughed at his joke. 听了他的笑话我们都笑起来。 He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。/不要高兴得太早。 (与at连用)嘲笑 Don’t lau gh at him. 别嘲笑他。 People have often laughed at stories told by seamen. 人们常常嘲笑海员所讲的故事。Everyone laughed at his foolish antics. 大家都笑他那种愚蠢的滑稽动作。笑;笑声 We had a good laugh at his joke. 我们被他的笑话逗得哈哈大笑。 2. though conj. 虽然;纵然;即使;尽管 = although Though it was raining,he went there. 虽然当时正下着雨,他还是到那里去了。 Though he was poor he was happy. 虽然他很穷却很快乐。

Unit4 课文翻译及课后练习答案

Unit4 无子女家庭:违背十万年来的繁衍规律 课文翻译: 二十好几的凯茜、韦恩夫妇结婚已有五年之久,没有孩子。上次凯茜娘家有人问:“你们打算什么时候要孩子,组成一个家庭呢?”她答道:“我们已经是个家庭啦!” 凯茜与韦恩属于决定不要孩子的年轻已婚夫妇群体,其人数正在日益增长。最近一项调查显示在过去的五年中,年龄在25至29岁之间妇女不愿生养的百分比几乎翻了一番,在18至24岁的已婚妇女中几乎增至三倍。在这个似乎大胆反抗生物性和社会性的决定后面隐藏着什么原因呢? 或许最能公开坦陈心曲的无子女夫妇是《婴儿陷阱》一书的作者:埃伦,派克,其夫威廉,一位广告总经理兼全国不生养夫妇协会主席。派克夫妇认为他们和协会均无意反对生儿育女,不过是反对不管人们是否愿意和需要孩子就迫使人们传宗接代的社会压力。 “这是一种生活方式的选择,”埃伦说,“我们选择自由和自愿,清净和闲暇。这也是一个朝哪个方向付出努力的问题——在你自己的小家庭之内或在一个大的社团之中。这一代人面临有关地球生命延续的严重问题以及生命质量的问题。我们的孙辈也许将购票去观赏最后一批红杉或排队去获取氧气配给。有人抱怨在回到有五个孩子的家途中被交通堵塞困住好几个小时,但是他们不能将孩子与交通堵塞联系起来。在一个受到人口过剩一系列后果威胁的世界上,我们正在参与一项事业使膝下无子的生活模式为社会所接受并受世人尊重。太多的孩子作为一种文化强制的后果而呱呱坠地,离婚和虐待儿童的相关统计充分揭露了这一结果。” 埃伦的丈夫补充说:“每位朋友、亲戚、同事不停地给你施加压力,劝你要孩子,说什么‘发现你生活中失去的东西’。好多好多人很晚才发现,所谓他们失去的东西其实是他们完全不适合做的事情。” 埃伦还说:“从抱第一个洋娃娃开始,大到欣赏电视肥皂剧,成年后参加鸡尾酒会,无形之中,总有一种压力要你为人父母。但是让我们来看看养育失败的比率吧,或许天下父母应该视为像当医生一样的专门职业。有些人擅长此道,他们应当生养孩子;有些人一窍不通,他们应该认为他们还有其他的选择。” 专业观察家同意这一看法:很多人生养孩子没有正当的理由,有时候则完全没有理由。男人常常稀里糊涂就当上了父亲,根本就没有作出审慎的选择;对许多妇女来说,怀孕能够成为一种方式来逃避不可解决的冲突,譬如,迅速获得名分,或改进自己的不良形象,以及满足童年时代未曾得到的关注和关爱的需要。 我与许多人类行为领域的专家交谈,探讨为什么那么多年轻夫妇决定不要孩子,他们的看法也是众说纷纭。一位家庭治疗专家把不要孩子的决定描写为“对当今世界形势基本的本能反应”,暗示像动物群居本能那样的东西正在起作用,来应对人口过剩、城市拥挤、环境污染与核战争危险。群居本能促使妇女感到繁殖人口有违心愿,并指引她们去寻找在家庭生活之外实现自我价值的新方式。 不止一位精神病医生暗示,凡是不愿生育的人有都自恋癖——觉得自己心甘情愿迫不得已,为照顾别人与受人照顾这个互相对立的内心冲突自圆其说。有位精神病医生说:“这些人不能容忍照顾孩子的想法,他们没有多余的爱分享给孩子,”并补充道,“你们这是对亘古以来人类繁衍生生不息的离经叛道。”他的另一位同事插话说:“情有可原嘛,我们谁不想为我们的欠缺找理由? 且不论他


Iisten and Respond Zooming In on the Details 1)endangered 2) threats 3) resource 4) diet 5) satisfy 6) harvested 7) declining 8) supplies 9) excessive 10) starvation Words in action 1. 1) disaster; 2) compelled; 3) historical; 4) disciplined; 5) destruction; 6) output; 7) retreat; 8) abandoned; 9) trace; 10) eternal; 11) investment; 12) transfer; 13) justify; 14) nonetheless; 15) contributions; 16) accelerate; 17) threaten. 2. 1) show signs of; 2) called upon; 3) off limits; 4) in fear of ; 5) slow down; 6) cut down; 7) from head to foot; 8) come by; 9) lost out; 10) As yet; 11) reside in. Increasing your word power 1. web+log; breakfast+lunch; medical+care; Motor+hotel; net+citizen; science+ fiction; Work+alcoholic. 2. 1) anthropology: the scientific study of the human race, especially of its origins, development, customs and beliefs; 2) archaeology;


(新教材)高中生物必修二全册课后“练习与应用+复习与提高” 汇总(附答案) 第1章遗传因子的发现 第1节孟德尔的豌豆杂交实验(一) 【练习与应用】 一、概念检测 1.在孟德尔的一对相对性状的豌豆杂交实验中,B都表现为显性性状,F的自交后代却出现了性状分离。据此判断下列相关表述是否正确。 (1)隐性性状是指生物体不能表现出来的性状。(×) (2)纯合子的自交后代不会发生性状分离,杂合子的自交后代不会出现纯合子。(×) 2.人眼的虹膜有褐色的和蓝色的,褐色是由显性遗传因子控制的,蓝色是由隐性遗传因子控制的。已知一个蓝眼男人与-一个褐眼女人(这个女人的母亲是蓝眼)结婚,这对夫妇生下蓝眼孩子的可能性是(A) A.1/2 B. 1/4 C.1/8 D.1/6 3.观察羊的毛色遗传图解,据图回答问题。 (1)毛色的显性性状是白色,隐性性状是黑色 (2)白毛羊与白毛羊通过有性生殖产生的后代中出现了黑毛羊,这种现象在遗传学上称为性状分离。产生这种现象的原因是白毛羊为杂合子,杂合子自交时会出现性状分离。即雌雄白毛羊均可形成含有控制黑毛的遗传因子的配子,雌雄配子随机结合,会产生黑毛羊。 二、拓展应用 1.水稻的非糯性和糯性是一对相对性状,非糯性花粉中所含的淀粉为直链淀粉,遇碘变蓝黑色,而糯性花粉中所含的是支链淀粉,遇碘变橙红色。现在用纯种的非糯性水稻和纯种的糯性水稻杂交,取F?花粉加碘液染色,在显微镜下观察,半数花粉呈蓝黑色,半数呈橙红色。请回答下列问题。 (1)花粉出现这种比例的原因是什么? F?水稻细胞含有一个控制支链淀粉合成的遗传因子和一个控制直链淀粉合成的遗传因子。在F?形成配子时,两个遗传因子分离,分别进入不同的配子中,含支链淀粉遗传因子的配子合成支链淀粉,遇碘变橙红色;含直链淀粉遗传因子的配子合成直链淀粉,遇碘变蓝黑色,其比例为1:1。 (2)实验结果验证了什么? 分离定律。即在F?形成配子时,成对的遗传因子发生分离,分离后的遗传因子分别进入不同的配子中。 (3)如果让F?自交,F?中花粉有2种类型。 2.某农场养了一群马,马的毛色有栗色和白色两种。已知栗色和白色分别由遗传因子B 和b,控制。育种工作者从中选出一匹健壮的栗色公马,拟设计配种方案鉴定它是纯合子还是杂合子(就毛色而言)。请回答下列问题。 (1)在正常情况下,一匹母马一次只能生一匹小马。为了在个配种季节里完成这项鉴定,应该怎样配种? 将被鉴定的栗色公马与多匹白色母马配种,这样可在一个季节里产生多匹杂交后代。 (2)杂交后代可能出现哪些结果?如何根据结果判断栗色公马是纯合子还是杂合子? 杂交后代可能有两种结果:一是杂交后代全部为栗色马,此结果说明被鉴定的栗色公马很可能是纯合子;二是杂交后代中既有白色马,又有栗色马,此结果说明被鉴定的栗色公马为


第二节孟德尔的豌豆杂交实验(二) 一、选择题 1.下列有关孟德尔遗传规律的说法错误的是() A.叶绿体基因控制的性状遗传不遵循孟德尔遗传规律 B.受精时,雌雄配子的结合是随机的,这是得出孟德尔遗传规律的条件之一 C.孟德尔发现分离定律与自由组合定律的过程运用了假说—演绎法 D.基因型为AaBb的个体自交,其后代一定有四种表现型和9种基因型 解读:孟德尔遗传规律适用于真核生物有性生殖过程中核基因的遗传;在受精过程中雌雄配子随机结合且机会均等;孟德尔研究分离定律与自由组合定律时用的方法是假说—演绎法;孟德尔用统计学的方法得出了杂交或自交后代出现一定的分离比,这是对多数个体及后代统计的结果,而一个个体自交具有偶然性,很多情况下不表现相应的表现型、基因型及一定的比例,故D项错误。 答案:D 2.四籽野豌豆的染色体数目为2n=12,现有—个基因型为Mm的野豌豆植株,所结豆荚中有三个饱满豆粒和一个“空瘪粒”。下列有关分析正确的是() A.该豆荚果皮的基因型是Mm的概率为1/2 B.该豆荚中所结三粒种子种皮中的细胞含有18条染色体 C.所结三粒种子的基因型都是Mm的概率为1/8 D.每个花粉中含有2个精子,因此该豆荚至少需要2粒花粉才能得到4粒种子 解读:豆荚的果皮和种皮与母本植株的基因型、染色体数目相同;被子植物进行双受精,因此该豆荚至少需要4粒花粉才能得到4粒种子;豌豆自花传粉,闭花受粉,所结种子的基因型为Mm 的概率为1/2,三粒种子的基因型都是Mm的概率为1/8。 答案:C 3.某育种专家在农田中发现一株大穗不抗病的小麦,自花授粉后获得160粒种子,这些种子发育成的小麦中有30株大穗抗病和若干株小穗抗病,其余的都不抗病。若将这30株大穗抗病的小麦作为亲本自交,在其F中选择大穗抗病的再进行自交,理论上F中能稳定遗21传的大穗抗病 小麦占F中所有大穗抗病小麦的() 2 A.2/10 B.7/10 C.2/9 D.7/9 解读:本题考查基因分离定律的应用。首先由题意确定大穗不抗病是显性性状。所以作1211为亲本的大穗抗病小麦的基因型为AAbb和Aabb,自交后代F中大穗抗病的为AAbb和 13323- 1 - / 8 327AabB。在大穗抗病中,AAbb和Aabb分别占、。再进行自交,F中大穗抗病的为AAbb 255101771和Aabb,理论上F中能稳定遗传的大穗抗病小麦占F中所有大穗抗病小麦的÷(+)=225101057。9答案:D 4.已知位于常染色体上的两对独立遗传的基因控制着鸡羽毛色素的产生和沉积。在一个位点上,显性基因可产生色素,隐性基因则不产生色素;在另一位点上,显性基因阻止色素的沉积,隐性基因则可使色素沉积。小鸡羽毛的着色,必须能产生并沉积色素,否则为白色毛。如果表现型为白色的鸡(两位点均为隐性纯合子)和另一种表现型为白色的鸡(两位点均为显性纯合子)进行杂交,


Unit4 知识点 1.形容词和副词用法的区别: 形容词修饰名词或用在系动词后作表语;副词用来修饰实意动词 2.movie theater =cinema 电影院 3comfortable adj ----uncomfortable /comfortably adv. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c23197818.html,fortable seats 舒服的座位 5 big screens 大屏幕 6. best sound 最好的声音 7. cheap /expensive 8. close to home 距家近 9.quick/quickly 10.buy tickets quickly 买票快 11. be popular with sb 受某人欢迎 12.the shortest waiting time 最短的等待时间 13.survey 调查 14the best clothes store 最好的服装店

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c23197818.html,ler’s 米勒店 16.radio station广播电台 17.bad /badly/ill的比较级worse,最高级是worst 18.worst store最差的店 19. buy clothes the most cheaply 买衣服最便宜 20.choose动词chose choice 名词 21. care v. n. careful adj. carefully adv. 22.Can I ask you some questions? 用some 是希望得到肯定的回答 23.in town 在城里 24.welcome to …欢迎到。。。。。。。 25.so far 到目前为止 26How do you like…? =What do you think of…? 27.my way around 我周围的路 28fantastic 极好的 29.on Center Street 在中央街 30.the freshest food 最新鲜的食物 31. around here=near here

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