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What a nuisance!

come out of...




What's up?

America/ E'merikE/ Canada/ 'kAnEdE/ idea/ ai'diE/

pea/ pi:/

tea/ ti:/

India/ 'indjE/ Australia/ R'streiljE/ Nigeria/ nai'dViriE/ Austria/ 'RstriE/ Russia/ 'rQFE/ Yugoslavia

umbrella/ Qm'brelE/ cinema/ 'sinEmE/ banana/ bE'nB:nE/ China/ 'tFainE/ Accra/ E'krB:/ extra/ 'ekstrE/ Geneva/ dVi'ni:vE/ lamb/ lAm/

climb/ klaim/

job/ dVRb/ mechanic/ mi'kAnik/ electric/ i'lektik/ bad/ bAd/

dad/ dAd/

read/ ri:d/

bread/ bred/ instead/ in'sted/ abroad/ E'brR:d/ pad/ pAd/

sad/ sAd/

bed/ bed/

make the bed

need/ ni:d/ speed/ spi:d/ middle-aged

get married

red/ red/

tired/ taiEd/ embarrassed

afraid/ E'freid/

stupid/ 'stju:pid/ Madrid/ mE'drid/

mild/ maild/

old/ Euld/

cold/ kEuld/

world/ wE:ld/

see the world

husband/ 'hQzbEnd/ England/ 'iNglEnd/ Holland/ 'hRlEnd/ Finland/ 'finlEnd/ Poland/ 'pEulEnd/ Scotland/ 'skRtlEnd/

stand/ stAnd/

understand/ ,QndE'stAnd/ week-end

friend/ frend/ depend/ di'pend/ spend/ spend/

find/ faind/ behind/ bi'haind/ make up one's mind

pound/ paund/ surround/ sE'raund/ good/ gud/

wood/ wud/

card/ kB:d/

beard/ biEd/

regard/ ri'gB:d/

hard/ hB:d/

sideboard/ 'saidbR:d/ cupboard/ 'kQpbR:d/ afford/ E'fR:d/ word/ wE:d/

loud/ laud/

cloud/ klaud/ crowd/ kraud/ describe/ di'skraib/ wardrobe/ 'wR:drEub/ face/ feis/

place/ pleis/

race/ reis/

Greece/ gri:s/

piece/ pi:s/

office/ 'Rfis/

nice/ nais/

choice/ tFRis/

voice/ vRis/

price/ prais/

advice/ Ed'vais/

take advice

France/ frB:ns/

insurance/ in'FurEns/ nuisance/ 'nju:sns/

licence/ 'laisns/ intelligence/ in'telidVEns/ pence

mince/ mins/

since/ sins/

introduce/ ,intrE'dju:s/ lettuce/ 'letis/

lemonade/ ,lemE'neid/ beside/ bi'said/

coffee/ 'kRfi/

black coffee

tree/ tri:/

see/ si:/

employee/ ,emplRi'i:/

knife/ naif/

wife/ waif/

housewife/ 'hauswaif/ cabbage/ 'kAbidV/

village/ 'vilidV/

garage/ gE'rB:V, 'gArB:V/ bridge/ bridV/

change/ tFeindV/

orange/ 'R:rindV/

charge/ tFB:dV/

large/ lB:dV/



headache/ 'hedeik/ toothache/ 'tu:Weik/

tie/ tai/

cake/ keik/

make/ meik/

take/ teik/

overtake/ ,EuvE'teik/ mistake/ mis'teik/

like/ laik/

joke/ dVEuk/

sale/ seil/

for sale

stale/ steil/

table/ 'teibl/ dressing-table

vegetable/ 'vedVEtEbl/ uncomfortable/ ,Qn'kQmfEtEbl/ terrible/ 'terEbl/ impossible/ im'pRsEbl/ handle/ hAndl/

while/ hwail/

mile/ mail/

smile/ smail/

apple/ 'Apl/

kettle/ 'ketl/

little/ 'litl/

bottle/ 'bRtl/

name/ neim/

same/ seim/

time/ taim/

have a good time

come/ kQm/

Rome/ rEum/

some/ sQm/ aeroplane/ 'ZErEplein/ medicine/ 'medisin/

fine/ fain/

shine/ Fain/

wine/ wain/ magazine/ ,mAgE'zi:n/ bone/ bEun/ someone/ 'sQmwQn/ telephone/ 'telifEun/ June/ dVu:n/

ripe/ raip/

hope/ hEup/ envelope/ 'envElEup/ type/ taip/

fare/ fZE/

square/ skwZE/

here/ hiE/

where/ hwZE/

were/ wE:/ millionaire/ ,miljE'nZE/ retire/ ri'taiE/

pure/ pjuE/

temperature/ 'temprEtFE/

picture/ 'piktFE/

future/ 'fju:tFE/ case/ keis/ bookcase/ 'bukkeis/ suitcase/ 'sju:tkeis/ please/ pli:z/

vase/ veis/ cheese/ tFi:z/ Japanese/ ,dVApE'ni:z/ Chinese/ tFai'ni:z/ noise/ nRiz/

rise/ raiz/ surprise/ sE'praiz/ those/ TEuz/

whose/ hu:z/

lose/ lu:z/

nurse/ nE:s/

of course

because/ bi'kR:z/ excuse/ ik'skju:z/ amuse/ E'mju:z/ house/ haus/

blouse/ blauz/ certificate/ sE'tifikeit/ late/ leit/ chocolate/ 'tFRkElit/

plate/ pleit/

climate/ 'klaimit/ excite/ ik'sait/ white/ hwait/

favourite/ 'feivErit/ opposite/ 'RpEzit/

invite/ in'vait/

note/ nEut/

cigarette/ ,sigE'ret/

minute/ 'minit, mai'nju:t/ tongue/ tQN/

blue/ blu:/

glue/ glu:/

leave/ li:v/

have/ hAv/

shave/ Feiv/

wave/ weiv/

believe/ bi'li:v/

give/ giv/

drive/ draiv/

arrive/ E'raiv/

expensive/ ik'spensiv/

move/ mu:v/

serve/ sE:v/

goodbye/ gud'bai/

recognize/ 'rekEgnaiz/

size/ saiz/

loaf/ lEuf/

beef/ bi:f/

thief/ Wi:f/

off/ Rf/

take off

turn off

half/ hB:f/

shelf/ Felf/

enjoy oneself

bag/ bAg/

handbag/ 'hAndbAg/

beg/ beg/

egg/ eg/

big/ big/

building/ 'bildiN/

nothing/ 'nQWiN/

anything/ 'eniWiN/

everything/ 'evriWiN/ king/ kiN/

boiling/ 'bRiliN/ evening/ 'i:vniN/ morning/ 'mR:niN/ shopping/ 'FRpiN/ bring/ briN/

spring/ spriN/ during/ 'djuEriN/ exciting/ ik'saitiN/ handwriting/ 'hAndraitiN/ interesting/ 'intristiN/ long/ lRN/

along/ E'lRN/ belong/ bi'lRN/ wrong/ rRN/

young/ jQN/

dog/ dRg/

peach/ pi:tF/

which/ hwitF/

rich/ ri:tF/ French/ frentF/ lunch/ lQntF/ March

torch/ tR:tF/ church/ tFE:tF/ catch/ kAtF/

match/ mAtF/

watch/ wRtF/


Dutch/ dQtF/

much/ mQtF/


high/ hai/

enough/ i'nQf/ through/ Wru:/ through/ Wru:/ photograph/ 'fEutEgrB:f/ crash/ krAF/

wash/ wRF/

fresh/ freF/ rubbish/ 'rQbiF/

dish/ diF/ Swedish/ 'swi:diF/ Turkish/ 'tE:kiF/ English/ 'iNgliF/

Polish/ 'pRliF/ Danish/ 'deiniF/ Spanish/ 'spAniF/ finish/ 'finiF/ Finnish/ 'finiF/ bath/ bAW,bB:W/ teeth/ ti:W/ month/ mQnW/ both/ bEuW/ north

worth/ wE:W/ mouth/ mauW/ mouth/ mauW/ south/ sauW/ youth/ ju:W/ truth/ tru:W/ speak/ spi:k/ break/ breik/ steak/ steik/ back/ bAk/ black/ blAk/ pack/ pAk/ track/ trAk/


knock/ nRk/ Greek/ gri:k/ chalk/ tFR:k/ talk/ tR:k/ walk/ wR:k/ bank/ bANk/ thank/ WANk/

ink/ iNk/

think/ WiNk/ mink/ miNk/ pink/ piNk/ drink/ driNk/ book/ buk/ phrase-book

cook/ kuk/

look/ luk/ Denmark/ 'denmB:k/ park/ pB:k/ clerk/ klE:k/ fork/ fR:k/ work/ wE:k/

homework/ 'hEumwE:k/ housework/ 'hauswE:k/ New York

ask/ B:sk/

desk/ desk/

meal/ mi:l/ sensational/ sen'seiFEnl/ label/ 'leibl/ model/ 'mRdEl/

feel/ fi:l/

hostel/ 'hRstEl/ travel/ 'trAvl/

fail/ feil/

pencil/ 'pensl/

April/ 'eiprEl/ Brazil/ brE'zil/

all/ R:l/

call/ kR:l/

fall/ fR:l/

small/ smR:l/

tall/ tR:l/

wall/ wR:l/

spell/ spel/

sell/ sel/

tell/ tel/

well/ wel/

as well

ill/ il/

hill/ hil/

till/ til/

still/ stil/

full/ ful/

school/ sku:l/

pool/ pu:l/

girl/ gE:l/

careful/ 'kZEful/ beautiful/ 'bju:tiful/ teaspoonful

awful/ 'R:ful/ madam/ 'mAdEm/


dream/ dri:m/

jam/ dVAm/ program/ 'prEugrAm/ problem/ 'prRblEm/ swim/ swim/

film/ film/ Stockholm/ 'stRkhEulm/ room/ ru:m/


bedroom/ 'bedrum/ cloakroom/ 'klEukrum/ from/ frRm/

warm/ wR:m/ platform/ 'plAtfR:m/ mum/ mQm/ American/ E'merikEn/ bean/ bi:n/

lean/ li:n/

clean/ kli:n/

mean/ mi:n/

than/ TAn/ Canadian/ kE'neidiEn/ Indian/ 'indiEn/ Norwegian/ nR:'wi:dVEn/ Australian/ R'streiljEn/ Italian/ i'tAljEn/ Brazilian/ brE'ziljEn/ Nigerian/ nai'dViriEn/ Austrian/ 'RstriEn/ Russian/ 'rQFEn/ Yugoslavian

man/ mAn/ policeman/ pE'li:smEn/ gentleman/ 'dVentlmEn/ milkman/ 'milkmEn/ woman/ 'wumEn/ policewoman/ pE'li:swumEn/ German/ 'dVE:mEn/ salesman/ 'seilzmEn/ postman/ 'pEustmEn/ Japan/ dVE'pAn/ Teheran/ ,tehE'rB:n/ Sweden/ 'swi:dn/ garden/ 'gB:dn/

green/ gri:n/ between/ bi'twi:n/ kitchen/ 'kitFin/

then/ Ten/

when/ hwen/

chicken/ 'tFikin/

pen/ pen/

open/ 'EupEn/

happen/ 'hApEn/ sharpen/ 'FB:pn/

children/ 'tFildrEn/ listen/ 'lisn/

heaven/ 'hevn/

sign/ sain/

again/ E'gein/

remain/ ri'mein/

Spain/ spein/

rain/ rein/

train/ trein/

thin/ Win/

Berlin/ bE:'lin/

coin/ kRin/

aspirin/ 'AspErin/

tin/ tin/

autumn/ 'R:tEm/

turn on

put on

London/ 'lQndEn/ pardon/ 'pB:dn/

fashion/ 'fAFEn/ television/ 'teli,viVEn/ association/ E,sEuFE'eiFEn/ examination/ ig,zAmi'neiFEn/ conversation/ ,kRnvE'seiFEn/ station/ 'steiFEn/

noon/ nu:n/

afternoon/ 'B:ftE'nu:n/ spoon/ spu:n/

son/ sQn/

season/ 'si:zn/

person/ 'pE:sn/

lesson/ 'lesn/

return/ ri'tE:n/

run/ rQn/

sun/ sQn/

down/ daun/

brown/ braun/

town/ taun/

tobacco/ tE'bAkEu/ do/ du:/

go/ gou/

ago/ E'gEu/ radio/ 'reidiEu/ hello/ hE'lEu/ too/ tu:/

so/ sEu/ tomato/ tE'mB:tEu/ potato/ pE'teitEu/ into/ 'intu:/ Tokyo/ 'tEukjEu/ cheap/ tFi:p/ soap/ sEup/

tap/ 'tAp/ keep/ ki:p/ sleep/ sli:p/ sweep/ swi:p/ ship/ Fip/

slip/ slip/

trip/ trip/

zip/ zip/

lamp/ lAmp/ tramp/ trAmp/ jump/ dVQmp/ butcher's shop

drop/ drRp/

stop/ stRp/


sharp/ FB:p/ make up

speak up

cheer up

get up

hurry up

cup/ kQp/ teacup/ 'ti:kQp/ bar/ bB:/

car/ kB:/

dear/ 'diE/

hear/ hiE/

near/ niE/

pear/ pZE/

wear/ wZE/

year/ jiE/

sugar/ 'FugE/ December/ di'sembE/ member/ 'membE/ remember/ ri'membE/ September/ sep'tembE/ November/ nEu'vembE/ number/ 'nQmbE/ October/ Rk'tEubE/ barber/ 'bB:bE/ officer/ 'RfisE/ greengrocer/ 'gri:ngrEusE/ under/ 'QndE/ powder/ 'paudE/

beer/ biE/

cheer/ tFiE/ engineer/ ,endVi'niE/ offer/ 'RfE/ manager/ 'mAnidVE/ passenger/ 'pAsindVE/ teacher/ 'ti:tFE/ butcher/ 'butFE/ weather/ 'weTE/

father/ 'fB:TE/ grandfather/ 'grAndfB:TE/ together/ tE'geTE/ either/ 'i:TE/

neither/ 'naiTE/

other/ 'QTE/

mother/ 'mQTE/ grandmother/ 'grAndmQTE/ another/ E'nQTE/ brother/ 'brQTE/

baker/ 'beikE/ cooker

hammer/ 'hAmE/ summer/ 'sQmE/ customer/ 'kQstEmE/ dinner/ 'dinE/

winner/ 'winE/ stationer/ 'steiFEnE/ newspaper/ 'nju:z,peipE/ later

water/ 'wR:tE/

look after

run after

daughter/ 'dR:tE/

enter/ 'entE/

winter/ 'wintE/

counter/ 'kauntE/ quarter/ 'kwR:tE/ reporter/ ri'pR:tE/

sister/ 'sistE/

matter/ 'mAtE/

better/ 'betE/

letter/ 'letE/

litter/ 'litE/

butter/ 'bQtE/

clever/ 'klevE/

never/ 'nevE/

river/ 'rivE/

on a river


over/ 'EuvE/

flower/ 'flauE/

answer/ 'B:nsE/


air/ ZE/

chair/ tFZE/

armchair/ ,B:m'tFZE/

pair/ pZE/

repair/ ri'pZE/

look for

door/ dR:/

floor/ flR:/ refrigerator/ ri'fridVEreitE/ actor/ 'AktE/ conductor/ kEn'dQktE/ visitor/ 'vizitE/ neighbour

hour/ auE/

colour/ 'kQlE/

sour/ 'sauE/

as/ Az/

overseas/ 'EuvE'si:z/ mathematics/ ,mAWE'mAtiks/ measles/ 'mi:zlz/ sometimes/ 'sQmtaimz/ shoes

this/ Wis/


Athens/ 'AWEns/ questions

perhaps/ pE'hAps/ mumps

trousers/ 'trauzEz/ upstairs/ 'Qp'stZEz/ glass/ glB:s/ pass/ pAs/

grass/ grAs/ mess/ mes/

dress/ dres/ address/ E'dres/ actress/ 'Aktris/ air-hostess

guess/ ges/


miss/ mis/

boss/ bRs/ across/ E'krRs/

on instalments

famous/ 'feimEs/ news/ nju:z/

for another two day

always/ 'R:lweiz/ cat/ kAt/

eat/ i:t/

meat/ mi:t/

fat/ fAt/

hat/ hAt/

that/ TAt/

what/ hwRt/

boat/ bEut/

coat/ kEut/ compact/ kEm'pAkt/ subject/ 'sQbdVekt/ correct/ kE'rekt/ meet/ mi:t/ greet/ gri:t/ street/ stri:t/ sweet/ swi:t/ forget/ fE'get/ quiet/ 'kwaiEt/ ticket/ 'tikit/ return ticket

pocket/ 'pRkit/

basket/ 'bB:skit/


let/ let/

carpet/ 'kB:pit/

set/ set/

wet/ wet/

yet/ jet/

left/ left/

lift/ lift/

soft/ sRft/

light/ lait/

night/ nait/

tonight/ tE'nait/

right/ rait/

wait/ weit/

limit/ 'limit/

sit/ sit/

deposit/ di'pRzit/ biscuit/ 'biskit/

fruit/ fru:t/

suit/ sju:t, su:t/ difficult/ 'difikElt/ attendant/ E'tendEnt/ restaurant/ 'restErRN/ pleasant/ 'pleznt/ assistant/ E'sistEnt/ want/ wRnt/

student/ 'stju:dnt/ newsagent/ 'nju:zeidVEnt/ urgent/ 'E:dVEnt/ quotient/ 'kwEuFEnt/ instalment/ in'stR:lmEnt/ moment/ 'mEumEnt/

at the moment

appointment/ E'pRintmEnt/ compartment/ kEm'pB:tmEnt/ absent/ 'AbsEnt/ present/ 'preznt/

paint/ peint/

front/ frQnt/

blunt/ blQnt/

hot/ hRt/

pilot/ 'pailEt/ teapot/ 'ti:pRt/ spot/ spRt/

beauty spot

parrot/ 'pArEt/ except/ ik'sept/ Egypt/ 'i:dVipt/ smart/ smB:t/

shirt/ FE:t/

skirt/ skE:t/

short/ FR:t/

airport/ 'ZEpR:t/ passport/ 'pAspR:t/ hurt/ hE:t/

east/ i:st/ breakfast/ 'brekfEst/ last/ lB:st/

roast/ rEust/

best/ best/

rest/ rest/

west/ west/

list/ list/ chemist/ 'kemist/ tobacconist/ tE'bAkEnist/ typist/ 'taipist/ tourist/ 'tuErist/ dentist/ 'dentist/ cost/ kRst/

lamp post

dust/ dQst/ August

just/ dVQst/

must/ mQst/

cut/ kQt/

haircut/ 'hZEkQt/ shut/ FQF/

about/ E'baut/

put/ put/

next/ 'nekst/


few/ fju:/

a few

new/ nju:/

ow/ au/ Moscow/ 'mRskau/ window/ 'windEu/ how/ hau/

show/ FEu/

low/ lEu/ swallow/ 'swRlEu/ fellow/ 'felEu/ yellow/ 'jelEu/ now/ nau/

know/ nEu/

snow/ snEu/ grow/ grEu/ throw/ WrEu/ tomorrow/ tE'mR:rEu/ box/ bRks/ Bombay/ bRm'bei/ birthday/ 'bE:Wdei/ holiday/ 'hRlEdi/ Friday/ 'fraidi/ Monday/ 'mQndi/ Sunday/ 'sQndi/ today/ tE'dei/ Saturday/ 'sAtEdi/ Wednesday/ 'wenzdi/ Tuesday/ 'tju:zdi/ Thursday/ 'WE:zdi/ May


say/ sei/

stay/ stei/

way/ wei/

by the way

away/ E'wei/ Norway/ 'nR:wei/ baby/ 'beibi/ fancy/ 'fAnsi/ ready/ 'redi/ already/ R:l'redi/ lady/ 'leidi/ tidy/ 'taidi/

untidy/ ,Qn'taidi/ windy/ 'windi/

hey/ hei/

key/ ki:/


valley/ 'vAli/ Sydney

honey/ 'hQni/

grey/ grei/

lucky/ 'lQki/

sky/ skai/

whisky/ 'hwiski/ Italy/ 'itEli/ hurriedly

immediately/ i'mi:diEtli/ lovely/ 'lQvli/

fly/ flai/

ugly/ 'Qgli/

family/ 'fAmEli/ thirstily/ 'WE:stili/ quickly/ 'kwikli/ usually/ 'ju:VuEli/ warmly/ 'wR:mli/ suddenly

certainly/ 'sE:tEnli/ early/ 'E:li/ nearly/ 'niEli/ regularly/ 'regjulEli/ curiously/ 'kjuEriEsli/ pleasantly

July/ dVu:'lai/ slowly/ 'slEuli/

any/ 'eni/

many/ 'meni/ Germany/ 'dVE:mEni/ company/ 'kQmpEni/ penny/ 'peni/

funny/ 'fQni/

enjoy/ in'dVRi/ dictionary/ 'dikFEnEri/ library/ 'laibrEri/ January/ 'dVAnjuEri/ February/ 'februEri/ cry/ krai/

dry/ drai/ grocery/ 'grEusEri/

stationery/ 'steiFEnEri/ very/ 'veri/

dairy/ 'dZEri/ lavatory/ 'lAvEtEri/ story/ 'stR:ri/ carry/ 'kAri/

sorry/ 'sRri/

worry/ 'wQri/

try/ trai/

country/ 'kQntri/

easy/ 'i:zi/

busy/ 'bizi/

city/ 'siti/ nationality/ ,nAFE'nAlEti/ pity/ 'piti/

plenty/ 'plenti/ empty/ 'empti/

party/ 'pB:ti/

dirty/ 'dE:ti/ thirsty/ 'WE:sti/ pretty/ 'priti/ beauty/ 'bju:ti/

buy/ bai/

heavy/ 'hevi/

lazy/ 'leizi/

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