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multilateral productivity comparisons when some outputs are undesirable

multilateral productivity comparisons when some outputs are undesirable
multilateral productivity comparisons when some outputs are undesirable


生产率和生产效率的计算方法 在工厂经常有人讲提高工作效率,其实这只是一个含混的概念。这里将提出生产率和生产效率两个概念,以帮助工厂科学地制定效率目标,找到达成的方法。 生产率(Productivity)和生产效率(Efficiency)在生产管理的实际运用中是两个不同的概念。 生产效率主要用来考核纯生产能力,不包括由技术、材料等其它问题所引起的能力损耗。 生产效率的计算公式: 生产效率=(产出数量 X 标准工时)/(日工作小时 X 直接人工数 - 损失工时)X100% 生产率用来考核整个生产过程中的能力,是制造成本的标示之一。 生产率=(产出数量 X 标准工时)/(日工作小时 X 直接人工数)X100% 案例分析: 如果整个车间的月度生产力和生产效率大大超过100%意味着什么?Productivity: 123% Production Efficiency: 142% Productivity = (Output Qty x Standard Time) / (Total H/C x (Working Time + Over Time)) Production Efficiency = (Output Qty x Standard Time) / (Total H/C x (Working Time - Downtime + Overtime)) 所有的乘积都是相乘相加的结果,即Excel 中的sunprodut()函数。 我想一定在什么上面出了问题? 可能的原因是: * 每个机型的标准工时定的太高了 * PCBA 和 FA中的标准工时有重复 * Oracle 中标准工时的定义是瓶颈时间*所有人数,还是每个工位时间*每个工位人数的累加 * 工作时间定低了 * Working Time 的定义,是按照劳动法的每日8小时,还是需要去除吃饭,休息时间


大数据:创新、竞争和生产力的下一个前沿(原文翻译)麦肯锡在2011年5月发布了一个关于大数据方面的报告:《Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity》,虽然是6年前的报告,但是今天读来,还是非常用指导意义。 报告分为两个版本,一个是概要版20页,一个是完整版156页。 正好最近看了一遍概要版,觉得收益甚大。所以试着翻译一下,仅供参考。 标题:Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity 译文:大数据:创新、竞争和生产力的下一个前沿 第二页是关于MGI(麦肯锡全球研究院)的介绍,就不翻译了。 略。 Data have become a torrent flowing into every area of the global economy. 1 Companies churn out a burgeoning volume of transactional data, capturing trillions of bytes of information about their customers, suppliers, and operations. millions of networked sensors are being embedded in the physical world in devices such as mobile phones, smart energy meters, automobiles, and industrial machines that sense, create, and communicate data in the age of the Internet of Things. 2 Indeed, as companies and organizations go about their business and interact with individuals, they are generating a tremendous amount of digital


Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render –Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e ?2004 by Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, N.J. 07458 1-1 Operations Management Operations and Productivity Chapter 1

Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render –Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e ?2004 by Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, N.J. 07458 1-2 Outline ?PROFILE: HARD ROCK CAFE ?WHAT IS OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT??ORGANIZING TO PRODUCE GOODS AND SERVICES ?WHY STUDY OM? ?WHAT OPERATIONS MANAGERS DO ?How This Book Is Organized ?WHERE ARE THE OM JOBS?

Transparency Masters to accompany Heizer/Render –Principles of Operations Management, 5e, and Operations Management, 7e ?2004 by Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, N.J. 07458 1-3 Outline -Continued ?THE HERITAGE OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT ?OPERATIONS IN THE SERVICE SECTOR ?Differences between Goods and Services ?Growth of Services ?Service Pay ?EXCITING NEW TRENDS IN OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT

Look to Consumers to Increase Productivity(看看消费者提高生产力)

管理学院营销1001 3100806022 赵潮(1~24) May 1979 Look to Consumers to Increase Productivity by Christopher H. Lovelock and Robert F. Young When productivity is a problem in manufacturing, managers turn to the R&D department or operations for help. In services, however, especially ones where there is a lot of contact with the customer, such in-house groups cannot by themselves improve productivity. Because services involve the customer in production, are labor intensive, and are time-bound, consumer behavior itself is critical. Increasing productivity, then, becomes a matter of changing consumer behavior and expectations, and that depends on enlisting consumer acceptance of the change. The authors describe five instances where managers have been less successful than they might in improving productivity in services because they did not take the needs of consumers into account. Then, drawing lessons from these experiences, they discuss three marketing strategies managers can employ in influencing consumers to become a part of the service process itself. Most people agree that low productivity is a major contributor to inflation. Lagging productivity gains are particularly a problem for the service sector of the economy, which now accounts for close to two-thirds of the GNP in the United States. Low productivity afflicts all three categories of service organizations—for profit, public, and nonprofit. In private companies, managers worry about their ability to maintain profits, yet fear that passing on higher costs in the form of higher prices might drive away consumers. Many public agencies find themselves with rising deficits at a time when taxpayers are angrily demanding tax cuts; yet a strategy of service cutbacks could have serious consequences for the welfare of disadvantaged citizens and the quality of life in general. Some nonprofit organizations that have relied unrealistically on increased donations or higher user charges have been hit particularly hard, some even to the point of collapse. People usually think that improving productivity is a task for the R&D department, for the finance committee, or for operations and personnel management. Economists tell us that the three ways to increase productivity are (1) to improve the quality of the labor force, (2) to invest in more efficient capital equipment, and (3) to automate tasks previously undertaken by labor. In this article, we are going to argue that there is a fourth component to improving productivity in service industries—that is, to change the ways consumers interact with service producers. This is a task that marketing—the art of demand management—can tackle best. Service managers can use


外文翻译 原文: Employee Satisfaction & Productivity At the core of financial and professional success is client value. Staff satisfaction and productivity are of pivotal importance to the delivery of client value . Those process components through which veterinary clients derive value must be delivered through both the professional and non-professional staff of the practice. To understand the dependence of value upon staff satisfaction and productivity, it is necessary to appreciate what makes staff members satisfied and productive and to understand the reciprocal relationship that staff has with clients. Employee Satisfaction Several factors influence employee satisfaction. Each factor interacts with the others, and collectively all factors contribute to employee satisfaction. Work Environment The single most important factor contributing to employee satisfaction is the internal quality of the work environment. This internal environment is determined by the employees’ feelings towards their jobs, colleagues, an d employers. Employees want to be treated with respect and dignity by both colleagues, employers and clients. Employees want to feel that they are part of the team and that they serve a valued function in the operation of the practice. Employees need to have a feeling of mutual respect with both colleagues and employers. Not unlike their employers, employees thrive on responsibility and a feeling of accomplishment. Greater responsibility gives employees a feeling of worth. Responsibility instills in them the feeling that they are trusted and valued by their employers. Employees will go to great lengths not to betray this sense of trust. Ability to Achieve Results Employees who service the public are fulfilled by being able to achieve results for customers. Conversely, they become frustrated and dissatisfied when they are


生产率及生产效率的定义及计算方法 生产效率讲的是快慢,是速度,它是实际产出与标准产出的比率;生产力讲的是效益,它讲的是产出与投入之比。效率可低于100%,效益低于100%时,你就等着关门破产吧。 在工厂经常有人讲提高工作效率,其实这只是一个含混的概念。这里将提出生产率和生产效率两个概念,以帮助工厂科学地制定效率目标,找到达成的方法。 生产率(Productivity)和生产效率(Efficiency)在生产管理的实际运用中是两个不同的概念。 1、生产效率: 操作者按规定的作业方法工作时,他的能力或努力程度叫效率。主要用来考核纯生产能力,不包括由技术、材料等其它问题所引起的能力损耗。 2、生产效率的计算公式: 产出数量:生产部、财务部在计算生产效率÷生产力时以实际入库量计算。 例如: (1) 标准工时:标准工时=标准作业时间+辅助时间指在正常情况下,从零件到成品直接影响成品完成的有效动作时间,其包含直接工时与间接工时。即加工每件(套)产品的所有工位有效作业时间的总和。 a\标准工时:标准工时=生产一个良品的作业时间。 b\标准工时=正常工时+宽放时间=正常工时×(1+宽放率) c\工厂使用的宽放率一般在10%~20%,对一些特殊的工种,如体力消耗较大的工种,宽放率可适当放宽一些 d\正常工时是人工操作单元工时+机器自动作业工时的总和。 (2)制定方法:对现有各个工位(熟练工人)所有的有效工作时间进行测定,把所有组成产品的加工工位的工时,考虑车间生产的均衡程度、环境对工人的影响、以及工人的疲劳生产信息等因素后,计算得

到标准工时。 (3)实际产量:以实际入库量计算;(PCS) 损失工时:因外部门或受客观条件影响造成停线或返工工时;(H) 加班工时:为增加产量而延长的工作时间;(H) 3、计算时的注意事项 1、 损失工时的计算 2、 补助工时的计算 3、 生产效率按订单进行计算,也就是说每一个订单只计算一次生产效率;生产半成品时只需如实统计总投入工时、损失工时、补助工时。 4、 生产线生产好半成品后将半成品转至其它生产线包装时,生产效率由生产半成品的生产线进行计算,负责包装的生产线提供包装时所用的总投入工时、损失工时、补助工时。 5、 生产好的成品因本生产线作业不良而造成返工的,返工时所用到的工时将计算到生产该成品的实际投入总工时内进行计算生产效率,由生产该成品的线别承担工时。 6、 计算损失工时和补助工时时由生产线填写,按计算时注意事项的第1、2项规定进行计算与确认。 7、测标准工时需要的条件是: a、作业人员都是经过良好训练的熟练操作工, b、必须是正常速度, c、所有物品都是良品,在以上条件下然后需要用码表测出从第一个工序到最后一个工序所需要的时间,反复测量取平均值。用所得的平均值除以85%即得到标准工时.(为什么取以85%,因为考虑人不可能象机器,而我们的嫁动率在正常情况下需达到85%)。


Productivity+测头软件最新功能 2004年7月,Renishaw推出了Productivity+ 软件包,它提供了一种用于生成机床测量程序的全新简易方法。Productivity+ 1.03版提供的新功能包括:XY坐标旋转、第4轴校正以及新增3个主要数控系统后置处理程序。 Productivity+ 软件既可作为GibbsCAM软件的插件程序,也可作为独立软件包(称为Active Editor)使用,能够在生成刀径的同时对设定、过程控制、工件找正及检测、对刀和刀具破损检测等操作进行编程和集成。 1.03版软件除了具有第一版软件的功能之外,还给工程设计过程带来了额外的效益: 在XY平面上的坐标旋转(视数控系统功能而定) 若工件与机床轴线没有对准,则这项新功能能够进行误差补偿并将新数据反馈给CNC控制器,确保坐标系正确。能够减少工件找正时间或卡具费用。第4轴校正 1.03 版软件允许用户将工件固定在第4轴卡具上并使用测头自动找正其位置。软件能够自动更新工作坐标,无需将卡具准确地定位在第4根轴线上。也无需手工干预,既减少了设定时间,还降低了产生误差的可能性。 新型HEIDENHAIN、SIEMENS和MORI SEIKI 后置处理程序 三个新型后置处理程序使可支持的控制器队伍日益壮大。现在,Heidenhain、Siemens和最新的Mori Seiki控制器用户也能够享受到Productivity+ GibbsCAM插件程序和Active Editor软件包的好处。 除了上述主要增强功能外,Productivity+ GibbsCAM插件软件还新增了其他新选项,包括表面法线生成功能以及与Tombstone Management System的兼容性。

全要素生产率 total factor productivity

全要素生产率total factor productivity China should take actions to cope with its falling total factor productivity (TFP), a senior expert with a government think tank said Sunday. 1月10日,政府智囊团的一位资深专家表示,中国应采取措施应对全要素生产率下滑态势。 全要素生产率(total factor productivity,TFP),也称总和要素生产率,是各种要素投入水平既定的条件下,所达到的额外生产效率,是分析经济增长源泉的重要因素。经济增长、人均收入和财富水平提高最终要依赖全要素生产率的提高。 中国社会科学院副院长蔡昉在第七届中国经济前瞻论坛上说,在人口红利(demographic dividend)消失以后,中国经济增长要寻找新动力。目前,我国全要素生产率增速呈现下行趋势,他预测全要素生产率“十三五”时期会下降到2.7%。 他指出,要通过四方面措施进行调整:改革户籍制度(reform household registration system);大力推进教育改革,把义务教育扩大到更大范围(expand compulsory education to more people),提高劳动力的质量(increase the quality of labor force);解决各个领域的产能过剩(overcapacity)问题,进一步降低杠杆率(leverage ratios);创造好的制度条件、政策环境,让企业能够自由进入,并让那些不再有生产力提高潜力和没有竞争力的企业退出(create a policy environment where promising enterprises can easily enter the market and non-competitive ones are forced to exit)。


NPP(植物净初级生产力): 一 定义: 植被净初级生产力(Net PrimaryProductivity ,NPP)是指绿色植物在单位时间、单位面积内所累积有机物数量,是由植物光合作用所产生的有机质总量(Gross Primary Productivity ,GPP)中减去自养呼吸(Autotrophic Respiration ,RA)后的剩余部分[3],也称净第一生产力。 二 作用: 植被净初级生产力指数(NPP)反映的是植物固定和转化光能为化合物的效率,数值上与植物生长、发育、繁殖等自身生命活动相关,同时也为整个生态系统中其他生物成员的生命活动提供了不可或缺的物质基础。植被净初级生产力能够以统一的尺度标准来衡量区域土地利用/覆被变化过程对植被的影响程度,因此分析区域土地利用/覆被变化过程对植被净初级生产力NPP 的影响是土地利用/覆被变化环境效应研究的重要组成部分。NPP 作为地表碳循环的重要组成部分,不仅直接反映了植被群落在自然环境条件下的生产能力,表征陆地生态系统的质量状况,而且是判定生态系统碳源/汇和调节生态过程的主要因子(Fieldetal.,1998),在全球变化及碳平衡中扮演着重要的作用。 三 计算公式: 农业统计数据包含每一个县级行政单元的数据而且有连续的记载,所以应用统计数据进行NPP 估算、NPP 模型模拟结果验证与NPP 年际变化分析是可行的[14, 22]。其原理是根据不同作物收获部分的含水量和收获指数(经济产量与作物地上部分干重的比值)将农业统计数据的产量转换为植被碳储量。从县级农业统计数据到县级行政单元平均NPP 的转换方法为: i -2i i=1i=1 i g 1-0.45g ()/0.9N N C Y MC NPP gCm A HI ???=?∑∑() 式中,Yi 是统计数据中作物i 的产量,MCi 是作物收获部分的含水量,HIi 是作物i 的收获指数,Ai 是作物收获面积。0.9为作物收获指数的调整系数,0.45为将NPP 转换为植物地上生物量碳的转换系数[14].

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